コード例 #1
 def __init__( self, config ):
     self._parser_lock = Lock()
     self.qp = parsing.Lr( query_parser.spec )
     self.sp = parsing.Lr( selector_parser.spec )
     host = config["host"]
     port = config["port"]
     user = config["user"]
     dbname = config["database"]
     passwd = config["password"]
     self.store = MongoDBMetricStore(host_name=host, port=port, db_name=dbname, username=user, password=passwd)
     #self.store = None
     factory = {}
     def _search_subclasses( base ):
         for c in base.__subclasses__():
             factory[c.__name__] = c
             _search_subclasses( c )
     _search_subclasses( ContainerObject )
     self.factory = factory
コード例 #2
class HierarchyAdapterMonitorMongoDB( HierarchyAdapter ):

    def __init__( self, config ):
        self._parser_lock = Lock()
        self.qp = parsing.Lr( query_parser.spec )
        self.sp = parsing.Lr( selector_parser.spec )
        host = config["host"]
        port = config["port"]
        user = config["user"]
        dbname = config["database"]
        passwd = config["password"]
        self.store = MongoDBMetricStore(host_name=host, port=port, db_name=dbname, username=user, password=passwd)
        #self.store = None
        factory = {}
        def _search_subclasses( base ):
            for c in base.__subclasses__():
                factory[c.__name__] = c
                _search_subclasses( c )
        _search_subclasses( ContainerObject )
        self.factory = factory

    def oid_to_rid(self, oid):
        return ObjectId(oid)

    def rid_to_oid(self, rid):
        return str(rid)

    def cleanup_content_get( self, content ):
        clean_content = content.copy()
        clean_content["_id"] = self.rid_to_oid( content["_id"] )
        return clean_content

    def _parse_query( self, arg ):
        with self._parser_lock:
            stream = StringIO( arg )
            lexer = QueryLexer( self.qp, stream )
            return lexer.parse().value

    def _parse_selector( self, arg ):
        with self._parser_lock:
            stream = StringIO( arg )
            lexer = QueryLexer( self.sp, stream )
            return lexer.parse().value

    def client( self, op, *args ):
        if op == "describe":
            if len(args) == 0:
                return {}
            return self.op_describe( args[0] )
        elif op == "select":
            if len(args) == 0:
                return []
            query = self._parse_query( args[0] )
            if len(args) > 1:
                selector = self._parse_selector( args[1] )
                selector = None
            return self.op_select( query, selector )
        elif op == "locate":
            if len(args) == 0:
                return []
            query = self._parse_query( args[0] )
            return self.op_locate( query )
        if op == "menu_types":
            return self.op_menu_types( )

    def op_describe( self, key ):
        Return object's class metadata information.
        if key in self.factory:
            # class name was provided
            cls = self.factory[key]
            # try locating this obj_id
                obj = self.store.find_md( {"_id": self.oid_to_rid(key)} )[0]
            except Exception as e:
                print "DESCRIBE: locating _id=%s failed. %r" % (key, e)
                #log.warning("DESCRIBE: locating _id=%s failed. %r" % (key, e))
                return False
            cls = self.factory[obj["_type"]]
        result = {}
            if hasattr( cls, var ):
                result[var] = _repl_func_by_name( getattr( cls, var ) )
        # is this needed?
        result["_type"] = cls.__name__
        return result

    def op_menu_types( self ):
        return [ "MGroup", "MHost", "MMetric" ]

    def op_locate( self, query ):
        selector = self._parse_selector( "[_id]" )
        return [ self._process_selector( el, selector )["_id"] for el in self._do_query( query ) ]

    def op_select( self, query, selector ):
        if selector is None:
            return [ self.cleanup_content_get( el ) for el in self._do_query( query ) ]
            return [ self._process_selector( el, selector ) for el in self._do_query( query ) ]

    def _process_selector( self, obj, selector, strictly_selected=False ):
        clname = obj["_type"]
        res = {}
        if not strictly_selected:
            # following attributes are always included, except when 'strictly_selected' is True
            res = { "_id": self.rid_to_oid( obj["_id"] ), "_type": clname }
        c = self.factory[clname]
        clmd = c.ATTRIBUTES
        for attr in selector:
            a = attr.name
            if a in res:
            elif a == "_id":
                res[a] = self.rid_to_oid( obj["_id"] )
            value = obj.get( a, None )
            if value is not None:
                res[a] = value
                attrmd = clmd.get( a, None )
                if attrmd is not None:
                    func = attrmd.get( "function", None )
                    if func is not None:
                        args = []
                        if attr.arguments is not None:
                            args = [ str(arg.value) for arg in attr.arguments ]
                        res[a] = func( self, self.rid_to_oid(obj["_id"]), obj, *args )
                        res[a] = None
        return res

    def _do_query( self, query ):
        ( id_list, path ) = query
        #print "_do_query: id_list=%r, path=%r" % (id_list, path)
        objs = []
        hpaths = []
        find = None
        if id_list is not None:
            if isinstance( id_list, query_parser.OIDList ):
                find = {"_id": {"$in": [self.oid_to_rid(i.value) for i in id_list.value]}}
                # This is a list of hpaths or query expressions
                for q in id_list.value:
                    objs.extend( self._do_query( q.value ) )
                if path is None:
                    return objs
                    # TODO: or not?
                    # When does this case occur?
                    hpaths_list = [ self.oid_to_rid(obj["hpath"]) for obj in objs ]
                    find = {"hpath": {"$in": hpaths_list}}

        if find is not None:
            if path is None:
                objs = self.store.find_md( find )
                # TODO: don't use collection here... but not so urgent
                # WHAT IS THIS NEEDED FOR?
                print "DISTINCT called!? path=%r, find=%r" % (path, find)
                hpaths = self.store._col_md.distinct("hpath", query=find)

        ## internal functions
        def append_hpath(hpaths, data):
            #print "append_hpath start: data=%r, hpaths=%r" % (data, hpaths)
            if len(hpaths) == 0:
                for i in xrange(len(hpaths)):
                    hpaths[i] += data
            #print "append_hpath end: hpaths=%r" % hpaths
            return hpaths

        def strip_hpath(hpaths, levels=1):
            """Strip 'levels' hpath elements on the right of each of the hpaths
            passed as argument. I.e. return the directory of the hpaths located
            'levels' up in the tree.
            #print "strip_hpath start: hpaths=%r" % hpaths
            for i in xrange(len(hpaths)):
                if hpaths[i].startswith("/"):
                    hpath = hpaths[i][1:]
                    hpath = hpaths[i]
                elems = hpath.split("/")
                hpaths[i] = "/" + "/".join(elems[:len(elems) - levels])
            #print "strip_hpath end: hpaths=%r" % hpaths
            return hpaths

        def expand_tripledot(hpaths):
            """Tripledot "..." expands to all parent paths up to root.
            new_hpaths = []
            for hpath in hpaths:
                while hpath != "/":
                    hpath = strip_hpath([hpath])[0]
            return new_hpaths

        def resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, condition, full=False):
            #print "resolve_hpaths start:\nhpaths=%r\nhas_regexp=%r\ncondition=%r\nfull=%r" % \
            #      (hpaths, has_regexp, condition, full)
            objs = []
            proj = None
            if not full:
                proj = {"hpath": True}
            if not has_regexp:
                if condition:
                    objs = self.store.find_md({"$and": [condition, {"hpath": {"$in": hpaths}}]}, projection=proj)
                    objs = self.store.find_md({"hpath": {"$in": hpaths}}, projection=proj)
                ors = []
                for hpath in hpaths:
                    ors.append({"hpath": {"$regex": "^" + hpath + "$"}})
                if condition:
                    objs = self.store.find_md({"$and": [condition, {"$or": ors}]}, projection=proj)
                    objs = self.store.find_md({"$or": ors}, projection=proj)
            #print "resolve_hpaths end: _Cursor__spec: %r" % objs._Cursor__spec
            if objs.count() == 0:
                return None
            if not full:
                return [obj["hpath"] for obj in objs]
            return [obj for obj in objs]

        has_regexp = False
        arbitrary_depth = False
        cond = {}
        if path is not None:
            #for el in path.value:
            for i in xrange(len(path.value)):
                el = path.value[i]
                #print "el = ", el
                if not el.is_filter:
                    if el.name is None:
                        # / encountered
                        if len(path.value) == 1:
                            objs = [{"hpath": "/", "_type": "MRoot", "_id": 0}]
                            # // encountered
                            if i == len(path.value) - 1:
                                hpaths = ["/"]
                            arbitrary_depth = True

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.Dot ):
                        arbitrary_depth = False

                    # .. found
                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.DoubleDot ):
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            #  //..
                            raise NotImplementedError
                        if has_regexp:
                            hpaths = resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, cond, full=False)
                            has_regexp = False
                        hpaths = strip_hpath(hpaths)
                        arbitrary_depth = False

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.TripleDot ):
                        hpaths = expand_tripledot(hpaths)
                        arbitrary_depth = False

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.Asterisk ):
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/.*" )
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/[^/]+" )
                        arbitrary_depth = False
                        has_regexp = True # force resolving

                        # element it is a string
                        if el.name in self.factory:
                            assert False, "Query for class %s without '[]'" % el.name
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/.*" )
                            has_regexp = True
                        hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/" + el.name )
                        arbitrary_depth = False

                    # Class[condition]
                    if el.condition is None:
                        cond = {}
                        cond = get_find_condition( el.condition )
                        #print "condition = %r" % cond

                    if isinstance( el.name, tokens.Dot ):

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.DoubleDot ):
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            raise NotImplementedError
                        if has_regexp:
                            hpaths = resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, cond, full=False)
                            has_regexp = False
                        hpaths = strip_hpath(hpaths)
                        if cond:
                            has_regexp = True
                        arbitrary_depth = False

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.TripleDot ):
                        hpaths = expand_tripledot(hpaths)
                        arbitrary_depth = False
                        has_regexp = True # force resolving the condition

                    elif isinstance( el.name, tokens.Asterisk ):
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/.*" )
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/[^/]+" )
                        arbitrary_depth = False
                        has_regexp = True # force resolving the condition

                        # TODO: add Class match
                        if el.name not in self.factory:
                            assert False, "ERROR: match for unsupported object type '%s'!" % el.name
                        if arbitrary_depth:
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/.*" )
                            hpaths = append_hpath(hpaths,  "/[^/]+" )
                        has_regexp = True
                        if cond:
                            cond = {"$and": [cond, {"_type": el.name}]}
                            cond = {"_type": el.name}
                    arbitrary_depth = False
                if has_regexp:
                    # and now get the results!
                    if i == len(path.value) - 1:
                        objs = resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, cond, full=True)
                        hpaths = resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, cond, full=False)
                        if hpaths is None:
                    has_regexp = False

        if objs is None or hpaths is None:
            return []
        if len(objs) == 0 and len(hpaths) > 0:
            objs = resolve_hpaths(hpaths, has_regexp, {}, full=True)
        if not isinstance(objs, list):
            objs = [obj for obj in objs]
        return objs