コード例 #1
class SatlanticPARInstrumentProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    """The instrument protocol classes to deal with a Satlantic PAR sensor.
    The protocol is a very simple command/response protocol with a few show
    commands and a few set commands.
    Note protocol state machine must be called "self._protocol_fsm"
    @todo Check for valid state transitions and handle requests appropriately
    possibly using better exceptions from the fsm.on_event() method
    def __init__(self, callback=None):
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, Prompt, EOLN, callback)
        self.write_delay = WRITE_DELAY
        self._last_data_timestamp = None
        self.eoln = EOLN
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(PARProtocolState, PARProtocolEvent, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER_STATE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.AUTOSAMPLE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER_STATE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.GET,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.SET,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.POLL,
        #self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.SAMPLE,
        #                      self._handler_command_sample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.BREAK,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.BREAK,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.STOP,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.RESET,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER_STATE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.AUTOSAMPLE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.RESET,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.BREAK,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.SAMPLE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER_STATE,
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.UNKNOWN, PARProtocolEvent.INITIALIZE,

        self._add_build_handler(Command.SET, self._build_set_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.GET, self._build_param_fetch_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SAVE, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.EXIT, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.EXIT_AND_RESET, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.AUTOSAMPLE, self._build_multi_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.RESET, self._build_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.BREAK, self._build_multi_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._build_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.STOP, self._build_multi_control_command)

        self._add_response_handler(Command.GET, self._parse_get_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SET, self._parse_set_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.STOP, self._parse_silent_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._parse_sample_poll_response, PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._parse_cmd_prompt_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_silent_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_header_response, PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_header_response, PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE)        
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_silent_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_reset_response, PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_reset_response, PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE)

                             r'Telemetry Baud Rate:\s+(\d+) bps',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'Maximum Frame Rate:\s+(\d+) Hz',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
    def execute_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Execute the exit command

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_exit_and_reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Execute the exit and reset command

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_poll(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Enter manual poll mode

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        @todo fix this to handle change to poll mode from different states
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.POLL, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Try to get a sample. Should only be successful once in poll mode,
        will leave the instrument in poll mode, so an exit may be required to
        get back to command mode.

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        @todo fix this to handle change to poll mode from different states
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.SAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Execute the reset command

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.RESET, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_break(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Execute the break command

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Execute the stop command

        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.STOP, *args, **kwargs)
    def execute_stop_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Leave autosample mode, back to command mode
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if stop command not recognized.
        @throws InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_init_device(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Transition the device to a know, ready-to-respond, command prompt
        and bring the state machine from unknown state to a known one
        (hopefully COMMAND mode)
        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid command or missing
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.INITIALIZE, *args, **kwargs)
    def get_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Get the entire configuration for the instrument
        @param params The parameters and values to set
        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        Should be a dict of parameters and values
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid parameter
        config = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.GET, [Parameter.TELBAUD, Parameter.MAXRATE], **kwargs)
        assert (isinstance(config, dict))
        assert (config.has_key(Parameter.TELBAUD))
        assert (config.has_key(Parameter.MAXRATE))
        # Make sure we get these
        while config[Parameter.TELBAUD] == InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR:
            config[Parameter.TELBAUD] = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.GET, [Parameter.TELBAUD])
        while config[Parameter.MAXRATE] == InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR:
            config[Parameter.MAXRATE] = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.GET, [Parameter.MAXRATE])
        return config
    def restore_config(self, config=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Apply a complete configuration.
        In this instrument, it is simply a compound set that must contain all
        of the parameters.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException on missing or bad config
        if (config == None):
            raise InstrumentParameterException()
        if ((config.has_key(Parameter.TELBAUD))
            and (config.has_key(Parameter.MAXRATE))):  
            assert (isinstance(config, dict))
            assert (len(config) == 2)
            return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.SET, config, **kwargs)
            raise InstrumentParameterException()
    # State handlers
    def _handler_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle transition from UNKNOWN state to a known one.
        This method determines what state the device is in or gets it to a
        known state so that the instrument and protocol are in sync.
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @todo fix this to only do break when connected
        next_state = None
        result = None
        # Break to command mode, then set next state to command mode
        # If we are doing this, we must be connected

        next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE            
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle reset condition for all states.
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        next_state = None
        next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE
        return (next_state, None)
    def _handler_autosample_enter_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE PARProtocolEvent.ENTER

        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None
        if not self._confirm_autosample_mode:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR,
                                              msg="Not in the correct mode!")
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_autosample_break(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE PARProtocolEvent.BREAK
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None
            next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR,
                                              msg="Could not break from autosample!")
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_autosample_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE PARProtocolEvent.STOP
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
            # Give the instrument a bit to keep up. 1 sec is not enough!
            next_state = PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR,
                                              msg="Could not stop autosample!")                
        return (next_state, None)

    def _handler_autosample_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND transition
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
        cmd = kwargs.get(KwargsKey.COMMAND, None)

        if (cmd == Command.BREAK):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)
        elif (cmd == Command.STOP):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.STOP, *args, **kwargs)
        elif (cmd == Command.RESET):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.RESET, *args, **kwargs)
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.INVALID_COMMAND)
        mi_logger.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result) 
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_enter_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE PARProtocolEvent.ENTER_STATE transition
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter'
        @todo Make this only active when we are connected.
        # Just update parameters, no state change
            # dont do anything for now
            # pass
        except InstrumentTimeoutException:
            #squelch the error if we timeout...best effort update
        return (None, None)

    def _handler_command_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND transition
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter'
        @todo Fix this funky on_event logic...should just feed one on_event call
        next_state = None
        result = None
        cmd = kwargs.get(KwargsKey.COMMAND, None)

        mi_logger.info("Handling command event [%s] in command mode...", cmd)
        if cmd == Command.EXIT:
            result = self._do_cmd_resp(Command.EXIT, None,
            if result:
                next_state = PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE
        elif cmd == Command.EXIT_AND_RESET:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.EXIT_AND_RESET, None,
            next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE
        elif cmd == Command.SAVE:
            # Sadly, instrument never gives confirmation of a save in any way
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SAVE, None,
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.INVALID_COMMAND)
        mi_logger.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result) 
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_poll(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle getting a POLL event when in command mode. This should move
        the state machine into poll mode via autosample mode
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
            # get into auto-sample mode guaranteed, then stop and sample
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND, *args, **kwargs)
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.STOP, *args, **kwargs)
            next_state = PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE

        except (InstrumentTimeoutException, InstrumentProtocolException) as e:
            mi_logger.debug("Caught exception while moving to manual poll mode: %s", e)
            if self._protocol_fsm.current_state == PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE:
                result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)
                raise e
            elif (self._protocol_fsm.current_state == PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE):
                result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.AUTOSAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)
                result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)
                raise e

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_autosample(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle getting an autosample event when in command mode
        @param params List of the parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        result = self.execute_exit_and_reset(*args, **kwargs)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_get(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle getting data from command mode
        @param params List of the parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
        result_vals = {}
        if (params == DriverParameter.ALL):
            params = [Parameter.TELBAUD, Parameter.MAXRATE]

        if ((params == None) or (not isinstance(params, list))):
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
        for param in params:
            if not Parameter.has(param):
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
            result_vals[param] = self._do_cmd_resp(Command.GET, param,
        result = result_vals
        mi_logger.debug("Get finished, next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result) 
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_set(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle setting data from command mode
        @param params Dict of the parameters and values to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
        result_vals = {}    

        if ((params == None) or (not isinstance(params, dict))):
            raise InstrumentParameterException()
        name_values = params
        for key in name_values.keys():
            if not Parameter.has(key):
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
            result_vals[key] = self._do_cmd_resp(Command.SET, key, name_values[key],
            # Populate with actual value instead of success flag
            if result_vals[key]:
                result_vals[key] = name_values[key]
        result = self._do_cmd_resp(Command.SAVE, None, None,
        """@todo raise a parameter error if there was a bad value"""
        result = result_vals
        mi_logger.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result) 
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_poll_enter_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Handle PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE PARProtocolEvent.ENTER

        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None
        if not self._confirm_poll_mode:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR,
                                              msg="Not in the correct mode!")
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_poll_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE PARProtocolEvent.SAMPLE
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None
        # This sometimes takes a few seconds, so stall after our sample cmd
        # and before the read/parse
        delay = self.write_delay + 2
        result = self._do_cmd_resp(Command.SAMPLE, None,
        mi_logger.debug("Polled sample: %s", result)
        if (result):
            self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE, result) 
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_poll_break(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE, PARProtocolEvent.BREAK
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None
        mi_logger.debug("Breaking from poll mode...")
            next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR,
                                              msg="Could not interrupt hardware!")
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_poll_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE PARProtocolEvent.AUTOSAMPLE
        @retval return (success/fail code, next state, result)
        next_state = None
        self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.AUTOSAMPLE, None)
        next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE
        return (next_state, None)
    def _handler_poll_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL_MODE PARProtocolEvent.COMMAND transition
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None
        cmd = kwargs.get(KwargsKey.COMMAND, None)

        if (cmd == Command.AUTOSAMPLE):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.AUTOSAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)
        elif (cmd == Command.RESET):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.RESET, *args, **kwargs)
        elif (cmd == Command.SAMPLE):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.SAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)
        elif (cmd == Command.BREAK):
            result = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.BREAK, *args, **kwargs)
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.INVALID_COMMAND)
        mi_logger.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result) 
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_noop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Do nothing as a handler...for when an event is acceptable, but
        not worth acting on.
        return (None, None)

    # Builders
    def _build_set_command(self, cmd, param, value):
        Build a command that is ready to send out to the instrument. Checks for
        valid parameter name, only handles one value at a time.
        @param cmd The command...in this case, Command.SET
        @param param The name of the parameter to set. From Parameter enum
        @param value The value to set for that parameter
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument
        # Check to make sure all parameters are valid up front
        assert Parameter.has(param)
        assert cmd == Command.SET
        return "%s %s %s%s" % (Command.SET, param,
                               self._param_dict.format(param, value),
    def _build_param_fetch_command(self, cmd, param):
        Build a command to fetch the desired argument.
        @param cmd The command being used (Command.GET in this case)
        @param param The name of the parameter to fetch
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument
        assert Parameter.has(param)
        return "%s %s%s" % (Command.GET, param, self.eoln)
    def _build_exec_command(self, cmd, *args):
        Builder for simple commands

        @param cmd The command being used (Command.GET in this case)
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument        
        return "%s%s" % (cmd, self.eoln)
    def _build_control_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """ Send a single control char command
        @param cmd The control character to send
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval The string with the complete command
        return "%c" % (cmd)

    def _build_multi_control_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """ Send a quick series of control char command
        @param cmd The control character to send
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval The string with the complete command
        return "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" % (cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd)
    # Response parsers
    def _parse_set_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Determine if a set was successful or not
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        if prompt == Prompt.COMMAND:
            return True
        elif response == PARProtocolError.INVALID_COMMAND:
            return InstErrorCode.SET_DEVICE_ERR
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    def _parse_get_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse the response from the instrument for a couple of different
        query responses.
        @param response The response string from the instrument
        @param prompt The prompt received from the instrument
        @retval return The numerical value of the parameter in the known units
        @todo Fill this in
        # should end with the response, an eoln, and a prompt
        split_response = response.split(self.eoln)
        if (len(split_response) < 2) or (split_response[-1] != Prompt.COMMAND):
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
        name = self._param_dict.update(split_response[-2])
        return self._param_dict.get(name)
    def _parse_silent_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a silent response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        mi_logger.debug("Parsing silent response of [%s] with prompt [%s]",
                        response, prompt)
        if ((response == "") or (response == prompt)) and \
           ((prompt == Prompt.NULL) or (prompt == Prompt.COMMAND)):
            return InstErrorCode.OK
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    def _parse_header_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse what the header looks like to make sure if came up.
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        mi_logger.debug("Parsing header response of [%s] with prompt [%s]",
                        response, prompt)
        if header_regex.search(response):
            return InstErrorCode.OK        
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    def _parse_reset_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse the results of a reset
        This is basically a header followed by some initialization lines
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        mi_logger.debug("Parsing reset response of [%s] with prompt [%s]",
                        response, prompt)
        lines = response.split(self.eoln)        
        for line in lines:
            if init_regex.search(line):
                return InstErrorCode.OK        

        # else
        return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    def _parse_cmd_prompt_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a command prompt response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        mi_logger.debug("Parsing command prompt response of [%s] with prompt [%s]",
                        response, prompt)
        if (response == Prompt.COMMAND):
            # yank out the command we sent, split at the self.eoln
            split_result = response.split(self.eoln, 1)
            if len(split_result) > 1:
                response = split_result[1]
            return InstErrorCode.OK
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    def _parse_sample_poll_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a sample poll response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return The sample string
        mi_logger.debug("Parsing sample poll response of [%s] with prompt [%s]",
                        response, prompt)
        if (prompt == ""):
             # strip the eoln, check for regex, report data,
            # and leave it in the buffer for return via execute_poll
            if self.eoln in response:
                lines = response.split(self.eoln)
                for line in lines:
                    if sample_regex.match(line):
                        # In poll mode, we only care about the first response, right?
                        return line
                        return ""
            elif sample_regex.match(response):
                return response
                return ""
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
    # Helpers
    def _wakeup(self, timeout):
        """There is no wakeup sequence for this instrument"""
    def _update_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Fetch the parameters from the device, and update the param dict.
        @param args Unused
        @param kwargs Takes timeout value
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException
        mi_logger.debug("Updating parameter dict")
        old_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        new_config = self._param_dict.get_config()            
        if (new_config != old_config) and (None not in old_config.values()):
    def _send_reset(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a reset command out to the device
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        mi_logger.debug("Sending reset chars")

        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE:
            return InstErrorCode.OK
        while True:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.RESET, timeout=timeout,
            if self._confirm_autosample_mode():
    def _send_stop(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a stop command out to the device
        @retval return InstErrorCode.OK for success or no-op, error code on
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        mi_logger.debug("Sending stop chars")

        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE:
            return InstErrorCode.OK

        while True:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.STOP, timeout=timeout,
            if self._confirm_poll_mode():
    def _send_break(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a blind break command to the device, confirm command mode after
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        mi_logger.debug("Sending break char")
        # do the magic sequence of sending lots of characters really fast...
        # but not too fast
        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE:
        while True:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.BREAK, timeout=timeout,
            if self._confirm_command_mode():
    def _got_data(self, data):
        """ The comms object fires this when data is received
        @param data The chunk of data that was received
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol._got_data(self, data)
        # If we are streaming, process the line buffer for samples, but it
        # could have header stuff come out if you just got a break!
        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE_MODE:
            if self.eoln in self._linebuf:
                lines = self._linebuf.split(self.eoln)
                for line in lines:
                    if sample_regex.match(line):
                        self._last_data_timestamp = time.time()
                        self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE, line)
                        self._linebuf = self._linebuf.replace(line+self.eoln, "") # been processed

    def _confirm_autosample_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in autosample mode
        This is done by waiting for a sample to come in, and confirming that
        it does or does not.
        @retval True if in autosample mode, False if not
        mi_logger.debug("Confirming autosample mode...")
        # timestamp now,
        start_time = self._last_data_timestamp
        # wait a sample period,
        # @todo get this working when _update_params is happening right (only when connected)
        #time_between_samples = (1/self._param_dict.get_config()[Parameter.MAXRATE])+1
        time_between_samples = 2
        end_time = self._last_data_timestamp
        return not (end_time == start_time)
    def _confirm_poll_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in poll mode by waiting for things not to happen.
        Time depends on max data rate
        @retval True if in poll mode, False if not
        mi_logger.debug("Confirming poll mode...")
        autosample_mode = self._confirm_autosample_mode()
        cmd_mode = self._confirm_command_mode()
        if (not autosample_mode) and (not cmd_mode):
            mi_logger.debug("Confirmed in poll mode")
            return True
            mi_logger.debug("Confirmed NOT in poll mode")
            return False
    def _confirm_command_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in command mode
        This is done by issuing a bogus command and getting a prompt
        @retval True if in command mode, False if not
        mi_logger.debug("Confirming command mode...")
            # suspend our belief that we are in another state, and behave
            # as if we are in command mode long enough to confirm or deny it
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SAMPLE, timeout=2,
            (prompt, result) = self._get_response(timeout=2,
        except InstrumentTimeoutException:
            # If we timed out, its because we never got our $ prompt and must
            # not be in command mode (probably got a data value in POLL mode)
            mi_logger.debug("Confirmed NOT in command mode via timeout")
            return False
        except InstrumentProtocolException:
            mi_logger.debug("Confirmed NOT in command mode via protocol exception")
            return False

        # made it this far
        mi_logger.debug("Confirmed in command mode")

        return True
コード例 #2
class SBE37Protocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    Instrument protocol class for SBE37 driver.
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        SBE37Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The SBE37 newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event)
        # Build SBE37 protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(SBE37ProtocolState, SBE37ProtocolEvent,
                            SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT)

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unknown_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unknown_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, SBE37ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_unknown_discover)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_command_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_command_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, self._handler_command_acquire_sample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_command_start_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.SET, self._handler_command_set)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.TEST, self._handler_command_test)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND, SBE37ProtocolEvent.START_DIRECT, self._handler_command_start_direct)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_autosample_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_autosample_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, SBE37ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, SBE37ProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_autosample_stop_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.TEST, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_test_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.TEST, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_test_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.TEST, SBE37ProtocolEvent.RUN_TEST, self._handler_test_run_tests)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.TEST, SBE37ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, SBE37ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_direct_access_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_direct_access_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, SBE37ProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_execute_direct)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, SBE37ProtocolEvent.STOP_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_stop_direct)

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device parameters,
        # current parameter values, and set formatting functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.
        self._add_build_handler('ds', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('dc', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('ts', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('startnow', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('stop', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('tc', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('tt', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('tp', self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler('set', self._build_set_command)

        # Add response handlers for device commands.
        self._add_response_handler('ds', self._parse_dsdc_response)
        self._add_response_handler('dc', self._parse_dsdc_response)
        self._add_response_handler('ts', self._parse_ts_response)
        self._add_response_handler('set', self._parse_set_response)
        self._add_response_handler('tc', self._parse_test_response)
        self._add_response_handler('tt', self._parse_test_response)
        self._add_response_handler('tp', self._parse_test_response)

       # Add sample handlers.
        self._sample_pattern = r'^#? *(-?\d+\.\d+), *(-?\d+\.\d+), *(-?\d+\.\d+)'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(-?\d+\.\d+))?(, *(-?\d+\.\d+))?'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(\d+) +([a-zA-Z]+) +(\d+), *(\d+):(\d+):(\d+))?'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+), *(\d+):(\d+):(\d+))?'        
        self._sample_regex = re.compile(self._sample_pattern)

        # State state machine in UNKNOWN state. 
        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.
    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be COMMAND or AUTOSAMPLE.
        @retval (next_state, result), (SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND or
        SBE37State.AUTOSAMPLE, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentStateException if the device response does not correspond to
        an expected state.
        next_state = None
        result = None
        # Wakeup the device with timeout if passed.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE37_TIMEOUT)
        prompt = self._wakeup(timeout)
        prompt = self._wakeup(timeout)
        # Set the state to change.
        # Raise if the prompt returned does not match command or autosample.
        if prompt == SBE37Prompt.COMMAND:
            next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND
            result = SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND
        elif prompt == SBE37Prompt.AUTOSAMPLE:
            next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
            result = SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
            raise InstrumentStateException('Unknown state.')
        return (next_state, result)

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.
    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Perform a set command.
        @param args[0] parameter : value dict.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing set parameters, if set parameters not ALL and
        not a dict, or if paramter can't be properly formatted.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for set command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if set command could not be built or misunderstood.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Retrieve required parameter.
        # Raise if no parameter provided, or not a dict.
            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Set command requires a parameter dict.')

        if not isinstance(params, dict):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Set parameters not a dict.')
        # For each key, val in the dict, issue set command to device.
        # Raise if the command not understood.
            for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
                result = self._do_cmd_resp('set', key, val, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire sample from SBE37.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, sample dict).        
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built or misunderstood.
        @throws SampleException if a sample could not be extracted from result.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        result = self._do_cmd_resp('ts', *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch into autosample mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE,
        None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built or misunderstood.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Assure the device is transmitting.
        if not self._param_dict.get(SBE37Parameter.TXREALTIME):
            self._do_cmd_resp('set', SBE37Parameter.TXREALTIME, True, **kwargs)
        # Issue start command and switch to autosample if successful.
        self._do_cmd_no_resp('startnow', *args, **kwargs)
        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE        
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_test(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch to test state to perform instrument tests.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE37ProtocolState.TEST, None).
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.TEST
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        return (next_state, result)

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter autosample state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.        
    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state.

    def _handler_autosample_stop_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample and switch back to command mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND,
        None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Wake up the device, continuing until autosample prompt seen.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE37_TIMEOUT)
        self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE37Prompt.AUTOSAMPLE)

        # Issue the stop command.
        self._do_cmd_resp('stop', *args, **kwargs)        
        # Prompt device until command prompt is seen.
        self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE37Prompt.COMMAND)
        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, result)
    # Common handlers.

    def _handler_command_autosample_test_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get device parameters from the parameter dict.
        @param args[0] list of parameters to retrieve, or DriverParameter.ALL.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid parameter.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Retrieve the required parameter, raise if not present.
            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Get command requires a parameter list or tuple.')

        # If all params requested, retrieve config.
        if params == DriverParameter.ALL:
            result = self._param_dict.get_config()
        # If not all params, confirm a list or tuple of params to retrieve.
        # Raise if not a list or tuple.
        # Retireve each key in the list, raise if any are invalid.
            if not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
                raise InstrumentParameterException('Get argument not a list or tuple.')
            result = {}
            for key in params:
                    val = self._param_dict.get(key)
                    result[key] = val

                except KeyError:
                    raise InstrumentParameterException(('%s is not a valid parameter.' % key))
        return (next_state, result)

    # Test handlers.

    def _handler_test_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter test state. Setup the secondary call to run the tests.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.        
        # Forward the test event again to run the test handler and
        # switch back to command mode afterward.
        Timer(1, lambda: self._protocol_fsm.on_event(SBE37ProtocolEvent.RUN_TEST)).start()
    def _handler_test_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit test state.

    def _handler_test_run_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Run test routines and validate results.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        tc_pass = False
        tt_pass = False
        tp_pass = False
        tc_result = None
        tt_result = None
        tp_result = None

        test_result = {}

            tc_pass, tc_result = self._do_cmd_resp('tc', timeout=200)
            tt_pass, tt_result = self._do_cmd_resp('tt', timeout=200)
            tp_pass, tp_result = self._do_cmd_resp('tp', timeout=200)
        except Exception as e:
            test_result['exception'] = e
            test_result['message'] = 'Error running instrument tests.'
            test_result['cond_test'] = 'Passed' if tc_pass else 'Failed'
            test_result['cond_data'] = tc_result
            test_result['temp_test'] = 'Passed' if tt_pass else 'Failed'
            test_result['temp_data'] = tt_result
            test_result['pres_test'] = 'Passed' if tp_pass else 'Failed'
            test_result['pres_data'] = tp_result
            test_result['success'] = 'Passed' if (tc_pass and tt_pass and tp_pass) else 'Failed'
        self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.TEST_RESULT, test_result)
        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND
        return (next_state, result)

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.                
        self._sent_cmds = []
    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND
        return (next_state, result)

    # Private helpers.
    def _send_wakeup(self):
        Send a newline to attempt to wake the SBE37 device.
    def _update_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Update the parameter dictionary. Wake the device then issue
        display status and display calibration commands. The parameter
        dict will match line output and udpate itself.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be timely woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if ds/dc misunderstood.

        # Get old param dict config.
        old_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        # Issue display commands and parse results.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE37_TIMEOUT)
        # Get new param dict config. If it differs from the old config,
        # tell driver superclass to publish a config change event.
        new_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        if new_config != old_config:
    def _build_simple_command(self, cmd):
        Build handler for basic SBE37 commands.
        @param cmd the simple sbe37 command to format.
        @retval The command to be sent to the device.
        return cmd+SBE37_NEWLINE
    def _build_set_command(self, cmd, param, val):
        Build handler for set commands. param=val followed by newline.
        String val constructed by param dict formatting function.
        @param param the parameter key to set.
        @param val the parameter value to set.
        @ retval The set command to be sent to the device.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the parameter is not valid or
        if the formatting function could not accept the value passed.
            str_val = self._param_dict.format(param, val)
            set_cmd = '%s=%s' % (param, str_val)
            set_cmd = set_cmd + SBE37_NEWLINE
        except KeyError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Unknown driver parameter %s' % param)
        return set_cmd

    def _parse_set_response(self, response, prompt):
        Parse handler for set command.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.        
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if set command misunderstood.
        if prompt != SBE37Prompt.COMMAND:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('Set command not recognized: %s' % response)

    def _parse_dsdc_response(self, response, prompt):
        Parse handler for dsdc commands.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.        
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if dsdc command misunderstood.
        if prompt != SBE37Prompt.COMMAND:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('dsdc command not recognized: %s.' % response)
        for line in response.split(SBE37_NEWLINE):
    def _parse_ts_response(self, response, prompt):
        Response handler for ts command.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.
        @retval sample dictionary containig c, t, d values.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if ts command misunderstood.
        @throws InstrumentSampleException if response did not contain a sample
        if prompt != SBE37Prompt.COMMAND:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('ts command not recognized: %s', response)
        sample = None
        for line in response.split(SBE37_NEWLINE):
            sample = self._extract_sample(line, True)
            if sample:
        if not sample:     
            raise SampleException('Response did not contain sample: %s' % repr(response))
        return sample
    def _parse_test_response(self, response, prompt):
        Do minimal checking of test outputs.
        @param response command response string.
        @param promnpt prompt following command response.
        @retval tuple of pass/fail boolean followed by response
        success = False
        lines = response.split()
        if len(lines)>2:
            data = lines[1:-1]
            bad_count = 0
            for item in data:
                except ValueError:
                    bad_count += 1
            if bad_count == 0:
                success = True
        return (success, response)        
    def got_data(self, data):
        Callback for receiving new data from the device.
        if self.get_current_state() == SBE37ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS:
            # direct access mode
            if len(data) > 0:
                #mi_logger.debug("SBE37Protocol._got_data(): <" + data + ">") 
                # check for echoed commands from instrument (TODO: this should only be done for telnet?)
                if len(self._sent_cmds) > 0:
                    # there are sent commands that need to have there echoes filtered out
                    oldest_sent_cmd = self._sent_cmds[0]
                    if string.count(data, oldest_sent_cmd) > 0:
                        # found a command echo, so remove it from data and delete the command form list
                        data = string.replace(data, oldest_sent_cmd, "", 1) 
                if len(data) > 0 and self._driver_event:
                    self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.DIRECT_ACCESS, data)
                    # TODO: what about logging this as an event?
        if len(data)>0:
            # Call the superclass to update line and prompt buffers.
            CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.got_data(self, data)
            # If in streaming mode, process the buffer for samples to publish.
            cur_state = self.get_current_state()
            if cur_state == SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE:
                if SBE37_NEWLINE in self._linebuf:
                    lines = self._linebuf.split(SBE37_NEWLINE)
                    self._linebuf = lines[-1]
                    for line in lines:
    def _extract_sample(self, line, publish=True):
        Extract sample from a response line if present and publish to agent.
        @param line string to match for sample.
        @param publsih boolean to publish sample (default True).
        @retval Sample dictionary if present or None.
        sample = None
        match = self._sample_regex.match(line)
        if match:
            sample = {}
            sample['t'] = [float(match.group(1))]
            sample['c'] = [float(match.group(2))]
            sample['p'] = [float(match.group(3))]

            # Driver timestamp.
            sample['time'] = [time.time()]
            sample['stream_name'] = 'ctd_parsed'

            if self._driver_event:
                self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE, sample)

        return sample            
    def _build_param_dict(self):
        Populate the parameter dictionary with SBE37 parameters.
        For each parameter key, add match stirng, match lambda function,
        and value formatting function for set commands.
        # Add parameter handlers to parameter dict.        
                             r'(do not )?output salinity with each sample',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'(do not )?output sound velocity with each sample',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'number of samples to average = (\d+)',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'samplenumber = (\d+), free = \d+',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'sample interval = (\d+) seconds',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'(do not )?store time with each sample',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'(do not )?transmit real-time data',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'serial sync mode (enabled|disabled)',
                             lambda match : False if (match.group(1)=='disabled') else True,
                             r'wait time after serial sync sampling = (\d+) seconds',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'temperature: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             r' +TA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA3 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r'conductivity: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             r' +G = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +H = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +I = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +J = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +WBOTC = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +CTCOR = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +CPCOR = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r'pressure .+ ((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             r' +PA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCSB0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCSB1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +PTCSB2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +POFFSET = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r'rtc: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             r' +RTCA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +RTCA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +RTCA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),

    # Static helpers to format set commands.

    def _true_false_to_string(v):
        Write a boolean value to string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @param v a boolean value.
        @retval A yes/no string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value not a bool.
        if not isinstance(v,bool):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a bool.' % str(v))
        if v:
            return 'y'
            return 'n'

    def _int_to_string(v):
        Write an int value to string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @param v An int val.
        @retval an int string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value not an int.
        if not isinstance(v,int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an int.' % str(v))
            return '%i' % v

    def _float_to_string(v):
        Write a float value to string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @param v A float val.
        @retval a float string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value is not a float.

        if not isinstance(v,float):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a float.' % v)
            return '%e' % v

    def _date_to_string(v):
        Write a date tuple to string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @param v a date tuple: (day,month,year).
        @retval A date string formatted for sbe37 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if date tuple is not valid.

        if not isinstance(v,(list,tuple)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a list, tuple.' % str(v))
        if not len(v)==3:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not length 3.' % str(v))
        months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep',
        day = v[0]
        month = v[1]
        year = v[2]
        if len(str(year)) > 2:
            year = int(str(year)[-2:])
        if not isinstance(day,int) or day < 1 or day > 31:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a day of month.' % str(day))
        if not isinstance(month,int) or month < 1 or month > 12:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a month.' % str(month))

        if not isinstance(year,int) or year < 0 or year > 99:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a 0-99 year.' % str(year))
        return '%02i-%s-%02i' % (day,months[month-1],year)

    def _string_to_date(datestr,fmt):
        Extract a date tuple from an sbe37 date string.
        @param str a string containing date information in sbe37 format.
        @retval a date tuple.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if datestr cannot be formatted to
        a date.
        if not isinstance(datestr,str):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a string.' % str(datestr))
            date_time = time.strptime(datestr,fmt)
            date = (date_time[2],date_time[1],date_time[0])

        except ValueError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s could not be formatted to a date.' % str(datestr))
        return date
コード例 #3
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: gxtchen/marine-integrations
class VadcpProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    def __init__(self, callback=None):
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, Prompt, EOLN,

        # TODO probably promote this convenience to super-class?
        # _timeout: Default timeout value for operations accepting an
        # optional timeout argument
        self._timeout = 30

        self._last_data_timestamp = None
        self.eoln = EOLN

        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent, None,

        # UNKNOWN

        # COMMAND_MODE
            ProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE, ProtocolEvent.RUN_RECORDER_TESTS,



    def execute_init_protocol(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.INITIALIZE, *args,

    def execute_get_latest_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.GET_LAST_ENSEMBLE,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_get_metadata(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.GET_METADATA, *args,

    def execute_run_recorder_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.RUN_RECORDER_TESTS,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_run_all_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.RUN_ALL_TESTS, *args,

    # State handlers

    def _handler_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Determines initial protocol state according to instrument's state
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # TODO determine the state. For now, assume command mode

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_get_latest_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        next_state = self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state()
        result = None

        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', self._timeout)

            result = self._connection.get_latest_sample(timeout)
        except TimeoutException, e:
            raise InstrumentTimeoutException(msg=str(e))
        except ClientException, e:
            log.warn("ClientException while get_latest_sample: %s" % str(e))
            raise InstrumentException('ClientException: %s' % str(e))
コード例 #4
class VadcpProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):

    def __init__(self, callback=None):
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, Prompt, EOLN, callback)

        # TODO probably promote this convenience to super-class?
        # _timeout: Default timeout value for operations accepting an
        # optional timeout argument
        self._timeout = 30

        self._last_data_timestamp = None
        self.eoln = EOLN

        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,
                                           None, None)

        # UNKNOWN

        # COMMAND_MODE



    def execute_init_protocol(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.INITIALIZE,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_get_latest_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.GET_LAST_ENSEMBLE,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_get_metadata(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.GET_METADATA,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_run_recorder_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.RUN_RECORDER_TESTS,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_run_all_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.RUN_ALL_TESTS,
                                           *args, **kwargs)

    # State handlers

    def _handler_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Determines initial protocol state according to instrument's state
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # TODO determine the state. For now, assume command mode

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND_MODE

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_get_latest_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        next_state = self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state()
        result = None

        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', self._timeout)

            result = self._connection.get_latest_sample(timeout)
        except TimeoutException, e:
            raise InstrumentTimeoutException(msg=str(e))
        except ClientException, e:
            log.warn("ClientException while get_latest_sample: %s" %
            raise InstrumentException('ClientException: %s' % str(e))
コード例 #5
class SingleConnectionInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Base class for instrument drivers with a single device connection.
    Provides connenction state logic for single connection drivers. This is
    the base class for the majority of driver implementation classes.
    def __init__(self, event_callback):
        Constructor for singly connected instrument drivers.
        @param event_callback Callback to the driver process to send asynchronous
        driver events back to the agent.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)
        # The only and only instrument connection.
        # Exists in the connected state.
        self._connection = None

        # The one and only instrument protocol.
        self._protocol = None
        # Build connection state machine.
        self._connection_fsm = InstrumentFSM(DriverConnectionState,
        # Add handlers for all events.
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unconfigured_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unconfigured_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_unconfigured_initialize)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_unconfigured_configure)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_disconnected_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_disconnected_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_disconnected_initialize)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_disconnected_configure)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECT, self._handler_disconnected_connect)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_connected_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_connected_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, self._handler_connected_disconnect)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECTION_LOST, self._handler_connected_connection_lost)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.GET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.SET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXECUTE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.FORCE_STATE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        # Start state machine.
    # Device connection interface.

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize driver connection, bringing communications parameters
        into unconfigured state (no connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, *args, **kwargs)
    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).
        @param arg[0] comms config dict.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid config dict.
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, *args, **kwargs)
    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger
        (connected connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @throws InstrumentConnectionException if the connection failed.
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONNECT, *args, **kwargs)
    def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect from device via port agent / logger.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, *args, **kwargs)

    # Commande and control interface.

    def discover_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Determine initial state upon establishing communications.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @retval Current device state.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state or if
        device state not recognized.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCOVER, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_resource_capabilities(self, current_state=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Return driver commands and parameters.
        @param current_state True to retrieve commands available in current
        state, otherwise reutrn all commands.
        @retval list of AgentCapability objects representing the drivers
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.        

        if self._protocol:
            return self._protocol.get_resource_capabilities(current_state)
            return [[], []]

    def get_resource_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the current state of the driver.
        @retval str current driver state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.        
        connection_state = self._connection_fsm.get_current_state()
        if connection_state == DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED:
            return self._protocol.get_current_state()
            return connection_state

    def get_resource(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve device parameters.
        @param args[0] DriverParameter.ALL or a list of parameters to retrive.
        @retval parameter : value dict.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid get parameters.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.GET, DriverEvent.GET, *args, **kwargs)

    def set_resource(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set device parameters.
        @param args[0] parameter : value dict of parameters to set.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid set parameters.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if set command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.SET, DriverEvent.SET, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_resource(self, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Poll for a sample.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @ retval Device sample dict.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if acquire command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.EXECUTE, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs)

    def test_force_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Force driver into a given state for the purposes of unit testing 
        @param state=desired_state Required desired state to change to.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if no state parameter.
        @raises TestModeException if not in test mode

        if(not self._test_mode):
            raise TestModeException();

       # Get the required param 
        state = kwargs.get('state', None)  # via kwargs
        if state is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing state parameter.')

        # We are mucking with internal FSM parameters which may be bad.
        # The alternative was to raise an event to change the state.  Dont
        # know which is better.
        self._protocol._protocol_fsm.current_state = state

    # Unconfigured handlers.

    def _handler_unconfigured_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unconfigured state.
        # Send state change event to agent.
    def _handler_unconfigured_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unconfigured state.

    def _handler_unconfigured_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize handler. We are already in unconfigured state, do nothing.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        next_state = None
        result = None
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_unconfigured_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful, (None, None) otherwise.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get the required param dict.
        config = kwargs.get('config', None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing comms config parameter.')

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    # Disconnected handlers.

    def _handler_disconnected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter disconnected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_disconnected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit disconnected state.

    def _handler_disconnected_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize device communications. Causes the connection parameters to
        be reset.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED,
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._connection = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get required config param dict.
        config = kwargs.get('config', None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing comms config parameter.')

        # Verify configuration dict, and update connection if possible.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger and
        construct and intialize a protocol FSM for device interaction.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        @raises InstrumentConnectionException if the attempt to connect failed.
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._protocol._connection = self._connection
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    # Connected handlers.

    def _handler_connected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter connected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_connected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit connected state.

    def _handler_connected_disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect to the device via port agent / logger and destroy the
        protocol FSM.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_connection_lost(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The device connection was lost. Stop comms, destroy protocol FSM and
        revert to disconnected state.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_protocol_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Forward a driver command event to the protocol FSM.
        @param args positional arguments to pass on.
        @param kwargs keyword arguments to pass on.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, protocol result).

        next_state = None
        result = self._protocol._protocol_fsm.on_event(event, *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    # Helpers.
    def _build_connection(self, config):
        Constructs and returns a Connection object according to the given
        configuration. The connection object is a LoggerClient instance in
        this base class. Subclasses can overwrite this operation as needed.
        The value returned by this operation is assigned to self._connection
        and also to self._protocol._connection upon entering in the
        DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED state.

        @param config configuration dict

        @retval a Connection instance, which will be assigned to

        @throws InstrumentParameterException Invalid configuration.
        if 'mock_port_agent' in config:
            mock_port_agent = config['mock_port_agent']
            # check for validity here...
            if (mock_port_agent is not None):
                return mock_port_agent
            addr = config['addr']
            port = config['port']

            if isinstance(addr, str) and isinstance(port, int) and len(addr)>0:
                #return LoggerClient(addr, port)
                return PortAgentClient(addr, port)
                raise InstrumentParameterException('Invalid comms config dict.')

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Invalid comms config dict.')

    def _build_protocol(self):
        Construct device specific single connection protocol FSM.
        Overridden in device specific subclasses.
コード例 #6
class SingleConnectionInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Base class for instrument drivers with a single device connection.
    Provides connenction state logic for single connection drivers. This is
    the base class for the majority of driver implementation classes.
    def __init__(self, event_callback):
        Constructor for singly connected instrument drivers.
        @param event_callback Callback to the driver process to send asynchronous
        driver events back to the agent.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)
        # The only and only instrument connection.
        # Exists in the connected state.
        self._connection = None

        # The one and only instrument protocol.
        self._protocol = None
        # Build connection state machine.
        self._connection_fsm = InstrumentFSM(DriverConnectionState,
        # Add handlers for all events.
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unconfigured_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unconfigured_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_unconfigured_initialize)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_unconfigured_configure)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_disconnected_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_disconnected_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_disconnected_initialize)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_disconnected_configure)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECT, self._handler_disconnected_connect)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_connected_enter)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_connected_exit)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, self._handler_connected_disconnect)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECTION_LOST, self._handler_connected_connection_lost)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.GET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.SET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXECUTE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.FORCE_STATE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.START_DIRECT, self._handler_connected_start_direct_event)
        self._connection_fsm.add_handler(DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT, self._handler_connected_stop_direct_event)
        # Start state machine.
        self._pre_da_config = {}
        self._startup_config = {}
    # Device connection interface.

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize driver connection, bringing communications parameters
        into unconfigured state (no connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, *args, **kwargs)
    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).
        @param arg[0] comms config dict.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid config dict.
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, *args, **kwargs)
    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger
        (connected connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @throws InstrumentConnectionException if the connection failed.
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        result = self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONNECT, *args, **kwargs)
        init_config = {}
        if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], dict):
            init_config = args[0]

        return result
    def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect from device via port agent / logger.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, *args, **kwargs)

    # Configuration logic
    def get_init_params(self):
        get the driver initialization parameters
        @return driver configuration dictionary
        return self._startup_config

    def set_init_params(self, config):
        Set the initialization parameters down in the protocol and store the
        driver configuration in the driver.

        If the protocol hasn't been setup yet cache the config.  Next time
        this method is called, if you call it with an empty config it will
        read from the cache.

        @param config This default configuration assumes a structure driver
        configuration dict with keys named in DriverConfigKey.
        Stranger parameters can be adjusted by over riding this method.
        @raise InstrumentParameterException If the config cannot be applied
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            raise InstrumentParameterException("Incompatible initialization parameters")

            param_config = None
                param_config = config
                param_config = self._startup_config

        self._startup_config = config
    def apply_startup_params(self):
        Apply the startup values previously stored in the protocol to
        the running config of the live instrument. The startup values are the
        values that are (1) marked as startup parameters and are (2) the "best"
        value to use at startup. Preference is given to the previously-set init
        value, then the default value, then the currently used value.

        This default implementation simply pushes the logic down into the protocol
        for processing should the action be better accomplished down there.
        The driver writer can decide to overload this method in the derived
        driver class and apply startup parameters in the driver (likely calling
        some get and set methods for the resource). If the driver does not
        implement an apply_startup_params() method in the driver, this method
        will call into the protocol. Deriving protocol classes are expected to
        implement an apply_startup_params() method lest they get the exception
        from the base InstrumentProtocol implementation.
        log.debug("Base driver applying startup params...")
    def get_cached_config(self):
        Return the configuration object that shows the instrument's
        configuration as cached in the protocol parameter dictionary.
        @retval The running configuration in the instruments config format. By
        default, it is a dictionary of parameter names and values.
        if self._protocol:
            return self._protocol.get_cached_config()
    def restore_direct_access_params(self, config):
        Restore the correct values out of the full config that is given when
        returning from direct access. By default, this takes a simple dict of
        param name and value. Override this class as needed as it makes some
        simple assumptions about how your instrument sets things.
        @param config The configuration that was previously saved (presumably
        to disk somewhere by the driver that is working with this protocol)
        vals = {}
        # for each parameter that is read only, restore
        da_params = self._protocol.get_direct_access_params()        
        for param in da_params:
            vals[param] = config[param]
    # Commande and control interface.

    def discover_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Determine initial state upon establishing communications.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @retval Current device state.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state or if
        device state not recognized.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCOVER, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_resource_capabilities(self, current_state=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Return driver commands and parameters.
        @param current_state True to retrieve commands available in current
        state, otherwise reutrn all commands.
        @retval list of AgentCapability objects representing the drivers
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.        

        if self._protocol:
            return self._protocol.get_resource_capabilities(current_state)
            return [[], []]

    def get_resource_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the current state of the driver.
        @retval str current driver state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.        
        connection_state = self._connection_fsm.get_current_state()
        if connection_state == DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED:
            return self._protocol.get_current_state()
            return connection_state

    def get_resource(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve device parameters.
        @param args[0] DriverParameter.ALL or a list of parameters to retrive.
        @retval parameter : value dict.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid get parameters.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.GET, DriverEvent.GET, *args, **kwargs)

    def set_resource(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set device parameters.
        @param args[0] parameter : value dict of parameters to set.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid set parameters.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if set command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.SET, DriverEvent.SET, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_resource(self, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Poll for a sample.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @ retval Device sample dict.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if acquire command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        if resource_cmd == DriverEvent.START_DIRECT:
            return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.START_DIRECT, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs)            
        elif resource_cmd == DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT:
            return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs)
            return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.EXECUTE, resource_cmd, *args, **kwargs)

    def test_force_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Force driver into a given state for the purposes of unit testing 
        @param state=desired_state Required desired state to change to.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if no state parameter.
        @raises TestModeException if not in test mode

        if(not self._test_mode):
            raise TestModeException();

       # Get the required param 
        state = kwargs.get('state', None)  # via kwargs
        if state is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing state parameter.')

        # We are mucking with internal FSM parameters which may be bad.
        # The alternative was to raise an event to change the state.  Dont
        # know which is better.
        self._protocol._protocol_fsm.current_state = state

    # Unconfigured handlers.

    def _handler_unconfigured_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unconfigured state.
        # Send state change event to agent.
    def _handler_unconfigured_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unconfigured state.

    def _handler_unconfigured_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize handler. We are already in unconfigured state, do nothing.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        next_state = None
        result = None
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_unconfigured_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful, (None, None) otherwise.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get the required param dict.
        config = kwargs.get('config', None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing comms config parameter.')

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    # Disconnected handlers.

    def _handler_disconnected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter disconnected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_disconnected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit disconnected state.

    def _handler_disconnected_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize device communications. Causes the connection parameters to
        be reset.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED,
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._connection = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get required config param dict.
        config = kwargs.get('config', None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing comms config parameter.')

        # Verify configuration dict, and update connection if possible.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger and
        construct and intialize a protocol FSM for device interaction.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        @raises InstrumentConnectionException if the attempt to connect failed.
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._protocol._connection = self._connection
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    # Connected handlers.

    def _handler_connected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter connected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_connected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit connected state.

    def _handler_connected_disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect to the device via port agent / logger and destroy the
        protocol FSM.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        next_state = None
        result = None
        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_connection_lost(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The device connection was lost. Stop comms, destroy protocol FSM and
        revert to disconnected state.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_protocol_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Forward a driver command event to the protocol FSM.
        @param args positional arguments to pass on.
        @param kwargs keyword arguments to pass on.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, protocol result).
        next_state = None
        result = self._protocol._protocol_fsm.on_event(event, *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_start_direct_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Stash the current config first, then forward a driver command event
        to the protocol FSM.
        @param args positional arguments to pass on.
        @param kwargs keyword arguments to pass on.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, protocol result).
        next_state = None
        self._pre_da_config = self.get_resource(DriverParameter.ALL)

        result = self._protocol._protocol_fsm.on_event(event, *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)
    def _handler_connected_stop_direct_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Restore previous config first, then forward a driver command event
        to the protocol FSM.
        @param args positional arguments to pass on.
        @param kwargs keyword arguments to pass on.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, protocol result).
        next_state = None
        result = self._protocol._protocol_fsm.on_event(event, *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    # Helpers.
    def _build_connection(self, config):
        Constructs and returns a Connection object according to the given
        configuration. The connection object is a LoggerClient instance in
        this base class. Subclasses can overwrite this operation as needed.
        The value returned by this operation is assigned to self._connection
        and also to self._protocol._connection upon entering in the
        DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED state.

        @param config configuration dict

        @retval a Connection instance, which will be assigned to

        @throws InstrumentParameterException Invalid configuration.
        if 'mock_port_agent' in config:
            mock_port_agent = config['mock_port_agent']
            # check for validity here...
            if (mock_port_agent is not None):
                return mock_port_agent
            addr = config['addr']
            port = config['port']
            cmd_port = config.get('cmd_port')

            if isinstance(addr, str) and isinstance(port, int) and len(addr)>0:
                return PortAgentClient(addr, port, cmd_port)
                raise InstrumentParameterException('Invalid comms config dict.')

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Invalid comms config dict.')

    def _build_protocol(self):
        Construct device specific single connection protocol FSM.
        Overridden in device specific subclasses.
コード例 #7
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: cwingard/mi-instrument
class Protocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    Instrument protocol class
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event)

        # Build protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,
                            ProtocolEvent.ENTER, ProtocolEvent.EXIT)

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unknown_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unknown_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_unknown_discover)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.START_DIRECT, self._handler_command_start_direct)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_command_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_command_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.SET, self._handler_command_set)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_command_autosample_start)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.INIT_PARAMS, self._handler_command_init_params)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_autosample_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_autosample_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_autosample_stop)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_direct_access_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_direct_access_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.STOP_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_stop_direct)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_execute_direct)

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device parameters,
        # current parameter values, and set formatting functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.

        # Add response handlers for device commands.

        # Add sample handlers.

        # State state machine in UNKNOWN state.

        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

        self._chunker = StringChunker(Protocol.sieve_function)

        self._payload_cache = {}

    def sieve_function(raw_data):
        The method that splits samples

        return_list = []

        return return_list

    def _build_param_dict(self):
        Populate the parameter dictionary with parameters.
        For each parameter key, add match stirng, match lambda function,
        and value formatting function for set commands.
        # Add parameter handlers to parameter dict.
                      display_name="Payload Size",
                      startup_param = True,
                      direct_access = True,
                      default_value = 1024)
                      display_name="Sample Interval (sec)",
                      startup_param = True,
                      direct_access = True,
                      default_value = 1)

    def _got_chunk(self, chunk):
        The base class got_data has gotten a chunk from the chunker.  Pass it to extract_sample
        with the appropriate particle objects and REGEXes.

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        Return a list of currently available capabilities.
        return [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state
        @retval (next_state, result)
        return (ProtocolState.COMMAND, ResourceAgentState.IDLE)

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._set_params(*args, **kwargs)

        log.debug("_handler_command_set: result: %s", result)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        Start direct access
        next_state = ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        result = None
        log.debug("_handler_command_start_direct: entering DA mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_autosample_start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        next_state = ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        result = None
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_init_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        initialize parameters
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter autosample state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.


    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state.

    def _handler_autosample_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample and switch back to command mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (ProtocolState.COMMAND,
        (next_agent_state, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Helpers
    def _start_packet_generator(self):
        packet_size = self._param_dict.get(ParameterName.PAYLOAD_SIZE)
        sample_interval = self._param_dict.get(ParameterName.SAMPLE_INTERVAL)


        self._stop_generator_thread = False
        self._generator_thread = Thread(
            args=(packet_size, sample_interval, self._publish_packet ))

    def _generate_packets(self, *args, **kwargs):
        packet_size = args[0]
        sample_interval = args[1]
        publish_callback = args[2]

        log.debug("_generate_packets, starting packet generator. packet_size: %s, sample_interval: %s", packet_size, sample_interval)

        while(self._stop_generator_thread != True):

        log.debug("_generate_packets, stopping packet generator")

    def _publish_packet(self, packet_size):
        buf = self._get_payload_value(packet_size)
        particle = TestDataParticle(buf, port_timestamp=time_to_ntp_date_time())

        log.debug("_publish_packet, packet size: %d", len(buf))
        self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE, particle.generate())

    def _get_payload_value(self, packet_size):
        if self._payload_cache.get(packet_size):
            return self._payload_cache[packet_size]

        return self._generate_payload_value(packet_size)

    def _generate_payload_value(self, packet_size):
        log.debug("generating new value, packet size: %s", packet_size)
        charlist = [random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(packet_size)]
        buf = struct.pack('%sc' % len(charlist), *charlist)
        self._payload_cache[packet_size] = buf
        return buf

    def _stop_packet_generator(self):
        log.debug("_stop_packet_generator: Signal the packet generator to stop")
        self._stop_generator_thread = True


    def _set_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Issue commands to the instrument to set various parameters
        startup = False
        config_change = False

        result = {}

            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Set command requires a parameter dict.')

            startup = args[1]
        except IndexError:

        for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
            log.debug("KEY = " + str(key) + " VALUE = " + str(val))
            if self._param_dict.get(key) != val:
                config_change = True
            self._param_dict.set_value(key, val)
            result[key] = val

        if config_change:

        return result
コード例 #8
class Protocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    Instrument protocol class
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event)

        # Build protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,
                            ProtocolEvent.ENTER, ProtocolEvent.EXIT)

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unknown_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unknown_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_unknown_discover)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_autosample_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_autosample_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_autosample_stop_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.DUMP_01, self._handler_command_autosample_dump01)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.DUMP_02, self._handler_command_autosample_dump02)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.START_LEVELING, self._handler_command_autosample_start_leveling)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_command_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_command_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.SET, self._handler_command_set)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.DUMP_01, self._handler_command_autosample_dump01)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.DUMP_02, self._handler_command_autosample_dump02)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_command_start_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_LEVELING, self._handler_command_autosample_start_leveling)

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.LEVELING, ProtocolEvent.STOP_LEVELING, self._handler_leveling_stop_leveling)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(ProtocolState.LEVELING, ProtocolEvent.LEVELING_COMPLETE, self._handler_leveling_complete)

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device parameters,
        # current parameter values, and set formatting functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON, self._build_command)
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.DATA_OFF, self._build_command)
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_01, self._build_command)
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_02, self._build_command)
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.START_LEVELING, self._build_command)
        self._add_build_handler(InstrumentCommand.STOP_LEVELING, self._build_command)

        # Add response handlers for device commands.
        self._add_response_handler(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON, self._parse_data_on_off_resp)
        self._add_response_handler(InstrumentCommand.DATA_OFF, self._parse_data_on_off_resp)
        self._add_response_handler(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_01, self._parse_status_01_resp)
        self._add_response_handler(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_02, self._parse_status_02_resp)

        # Add sample handlers.

        # State state machine in UNKNOWN state.

        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

        self._chunker = StringChunker(Protocol.sieve_function)

        # set up the regexes now so we don't have to do it repeatedly
        self.data_regex = LILYDataParticle.regex_compiled()
        self.cmd_rsp_regex = LILYCommandResponse.regex_compiled()
        self.signon_regex = LILYStatusSignOnParticle.regex_compiled()
        self.status_01_regex = LILYStatus_01_Particle.regex_compiled()
        self.status_02_regex = LILYStatus_02_Particle.regex_compiled()
        self.leveling_regex = LILYLevelingParticle.regex_compiled()

    def sieve_function(raw_data):
        The method that splits samples

        matchers = []
        return_list = []

        would be nice to be able to do this.
        Not a good idea to be compiling these for every invocation of this
        method; they don't change.

        for matcher in matchers:
            for match in matcher.finditer(raw_data):
                return_list.append((match.start(), match.end()))

        return return_list

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        Return a list of currently available capabilities.
        events_out = [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    def _build_cmd_dict(self):
        Populate the command dictionary with NOAA LILY Driver metadata information. 
        Currently LILY only supports DATA_ON and DATA_OFF.
        self._cmd_dict = ProtocolCommandDict()
    def _build_param_dict(self):
        Populate the parameter dictionary with parameters.
        For each parameter key, add match stirng, match lambda function,
        and value formatting function for set commands.
        # Add parameter handlers to parameter dict.

    def add_to_buffer(self, data):
        Overridden because most of the data coming to this driver
        isn't meant for it.  I'm only adding to the buffer when
        a chunk arrives (see my_add_to_buffer, below), so this 
        method does nothing.
        @param data: bytes to add to the buffer
    def _my_add_to_buffer(self, data):
        Replaces add_to_buffer. Most data coming to this driver isn't meant
        for it.  I'm only adding to the buffer when data meant for this 
        driver arrives.  That is accomplished using the chunker mechanism. This
        method would normally collet any data fragments that are then search by
        the get_response method in the context of a synchronous command sent
        from the observatory.  However, because so much data arrives here that
        is not applicable, the add_to_buffer method has been overridden to do
        @param data: bytes to add to the buffer
        # Update the line and prompt buffers; first acquire mutex.
        self._linebuf += data
        self._promptbuf += data

        self._last_data_timestamp = time.time()

    def _got_chunk(self, chunk, timestamp):
        The base class got_data has gotten a chunk from the chunker.  Invoke
        this driver's _my_add_to_buffer, or pass it to extract_sample
        with the appropriate particle objects and REGEXes.  We need to invoke
        _my_add_to_buffer, because we've overridden the base class
        add_to_buffer that is called from got_data().  The reason is explained
        in comments in _my_add_to_buffer.

        log.debug("_got_chunk_: %s", chunk)
        If we're in leveling mode, use a different got_chunk
        if (self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == ProtocolState.LEVELING):
            log.error("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YAHOOO!!!!   LEVELING CHUNK: %s", chunk)
            if (self.leveling_regex.match(chunk)):
                log.error("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!!")
        if (self.cmd_rsp_regex.match(chunk) \
        #or self.signon_regex.match(chunk) \ # currently not using the signon chunk
        or self.status_01_regex.match(chunk) \
        or self.status_02_regex.match(chunk)):
            log.error("++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adding CHUNK: %s to buffer", chunk)
            if not self._extract_sample(LILYDataParticle,
                                        chunk, timestamp):
                raise InstrumentProtocolException("Unhandled chunk")

    def _build_command(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        command = cmd + NEWLINE
        log.debug("_build_command: command is: %s", command)
        return command

    def _parse_data_on_off_resp(self, response, prompt):
        log.debug("_parse_data_on_off_resp: response: %r; prompt: %s", response, prompt)
        return response.lily_command_response
    def _parse_status_01_resp(self, response, prompt):
        log.debug("_parse_status_01_resp: response: %r; prompt: %s", response, prompt)
        return response.lily_status_response
    def _parse_status_02_resp(self, response, prompt):
        log.debug("_parse_status_02_resp: response: %r; prompt: %s", response, prompt)
        return response.lily_status_response
    def _wakeup(self, timeout, delay=1):
        Overriding _wakeup; does not apply to this instrument

    Overriding this because it clears the promptbuf with no coordination with
    another thread of execution that uses the same variable.
    def _do_cmd_resp(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Perform a command-response on the device.
        @param cmd The command to execute.
        @param args positional arguments to pass to the build handler.
        @param timeout=timeout optional wakeup and command timeout.
        @retval resp_result The (possibly parsed) response result.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if the response did not occur in time.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built or if response
        was not recognized.

        # Get timeout and initialize response.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', DEFAULT_CMD_TIMEOUT)
        expected_prompt = kwargs.get('expected_prompt', None)
        write_delay = kwargs.get('write_delay', DEFAULT_WRITE_DELAY)
        retval = None
        # Get the build handler.
        build_handler = self._build_handlers.get(cmd, None)
        if not build_handler:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('Cannot build command: %s' % cmd)

        cmd_line = build_handler(cmd, *args)

        # Wakeup the device, pass up exception if timeout

        prompt = self._wakeup(timeout)
        # Clear line and prompt buffers for result.

        self._linebuf = ''
        #self._promptbuf = ''

        # Send command.
        log.debug('_do_cmd_resp: %s, timeout=%s, write_delay=%s, expected_prompt=%s,' %
                        (repr(cmd_line), timeout, write_delay, expected_prompt))

        if (write_delay == 0):
            for char in cmd_line:

        # Wait for the prompt, prepare result and return, timeout exception
        (prompt, result) = self._get_response(timeout,

        resp_handler = self._response_handlers.get((self.get_current_state(), cmd), None) or \
            self._response_handlers.get(cmd, None)
        resp_result = None
        if resp_handler:
            resp_result = resp_handler(result, prompt)

        return resp_result

    def _get_response(self, timeout=30, expected_prompt=None):
        Overriding _get_response: this one uses regex on chunks
        that have already been filtered by the chunker.  An improvement
        to the chunker could be metadata labeling the chunk so that we
        don't have to do another match, although I don't think it is that
        expensive once the chunk has been pulled out to match again
        @param timeout The timeout in seconds
        @param expected_prompt Only consider the specific expected prompt as
        presented by this string
        @throw InstrumentProtocolExecption on timeout
        # Grab time for timeout and wait for response

        starttime = time.time()
        response = None
        log.error("!!!!!!!! DHE Timeout is: %d", timeout)
        Spin around for <timeout> looking for the response to arrive
        continuing = True
        response = "no response"
        while continuing:
            if self.cmd_rsp_regex.match(self._promptbuf):
                response = LILYCommandResponse(self._promptbuf)
                log.debug("_get_response() matched CommandResponse. _promptbuf: %s",
                continuing = False
            #elif self.signon_regex.match(self._promptbuf):
                #response = LILYStatusSignOnParticle(self._promptbuf)
                #log.debug("~~~~~~~~~ SignonResponse")
                Currently not using the signon particle.
            elif self.status_01_regex.match(self._promptbuf):
                response = LILYStatus_01_Particle(self._promptbuf)
                log.debug("_get_response() matched Status_01_Response")
                continuing = False
            elif self.status_02_regex.match(self._promptbuf):
                response = LILYStatus_02_Particle(self._promptbuf)
                log.debug("_get_response() matched Status_02_Response")
                continuing = False
                log.error("DHE TEMPTEMP no match: promptbuf: %s", self._promptbuf)
                TODO: moved clearing of promptbuf to after everything.
                #self._promptbuf = ''

            if timeout and time.time() > starttime + timeout:
                log.error("TIMEOUT IN GET RESPONSE!  LOOKING FOR %r in %s", 
                          expected_prompt, self._promptbuf)
                raise InstrumentTimeoutException("in BOTPT LILY driver._get_response()")

        Clear the promptbuf here; first acquire mutex
        self._promptbuf = ''

        return ('LILY_RESPONSE', response)
    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state
        @retval (next_state, result)
        return (ProtocolState.COMMAND, ResourceAgentState.IDLE)

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter autosample state.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_autosample_stop_autosample(self):
        Turn the lily data off
        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DATA_OFF, 
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_DATA_OFF)
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get parameter

        next_state = None
        result = {}

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        params = args[0]
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Turn the lily data on
        next_state = ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING

        call _do_cmd_resp, passing our LILY_DATA_ON as the expected_prompt
        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON, 
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_DATA_ON)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    # Leveling Handlers

    def _handler_leveling_stop_leveling(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Take instrument out of leveling mode; according to the LILY Commands
        document, we need to turn data on automatically (corresponds to 
        next_state = ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        result = None

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.STOP_LEVELING,
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_LEVEL_OFF)

        log.debug("STOP_LEVELING response: %s", result)

        log.debug("Turning LILY data on and transitioning to AUTOSAMPLE.")
        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON,
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_DATA_ON)

        log.debug("DATA_ON response: %s", result)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_leveling_complete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Leveling is complete.  According to LILY Commands document, we 
        need to turn data on automatically (enter AUTOSAMPLE)
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, sample dict).
        next_state = ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        result = None

        log.debug("LILY reports leveling complete: sending STOP LEVELING.")
        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.STOP_LEVELING,
                                      expected_prompt = LILY_LEVEL_OFF)

        log.debug("Turning LILY data on, transitioning to AUTOSAMPLE.")

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON,
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_DATA_ON)

        #result = self._do_cmd_no_resp(InstrumentCommand.DATA_ON)

        #log.debug("DATA_ON response: %s", result)


        return (next_state, next_agent_state)

    # Handlers common to Command and Autosample States.

    def _handler_command_autosample_dump01(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get device status
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout')

        if timeout is not None:
            result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_01, timeout = timeout)
            result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_01)

        log.debug("DUMP_SETTINGS_01 response: %s", result)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_autosample_dump02(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get device status
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.DUMP_SETTINGS_02)

        log.debug("DUMP_SETTINGS_02 response: %s", result)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_autosample_start_leveling(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Put instrument into leveling mode
        next_state = ProtocolState.LEVELING
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.CALIBRATE
        result = None

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.START_LEVELING,
                                   expected_prompt = LILY_LEVEL_ON)

        log.debug("START_LEVELING response: %s", result)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))
コード例 #9
class Protocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    Instrument protocol class
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline,

        # Build protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine.

                                       ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_get)


            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT,

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device parameters,
        # current parameter values, and set formatting functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.

        # Add response handlers for device commands.

        # Add sample handlers.

        # State state machine in UNKNOWN state.

        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

        self._chunker = StringChunker(Protocol.sieve_function)

        self._payload_cache = {}

    def sieve_function(raw_data):
        The method that splits samples

        return_list = []

        return return_list

    def _build_param_dict(self):
        Populate the parameter dictionary with parameters.
        For each parameter key, add match stirng, match lambda function,
        and value formatting function for set commands.
        # Add parameter handlers to parameter dict.
                      display_name="Payload Size",
                      display_name="Sample Interval (sec)",

    def _got_chunk(self, chunk):
        The base class got_data has gotten a chunk from the chunker.  Pass it to extract_sample
        with the appropriate particle objects and REGEXes.

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        Return a list of currently available capabilities.
        return [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state
        @retval (next_state, result)
        return (ProtocolState.COMMAND, ResourceAgentState.IDLE)

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._set_params(*args, **kwargs)

        log.debug("_handler_command_set: result: %s", result)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        Start direct access
        next_state = ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        result = None
        log.debug("_handler_command_start_direct: entering DA mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_autosample_start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        next_state = ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        result = None
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_init_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        initialize parameters
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter autosample state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.


    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state.

    def _handler_autosample_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample and switch back to command mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (ProtocolState.COMMAND,
        (next_agent_state, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Helpers
    def _start_packet_generator(self):
        packet_size = self._param_dict.get(ParameterName.PAYLOAD_SIZE)
        sample_interval = self._param_dict.get(ParameterName.SAMPLE_INTERVAL)


        self._stop_generator_thread = False
        self._generator_thread = Thread(target=self._generate_packets,
                                        args=(packet_size, sample_interval,

    def _generate_packets(self, *args, **kwargs):
        packet_size = args[0]
        sample_interval = args[1]
        publish_callback = args[2]

            "_generate_packets, starting packet generator. packet_size: %s, sample_interval: %s",
            packet_size, sample_interval)

        while (self._stop_generator_thread != True):

        log.debug("_generate_packets, stopping packet generator")

    def _publish_packet(self, packet_size):
        buf = self._get_payload_value(packet_size)
        particle = TestDataParticle(
            buf, port_timestamp=mi.core.time.time_to_ntp_date_time())

        log.debug("_publish_packet, packet size: %d", len(buf))
        self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE, particle.generate())

    def _get_payload_value(self, packet_size):
        if self._payload_cache.get(packet_size):
            return self._payload_cache[packet_size]

        return self._generate_payload_value(packet_size)

    def _generate_payload_value(self, packet_size):
        log.debug("generating new value, packet size: %s", packet_size)
        charlist = [random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(packet_size)]
        buf = struct.pack('%sc' % len(charlist), *charlist)
        self._payload_cache[packet_size] = buf
        return buf

    def _stop_packet_generator(self):
            "_stop_packet_generator: Signal the packet generator to stop")
        self._stop_generator_thread = True


    def _set_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Issue commands to the instrument to set various parameters
        startup = False
        config_change = False

        result = {}

            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException(
                'Set command requires a parameter dict.')

            startup = args[1]
        except IndexError:

        for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
            log.debug("KEY = " + str(key) + " VALUE = " + str(val))
            if self._param_dict.get(key) != val:
                config_change = True
            self._param_dict.set_value(key, val)
            result[key] = val

        if config_change:

        return result
コード例 #10
class SingleConnectionInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Base class for instrument drivers with a single device connection.
    Provides connenction state logic for single connection drivers. This is
    the base class for the majority of driver implementation classes.

    def __init__(self, event_callback):
        Constructor for singly connected instrument drivers.
        @param event_callback Callback to the driver process to send asynchronous
        driver events back to the agent.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)

        # The only and only instrument connection.
        # Exists in the connected state.
        self._connection = None

        # The one and only instrument protocol.
        self._protocol = None

        # Build connection state machine.
        self._connection_fsm = InstrumentFSM(DriverConnectionState, DriverEvent, DriverEvent.ENTER, DriverEvent.EXIT)

        # Add handlers for all events.
            DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unconfigured_enter
            DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unconfigured_exit
            DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_unconfigured_initialize
            DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_unconfigured_configure
            DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_disconnected_enter
            DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_disconnected_exit
            DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, self._handler_disconnected_initialize
            DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, self._handler_disconnected_configure
            DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECT, self._handler_disconnected_connect
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.ENTER, self._handler_connected_enter
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXIT, self._handler_connected_exit
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, self._handler_connected_disconnect
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.CONNECTION_LOST, self._handler_connected_connection_lost
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.GET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.SET, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.TEST, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.CALIBRATE, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.START_DIRECT, self._handler_connected_protocol_event
            DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED, DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT, self._handler_connected_protocol_event

        # Start state machine.

    # Device connection interface.

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize driver connection, bringing communications parameters
        into unconfigured state (no connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.INITIALIZE, *args, **kwargs)

    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).
        @param arg[0] comms config dict.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state        
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid config dict.

        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONFIGURE, *args, **kwargs)

    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger
        (connected connection object).
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @throws InstrumentConnectionException if the connection failed.
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CONNECT, *args, **kwargs)

    def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect from device via port agent / logger.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        # Forward event and argument to the connection FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCONNECT, *args, **kwargs)

    # Commande and control interface.

    def discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Determine initial state upon establishing communications.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @retval Current device state.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state or if
        device state not recognized.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.DISCOVER, DriverEvent.DISCOVER, *args, **kwargs)

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve device parameters.
        @param args[0] DriverParameter.ALL or a list of parameters to retrive.
        @retval parameter : value dict.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid get parameters.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.GET, DriverEvent.GET, *args, **kwargs)

    def set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set device parameters.
        @param args[0] parameter : value dict of parameters to set.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid set parameters.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if set command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.SET, DriverEvent.SET, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Poll for a sample.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @ retval Device sample dict.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if acquire command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, DriverEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_start_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch to autosample mode.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(
            DriverEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, DriverEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, *args, **kwargs

    def execute_stop_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Leave autosample mode.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout.        
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if stop command not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, DriverEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_test(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute device tests.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout (for wakeup only --
        device specific timeouts for internal test commands).
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if test commands not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.TEST, DriverEvent.TEST, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_calibrate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute device calibration.
        @param timeout=timeout Optional command timeout (for wakeup only --
        device specific timeouts for internal calibration commands).
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if test commands not recognized.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedException if not implemented by subclass.                        
        # Forward event and argument to the protocol FSM.
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.CALIBRATE, DriverEvent.CALIBRATE, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_start_direct_access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch to direct access mode.
        @raises TimeoutError if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises StateError if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedError if not implemented by subclass.                
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.START_DIRECT, DriverEvent.START_DIRECT, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_direct_access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        output direct access data to device.
        @raises TimeoutError if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises StateError if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedError if not implemented by subclass.                
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, DriverEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_stop_direct_access(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Leave direct access mode.
        @raises TimeoutError if could not wake device or no response.
        @raises ProtocolError if stop command not recognized.
        @raises StateError if command not allowed in current state.
        @raises NotImplementedError if not implemented by subclass.                
        return self._connection_fsm.on_event(DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT, DriverEvent.STOP_DIRECT, *args, **kwargs)

    # Resource query interface.

    def get_current_state(self):
        Return current device state. For single connection devices, return
        a single connection state if not connected, and protocol state if connected.
        connection_state = self._connection_fsm.get_current_state()
        if connection_state == DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED:
            return self._protocol.get_current_state()
            return connection_state

    # Unconfigured handlers.

    def _handler_unconfigured_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unconfigured state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_unconfigured_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unconfigured state.

    def _handler_unconfigured_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize handler. We are already in unconfigured state, do nothing.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_unconfigured_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful, (None, None) otherwise.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get the required param dict.
        config = kwargs.get("config", None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException("Missing comms config parameter.")

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    # Disconnected handlers.

    def _handler_disconnected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter disconnected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_disconnected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit disconnected state.

    def _handler_disconnected_initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize device communications. Causes the connection parameters to
        be reset.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED,
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._connection = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure driver for device comms.
        @param args[0] Communiations config dictionary.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid param dict.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Get required config param dict.
        config = kwargs.get("config", None)  # via kwargs
        # TODO use kwargs as the only mechanism
        if config is None:
                config = args[0]  # via first argument
            except IndexError:

        if config is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException("Missing comms config parameter.")

        # Verify configuration dict, and update connection if possible.
        self._connection = self._build_connection(config)

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_disconnected_connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger and
        construct and intialize a protocol FSM for device interaction.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        @raises InstrumentConnectionException if the attempt to connect failed.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._protocol._connection = self._connection
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    # Connected handlers.

    def _handler_connected_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter connected state.
        # Send state change event to agent.

    def _handler_connected_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit connected state.

    def _handler_connected_disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect to the device via port agent / logger and destroy the
        protocol FSM.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        None) if successful.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_connection_lost(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The device connection was lost. Stop comms, destroy protocol FSM and
        revert to disconnected state.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED,
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._protocol = None
        next_state = DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_connected_protocol_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Forward a driver command event to the protocol FSM.
        @param args positional arguments to pass on.
        @param kwargs keyword arguments to pass on.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, protocol result).
        next_state = None
        result = self._protocol._protocol_fsm.on_event(event, *args, **kwargs)

        return (next_state, result)

    # Helpers.

    def _build_connection(self, config):
        Constructs and returns a Connection object according to the given
        configuration. The connection object is a LoggerClient instance in
        this base class. Subclasses can overwrite this operation as needed.
        The value returned by this operation is assigned to self._connection
        and also to self._protocol._connection upon entering in the
        DriverConnectionState.CONNECTED state.

        @param config configuration dict

        @retval a Connection instance, which will be assigned to

        @throws InstrumentParameterException Invalid configuration.
            addr = config["addr"]
            port = config["port"]

            if isinstance(addr, str) and isinstance(port, int) and len(addr) > 0:
                return LoggerClient(addr, port)
                raise InstrumentParameterException("Invalid comms config dict.")

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException("Invalid comms config dict.")

    def _build_protocol(self):
        Construct device specific single connection protocol FSM.
        Overridden in device specific subclasses.
コード例 #11
class SatlanticPARInstrumentProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    """The instrument protocol classes to deal with a Satlantic PAR sensor.
    The protocol is a very simple command/response protocol with a few show
    commands and a few set commands.
    Note protocol state machine must be called "self._protocol_fsm"
    @todo Check for valid state transitions and handle requests appropriately
    possibly using better exceptions from the fsm.on_event() method

    def __init__(self, callback=None):
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, Prompt, EOLN, callback)

        self.write_delay = WRITE_DELAY
        self._last_data_timestamp = None
        self.eoln = EOLN

        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(
            PARProtocolState, PARProtocolEvent, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, PARProtocolEvent.EXIT

        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.UNKNOWN, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unknown_enter)
            PARProtocolState.UNKNOWN, PARProtocolEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_unknown_discover
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_command_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.SET, self._handler_command_set)
            PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_command_start_autosample
            PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.START_POLL, self._handler_command_start_poll
            PARProtocolState.COMMAND, PARProtocolEvent.START_DIRECT, self._handler_command_start_direct
            PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_autosample_enter
            PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, PARProtocolEvent.START_POLL, self._handler_autosample_start_poll
            PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, PARProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_autosample_stop_autosample
            PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, PARProtocolEvent.RESET, self._handler_autosample_reset
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_poll_enter)
            PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_poll_start_autosample
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.STOP_POLL, self._handler_poll_stop_poll)
            PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, self._handler_poll_acquire_sample
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.RESET, self._handler_poll_reset)
            PARProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, PARProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_direct_access_enter
            PARProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, PARProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_execute_direct
            PARProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, PARProtocolEvent.STOP_DIRECT, self._handler_direct_access_stop_direct


        self._add_build_handler(Command.SET, self._build_set_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.GET, self._build_param_fetch_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SAVE, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.EXIT, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.EXIT_AND_RESET, self._build_exec_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SWITCH_TO_AUTOSAMPLE, self._build_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.RESET, self._build_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.BREAK, self._build_multi_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._build_control_command)
        self._add_build_handler(Command.SWITCH_TO_POLL, self._build_control_command)

        self._add_response_handler(Command.GET, self._parse_get_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SET, self._parse_set_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SWITCH_TO_POLL, self._parse_silent_response)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._parse_sample_poll_response, PARProtocolState.POLL)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.SAMPLE, self._parse_cmd_prompt_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_silent_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_header_response, PARProtocolState.POLL)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.BREAK, self._parse_header_response, PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_silent_response, PARProtocolState.COMMAND)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_reset_response, PARProtocolState.POLL)
        self._add_response_handler(Command.RESET, self._parse_reset_response, PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)

            Parameter.MAXRATE, r"Maximum Frame Rate:\s+(\d+) Hz", lambda match: int(match.group(1)), self._int_to_string

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        events_out = [x for x in events if PARCapability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    def get_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Get the entire configuration for the instrument
        @param params The parameters and values to set
        @retval None if nothing was done, otherwise result of FSM event handle
        Should be a dict of parameters and values
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException On invalid parameter
        config = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.GET, [Parameter.MAXRATE], **kwargs)
        assert isinstance(config, dict)
        assert config.has_key(Parameter.MAXRATE)

        # Make sure we get these
        # TODO: endless loops seem like really bad idea
        while config[Parameter.MAXRATE] == InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR:
            config[Parameter.MAXRATE] = self._protocol_fsm.on_event(PARProtocolEvent.GET, [Parameter.MAXRATE])

        return config

    def _do_cmd_no_resp(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Issue a command to the instrument after clearing of
        buffers. No response is handled as a result of the command.
        @param cmd The command to execute.
        @param args positional arguments to pass to the build handler.
        @param timeout=timeout optional wakeup timeout.
        @raises InstrumentTimeoutException if the response did not occur in time.
        @raises InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built.        
        timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 10)
        write_delay = kwargs.get("write_delay", 0)

        build_handler = self._build_handlers.get(cmd, None)
        if not build_handler:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.BAD_DRIVER_COMMAND)
        cmd_line = build_handler(cmd, *args)

        # Clear line and prompt buffers for result.
        self._linebuf = ""
        self._promptbuf = ""

        # Send command.
        log.debug("_do_cmd_no_resp: %s, timeout=%s" % (repr(cmd_line), timeout))
        if write_delay == 0:
            for char in cmd_line:

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be COMMAND or AUTOSAMPLE.
        @retval (next_state, result), (SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND or
        SBE37State.AUTOSAMPLE, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentStateException if the device response does not correspond to
        an expected state.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Break to command mode, then set next state to command mode
        # If we are doing this, we must be connected

        next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND
        result = ResourceAgentState.IDLE

        return (next_state, result)

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_get(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle getting data from command mode
        @param params List of the parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
        result_vals = {}

        if params == DriverParameter.ALL:
            params = [Parameter.MAXRATE]

        if (params == None) or (not isinstance(params, list)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException()

        for param in params:
            if not Parameter.has(param):
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
            for attempt in range(RETRY):
                # retry up to RETRY times
                    result_vals[param] = self._do_cmd_resp(
                        Command.GET, param, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND, write_delay=self.write_delay
                    break  # GET worked, so exit inner for loop
                except InstrumentProtocolException as ex:
                    pass  # GET failed, so retry again
                # retries exhausted, so raise exception
                raise ex

        result = result_vals

        log.debug("Get finished, next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_set(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle setting data from command mode
        @param params Dict of the parameters and values to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None
        result_vals = {}

        if (params == None) or (not isinstance(params, dict)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException()
        name_values = params
        for key in name_values.keys():
            if not Parameter.has(key):
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
                str_val = self._param_dict.format(key, name_values[key])
            except KeyError:
                raise InstrumentParameterException()
            result_vals[key] = self._do_cmd_resp(
                Command.SET, key, str_val, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND, write_delay=self.write_delay
            # Populate with actual value instead of success flag
            if result_vals[key]:
                result_vals[key] = name_values[key]

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(
            Command.SAVE, None, None, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND, write_delay=self.write_delay
        """@todo raise a parameter error if there was a bad value"""
        result = result_vals

        log.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Handle getting an start autosample event when in command mode
        @param params List of the parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.EXIT_AND_RESET, None, write_delay=self.write_delay)
        next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_start_poll(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle getting a POLL event when in command mode. This should move
        the state machine into poll mode via autosample mode
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

            # get into auto-sample mode guaranteed, then switch to poll mode
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.EXIT_AND_RESET, None, write_delay=self.write_delay)
            if not self._switch_to_poll():
                next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND
                next_state = PARProtocolState.POLL

        except (InstrumentTimeoutException, InstrumentProtocolException) as e:
            log.debug("Caught exception while switching to poll mode: %s", e)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = PARProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.DIRECT_ACCESS

        log.debug("_handler_command_start_direct: entering DA mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE PARProtocolEvent.ENTER

        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None

        if not self._confirm_autosample_mode:
            # TODO: seems like some kind of recovery should occur here
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Not in the correct mode!")

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_autosample_stop_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE stop
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None

            next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(
                error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Could not break from autosample!"

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_autosample_start_poll(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE start poll
        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None

            # Give the instrument a bit to keep up. 1 sec is not enough!

            next_state = PARProtocolState.POLL
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Could not stop autosample!")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_autosample_reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE reset
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None


            next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(
                error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Could not reset autosample!"

        log.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result)
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Poll handlers.

    def _handler_poll_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Handle PARProtocolState.POLL PARProtocolEvent.ENTER

        @param params Parameters to pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For hardware error
        next_state = None
        result = None

        if not self._confirm_poll_mode:
            # TODO: seems like some kind of recovery should occur here
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Not in the correct mode!")

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_poll_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL PARProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        # This sometimes takes a few seconds, so stall after our sample cmd
        # and before the read/parse
        delay = self.write_delay + 2
        self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SAMPLE, write_delay=delay)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_poll_stop_poll(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL, PARProtocolEvent.STOP_POLL
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        log.debug("Breaking from poll mode...")
            next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(
                error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Could not interrupt hardware!"
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_poll_start_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL PARProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE
        @retval return (success/fail code, next state, result)
        next_state = None
        result = None

        self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SWITCH_TO_AUTOSAMPLE, None)
        next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_poll_reset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle PARProtocolState.POLL PARProtocolEvent.reset
        @param params Dict with "command" enum and "params" of the parameters to
        pass to the state
        @retval return (next state, result)
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException For invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = None
        result = None


            next_state = PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND
        except InstrumentException:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException(error_code=InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR, msg="Could not reset poll!")

        log.debug("next: %s, result: %s", next_state, result)
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_state = PARProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Builders
    def _build_set_command(self, cmd, param, value):
        Build a command that is ready to send out to the instrument. Checks for
        valid parameter name, only handles one value at a time.
        @param cmd The command...in this case, Command.SET
        @param param The name of the parameter to set. From Parameter enum
        @param value The value to set for that parameter
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument
        # Check to make sure all parameters are valid up front
        assert Parameter.has(param)
        assert cmd == Command.SET
        return "%s %s %s%s" % (Command.SET, param, value, self.eoln)

    def _build_param_fetch_command(self, cmd, param):
        Build a command to fetch the desired argument.
        @param cmd The command being used (Command.GET in this case)
        @param param The name of the parameter to fetch
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument
        assert Parameter.has(param)
        return "%s %s%s" % (Command.GET, param, self.eoln)

    def _build_exec_command(self, cmd, *args):
        Builder for simple commands

        @param cmd The command being used (Command.GET in this case)
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval Returns string ready for sending to instrument        
        return "%s%s" % (cmd, self.eoln)

    def _build_control_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """ Send a single control char command
        @param cmd The control character to send
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval The string with the complete command
        return "%c" % (cmd)

    def _build_multi_control_command(self, cmd, *args):
        """ Send a quick series of control char command
        @param cmd The control character to send
        @param args Unused arguments
        @retval The string with the complete command
        return "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" % (cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd)

    # Response parsers
    def _parse_set_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Determine if a set was successful or not
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        if prompt == Prompt.COMMAND:
            return True
        elif response == PARProtocolError.INVALID_COMMAND:
            return InstErrorCode.SET_DEVICE_ERR
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    def _parse_get_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse the response from the instrument for a couple of different
        query responses.
        @param response The response string from the instrument
        @param prompt The prompt received from the instrument
        @retval return The numerical value of the parameter in the known units
        @raise InstrumentProtocolException When a bad response is encountered
        # should end with the response, an eoln, and a prompt
        split_response = response.split(self.eoln)
        if (len(split_response) < 2) or (split_response[-1] != Prompt.COMMAND):
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR
        name = self._param_dict.update(split_response[-2])
        if not name:
            log.warn("Bad response from instrument")
            raise InstrumentProtocolException("Invalid response. Bad command?")

        log.debug("Parameter %s set to %s" % (name, self._param_dict.get(name)))
        return self._param_dict.get(name)

    def _parse_silent_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a silent response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        log.debug("Parsing silent response of [%s] with prompt [%s]", response, prompt)
        if ((response == "") or (response == prompt)) and ((prompt == Prompt.NULL) or (prompt == Prompt.COMMAND)):
            return InstErrorCode.OK
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    def _parse_header_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse what the header looks like to make sure if came up.
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        log.debug("Parsing header response of [%s] with prompt [%s]", response, prompt)
        if HEADER_REGEX.search(response):
            return InstErrorCode.OK
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    def _parse_reset_response(self, response, prompt):
        """ Parse the results of a reset
        This is basically a header followed by some initialization lines
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        log.debug("Parsing reset response of [%s] with prompt [%s]", response, prompt)

        lines = response.split(self.eoln)
        for line in lines:
            if init_regex.search(line):
                return InstErrorCode.OK

        # else
        return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    def _parse_cmd_prompt_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a command prompt response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return An InstErrorCode value
        log.debug("Parsing command prompt response of [%s] with prompt [%s]", response, prompt)
        if response == Prompt.COMMAND:
            # yank out the command we sent, split at the self.eoln
            split_result = response.split(self.eoln, 1)
            if len(split_result) > 1:
                response = split_result[1]
            return InstErrorCode.OK
            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    def _parse_sample_poll_response(self, response, prompt):
        """Parse a sample poll response
        @param response What was sent back from the command that was sent
        @param prompt The prompt that was returned from the device
        @retval return The sample string
        log.debug("Parsing sample poll response of [%s] with prompt [%s]", response, prompt)
        if prompt == "":
            # strip the eoln, check for regex, report data,
            # and leave it in the buffer for return via execute_poll
            if self.eoln in response:
                lines = response.split(self.eoln)
                for line in lines:
                    if SAMPLE_REGEX.match(line):
                        # In poll mode, we only care about the first response, right?
                        return line
                        return ""
            elif SAMPLE_REGEX.match(response):
                return response
                return ""

            return InstErrorCode.HARDWARE_ERROR

    # Helpers
    def _wakeup(self, timeout):
        """There is no wakeup sequence for this instrument"""

    def _update_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Fetch the parameters from the device, and update the param dict.
        @param args Unused
        @param kwargs Takes timeout value
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException
        log.debug("Updating parameter dict")
        old_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        new_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        if new_config != old_config:

    def _send_reset(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a reset command out to the device
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        log.debug("Sending reset chars")

        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.COMMAND:
            return InstErrorCode.OK

        # TODO: infinite loop bad idea
        while True:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.RESET, timeout=timeout, write_delay=write_delay)
            if self._confirm_autosample_mode():

    def _switch_to_poll(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a switch_to_poll command out to the device
        @retval return InstErrorCode.OK for success or no-op, error code on
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        log.debug("Sending switch_to_poll char")

        counter = 0
        while counter < 10:
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SWITCH_TO_POLL, timeout=0, write_delay=write_delay)

            time.sleep(0.5)  # wait a little for samples to stop coming out
            if self._confirm_poll_mode():
                return True
            counter = counter + 1
        return False

    def _send_break(self, timeout=10):
        """Send a blind break command to the device, confirm command mode after
        @throw InstrumentTimeoutException
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException
        @todo handle errors correctly here, deal with repeats at high sample rate
        write_delay = 0.2
        log.debug("Sending break char")
        # do the magic sequence of sending lots of characters really fast...
        # but not too fast
        if self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.COMMAND:

        # TODO: infinite loop bad idea
        while True:
                Command.BREAK, timeout=timeout, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND, write_delay=write_delay
            if self._confirm_command_mode():

    def got_data(self, paPacket):
        Callback for receiving new data from the device.
        The port agent object fires this when data is received
        @param paPacket The packet of data that was received
        paLength = paPacket.get_data_size()
        paData = paPacket.get_data()

        if self.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS:
            # direct access mode
            if paLength > 0:
                log.debug("SatlanticPARInstrumentProtocol.got_data(): <" + paData + ">")
                if self._driver_event:
                    self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.DIRECT_ACCESS, paData)
                    # TODO: what about logging this as an event?

        if paLength > 0:
            CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.got_data(self, paData)

            # If we are streaming, process the line buffer for samples, but it
            # could have header stuff come out if you just got a break!
            if (
                self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
                or self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state() == PARProtocolState.POLL
                if self.eoln in self._linebuf:
                    lines = self._linebuf.split(self.eoln)
                    for line in lines:
                        if SAMPLE_REGEX.match(line):
                            self._last_data_timestamp = time.time()

                            # construct and publish data particles
                            self._extract_sample(SatlanticPARDataParticle, SAMPLE_REGEX, line)

                            self._linebuf = self._linebuf.replace(line + self.eoln, "")  # been processed

    def _confirm_autosample_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in autosample mode
        This is done by waiting for a sample to come in, and confirming that
        it does or does not.
        @retval True if in autosample mode, False if not
        log.debug("Confirming autosample mode...")
        # timestamp now,
        start_time = self._last_data_timestamp
        # wait a sample period,
        time_between_samples = (1 / self._param_dict.get_config()[Parameter.MAXRATE]) + 1
        end_time = self._last_data_timestamp
        log.debug("_confirm_autosample_mode: end_time=%s, start_time=%s" % (end_time, start_time))
        if end_time != start_time:
            log.debug("Confirmed in autosample mode")
            return True
            log.debug("Confirmed NOT in autosample mode")
            return False

    def _confirm_command_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in command mode
        This is done by issuing a bogus command and getting a prompt
        @retval True if in command mode, False if not
        log.debug("Confirming command mode...")
            # suspend our belief that we are in another state, and behave
            # as if we are in command mode long enough to confirm or deny it
            self._do_cmd_no_resp(Command.SAMPLE, timeout=2, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND)
            (prompt, result) = self._get_response(timeout=2, expected_prompt=Prompt.COMMAND)
        except InstrumentTimeoutException:
            # If we timed out, its because we never got our $ prompt and must
            # not be in command mode (probably got a data value in POLL mode)
            log.debug("Confirmed NOT in command mode via timeout")
            return False
        except InstrumentProtocolException:
            log.debug("Confirmed NOT in command mode via protocol exception")
            return False
        # made it this far
        log.debug("Confirmed in command mode")

        return True

    def _confirm_poll_mode(self):
        """Confirm we are in poll mode by waiting for things not to happen.
        Time depends on max data rate
        @retval True if in poll mode, False if not
        log.debug("Confirming poll mode...")

        auto_sample_mode = self._confirm_autosample_mode()
        cmd_mode = self._confirm_command_mode()
        if (not auto_sample_mode) and (not cmd_mode):
            log.debug("Confirmed in poll mode")
            return True
            log.debug("Confirmed NOT in poll mode")
            return False
コード例 #12
class SamiProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    SAMI Instrument protocol class
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol

    Should be sub-classed in specific driver.
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline,

        # Build protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine


        # the ACQUIRE_CONFIGURATION event may not be necessary
        #    ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_CONFIGURATION,
        #    self._handler_command_acquire_configuration)

            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT,


        # this state would be entered whenever an ACQUIRE_SAMPLE event
        # occurred while in the AUTOSAMPLE state and will last anywhere
        # from 10 seconds to 3 minutes depending on instrument and the
        # type of sampling.

        # this state would be entered whenever an ACQUIRE_SAMPLE event
        # occurred while in either the COMMAND state (or via the
        # discover transition from the UNKNOWN state with the instrument
        # unresponsive) and will last anywhere from a few seconds to 3
        # minutes depending on instrument and sample type.

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device
        # parameters, current parameter values, and set formatting
        # functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.

        # Add response handlers for device commands.

        # Add sample handlers.

        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

        # continue __init__ in the sub-class in the specific driver

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        Return a list of currently available capabilities.
        return [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Turn on debugging

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN, COMMAND or POLLED_SAMPLE
        @retval (next_state, result)
        next_state = None
        result = None

        log.debug("_handler_unknown_discover: starting discover")
        (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
        log.debug("_handler_unknown_discover: next agent state: %s",

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Waiting handlers.

    def _handler_waiting_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter discover state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        # Test to determine what state we truly are in, command or unknown.

    def _handler_waiting_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit discover state.

    def _handler_waiting_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN or COMMAND
        @retval (next_state, result)
        # Exit states can be either COMMAND or back to UNKNOWN.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        # try to discover our state
        count = 1
        while count <= 6:
            log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: starting discover")
            (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
            if next_state is ProtocolState.COMMAND:
                log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: discover succeeded")
                log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: next agent state: %s",
                return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))
                    "_handler_waiting_discover: discover failed, attempt %d of 3",
                count += 1

        log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: discover failed")
        log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: next agent state: %s",
        return (ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, (ResourceAgentState.ACTIVE_UNKNOWN,

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Command device to initialize parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_init_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        initialize parameters
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        Start direct access
        next_state = ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        result = None
        log.debug("_handler_command_start_direct: entering DA mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Not used currently.  Maybe added later
    #def _handler_command_acquire_configuration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    #    """
    #    Acquire the instrument's configuration
    #    """
    #    next_state = None
    #    result = None
    #    return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire the instrument's status
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire a sample
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self):
        Start autosample mode (spoofed via use of scheduler)
        next_state = ProtocolState.START_AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.START_AUTOSAMPLE
        result = None
            "_handler_command_start_autosample: entering Autosample mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

        return (next_state, result)

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        log.debug("_handler_direct_access_stop_direct: starting discover")
        (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
        log.debug("_handler_direct_access_stop_direct: next agent state: %s",

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, ):
        Enter Autosample state
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state

    def _handler_autosample_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_autosample_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        While in autosample mode, poll for samples using the scheduler
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    # Scheduled Sample handlers.

    def _handler_scheduled_sample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter busy state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_scheduled_sample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit busy state.

    # Polled Sample handlers.

    def _handler_polled_sample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter busy state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_polled_sample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit busy state.

    # handlers for the SUCCESS and TIMEOUT events associated with the
    # Polled Sample and Scheduled Sample states are defined in the sub
    # class.

    # Build Command & Parameter dictionary

    def _build_command_dict(self):
        Populate the command dictionary with command.
                           display_name="acquire status")
                           display_name="start autosample")
                           display_name="stop autosample")
                           display_name="start direct access")
                           display_name="stop direct access")

    def _build_driver_dict(self):
        Populate the driver dictionary with options
        self._driver_dict.add(DriverDictKey.VENDOR_SW_COMPATIBLE, True)

    # Command handlers.

    def _build_simple_command(self, cmd):
        Build handler for basic SAMI commands.
        @param cmd the simple SAMI command to format.
        @retval The command to be sent to the device.
        return cmd + NEWLINE

    def _build_set_config(self):

    def _build_sample_sami(self):

    def _build_escape_boot(self):

    # Response handlers.

    def _build_response_get_status(self):

    def _build_response_get_config(self):

    def _build_response_set_config(self):

    def _build_response_erase_all(self):

    def _build_response_sample_sami(self):

    # Private helpers.

    def _discover():
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN, COMMAND or DISCOVER
        @retval (next_state, result)
        # Exit states can be either COMMAND, DISCOVER or back to UNKNOWN.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # Set response timeout to 10 seconds. Should be immediate if
        # communications are enabled and the instrument is not sampling.
        # Otherwise, sampling can take up to ~3 minutes to complete. Partial
        # strings are output during that time period.
        kwargs['timeout'] = 10

        # Make sure automatic-status updates are off. This will stop the
        # broadcast of information while we are trying to get data.
        cmd = self._build_simple_command(InstrumentCommand.STOP_STATUS)

        # Acquire the current instrument status
        status = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.GET_STATUS, *args,
        status_match = REGULAR_STATUS_REGEX_MATCHER.match(status)

        if status is None or not status_match:
            # No response received in the timeout period, or response that does
            # not match the status string format is received. In either case,
            # we assume the unit is sampling and transition to a new state,
            # WAITING, to confirm or deny.
            next_state = ProtocolState.WAITING
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.BUSY
            # Unit is powered on and ready to accept commands, etc.
            next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.IDLE

        log.debug("_discover. result start: %s" % next_state)
        return (next_state, next_agent_state)

    def _int_to_hexstring(val, slen):
        Write an integer value to an ASCIIHEX string formatted for SAMI
        configuration set operations.
        @param val the integer value to convert.
        @param slen the required length of the returned string.
        @retval an integer string formatted in ASCIIHEX for SAMI configuration
        set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if the integer and string length
        values are not an integers.
        if not isinstance(val, int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an integer.' %
        elif not isinstance(slen, int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an integer.' %
            hexstr = format(val, 'X')
            return hexstr.zfill(slen)

    def _epoch_to_sami():
        Create a timestamp in seconds using January 1, 1904 as the Epoch
        @retval an integer value representing the number of seconds since
            January 1, 1904.
        return int(time.time()) + SAMI_TO_UNIX

    def calc_crc(s, num_points):
        Compute a checksum for a Sami data record or control record string.

        The '*' (character 1) and unique identifying byte (byte 1,
        characters 2 & 3) at the beginning should be excluded from the
        checksum calculation as well as the checksum value itself (last
        byte, last 2 characters). It should include the record length
        (byte 2, characters 4 & 5).

        Note that this method does NOT calculate the checksum on the
        configuration string that is returned during instrument

        @author Chris Center
        @param s: string for check-sum analysis.
        @param num_points: number of bytes (each byte is 2-chars).
        cs = 0
        k = 0
        for i in range(num_points):
            value = int(s[k:k + 2], 16)  # 2-chars per data point
            cs = cs + value
            k = k + 2
        cs = cs & 0xFF
        return (cs)
コード例 #13
class SBE16Protocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    Instrument protocol class for SBE16 driver.
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        SBE16Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The SBE16 newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event)
        # Build SBE16 protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(SBE16ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,
                            ProtocolEvent.ENTER, ProtocolEvent.EXIT)

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_unknown_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_unknown_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER, self._handler_unknown_discover)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.FORCE_STATE, self._handler_unknown_force_state) 
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_command_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_command_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, self._handler_command_acquire_sample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_command_start_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.SET, self._handler_command_set)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.TEST, self._handler_command_test)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_autosample_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_autosample_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, self._handler_autosample_stop_autosample)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.TEST, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_test_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.TEST, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_test_exit)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.TEST, ProtocolEvent.RUN_TEST, self._handler_test_run_tests)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.TEST, ProtocolEvent.GET, self._handler_command_autosample_test_get)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.ENTER, self._handler_direct_access_enter)
        self._protocol_fsm.add_handler(SBE16ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXIT, self._handler_direct_access_exit)

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device parameters,
        # current parameter values, and set formatting functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.DS, self._build_simple_command)
        # DHE dcal replaces dc
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.DCAL, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.TS, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.STARTNOW, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.STOP, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.TC, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.TT, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.TP, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SBE16Command.SET, self._build_set_command)

        # Add response handlers for device commands.
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.DS, self._parse_dsdc_response)
        # DHE dcal replaces dc
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.DCAL, self._parse_dcal_response)
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.TS, self._parse_ts_response)
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.SET, self._parse_set_response)
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.TC, self._parse_test_response)
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.TT, self._parse_test_response)
        self._add_response_handler(SBE16Command.TP, self._parse_test_response)

        # Add sample handlers.
        # DHE: replaced the pattern because our borrowed SBE16 doesn't have a pressure sensor 
        #self._sample_pattern = r'^#? *(-?\d+\.\d+), *(-?\d+\.\d+), *(-?\d+\.\d+)'
        self._sample_pattern = r'^#? *(-?\d+\.\d+), *(-?\d+\.\d+) *'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(-?\d+\.\d+))?(, *(-?\d+\.\d+))?'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(\d+) +([a-zA-Z]+) +(\d+), *(\d+):(\d+):(\d+))?'
        self._sample_pattern += r'(, *(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+), *(\d+):(\d+):(\d+))?'        
        self._sample_regex = re.compile(self._sample_pattern)

        # State state machine in UNKNOWN state. 

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        events_out = [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.
    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be COMMAND or AUTOSAMPLE.
        @retval (next_state, next_agent_state), (SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND or
        SBE16State.AUTOSAMPLE, next_agent_state) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the device response does not correspond to
        an expected state.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None

        current_state = self._protocol_fsm.get_current_state()
        # Driver can only be started in streaming, command or unknown.
        if current_state == SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE:
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        elif current_state == SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND:
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.IDLE
        elif current_state == SBE16ProtocolState.UNKNOWN:        
            # Wakeup the device with timeout if passed.
            timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE16_TIMEOUT)
            prompt = self._wakeup(timeout)
            prompt = self._wakeup(timeout)
            # Set the state to change.
            # Raise if the prompt returned does not match command or autosample.
            if prompt in [SBE16Prompt.COMMAND, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED]:
                next_state = SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND
                next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.IDLE
            elif prompt == SBE16Prompt.AUTOSAMPLE:
                next_state = SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE
                next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
                errorString = 'Failure to recognize device prompt: ' + prompt
                raise InstrumentProtocolException(errorString) 
        return (next_state, next_agent_state)

    def _handler_unknown_force_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Force driver into a given state for the purposes of unit testing 
        @param state=desired_state Required desired state to transition to.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if no state parameter.

        state = kwargs.get('state', None)  # via kwargs
        if state is None:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Missing state parameter.')

        next_state = state
        result = state
        return (next_state, result)

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.
    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Perform a set command.
        @param args[0] parameter : value dict.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (None, None).
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing set parameters, if set parameters not ALL and
        not a dict, or if paramter can't be properly formatted.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for set command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if set command could not be built or misunderstood.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Retrieve required parameter.
        # Raise if no parameter provided, or not a dict.
            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Set command requires a parameter dict.')

        if not isinstance(params, dict):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Set parameters not a dict.')
        # For each key, val in the dict, issue set command to device.
        # Raise if the command not understood.
            for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
                result = self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.SET, key, val, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire sample from SBE16.
        @retval (next_state, (next_agent_state, result)) tuple, (None, sample dict).        
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built or misunderstood.
        @throws SampleException if a sample could not be extracted from result.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        result = self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.TS, *args, **kwargs)
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch into autosample mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE,
        (next_agent_state, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command could not be built or misunderstood.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        # Assure the device is transmitting.
        if not self._param_dict.get(SBE16Parameter.TXREALTIME):
            self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.SET, SBE16Parameter.TXREALTIME, True, **kwargs)
        # Issue start command and switch to autosample if successful.
        self._do_cmd_no_resp(SBE16Command.STARTNOW, *args, **kwargs)
        next_state = SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE        
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.STREAMING
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_command_test(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Switch to test state to perform instrument tests.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE16ProtocolState.TEST, None).
        next_state = None
        result = None

        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.TEST

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter autosample state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.        
    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state.

    def _handler_autosample_stop_autosample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample and switch back to command mode.
        @retval (next_state, result) tuple, (SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND,
        (next_agent_state, None) if successful.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Wake up the device, continuing until autosample prompt seen.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE16_TIMEOUT)
        tries = kwargs.get('tries',5)
        notries = 0
            # DHE: there should really be a tuple of expected prompts
            #self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE16Prompt.AUTOSAMPLE)
            self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED)
        except InstrumentTimeoutException:
            notries = notries + 1
            if notries >= tries:

        # Issue the stop command.
        self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.STOP, *args, **kwargs)        
        # Prompt device until command prompt is seen.
        # DHE: there should really be a tuple of expected prompts
        #self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE16Prompt.COMMAND)
        self._wakeup_until(timeout, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED)
        next_state = SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.COMMAND

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))
    # Common handlers.

    def _handler_command_autosample_test_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get device parameters from the parameter dict.
        @param args[0] list of parameters to retrieve, or DriverParameter.ALL.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid parameter.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        # Retrieve the required parameter, raise if not present.
            params = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Get command requires a parameter list or tuple.')

        # If all params requested, retrieve config.
        if params == DriverParameter.ALL:
            result = self._param_dict.get_config()
        # If not all params, confirm a list or tuple of params to retrieve.
        # Raise if not a list or tuple.
        # Retireve each key in the list, raise if any are invalid.
            if not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
                raise InstrumentParameterException('Get argument not a list or tuple.')
            result = {}
            for key in params:
                    val = self._param_dict.get(key)
                    result[key] = val

                except KeyError:
                    raise InstrumentParameterException(('%s is not a valid parameter.' % key))
        return (next_state, result)

    # Test handlers.

    def _handler_test_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter test state. Setup the secondary call to run the tests.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.        
        # Forward the test event again to run the test handler and
        # switch back to command mode afterward.
        Timer(1, lambda: self._protocol_fsm.on_event(ProtocolEvent.RUN_TEST)).start()
    def _handler_test_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit test state.

    def _handler_test_run_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Run test routines and validate results.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be woken for command.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if command misunderstood or
        incorrect prompt received.
        next_state = None
        result = None

        tc_pass = False
        tt_pass = False
        #tp_pass = False
        tc_result = None
        tt_result = None
        #tp_result = None

        test_result = {}

            tc_pass, tc_result = self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.TC, timeout=200)
            tt_pass, tt_result = self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.TT, timeout=200)
            # DHE: our SBE16 has no pressure sensor
            #tp_pass, tp_result = self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.TP, timeout=200)
        except Exception as e:
            test_result['exception'] = e
            test_result['message'] = 'Error running instrument tests.'
            test_result['cond_test'] = 'Passed' if tc_pass else 'Failed'
            test_result['cond_data'] = tc_result
            test_result['temp_test'] = 'Passed' if tt_pass else 'Failed'
            test_result['temp_data'] = tt_result
            # DHE: our SBE16 has no pressure sensor
            #test_result['pres_test'] = 'Passed' if tp_pass else 'Failed'
            #test_result['pres_data'] = tp_result
            #test_result['success'] = 'Passed' if (tc_pass and tt_pass and tp_pass) else 'Failed'
            test_result['success'] = 'Passed' if (tc_pass and tt_pass) else 'Failed'
        self._driver_event(DriverAsyncEvent.TEST_RESULT, test_result)
        next_state = SBE16ProtocolState.COMMAND
        return (next_state, result)

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.                
    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    # Private helpers.
    def _send_wakeup(self):
        Send a newline to attempt to wake the SBE16 device.
    def _update_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Update the parameter dictionary. Wake the device then issue
        display status and display calibration commands. The parameter
        dict will match line output and udpate itself.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if device cannot be timely woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if ds/dc misunderstood.

        # Get old param dict config.
        old_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        # Issue display commands and parse results.
        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', SBE16_TIMEOUT)
        self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.DS, timeout=timeout)
        self._do_cmd_resp(SBE16Command.DCAL, timeout=timeout)
        # Get new param dict config. If it differs from the old config,
        # tell driver superclass to publish a config change event.
        new_config = self._param_dict.get_config()
        if new_config != old_config:
    def _build_simple_command(self, cmd):
        Build handler for basic SBE16 commands.
        @param cmd the simple sbe16 command to format.
        @retval The command to be sent to the device.
        return cmd+SBE16_NEWLINE
    def _build_set_command(self, cmd, param, val):
        Build handler for set commands. param=val followed by newline.
        String val constructed by param dict formatting function.
        @param param the parameter key to set.
        @param val the parameter value to set.
        @ retval The set command to be sent to the device.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the parameter is not valid or
        if the formatting function could not accept the value passed.
            str_val = self._param_dict.format(param, val)
            if param == 'INTERVAL':
                param = 'sampleinterval'

            set_cmd = '%s=%s' % (param, str_val)
            set_cmd = set_cmd + SBE16_NEWLINE
        except KeyError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Unknown driver parameter %s' % param)
        return set_cmd

    def _parse_set_response(self, response, prompt):
        Parse handler for set command.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.        
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if set command misunderstood.
        if prompt not in [SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED, SBE16Prompt.COMMAND]:
            log.error("Set command encountered error; instrument returned: %s", response) 
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('Set command not recognized: %s' % response)

    def _parse_dsdc_response(self, response, prompt):
        Parse handler for dsdc commands.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.        
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if dsdc command misunderstood.
        if prompt not in [SBE16Prompt.COMMAND, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED]: 
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('dsdc command not recognized: %s.' % response)

        for line in response.split(SBE16_NEWLINE):
            if 'sample interval' in line:
                for sline in line.split(','):
                    #print 'DHE: split this: ' + sline.lstrip()
            elif 'output salinity' in line:
                for sline in line.split(','):
                    print ' ==========> DHE TEMP: split this: ' + sline.lstrip()
    def _parse_dcal_response(self, response, prompt):
        Parse handler for dsdc commands.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.        
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if dsdc command misunderstood.
        if prompt not in [SBE16Prompt.COMMAND, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED]:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('dcal command not recognized: %s.' % response)
        for line in response.split(SBE16_NEWLINE):
    def _parse_ts_response(self, response, prompt):
        Response handler for ts command.
        @param response command response string.
        @param prompt prompt following command response.
        @retval sample dictionary containig c, t, d values.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if ts command misunderstood.
        @throws InstrumentSampleException if response did not contain a sample
        if prompt not in [SBE16Prompt.COMMAND, SBE16Prompt.EXECUTED]:
            raise InstrumentProtocolException('ts command not recognized: %s', response)
        sample = None
        for line in response.split(SBE16_NEWLINE):
            sample = self._extract_sample(SBE16DataParticle, SAMPLE_REGEX, line, True)
            if sample:
        if not sample:     
            raise SampleException('Response did not contain sample: %s' % repr(response))
        return sample
    def _parse_test_response(self, response, prompt):
        Do minimal checking of test outputs.
        @param response command response string.
        @param promnpt prompt following command response.
        @retval tuple of pass/fail boolean followed by response
        success = False
        lines = response.split()
        if len(lines)>2:
            data = lines[1:-1]
            bad_count = 0
            for item in data:
                except ValueError:
                    bad_count += 1
            if bad_count == 0:
                success = True
        return (success, response)        
    def got_data(self, paPacket):
        Callback for receiving new data from the device.
        length = paPacket.get_data_size()
        data = paPacket.get_data()
        tempLength = len(data)

        if length > 0:
            # Call the superclass to update line and prompt buffers.
            CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.got_data(self, data)

            # If in streaming mode, process the buffer for samples to publish.
            cur_state = self.get_current_state()
            if cur_state == SBE16ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE:
                if SBE16_NEWLINE in self._linebuf:
                    lines = self._linebuf.split(SBE16_NEWLINE)
                    self._linebuf = lines[-1]
                    for line in lines:
                        sample = self._extract_sample(SBE16DataParticle, SAMPLE_REGEX,
    def _build_param_dict(self):
        Populate the parameter dictionary with SBE16 parameters.
        For each parameter key, add match stirng, match lambda function,
        and value formatting function for set commands.
        # Add parameter handlers to parameter dict.        
                             r'output salinity = (no)?',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'output sound velocity = (no)?',
                             lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             r'number of measurements per sample = (\d+)',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'samples = (\d+), free = \d+',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
                             r'sample interval = (\d+) seconds',
                             lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
        # DHE: 16plus does not do this
        #                     r'(do not )?store time with each sample',
        #                     lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
        #                     self._true_false_to_string)
                             #r'(do not )?transmit real-time data',
                             r'transmit real-time = (yes|no)',
                             #lambda match : False if match.group(1) else True,
                             lambda match : True if match.group(1)=='yes' else False,
                             r'serial sync mode (enabled|disabled)',
                             lambda match : False if (match.group(1)=='disabled') else True,
        # DHE This doesn't show up in status when SYNCMODE
        # is disabled, so the tests fail.  Commenting out for 
        # now.
        #                     r'wait time after serial sync sampling = (\d+) seconds',
        #                     lambda match : int(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._int_to_string)
                             r'temperature: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             #r' +TA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             r' +TA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +TA3 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r'conductivity: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
                             lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
                             r' +G = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +H = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +I = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
                             r' +J = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        # DHE SBE16 doesn't have this parameter
        #                     r' +WBOTC = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        # DHE SBE16 different than SBE16
                             r' +CTCOR = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
                             lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        # DHE SBE16 different than SBE16
        #                     r' +CPCOR = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r'pressure .+ ((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
        #                     lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
        #                     self._date_to_string)
        #                     r' +PA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCSB0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                    self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCSB1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +PTCSB2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +POFFSET = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r'rtc: +((\d+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(\d+))',
        #                     lambda match : self._string_to_date(match.group(1), '%d-%b-%y'),
        #                     self._date_to_string)
        #                     r' +RTCA0 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +RTCA1 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)
        #                     r' +RTCA2 = (-?\d.\d\d\d\d\d\de[-+]\d\d)',
        #                     lambda match : float(match.group(1)),
        #                     self._float_to_string)

    # Static helpers to format set commands.

    def _true_false_to_string(v):
        Write a boolean value to string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @param v a boolean value.
        @retval A yes/no string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value not a bool.
        if not isinstance(v,bool):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a bool.' % str(v))
        if v:
            return 'y'
            return 'n'

    def _int_to_string(v):
        Write an int value to string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @param v An int val.
        @retval an int string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value not an int.
        if not isinstance(v,int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an int.' % str(v))
            return '%i' % v

    def _float_to_string(v):
        Write a float value to string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @param v A float val.
        @retval a float string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if value is not a float.

        if not isinstance(v,float):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a float.' % v)
            return '%e' % v

    def _date_to_string(v):
        Write a date tuple to string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @param v a date tuple: (day,month,year).
        @retval A date string formatted for sbe16 set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if date tuple is not valid.

        if not isinstance(v,(list,tuple)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a list, tuple.' % str(v))
        if not len(v)==3:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not length 3.' % str(v))
        months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep',
        day = v[0]
        month = v[1]
        year = v[2]
        if len(str(year)) > 2:
            year = int(str(year)[-2:])
        if not isinstance(day,int) or day < 1 or day > 31:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a day of month.' % str(day))
        if not isinstance(month,int) or month < 1 or month > 12:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a month.' % str(month))

        if not isinstance(year,int) or year < 0 or year > 99:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a 0-99 year.' % str(year))
        return '%02i-%s-%02i' % (day,months[month-1],year)

    def _string_to_date(datestr,fmt):
        Extract a date tuple from an sbe16 date string.
        @param str a string containing date information in sbe16 format.
        @retval a date tuple.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if datestr cannot be formatted to
        a date.
        if not isinstance(datestr,str):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not a string.' % str(datestr))
            date_time = time.strptime(datestr,fmt)
            date = (date_time[2],date_time[1],date_time[0])

        except ValueError:
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s could not be formatted to a date.' % str(datestr))
        return date
コード例 #14
class SamiProtocol(CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol):
    SAMI Instrument protocol class
    Subclasses CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol

    Should be sub-classed in specific driver.
    def __init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event):
        Protocol constructor.
        @param prompts A BaseEnum class containing instrument prompts.
        @param newline The newline.
        @param driver_event Driver process event callback.
        # Construct protocol superclass.
        CommandResponseInstrumentProtocol.__init__(self, prompts, newline, driver_event)

        # Build protocol state machine.
        self._protocol_fsm = InstrumentFSM(
            ProtocolState, ProtocolEvent,
            ProtocolEvent.ENTER, ProtocolEvent.EXIT)

        # Add event handlers for protocol state machine
            ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,
            ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER,
            ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, ProtocolEvent.START_DIRECT,

            ProtocolState.WAITING, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.WAITING, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,
            ProtocolState.WAITING, ProtocolEvent.DISCOVER,

            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.GET,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.SET,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_DIRECT,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_STATUS,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE,
            ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE,
        # the ACQUIRE_CONFIGURATION event may not be necessary
        #    ProtocolState.COMMAND, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_CONFIGURATION,
        #    self._handler_command_acquire_configuration)

            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,
            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.STOP_DIRECT,
            ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS, ProtocolEvent.EXECUTE_DIRECT,

            ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,
            ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE,
            ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE,

        # this state would be entered whenever an ACQUIRE_SAMPLE event
        # occurred while in the AUTOSAMPLE state and will last anywhere
        # from 10 seconds to 3 minutes depending on instrument and the
        # type of sampling.
            ProtocolState.SCHEDULED_SAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.SCHEDULED_SAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,

        # this state would be entered whenever an ACQUIRE_SAMPLE event
        # occurred while in either the COMMAND state (or via the
        # discover transition from the UNKNOWN state with the instrument
        # unresponsive) and will last anywhere from a few seconds to 3
        # minutes depending on instrument and sample type.
            ProtocolState.POLLED_SAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.ENTER,
            ProtocolState.POLLED_SAMPLE, ProtocolEvent.EXIT,

        # Construct the parameter dictionary containing device
        # parameters, current parameter values, and set formatting
        # functions.

        # Add build handlers for device commands.
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.GET_STATUS, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.START_STATUS, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.STOP_STATUS, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.GET_CONFIG, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.SET_CONFIG, self._build_set_config)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.ERASE_ALL, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.START, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.STOP, self._build_simple_command)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE_SAMI, self._build_sample_sami)
        self._add_build_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.ESCAPE_BOOT, self._build_escape_boot)

        # Add response handlers for device commands.
        self._add_response_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.GET_STATUS, self._build_response_get_status)
        self._add_response_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.GET_CONFIG, self._build_response_get_config)
        self._add_response_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.SET_CONFIG, self._build_response_set_config)
        self._add_response_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.ERASE_ALL, self._build_response_erase_all)
        self._add_response_handler(SamiInstrumentCommand.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE_SAMI, self._build_response_sample_sami)

        # Add sample handlers.

        # commands sent sent to device to be filtered in responses for telnet DA
        self._sent_cmds = []

        # continue __init__ in the sub-class in the specific driver

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        Return a list of currently available capabilities.
        return [x for x in events if Capability.has(x)]

    # Unknown handlers.

    def _handler_unknown_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter unknown state.
        # Turn on debugging

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_unknown_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit unknown state.

    def _handler_unknown_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN, COMMAND or POLLED_SAMPLE
        @retval (next_state, result)
        next_state = None
        result = None

        log.debug("_handler_unknown_discover: starting discover")
        (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
        log.debug("_handler_unknown_discover: next agent state: %s", next_agent_state)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Waiting handlers.

    def _handler_waiting_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter discover state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        # Test to determine what state we truly are in, command or unknown.

    def _handler_waiting_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit discover state.

    def _handler_waiting_discover(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN or COMMAND
        @retval (next_state, result)
        # Exit states can be either COMMAND or back to UNKNOWN.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None
        result = None

        # try to discover our state
        count = 1
        while count <= 6:
            log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: starting discover")
            (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
            if next_state is ProtocolState.COMMAND:
                log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: discover succeeded")
                log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: next agent state: %s", next_agent_state)
                return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))
                log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: discover failed, attempt %d of 3", count)
                count += 1

        log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: discover failed")
        log.debug("_handler_waiting_discover: next agent state: %s", ResourceAgentState.ACTIVE_UNKNOWN)
        return (ProtocolState.UNKNOWN, (ResourceAgentState.ACTIVE_UNKNOWN, result))

    # Command handlers.

    def _handler_command_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter command state.
        @throws InstrumentTimeoutException if the device cannot be woken.
        @throws InstrumentProtocolException if the update commands and not recognized.
        # Command device to update parameters and send a config change event.

        # Command device to initialize parameters and send a config change event.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

    def _handler_command_init_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        initialize parameters
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit command state.

    def _handler_command_get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameter
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_direct(self):
        Start direct access
        next_state = ProtocolState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.DIRECT_ACCESS
        result = None
        log.debug("_handler_command_start_direct: entering DA mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Not used currently.  Maybe added later
    #def _handler_command_acquire_configuration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    #    """
    #    Acquire the instrument's configuration
    #    """
    #    next_state = None
    #    result = None
    #    return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire the instrument's status
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Acquire a sample
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_command_start_autosample(self):
        Start autosample mode (spoofed via use of scheduler)
        next_state = ProtocolState.START_AUTOSAMPLE
        next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.START_AUTOSAMPLE
        result = None
        log.debug("_handler_command_start_autosample: entering Autosample mode")
        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

        return (next_state, result)

    # Direct access handlers.

    def _handler_direct_access_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter direct access state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_direct_access_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit direct access state.

    def _handler_direct_access_execute_direct(self, data):
        next_state = None
        result = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # add sent command to list for 'echo' filtering in callback

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    def _handler_direct_access_stop_direct(self):
        @throw InstrumentProtocolException on invalid command
        next_state = None
        result = None

        log.debug("_handler_direct_access_stop_direct: starting discover")
        (next_state, next_agent_state) = self._discover()
        log.debug("_handler_direct_access_stop_direct: next agent state: %s", next_agent_state)

        return (next_state, (next_agent_state, result))

    # Autosample handlers.

    def _handler_autosample_enter(self, ):
        Enter Autosample state
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_autosample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit autosample state

    def _handler_autosample_stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop autosample
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    def _handler_autosample_acquire_sample(self, *args, **kwargs):
        While in autosample mode, poll for samples using the scheduler
        next_state = None
        result = None

        return (next_state, result)

    # Scheduled Sample handlers.

    def _handler_scheduled_sample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter busy state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_scheduled_sample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit busy state.

    # Polled Sample handlers.

    def _handler_polled_sample_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Enter busy state.
        # Tell driver superclass to send a state change event.
        # Superclass will query the state.

        self._sent_cmds = []

    def _handler_polled_sample_exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exit busy state.

    # handlers for the SUCCESS and TIMEOUT events associated with the
    # Polled Sample and Scheduled Sample states are defined in the sub
    # class.

    # Build Command & Parameter dictionary

    def _build_command_dict(self):
        Populate the command dictionary with command.
        self._cmd_dict.add(Capability.ACQUIRE_STATUS, display_name="acquire status")
        self._cmd_dict.add(Capability.START_AUTOSAMPLE, display_name="start autosample")
        self._cmd_dict.add(Capability.STOP_AUTOSAMPLE, display_name="stop autosample")
        self._cmd_dict.add(Capability.START_DIRECT, display_name="start direct access")
        self._cmd_dict.add(Capability.STOP_DIRECT, display_name="stop direct access")

    def _build_driver_dict(self):
        Populate the driver dictionary with options
        self._driver_dict.add(DriverDictKey.VENDOR_SW_COMPATIBLE, True)

    # Command handlers.

    def _build_simple_command(self, cmd):
        Build handler for basic SAMI commands.
        @param cmd the simple SAMI command to format.
        @retval The command to be sent to the device.
        return cmd + NEWLINE

    def _build_set_config(self):

    def _build_sample_sami(self):

    def _build_escape_boot(self):

    # Response handlers.

    def _build_response_get_status(self):

    def _build_response_get_config(self):

    def _build_response_set_config(self):

    def _build_response_erase_all(self):

    def _build_response_sample_sami(self):

    # Private helpers.

    def _discover():
        Discover current state; can be UNKNOWN, COMMAND or DISCOVER
        @retval (next_state, result)
        # Exit states can be either COMMAND, DISCOVER or back to UNKNOWN.
        next_state = None
        next_agent_state = None


        # Set response timeout to 10 seconds. Should be immediate if
        # communications are enabled and the instrument is not sampling.
        # Otherwise, sampling can take up to ~3 minutes to complete. Partial
        # strings are output during that time period.
        kwargs['timeout'] = 10

        # Make sure automatic-status updates are off. This will stop the
        # broadcast of information while we are trying to get data.
        cmd = self._build_simple_command(InstrumentCommand.STOP_STATUS)

        # Acquire the current instrument status
        status = self._do_cmd_resp(InstrumentCommand.GET_STATUS, *args, **kwargs)
        status_match = REGULAR_STATUS_REGEX_MATCHER.match(status)

        if status is None or not status_match:
            # No response received in the timeout period, or response that does
            # not match the status string format is received. In either case,
            # we assume the unit is sampling and transition to a new state,
            # WAITING, to confirm or deny.
            next_state = ProtocolState.WAITING
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.BUSY
            # Unit is powered on and ready to accept commands, etc.
            next_state = ProtocolState.COMMAND
            next_agent_state = ResourceAgentState.IDLE

        log.debug("_discover. result start: %s" % next_state)
        return (next_state, next_agent_state)

    def _int_to_hexstring(val, slen):
        Write an integer value to an ASCIIHEX string formatted for SAMI
        configuration set operations.
        @param val the integer value to convert.
        @param slen the required length of the returned string.
        @retval an integer string formatted in ASCIIHEX for SAMI configuration
        set operations.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if the integer and string length
        values are not an integers.
        if not isinstance(val, int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an integer.' % str(val))
        elif not isinstance(slen, int):
            raise InstrumentParameterException('Value %s is not an integer.' % str(slen))
            hexstr = format(val, 'X')
            return hexstr.zfill(slen)

    def _epoch_to_sami():
        Create a timestamp in seconds using January 1, 1904 as the Epoch
        @retval an integer value representing the number of seconds since
            January 1, 1904.
        return int(time.time()) + SAMI_TO_UNIX

    def calc_crc(s, num_points):
        Compute a checksum for a Sami data record or control record string.

        The '*' (character 1) and unique identifying byte (byte 1,
        characters 2 & 3) at the beginning should be excluded from the
        checksum calculation as well as the checksum value itself (last
        byte, last 2 characters). It should include the record length
        (byte 2, characters 4 & 5).

        Note that this method does NOT calculate the checksum on the
        configuration string that is returned during instrument

        @author Chris Center
        @param s: string for check-sum analysis.
        @param num_points: number of bytes (each byte is 2-chars).
        cs = 0
        k = 0
        for i in range(num_points):
            value = int(s[k:k+2], 16)  # 2-chars per data point
            cs = cs + value
            k = k + 2
        cs = cs & 0xFF