コード例 #1
def nextFrame(arg):
    """ Function called for each successive animation frame; arg is the frame number """

    global ADs, ADList, AVG_DIST, SpecDisp, SpecMaint, SpecGrowth, fixed, p, BurnIn, t, num_sims, width, height, Rates, u0, rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, SpColorDict, GrowthDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, DispDict, MaintDict, one9th, four9ths, one36th, barrier, gmax, dmax, maintmax, IndIDs, Qs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX, IndY, Ind_scatImage, SpeciesIDs, EnvD, TY, tracer_scatImage, TTimeIn, TIDs, TExitAge, TX, RTypes, RX, RY, RID, RIDs, RVals, RTimeIn, RExitAge, resource_scatImage, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW, ct1, Mu, Maint, motion, reproduction, speciation, seedCom, m, r, nNi, nP, nC, rmax, sim, RAD, splist, N, ct, splist2, WTs, Jcs, Sos, RDens, RDiv, RRich, S, ES, Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, T, R, LowerLimit, prod_i, prod_q, viscosity, alpha, Ts, Rs, PRODIs, Ns, TTAUs, INDTAUs, RDENs, RDIVs, RRICHs, Ss, ESs, EVs, BPs, SDs, NMAXs, SKs, MUs, MAINTs, PRODNs, PRODPs, PRODCs, lefts, bottoms, Gs, Ms, NRs, PRs, CRs, Ds, RTAUs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, amp, freq, flux, pulse, phase, disturb, envgrads, barriers

    ct += 1
    #plot_system = 'yes'
    plot_system = 'no'

    # fluctuate flow according to amplitude, frequency, & phase
    u1 = u0 + u0 * (amp * sin(2 * pi * ct * freq + phase))
    if u1 > 1: u1 == 1.0

    # Fluid dynamics
    nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier = LBM.stream(
        [nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier])
    rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW = LBM.collide(
        viscosity, rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, u0)

    # Inflow of tracers
    if motion == 'white_noise' or motion == 'brown_noise':
        numt = 10
        TIDs, TTimeIn, TX, TY = bide.NewTracers(numt, motion, TIDs, TX, TY,
                                                TTimeIn, width, height, 2)

    elif ct == 1:
        numt = 10
        TIDs, TTimeIn, TX, TY = bide.NewTracers(numt, motion, TIDs, TX, TY,
                                                TTimeIn, width, height, 2)

        numt = 1
        TIDs, TTimeIn, TX, TY = bide.NewTracers(numt, motion, TIDs, TX, TY,
                                                TTimeIn, width, height, u0)

    # moving tracer particles
    if len(TIDs) > 0:
        if motion == 'fluid':
            TIDs, TX, TY, TExitAge, TTimeIn = bide.fluid_movement(
                'tracer', TIDs, TTimeIn, TExitAge, TX, TY, ux, uy, width,
                height, u0)
            TIDs, TX, TY, TExitAge, TTimeIn = bide.nonfluid_movement(
                'tracer', motion, TIDs, TTimeIn, TExitAge, TX, TY, ux, uy,
                width, height, u0)

    # Inflow of resources
    if motion == 'white_noise' or motion == 'brown_noise':
        u1 = 2
    RTypes, RVals, RX, RY, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn = bide.ResIn(
        motion, RTypes, RVals, RX, RY, RID, RIDs, RTimeIn, r, rmax, nNi, nP,
        nC, width, height, u1)

    # resource flow
    Lists = [RTypes, RIDs, RID, RVals]
    if len(RTypes) > 0:
        if motion == 'fluid':
            RTypes, RX, RY, RExitAge, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RVals = bide.fluid_movement(
                'resource', Lists, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY, ux, uy, width,
                height, u0)
            RTypes, RX, RY, RExitAge, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RVals = bide.nonfluid_movement(
                'resource', motion, Lists, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY, ux, uy,
                width, height, u0)

    # Inflow of individuals (immigration)
    if ct == 1:
        SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, MaintDict, EnvD, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.immigration(
            dmax, gmax, maintmax, motion, seedCom, 1, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,
            width, height, MaintDict, EnvD, envgrads, GrowthDict, DispDict,
            SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, nNi,
            nP, nC, u1, alpha, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList,
            C_RList, DispList, ADList)
        SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, MaintDict, EnvD, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.immigration(
            dmax, gmax, maintmax, motion, 1, m, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, width,
            height, MaintDict, EnvD, envgrads, GrowthDict, DispDict,
            SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, nNi,
            nP, nC, u1, alpha, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList,
            C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # dispersal
    Lists = [
        SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, IndID, Qs, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList,
        N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList, Qs
    if len(SpeciesIDs) > 0:
        if motion == 'fluid':
            SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList, Qs = bide.fluid_movement(
                'individual', Lists, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX, IndY, ux, uy,
                width, height, u0)
            SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList, Qs = bide.nonfluid_movement(
                'individual', motion, Lists, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX, IndY,
                ux, uy, width, height, u0)

    # Chemotaxis
    #SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.chemotaxis(reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # Forage
    #SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.density_forage(RVals, RX, RY, reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    PRODI, PRODN, PRODC, PRODP = 0, 0, 0, 0

    p1, TNQ1, TPQ1, TCQ1 = metrics.getprod(Qs)

    # Consume
    RTypes, RVals, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.consume(
        RTypes, RVals, RIDs, RID, RX, RY, RTimeIn, RExitAge, SpeciesIDs, Qs,
        IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY, width, height, GrowthDict, N_RD,
        P_RD, C_RD, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList,
        DispList, ADList)

    # Reproduction
    SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.reproduce(
        reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn,
        IndX, IndY, width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD,
        P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList,
        MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # maintenance
    SpeciesIDs, X, Y, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.maintenance(
        SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndExitAge, SpColorDict, MaintDict, EnvD,
        IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList,
        C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # transition to or from dormancy
    Sp_IDs, IDs, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, ADList = bide.transition(
        SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, ADList)

    p2, TNQ2, TPQ2, TCQ2 = metrics.getprod(Qs)

    PRODI = p2 - p1
    PRODN = TNQ2 - TNQ1
    PRODP = TPQ2 - TPQ1
    PRODC = TCQ2 - TCQ1

    # disturbance
    if np.random.binomial(1, disturb * u0) == 1:
        SpeciesIDs, X, Y, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.decimate(
            SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndExitAge, SpColorDict, MaintDict, EnvD,
            IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList,
            C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    if len(SpeciesIDs) >= 1: RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
    else: RAD, splist, N, S = [], [], 0, 0

    N, S, tt, rr = sum(RAD), len(RAD), len(TIDs), len(RIDs)
    numD = ADList.count('d')

    if N != len(ADList):
        print N, len(SpeciesIDs), len(ADList)
        print "N != len(ADList)"

    if N > 0:
        Title = [
            'Individuals consume resources, grow, reproduce, and die as they move through the environment. \nAverage speed on the x-axis is '
            + str(u0) + ' units per time step. ' + str(len(TExitAge)) +
            ' tracers have passed through.\nN: ' + str(N) + ', S: ' + str(S) +
            ', tracers: ' + str(tt) + ', resources: ' + str(rr) + ', ct: ' +
            str(ct) + ', %dormant: ' + str(round((numD / N) * 100, 2))
        Title = [
            'Individuals consume resources, grow, reproduce, and die as they move through the environment. \nAverage speed on the x-axis is '
            + str(u0) + ' units per time step. ' + str(len(TExitAge)) +
            ' tracers have passed through.\nN: ' + str(N) + ', S: ' + str(S) +
            ', tracers: ' + str(tt) + ', resources: ' + str(rr) + ', ct: ' +
            str(ct) + ', %dormant: nan'

    txt.set_text(' '.join(Title))
    ax.set_ylim(0, height)
    ax.set_xlim(0, width)

    if plot_system == 'yes':
        ##### PLOTTING THE SYSTEM ##############################################
        colorlist = []
        sizelist = []
        for i, val in enumerate(SpeciesIDs):
            if ADList[i] == 'a':
            elif ADList[i] == 'd':

            sizelist.append(min(Qs[i]) * 1000)

        resource_scatImage = ax.scatter(RX,
                                        s=RVals * 100,

        Ind_scatImage = ax.scatter(IndX,
        tracer_scatImage = ax.scatter(TX,


    if N == 0 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        Ns = [Ns[-1]]  # only keep the most recent N value
        BurnIn = 'done'

    if ct > 200 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        if len(Ns) > 100:
            AugmentedDickeyFuller = sta.adfuller(Ns)
            val, p = AugmentedDickeyFuller[0:2]

            if p >= 0.05:

            elif p < 0.05 or isnan(p) == True:
                BurnIn = 'done'
                Ns = [Ns[-1]]  # only keep the most recent N value

    if ct > 300 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        Ns = [Ns[-1]]  # only keep the most recent N value
        BurnIn = 'done'

    if BurnIn == 'done':


        if len(RExitAge) > 0:
        if len(IndExitAge) > 0:
        if len(TExitAge) > 0:

        # Examining the resource RAD
        if len(RTypes) > 0:
            RRAD, Rlist = bide.GetRAD(RTypes)
            RDens = len(RTypes) / (height * width)
            RDiv = float(metrics.Shannons_H(RRAD))
            RRich = len(Rlist)

        # Number of tracers, resource particles, and individuals
        T, R, N = len(TIDs), len(RIDs), len(SpeciesIDs)


        if N >= 1:

            if R >= 1:
                q = min([10, R])
                #avg_dist = spatial.avg_dist(X, RX, Y, RY, q)
                avg_dist = spatial.nearest_neighbor(X, RX, Y, RY, q)

            spD = DispDict.values()
            spM = MaintDict.values()
            spG = GrowthDict.values()


            RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
            RAD, splist = zip(*sorted(zip(RAD, splist), reverse=True))
            RAD = list(RAD)

            S = len(RAD)
            # Evenness, Dominance, and Rarity measures
            Ev = metrics.e_var(RAD)
            ES = metrics.e_simpson(RAD)

            if len(Ns) == 1:
                splist2 = list(splist)

            if len(Ns) > 1:
                wt = metrics.WhittakersTurnover(splist, splist2)
                jc = metrics.jaccard(splist, splist2)
                so = metrics.sorensen(splist, splist2)
                splist2 = list(splist)

            Nm, BP = [max(RAD), Nm / N]

            SD = metrics.simpsons_dom(RAD)
            sk = stats.skew(RAD)


            numD = ADList.count('d')
            ADs.append(numD / len(ADList))

            Nmeans = [sum(x) / len(x) for x in zip(*N_RList)]

            Pmeans = [sum(x) / len(x) for x in zip(*P_RList)]

            Cmeans = [sum(x) / len(x) for x in zip(*C_RList)]

        #process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        #mem = round(process.get_memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20), 1)
        # return the memory usage in MB

        if len(Ns) > 100:
            t = time.clock() - t

            #print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(mean(Ss))), 'WT:', round(mean(WTs),2), ':  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(t,1), 'seconds', ':  Ttaus:',round(mean(TTimeIn)), round(mean(TExitAge)), ':  Etau:', round(width/u0)  #' MB:',int(round(mem)), 'p-val =', round(p,3)
            #print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(mean(Ss))), ':  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(t,1), 'seconds', ' height:', str(height), '  Avg dist:', round(mean(AVG_DIST),3), ' f(dormant):',round(mean(ADs),3)
            print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(
                mean(Ss))), '  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(
                    1), 'Ttaus:', round(mean(TExitAge), 2), ':  Etau:', round(
                        (width - 1) / u0, 2), 'dormant:', round(mean(ADs), 3)

            t = time.clock()

            SString = str(splist).strip('()')
            RADString = str(RAD).strip('()')
            RADString = str(RAD).strip('[]')
            IndRTD = str(IndExitAge).strip('[]')
            TRTD = str(TExitAge).strip('[]')
            RRTD = str(RExitAge).strip('[]')

            OUT1 = open(GenPath + 'examples/SimData.csv', 'a')
            OUT2 = open(GenPath + 'examples/RADs.csv', 'a')
            OUT3 = open(GenPath + 'examples/Species.csv', 'a')
            OUT4 = open(GenPath + 'examples/IndRTD.csv', 'a')
            OUT5 = open(GenPath + 'examples/TracerRTD.csv', 'a')
            OUT6 = open(GenPath + 'examples/ResRTD.csv', 'a')

            #TTAUs = np.mean(TExitAge), np.mean(TTimeIn)

            outlist = [
                sim, motion,
                mean(PRODCs), r, nNi, nP, nC, rmax, gmax, maintmax, dmax,
                barriers, alpha, seedCom, u0, width - 0.2, height, viscosity,
                N, m,
                mean(SKs), T, R, speciation,
                mean(Ds), amp, flux, freq, phase, disturb,
            outlist = str(outlist).strip('[]')

            print >> OUT1, outlist
            print >> OUT2, RADString
            print >> OUT3, SString
            print >> OUT4, ct1, ',', sim, ',', IndRTD
            print >> OUT5, ct1, ',', sim, ',', TRTD
            print >> OUT6, ct1, ',', sim, ',', RRTD


            ct1 += 1
            ct = 0

            Rates = np.roll(Rates, -1, axis=0)
            u0 = Rates[0]

            n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, rho, ux, uy, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW = LBM.SetLattice(
                u0, viscosity, width, height, lefts, bottoms, barriers)
            u1 = u0 + u0 * (amp * sin(2 * pi * ct * freq + phase))

            RDens, RDiv, RRich, S, ES, Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, Mu, Maint, ct, IndID, RID, N, ct1, T, R, PRODI, PRODQ = [
            ] * 21
            ADList, ADs, AVG_DIST, SpecDisp, SpecMaint, SpecGrowth, SpColorList, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, RColorList, DispList = [
                list([]) for _ in xrange(14)
            RAD, splist, IndTimeIn, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndIDs, Qs, IndExitAge, TX, TY, TExitAge, TIDs, TTimeIn, RX, RY, RIDs, RTypes, RExitAge, RTimeIn, RVals, Gs, Ms, NRs, PRs, CRs, Ds, Ts, Rs, PRODIs, PRODNs, PRODPs, PRODCs, Ns, RTAUs, TTAUs, INDTAUs, RDENs, RDIVs, RRICHs, Ss, ESs, EVs, BPs, SDs, NMAXs, SKs, MUs, MAINTs, WTs, Jcs, Sos, splist2 = [
                list([]) for _ in xrange(53)

            p = 0
            BurnIn = 'not done'

            #if u0 in Rates:
            if u0 == max(Rates):

                print '\n'
                sim += 1
                if sim > num_sims:
                    print "simplex finished"

                width, height, alpha, motion, reproduction, speciation, seedCom, m, r, nNi, nP, nC, rmax, gmax, maintmax, dmax, amp, freq, flux, pulse, phase, disturb, envgrads, barriers, Rates = rp.get_rand_params(

                for i in range(barriers):
                    lefts.append(np.random.uniform(0.2, .8))
                    bottoms.append(np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.7))

                n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, rho, ux, uy, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW = LBM.SetLattice(
                    u0, viscosity, width, height, lefts, bottoms, barriers)
                u1 = u0 + u0 * (amp * sin(2 * pi * ct * freq + phase))

                SpColorDict, GrowthDict, MaintDict, EnvD, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, RColorDict, DispDict, EnvD = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

            ####################### REPLACE ENVIRONMENT ########################
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
コード例 #2
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: fiskmc/Micro-Encounter
def nextFrame(arg):

    """ Function called for each successive animation frame; arg is the frame number """

    global mmax, pmax, ADs, ADList, AVG_DIST, SpecDisp, SpecMaint, SpecGrowth
    global fixed, p, BurnIn, t, num_sims, width, height, Rates, u0, rho, ux, uy
    global n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, SpColorDict, GrowthDict, N_RD
    global P_RD, C_RD, DispDict, MaintDict, one9th, four9ths, one36th, barrier
    global gmax, dmax, maintmax, IndIDs, Qs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX
    global IndY,  Ind_scatImage, SpeciesIDs, EnvD, TY, tracer_scatImage, TTimeIn
    global TIDs, TExitAge, TX, RTypes, RX, RY, RID, RIDs, RVals, RTimeIn, RExitAge
    global resource_scatImage, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW, ct1, Mu, Maint
    global motion, reproduction, speciation, seedCom, m, r, nNi, nP, nC, rmax, sim
    global RAD, splist, N, ct, splist2, WTs, Jcs, Sos, RDens, RDiv, RRich, S, ES
    global Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, T, R, LowerLimit, prod_i, prod_q, viscosity, alpha
    global Ts, Rs, PRODIs, Ns, TTAUs, INDTAUs, RDENs, RDIVs, RRICHs, Ss, ESs, EVs
    global BPs, SDs, NMAXs, SKs, MUs, MAINTs, PRODNs, PRODPs, PRODCs, lefts, bottoms
    global Gs, Ms, NRs, PRs, CRs, Ds, RTAUs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList
    global C_RList, DispList, amp, freq, flux, pulse, phase, disturb, envgrads
    global barriers, MainFactorDict, RPFDict

    ct += 1
    #plot_system = 'yes'
    plot_system = 'no'

    # fluctuate flow according to amplitude, frequency, & phase
    u1 = u0 + u0*(amp * sin(2*pi * ct * freq + phase))
    if u1 > 1: u1 == 1.0

    # Fluid dynamics
    nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier = LBM.stream([nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier])
    rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW = LBM.collide(viscosity, rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, u0)

    # Inflow of resources
    if motion == 'white_noise' or motion == 'brown_noise':
        u1 = 2
    RTypes, RVals, RX, RY,  RIDs, RID, RTimeIn = bide.ResIn(motion, RTypes, RVals, RX, RY,  RID, RIDs, RTimeIn, r, rmax, nNi, nP, nC, width, height, u1)

    # resource flow
    Lists = [RTypes, RIDs, RID, RVals]
    if len(RTypes) > 0:
        if motion == 'fluid': RTypes, RX, RY,  RExitAge, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RVals = bide.fluid_movement('resource', Lists, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY,  ux, uy, width, height, u0)
        else: RTypes, RX, RY,  RExitAge, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RVals = bide.nonfluid_movement('resource', motion, Lists, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY,  ux, uy, width, height, u0)

    # Inflow of individuals (immigration)
    if ct == 1:
        SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.immigration(mmax, pmax, dmax, gmax, maintmax, motion, seedCom, 1, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  width, height, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, envgrads, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, nNi, nP, nC, u1, alpha, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)
        SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.immigration(mmax, pmax, dmax, gmax, maintmax, motion, 1, m, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  width, height, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, envgrads, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, nNi, nP, nC, u1, alpha, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # dispersal
    Lists = [SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, IndID, Qs, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList]
    if len(SpeciesIDs) > 0:
        if motion == 'fluid': SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList, Qs = bide.fluid_movement('individual', Lists, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX, IndY,  ux, uy, width, height, u0)
        else: SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.nonfluid_movement('individual', motion, Lists, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndX, IndY,  ux, uy, width, height, u0)

    # Chemotaxis
    #SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.chemotaxis(reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # Forage
    #SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.density_forage(RVals, RX, RY, reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    PRODI, PRODN, PRODC, PRODP = 0, 0, 0, 0
    p1, TNQ1, TPQ1, TCQ1 = metrics.getprod(Qs)

    # Consume
    #RTypes, RVals, RIDs, RID, RTimeIn, RExitAge, RX, RY,  SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.consume(RTypes, RVals, RIDs, RID, RX, RY,  RTimeIn, RExitAge, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # Reproduction
    SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, ID, TimeIn, X, Y, GrowthDict, DispDict, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.reproduce(reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndX, IndY,  width, height, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, envgrads, nNi, nP, nC, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # maintenance
    #SpeciesIDs, X, Y, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.maintenance(SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  IndExitAge, SpColorDict, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    # transition to or from dormancy
    Sp_IDs, IDs, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, ADList = bide.transition(SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, MainFactorDict, RPFDict,  ADList)

    p2, TNQ2, TPQ2, TCQ2 = metrics.getprod(Qs)

    PRODI = p2 - p1
    PRODN = TNQ2 - TNQ1
    PRODP = TPQ2 - TPQ1
    PRODC = TCQ2 - TCQ1

    # disturbance
    #if np.random.binomial(1, disturb*u0) == 1: SpeciesIDs, X, Y, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList = bide.decimate(SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  IndExitAge, SpColorDict, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, DispList, ADList)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off')

    if len(SpeciesIDs) >= 1:  RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
    else: RAD, splist, N, S = [], [], 0, 0

    N, S, tt, rr = sum(RAD), len(RAD), len(TIDs), len(RIDs)
    numD = ADList.count('d')

    if N != len(ADList):
        print N, len(SpeciesIDs), len(ADList)
        print "N != len(ADList)"

    if N > 0:
        Title = ['Individuals consume resources, grow, reproduce, and die as they move through the environment. \nAverage speed on the x-axis is '+str(u0)+' units per time step. '+str(len(TExitAge))+' tracers have passed through.\nN: '+str(N)+', S: '+str(S)+', tracers: '+str(tt)+', resources: '+str(rr)+', ct: '+str(ct)+', %dormant: '+str(round((numD/N)*100, 2))]
        Title = ['Individuals consume resources, grow, reproduce, and die as they move through the environment. \nAverage speed on the x-axis is '+str(u0)+' units per time step. '+str(len(TExitAge))+' tracers have passed through.\nN: '+str(N)+', S: '+str(S)+', tracers: '+str(tt)+', resources: '+str(rr)+', ct: '+str(ct)+', %dormant: nan']

    txt.set_text(' '.join(Title))
    ax.set_ylim(0, height)
    ax.set_xlim(0, width)

    if plot_system == 'yes':
        ##### PLOTTING THE SYSTEM ##############################################
        colorlist = []
        sizelist = []
        for i, val in enumerate(SpeciesIDs):
            if ADList[i] == 'a':
            elif ADList[i] == 'd':

            sizelist.append(min(Qs[i]) * 1000)

        resource_scatImage = ax.scatter(RX, RY, s = RVals*100, c = 'w', edgecolor = 'SpringGreen', lw = 0.6, alpha=0.3)

        Ind_scatImage = ax.scatter(IndX, IndY, s = sizelist, c = colorlist, edgecolor = '0.2', lw = 0.2, alpha=0.9)
        tracer_scatImage = ax.scatter(TX, TY, s = 200, c = 'r', marker='*', lw=0.0, alpha=0.6)


    if N == 0 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        Ns = [Ns[-1]] # only keep the most recent N value
        BurnIn = 'done'

    if ct > 200 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        if len(Ns) > 100:
            AugmentedDickeyFuller = sta.adfuller(Ns)
            val, p = AugmentedDickeyFuller[0:2]

            if p >= 0.05:

            elif p < 0.05 or isnan(p) == True:
                BurnIn = 'done'
                Ns = [Ns[-1]] # only keep the most recent N value

    if ct > 300 and BurnIn == 'not done':
        Ns = [Ns[-1]] # only keep the most recent N value
        BurnIn = 'done'

    if BurnIn == 'done':


        if len(RExitAge) > 0:
        if len(IndExitAge) > 0:
        if len(TExitAge) > 0:

        # Examining the resource RAD
        if len(RTypes) > 0:
            RRAD, Rlist = bide.GetRAD(RTypes)
            RDens = len(RTypes)/(height*width)
            RDiv = float(metrics.Shannons_H(RRAD))
            RRich = len(Rlist)

        # Number of tracers, resource particles, and individuals
        T, R, N = len(TIDs), len(RIDs), len(SpeciesIDs)


        if N >= 1:

            if R >= 1:
                q = min([10, R])
                avg_dist = spatial.avg_dist(IndX, RX, IndY, RY, q)
                avg_dist = spatial.nearest_neighbor(IndX, RX, IndY, RY, q)

            spD = DispDict.values()
            spM = MaintDict.values()
            spMF = MainFactorDict.values()
            spRPF = RPFDict.values()
            spG = GrowthDict.values()


            RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
            RAD, splist = zip(*sorted(zip(RAD, splist), reverse=True))
            RAD = list(RAD)

            S = len(RAD)
            # Evenness, Dominance, and Rarity measures
            Ev = metrics.e_var(RAD)
            ES = metrics.e_simpson(RAD)

            if len(Ns) == 1:
                splist2 = list(splist)

            if len(Ns) > 1:
                wt = metrics.WhittakersTurnover(splist, splist2)
                jc = metrics.jaccard(splist, splist2)
                so = metrics.sorensen(splist, splist2)
                splist2 = list(splist)

            Nm, BP = [max(RAD), Nm/N]

            SD = metrics.simpsons_dom(RAD)
            sk = stats.skew(RAD)


            numD = ADList.count('d')

            Nmeans = [sum(x)/len(x) for x in zip(*N_RList)]

            Pmeans = [sum(x)/len(x) for x in zip(*P_RList)]

            Cmeans = [sum(x)/len(x) for x in zip(*C_RList)]

        #process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        #mem = round(process.get_memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20), 1)
        # return the memory usage in MB

        if len(Ns) > 100:
            t = time.clock() - t

            #print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(mean(Ss))), 'WT:', round(mean(WTs),2), ':  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(t,1), 'seconds', ':  Ttaus:',round(mean(TTimeIn)), round(mean(TExitAge)), ':  Etau:', round(width/u0)  #' MB:',int(round(mem)), 'p-val =', round(p,3)
            #print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(mean(Ss))), ':  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(t,1), 'seconds', ' height:', str(height), '  Avg dist:', round(mean(AVG_DIST),3), ' f(dormant):',round(mean(ADs),3)
            print sim, ' N:', int(round(mean(Ns))), 'S:', int(round(mean(Ss))), '  flow:', u0, 'time:', round(t,1), 'Ttaus:', round(mean(TExitAge),2), ':  Etau:', round((width-1)/u0,2),  'dormant:', round(mean(ADs),3)

            t = time.clock()

            SString = str(splist).strip('()')
            RADString = str(RAD).strip('()')
            RADString = str(RAD).strip('[]')
            IndRTD = str(IndExitAge).strip('[]')
            TRTD = str(TExitAge).strip('[]')
            RRTD = str(RExitAge).strip('[]')

            OUT1 = open(GenPath + '/SimData.csv','a')

            #TTAUs = np.mean(TExitAge), np.mean(TTimeIn)

            outlist = [sim,motion,mean(PRODIs),mean(PRODNs),mean(PRODPs),mean(PRODCs),r,nNi,nP,nC,rmax,gmax,maintmax,dmax,barriers,alpha,seedCom,u0,width-0.2,height,viscosity,N,m,mean(RTAUs), mean(TExitAge) ,mean(INDTAUs),mean(RDENs),mean(RDIVs),mean(RRICHs),mean(Ss),mean(ESs),mean(EVs),mean(BPs),mean(SDs),mean(NMAXs),mean(SKs),T,R,speciation,mean(WTs),mean(Jcs),mean(Sos),mean(Gs),mean(Ms),mean(NRs),mean(PRs),mean(CRs),mean(Ds),amp,flux,freq,phase,disturb, mean(SpecGrowth), mean(SpecDisp), mean(SpecMaint), mean(AVG_DIST), mean(ADs)]
            outlist = str(outlist).strip('[]')

            print>>OUT1, outlist

            ct1 += 1
            ct = 0

            Rates = np.roll(Rates, -1, axis=0)
            u0 = Rates[0]

            n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, rho, ux, uy, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW = LBM.SetLattice(u0, viscosity, width, height, lefts, bottoms, barriers)
            u1 = u0 + u0*(amp * sin(2*pi * ct * freq + phase))

            RDens, RDiv, RRich, S, ES, Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, Mu, Maint, ct, IndID, RID, N, ct1, T, R, PRODI, PRODQ = [0]*21
            ADList, ADs, AVG_DIST, SpecDisp, SpecMaint, SpecGrowth, SpColorList, GrowthList, MaintList, N_RList, P_RList, C_RList, RColorList, DispList = [list([]) for _ in xrange(14)]
            RAD, splist, IndTimeIn, SpeciesIDs, IndX, IndY,  IndIDs, Qs, IndExitAge, TX, TY, TExitAge, TIDs, TTimeIn, RX, RY,  RIDs, RTypes, RExitAge, RTimeIn, RVals, Gs, Ms, NRs, PRs, CRs, Ds, Ts, Rs, PRODIs, PRODNs, PRODPs, PRODCs, Ns, RTAUs, TTAUs, INDTAUs, RDENs, RDIVs, RRICHs, Ss, ESs, EVs,BPs, SDs, NMAXs, SKs, MUs, MAINTs, WTs, Jcs, Sos, splist2 = [list([]) for _ in xrange(53)]

            p = 0
            BurnIn = 'not done'

            #if u0 in Rates:
            if u0 == max(Rates):

                print '\n'
                sim += 1
                if sim > num_sims:
                    print "model finished"

                width, height, alpha, motion, reproduction, speciation, seedCom, m, r, nNi, nP, nC, rmax, gmax, maintmax, dmax, amp, freq, flux, pulse, phase, disturb, envgrads, barriers, Rates, pmax, mmax = rp.get_rand_params(fixed)

                for i in range(barriers):
                    lefts.append(np.random.uniform(0.2, .8))
                    bottoms.append(np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.7))

                n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, rho, ux, uy, bN, bS, bE, bW, bNE, bNW, bSE, bSW = LBM.SetLattice(u0, viscosity, width, height, lefts, bottoms, barriers)
                u1 = u0 + u0*(amp * sin(2*pi * ct * freq + phase))

                SpColorDict, GrowthDict, MaintDict, MainFactorDict, RPFDict, EnvD, N_RD, P_RD, C_RD, RColorDict, DispDict, EnvD = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

            ####################### REPLACE ENVIRONMENT ########################
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
コード例 #3
ct = 0
numRADs = len(RADs)
for RAD in RADs:

    RAD = list([x for x in RAD if x > 0])

    N = sum(RAD)
    S = len(RAD)

    if S < 2: continue
    if max(RAD) == min(RAD): continue

    # Evenness
    Var = np.var(RAD, ddof=1)
    Evar = metrics.e_var(RAD)
    ESimp = metrics.e_simpson(RAD)
    EQ = metrics.EQ(RAD)
    O = metrics.OE(RAD)
    #Camargo = 0.0 # metrics.camargo(RAD)   # Takes too long
    ENee = metrics.NHC(RAD)
    EPielou = metrics.e_pielou(RAD)
    EHeip = metrics.e_heip(RAD)

    # Dominance
    BP = metrics.Berger_Parker(RAD)
    SimpDom = metrics.simpsons_dom(RAD)
    Nmax = max(RAD)
    McN = metrics.McNaughton(RAD)

    # Rarity
    skew = stats.skew(RAD)
コード例 #4
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: embaldridge/hydrobide
def nextFrame(arg):	# arg is the frame number

    print arg
    plot_system = 'yes'
    logdata = 'no'
    global width, height, length, Rates, u0, shift, sign, rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW
    global SpColorDict, GrowthDict, ResUseDict, DispDict, MaintDict, one9th, four9ths, one36th, barrier
    global IndIDs, Qs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, Ind_scatImage, SpeciesIDs

    global TracerYcoords, tracer_scatImage, TracerTimeIn, TracerZcoords, TracerIDs, TracerExitAge, TracerXcoords
    global ResTypes, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResID, ResIDs, ResVals, ResTimeIn, ResExitAge, resource_scatImage
    global avg_Q, avg_maint, avg_disp, avg_res, avgTau, avg_growth, avg_prey, avg_symb, avg_parasite

    global barrierN, barrierS, barrierE, barrierW, barrierNE, barrierNW, barrierSE, barrierSW
    global BarrierWidth, BarrierHeight, BarrierXcoords1, BarrierYcoords1, BarrierXcoords2, BarrierYcoords2

    global ct1, Mu, Maint, motion, D, reproduction, speciation, predators, parasites, symbionts
    global env_gradient, seedcom, m, r, nr, rmax, sim, RAD, splist, N, TracerTau, IndTau, ct
    global ResDens, ResDiv, ResRich, S, ES, Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, T, R, LowerLimit, prod_i, prod_q, viscosity, alpha

    for step in range(1): # adjust number of steps for smooth animation
        # inflow of tracers
        TracerIDs, TracerTimeIn, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords = bide.NewTracers(motion, TracerIDs, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords, TracerTimeIn, width, height, length, u0, D)

        # inflow of resources
        ResTypes, ResVals, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResIDs, ResID, ResTimeIn = bide.ResIn(motion, ResTypes, ResVals, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResID, ResIDs, ResTimeIn, r, rmax, nr, width, height, length, u0, D)

        # immigration
        if ct == 0:
            ct = 1
            SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict = bide.immigration(motion, seedcom, SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict, nr, u0, alpha, D)
            SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict = bide.immigration(motion, m, SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict, nr, u0, alpha, D)

        if motion == 'fluid' or motion == 'conveyor':  # a 'conveyor' belt action wherein y-coordinates never change occurs when there is 0 turbulence

            # stream & collide
            nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, shift, sign = LBM.stream([nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, shift, sign])
            rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW = LBM.collide(viscosity, rho, ux, uy, n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, u0)

            # dispersal
            Lists = [SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, IndID, Qs, DispDict]
            if len(SpeciesIDs) > 0: SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs = bide.fluid_movement('individual', Lists, IndTimeIn, IndExitAge, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, ux, uy, width, height, u0)

            # resource flow
            Lists = [ResTypes, ResIDs, ResID, ResVals]
            if len(ResTypes) > 0: ResTypes, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResExitAge, ResIDs, ResID, ResTimeIn, ResVals = bide.fluid_movement('resource', Lists, ResTimeIn, ResExitAge, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ux, uy, width, height, u0)

            # moving tracer particles
            if len(TracerIDs) > 0: TracerIDs, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerExitAge, TracerTimeIn = bide.fluid_movement('tracer', TracerIDs, TracerTimeIn, TracerExitAge, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, ux, uy, width, height, u0)

        elif motion == 'random_walk' or motion == 'unidirectional':

            # Moving tracer particles
            if len(TracerIDs) > 0: TracerIDs, TracerExitAge, TracerTimeIn, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords = bide.nonfluid_movement('tracer', motion, TracerIDs, TracerExitAge, TracerTimeIn, TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords, width, height, length, u0, D)

            # Moving resource particles
            if len(ResTypes) > 0:
                Lists = [ResTypes, ResIDs, ResVals]
                Lists, ResExitAge, ResTimeIn, Xcoords, Ycoords, Zcoords = bide.nonfluid_movement('resource', motion, Lists, ResExitAge, ResTimeIn, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, width, height, length, u0, D)
                ResTypes, ResIDs, ResVals = Lists
            # Moving individuals
            if len(SpeciesIDs) > 0:
                Lists = [SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, Qs, DispDict]
                Lists, IndExitAge, IndTimeIn, Xcoords, Ycoords, Zcoords = bide.nonfluid_movement('individual', motion, Lists, IndExitAge, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, u0, D)
                SpeciesIDs, IndIDs, Qs = Lists

        # consume & reproduce
        p1, q1 = [len(IndIDs), sum(Qs)]
        ResTypes, ResVals, ResIDs, ResID, ResTimeIn, ResExitAge, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords = bide.consume(ResTypes, ResVals, ResIDs, ResID, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResTimeIn, ResExitAge, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, GrowthDict, ResUseDict, DispDict, D)
        SpeciesIDs, Qs, IDs, ID, TimeIn, Xcoords, Ycoords, Zcoords, GrowthDict, DispDict = bide.reproduce(reproduction, speciation, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, ResUseDict, MaintDict, D, nr)
        PRODI, PRODQ = [len(IndIDs) - p1, sum(Qs) - q1]

        # maintenance
        SpeciesIDs, Xcoords, Ycoords, Zcoords, IndExitAge, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs = bide.maintenance(SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, IndExitAge, SpColorDict, MaintDict, IndIDs, IndTimeIn, Qs, D)

        # predation
        p1, n1 = [len(PredIDs), len(IndIDs)]
        PredIDs, PredID, PredTimeIn, PredXcoords, PredYcoords, PredZcoords, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords = bide.predation(predation(PredIDs, PredID, PredXcoords, PredYcoords, PredZcoords, PredTimeIn, IndExitAge, SpeciesIDs, Qs, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, D)
        pred_i, pred_n = [len(PredIDs) - p1, sum(IndIDs) - n1]

    ########## PLOT THE SYSTEM #################################################
    if D == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off')

    if len(SpeciesIDs) >= 1: RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
    else: RAD, splist, N, S = [], [], 0, 0

    N, S, tt, rr = sum(RAD), len(RAD), len(TracerIDs), len(ResIDs)

    Title = ['Individuals consume resources, grow, reproduce, and die as they move through the environment.'
    '\nAverage speed on the x-axis is '+str(u0)+' units per time step. '+str(len(TracerExitAge))+' tracers have passed through.',
           '\nMotion is '+motion+'; N: '+str(N)+', S: '+str(S)+', tracers: '+str(tt)+', resources: '+str(rr)+', replicate: '+str(len(Ns))]

    txt.set_text(' '.join(Title))
    ax.set_ylim(0, height)
    ax.set_xlim(0, width)
    if D == 3: ax.set_zlim(0,length)

    if plot_system == 'yes':

        ##### PLOTTING THE INDIVIDUALS ############################################

        colorlist = []
        sizelist = []
        for i, val in enumerate(SpeciesIDs):
            sizelist.append(Qs[i] * 1000)

        if D == 2: resource_scatImage = ax.scatter(ResXcoords, ResYcoords, s = ResVals, c = 'w', edgecolor = 'SpringGreen', lw = 0.6, alpha=0.7)
        elif D == 3: resource_scatImage = ax.scatter(ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, s = ResVals, c = 'w', edgecolor = 'SpringGreen', lw = 0.6, alpha=0.2)

        if D == 2: Ind_scatImage = ax.scatter(IndXcoords, IndYcoords, s = sizelist, c = colorlist, edgecolor = '0.2', lw = 0.2, alpha=0.9)
        elif D == 3: Ind_scatImage = ax.scatter(IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, s = Qs, c = colorlist, edgecolor = '0.2', lw = 0.2, alpha=0.99)

        if D == 2: tracer_scatImage = ax.scatter(TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, s = 200, c = 'r', marker='*', lw=0.0, alpha=0.6)
        elif D == 3: tracer_scatImage = ax.scatter(TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords, s = 200, c = 'r', marker='*', lw=0.0, alpha=0.8)


    if u0 == 1.0: LowerLimit = 50
    elif u0 >= 0.5: LowerLimit = 40
    elif u0 >= 0.1: LowerLimit = 20
    elif u0 > 0.01: LowerLimit = 10
    elif u0 == 0.01: LowerLimit = 5

    # Record model values and reset, or not
    if len(TracerExitAge) >= LowerLimit or N == 0:


        # Examining the resource RAD
        if len(ResTypes) > 0:
            ResRAD, Rlist = bide.GetRAD(ResTypes)
            ResDens = sum(ResTypes)/(height*width)
            ResDiv = float(metrics.Shannons_H(ResRAD))
            ResRich = len(Rlist)


        # Residence times for tracers and Inds
        TracerTau, IndTau, ResTau = [np.mean(TracerExitAge), np.mean(IndExitAge), np.mean(ResExitAge)]
        # Number of tracers, resource particles, and individuals
        T, R, N = len(TracerIDs), len(ResIDs), len(SpeciesIDs)

        if logdata == 'yes':
            IndRTD = str(IndExitAge).strip('[]')
            TracerRTD = str(TracerExitAge).strip('[]')
            ResRTD = str(ResExitAge).strip('[]')
            OUT4 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/IndRTD.csv','a')
            OUT5 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/TracerRTD.csv','a')
            OUT6 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/ResRTD.csv','a')
            print>>OUT4, ct1,',', sim,',', IndRTD
            print>>OUT5, ct1,',', sim,',', TracerRTD
            print>>OUT6, ct1,',', sim,',', ResRTD

        TracerExitAge, IndExitAge, ResExitAge= [],[],[]

        if N == 0:

        if N >= 1:

            RAD, splist = bide.GetRAD(SpeciesIDs)
            RAD, splist = zip(*sorted(zip(RAD, splist), reverse=True))
            S = len(RAD)

            # Specific Growth rate and Maintenance

            mu, maint = [0.0, 0.0]
            for i, sp in enumerate(splist):
                mu += (RAD[i] * GrowthDict[sp])
                maint += (RAD[i] * MaintDict[sp])

            Mu, Maint = [mu/N, maint/N]

            # Evenness, Dominance, and Rarity measures
            Ev = metrics.e_var(RAD)

            ES = metrics.e_simpson(RAD)

            Nm, BP = [max(RAD), Nm/N]

            SD = metrics.simpsons_dom(RAD)
            sk = stats.skew(RAD)

        process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        mem = round(process.get_memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20), 1)    # return the memory usage in MB

        if len(Ns) >= 1 or N == 0:
            ct = 0
            T, R, PRODI, PRODQ, N, RESTAU, TRACERTAU, INDTAU, RESDENS, RESDIV, RESRICH, S, ES, EV, BP, SD, NMAX, SK, MU, MAINT = [np.mean(Ts), np.mean(Rs), np.mean(PRODIs), np.mean(PRODQs), np.mean(Ns), np.mean(RESTAUs), np.mean(TRACERTAUs), np.mean(INDTAUs), np.mean(RESDENs), np.mean(RESDIVs), np.mean(RESRICHs), np.mean(Ss), np.mean(ESs), np.mean(EVs), np.mean(BPs), np.mean(SDs), np.mean(NMAXs), np.mean(SKs), np.mean(MUs), np.mean(MAINTs)]
            print ct, sim, ' N:', int(round(N)), 'S:', int(round(S)), ' pI:', int(prod_i), 'pQ:', int(prod_q), ': flow:', u0, ' MB:',int(round(mem))

            if logdata == 'yes':
                SString = str(splist).strip('()')
                RADString = str(RAD).strip('()')
                OUT1 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/SimData.csv','a')
                OUT2 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/RADs.csv','a')
                OUT3 = open(mydir + '/GitHub/hydrobide/results/simulated_data/Species.csv','a')

                print>>OUT1, ct1,',', sim,',', motion,',', D,',', PRODI,',', PRODQ,',', r,',', nr,',', rmax,',', BarrierWidth,',', BarrierHeight,',', alpha,',', seedcom,',', LowerLimit,',', u0,',', width,',', height,',', viscosity,',', N,',', m,',',RESTAU,',',TRACERTAU,',', INDTAU,',', RESDENS,',', RESDIV,',', RESRICH,',', S,',', ES,',', EV,',', BP,',', SD,',', NMAX,',', SK,',', MU,',', MAINT,',',T,',',R
                print>>OUT2, RADString
                print>>OUT3, SString


            ct1 += 1

            if u0 == min(Rates):
                SpColorDict, GrowthDict, MaintDict, ResUseDict, ResColorDict, DispDict = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
                width, height, length, alpha, motion, D, reproduction, speciation, predators, parasites, env_gradient, seedcom, m, r, nr, rmax = get_rand_params()
                sim += 1
                alpha = np.random.uniform(0.9, 0.999)
                print '\n'

            Rates = np.roll(Rates, -1, axis=0)
            u0 = Rates[0]  # initial in-flow speed

            Ts, Rs, PRODIs, PRODQs, Ns, RESTAUs, TRACERTAUs, INDTAUs, RESDENs, RESDIVs, RESRICHs, Ss, ESs, EVs, BPs, SDs, NMAXs, SKs, MUs, MAINTs = [], [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
            TracerTau, IndTau, ResDens, ResDiv, ResRich, S, ES, Ev, BP, SD, Nm, sk, Mu, Maint = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
            IndTimeIn, SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, IndIDs, Qs, IndExitAge = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
            TracerXcoords, TracerYcoords, TracerZcoords, TracerExitAge, TracerIDs, TracerTimeIn = [],[],[],[],[],[]
            ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResIDs, ResTypes, ResExitAge, ResTimeIn, ResVals = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]

            if motion == 'fluid' or motion == 'conveyor':
                n0, nN, nS, nE, nW, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, barrier, rho, ux, uy, barrierN, barrierS, barrierE, barrierW, barrierNE, barrierNW, barrierSE, barrierSW, BarrierXcoords1, BarrierYcoords1, BarrierXcoords2, BarrierYcoords2 = LBM.SetLattice(u0, viscosity, width, height, left1, bottom1, left2, bottom2, BarrierWidth, BarrierHeight, BarrierXcoords1, BarrierYcoords1, BarrierXcoords2, BarrierYcoords2)

            if seedcom > 0:
                # inflow of resources
                ResTypes, ResVals, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResIDs, ResID, ResTimeIn = bide.ResIn(motion, ResTypes, ResVals, ResXcoords, ResYcoords, ResZcoords, ResID, ResIDs, ResTimeIn, r, rmax, nr, width, height, length, u0, D)
                # immigration
                SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IDs, ID, TimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict = bide.immigration(motion, m, SpeciesIDs, IndXcoords, IndYcoords, IndZcoords, width, height, length, MaintDict, GrowthDict, DispDict, SpColorDict, IndIDs, IndID, IndTimeIn, Qs, ResUseDict, nr, u0, alpha, D)

            ####################### REPLACE ENVIRONMENT ############################
            if D == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            elif D == 2: ax = fig.add_subplot(111)