def test_model(test_loader, net): net.eval() device = params['device'] batch_size = params['batch_size'] test_loss = 0 test_acc = 0 test_iou = {} with torch.no_grad(): for batch_index, (img, target) in enumerate(test_loader): img, target =, if model_version == 'deeplab': output = net(img)['out'] else: output = net(img) target = target.long() loss = criterion(output, target).item() test_loss += loss pred = aux.get_predicted_image(output) output, target, pred = output.detach().cpu(), target.detach( ).cpu(), pred.detach().cpu() # compute number of correct predictions in the batch test_accuracy = metrics.calculate_accuracy(output, target) test_acc += test_accuracy iou_inds = metrics.calculate_iou(pred, target) for key in iou_inds: if key not in test_iou: test_iou[key] = iou_inds[key] else: test_iou[key] += iou_inds[key] test_loss = test_loss / (len(test_loader.dataset) / batch_size) test_acc = 100 * (test_acc / (len(test_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) test_iou = metrics.convert_batched_iou( test_iou, (len(test_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) mIoU = metrics.get_mIoU(test_iou) mIoU_desc = metrics.miou_to_string(test_iou) return test_loss, test_acc, mIoU, mIoU_desc
def val_one_epoch(val_loader, net): net.eval() device = params['device'] batch_size = params['batch_size'] val_loss = 0 val_acc = 0 val_iou = {} pred = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_index, (img, target) in enumerate(val_loader): img, target =, output = net(img) target = target.long() loss = criterion(output, target).item() val_loss += loss pred = aux.get_predicted_image(output) # Desvinculamos el valor de los nuevos targets y los pasamos a CPU para calcular las métricas output, target, pred = output.detach().cpu(), target.detach( ).cpu(), pred.detach().cpu() # compute number of correct predictions in the batch val_accuracy = metrics.calculate_accuracy(output, target) val_acc += val_accuracy iou_inds = metrics.calculate_iou(pred, target) for key in iou_inds: if key not in val_iou: val_iou[key] = iou_inds[key] else: val_iou[key] += iou_inds[key] #print('Batch index: {}, loss: {}, accuracy: {:.2f}%'.format(batch_index, loss, val_accuracy * 100)) # Average acc across all correct predictions batches now val_loss = val_loss / (len(val_loader.dataset) / batch_size) val_acc = 100 * (val_acc / (len(val_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) val_iou = metrics.convert_batched_iou( val_iou, (len(val_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) mIoU = metrics.get_mIoU(val_iou) #print('\nValidation set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {:.0f}%, mIoU: {:.4f}\n'.format(val_loss, val_acc, mIoU)) mIoU_desc = metrics.miou_to_string(val_iou) return val_loss, val_acc, mIoU, mIoU_desc
def tune_params(training_features, positive_test_features, negative_test_features, retrain=True, model_name='model2.sav'): """ Given training features of positive examples, positive and negative test features, checks if the retrain argument is set to True or if the model described by model_name does not exist, and creates a one class svm model. Parameter tuning is performed in a basic way, with the use of F1 score as the benchmark. Random samples are selected from the test sets to avoid inbalance. If the retrain argument is set to False and the model exists, it is instead loaded from file. """ if (retrain == True or not Path(model_name).exists()): print("Fitting new model, model name:", model_name) print("Num training feats.", training_features.shape) print("Num pos test feats.", positive_test_features.shape) print("Num neg test feats.", negative_test_features.shape) max_batch_size = min( [len(positive_test_features), len(negative_test_features), 1500]) print("Number of used:", max_batch_size, "\n") best_nu, best_g = 0, 0 max_dist = 0 prec = -1 recall = 0 acc = 0 t_p = positive_test_features[np.random.choice( positive_test_features.shape[0], max_batch_size, replace=False)] t_n = negative_test_features[np.random.choice( negative_test_features.shape[0], max_batch_size, replace=False)] if ("one" in model_name): print("features:", len(t_p)) print(t_p[0]) f = 0 Nus = [ 0.00126, 0.0025, 0.00375, 0.005, 0.675, 0.0075, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 ] #Nus = [5*10**(-0.5*i) for i in reversed(range(4, 16))] gammas = [ 0.0000001, 0.00000025, 0.0000005, 0.000001, 0.0000025, 0.000005, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01, 0.015 ] #gammas = [5*10**(-i) for i in reversed(range(4, 16))] best_model = None best_scores = (0, 0, 0) for nu in Nus: for g in gammas: model = svm.OneClassSVM(nu=nu, kernel='rbf', gamma=g) # select random features for testing y_p = model.predict(t_p) y_n = model.predict(t_n) new_f = calculate_f_score(y_p, y_n) new_acc = calculate_accuracy(y_p, y_n) #if new_f > f and sum(y_n) < 0: #print("new f score:", new_f, "y_p:", y_p, "y_n:", y_n) #if new_acc > acc: if new_f > f: f = new_f acc = new_acc #print("acc:", acc) best_scores = (calculate_precision(y_p, y_n), calculate_recall(y_p), f) best_nu = nu best_g = g #print("for Nu", nu, "and gamma", g, "y_p:", sum(y_p), "and y_n:", sum(y_n), "f score was: ", f) best_model = model pickle.dump(best_model, open(model_name, 'wb')) print(f"best nu: {best_nu}, best gamma: {best_g}, best f score: {f}") else: best_scores = (0, 0, 0) print("Loading saved model, model name:", model_name) best_model = pickle.load(open(model_name, 'rb')) return best_model, best_scores
def train_one_epoch(train_loader, net, optimizer, criterion, hparams): # Activate the train=True flag inside the model net.train() device = hparams['device'] batch_size = hparams['batch_size'] train_loss, train_accs = 0, 0 train_iou = {} times_per_step_iteration = [] times_per_metric_iteration = [] times_per_iteration = [] for batch_index, (img, target) in enumerate(train_loader): #Arrancamos temporizador general start_total.record() img, target =, optimizer.zero_grad() # Arrancamos temporizador para inferencia start.record() output = net(img) target = target.long() loss = criterion(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() pred = aux.get_predicted_image(output) #Paramos temporizador de inferencia end.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() times_per_step_iteration.append(start.elapsed_time(end)) # Accuracy #Arrancamos temporizador para métricas start.record() # Desvinculamos el valor de los nuevos targets y los pasamos a CPU para calcular las métricas output, target, pred = output.detach().cpu(), target.detach().cpu( ), pred.detach().cpu() train_loss += loss.item() # Devuelve values, indices. Los indices son el nº de feature map (clase) en la que se encuentra el valor más alto en el pixel train_accuracy = metrics.calculate_accuracy(output, target) #, predicted train_accs += train_accuracy iou_inds = metrics.calculate_iou(pred, target) for key in iou_inds: if key not in train_iou: train_iou[key] = iou_inds[key] else: train_iou[key] += iou_inds[key] #Paramos temporizador para métricas end.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() times_per_metric_iteration.append(start.elapsed_time(end)) #Paramos temporizador general end_total.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() times_per_iteration.append(start_total.elapsed_time(end)) avg_time_taken = sum(times_per_iteration) / len( times_per_iteration) avg_time_step_taken = sum(times_per_step_iteration) / len( times_per_step_iteration) avg_time_metrics_taken = sum(times_per_metric_iteration) / len( times_per_metric_iteration) print('Average Time spent total: {:.02f}s'.format(avg_time_taken * 1e-3)) print('Average Time spent by steps: {:.02f}s'.format( avg_time_step_taken * 1e-3)) print('Average Time spent by metrics: {:.02f}s'.format( avg_time_metrics_taken * 1e-3)) print('Average Time spent by data load: {:.02f}s'.format( avg_time_taken * 1e-3 - avg_time_step_taken * 1e-3 - avg_time_metrics_taken * 1e-3)) train_loss = train_loss / (len(train_loader.dataset) / batch_size) train_accs = 100 * (train_accs / (len(train_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) train_iou = metrics.convert_batched_iou( train_iou, (len(train_loader.dataset) / batch_size)) mIoU = metrics.get_mIoU(train_iou) mIoU_desc = metrics.miou_to_string(train_iou) return train_loss, train_accs, mIoU, mIoU_desc