def startKarrigell(self,port,karrigell_start,karrigell_init): """ start the webserver Karrigell on the port specify in input return False for failure , True for sucess """ if hasattr(self,'cmd'): del(self.cmd) print "Trying to start Karrigell on port %d"%port self.cmd = SysCmdInThread("python -u %s -P %d %s "%(karrigell_start, port,karrigell_init), hasGui=False) self.cmd.start() status = self.checkKarrigellStatus() if not status: # print try to start on another port port = port + 1 if port > 8180: self.warningMsg("Could not start Karrigell server, no port available") return False,0 else: status,port =self.startKarrigell(port,karrigell_start,karrigell_init) return status,port
def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo("AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps.") folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split('.')[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ComboBox, 'name':'FileBaseName', 'tooltip':'FileBaseName = just the name part from map files (', 'wcfg':{'label_text':"File Base Name: ", 'dropdown':1, 'scrolledlist_items':fileList, 'entryfield_value':entryfield_value, 'selectioncommand':self.selectGrid, 'labelpos':'w',} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'name':'#_of_pts', 'tooltip':'#_of_pts = number of fill points you want to use (int)', 'wcfg':{'label_text':"Number of Points:", 'labelpos':'w', 'value':'100', 'validate':{'validator':'integer'} } }) ifd.append({'name':"StartLoc", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'StartLoc':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':"Start Location"}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsX', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'X: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsY', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'Y: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsZ', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'Z: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'name':"output", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'output':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':"Output Options"}, }) ifd.append({'name':'pdbFile', 'tooltip':"""Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", 'parent':'output', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg':{'text':'Create PDB of the Final Fill', 'state':'disabled', }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) ifd.append({'name':'showProgress', 'parent':'output', 'tooltip':"""Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 0, 'wcfg':{'text':'Save Intermediate Results for Movie', 'variable':Tkinter.IntVar(), }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value[None] self.vf.setICOM(self, topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel( Atom ) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd,modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM( = None if val: if not val['FileBaseName'][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps and/or make sure \nthat they are in the current working directory." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append(val['FileBaseName'][0]) self.fileBaseName = val['FileBaseName'][0] cmdString.append(str(val['#_of_pts'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsX'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsY'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZ'])) if sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) if val['showProgress']: self.cmdTxt += " -out-progress" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val['#_of_pts'] else: self.hideGeoms()
class AutoLigandCommand(MVCommand, MVAtomICOM): "GUI for AutoLigand: extends MVCommand, overwrites guiCallback" def __init__(self, func=None): MVCommand.__init__(self, func) MVAtomICOM.__init__(self) = None self.showPlayer = False self.floodFile = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): from DejaVu.Points import CrossSet self.cross = CrossSet('Cross', materials=((1.,1.,0),), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True, offset=1.0,lineWidth=5, visible=0, pickable=0) from DejaVu.IndexedPolygons import IndexedPolygons from DejaVu.Box import Box from DejaVu.Spheres import Spheres from DejaVu import viewerConst from DejaVu.bitPatterns import patternList from opengltk.OpenGL import GL face=((0,3,2,1),(3,7,6,2),(7,4,5,6),(0,1,5,4),(1,2,6,5),(0,4,7,3)) coords=((1,1,-1),(-1,1,-1),(-1,-1,-1),(1,-1,-1),(1,1,1),(-1,1,1),(-1,-1,1),(1,-1,1)) #new style RGB-> materials=((0,0,1),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,1,0),(1,0,0),(1,0,0),) box=IndexedPolygons('Box', materials=materials, vertices=coords, faces=face, inheritMaterial=0, visible=0, protected=True) box.Set(frontPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(backPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(culling=GL.GL_NONE) box.inheritShading=0 box.shading=GL.GL_FLAT box.Set(matBind=viewerConst.PER_PART) box.polygonstipple.Set(pattern=patternList[0]) box.Set(stipplePolygons=1) box.transparent=0 = box self.spheres = Spheres('Spheres', visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.3,), protected=True) self.halo = Spheres('Halo', visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.5,), protected=True) from DejaVu.Geom import Geom AutoLigand_geoms = Geom("AutoLigand_geoms", shape=(0,0)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.cross, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.spheres, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.halo, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.grids = {} def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo("AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps.") folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split('.')[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ComboBox, 'name':'FileBaseName', 'tooltip':'FileBaseName = just the name part from map files (', 'wcfg':{'label_text':"File Base Name: ", 'dropdown':1, 'scrolledlist_items':fileList, 'entryfield_value':entryfield_value, 'selectioncommand':self.selectGrid, 'labelpos':'w',} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'name':'#_of_pts', 'tooltip':'#_of_pts = number of fill points you want to use (int)', 'wcfg':{'label_text':"Number of Points:", 'labelpos':'w', 'value':'100', 'validate':{'validator':'integer'} } }) ifd.append({'name':"StartLoc", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'StartLoc':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':"Start Location"}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsX', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'X: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsY', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'Y: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'widgetType':ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name':'gridPointsZ', 'parent':'StartLoc', 'wcfg':{'label':'Z: ', 'width':190, 'immediate':1, 'command':self.changeCross, 'entrypackcfg':{'side':'left'},}, }) ifd.append({'name':"output", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'output':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':"Output Options"}, }) ifd.append({'name':'pdbFile', 'tooltip':"""Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", 'parent':'output', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg':{'text':'Create PDB of the Final Fill', 'state':'disabled', }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) ifd.append({'name':'showProgress', 'parent':'output', 'tooltip':"""Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 0, 'wcfg':{'text':'Save Intermediate Results for Movie', 'variable':Tkinter.IntVar(), }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value[None] self.vf.setICOM(self, topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel( Atom ) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd,modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM( = None if val: if not val['FileBaseName'][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps and/or make sure \nthat they are in the current working directory." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append(val['FileBaseName'][0]) self.fileBaseName = val['FileBaseName'][0] cmdString.append(str(val['#_of_pts'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsX'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsY'])) cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZ'])) if sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) if val['showProgress']: self.cmdTxt += " -out-progress" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val['#_of_pts'] else: self.hideGeoms() def selectGrid(self, value): if not value: return lines = open(value+".maps.fld").readlines() if not lines: return for line in lines: if line.startswith("#SPACING"): spacing = float(line.split()[-1]) if line.startswith("#NELEMENTS"): tmp = line.split() dimX = int(tmp[1]) dimY = int(tmp[2]) dimZ = int(tmp[3]) if line.startswith("#CENTER"): tmp = line.split() centerX = float(tmp[1]) centerY = float(tmp[2]) centerZ = float(tmp[3]) #this variables are the same used in self.xcent = int(dimX/2) self.ycent = int(dimY/2) self.zcent = int(dimZ/2) self.centerx = centerX self.centery = centerY self.centerz = centerZ self.spacing = spacing c = [centerX,centerY,centerZ] xlen = round(spacing*dimX, 4) ylen = round(spacing*dimY, 4) zlen = round(spacing*dimZ, 4) self.minX = c[0]-xlen*0.5 self.maxX = c[0]+xlen*0.5 if self.grids.has_key(value): centerX = self.grids[value][0] centerY = self.grids[value][1] centerZ = self.grids[value][2] self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].configure(minval=self.minX, maxval=self.maxX, ) self.minY = c[1]-ylen*0.5 self.maxY = c[1]+ylen*0.5 self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].configure(minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY, ) self.minZ = c[2]-zlen*0.5 self.maxZ = c[2]+zlen*0.5 self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].configure(minval=self.minZ, maxval=self.maxZ, ) self.cross.Set(vertices=((centerX,centerY,centerZ),)) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].set(centerX) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].set(centerY) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].set(centerZ) pts = [ (self.maxX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.maxZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.maxZ) ] self.cross.Set(visible=1)[:] = pts self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Normalize_cb() self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def changeCross(self, val): centerX = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].get() centerY = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].get() centerZ = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].get() grid = self.ifd.entryByName['FileBaseName']['widget'].get() if grid: self.grids[grid] = [centerX,centerY,centerZ] self.cross.Set(visible=1) self.cross.Set(vertices=((centerX,centerY,centerZ),)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def checkResults(self): """Checks the queue for results until we get one""" if self.cmd.ok.configure()['state'][-1] == 'normal': if self.showPlayer: self.openPklData() else: molName = "FILL_"+str(self.N_of_pts)+"out1" if os.path.exists(molName+".pdb"): self.vf.readMolecule(molName+".pdb") self.vf.displaySticksAndBalls(molName, cradius=0.0, sticksBallsLicorice="Sticks and Balls") self.vf.displayLines(molName, negate=True, displayBO=False) self.vf.colorByAtomType(molName, ['sticks', 'balls']) self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(2050, self.hideGeoms) return self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(100, self.checkResults) def hideGeoms(self): self.cross.Set(visible=0) self.spheres.Set(visible=0) self.halo.Set(visible=0) def __call__(self, atom, **kw): if not atom: return 'ERROR' atoms = self.vf.expandNodes(atom) if not atoms: return 'ERROR' atoms = atoms.findType(Atom) if not atoms: return 'ERROR' apply( self.doitWrapper, (atoms,), kw) def doit(self, atoms=None): if len(atoms)==0: return atom = atoms[0] if self.minX < atom.coords[0] > self.maxX: return if self.minY < atom.coords[1] > self.maxY: return if self.minZ < atom.coords[2] > self.maxZ: return self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].set(atom.coords[0]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].set(atom.coords[1]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].set(atom.coords[2]) self.cross.Set(visible=1) self.cross.Set(vertices=((atom.coords[0], atom.coords[1], atom.coords[2]),)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def openPklData(self): self.vf.AutoLigandMovieCommand(self.fileBaseName+'_flood.pkl')
def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps." ) folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split('.')[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append({ 'name': "fileName", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'fileName': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Base Name for Receptor Map Files" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'name': 'FileBaseName', 'parent': 'fileName', 'tooltip': 'FileBaseName = Just the name part from map files (i.e.,', 'wcfg': { 'dropdown': 1, 'scrolledlist_items': fileList, 'entryfield_value': entryfield_value, 'selectioncommand': self.selectGrid, 'labelpos': 'w', } }) ifd.append({ 'name': "nGroup", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'nGroup': 'w.interior()' }, 'tooltip': 'Number of heavy atom for ligand or number of fill points to use.', 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Number of " }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.RadioSelect, 'parent': 'nGroup', 'name': 'type', 'defaultValue': 'Points', 'listtext': ["Heavy Atoms", "Points"], }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': 'nGroup', 'name': 'number', 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'value': '100', 'validate': { 'validator': 'integer' } } }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.NoteBook, 'name': 'autoligandNotebook', 'container': { 'Single Fill': "'Single Fill')", 'Connected Fill': "'Connected Fill')", 'Scan': "'Scan')" }, 'componentcfg': [ { 'name': 'Single Fill', 'cfg': {} }, { 'name': 'Connected Fill', 'cfg': {} }, { 'name': 'Scan', 'cfg': {} }, # {'raisecommand':self.pageChanged} ], 'wcfg': { 'raisecommand': self.pageChanged }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' }, }) #Single Fill ifd.append({ 'name': "StartLoc", 'parent': 'Single Fill', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'StartLoc': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Start Location" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsX', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'X: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsY', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Y: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsZ', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Z: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'name': "output", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'parent': 'Single Fill', 'container': { 'output': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Output Options" }, }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'pdbFile', 'tooltip': """Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", 'parent': 'output', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Create PDB of the Final Fill', 'state': 'disabled', }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'showProgress', 'parent': 'output', 'tooltip': """Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 0, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Save Intermediate Results for Movie', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar(), }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) #Connected Fill ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'name': 'label', 'parent': 'Connected Fill', 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Select End Location for Connected Fill' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': "EndLoc", 'parent': 'Connected Fill', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'EndLoc': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "End Location" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsXEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'X: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsYEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Y: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsZEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Z: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) #Connected Fill # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, # 'name':'label', # 'parent':'Scan', # 'wcfg':{'text':"""Results from the Scan mode will #be available under\n"""+os.getcwd()} # }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': 'Scan', 'name': 'nFills', 'wcfg': { 'label_text': "Number of Fills:", 'labelpos': 'w', 'value': '10', 'validate': { 'validator': 'integer' } } }) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value["Shift_L"] self.vf.setICOM(self, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel(Atom) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM(, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) = None # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if val: if not val['FileBaseName'][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps. AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return selection = self.ifd.entryByName['autoligandNotebook'][ 'widget'].getcurselection() cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append('-r') cmdString.append(val['FileBaseName'][0]) self.fileBaseName = val['FileBaseName'][0] if val['type'] == 'Points': cmdString.append('-p') cmdString.append(str(val['number'])) else: cmdString.append('-a') cmdString.append(str(val['number'])) val['number'] = 6 * int(val['number']) if selection in ['Single Fill', 'Connected Fill']: cmdString.append('-x') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsX'])) cmdString.append('-y') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsY'])) cmdString.append('-z') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZ'])) if selection == 'Connected Fill': cmdString.append('-i') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsXEnd'])) cmdString.append('-j') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsYEnd'])) cmdString.append('-k') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZEnd'])) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) if val['showProgress']: self.cmdTxt += " -m" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val['number'] elif selection == "Scan": cmdString.append('-f') cmdString.append(str(val['nFills'])) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) self.cmdTxt += ' &' #run in a background subprocess.Popen(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Success!", """AutoLigand launched successfully.""") else: self.hideGeoms()
class AutoLigandCommand(MVCommand, MVAtomICOM): "GUI for AutoLigand: extends MVCommand, overwrites guiCallback" def __init__(self, func=None): MVCommand.__init__(self, func) MVAtomICOM.__init__(self) = None self.showPlayer = False self.floodFile = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): from DejaVu.Points import CrossSet self.startCross = CrossSet('StartCross', materials=((1., 1., 0), ), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True, offset=1.0, lineWidth=5, visible=0, pickable=0, listed=0) self.endCross = CrossSet('EndCross', materials=((0, 1, 1), ), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True, offset=1.0, lineWidth=5, visible=0, pickable=0, listed=0) from DejaVu.IndexedPolygons import IndexedPolygons from DejaVu.Box import Box from DejaVu.Spheres import Spheres from DejaVu import viewerConst from DejaVu.bitPatterns import patternList from opengltk.OpenGL import GL face = ((0, 3, 2, 1), (3, 7, 6, 2), (7, 4, 5, 6), (0, 1, 5, 4), (1, 2, 6, 5), (0, 4, 7, 3)) coords = ((1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, -1), (1, -1, -1), (1, 1, 1), (-1, 1, 1), (-1, -1, 1), (1, -1, 1)) #new style RGB-> materials = ( (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), ) box = IndexedPolygons('Box', materials=materials, vertices=coords, faces=face, inheritMaterial=0, visible=0, protected=True, listed=0) box.Set(frontPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(backPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(culling=GL.GL_NONE) box.inheritShading = 0 box.shading = GL.GL_FLAT box.Set(matBind=viewerConst.PER_PART) box.polygonstipple.Set(pattern=patternList[0]) box.Set(stipplePolygons=1) box.transparent = 0 = box self.spheres = Spheres('Spheres', visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.3, ), protected=True, listed=0) self.halo = Spheres('Halo', visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.5, ), protected=True, listed=0) from DejaVu.Geom import Geom AutoLigand_geoms = Geom("AutoLigand_geoms", shape=(0, 0), listed=0) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(AutoLigand_geoms, parent=self.vf.GUI.miscGeom) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.startCross, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.endCross, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.spheres, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.halo, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.grids = {} self.vf.showCitation.citations["AutoLigand"] = """ Please acknowledge the use of the AutoLigand that results in any published work, including scientific papers, films and videotapes, by citing the following reference: Harris R, Olson AJ, Goodsell DS. Proteins. (2008) 70 1506.. """ def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps." ) folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob('*.maps.fld') else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split('.')[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append({ 'name': "fileName", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'fileName': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Base Name for Receptor Map Files" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'name': 'FileBaseName', 'parent': 'fileName', 'tooltip': 'FileBaseName = Just the name part from map files (i.e.,', 'wcfg': { 'dropdown': 1, 'scrolledlist_items': fileList, 'entryfield_value': entryfield_value, 'selectioncommand': self.selectGrid, 'labelpos': 'w', } }) ifd.append({ 'name': "nGroup", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'nGroup': 'w.interior()' }, 'tooltip': 'Number of heavy atom for ligand or number of fill points to use.', 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Number of " }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.RadioSelect, 'parent': 'nGroup', 'name': 'type', 'defaultValue': 'Points', 'listtext': ["Heavy Atoms", "Points"], }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': 'nGroup', 'name': 'number', 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'value': '100', 'validate': { 'validator': 'integer' } } }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.NoteBook, 'name': 'autoligandNotebook', 'container': { 'Single Fill': "'Single Fill')", 'Connected Fill': "'Connected Fill')", 'Scan': "'Scan')" }, 'componentcfg': [ { 'name': 'Single Fill', 'cfg': {} }, { 'name': 'Connected Fill', 'cfg': {} }, { 'name': 'Scan', 'cfg': {} }, # {'raisecommand':self.pageChanged} ], 'wcfg': { 'raisecommand': self.pageChanged }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' }, }) #Single Fill ifd.append({ 'name': "StartLoc", 'parent': 'Single Fill', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'StartLoc': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Start Location" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsX', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'X: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsY', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Y: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsZ', 'parent': 'StartLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Z: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeStartCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'name': "output", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'parent': 'Single Fill', 'container': { 'output': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "Output Options" }, }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'pdbFile', 'tooltip': """Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", 'parent': 'output', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Create PDB of the Final Fill', 'state': 'disabled', }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'showProgress', 'parent': 'output', 'tooltip': """Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 0, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Save Intermediate Results for Movie', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar(), }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) #Connected Fill ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'name': 'label', 'parent': 'Connected Fill', 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Select End Location for Connected Fill' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': "EndLoc", 'parent': 'Connected Fill', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'EndLoc': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': "End Location" }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsXEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'X: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsYEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Y: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'name': 'gridPointsZEnd', 'parent': 'EndLoc', 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Z: ', 'width': 190, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.changeEndCross, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'left' }, }, }) #Connected Fill # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, # 'name':'label', # 'parent':'Scan', # 'wcfg':{'text':"""Results from the Scan mode will #be available under\n"""+os.getcwd()} # }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': 'Scan', 'name': 'nFills', 'wcfg': { 'label_text': "Number of Fills:", 'labelpos': 'w', 'value': '10', 'validate': { 'validator': 'integer' } } }) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value["Shift_L"] self.vf.setICOM(self, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel(Atom) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM(, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) = None # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if val: if not val['FileBaseName'][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps. AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return selection = self.ifd.entryByName['autoligandNotebook'][ 'widget'].getcurselection() cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append('-r') cmdString.append(val['FileBaseName'][0]) self.fileBaseName = val['FileBaseName'][0] if val['type'] == 'Points': cmdString.append('-p') cmdString.append(str(val['number'])) else: cmdString.append('-a') cmdString.append(str(val['number'])) val['number'] = 6 * int(val['number']) if selection in ['Single Fill', 'Connected Fill']: cmdString.append('-x') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsX'])) cmdString.append('-y') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsY'])) cmdString.append('-z') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZ'])) if selection == 'Connected Fill': cmdString.append('-i') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsXEnd'])) cmdString.append('-j') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsYEnd'])) cmdString.append('-k') cmdString.append(str(val['gridPointsZEnd'])) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) if val['showProgress']: self.cmdTxt += " -m" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val['number'] elif selection == "Scan": cmdString.append('-f') cmdString.append(str(val['nFills'])) if == 'nt': #sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = ' '.join(cmdString) self.cmdTxt += ' &' #run in a background subprocess.Popen(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Success!", """AutoLigand launched successfully.""") else: self.hideGeoms() def pageChanged(self, name): if name == 'Single Fill': self.startCross.Set(visible=1) elif name == 'Connected Fill': self.endCross.Set(visible=1) else: self.startCross.Set(visible=0) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) def selectGrid(self, value): if not value: return lines = open(value + ".maps.fld").readlines() if not lines: return for line in lines: if line.startswith("#SPACING"): spacing = float(line.split()[-1]) if line.startswith("#NELEMENTS"): tmp = line.split() dimX = int(tmp[1]) dimY = int(tmp[2]) dimZ = int(tmp[3]) if line.startswith("#CENTER"): tmp = line.split() centerX = float(tmp[1]) centerY = float(tmp[2]) centerZ = float(tmp[3]) #this variables are the same used in self.xcent = int(dimX / 2) self.ycent = int(dimY / 2) self.zcent = int(dimZ / 2) self.centerx = centerX self.centery = centerY self.centerz = centerZ self.spacing = spacing c = [centerX, centerY, centerZ] xlen = round(spacing * dimX, 4) ylen = round(spacing * dimY, 4) zlen = round(spacing * dimZ, 4) self.minX = c[0] - xlen * 0.5 self.maxX = c[0] + xlen * 0.5 if self.grids.has_key(value): centerX = self.grids[value][0] centerY = self.grids[value][1] centerZ = self.grids[value][2] self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minX, maxval=self.maxX, ) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsXEnd']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minX, maxval=self.maxX, ) self.minY = c[1] - ylen * 0.5 self.maxY = c[1] + ylen * 0.5 self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY, ) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsYEnd']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY, ) self.minZ = c[2] - zlen * 0.5 self.maxZ = c[2] + zlen * 0.5 self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minZ, maxval=self.maxZ, ) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZEnd']['widget'].configure( minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY, ) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ), )) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].set(centerX) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].set(centerY) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].set(centerZ) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsXEnd']['widget'].set(centerX + 12) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsYEnd']['widget'].set(centerY + 12) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZEnd']['widget'].set(centerZ + 12) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((centerX + 12, centerY + 12, centerZ + 12), )) pts = [(self.maxX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.maxZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.maxZ)] #self.startCross.Set(visible=1)[:] = pts self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Normalize_cb() self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def changeStartCross(self, val): centerX = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].get() centerY = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].get() centerZ = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].get() grid = self.ifd.entryByName['FileBaseName']['widget'].get() if grid: self.grids[grid] = [centerX, centerY, centerZ] self.startCross.Set(visible=1) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ), )) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def changeEndCross(self, val): centerX = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsXEnd']['widget'].get() centerY = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsYEnd']['widget'].get() centerZ = self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZEnd']['widget'].get() grid = self.ifd.entryByName['FileBaseName']['widget'].get() #self.endCross.Set(visible=1) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ), )) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def checkResults(self): """Checks the queue for results until we get one""" if self.cmd.ok.configure()['state'][-1] == 'normal': if self.showPlayer: self.openPklData() else: molName = "FILL_" + str(self.N_of_pts) + "out1" if os.path.exists(molName + ".pdb"): self.vf.readMolecule(molName + ".pdb") self.vf.displaySticksAndBalls( molName, cradius=0.0, sticksBallsLicorice="Sticks and Balls") self.vf.displayLines(molName, negate=True, displayBO=False) self.vf.colorByAtomType(molName, ['sticks', 'balls']) self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(2050, self.hideGeoms) return self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(100, self.checkResults) def hideGeoms(self): self.startCross.Set(visible=0) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) self.spheres.Set(visible=0) self.halo.Set(visible=0) def __call__(self, atom, **kw): if not atom: return 'ERROR' atoms = self.vf.expandNodes(atom) if not atoms: return 'ERROR' atoms = atoms.findType(Atom) if not atoms: return 'ERROR' apply(self.doitWrapper, (atoms, ), kw) def doit(self, atoms=None): if len(atoms) == 0: return atom = atoms[0] if self.minX < atom.coords[0] > self.maxX: return if self.minY < atom.coords[1] > self.maxY: return if self.minZ < atom.coords[2] > self.maxZ: return selection = self.ifd.entryByName['autoligandNotebook'][ 'widget'].getcurselection() if selection == "Single Fill": self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsX']['widget'].set(atom.coords[0]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsY']['widget'].set(atom.coords[1]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZ']['widget'].set(atom.coords[2]) # self.startCross.Set(visible=1) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((atom.coords[0], atom.coords[1], atom.coords[2]), )) elif selection == "Connected Fill": self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsXEnd']['widget'].set( atom.coords[0]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsYEnd']['widget'].set( atom.coords[1]) self.ifd.entryByName['gridPointsZEnd']['widget'].set( atom.coords[2]) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((atom.coords[0], atom.coords[1], atom.coords[2]), )) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def openPklData(self): self.vf.AutoLigandMovieCommand(self.fileBaseName + '_flood.pkl')
def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob("*.maps.fld") if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps.", ) folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob("*.maps.fld") else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split(".")[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append( { "name": "fileName", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"fileName": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Base Name for Receptor Map Files"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.ComboBox, "name": "FileBaseName", "parent": "fileName", "tooltip": "FileBaseName = Just the name part from map files (i.e.,", "wcfg": { "dropdown": 1, "scrolledlist_items": fileList, "entryfield_value": entryfield_value, "selectioncommand": self.selectGrid, "labelpos": "w", }, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "nGroup", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"nGroup": "w.interior()"}, "tooltip": "Number of heavy atom for ligand or number of fill points to use.", "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Number of "}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.RadioSelect, "parent": "nGroup", "name": "type", "defaultValue": "Points", "listtext": ["Heavy Atoms", "Points"], } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.EntryField, "parent": "nGroup", "name": "number", "wcfg": {"labelpos": "w", "value": "100", "validate": {"validator": "integer"}}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.NoteBook, "name": "autoligandNotebook", "container": { "Single Fill": "'Single Fill')", "Connected Fill": "'Connected Fill')", "Scan": "'Scan')", }, "componentcfg": [ {"name": "Single Fill", "cfg": {}}, {"name": "Connected Fill", "cfg": {}}, {"name": "Scan", "cfg": {}}, # {'raisecommand':self.pageChanged} ], "wcfg": {"raisecommand": self.pageChanged}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "we"}, } ) # Single Fill ifd.append( { "name": "StartLoc", "parent": "Single Fill", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"StartLoc": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Start Location"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsX", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "X: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsY", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Y: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsZ", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Z: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "output", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "parent": "Single Fill", "container": {"output": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Output Options"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "pdbFile", "tooltip": """Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", "parent": "output", "widgetType": Tkinter.Checkbutton, "defaultValue": 1, "wcfg": {"text": "Create PDB of the Final Fill", "state": "disabled"}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "w"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "showProgress", "parent": "output", "tooltip": """Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", "widgetType": Tkinter.Checkbutton, "defaultValue": 0, "wcfg": {"text": "Save Intermediate Results for Movie", "variable": Tkinter.IntVar()}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "w"}, } ) # Connected Fill ifd.append( { "widgetType": Tkinter.Label, "name": "label", "parent": "Connected Fill", "wcfg": {"text": "Select End Location for Connected Fill"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "EndLoc", "parent": "Connected Fill", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"EndLoc": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "End Location"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsXEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "X: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsYEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Y: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsZEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Z: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) # Connected Fill # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, # 'name':'label', # 'parent':'Scan', # 'wcfg':{'text':"""Results from the Scan mode will # be available under\n"""+os.getcwd()} # }) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.EntryField, "parent": "Scan", "name": "nFills", "wcfg": { "label_text": "Number of Fills:", "labelpos": "w", "value": "10", "validate": {"validator": "integer"}, }, } ) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value["Shift_L"] self.vf.setICOM(self, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel(Atom) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM(, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) = None # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if val: if not val["FileBaseName"][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps. AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return selection = self.ifd.entryByName["autoligandNotebook"]["widget"].getcurselection() cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append("-r") cmdString.append(val["FileBaseName"][0]) self.fileBaseName = val["FileBaseName"][0] if val["type"] == "Points": cmdString.append("-p") cmdString.append(str(val["number"])) else: cmdString.append("-a") cmdString.append(str(val["number"])) val["number"] = 6 * int(val["number"]) if selection in ["Single Fill", "Connected Fill"]: cmdString.append("-x") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsX"])) cmdString.append("-y") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsY"])) cmdString.append("-z") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsZ"])) if selection == "Connected Fill": cmdString.append("-i") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsXEnd"])) cmdString.append("-j") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsYEnd"])) cmdString.append("-k") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsZEnd"])) if == "nt": # sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = " ".join(cmdString) if val["showProgress"]: self.cmdTxt += " -m" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val["number"] elif selection == "Scan": cmdString.append("-f") cmdString.append(str(val["nFills"])) if == "nt": # sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = " ".join(cmdString) self.cmdTxt += " &" # run in a background subprocess.Popen(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Success!", """AutoLigand launched successfully.""") else: self.hideGeoms()
class AutoLigandCommand(MVCommand, MVAtomICOM): "GUI for AutoLigand: extends MVCommand, overwrites guiCallback" def __init__(self, func=None): MVCommand.__init__(self, func) MVAtomICOM.__init__(self) = None self.showPlayer = False self.floodFile = None def onAddCmdToViewer(self): from DejaVu.Points import CrossSet self.startCross = CrossSet( "StartCross", materials=((1.0, 1.0, 0),), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True, offset=1.0, lineWidth=5, visible=0, pickable=0, listed=0, ) self.endCross = CrossSet( "EndCross", materials=((0, 1, 1),), inheritMaterial=0, protected=True, offset=1.0, lineWidth=5, visible=0, pickable=0, listed=0, ) from DejaVu.IndexedPolygons import IndexedPolygons from DejaVu.Box import Box from DejaVu.Spheres import Spheres from DejaVu import viewerConst from DejaVu.bitPatterns import patternList from opengltk.OpenGL import GL face = ((0, 3, 2, 1), (3, 7, 6, 2), (7, 4, 5, 6), (0, 1, 5, 4), (1, 2, 6, 5), (0, 4, 7, 3)) coords = ((1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, -1), (1, -1, -1), (1, 1, 1), (-1, 1, 1), (-1, -1, 1), (1, -1, 1)) # new style RGB-> materials = ((0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)) box = IndexedPolygons( "Box", materials=materials, vertices=coords, faces=face, inheritMaterial=0, visible=0, protected=True, listed=0, ) box.Set(frontPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(backPolyMode=GL.GL_LINE) box.Set(culling=GL.GL_NONE) box.inheritShading = 0 box.shading = GL.GL_FLAT box.Set(matBind=viewerConst.PER_PART) box.polygonstipple.Set(pattern=patternList[0]) box.Set(stipplePolygons=1) box.transparent = 0 = box self.spheres = Spheres("Spheres", visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.3,), protected=True, listed=0) self.halo = Spheres("Halo", visible=0, inheritMaterial=0, radii=(0.5,), protected=True, listed=0) from DejaVu.Geom import Geom AutoLigand_geoms = Geom("AutoLigand_geoms", shape=(0, 0), listed=0) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(AutoLigand_geoms, parent=self.vf.GUI.miscGeom) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.startCross, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.endCross, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.spheres, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(self.halo, parent=AutoLigand_geoms) self.grids = {} self.vf.showCitation.citations[ "AutoLigand" ] = """ Please acknowledge the use of the AutoLigand that results in any published work, including scientific papers, films and videotapes, by citing the following reference: Harris R, Olson AJ, Goodsell DS. Proteins. (2008) 70 1506.. """ def guiCallback(self, event=None): fileList = [] fld_list = glob.glob("*.maps.fld") if not fld_list: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "AutoLigand Info", "AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps. \nPlease click OK to select directory containing grid maps.", ) folder = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Select A Folder") if folder: os.chdir(folder) fld_list = glob.glob("*.maps.fld") else: return for fld in fld_list: fileList.append(fld.split(".")[0]) entryfield_value = "" if fileList: fileList.sort() entryfield_value = fileList[0] ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Run AutoLigand") ifd.append( { "name": "fileName", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"fileName": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Base Name for Receptor Map Files"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.ComboBox, "name": "FileBaseName", "parent": "fileName", "tooltip": "FileBaseName = Just the name part from map files (i.e.,", "wcfg": { "dropdown": 1, "scrolledlist_items": fileList, "entryfield_value": entryfield_value, "selectioncommand": self.selectGrid, "labelpos": "w", }, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "nGroup", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"nGroup": "w.interior()"}, "tooltip": "Number of heavy atom for ligand or number of fill points to use.", "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Number of "}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.RadioSelect, "parent": "nGroup", "name": "type", "defaultValue": "Points", "listtext": ["Heavy Atoms", "Points"], } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.EntryField, "parent": "nGroup", "name": "number", "wcfg": {"labelpos": "w", "value": "100", "validate": {"validator": "integer"}}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.NoteBook, "name": "autoligandNotebook", "container": { "Single Fill": "'Single Fill')", "Connected Fill": "'Connected Fill')", "Scan": "'Scan')", }, "componentcfg": [ {"name": "Single Fill", "cfg": {}}, {"name": "Connected Fill", "cfg": {}}, {"name": "Scan", "cfg": {}}, # {'raisecommand':self.pageChanged} ], "wcfg": {"raisecommand": self.pageChanged}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "we"}, } ) # Single Fill ifd.append( { "name": "StartLoc", "parent": "Single Fill", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"StartLoc": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Start Location"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsX", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "X: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsY", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Y: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsZ", "parent": "StartLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Z: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeStartCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "output", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "parent": "Single Fill", "container": {"output": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "Output Options"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "pdbFile", "tooltip": """Creates PDB_fill_#Nout1.pdb file where #N is the number of fill points.""", "parent": "output", "widgetType": Tkinter.Checkbutton, "defaultValue": 1, "wcfg": {"text": "Create PDB of the Final Fill", "state": "disabled"}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "w"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "showProgress", "parent": "output", "tooltip": """Save intermediate results in a file and open flood player when AutoLigand finishes.""", "widgetType": Tkinter.Checkbutton, "defaultValue": 0, "wcfg": {"text": "Save Intermediate Results for Movie", "variable": Tkinter.IntVar()}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "w"}, } ) # Connected Fill ifd.append( { "widgetType": Tkinter.Label, "name": "label", "parent": "Connected Fill", "wcfg": {"text": "Select End Location for Connected Fill"}, } ) ifd.append( { "name": "EndLoc", "parent": "Connected Fill", "widgetType": Pmw.Group, "container": {"EndLoc": "w.interior()"}, "wcfg": {"tag_text": "End Location"}, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsXEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "X: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsYEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Y: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) ifd.append( { "widgetType": ExtendedSliderWidget, "name": "gridPointsZEnd", "parent": "EndLoc", "wcfg": { "label": "Z: ", "width": 190, "immediate": 1, "command": self.changeEndCross, "entrypackcfg": {"side": "left"}, }, } ) # Connected Fill # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, # 'name':'label', # 'parent':'Scan', # 'wcfg':{'text':"""Results from the Scan mode will # be available under\n"""+os.getcwd()} # }) ifd.append( { "widgetType": Pmw.EntryField, "parent": "Scan", "name": "nFills", "wcfg": { "label_text": "Number of Fills:", "labelpos": "w", "value": "10", "validate": {"validator": "integer"}, }, } ) def initselect(arg): self.selectGrid(entryfield_value) self.ifd = ifd = self.vf.ICmdCaller.commands.value["Shift_L"] self.vf.setICOM(self, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) self.vf.setIcomLevel(Atom) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1, initFunc=initselect) if self.vf.setICOM(, modifier="Shift_L", topCommand=0) = None # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if val: if not val["FileBaseName"][0]: msg = "AutoGrid files are missing.\n" msg += "Please generate grid maps. AutoLigand requires input AutoGrid maps." tkMessageBox.showerror("Error!", msg) return selection = self.ifd.entryByName["autoligandNotebook"]["widget"].getcurselection() cmdString = [sys.executable, AutoLigandPath] cmdString.append("-r") cmdString.append(val["FileBaseName"][0]) self.fileBaseName = val["FileBaseName"][0] if val["type"] == "Points": cmdString.append("-p") cmdString.append(str(val["number"])) else: cmdString.append("-a") cmdString.append(str(val["number"])) val["number"] = 6 * int(val["number"]) if selection in ["Single Fill", "Connected Fill"]: cmdString.append("-x") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsX"])) cmdString.append("-y") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsY"])) cmdString.append("-z") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsZ"])) if selection == "Connected Fill": cmdString.append("-i") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsXEnd"])) cmdString.append("-j") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsYEnd"])) cmdString.append("-k") cmdString.append(str(val["gridPointsZEnd"])) if == "nt": # sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = " ".join(cmdString) if val["showProgress"]: self.cmdTxt += " -m" self.showPlayer = True else: self.showPlayer = False self.cmd = SysCmdInThread(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) self.cmd.start() self.checkResults() self.N_of_pts = val["number"] elif selection == "Scan": cmdString.append("-f") cmdString.append(str(val["nFills"])) if == "nt": # sys.platform == "win32": self.cmdTxt = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdString) else: self.cmdTxt = " ".join(cmdString) self.cmdTxt += " &" # run in a background subprocess.Popen(self.cmdTxt, shell=True) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Success!", """AutoLigand launched successfully.""") else: self.hideGeoms() def pageChanged(self, name): if name == "Single Fill": self.startCross.Set(visible=1) elif name == "Connected Fill": self.endCross.Set(visible=1) else: self.startCross.Set(visible=0) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) def selectGrid(self, value): if not value: return lines = open(value + ".maps.fld").readlines() if not lines: return for line in lines: if line.startswith("#SPACING"): spacing = float(line.split()[-1]) if line.startswith("#NELEMENTS"): tmp = line.split() dimX = int(tmp[1]) dimY = int(tmp[2]) dimZ = int(tmp[3]) if line.startswith("#CENTER"): tmp = line.split() centerX = float(tmp[1]) centerY = float(tmp[2]) centerZ = float(tmp[3]) # this variables are the same used in self.xcent = int(dimX / 2) self.ycent = int(dimY / 2) self.zcent = int(dimZ / 2) self.centerx = centerX self.centery = centerY self.centerz = centerZ self.spacing = spacing c = [centerX, centerY, centerZ] xlen = round(spacing * dimX, 4) ylen = round(spacing * dimY, 4) zlen = round(spacing * dimZ, 4) self.minX = c[0] - xlen * 0.5 self.maxX = c[0] + xlen * 0.5 if self.grids.has_key(value): centerX = self.grids[value][0] centerY = self.grids[value][1] centerZ = self.grids[value][2] self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsX"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minX, maxval=self.maxX) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsXEnd"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minX, maxval=self.maxX) self.minY = c[1] - ylen * 0.5 self.maxY = c[1] + ylen * 0.5 self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsY"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsYEnd"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY) self.minZ = c[2] - zlen * 0.5 self.maxZ = c[2] + zlen * 0.5 self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZ"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minZ, maxval=self.maxZ) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZEnd"]["widget"].configure(minval=self.minY, maxval=self.maxY) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ),)) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsX"]["widget"].set(centerX) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsY"]["widget"].set(centerY) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZ"]["widget"].set(centerZ) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsXEnd"]["widget"].set(centerX + 12) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsYEnd"]["widget"].set(centerY + 12) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZEnd"]["widget"].set(centerZ + 12) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((centerX + 12, centerY + 12, centerZ + 12),)) pts = [ (self.maxX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.minZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.minZ), (self.maxX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.maxY, self.maxZ), (self.minX, self.minY, self.maxZ), (self.maxX, self.minY, self.maxZ), ] # self.startCross.Set(visible=1)[:] = pts self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Normalize_cb() self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def changeStartCross(self, val): centerX = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsX"]["widget"].get() centerY = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsY"]["widget"].get() centerZ = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZ"]["widget"].get() grid = self.ifd.entryByName["FileBaseName"]["widget"].get() if grid: self.grids[grid] = [centerX, centerY, centerZ] self.startCross.Set(visible=1) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ),)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def changeEndCross(self, val): centerX = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsXEnd"]["widget"].get() centerY = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsYEnd"]["widget"].get() centerZ = self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZEnd"]["widget"].get() grid = self.ifd.entryByName["FileBaseName"]["widget"].get() # self.endCross.Set(visible=1) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((centerX, centerY, centerZ),)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def checkResults(self): """Checks the queue for results until we get one""" if self.cmd.ok.configure()["state"][-1] == "normal": if self.showPlayer: self.openPklData() else: molName = "FILL_" + str(self.N_of_pts) + "out1" if os.path.exists(molName + ".pdb"): self.vf.readMolecule(molName + ".pdb") self.vf.displaySticksAndBalls(molName, cradius=0.0, sticksBallsLicorice="Sticks and Balls") self.vf.displayLines(molName, negate=True, displayBO=False) self.vf.colorByAtomType(molName, ["sticks", "balls"]) self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(2050, self.hideGeoms) return self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(100, self.checkResults) def hideGeoms(self): self.startCross.Set(visible=0) self.endCross.Set(visible=0) self.spheres.Set(visible=0) self.halo.Set(visible=0) def __call__(self, atom, **kw): if not atom: return "ERROR" atoms = self.vf.expandNodes(atom) if not atoms: return "ERROR" atoms = atoms.findType(Atom) if not atoms: return "ERROR" apply(self.doitWrapper, (atoms,), kw) def doit(self, atoms=None): if len(atoms) == 0: return atom = atoms[0] if self.minX < atom.coords[0] > self.maxX: return if self.minY < atom.coords[1] > self.maxY: return if self.minZ < atom.coords[2] > self.maxZ: return selection = self.ifd.entryByName["autoligandNotebook"]["widget"].getcurselection() if selection == "Single Fill": self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsX"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[0]) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsY"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[1]) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZ"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[2]) # self.startCross.Set(visible=1) self.startCross.Set(vertices=((atom.coords[0], atom.coords[1], atom.coords[2]),)) elif selection == "Connected Fill": self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsXEnd"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[0]) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsYEnd"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[1]) self.ifd.entryByName["gridPointsZEnd"]["widget"].set(atom.coords[2]) self.endCross.Set(vertices=((atom.coords[0], atom.coords[1], atom.coords[2]),)) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.Redraw() def openPklData(self): self.vf.AutoLigandMovieCommand(self.fileBaseName + "_flood.pkl")
class WebDrivenTutorial(Command): """start a web browser that can send commands over a socket to Viewerframework We use Karrigell-2.0.3 as a light webserver. The source of Karrigell need to be install in the python path. When a server is started a webbrowser is started and display a url which should point to a file in the web server root dir. The commands take 2 keywords argument which specify the path to Karrigell package, and the file to open in the webbrowser. If not specify, we search the python path to find karrigell package, and give the top level of the karigell folder as the file to open as a url. """ def onExitFromViewer(self): """ method which will be call when the Viewer is closed""" # we need to stop the Karigell webserver if hasattr(self,'cmd'): if not mswin: import os,signal print 'killing process Karrigell' pid = os.kill(pid,signal.SIGKILL) else: pass def doit(self,**kw): import webbrowser karrigell_path = kw['karrigell_path'] file = kw['file'] if karrigell_path is None: server_root = self.findKarrigell() if server_root is None: self.warningMsg("Karrigell package not install, Webserver not started.") else: karrigell_path = server_root # Karrigell folder should be in python path, we expect version-2.0.3 import os # we create a absolute path as windows need it to under path karrigell_start = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(karrigell_path,'')) karrigell_init = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(karrigell_path,'Karrigell.ini')) status = False port = 8080 status,port = self.startKarrigell(port,karrigell_start,karrigell_init) if status: print 'Karrigell started, listenning on port %d'%port else: print 'Karrigell could not be started' return # web page have to be in the server_root directory which # is by default karrigell_path if file is None: file = '' url2open = 'http://localhost:%d/'%port+file webbrowser.open_new(url2open) def startKarrigell(self,port,karrigell_start,karrigell_init): """ start the webserver Karrigell on the port specify in input return False for failure , True for sucess """ if hasattr(self,'cmd'): del(self.cmd) print "Trying to start Karrigell on port %d"%port self.cmd = SysCmdInThread("python -u %s -P %d %s "%(karrigell_start, port,karrigell_init), hasGui=False) self.cmd.start() status = self.checkKarrigellStatus() if not status: # print try to start on another port port = port + 1 if port > 8180: self.warningMsg("Could not start Karrigell server, no port available") return False,0 else: status,port =self.startKarrigell(port,karrigell_start,karrigell_init) return status,port def checkKarrigellStatus(self): # check the status of Karrigell # did the webserver started, if so we get the port back #while not self.cmd.output.empty(): while(1): if not self.cmd.output.empty(): data = self.cmd.output.get(False) # server fail to start if 'Address already in use' in data: return False # server start success if 'running on port' in data: return True return False def findKarrigell(self): """ method which search the path to the Karrigel directory in the python path""" import sys,os karrigell_path =None for d in sys.path: dirname = os.path.join(d,'Karrigell-2.0.3') if os.path.exists(dirname): karrigell_path = dirname return karrigell_path def guiCallback(self): kw ={} server_root = self.findKarrigell() if server_root is None: return file = self.vf.askFileOpen(types=[('all', '*')], idir=server_root, title='Select a web page or folder') if file is not None: import string webpage = string.split(file,'Karrigell-2.0.3')[1] kw['karrigell_path']=server_root kw['file'] = webpage apply(self.doitWrapper,(),kw) def __call__(self,karrigell_path=None,file=None,**kw): """ None<-web_tutorial( karrigell_path=None,file=None,**kw) karrigell_path = path to server_root of Karrigell webserver file = file or folder to show as url, should be in the webserver_root """ kw['karrigell_path'] = karrigell_path kw['file'] = file apply(self.doitWrapper,(),kw)