コード例 #1

######IMPORTANT FOR THE SCORING MODEL INNER LEVEL##############################
# Use the following code, to create a pkl-File in which the Dataframe is stored
# df_metrics_id.to_pickle("./df_metrics_id_controller1.pkl")
# Maybe you need to replace 'controller1.pkl' with 'controller2.pkl'

# Calculation of Metrics
# Here, the q- term of idq is analysed

df_master_CVIq = env.history.df[['master.CVIq']]

current_controller_metrics_iq = Metrics(df_master_CVIq, iq_ref, ts, max_episode_steps)

d = {'Root Mean Squared Error/A': [current_controller_metrics_iq.RMSE()],
     'Steady State Error/A': [current_controller_metrics_iq.steady_state_error()],
     'absolute Peak Value/A': [current_controller_metrics_iq.absolute_peak()]}

df_metrics_iq = pd.DataFrame(data=d).T
df_metrics_iq.columns = ['Value']
print('Metrics of iq')

######IMPORTANT FOR THE SCORING MODEL INNER LEVEL##############################
# Use the following code, to create a pkl-File in which the Dataframe is stored
# df_metrics_id.to_pickle("./df_metrics_iq_controller1.pkl")
# Maybe you need to replace 'controller1.pkl' with 'controller2.pkl'
コード例 #2
# Maybe you need to replace 'controller1.pkl' with 'controller2.pkl'

# Calculation of Metrics
# Here, the q- term of vdq is analysed

df_master_CVVq = env.history.df[['master.CVVq']]

from metrics import Metrics

voltage_controller_metrics_vq = Metrics(df_master_CVVq, vq_ref, ts,

d = {
    'Root Mean Squared Error/V': [voltage_controller_metrics_vq.RMSE()],
    'Steady State Error/V':
    'absolute Peak Value/V': [voltage_controller_metrics_vq.absolute_peak()]

df_metrics_vq = pd.DataFrame(data=d).T
df_metrics_vq.columns = ['Value']
print('Metrics of Vq')

######IMPORTANT FOR THE SCORING MODEL INNER LEVEL##############################
# Use the following code, to create a pkl-File in which the Dataframe is stored
# df_metrics_vq.to_pickle("./df_metrics_vq_controller1.pkl")
# Maybe you need to replace 'controller1.pkl' with 'controller2.pkl'