コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        Clipboard object constructor

        clipbardObject <- Clipboard()
        self.maas = []
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        Clipboard object constructor

        clipbardObject <- Clipboard()
        self.maas = []
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):

        self.maas = [] # will hold the list of [MAA, position] pairs
        self.currentFrame = 0
        self.endFrame = 0  # frame after the last frame for which there is a value
        self.maxFrame = 0

        # these are used internally
        self.moveForward = True # truwe when palying forward
        self.needsRedraw = False
        self.redrawActors = {} # {Viewer Object: RedrawActor}
コード例 #4
ファイル: director.py プロジェクト: lisarosalina/App
    def __init__(self):

        self.maas = []  # will hold the list of [MAA, position] pairs
        self.currentFrame = 0
        self.endFrame = 0  # frame after the last frame for which there is a value
        self.maxFrame = 0

        # these are used internally
        self.moveForward = True  # truwe when palying forward
        self.needsRedraw = False
        self.redrawActors = {}  # {Viewer Object: RedrawActor}
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self,
        """Tree( master, root, idleRedraw=True, kw = {}, **opts)
- Master can be a Tk frame in which the tree is displayed
- root has to be a Node object
- iconsManageer has to be an instance of an IconManager object or None.
If None is passed, an IconManager with the default icons directory will be
created.  If an IconManager is passed we expect to find ...
- selection mode cane be 'single' or 'multiple'. In multiple mode, the shift
modifier is use to select/deselect ranges (ranges can only be defined on
sibling nodes) and the Control modifier is used to add/remove to the current
selection.  Node are selected by click withthe left mouse button on the node's
label or icon.
- Set idleRedraw to False to disable background drawing.
- nodeHeight is the heigh of a node int he Tree in pixels
- kw can contain any keywork allowable for a Pmw.ScrolledCanvas
        assert isinstance(root, Node)
        assert selectionMode in ['single', 'multiple']


        self.master = master

        self.selectionMode = selectionMode
        self.lastPickedNode = None

        self.idleRedraw = idleRedraw  # when set to true redraw operation
        # occur when CPU is idle

        if iconsManager is None:
            iconsManager = IconsManager(
                ['gui', 'BasicWidgets', 'Tk', 'trees', 'Icons'], 'mglutil')

        assert isinstance(iconsManager, IconsManager)
        self.iconsManager = iconsManager
        fs = self.fontSize = 10
        self.font = "Arial %d" % fs

        # cache the icons use to expand and collapse since we will
        # use them for each node
        mod = __import__('mglutil')
        packagePath = mod.__path__[0]
        path = ['gui', 'BasicWidgets', 'Tk', 'trees', 'Icons']
        directory = os.path.join(packagePath, os.path.join(*path))
        self.collapsedIcon = self.iconsManager.get("1rightarrow.png",
        self.expandedIcon = self.iconsManager.get("1downarrow.png",
        self.iconHalfWidth = self.collapsedIcon.width() / 2
        self.selectedNodes = []
        self.selectionHistory = []  # used to undo selection operations
        self.nodeHeight = nodeHeight
        self.headerHeight = headerHeight

        self.firstVisibleNodeLineNum = 0  # height of the first visible node
        # i.e. how many nodes drown above, 0 for root

        self.firstVisibleNode = root  # first node visible in window

        self.displayedNodes = [
        ]  # list of nodes having a graphical represenation
        self.pending_draw = None
        self.suspendRedraw = False

        self.root = root
        root.currenty = 0
        root.tree = ref(self)

        root.childNumber = 0
        self.nbLines = 1  # height of the tree (i.e. how many lines in canvas)

        # build the GUI
        if not kw.has_key('vscrollmode'):
            kw['vscrollmode'] = 'dynamic'
        if not kw.has_key('hscrollmode'):
            kw['hscrollmode'] = 'dynamic'
        if not kw.has_key('hull_width'):
            kw['hull_width'] = 550
        if not kw.has_key('hull_height'):
            kw['hull_height'] = 100
        if not kw.has_key('background') and not kw.has_key('bg') and \
               not kw.has_key('canvas_bg'):
            kw['canvas_bg'] = 'white'
        if not kw.has_key('usehullsize'):
            kw['usehullsize'] = 1

        self.nbLinesPerPage = (kw['hull_height'] -
                               self.headerHeight) / nodeHeight

        if not kw.has_key('yscrollincrement'):
            kw['canvas_yscrollincrement'] = nodeHeight

        kw['horizscrollbar_command'] = self.xview
        kw['vertscrollbar_command'] = self.yview
        kw['borderframe'] = 5
        #kw['canvasmargin'] = 10
        #kw['hscrollmode'] = 'none'

        apply(ScrolledCanvas.__init__, (self, master), kw)

        canvas = self.canvas = self.component('canvas')

        KeySelectable.__init__(self, canvas)
        self.ctrlModCallback = self.handleControlKey

        canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.configure_cb)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Prior>", self.pageUp)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Next>", self.pageDown)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Up>", self.lineUp)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Down>", self.lineDown)
        if os.name == 'nt':  #sys.platform == 'win32':
            canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.lineUpDown)
            canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.lineUp)
            canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.lineDown)
        canvas.bind("<Enter>", self.enter_cb)

        self.isControl = False
        self.isShift = False
        self.isAlt = False

        if widgetsOnBackWindowsCanGrabFocus is False:
            lActiveWindow = canvas.focus_get()
            if    lActiveWindow is not None \
              and ( lActiveWindow.winfo_toplevel() != canvas.winfo_toplevel() ):

コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: lisarosalina/App
        assert callable(addingMethod)
        self.targetsByName[name] = (target, addingMethod)

    def addToTarget(self, name, maa):
        target, addingMethod = self.targetsByName[name]
        addingMethod(target, maa)

_MAATargets = ScenarioMAATargets()

from mglutil.util.callback import CallBackFunction

def addTargetsToMenu(menu, maa):
    for name in _MAATargets.targetNames:
        cb = CallBackFunction(_MAATargets.addToTarget, name, maa)
        menu.add_command(label='Add to ' + name, command=cb)

# create a default clipboard object that can be shared accros applications
# using scenario

_clipboard = Clipboard()

# create an event handle for scenario events
from mglutil.events import EventHandler

_eventHandler = EventHandler()
コード例 #7
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: MolecularFlipbook/FlipbookApp
    def __init__(self, master, root, iconsManager=None, selectionMode='single',
                 idleRedraw=True, nodeHeight=15, headerHeight=30, **kw):
        """Tree( master, root, idleRedraw=True, kw = {}, **opts)
- Master can be a Tk frame in which the tree is displayed
- root has to be a Node object
- iconsManageer has to be an instance of an IconManager object or None.
If None is passed, an IconManager with the default icons directory will be
created.  If an IconManager is passed we expect to find ...
- selection mode cane be 'single' or 'multiple'. In multiple mode, the shift
modifier is use to select/deselect ranges (ranges can only be defined on
sibling nodes) and the Control modifier is used to add/remove to the current
selection.  Node are selected by click withthe left mouse button on the node's
label or icon.
- Set idleRedraw to False to disable background drawing.
- nodeHeight is the heigh of a node int he Tree in pixels
- kw can contain any keywork allowable for a Pmw.ScrolledCanvas
        assert isinstance(root, Node)
        assert selectionMode in ['single', 'multiple']


        self.master = master
        self.selectionMode = selectionMode
        self.lastPickedNode = None
        self.idleRedraw  = idleRedraw  # when set to true redraw operation
                                       # occur when CPU is idle
        if iconsManager is None:
            iconsManager = IconsManager(
                ['gui','BasicWidgets','Tk','trees','Icons'], 'mglutil')

        assert isinstance(iconsManager, IconsManager)
        self.iconsManager = iconsManager
        fs = self.fontSize = 10
        self.font = "Arial %d"%fs
        # cache the icons use to expand and collapse since we will
        # use them for each node
        mod = __import__('mglutil')
        packagePath = mod.__path__[0]
        path = ['gui','BasicWidgets','Tk','trees','Icons']
        directory = os.path.join( packagePath, os.path.join(*path))
        self.collapsedIcon  = self.iconsManager.get("1rightarrow.png",
        self.expandedIcon = self.iconsManager.get("1downarrow.png",
        self.iconHalfWidth = self.collapsedIcon.width()/2 
        self.selectedNodes = []
        self.selectionHistory = [] # used to undo selection operations
        self.nodeHeight = nodeHeight
        self.headerHeight = headerHeight
        self.firstVisibleNodeLineNum = 0 # height of the first visible node
                                # i.e. how many nodes drown above, 0 for root

        self.firstVisibleNode = root # first node visible in window
        self.displayedNodes = [] # list of nodes having a graphical represenation
        self.pending_draw = None
        self.suspendRedraw = False

        self.root = root
        root.currenty = 0
        root.tree = ref(self)

        root.childNumber = 0
        self.nbLines = 1 # height of the tree (i.e. how many lines in canvas)

        # build the GUI
        if not kw.has_key('vscrollmode'):
            kw['vscrollmode'] ='dynamic'
        if not kw.has_key('hscrollmode'):
            kw['hscrollmode'] ='dynamic'
        if not kw.has_key('hull_width'):
            kw['hull_width'] = 550
        if not kw.has_key('hull_height'):
            kw['hull_height'] = 100
        if not kw.has_key('background') and not kw.has_key('bg') and \
               not kw.has_key('canvas_bg'):
        if not kw.has_key('usehullsize'):
            kw['usehullsize'] = 1
        self.nbLinesPerPage = (kw['hull_height']-self.headerHeight) / nodeHeight

        if not kw.has_key('yscrollincrement'):
            kw['canvas_yscrollincrement'] = nodeHeight

        kw['horizscrollbar_command'] = self.xview
        kw['vertscrollbar_command'] = self.yview
        kw['borderframe'] = 5
        #kw['canvasmargin'] = 10
        #kw['hscrollmode'] = 'none'
        apply( ScrolledCanvas.__init__, (self, master), kw)

        canvas = self.canvas = self.component('canvas')

        KeySelectable.__init__(self, canvas)
        self.ctrlModCallback = self.handleControlKey

        canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.configure_cb)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Prior>", self.pageUp)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Next>", self.pageDown)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Up>", self.lineUp)
        canvas.bind("<Key-Down>", self.lineDown)
        if os.name == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32':
            canvas.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.lineUpDown)
            canvas.bind("<Button-4>", self.lineUp)
            canvas.bind("<Button-5>", self.lineDown)
        canvas.bind("<Enter>", self.enter_cb)

        self.isControl = False
        self.isShift = False
        self.isAlt = False

        if widgetsOnBackWindowsCanGrabFocus is False:
            lActiveWindow = canvas.focus_get()
            if    lActiveWindow is not None \
              and ( lActiveWindow.winfo_toplevel() != canvas.winfo_toplevel() ):

コード例 #8
ファイル: RaccoonEvents.py プロジェクト: kingdavid72/Racoon2
 def __init__(self):