def key_q(self): # self.message('Q disabled!!') # return filename = self.digitization_db.filename del self.digitization_db self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(orbit=self.orbit, filename=filename, load=False, verbose=True) def p(s): print(s) if not 'failed' in s.lower(): return 1 return 0 fp, td, ground, reflection = 0, 0, 0, 0 # self.message('Added new digitization') # # i = self.current_ionogram # i.threshold_data() # i.generate_binary_arrays() # self.message( i.calculate_ground_trace() ) # self.message( i.calculate_fp_local( # figure_number=self.fp_local_figure_number) ) # self.message( # i.calculate_td_cyclotron( # figure_number=self.td_cyclotron_figure_number) ) # self.message( i.calculate_reflection() ) # # i.delete_binary_arrays() # print("Quality factor = ", i.quality_factor) # # if not self.current_ionogram.digitization: # self._digitization_saved = False # self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() for d in self.ionogram_list: print('-----') d.threshold_data() d.generate_binary_arrays() d.digitization = IonogramDigitization() d.digitization.time = d.time fp += p(d.calculate_fp_local()) td += p(d.calculate_td_cyclotron()) ground += p(d.calculate_ground_trace()) reflection += p(d.calculate_reflection()) d.delete_binary_arrays() d.digitization.set_timestamp() self.digitization_db.add(d.digitization) # print self.current_ionogram.time print('-----') print('Totals: FP = %d, TD = %d, ground = %d, reflection = %d' % (fp, td, ground, reflection )) self.digitization_db.write()
class AISTool(object): """docstring for AISTool""" def __init__(self, orbit=8020, debug=False, digitization_db=None, load=True, auto=True, vmin=-16.0, vmax=-11.0, mobile=False, figure_number=1, timeseries_frequency=0.3): global ais_tool_instance ais_tool_instance = super(AISTool, self).__init__() # A few basic parameters self.status = None self.current_ionogram = None self.debug = debug self.orbit = None self.browsing = False self.minimum_interaction_mode = False self._initial_digitization_db = digitization_db self._digitization_saved = False self.load = load = auto self.ionospheric_model = celsius.mars.Morgan2008ChapmanLayer() np.seterr(all='ignore') self.params = dict(auto_refine=False, substitute_fp=ais.ne_to_fp(4.)) self._bad_keypress = False self._messages = [] self._message_counter = 0 plt.set_cmap('viridis') self.selected_plasma_lines = [] self.selected_cyclotron_lines = [] self.timeseries_frequency = timeseries_frequency self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax mex.check_spice_furnsh() # Set up the figure # self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) figsize = (20, 12) if mobile: figsize = (17, 8) plt.close(figure_number) self.figure = plt.figure(figure_number, figsize=figsize, facecolor='0.6') g = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(6, 2, width_ratios=[1,0.34], height_ratios=[0.001, 0.001, 7,5,2,16], wspace=0.16, hspace=0.1, left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.95) # self.stat_ax = plt.subplot(g[0,:]) # self.traj_ax = plt.subplot(g[1,:]) self.tser_ax = plt.subplot(g[2,:]) self.freq_ax = plt.subplot(g[3,:]) self.ig_ax = plt.subplot(g[5,0]) self.ne_ax = plt.subplot(g[5,1]) self.cbar_ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.45, 0.04, 0.3, 0.01]) # self.fp_local_figure_number = figure_number + 1 # self.td_cyclotron_figure_number = figure_number + 2 self.fp_local_figure_number = False self.td_cyclotron_figure_number = False self.stored_color = 'white' self.interactive_color = 'red' # All the connections get set up: self.cids = [] self.cids.append(self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keypress)) self.cids.append(self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)) self.cids.append(self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_release)) self.cids.append(self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move)) self.cids.append(self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll)) self.message("Initialized") self.set_orbit(orbit) self.update() def message(self, m): if not m: return print('>> '+ m) self._messages.append(str(m)) if len(self._messages) > 6: self._messages = self._messages[-6:] self._message_counter += 1 def disconnect(self): for c in self.cids: self.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(c) self.cids = [] def set_orbit(self, orbit, strict=True): orbit = int(orbit) print('-----------------\nSetting orbit = %d' % orbit) # Now the "science" successfully = False attempts = 0 while not successfully: new_ionogram_list = [] try: new_ionogram_list = ais.read_ais(orbit) new_orbit = orbit break except IOError as e: print('No data available for orbit %d' % orbit) if strict or attempts > 10: raise mex.MEXException("Orbit not found - no data, missing file, or some other bollocks.") orbit = orbit - (self.orbit - orbit) / abs(self.orbit - orbit) attempts = attempts + 1 self.ionogram_list = new_ionogram_list self.orbit = new_orbit new_data = [] for i in self.ionogram_list: i.interpolate_frequencies() # for i in range(len(self.ionogram_list) - 2): # if i == 0: continue # new_data.append( np.mean( # np.dstack([ for ig in self.ionogram_list[i:i+2]]), 2)) # if new_data: # for i in range(len(new_data)): # self.ionogram_list[i].data = new_data[i] # If the user specified one, load it, else get the default for the orbit if self.load: if self._initial_digitization_db: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB( filename=self._initial_digitization_db, verbose=True) else: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(orbit=self.orbit) self._digitization_saved = True else: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(load=False) self._digitization_saved = False # Now we do some processing, generate a data cube for the orbit # and generate the timeseries self.ionogram_list[0].interpolate_frequencies() no_linear_frequencies = self.ionogram_list[0].data.shape[1] self.extent = (self.ionogram_list[0].time, self.ionogram_list[-1].time, min(self.ionogram_list[0].frequencies) / 1.0E6, max(self.ionogram_list[0].frequencies) / 1.0E6) no_ionograms_expected = ((self.extent[1] - self.extent[0]) / ais.ais_spacing_seconds + 1) no_ionograms_expected = int(round(no_ionograms_expected)) self.tser_arr_all = np.empty((ais.ais_number_of_delays, no_linear_frequencies, no_ionograms_expected)) if self.debug: print('Creating data cube (filling empties)') print('Expected number of ionograms = %d, found = %d' % ( no_ionograms_expected,len(self.ionogram_list))) ilast = None empty_count = 0 for i, ig in enumerate(self.ionogram_list): ignum = int( round((ig.time - self.extent[0]) / ais.ais_spacing_seconds )) if ignum > no_ionograms_expected: raise mex.MEXException("Out of range %d, %d, %d" % (len(self.ionogram_list), ignum, no_ionograms_expected)) ig.interpolate_frequencies() self.tser_arr_all[:,:,ignum] = if ilast is not None: if (ignum != (ilast + 1)): empty_count += 1 self.tser_arr_all[:,:,ilast+1:ignum-1] = -9E99 ilast = ignum if empty_count: print('Found %d empty ionograms / missing data' % empty_count) # Hold the update for now self.set_ionogram(self.ionogram_list[0], update=False) errs = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') self.tser_arr = np.log10(np.mean(self.tser_arr_all[::-1,:, :], axis=0)) self.tser_arr_all = np.log10(self.tser_arr_all) np.seterr(**errs) # Trajectory info self.trajectory = {} self.trajectory['t'] = np.arange(self.extent[0], self.extent[1], 60.) pos = mex.iau_mars_position(self.trajectory['t']) self.trajectory['pos'] = pos / mex.mars_mean_radius_km self.message("Set orbit to %d" % self.orbit) self.status = None self.update() return self def set_ionogram(self, ionogram, update=True, auto=None): if auto is None: auto = if not isinstance(ionogram, ais.Ionogram): if isinstance(ionogram, str): if ionogram.lower() == 'next': ig_inc = 1 elif ionogram.lower() == 'previous': ig_inc = -1 else: ig_inc = ionogram for i, ig in enumerate(self.ionogram_list): if ig is self.current_ionogram: if ((i + ig_inc) > 0) and ((i + ig_inc) < len(self.ionogram_list)): ionogram = self.ionogram_list[i+ig_inc] else: self.set_orbit(self.orbit + int(ig_inc / abs(ig_inc)), strict=False) if ionogram is not self.current_ionogram: if not self.digitization_saved(): # print "Current digitization not saved" self.save_current_digitization() self.current_ionogram = ionogram plt.close(self.fp_local_figure_number) plt.close(self.td_cyclotron_figure_number) # Try to load from DB, otherwise set up an empty one: dig = self.digitization_db.get_nearest(ionogram.time) self.current_ionogram.digitization = dig # if self.debug: print 'Found %d digitizations' % len(dig) if not dig: dig = IonogramDigitization() dig.time = self.current_ionogram.time self.current_ionogram.digitization = dig if auto: self.auto_fit(update=update) self._digitization_saved = False else: # We loaded something, fresh from the DB and therefore: self._digitization_saved = True self.selected_plasma_lines = [] self.selected_cyclotron_lines = [] plt.cla() plt.cla() ig_index = 0 test_ig = self.ionogram_list[0] while test_ig != self.current_ionogram: ig_index += 1 test_ig = self.ionogram_list[ig_index] self.message("Set ionogram to %s [%d/%d]" % ( celsius.utcstr(1. * self.current_ionogram.time, format='C'), ig_index, len(self.ionogram_list))) if update: self.set_status(None) self.update() return self def on_click(self, event): # if self.debug: print 'on_click if event.inaxes == self.ig_ax: if (self.status is None): return elif self.status == 'tracing': self.status = 'go_tracing' self.traced_delays = [] self.traced_frequencies = [] self.traced_delays.append(event.ydata) self.traced_frequencies.append(event.xdata) self.message('Started tracing...') elif self.status == 'plasma_lines': self.selected_plasma_lines.append(event.xdata) if len(self.selected_plasma_lines) >= 1: arr = np.array(self.selected_plasma_lines, ndmin=1) # arr = np.sort(arr) self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_fp_local_manual( arr * 1.0E6) self._digitization_saved = False self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() self.message('Selected Plas. Line. @ %f MHz, Morph Fp_local = %f MHz' % (event.xdata, self.current_ionogram.digitization.fp_local/1E6)) self.update() elif self.status == 'cyclotron_lines': self.selected_cyclotron_lines.append(event.ydata) if len(self.selected_cyclotron_lines) > 0: arr = np.array(self.selected_cyclotron_lines) arr = np.abs(np.diff(np.sort(np.hstack((0.0, arr))))) # print 'SETTING CYCLOTRONS:' # print np.mean(arr) / 1.0E3, np.std(arr) / 1.0E3 # print ais.td_to_modb(np.mean(arr) / 1.0E3) * 1E9, ais.td_to_modb(np.std(arr) / 1.0E3) * 1E9 self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_cyclotron( np.mean(arr) / 1.0E3, np.std(arr) / 1.0E3, selected_t=self.selected_cyclotron_lines, method='MANUAL') self._digitization_saved = False self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() self.message('Selected a cyclotron line') self.update() elif self.status == 'ground': # Could refine this self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_ground(event.ydata / 1.0E3) self._digitization_saved = False self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() self.set_status(None) self.message('Selected the ground line') self.update() elif self.status == 'editing': pass # select nearest point elif self.status == 'pick_frequency': self.timeseries_frequency = event.xdata self.status = None self.message('Changed frequency to %f MHz' % event.xdata) self.update() if event.inaxes == self.tser_ax: if self.status == None: # Get nearest ionogram from self.timeseries for i in self.ionogram_list: if i.time > event.xdata: new_ionogram = i self.set_ionogram(new_ionogram) self.update() break elif self.status == 'pick_frequency': self.timeseries_frequency = event.ydata self.status = None self.message('Changed frequency to %f MHz' % event.xdata) self.update() if event.inaxes == self.freq_ax: if self.status == None: # Get nearest ionogram from self.timeseries for i in self.ionogram_list: if i.time > event.xdata: new_ionogram = i self.set_ionogram(new_ionogram) self.update() break def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.ig_ax: if (self.status is None): return if self.status == 'go_tracing': self.traced_delays.append(event.ydata) self.traced_frequencies.append(event.xdata) if plt.gca() != self.ig_ax: if len(self.traced_delays) > 2: plt.plot(self.traced_frequencies[-2:], self.traced_delays[-2:], color=self.interactive_color) self.figure.canvas.draw() elif self.status == 'plasma_lines': pass # do nothing - we're clicking per line elif self.status == 'cyclotron_lines': pass # do nothing - we're clicking per line elif self.status == 'editing': pass # do nothing - we're clicking per line def on_release(self, event): # if self.debug: print 'on_release' if event.inaxes == self.ig_ax: d = self.current_ionogram.digitization # Determine whether anything has changed also # Update self.ionogram_saved if (self.status is None): return if self.status == 'go_tracing': self.message('Finished tracing') if self.tracing_status_retain: self.set_status('tracing') # return to start of tracing mode else: self.set_status(None) self._digitization_saved = False d.set_trace(np.array(self.traced_delays) * 1.0E-3, np.array(self.traced_frequencies) * 1.0E6, method='MANUAL') if self.params["auto_refine"]: self.message( self.current_ionogram.refine_trace() ) # Will operate on d as well self.message("Inversion successful" if d.invert(substitute_fp=self.params['substitute_fp']) else "Inversion failed") self.update() # elif self.status == 'plasma_lines': # if self.debug and hasattr(d, 'fp_local'): # print 'FP_LOCAL = ',d.fp_local,d.fp_local_error # # elif self.status == 'cyclotron_lines': # if self.debug and hasattr(d, 'td_cyclotron'): # print 'TD_CYCLOTRON = ', d.td_cyclotron, d.td_cyclotron_error elif self.status == 'editing': pass # fix selected point to position def on_scroll(self, event): return print("SCROLL INNIT") if self.status == 'plasma_lines': fp = self.current_ionogram.digitization.fp_local if not np.isfinite(fp): self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_morphology_fp_local( 0.5e6, np.inf, 'scroll_guess') else: new_fp = (event.step * 0.005 + 1.) * fp print('SCROLL: ', fp, new_fp) self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_morphology_fp_local( new_fp, new_fp * 0.01, 'scroll' ) self.update() # elif self.status == 'cyclotron_lines': def auto_fit(self, plasma_lines=True, cyclotron_lines=True, ionosphere=True, ground=True, new_digitization=False, update=True): # self.message('AUTO_FIT disabled!!') # return if new_digitization: self.current_ionogram.digitization = IonogramDigitization() self.message('Added new digitization') i = self.current_ionogram i.threshold_data() i.generate_binary_arrays() self.message( i.calculate_ground_trace() ) self.message( i.calculate_fp_local( figure_number=self.fp_local_figure_number) ) self.message( i.calculate_td_cyclotron( figure_number=self.td_cyclotron_figure_number) ) self.message( i.calculate_reflection() ) i.delete_binary_arrays() print("Quality factor = ", i.quality_factor) if not self.current_ionogram.digitization: self._digitization_saved = False self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() # self.message('Ran automatic fit routines') if update: self.update() return self def update(self): """ This redraws the various axes """ plt.cla() if debug: print('DEBUG: Plotting ionogram...') alpha = 0.5 self.current_ionogram.interpolate_frequencies() # does nothing if not required self.current_ionogram.plot(ax=self.ig_ax, colorbar=False, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, color='white', verbose=debug, overplot_digitization=True,alpha=alpha,errors=False, overplot_model=False, overplot_expected_ne_max=True) if debug: print('DEBUG: ... done') plt.colorbar(cax=self.cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator()) plt.xlabel(r'spec. dens. / $V^2m^{-2}Hz^{-1}$') # Plasma and cyclotron lines if len(self.selected_plasma_lines) > 0: extent = plt.ylim() for v in self.selected_plasma_lines: plt.vlines(v, extent[0], extent[1], 'red',alpha=alpha) if len(self.selected_cyclotron_lines) > 0: extent = plt.xlim() for v in self.selected_cyclotron_lines: plt.hlines(v, extent[0], extent[1], 'red',alpha=alpha) f = self.current_ionogram.digitization.morphology_fp_local if np.isfinite(f): plt.vlines( np.arange(1., 5.) * f / 1E6, plt.ylim()[0], plt.ylim()[1], color='red', lw=1.,alpha=alpha) # If current digitization is invertible, do it and plot it if self.current_ionogram.digitization: if debug: print('DEBUG: Inverting, computing model...') d = self.current_ionogram.digitization plt.cla() if d.is_invertible(): winning = d.invert() if winning & np.all(d.density > 0.) & np.all(d.altitude > 0.): plt.plot(d.density, d.altitude, color='k') plt.xlim(5.E1, 5E5) plt.ylim(0,499) alt = np.arange(0., 499., 5.) if self.current_ionogram.sza < 89.9: plt.plot(self.ionospheric_model(alt, np.deg2rad(self.current_ionogram.sza)), alt, color='green') plt.grid() plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$n_e / cm^{-3}$') plt.ylabel('alt. / km') fname = self.digitization_db.filename if len(fname) > 30: fname = fname[:10] + '...' + fname[-20:] plt.title('Database: ' + fname) if debug: print('DEBUG: Plotting timeseries....') # Timeseries integrated bar plt.cla() plt.imshow(self.tser_arr[::-1,:], vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, interpolation='Nearest', extent=self.extent, origin='upper',aspect='auto') plt.xlim(self.extent[0], self.extent[1]) plt.ylim(self.extent[2], self.extent[3]) plt.ylim(0., 5.5) plt.vlines(self.current_ionogram.time, self.extent[2], self.extent[3], self.stored_color) plt.hlines(self.timeseries_frequency, self.extent[0], self.extent[1], self.stored_color, 'dashed') plt.ylabel('f / MHz') # Frequency bar plt.cla() freq_extent = (self.extent[0], self.extent[1], ais.ais_max_delay*1E3, ais.ais_min_delay*1E3) inx = 1.0E6 * (self.current_ionogram.frequencies.shape[0] * self.timeseries_frequency) /\ (self.current_ionogram.frequencies[-1] - self.current_ionogram.frequencies[0]) self._freq_bar_data = self.tser_arr_all[:,int(inx),:] plt.imshow(self.tser_arr_all[:,int(inx),:], vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, interpolation='Nearest', extent=freq_extent, origin='upper',aspect='auto') plt.xlim(freq_extent[0], freq_extent[1]) plt.ylim(freq_extent[2], freq_extent[3]) plt.vlines(self.current_ionogram.time, freq_extent[2],freq_extent[3], self.stored_color) plt.ylabel(r'$\tau_D / ms$') title = "AISTool v%s, Orbit = %d, Ionogram=%s " % (__version__, self.orbit, celsius.spiceet_to_utcstr(self.current_ionogram.time, fmt='C')) if self.browsing: title += '[Browsing] ' if self.minimum_interaction_mode: title += '[Quick] ' if self._digitization_saved == False: title += 'UNSAVED ' if self.get_status() is not None: title += '[Status = %s] ' % self.get_status() pos, sza = mex.mso_r_lat_lon_position(float(self.current_ionogram.time), sza=True) title += '\nMSO: Altitude = %.1f km, Elevation = %.1f, Azimuth = %.1f deg, SZA = %.1f' % (pos[0] - mex.mars_mean_radius_km, mex.modpos(pos[1]), mex.modpos(pos[2]), sza) pos = mex.iau_pgr_alt_lat_lon_position(float(self.current_ionogram.time)) title += '\nIAU: Altitude = %.1f km, Latitude = %.1f, Longitude = %.1f deg' % ( pos[0], pos[1], mex.modpos(pos[2])) plt.title(title) # Message history: if len(self._messages): txt = '' for i, s in enumerate(self._messages): txt += str(i + self._message_counter) + ': ' + s + '\n' plt.annotate(txt, (0.05, 0.995), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top') # Axis formatters need redoing after each cla() nf = mpl.ticker.NullFormatter loc_f = celsius.SpiceetLocator() loc_t = celsius.SpiceetLocator() self.freq_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(celsius.SpiceetFormatter(loc_f)) self.tser_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nf()) self.freq_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc_f) self.tser_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc_t) if debug: print('DEBUG: drawing...') self.figure.canvas.draw() return self def set_status(self, status=None): if status in ['tracing', 'plasma_lines', 'cyclotron_lines', 'editing', 'orbit', 'pick_frequency', 'ground', None]: self.status = status else: raise mex.MEXException("Bad status") return self def get_status(self): return self.status def digitization_saved(self): if self.browsing: # print 'browsing' return True if self.current_ionogram is None: # print 'ig none' return True # if self.current_ionogram.digitization: # # print 'len 0' # if self.debug: print "Shouldn't have a 0 length list of digitizations" # return False if not self.current_ionogram.digitization in self.digitization_db: # print 'is empty?' return self.current_ionogram.digitization is False return self._digitization_saved def save_current_digitization(self): if self._digitization_saved and self.debug: print("Already saved, apparently, but we'll try again anyway") if self.digitization_db is not None: if self.current_ionogram.digitization: try: self.digitization_db.add( self.current_ionogram.digitization ) self.digitization_db.write() self._digitization_saved = True self.message("Saved digitizations") except mex.MEXException as e: print("Save not successful: " + str(e)) self.message("SAVE UNSUCCESSFUL!") else: raise mex.MEXException("No digitization database loaded") return self def on_keypress(self, event): """AISTool key table: (# at the end = not implemented yet) r: reload selected ionogram - warn if changed # s: save selected ionogram trace etc (non - destructive, as we're adding a new version) n = r arrow = space: next ionogram in series (warn if changed) p = l arrow: previous ionogram in series (..) b: browse mode - don't check saved state on changing ionograms u: force an update of the display o: change orbit - next keys should be one of n/p for next/previous, or 4 digits for an orbit number a: auto fit trace, plasma, cyclotron, ground position * plasma and cyclotron lines are implemented, ground and trace aren't yet w: manual plasma freq (click adjacent lines, w again to stop) c: manual cyclotron freq (click adjacent lines, c again to stop) t: manual trace ionogram (draw near trace, release, peak fitting is then done) e: edit trace # f: pick a frequency for the constant-frequency plot g: ground level h: help dialog # i: print info on ionogram, digitization d: add a new empty digitization z,x: show previous, next plasma, cyclotron and traces on top of current# enter: step through plasma lines, trace, cyclotron, ground, save, next using the minimum possible interaction q: process the whole orbit!! """ ignore_keys = ['`'] if event.key: if event.key in ignore_keys: return if event.key == ' ': event.key = 'enter' if self.status != 'orbit': f = getattr(self, 'key_' + event.key, None) if f: if self.minimum_interaction_mode and (not event.key in \ ['enter', 'n','right']): self.minimum_interaction_mode = False self.set_status(None) f() self._bad_keypress = False self.update() else: print('You pressed: ' + event.key) if self._bad_keypress: print(self.on_keypress.__doc__) else: print("Don't be such a prat.") self._bad_keypress = True elif self.status == 'orbit': if event.key == 'n': if self.debug: print('Loading next orbit') self.set_orbit(self.orbit + 1, strict=False) self.set_status(None) return if event.key == 'p': if self.debug: print('Loading previous orbit') self.set_orbit(self.orbit - 1, strict=False) self.set_status(None) return if event.key in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']: self.new_orbit.append(event.key) else: print("Didn't recognise the orbit number (%s) - n = next, p = previous, otherwise 5 digits" % (''.join(self.new_orbit))) self.set_status(None) if len(self.new_orbit) == 5: self.set_status(None) self.set_orbit(int(''.join(self.new_orbit)), strict=False) return def key_t(self, retain=False): self.tracing_status_retain = retain if retain and self.status == 'tracing': self.set_status(None) return self.set_status('tracing') def key_w(self): if self.status == 'plasma_lines': self.set_status(None) # if self.debug: print 'Starting plasma lines' else: self.set_status('plasma_lines') self.selected_plasma_lines = [] self.update() def key_c(self): if self.status == 'cyclotron_lines': self.set_status(None) else: # if self.debug: print 'Starting cyclotron lines' self.set_status('cyclotron_lines') self.selected_cyclotron_lines = [] self.update() def key_o(self): self.status = 'orbit' self.new_orbit = [] def key_n(self): self.set_ionogram('next') def key_p(self): self.set_ionogram('previous') def key_1(self): if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, "_cyc_data"): self.current_ionogram.generate_binary_arrays() if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, '_old_data'): self.current_ionogram._old_data = = 10.** (self.current_ionogram._cyc_data * (self.vmax-self.vmin) + self.vmin) self.update() def key_2(self): if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, "_ion_data"): self.current_ionogram.generate_binary_arrays() if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, '_old_data'): self.current_ionogram._old_data = = 10.** (self.current_ionogram._ion_data * (self.vmax-self.vmin) + self.vmin) self.update() def key_3(self): if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, "_fp_data"): self.current_ionogram.generate_binary_arrays() if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, '_old_data'): self.current_ionogram._old_data = = 10.** (self.current_ionogram._fp_data * (self.vmax-self.vmin) + self.vmin) # d = celsius.remove_none_edge_intersecting(self.current_ionogram._fp_data, 2) # = 10.** (d * (self.vmax-self.vmin) + self.vmin) # = self.current_ionogram._fp_data self.update() def key_4(self): if hasattr(self.current_ionogram, '_old_data'): = self.current_ionogram._old_data del self.current_ionogram._old_data self.update() def key_5(self): if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, "thresholded_data"): self.current_ionogram.threshold_data() if not hasattr(self.current_ionogram, '_old_data'): self.current_ionogram._old_data = # s = np.zeros((10,2)) # s[:,1] = 1 # = morphology.binary_hit_or_miss(self.current_ionogram.thresholded_data, s) = self.current_ionogram.thresholded_data def key_q(self): # self.message('Q disabled!!') # return filename = self.digitization_db.filename del self.digitization_db self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(orbit=self.orbit, filename=filename, load=False, verbose=True) def p(s): print(s) if not 'failed' in s.lower(): return 1 return 0 fp, td, ground, reflection = 0, 0, 0, 0 # self.message('Added new digitization') # # i = self.current_ionogram # i.threshold_data() # i.generate_binary_arrays() # self.message( i.calculate_ground_trace() ) # self.message( i.calculate_fp_local( # figure_number=self.fp_local_figure_number) ) # self.message( # i.calculate_td_cyclotron( # figure_number=self.td_cyclotron_figure_number) ) # self.message( i.calculate_reflection() ) # # i.delete_binary_arrays() # print("Quality factor = ", i.quality_factor) # # if not self.current_ionogram.digitization: # self._digitization_saved = False # self.current_ionogram.digitization.set_timestamp() for d in self.ionogram_list: print('-----') d.threshold_data() d.generate_binary_arrays() d.digitization = IonogramDigitization() d.digitization.time = d.time fp += p(d.calculate_fp_local()) td += p(d.calculate_td_cyclotron()) ground += p(d.calculate_ground_trace()) reflection += p(d.calculate_reflection()) d.delete_binary_arrays() d.digitization.set_timestamp() self.digitization_db.add(d.digitization) # print self.current_ionogram.time print('-----') print('Totals: FP = %d, TD = %d, ground = %d, reflection = %d' % (fp, td, ground, reflection )) self.digitization_db.write() def key_f(self): if self.get_status() is not None: if self.debug: print('Waiting for status None') else: self.status = 'pick_frequency' def key_s(self): self.save_current_digitization() def key_u(self): self.update() def key_right(self): self.key_n() def key_left(self): self.key_p() def key_b(self): self.browsing = not self.browsing def key_a(self): self.auto_fit() def key_g(self): self.set_status('ground') def key_h(self): if hasattr(self, '_histogram_figure_number'): plt.figure(self._histogram_figure_number) plt.clf() else: fig = plt.figure() self._histogram_figure_number = fig.number plt.hist(np.log10(, bins=np.arange(-25.,-9.,0.1) - 0.05, fc='none') def key_d(self): self.current_ionogram.digitization = IonogramDigitization(self.current_ionogram) self._digitization_saved = False def key_m(self): # Toggle on/off self.minimum_interaction_mode = not self.minimum_interaction_mode print("Minimum interaction mode = %s" % self.minimum_interaction_mode) if self.minimum_interaction_mode: self.minimum_interaction_mode_counter = 0 self.key_enter() else: self.minimum_interaction_mode_counter = -1 def key_enter(self): if not self.minimum_interaction_mode: self.minimum_interaction_mode_counter = 0 self.minimum_interaction_mode = True mic = self.minimum_interaction_mode_counter if mic == 0: # Just started this mode if ~np.isfinite(self.current_ionogram.digitization.fp_local): self.auto_fit() self.key_w() elif mic == 1: # Done plasma lines, start tracing self.key_w() self.key_t(retain=False) elif mic == 2: # Done tracing, start cyclotron # self.key_t(retain=False) self.key_c() # elif mic == 3: # Done cycltron, start ground # self.key_c() # self.key_g() elif mic == 3: # Done ground, save and next, set mic = 0 self.key_c() self.key_s() try: self.key_n() self.key_w() except mex.MEXException as e: print("Caught an exception: " + str(e)) finally: self.key_d() if ~np.isfinite(self.current_ionogram.digitization.fp_local): self.auto_fit() else: raise mex.MEXException( "minimum_interaction_mode_counter should be between 0 and 5") mic = mic + 1 if mic > 3: mic = 1 self.minimum_interaction_mode_counter = mic return self def key_space(self): self.key_n() def key_0(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) self.current_ionogram.plot(ax=ax, overplot_digitization=False, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, overplot_model=False) fname = 'Ionogram-O%d_%s.png' % (mex.orbits[float(self.current_ionogram.time)].number, celsius.spiceet_to_utcstr(self.current_ionogram.time, fmt='C')) plt.title(celsius.spiceet_to_utcstr(self.current_ionogram.time, fmt='C')) plt.savefig(fname.replace(':','')) plt.close(fig) def key_r(self): self.message( self.current_ionogram.refine_trace() ) # Will operate on d as well def key_i(self): print('----------------') print('Current ionogram:') print(self.current_ionogram) print('') print('Working digitization:') print(self.current_ionogram.digitization) print('----------------') def key_v(self): self.key_s() mex.ais.aisreview.main(self.orbit, fname=self.digitization_db.filename, close=False, along_orbit=True, save=True, figurename='tmp.pdf')
def set_orbit(self, orbit, strict=True): orbit = int(orbit) print('-----------------\nSetting orbit = %d' % orbit) # Now the "science" successfully = False attempts = 0 while not successfully: new_ionogram_list = [] try: new_ionogram_list = ais.read_ais(orbit) new_orbit = orbit break except IOError as e: print('No data available for orbit %d' % orbit) if strict or attempts > 10: raise mex.MEXException("Orbit not found - no data, missing file, or some other bollocks.") orbit = orbit - (self.orbit - orbit) / abs(self.orbit - orbit) attempts = attempts + 1 self.ionogram_list = new_ionogram_list self.orbit = new_orbit new_data = [] for i in self.ionogram_list: i.interpolate_frequencies() # for i in range(len(self.ionogram_list) - 2): # if i == 0: continue # new_data.append( np.mean( # np.dstack([ for ig in self.ionogram_list[i:i+2]]), 2)) # if new_data: # for i in range(len(new_data)): # self.ionogram_list[i].data = new_data[i] # If the user specified one, load it, else get the default for the orbit if self.load: if self._initial_digitization_db: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB( filename=self._initial_digitization_db, verbose=True) else: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(orbit=self.orbit) self._digitization_saved = True else: self.digitization_db = DigitizationDB(load=False) self._digitization_saved = False # Now we do some processing, generate a data cube for the orbit # and generate the timeseries self.ionogram_list[0].interpolate_frequencies() no_linear_frequencies = self.ionogram_list[0].data.shape[1] self.extent = (self.ionogram_list[0].time, self.ionogram_list[-1].time, min(self.ionogram_list[0].frequencies) / 1.0E6, max(self.ionogram_list[0].frequencies) / 1.0E6) no_ionograms_expected = ((self.extent[1] - self.extent[0]) / ais.ais_spacing_seconds + 1) no_ionograms_expected = int(round(no_ionograms_expected)) self.tser_arr_all = np.empty((ais.ais_number_of_delays, no_linear_frequencies, no_ionograms_expected)) if self.debug: print('Creating data cube (filling empties)') print('Expected number of ionograms = %d, found = %d' % ( no_ionograms_expected,len(self.ionogram_list))) ilast = None empty_count = 0 for i, ig in enumerate(self.ionogram_list): ignum = int( round((ig.time - self.extent[0]) / ais.ais_spacing_seconds )) if ignum > no_ionograms_expected: raise mex.MEXException("Out of range %d, %d, %d" % (len(self.ionogram_list), ignum, no_ionograms_expected)) ig.interpolate_frequencies() self.tser_arr_all[:,:,ignum] = if ilast is not None: if (ignum != (ilast + 1)): empty_count += 1 self.tser_arr_all[:,:,ilast+1:ignum-1] = -9E99 ilast = ignum if empty_count: print('Found %d empty ionograms / missing data' % empty_count) # Hold the update for now self.set_ionogram(self.ionogram_list[0], update=False) errs = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') self.tser_arr = np.log10(np.mean(self.tser_arr_all[::-1,:, :], axis=0)) self.tser_arr_all = np.log10(self.tser_arr_all) np.seterr(**errs) # Trajectory info self.trajectory = {} self.trajectory['t'] = np.arange(self.extent[0], self.extent[1], 60.) pos = mex.iau_mars_position(self.trajectory['t']) self.trajectory['pos'] = pos / mex.mars_mean_radius_km self.message("Set orbit to %d" % self.orbit) self.status = None self.update() return self