コード例 #1
def main():
    #Setup Machine for arm, get filename
    machine = Machine('armtl')
    parser = ArgumentParser("Description")
    parser.add_argument('filename', help='filename')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #Setup disassembly stream in container, get blocks and draw the graph
    cont = Container.from_stream(open(args.filename))
    bin_stream = cont.bin_stream
    mdis = machine.dis_engine(bin_stream)
    blocks = mdis.dis_multibloc(0x614)
    open("cfg.dot", "w").write(blocks.dot())

    #Create a template for matching blocks in the control flow graph
    #Requirement 1) Don't get block 0xdf8, it can't disassemble
    #Requirement 2) Get ones that start with LDR
    #Requirement 3) Get ones where the second to last instruction is CMP
    #No restructions for in going and out going edges
    mblock = MatchGraphJoker(
        filt=lambda block: block.label.offset != 0xdf8 and "LDR" in block.
        lines[0].name and "CMP" in block.lines[-2].name)

    #Basic block matcher
    nblock = MatchGraphJoker(name="next",

    #Now it should match the blocks we want with the checks
    matcher = nblock >> mblock

    flag_storage = {}
    #Loop through matching template blocks
    for sol in matcher.match(blocks):
            #Grab position line
            pline = sol[mblock].lines[3]
            #Grab character check line
            cline = sol[mblock].lines[-2]
            #Transform character and position to integer
            pos = int(pline.arg2str(pline.args[1]), 16)
            c = int(cline.arg2str(cline.args[1]), 16)
            #If its NULL, ignore
            if c != 0:
                flag_storage.update({pos: c})
        except ValueError:
            #The F at the beginning is a NULL check
    #Print Flag
    flag = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(flag_storage[x]),
                       sorted(flag_storage))).replace("F", "I")
    print "F" + flag

コード例 #2
ファイル: asmblock.py プロジェクト: whb224117/miasm
assert len(preds) == 2
assert entry_block in preds
assert tob in preds
assert blocks.edges2constraint[(entry_block, newb)] == AsmConstraint.c_next
assert blocks.edges2constraint[(tob, newb)] == AsmConstraint.c_to

# Check double block split
data = "74097405b8020000007405b803000000b804000000c3".decode('hex')
cont = Container.from_string(data)
mdis = dis_x86_32(cont.bin_stream)
blocks = mdis.dis_multiblock(0)
## Check resulting disasm
assert len(blocks.nodes()) == 6
## Check graph structure
bbl0 = MatchGraphJoker(name="0")
bbl2 = MatchGraphJoker(name="2")
bbl4 = MatchGraphJoker(name="4")
bbl9 = MatchGraphJoker(name="9")
bblB = MatchGraphJoker(name="B")
bbl10 = MatchGraphJoker(name="10")

matcher = bbl0 >> bbl2 >> bbl4 >> bbl9 >> bblB >> bbl10
matcher += bbl2 >> bbl9 >> bbl10
matcher += bbl0 >> bblB

solutions = list(matcher.match(blocks))
assert len(solutions) == 1
solution = solutions.pop()
for jbbl, block in solution.iteritems():
    assert block.label.offset == int(jbbl._name, 16)
コード例 #3
ファイル: asmCFG.py プロジェクト: pwnslinger/SMC
for head in blocks.heads():
	for child in blocks.reachable_sons(head):
		print child


filter_block = lambda block: (len(block.lines)==2 and \
       block.lines[0].name == 'PUSH' and \
       block.lines[1].name == 'MOV')

#parent joker node for the first block in MatchGraph / defining a filter for
#first two consecutive lines in  block.lines[i].name (PUSH,MOV)

parent = MatchGraphJoker(restrict_in=False, filt=filter_block, name='root')

middle = MatchGraphJoker(restrict_in=False,
                         filt=lambda block: (block.lines[0].name == 'XOR'),

last = MatchGraphJoker(restrict_out=False, name='end')

# MatchGraph with a loop on middle joker node
expgraph = parent >> middle >> last
expgraph += middle >> middle


def pass_remove_junkcode(dgs, graph):