def validate_email(request): """ checks whether the email is unique """ email = request.GET.get("email") is_taken = not (is_company_email_unique(email) and is_email_unique(email)) return JsonResponse({'is_taken': is_taken})
def create(request): """ parameters: redirect: opcional, incluir en la URL de la petición si se quiere redirigir a la página del empleado creado returns: form: formulario con los datos necesarios para el registro del empleado success: opcional, si se ha tenido éxito al crear un empleado errors: opcional, array de mensajes de error si ha habido algún error errores: (todos empiezan por employeeCreation_) passwordsDontMatch: las contraseñas no coinciden usernameNotUnique: el nombre de usuario ya existe imageNotValid: la imagen no es válida por formato y/o tamaño formNotValid: el formulario contiene errores priceNotValid: el precio debe ser mayor que 0 emailNotUnique:si el correo no es úinco template: employee_register.html """ # Check that the user is logged in and it's an administrator admin = get_admin_executive_or_403(request) # If it's a GET request, return an empty form if request.method == "GET": return render(request, 'employee/employee_register.html', {'form': EmployeeRegisterForm()}) elif request.method == "POST": # We are serving a POST request form = EmployeeRegisterForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): errors = [] # Check that the passwords match if not check_passwords(form): errors.append('employeeCreation_passwordsDontMatch') #Check password validation if not validate_pass(form.cleaned_data["password1"]): errors.append('newPasswordInvalid') # Check that the username is unique if not is_username_unique(form.cleaned_data["username"]): errors.append('employeeCreation_usernameNotUnique') # Check that the email is unique if not is_email_unique(form.cleaned_data["email"]): errors.append('employeeCreation_emailNotUnique') # Check that the image is OK if not check_image(form, 'photo'): errors.append('employeeCreation_imageNotValid') # Check that the price is OK if form.cleaned_data['price_per_hour'] <= 0: errors.append('employeeCreation_priceNotValid') if not errors: # Everything is OK, create the employee employee_user = create_employee_user(form) employee = create_employee(employee_user, admin, form) EmployeeLog.objects.create( employee_id=employee, event="A", price_per_hour=employee.price_per_hour) send_register_email(form.cleaned_data["email"], form.cleaned_data["first_name"]) return HttpResponseRedirect('/employee/view/' + form.cleaned_data["username"] + '/') else: # There are errors return render(request, 'employee/employee_register.html', { 'form': form, 'errors': errors }) # Form is not valid else: return render(request, 'employee/employee_register.html', { 'form': form, 'errors': ['employeeCreation_formNotValid'] }) else: # Another request method raise PermissionDenied
def edit(request, username): """ url = employee/edit/<username> parameters/returns: form: formulario de edicion de datos de empleado errors: 'employeeCreation_formNotValid': si el formulario no es válido template: employee_edit.html """ # Check that the user is logged in and it's an administrator admin = get_admin_executive_or_403(request) employee = get_object_or_404(Employee, user__username=username) # Check that the admin has permission to view that employee same_company_or_403(admin, employee) if request.method == "GET": # Return a form filled with the employee's data form = EmployeeEditForm( initial={ 'first_name': employee.user.first_name, 'last_name': employee.user.last_name, 'email':, 'identifier': employee.identifier, 'phone':, 'price_per_hour': employee.price_per_hour }) return render( request, 'employee/employee_edit.html', { 'form': form, 'picture': employee.picture, 'username': username, 'pass_form': EmployeePasswordForm(), 'active': employee.user.is_active }) elif request.method == "POST": # Process the received form form = EmployeeEditForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): errors = [] # Check that the price is OK if form.cleaned_data['price_per_hour'] <= 0: errors.append('employeeCreation_priceNotValid') # Check that the image is OK if not check_image(form, 'photo'): errors.append('employeeCreation_imageNotValid') # Check that the email is unique if not is_email_unique( form.cleaned_data["email"] ) and != form.cleaned_data["email"]: errors.append('employeeCreation_emailNotUnique') if not errors: # Update employee data employee.identifier = form.cleaned_data["identifier"] = form.cleaned_data["phone"] # New log if the salary has changed new_log = employee.price_per_hour != form.cleaned_data[ "price_per_hour"] employee.price_per_hour = form.cleaned_data["price_per_hour"] if form.cleaned_data["photo"]: employee.picture = form.cleaned_data["photo"] # Update user data user = employee.user user.first_name = form.cleaned_data["first_name"] user.last_name = form.cleaned_data["last_name"] = form.cleaned_data["email"] # New log if the salary has changed if new_log: EmployeeLog.objects.create( employee_id=employee, event="C", price_per_hour=form.cleaned_data["price_per_hour"]) return HttpResponseRedirect('/employee/view/' + username + '/') else: # There are errors return render( request, 'employee/employee_edit.html', { 'form': form, 'errors': errors, 'picture': employee.picture, 'username': username, 'pass_form': EmployeePasswordForm(), 'active': employee.user.is_active }) else: # Form is not valid return render( request, 'employee/employee_edit.html', { 'form': form, 'picture': employee.picture, 'errors': ['employeeCreation_formNotValid'], 'username': username, 'pass_form': EmployeePasswordForm(), 'active': employee.user.is_active }) else: raise PermissionDenied
def create(request, email_template_name='company/company_register_email.html', html_email_template_name='company/company_register_email.html'): """ parameters/returns: form: el formulario con los datos de la compañía y el administrador de la compañía template: company_form.html """ # If it's a GET request, return an empty form if request.method == 'POST': # create a form instance and populate it with data from the request: form = RegistrationForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # check whether it's valid: if form.is_valid(): errors = [] # Check that the passwords match if not check_passwords(form): errors.append('passwordsDontMatch') # Check that the username is unique if not is_username_unique(form.cleaned_data["username"]): errors.append('companyRegister_usernameNotUnique') #Check password validation if not validate_pass(form.cleaned_data["password"]): errors.append('newPasswordInvalid') # Check that the admin email is unique if Company.objects.filter( email=form.cleaned_data["company_email"]).exists(): errors.append('companyRegister_companyEmailNotUnique') # Check that the admin email is unique if not is_email_unique(form.cleaned_data["admin_email"]): errors.append('companyRegister_adminEmailNotUnique') # Check that the CIF is unique if not is_cif_unique(form.cleaned_data["cif"]): errors.append('companyRegister_cifNotUnique') # Check that the short name is unique if get_or_none(Company, short_name=form.cleaned_data["short_name"]): errors.append('company_short_name_duplicate') # Check that the image is OK if not check_image(form, 'logo'): errors.append('company_imageNotValid') if not form.cleaned_data["terms_agree"]: errors.append("agree_terms_error") if not errors: # process the data in form.cleaned_data as required # ... # redirect to a new URL: company = create_company(form) administrator = register_administrator(form, company) # This sends an information email to the company and to the admin current_site = get_current_site(request) site_name = domain = current_site.domain use_https = True context = { 'domain': domain, 'site_name': site_name, 'admin': administrator, 'company': company.short_name, 'protocol': 'https' if use_https else 'http', 'html': True } send_mail('Metronus Info.', email_template_name, [,], html_email_template_name, context) # Login the administrator and send him to the dashboard logged_user = authenticate( username=form.cleaned_data['username'], password=form.cleaned_data['password']) login(request, logged_user) return HttpResponseRedirect("/dashboard/view") else: return render(request, 'company/company_register.html', { 'form': form, 'errors': errors }) # if a GET (or any other method) we'll create a blank form else: form = RegistrationForm() return render(request, 'company/company_register.html', {'form': form})