def compare_classifiers(data_folder, model, batch_size, to_exclude=None, use_magnitude=False, valid_size=0.1, use_lstm=False, dev="cpu"): if to_exclude is None: sub_folder = "acc_magnitude" if use_magnitude else "all_sensors" else: sub_folder = "without_" + "_".join(to_exclude) # If needed create dataset from session files in data_folder if need_train_test_folder(os.path.join(data_folder, sub_folder)): data_helper_transportation.create_train_test_folders( data_folder, sub_folder=sub_folder, to_exclude=to_exclude, acc_magnitude=use_magnitude, smoothing=True) error_msg = "[!] valid_size should be in the range [0, 1]." assert ((valid_size >= 0) and (valid_size <= 1)), error_msg # load dataset dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=True, use_magnitude=use_magnitude) test_dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=False, use_magnitude=use_magnitude) # Split the data into training and validation set num_train = len(dataset) split_valid = int(np.floor(valid_size * num_train)) split_train = num_train - split_valid train_dataset, valid_dataset = random_split(dataset, [split_train, split_valid]) # Test dataset # normalize dataset (using scaler trained on training set) # get mean and std of trainset (for every feature) mean_train = torch.mean([train_dataset.indices], dim=0) std_train = torch.std([train_dataset.indices], dim=0) # Dummy classifiers don't need train+val set data_for_dummy = ( - mean_train) / std_train = ( - mean_train) / std_train test_dl = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) ###### Dummy Classifier 1 ####### myStratifiedClassifier = DummyClassifier(strategy="stratified"), dataset.targets) class_report = classification_report(myStratifiedClassifier.predict(, test_dataset.targets, target_names=list(classes.keys()), output_dict=True, zero_division=0) metrics_str_stratClass = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"StratDummy: Test_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str_stratClass}") latex_str = " & ".join([ f"{class_report[key]['precision']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['recall']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"StratDummy latex: {latex_str}") ###### Dummy Classifier 2 ###### myFrequentClassifier = DummyClassifier(strategy="most_frequent"), dataset.targets) class_report = classification_report(myFrequentClassifier.predict(, test_dataset.targets, target_names=list(classes.keys()), output_dict=True, zero_division=0) metrics_str_freqClass = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"FrequencyDummy: Test_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str_freqClass}") latex_str = " & ".join([ f"{class_report[key]['precision']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['recall']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"FrequencyDummy latex: {latex_str}") ###### CNN ###### if use_lstm: test_dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=False, use_magnitude=use_magnitude, use_lstm=use_lstm) = ( - mean_train.T) / std_train.T test_dl = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) model_name = "LSTM" else: model_name = "CNN" loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(dev) # Use best NN-model for Test dataset: conf_mat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=6, normalized=False) test_loss, class_report = eval_model(model, loss_func, test_dl, conf_mat, dev=dev) # Use conf_mat to create metrics conf_mat = conf_mat.value() metrics_str_CNN = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"{model_name}: Test_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str_CNN}") latex_str = " & ".join([ f"{class_report[key]['precision']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['recall']:.2f} & {class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print(f"{model_name} latex: {latex_str}")
class IoU(metric.Metric): """Computes the intersection over union (IoU) per class and corresponding mean (mIoU). Intersection over union (IoU) is a common evaluation metric for semantic segmentation. The predictions are first accumulated in a confusion matrix and the IoU is computed from it as follows: IoU = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive + false_negative). Keyword arguments: - num_classes (int): number of classes in the classification problem - normalized (boolean, optional): Determines whether or not the confusion matrix is normalized or not. Default: False. - ignore_index (int or iterable, optional): Index of the classes to ignore when computing the IoU. Can be an int, or any iterable of ints. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, normalized=False, ignore_index=None): super().__init__() self.conf_metric = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes, normalized) if ignore_index is None: self.ignore_index = None elif isinstance(ignore_index, int): self.ignore_index = (ignore_index,) else: try: self.ignore_index = tuple(ignore_index) except TypeError: raise ValueError("'ignore_index' must be an int or iterable") def reset(self): self.conf_metric.reset() def add(self, predicted, target): """Adds the predicted and target pair to the IoU metric. Keyword arguments: - predicted (Tensor): Can be a (N, K, H, W) tensor of predicted scores obtained from the model for N examples and K classes, or (N, H, W) tensor of integer values between 0 and K-1. - target (Tensor): Can be a (N, K, H, W) tensor of target scores for N examples and K classes, or (N, H, W) tensor of integer values between 0 and K-1. """ # Dimensions check assert predicted.size(0) == target.size(0), \ 'number of targets and predicted outputs do not match' assert predicted.dim() == 3 or predicted.dim() == 4, \ "predictions must be of dimension (N, H, W) or (N, K, H, W)" assert target.dim() == 3 or target.dim() == 4, \ "targets must be of dimension (N, H, W) or (N, K, H, W)" # If the tensor is in categorical format convert it to integer format if predicted.dim() == 4: _, predicted = predicted.max(1) if target.dim() == 4: _, target = target.max(1) self.conf_metric.add(predicted.view(-1), target.view(-1)) def value(self): """Computes the IoU and mean IoU. The mean computation ignores NaN elements of the IoU array. Returns: Tuple: (IoU, mIoU). The first output is the per class IoU, for K classes it's numpy.ndarray with K elements. The second output, is the mean IoU. """ conf_matrix = self.conf_metric.value() if self.ignore_index is not None: for index in self.ignore_index: conf_matrix[:, self.ignore_index] = 0 conf_matrix[self.ignore_index, :] = 0 true_positive = np.diag(conf_matrix) false_positive = np.sum(conf_matrix, 0) - true_positive false_negative = np.sum(conf_matrix, 1) - true_positive # Just in case we get a division by 0, ignore/hide the error with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): iou = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive + false_negative) return iou, np.nanmean(iou)
def test_model(data_folder, model, batch_size, to_exclude=None, use_magnitude=False, valid_size=0.1, dev="cpu"): sub_folder = "acc_magnitude" if use_magnitude else "all_sensors" # If needed create dataset from session files in data_folder if need_train_test_folder(os.path.join(data_folder, sub_folder)): data_helper_transportation.create_train_test_folders( data_folder, sub_folder=sub_folder, to_exclude=to_exclude, acc_magnitude=use_magnitude, smoothing=True) error_msg = "[!] valid_size should be in the range [0, 1]." assert ((valid_size >= 0) and (valid_size <= 1)), error_msg # load dataset dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=True, use_magnitude=use_magnitude) test_dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=False, use_magnitude=use_magnitude) # Split the data into training and validation set num_train = len(dataset) split_valid = int(np.floor(valid_size * num_train)) split_train = num_train - split_valid train_dataset, valid_dataset = random_split(dataset, [split_train, split_valid]) # Test dataset # normalize dataset (using scaler trained on training set) # get mean and std of trainset (for every feature) mean_train = torch.mean([train_dataset.indices], dim=0) std_train = torch.std([train_dataset.indices], dim=0) = ( - mean_train) / std_train test_dl = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(dev) # Use best model for Test dataset: conf_mat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=6, normalized=False) test_loss, class_report = eval_model(model, loss_func, test_dl, conf_mat, dev=dev) # Use conf_mat to create metrics conf_mat = conf_mat.value() metrics_str = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print( f"Test_loss: {test_loss:2.10f}, Test_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str}")
def train_model(data_folder, epochs, n_classes, batch_size, learning_rate, valid_size=0.1, to_exclude=None, use_magnitude=True, earlystopping=None, lr_scheduler=True, save_every=None, use_lstm=False, dev="cpu"): if to_exclude is None: sub_folder = "acc_magnitude" if use_magnitude else "all_sensors" else: sub_folder = "without_" + "_".join(to_exclude) # If needed create dataset from session files in data_folder if need_train_test_folder(os.path.join(data_folder, sub_folder)): data_helper_transportation.create_train_test_folders( data_folder, sub_folder=sub_folder, to_exclude=to_exclude, acc_magnitude=use_magnitude, smoothing=True) error_msg = "[!] valid_size should be in the range [0, 1]." assert ((valid_size >= 0) and (valid_size <= 1)), error_msg # load dataset dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=True, use_magnitude=use_magnitude, use_lstm=use_lstm) test_dataset = transportation_dataset(data_path=os.path.join( data_folder, sub_folder), train=False, use_magnitude=use_magnitude, use_lstm=use_lstm) # Split the data into training and validation set num_train = len(dataset) split_valid = int(np.floor(valid_size * num_train)) split_train = num_train - split_valid train_dataset, valid_dataset = random_split(dataset, [split_train, split_valid]) # Test dataset # normalize dataset (using scaler trained on training set) # get mean and std of trainset (for every feature) mean_train = torch.mean([train_dataset.indices], dim=0) std_train = torch.std([train_dataset.indices], dim=0)[train_dataset.indices] = ([train_dataset.indices] - mean_train) / std_train[valid_dataset.indices] = ([valid_dataset.indices] - mean_train) / std_train = ( - mean_train) / std_train # get the dataloaders (with the datasets) train_dl = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) valid_dl = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) test_dl = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True) # load the classification model input_channels = 1 if use_magnitude else[1 + int(use_lstm)] if use_lstm: model = TransportationLSTM(input_channels, 128, output_size=n_classes, bidirectional=True) else: model = TransportationCNN(in_channels=input_channels, n_classes=n_classes, activation_function="elu", alpha=0.1) # Print the model and parameter count print("Trainable parameters: ", count_parameters(model)) # summary(model, (input_channels, 512), device="cpu") # define optimizers and loss function # weight_decay is L2 weight normalization (used in paper), but I dont know how much opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=0.001) if lr_scheduler: scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(opt, 'min', factor=0.1, patience=5) loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(dev) # fit the model tensorboard = False #### Training #### if tensorboard: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter writer = SummaryWriter( comment=f"transportation_{sub_folder}_{model.__class__.__name__}") start_time = time.time() best_val_loss = 1e300 earlystopping_counter = 0 for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs), desc="Epochs", leave=True, position=0): model.train() train_loss = 0.0 for i, (xb, yb) in enumerate(tqdm(train_dl, desc="Batches", leave=False)): # for i, (xb, yb) in enumerate(train_dl): loss = loss_func(model(, opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() train_loss += loss.item() # if i > 100: # break train_loss /= len(train_dl) # Calc validation loss conf_mat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=n_classes, normalized=False) val_loss, class_report = eval_model(model, loss_func, valid_dl, conf_mat, dev=dev) # Use conf_mat to create metrics conf_mat = conf_mat.value() # per_class_acc = np.nan_to_num(conf_mat.diagonal()/conf_mat.sum(1)) # Reduce learning rate after epoch if lr_scheduler: scheduler.step(val_loss) # Save the model with the best validation loss if val_loss < best_val_loss: os.makedirs("models/checkpoints", exist_ok=True) { 'model': model, 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': opt.state_dict(), 'val_loss': val_loss, 'train_loss': train_loss }, f"models/checkpoints/best_val_loss_model_{model.__class__.__name__}_{sub_folder}.pt" ) best_val_loss = val_loss earlystopping_counter = 0 else: if earlystopping is not None: earlystopping_counter += 1 if earlystopping_counter >= earlystopping: print( f"Stopping early --> val_loss has not decreased over {earlystopping} epochs" ) break metrics_str = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print( f"Epoch: {epoch:5d}, Time: {(time.time() - start_time) / 60:.3f} min, " f"Train_loss: {train_loss:2.10f}, Val_loss: {val_loss:2.10f}, Val_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str}" f", Early stopping counter: {earlystopping_counter}/{earlystopping}" if earlystopping is not None else "") if tensorboard: # add to tensorboard writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', train_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Loss/val', val_loss, epoch) # TODO add confusion-matrix to tensorboard? if save_every is not None: if epoch % save_every == 0: # save model { 'model': model, 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': opt.state_dict(), # 'scheduler_state_dict': scheduler.state_dict(), 'val_loss': val_loss, 'train_loss': train_loss }, f"models/checkpoints/model_{model.__class__.__name__}_epoch_{epoch}_{sub_folder}.pt" ) # Save best model load_best_val_model = torch.load( f"models/checkpoints/best_val_loss_model_{model.__class__.__name__}_{sub_folder}.pt" ) os.makedirs("models/trained_models", exist_ok=True) { 'model': load_best_val_model['model'], 'state_dict': load_best_val_model['state_dict'] }, f"models/trained_models/{model.__class__.__name__}_{sub_folder}.pt") # Use best model for Test dataset: model = load_best_val_model["model"] model.load_state_dict(load_best_val_model["state_dict"]) conf_mat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=n_classes, normalized=False) test_loss, class_report = eval_model(model, loss_func, test_dl, conf_mat, dev=dev) # Use conf_mat to create metrics conf_mat = conf_mat.value() metrics_str = " ".join([ f"{key} {class_report[key]['precision']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['recall']:.2f}|{class_report[key]['f1-score']:.2f}" for key in classes.keys() ]) print( f"Test_loss: {test_loss:2.10f}, Test_acc: {class_report['accuracy']:.2f}" f", Class-metrics (Precision|Recall|F1): {metrics_str}")
class IoU(metric.Metric): """计算每个类的并集(IoU)和相应的均值(mIoU) 联合交叉(IoU)是语义的通用评估度量分割,预测首先在混淆矩阵中累积 IoU的计算方法如下: IoU = true_positive /(true_positive + false_positive + false_negative) Args: num_classes(int): 分类问题中的类数 normalized(boolean,optional): 确定是否混淆,矩阵是否归一化, 默认值: False ignore_index(int或iterable,optional): 要忽略的类的索引,在计算IoU时, 可以是int,也可以是任何可迭代的int。 """ def __init__(self, num_classes, normalized=False, ignore_index=None): super().__init__() self.conf_metric = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes, normalized) if ignore_index is None: self.ignore_index = None elif isinstance(ignore_index, int): self.ignore_index = (ignore_index, ) else: try: self.ignore_index = tuple(ignore_index) except TypeError: raise ValueError("'ignore_index' must be an int or iterable") def reset(self): self.conf_metric.reset() def add(self, predicted, target): """将predicted和target添加到IoU metric.混淆矩阵 Args: predicted (Tensor): 可以是(N, K, H, W) tensor,从N个样本的K类的类别得分 或者是(N, H, W) tensor,值在0到K-1 target (Tensor): 可以是N个样本和K类的目标分数的(N,K,H,W)张量,或者(N,H,W) tensor 值在0到K-1 """ # Dimensions check assert predicted.size(0) == target.size(0), \ 'number of targets and predicted outputs do not match' assert predicted.dim() == 3 or predicted.dim() == 4, \ "predictions must be of dimension (N, H, W) or (N, K, H, W)" assert target.dim() == 3 or target.dim() == 4, \ "targets must be of dimension (N, H, W) or (N, K, H, W)" # If the tensor is in categorical format convert it to integer format if predicted.dim() == 4: _, predicted = predicted.max(1) if target.dim() == 4: _, target = target.max(1) self.conf_metric.add(predicted.view(-1), target.view(-1)) def value(self): """计算 IoU 和 mean IoU. 平均计算忽略IoU阵列的NaN元素。 Returns: Tuple: (IoU, mIoU). 他的第一个输出是每个类IoU,对于K类,它是带有K个元素的numpy.ndarray 第二个输出是平均IoU。 """ conf_matrix = self.conf_metric.value() if self.ignore_index is not None: for index in self.ignore_index: conf_matrix[:, self.ignore_index] = 0 conf_matrix[self.ignore_index, :] = 0 true_positive = np.diag(conf_matrix) false_positive = np.sum(conf_matrix, 0) - true_positive false_negative = np.sum(conf_matrix, 1) - true_positive # Just in case we get a division by 0, ignore/hide the error with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): iou = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive + false_negative) return iou, np.nanmean(iou)