def plot_state_curve_summary(cls, alphabeta_chl, state, figsize): fig = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle("AlphaBeta Channel - %s : %s"%(, state)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) cls.plot_alpha_beta_curves(ax1, ax2, alphabeta_chl, state) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) cls.plot_inf_tau_curves(ax3, ax4, alphabeta_chl, state) return fig
def plot_state_curve_summary(cls, alphabeta_chl, state, figsize): fig = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle("InfTauInterpolated Channel - %s : %s"%(, state)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) cls.plot_inf_tau_curves(ax1, ax2, alphabeta_chl, state) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) cls.plot_alpha_beta_curves(ax3, ax4, alphabeta_chl, state) return fig
def PlotStateCurveSummary(cls, alphaBetaChl, state, figsize): fig = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle("AlphaBeta Channel - %s : %s"%(, state)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) cls.PlotAlphaBetaCurves(ax1, ax2, alphaBetaChl,state ) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224) cls.PlotInfTauCurves(ax3, ax4, alphaBetaChl,state ) return fig
def summarise_KeyTraces(self): from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, PageBreak if not self.make_graphs: return [] localElements = [] localElements.append( Paragraph("Key-Traces", self.reportlabconfig.styles['Heading1'] ) ) for traceSetName, keyTraces in self.keyTraceSets: localElements.append( Paragraph("TraceSet: %s"%traceSetName, self.reportlabconfig.styles['Heading2'] ) ) f = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=self.reportlabconfig.imagesize) width,height =self.reportlabconfig.imagesize ax = f.add_subplot(111, xUnit="ms", ylabel="?", xlabel="time") for trName in keyTraces: tr = self.simulation.result.getTrace(trName) ax.plotTrace( tr ) ax.legend() localElements.append( self.reportlabconfig.saveMPLToRLImage( f, "KeyTrace") ) localElements.append( PageBreak() ) return localElements
def plot_iv_curve(self, ax=None): # pylint: disable=E1103 title = '%s: IV Curve' % (self.cell_description or None) if not ax: f = QuantitiesFigure() f.suptitle(title) ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Injected Current') ax.set_ylabel('SteadyStateVoltage') V_in_mV = [ self.get_iv_point_steaddy_state(c).rescale('mV').magnitude for c in self.currents ] v = np.array(V_in_mV) * pq.mV i = factorise_units_from_list(self.currents) low_v = V_in_mV < self.v_regressor_limit if self.v_regressor_limit else range( len(V_in_mV)) print 'i[low_v]', i[low_v] print 'v[low_v]', v[low_v] ax.plot( i[low_v], v[low_v], ) ax.plot( i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) ax.plot( i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) # Plot the regressor: i_units = unit('1:pA').units v_units = unit('1:mV').units iv = np.vstack( (i.rescale(i_units).magnitude, v.rescale(v_units).magnitude)).T if not len(iv[low_v, 0]): return (a_s, b_s, r, tt, stderr) = stats.linregress(iv[low_v, 0], iv[low_v, 1]) input_resistance = (a_s * (v_units / i_units)).rescale('MOhm') reversal_potential = b_s * v_units self.input_resistance = input_resistance self.reversal_potential = reversal_potential ax.plot( i, i * input_resistance + reversal_potential, label="Fit: [V(mV) = %2.3f * I(pA) + %2.3f]" % (a_s, b_s) + " \n[Input Resistance: %2.2fMOhm Reversal Potential: %2.2f mV" % (input_resistance, reversal_potential)) ax.legend() PM.save_figure(figname=title)
def PlotGHKMaxCurrentFlow(cls, calciumAlphaBetaBetaChannel, figsize): V = StdLimits.get_default_voltage_array().rescale("mV") # Plot the fig = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, xUnit="mV", yUnit="pA/cm2", xlabel="Voltage", ylabel="") #Plot the 'I_ca' as defined in Biophysics of Computations: chl = calciumAlphaBetaBetaChannel nmp = (chl.CaZ * chl.F) / (chl.R * chl.T) nmpV = (nmp * V).rescale("") iCa = chl.permeability * nmpV * chl.F * (chl.intracellular_concentration - chl.extracellular_concentration * np.exp(-1.0 * nmpV)) / (1.0 - np.exp(-1.0 * nmpV)) iCa.rescale("pA/cm2") ax1.plot(V, iCa)
def plot_iv_curve(self, ax=None): # pylint: disable=E1103 title = '%s: IV Curve' % (self.cell_description or None) if not ax: f = QuantitiesFigure() f.suptitle(title) ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Injected Current') ax.set_ylabel('SteadyStateVoltage') V_in_mV = [self.get_iv_point_steaddy_state(c).rescale('mV').magnitude for c in self.currents] v = np.array(V_in_mV) * units.mV i = morphforge.units.factorise_units_from_list(self.currents) low_v = V_in_mV < self.v_regressor_limit if self.v_regressor_limit else range( len(V_in_mV)) print 'i[low_v]', i[low_v] print 'v[low_v]', v[low_v] ax.plot(i[low_v], v[low_v], ) ax.plot(i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) ax.plot(i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) # Plot the regressor: i_units = qty('1:pA').units v_units = qty('1:mV').units iv = np.vstack((i.rescale(i_units).magnitude, v.rescale(v_units).magnitude)).T if not len(iv[low_v, 0]): return import scipy.stats as stats (a_s, b_s, r, tt, stderr) = stats.linregress(iv[low_v, 0], iv[low_v, 1]) input_resistance = (a_s * (v_units / i_units)).rescale('MOhm') reversal_potential = b_s * v_units self.input_resistance = input_resistance self.reversal_potential = reversal_potential ax.plot(i, i*input_resistance + reversal_potential,'o-', label = "Fit: [V(mV) = %2.3f * I(pA) + %2.3f]"%(a_s, b_s) + " \n[Input Resistance: %2.2fMOhm Reversal Potential: %2.2f mV"%(input_resistance, reversal_potential) ) ax.legend() PM.save_figure(figname=title)
def test_trace_method_traceout(src_trace, method_name, method_functor): f = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=(6, 4)) f.suptitle("Testing Method: %s" % method_name) ax1 = f.add_subplot(211) ax2 = f.add_subplot(212) ax1.plotTrace(src_trace, label="Original") for (conv_type, conv_functor) in conversions: tr_new = conv_functor(src_trace) if not mf.TraceMethodCtrl.has_method(conv_type, method_name): continue ax2.plotTrace(method_functor(tr_new), label="%s:%s" % (conv_type.__name__, method_name)) ax1.legend() ax2.legend() return mrd.Section("Test: %s" % method_name, mrd.Image(f.fig, auto_adjust=False))
def test_trace_method_traceout(src_trace, method_name, method_functor): f = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=(6, 4)) f.suptitle('Testing Method: %s' % method_name) ax1 = f.add_subplot(211) ax2 = f.add_subplot(212) ax1.plotTrace(src_trace, label='Original') for (conv_type, conv_functor) in conversions: tr_new = conv_functor(src_trace) if not mf.TraceMethodCtrl.has_method(conv_type, method_name): continue ax2.plotTrace(method_functor(tr_new), label='%s:%s' % (conv_type.__name__, method_name)) ax1.legend() ax2.legend() return mrd.Section('Test: %s' % method_name, mrd.Image(f.fig, auto_adjust=False))
def plot_traces(self, ax=None): title = '%s: (Voltage Responses to Current Injections)' \ % self.cell_description if not ax: f = QuantitiesFigure() f.suptitle(title) ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Voltage') # Plot the traces for i_inj in self.currents: ax.plotTrace(self.get_trace(i_inj), label='i_inj: %s' % i_inj) # Add the regions: ax.axvspan(self.tSteaddyStateStart, self.tSteaddyStateStop, facecolor='g', alpha=0.25) ax.legend() from mreorg.scriptplots import PM PM.save_figure(figname=title)
def PlotGHKMaxCurrentFlow(cls, calciumAlphaBetaBetaChannel, figsize): V = StdLimits.get_default_voltage_array().rescale("mV") # Plot the fig = QuantitiesFigure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, xUnit="mV", yUnit="pA/cm2", xlabel="Voltage", ylabel="") #Plot the 'I_ca' as defined in Biophysics of Computations: chl = calciumAlphaBetaBetaChannel nmp = (chl.CaZ * chl.F) / (chl.R * chl.T) nmpV = (nmp * V).rescale("") iCa = chl.permeability * nmpV * chl.F * ( chl.intracellular_concentration - chl.extracellular_concentration * np.exp(-1.0 * nmpV)) / (1.0 - np.exp(-1.0 * nmpV)) iCa.rescale("pA/cm2") ax1.plot(V, iCa)
def compareNeuroMLChl(xmlFile): model, chl_type = os.path.splitext(xmlFile)[0].split("/")[-2:] print model, chl_type op_dir = LocMgr.ensure_dir_exists(Join(html_output_dir, model, chl_type)) op_html = Join(op_dir, "index.html") c = ComparisonResult(xmlfile=xmlFile, op_file = op_html, same_chl=True, exception=None) try: # Make the NeuroUnits channel: chl_neuro = NeuroML_Via_NeuroUnits_ChannelNEURON(xml_filename=xmlFile, ) c.chl_neurounits = chl_neuro op_pdf_file = Join(op_dir, 'Op1.pdf') #WriteToPDF(eqnset = chl_neuro.eqnset, filename = op_pdf_file) c.chl_neurounits_pdf = op_pdf_file # Make the NeuroML channel: xsl_file = "/home/michael/srcs/neuroml/CommandLineUtils/ChannelMLConverter/ChannelML_v1.8.1_NEURONmod.xsl" chl_xsl = NeuroML_Via_XSL_ChannelNEURON(xml_filename=xmlFile, xsl_filename=xsl_file, ) c.chl_xsl = chl_xsl c.chl_xsl_hoc = [] chl_neuro_res = simulate_chl_all(chl_neuro) chl_xsl_res = simulate_chl_all(chl_xsl) c.chl_neurounit_hoc = [] for i, (rN, rX) in enumerate(zip(chl_neuro_res, chl_xsl_res)): c.chl_neurounit_hoc.append(rN.hocfilename ) c.chl_xsl_hoc.append(rX.hocfilename ) tN = rN.get_trace("CurrentClamp").convert_to_fixed(dt=unit("1.01:ms")) tX = rX.get_trace("CurrentClamp").convert_to_fixed(dt=unit("1.01:ms")) # Compare current traces: tN._data[np.fabs(tN.time_pts_ms - 0) <0.05] *=0 tX._data[np.fabs(tX.time_pts_ms - 0) <0.05] *=0 tN._data[np.fabs(tN.time_pts_ms - 200) <0.05] *=0 tX._data[np.fabs(tX.time_pts_ms - 200) <0.05] *=0 tN._data[np.fabs(tN.time_pts_ms - 700) <0.05] *=0 tX._data[np.fabs(tX.time_pts_ms - 700) <0.05] *=0 print "TR1" f = QuantitiesFigure() ax1 = f.add_subplot(4, 1, 1) ax2 = f.add_subplot(4, 1, 2) ax3 = f.add_subplot(4, 1, 3) ax4 = f.add_subplot(4, 1, 4) ax1.plotTrace(tN, color='b') ax1.plotTrace(tX, color='g', linewidth=20, alpha=0.2) ax2.plotTrace(tN.window((200, 250)*, color='b') ax2.plotTrace(tX.window((200, 250)*, color='g', linewidth=20, alpha=0.2) num = (tN-tX) denom = (tN+tX) diff = num/denom ax3.plotTrace(diff, color='r') ax4.plotTrace(rN.get_trace('SomaVoltage'), color='m') ax4.plotTrace(rX.get_trace('SomaVoltage'), color='m', linewidth=20, alpha=0.2) if num.max()[1] > unit("0.1:pA"): c.same_chl = False out_im = Join(op_dir, "out_im%03d" % i) pylab.savefig(out_im+".png") pylab.savefig(out_im+".pdf") c.output_image_files.append(out_im) pylab.close() c.finished_ok=True except NeuroUnitsImportNeuroMLNotImplementedException, e: print 'Exception caught:', e s = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=s) c.exception_long=s.getvalue() c.exception="%s (%s)"%(str(e), str(type(e))) c.same_chl = False c.finished_ok=False
class CellAnalysis_IVCurve(object): def __init__(self, cell_functor, currents, cell_description=None, sim_functor=None, v_regressor_limit=None, sim_kwargs=None, plot_all=False): self.cell_functor = cell_functor self.v_regressor_limit = v_regressor_limit self.fig=None #Previously = qty("-30:mV") self.sim_kwargs = sim_kwargs or {} self.tCurrentInjStart = qty('50:ms') self.tCurrentInjStop = qty('200:ms') self.tSteaddyStateStart = qty('100:ms') self.tSteaddyStateStop = qty('151:ms') self.traces = {} self.currents = currents self.cell_description = cell_description or 'Unknown Cell' self.input_resistance = qty('-1:MOhm') if plot_all: self.plot_all() def plot_all(self): self.plot_traces() self.plot_iv_curve() def _get_cc_simulation_trace(self, current): if self.cell_functor: env = NEURONEnvironment() sim = env.Simulation(**self.sim_kwargs) cell = self.cell_functor(sim=sim) else: assert False soma_loc = cell.get_location('soma') cc = sim.create_currentclamp(name='cclamp', amp=current, dur=self.tCurrentInjStop - self.tCurrentInjStart, delay=self.tCurrentInjStart, cell_location=soma_loc) sim.record(cell, name='SomaVoltage', cell_location=soma_loc, what=Cell.Recordables.MembraneVoltage, description='Response to i_inj=%s ' % current) res = return res.get_trace('SomaVoltage') def get_trace(self, i_inj): if not i_inj in self.traces: self.traces[i_inj] = self._get_cc_simulation_trace(i_inj) return self.traces[i_inj] def get_iv_point_steaddy_state(self, i_inj): return self.get_trace(i_inj).window(time_window=(self.tSteaddyStateStart, self.tSteaddyStateStop)).Mean() def plot_traces(self, ax=None): title = '%s: (Voltage Responses to Current Injections)' \ % self.cell_description if not ax: self.fig = QuantitiesFigure() self.fig.suptitle(title) ax = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Voltage') # Plot the traces for i_inj in self.currents: ax.plotTrace(self.get_trace(i_inj), label='i_inj: %s' % i_inj) # Add the regions: ax.axvspan(self.tSteaddyStateStart, self.tSteaddyStateStop, facecolor='g', alpha=0.25) ax.legend() from mreorg.scriptplots import PM PM.save_figure(figname=title) def plot_iv_curve(self, ax=None): # pylint: disable=E1103 title = '%s: IV Curve' % (self.cell_description or None) if not ax: f = QuantitiesFigure() f.suptitle(title) ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Injected Current') ax.set_ylabel('SteadyStateVoltage') V_in_mV = [self.get_iv_point_steaddy_state(c).rescale('mV').magnitude for c in self.currents] v = np.array(V_in_mV) * units.mV i = morphforge.units.factorise_units_from_list(self.currents) low_v = V_in_mV < self.v_regressor_limit if self.v_regressor_limit else range( len(V_in_mV)) print 'i[low_v]', i[low_v] print 'v[low_v]', v[low_v] ax.plot(i[low_v], v[low_v], ) ax.plot(i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) ax.plot(i[np.logical_not(low_v)], v[np.logical_not(low_v)], ) # Plot the regressor: i_units = qty('1:pA').units v_units = qty('1:mV').units iv = np.vstack((i.rescale(i_units).magnitude, v.rescale(v_units).magnitude)).T if not len(iv[low_v, 0]): return import scipy.stats as stats (a_s, b_s, r, tt, stderr) = stats.linregress(iv[low_v, 0], iv[low_v, 1]) input_resistance = (a_s * (v_units / i_units)).rescale('MOhm') reversal_potential = b_s * v_units self.input_resistance = input_resistance self.reversal_potential = reversal_potential ax.plot(i, i*input_resistance + reversal_potential,'o-', label = "Fit: [V(mV) = %2.3f * I(pA) + %2.3f]"%(a_s, b_s) + " \n[Input Resistance: %2.2fMOhm Reversal Potential: %2.2f mV"%(input_resistance, reversal_potential) ) ax.legend() PM.save_figure(figname=title)
import morphforge.stdimports as mf from morphforge.traces.generation import TraceStringParser import quantities as pq from mhlibs.quantities_plot import QuantitiesFigure t = """{d:pA} FLAT(1) FOR 100ms THEN RAMPTO(50) UNTIL 130ms THEN FLAT(0) THEN AT 150ms FLAT(120) FOR 20ms THEN FLAT(0) UNTIL 180ms""" tr = TraceStringParser.Parse(t) trFix = tr.convert_to_fixed(dt=01. * print 't1:', tr.integrate() print 't2:', trFix.integrate() f = QuantitiesFigure() ax1 = f.add_subplot(211) ax2 = f.add_subplot(212) trFixSquared = trFix**2 print trFixSquared.integrate() print(tr**2).integrate() ax1.plotTrace(trFix) ax2.plotTrace(trFixSquared) import pylab
# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import morphforge.stdimports as mf from mhlibs.quantities_plot import QuantitiesFigure import pylab from morphforge.stdimports import unit, reduce_to_variable_dt_trace t1 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_flat(value="1:mV") # t2 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_flat(value='0.0015:V') t2 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_ramp(value_start="0.0015:V", value_stop="2.5:mV", npoints=20) f = QuantitiesFigure() ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.plotTrace(t1, marker="x") ax.plotTrace(t2, marker="o") ax.plotTrace(t1 + t2, marker="<") ax.plotTrace((t2 + t2) * 3.0 + unit("0.03:V"), marker="<") t1 = mf.fixed_to_variable_dt_trace(t1, "0.01:mV") ax.plotTrace(t1, marker=">") ax.legend()
class TagViewer(object): MPL_AUTO_SHOW = True _default_plot_specs = ( DefaultTagPlots.Voltage, DefaultTagPlots.CurrentDensity, DefaultTagPlots.Current, DefaultTagPlots.Conductance, DefaultTagPlots.ConductanceDensity, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariable, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariableTau, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariableInf, DefaultTagPlots.Event, ) _default_fig_kwargs = {'figsize': (12, 8)} _options_show_xlabel = ('only-once', 'all', False) _options_show_xticklabels = ('only-once', 'all', False) _options_show_xticklabels_with_units = (True, False) _options_show_xaxis_position = ('bottom', 'top') def __init__(self, srcs, plots=None, additional_plots=None, figtitle=None, fig_kwargs=None, show=True, linkage=None, timerange=None, mpl_tight_bounds=False, share_x_labels=True, nxticks=4, show_xlabel='only-once', show_xticklabels='only-once', show_xticklabels_with_units=True, show_xaxis_position='bottom', xticks=None): """Plot a set of traces. Keyword arguments: plots -- srcs -- plots -- additional_plots -- figtitle -- fig_kwargs -- show -- linkage -- timerange -- mpl_tight_bounds -- share_x_labels -- nxticks=4, show_xlabel -- which plots should the x-axis be displayed on. show_xticklabels -- show_xticklabels_with_units -- show_xaxis_position -- xticks -- """ if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = self._default_fig_kwargs self.linkage = linkage if not is_iterable(srcs): srcs = [srcs] # For each type of input (in 'srcs'); this should return a list of traces: self.all_trace_objs = [] self.all_event_set_objs = [] trace_extractors = { SimulationResult: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.extend(obj.traces), TraceFixedDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TraceVariableDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TracePiecewise: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), EventSet: lambda obj: self.all_event_set_objs.append(obj) } for obj in srcs: tr_extractor = trace_extractors[type(obj)] tr_extractor(obj) # Use the new PlotSpec architecture: # Filter out which plots are actually going to display something, # and filter out the rest: plots = plots if plots is not None else TagViewer._default_plot_specs if additional_plots: plots = tuple(list(plots) + list(additional_plots)) self.plot_specs = [plotspec for plotspec in plots if [tr for tr in self.all_trace_objs if plotspec.addtrace_predicate(tr)] or \ [evset for evset in self.all_event_set_objs if plotspec.addeventset_predicate(evset)] \ ] self.fig_kwargs = fig_kwargs self.figtitle = figtitle self.mpl_tight_bounds = mpl_tight_bounds self.timerange = timerange self.share_x_labels = share_x_labels self.nxticks = nxticks # X-axis configuration: self.show_xlabel = show_xlabel self.show_xticklabels = show_xticklabels self.show_xticklabels_with_units = show_xticklabels_with_units self.show_xaxis_position = show_xaxis_position self.xticks = xticks assert self.show_xlabel in self._options_show_xlabel, 'Invalid' assert self.show_xticklabels in self._options_show_xticklabels assert self.show_xticklabels_with_units in self._options_show_xticklabels_with_units assert self.show_xaxis_position in self._options_show_xaxis_position if is_iterable(self.xticks) and all( [isinstance(xtick, (int, float)) for xtick in self.xticks]): self.xticks = [xtick * for xtick in self.xticks] assert self.xticks is None or isinstance( self.xticks, int) or (is_iterable(self.xticks) and [unit(xtick) for xtick in self.xticks]) self.fig = None self.subaxes = [] self.create_figure() if TagViewer.MPL_AUTO_SHOW and show: import pylab def create_figure(self): self.fig = QuantitiesFigure(**self.fig_kwargs) # Add a title to the plot: if self.figtitle: self.fig.suptitle(self.figtitle) # Work out what traces are on what graphs: plotspec_to_traces = dict([(plot_spec, [ tr for tr in self.all_trace_objs if plot_spec.addtrace_predicate(tr) ]) for plot_spec in self.plot_specs]) if self.linkage: self.linkage.process(plotspec_to_traces) n_plots = len(self.plot_specs) for (i, plot_spec) in enumerate(self.plot_specs): # Create the axis: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(n_plots, 1, i + 1) ax.set_xunit(pq.millisecond) ax.set_xmargin(0.05) ax.set_ymargin(0.05) ax.set_xaxis_maxnlocator(self.nxticks) # Leave the plotting to the tag-plot object plot_spec.plot( ax=ax, all_traces=self.all_trace_objs, all_eventsets=self.all_event_set_objs, time_range=self.timerange, linkage=self.linkage, #plot_xaxis_details=plot_xaxis_details, show_xlabel=self.show_xlabel, show_xticklabels=self.show_xticklabels, show_xticklabels_with_units=self.show_xticklabels_with_units, show_xaxis_position=self.show_xaxis_position, is_top_plot=(i == 0), is_bottom_plot=(i == n_plots - 1), xticks=self.xticks) # Save the Axis: self.subaxes.append(ax) if self.mpl_tight_bounds: import pylab try: pylab.tight_layout() except AttributeError: pass # This is version specfic except ValueError: pass # Top can't be less than bottom
class TagViewer(object): MPL_AUTO_SHOW = True _default_plot_specs = ( DefaultTagPlots.Voltage, DefaultTagPlots.CurrentDensity, DefaultTagPlots.Current, DefaultTagPlots.Conductance, DefaultTagPlots.ConductanceDensity, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariable, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariableTau, DefaultTagPlots.StateVariableInf, DefaultTagPlots.Event, ) _default_fig_kwargs = {'figsize': (12, 8) } _options_show_xlabel = ('only-once','all', False) _options_show_xticklabels=('only-once','all', False) _options_show_xticklabels_with_units=(True,False) _options_show_xaxis_position = ('bottom','top') def __init__( self, srcs, plots=None, additional_plots=None, figtitle=None, fig_kwargs=None, show=True, linkage=None, timerange=None, mpl_tight_bounds=False, share_x_labels=True, nxticks=4, show_xlabel='only-once', show_xticklabels='only-once', show_xticklabels_with_units=True, show_xaxis_position='bottom', xticks=None ): """Plot a set of traces. Keyword arguments: plots -- srcs -- plots -- additional_plots -- figtitle -- fig_kwargs -- show -- linkage -- timerange -- mpl_tight_bounds -- share_x_labels -- nxticks=4, show_xlabel -- which plots should the x-axis be displayed on. show_xticklabels -- show_xticklabels_with_units -- show_xaxis_position -- xticks -- """ if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = self._default_fig_kwargs self.linkage = linkage if not is_iterable(srcs): srcs = [srcs] # For each type of input (in 'srcs'); this should return a list of traces: self.all_trace_objs = [] self.all_event_set_objs = [] trace_extractors = { SimulationResult: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.extend(obj.traces), TraceFixedDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TraceVariableDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TracePiecewise: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), EventSet: lambda obj: self.all_event_set_objs.append(obj) } for obj in srcs: tr_extractor = trace_extractors[type(obj)] tr_extractor(obj) # Use the new PlotSpec architecture: # Filter out which plots are actually going to display something, # and filter out the rest: plots = plots if plots is not None else TagViewer._default_plot_specs if additional_plots: plots = tuple(list(plots) + list(additional_plots)) self.plot_specs = [plotspec for plotspec in plots if [tr for tr in self.all_trace_objs if plotspec.addtrace_predicate(tr)] or \ [evset for evset in self.all_event_set_objs if plotspec.addeventset_predicate(evset)] \ ] self.fig_kwargs = fig_kwargs self.figtitle = figtitle self.mpl_tight_bounds = mpl_tight_bounds self.timerange = timerange self.share_x_labels = share_x_labels self.nxticks = nxticks # X-axis configuration: self.show_xlabel = show_xlabel self.show_xticklabels = show_xticklabels self.show_xticklabels_with_units = show_xticklabels_with_units self.show_xaxis_position = show_xaxis_position self.xticks=xticks assert self.show_xlabel in self._options_show_xlabel, 'Invalid' assert self.show_xticklabels in self._options_show_xticklabels assert self.show_xticklabels_with_units in self._options_show_xticklabels_with_units assert self.show_xaxis_position in self._options_show_xaxis_position if is_iterable( self.xticks ) and all( [isinstance(xtick, (int, float)) for xtick in self.xticks]): self.xticks = [ xtick* for xtick in self.xticks] assert self.xticks is None or isinstance(self.xticks, int) or ( is_iterable(self.xticks) and [ unit(xtick) for xtick in self.xticks] ) self.fig = None self.subaxes = [] self.create_figure() if TagViewer.MPL_AUTO_SHOW and show: import pylab def create_figure(self): self.fig = QuantitiesFigure(**self.fig_kwargs) # Add a title to the plot: if self.figtitle: self.fig.suptitle(self.figtitle) # Work out what traces are on what graphs: plotspec_to_traces = dict([(plot_spec, [tr for tr in self.all_trace_objs if plot_spec.addtrace_predicate(tr)]) for plot_spec in self.plot_specs ]) if self.linkage: self.linkage.process(plotspec_to_traces) n_plots = len(self.plot_specs) for (i, plot_spec) in enumerate(self.plot_specs): # Create the axis: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(n_plots, 1, i + 1) ax.set_xunit(pq.millisecond) ax.set_xmargin(0.05) ax.set_ymargin(0.05) ax.set_xaxis_maxnlocator(self.nxticks) # Leave the plotting to the tag-plot object plot_spec.plot( ax=ax, all_traces=self.all_trace_objs, all_eventsets=self.all_event_set_objs, time_range=self.timerange, linkage=self.linkage, #plot_xaxis_details=plot_xaxis_details, show_xlabel = self.show_xlabel, show_xticklabels = self.show_xticklabels, show_xticklabels_with_units = self.show_xticklabels_with_units, show_xaxis_position = self.show_xaxis_position, is_top_plot = (i==0), is_bottom_plot = (i==n_plots-1), xticks = self.xticks ) # Save the Axis: self.subaxes.append(ax) if self.mpl_tight_bounds: import pylab try: pylab.tight_layout() except AttributeError: pass # This is version specfic except ValueError: pass # Top can't be less than bottom
exp_eta = np.exp(-eta.rescale(pq.dimensionless)) print exp_eta ungated_ica = pca * z * eta * F * (Cai - Cao * exp_eta)/(1-exp_eta) ungated_ica = ungated_ica.rescale( pq.milliamp / pq.centimeter**2) ungated_ica = ungated_ica* SA g = np.gradient(ungated_ica) / np.gradient(V) g = g.rescale( mfu.pS) R = (1/g).rescale(mfu.MOhm) #print g erev = V - (ungated_ica /g) print erev f = QuantitiesFigure() ax1 = f.add_subplot(3,1,1) ax2 = f.add_subplot(3,1,2) ax3 = f.add_subplot(3,1,3) ax1.plot( V, ungated_ica) ax2.plot( V, R) ax3.plot( V, erev)
from morphforge import units from mhlibs.quantities_plot import QuantitiesFigure t = """{d:pA} FLAT(1) FOR 100ms THEN RAMPTO(50) UNTIL 130ms THEN FLAT(0) THEN AT 150ms FLAT(120) FOR 20ms THEN FLAT(0) UNTIL 180ms""" tr = TraceStringParser.Parse(t) trFix = tr.convert_to_fixed(dt=01.* print 't1:', tr.integrate() print 't2:', trFix.integrate() f = QuantitiesFigure() ax1 = f.add_subplot(211) ax2 = f.add_subplot(212) trFixSquared = trFix ** 2 print trFixSquared.integrate() print (tr**2).integrate() ax1.plotTrace(trFix) ax2.plotTrace(trFixSquared)
# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- import morphforge.stdimports as mf from mhlibs.quantities_plot import QuantitiesFigure import pylab from morphforge.stdimports import unit, reduce_to_variable_dt_trace t1 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_flat(value='1:mV') #t2 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_flat(value='0.0015:V') t2 = mf.TraceGenerator.generate_ramp(value_start='0.0015:V', value_stop='2.5:mV', npoints=20) f = QuantitiesFigure() ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.plotTrace(t1, marker='x') ax.plotTrace(t2, marker='o') ax.plotTrace(t1 + t2, marker='<') ax.plotTrace((t2 + t2) * 3.0 + unit('0.03:V'), marker='<') t1 = mf.fixed_to_variable_dt_trace(t1, '0.01:mV') ax.plotTrace(t1, marker='>') ax.legend()