コード例 #1
    def mapPointsToNearestLine(inputPoints, inputLineArray):
        linemapping = {}

        for p in inputPoints:
            mindist = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
            nearestline = None
            dpl = []
            for l in inputLineArray:
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = l
                xm, ym = (x1 + x2) / 2.0, (y1 + y2) / 2.0
                dx = x1 - xm
                dy = y1 - ym
                dx, dy = -dy, dx

                ort_x1 = xm + dx
                ort_y1 = ym + dy

                d = distance((x1, y1), (x2, y2), p) + distance((xm, ym), (ort_x1, ort_y1), p)
                if d < mindist:
                    mindist = d
                    nearestline = l

            if str(nearestline) not in linemapping:
                linemapping[str(nearestline)] = []
        return linemapping
コード例 #2

for rounds in range(100):
    assignment = KMeans.mapPointsToNearestLine(points, lines)
    cols = itertools.cycle(["ro", "yo", "go", "mo", "bo", "co"])

    new_lines = []
    new_centers = []
    for key, values in assignment.items():
        xm = np.array([e[0] for e in values]).mean()
        ym = np.array([e[1] for e in values]).mean()

        new_possible_lines = [generate_line((xm, ym), 2 * math.pi * (angle / 360.0)) for angle in range(0, 361, 2)]
        lines_with_error = [
            (sum([distance((_line[0], _line[1]), (_line[2], _line[3]), p) for p in values]), _line)
            for _line in new_possible_lines
        lines_with_error_sorted = sorted(lines_with_error, key=lambda fg: fg[0])
        new_centers.append((xm, ym))

    lines = new_lines
    centers = new_centers

    # Calculate the center of the assignment
    # Calculate for each of those centers all lines through that center and recalculate the error
    # Choose the line for the new stuff which minimizes the error - do that for all
    # Repeat
