def test_create_signed_transaction(): # Mock to simulate the example from EIP 155. # class Web3Mock: class VersionMock: network = 1 class EthMock: class ContractMock: def _prepare_transaction(self, *args, **kwargs): return {'data': b''} defaultAccount = web3_empty def contract(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.ContractMock() def getTransactionCount(self, *args, **kwargs): return 9 version = VersionMock() eth = EthMock() privkey = '0x4646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646' address = '0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535' proxy = ContractProxy(Web3Mock(), privkey, address, None, 20 * 10**9, 21000) tx = proxy.create_signed_transaction(None, None, value=10**18) tx_expected = \ '0xf86c098504a817c800825208943535353535353535353535353535353535353535880de0b6b3a7640000' \ '8025' \ 'a028ef61340bd939bc2195fe537567866003e1a15d3c71ff63e1590620aa636276' \ 'a067cbe9d8997f761aecb703304b3800ccf555c9f3dc64214b297fb1966a3b6d83' assert tx == tx_expected
def token_proxy_factory(privkey): return ContractProxy( web3, privkey, token_contract_address, token_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT, use_tester )
def __init__( self, privkey: str = None, key_path: str = None, key_password_path: str = None, datadir: str = click.get_app_dir('microraiden'), channel_manager_address: str = CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS, web3: Web3 = None, channel_manager_proxy: ChannelContractProxy = None, token_proxy: ContractProxy = None, contract_metadata: dict = CONTRACT_METADATA ) -> None: assert privkey or key_path assert not privkey or isinstance(privkey, str) # Plain copy initializations. self.privkey = privkey self.datadir = datadir self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_address self.web3 = web3 self.channel_manager_proxy = channel_manager_proxy self.token_proxy = token_proxy # Load private key from file if none is specified on command line. if not privkey: self.privkey = get_private_key(key_path, key_password_path) assert self.privkey is not None os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True) assert os.path.isdir(datadir) self.account = privkey_to_addr(self.privkey) self.channels = [] # type: List[Channel] # Create web3 context if none is provided, either by using the proxies' context or creating # a new one. if not web3: if channel_manager_proxy: self.web3 = channel_manager_proxy.web3 self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_proxy.address elif token_proxy: self.web3 = token_proxy.web3 else: self.web3 = Web3(RPCProvider()) # Create missing contract proxies. if not channel_manager_proxy: channel_manager_abi = contract_metadata[CHANNEL_MANAGER_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.channel_manager_proxy = ChannelContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, channel_manager_address, channel_manager_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT ) token_address = if not token_proxy: token_abi = contract_metadata[TOKEN_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.token_proxy = ContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, token_address, token_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT ) else: assert is_same_address(self.token_proxy.address, token_address) assert self.web3 assert self.channel_manager_proxy assert self.token_proxy assert self.channel_manager_proxy.web3 == self.web3 == self.token_proxy.web3 netid = self.balances_filename = 'balances_{}_{}.json'.format( NETWORK_NAMES.get(netid, netid), self.account[:10] ) self.filelock = filelock.FileLock(os.path.join(self.datadir, self.balances_filename)) self.filelock.acquire(timeout=0) self.load_channels() self.sync_channels()
class Client: def __init__( self, privkey: str = None, key_path: str = None, key_password_path: str = None, datadir: str = click.get_app_dir('microraiden'), channel_manager_address: str = CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS, web3: Web3 = None, channel_manager_proxy: ChannelContractProxy = None, token_proxy: ContractProxy = None, contract_metadata: dict = CONTRACT_METADATA ) -> None: assert privkey or key_path assert not privkey or isinstance(privkey, str) # Plain copy initializations. self.privkey = privkey self.datadir = datadir self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_address self.web3 = web3 self.channel_manager_proxy = channel_manager_proxy self.token_proxy = token_proxy # Load private key from file if none is specified on command line. if not privkey: self.privkey = get_private_key(key_path, key_password_path) assert self.privkey is not None os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True) assert os.path.isdir(datadir) self.account = privkey_to_addr(self.privkey) self.channels = [] # type: List[Channel] # Create web3 context if none is provided, either by using the proxies' context or creating # a new one. if not web3: if channel_manager_proxy: self.web3 = channel_manager_proxy.web3 self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_proxy.address elif token_proxy: self.web3 = token_proxy.web3 else: self.web3 = Web3(RPCProvider()) # Create missing contract proxies. if not channel_manager_proxy: channel_manager_abi = contract_metadata[CHANNEL_MANAGER_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.channel_manager_proxy = ChannelContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, channel_manager_address, channel_manager_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT ) token_address = if not token_proxy: token_abi = contract_metadata[TOKEN_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.token_proxy = ContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, token_address, token_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT ) else: assert is_same_address(self.token_proxy.address, token_address) assert self.web3 assert self.channel_manager_proxy assert self.token_proxy assert self.channel_manager_proxy.web3 == self.web3 == self.token_proxy.web3 netid = self.balances_filename = 'balances_{}_{}.json'.format( NETWORK_NAMES.get(netid, netid), self.account[:10] ) self.filelock = filelock.FileLock(os.path.join(self.datadir, self.balances_filename)) self.filelock.acquire(timeout=0) self.load_channels() self.sync_channels() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): self.filelock.release() def sync_channels(self): """ Merges locally available channel information, including their current balance signatures, with channel information available on the blockchain to make up for local data loss. Naturally, balance signatures cannot be recovered from the blockchain. """ filters = {'_sender': self.account} create = self.channel_manager_proxy.get_channel_created_logs(filters=filters) close = self.channel_manager_proxy.get_channel_close_requested_logs(filters=filters) settle = self.channel_manager_proxy.get_channel_settled_logs(filters=filters) topup = self.channel_manager_proxy.get_channel_topped_up_logs(filters=filters) channel_key_to_channel = {} def get_channel(event): sender = event['args']['_sender'] receiver = event['args']['_receiver'] block = event['args'].get('_open_block_number', event['blockNumber']) assert sender == self.account return channel_key_to_channel.get((sender, receiver, block), None) for c in self.channels: channel_key_to_channel[(c.sender, c.receiver, c.block)] = c for e in create: c = get_channel(e) if c: c.deposit = e['args']['_deposit'] else: c = Channel( self, e['args']['_sender'], e['args']['_receiver'], e['blockNumber'], e['args']['_deposit'] ) assert c.sender == self.account channel_key_to_channel[(c.sender, c.receiver, c.block)] = c for e in topup: c = get_channel(e) c.deposit = e['args']['_deposit'] for e in close: # Requested closed, not actual closed. c = get_channel(e) c.balance = e['args']['_balance'] c.state = Channel.State.settling for e in settle: c = get_channel(e) c.state = Channel.State.closed # Forget closed channels. self.channels = [ c for c in channel_key_to_channel.values() if c.state != Channel.State.closed ] self.store_channels()'Synced a total of {} channels.'.format(len(self.channels))) def load_channels(self): """ Loads the locally available channel storage if it exists. """ channels_path = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.balances_filename) if not os.path.exists(channels_path) or os.path.getsize(channels_path) == 0: return with open(channels_path) as channels_file: try: store = json.load(channels_file) if isinstance(store, dict) and self.channel_manager_address in store: self.channels = Channel.deserialize(self, store[self.channel_manager_address]) except ValueError: log.warning('Failed to load local channel storage.')'Loaded {} channels from disk.'.format(len(self.channels))) def store_channels(self): """ Writes the current channel storage to the local storage. """ os.makedirs(self.datadir, exist_ok=True) store_path = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.balances_filename) if os.path.exists(store_path): with open(store_path) as channels_file: try: store = json.load(channels_file) except ValueError: store = dict() else: store = dict() if not isinstance(store, dict): store = dict() with open(store_path, 'w') as channels_file: store[self.channel_manager_address] = Channel.serialize(self.channels) json.dump(store, channels_file, indent=4) def open_channel(self, receiver_address: str, deposit: int): """ Attempts to open a new channel to the receiver with the given deposit. Blocks until the creation transaction is found in a pending block or timeout is reached. The new channel state is returned. """ assert isinstance(receiver_address, str) assert isinstance(deposit, int) assert deposit > 0 token_balance = if token_balance < deposit: log.error( 'Insufficient tokens available for the specified deposit ({}/{})' .format(token_balance, deposit) ) current_block = self.web3.eth.blockNumber'Creating channel to {} with an initial deposit of {} @{}'.format( receiver_address, deposit, current_block )) data = decode_hex(receiver_address) tx = self.token_proxy.create_signed_transaction( 'transfer', [self.channel_manager_address, deposit, data] ) self.web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(tx)'Waiting for channel creation event on the blockchain...') event = self.channel_manager_proxy.get_channel_created_event_blocking( self.account, receiver_address, current_block + 1 ) if event:'Event received. Channel created in block {}.'.format(event['blockNumber'])) channel = Channel( self, event['args']['_sender'], event['args']['_receiver'], event['blockNumber'], event['args']['_deposit'] ) self.channels.append(channel) self.store_channels() else:'Error: No event received.') channel = None return channel def get_open_channels(self, receiver: str = None) -> List[Channel]: """ Returns all open channels to the given receiver. If no receiver is specified, all open channels are returned. """ return [ c for c in self.channels if is_same_address(c.sender, self.account.lower()) and (not receiver or is_same_address(c.receiver, receiver)) and c.state == ] def get_suitable_channel( self, receiver, value, initial_deposit=lambda x: x, topup_deposit=lambda x: x ) -> Channel: """ Searches stored channels for one that can sustain the given transfer value. If none is found, a possibly open channel is topped up using the topup callable to determine its topup value. If both attempts fail, a new channel is created based on the initial deposit callable. Note: In the realistic case that only one channel is opened per (sender,receiver) pair, this method usually performs like this: 1. Directly return open channel if sufficiently funded. 2. Topup existing open channel if insufficiently funded. 3. Create new channel if no open channel exists. If topping up or creating fails, this method returns None. Channels are topped up just enough so that their remaining capacity equals topup_deposit(value). """ open_channels = self.get_open_channels(receiver) suitable_channels = [c for c in open_channels if c.is_suitable(value)] if suitable_channels: # At least one channel with sufficient funds. if len(suitable_channels) > 1: # This is not impossible but should only happen after bad channel management. log.warning( 'Warning: {} suitable channels found. ' 'Choosing the one with the lowest remaining capacity.' .format(len(suitable_channels)) ) capacity, channel = min( ((c.deposit - c.balance, c) for c in suitable_channels), key=lambda x: x[0] ) 'Found suitable open channel, opened at block #{}.'.format(channel.block) ) return channel elif open_channels: # Open channel(s) but insufficient funds. Requires topup. if len(open_channels) > 1: # This is not impossible but should only happen after bad channel management. log.warning( 'Warning: {} open channels for topup found. ' 'Choosing the one with the highest remaining capacity.' .format(len(open_channels)) ) capacity, channel = max( ((c.deposit - c.balance, c) for c in open_channels), key=lambda x: x[0] ) deposit = max(value, topup_deposit(value)) - capacity event = channel.topup(deposit) return channel if event else None else: # No open channels to receiver. Create a new one. deposit = max(value, initial_deposit(value)) return self.open_channel(receiver, deposit)
def __init__( self, privkey: str = None, key_path: str = None, datadir: str = click.get_app_dir('microraiden'), channel_manager_address: str = CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS, token_address: str = TOKEN_ADDRESS, rpc: RPCProvider = None, web3: Web3 = None, channel_manager_proxy: ChannelContractProxy = None, token_proxy: ContractProxy = None, rpc_endpoint: str = 'localhost', rpc_port: int = 8545, contract_abi_path: str = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'data/contracts.json') ) -> None: assert privkey or key_path assert not privkey or isinstance(privkey, str) # Plain copy initializations. self.privkey = privkey self.datadir = datadir self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_address self.token_address = token_address self.web3 = web3 self.channel_manager_proxy = channel_manager_proxy self.token_proxy = token_proxy # Load private key from file if none is specified on command line. if not privkey: with open(key_path) as keyfile: self.privkey = keyfile.readline()[:-1] os.makedirs(datadir, exist_ok=True) assert os.path.isdir(datadir) self.account = privkey_to_addr(self.privkey) self.channels = [] # type: List[Channel] # Create web3 context if none is provided, either by using the proxies' context or creating # a new one. if not web3: if channel_manager_proxy: self.web3 = channel_manager_proxy.web3 elif token_proxy: self.web3 = token_proxy.web3 else: if not rpc: rpc = RPCProvider(rpc_endpoint, rpc_port) self.web3 = Web3(rpc) # Create missing contract proxies. if not channel_manager_proxy or not token_proxy: with open(contract_abi_path) as abi_file: contract_abis = json.load(abi_file) if not channel_manager_proxy: channel_manager_abi = contract_abis[CHANNEL_MANAGER_ABI_NAME][ 'abi'] self.channel_manager_proxy = ChannelContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, channel_manager_address, channel_manager_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT) if not token_proxy: token_abi = contract_abis[TOKEN_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.token_proxy = ContractProxy(self.web3, self.privkey, token_address, token_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT) assert self.web3 assert self.channel_manager_proxy assert self.token_proxy assert self.channel_manager_proxy.web3 == self.web3 == self.token_proxy.web3 netid = self.balances_filename = 'balances_{}_{}.json'.format( NETWORK_NAMES.get(netid, netid), self.account[:10]) self.filelock = filelock.FileLock( os.path.join(self.datadir, self.balances_filename)) self.filelock.acquire(timeout=0) self.load_channels() self.sync_channels()
def client_token_proxy(web3, sender_privkey, token_contract_address, token_abi, use_tester): return ContractProxy(web3, sender_privkey, token_contract_address, token_abi, int(20e9), GAS_LIMIT, use_tester)
def __init__(self, privkey: str = None, key_path: str = None, key_password_path: str = None, channel_manager_address: str = CHANNEL_MANAGER_ADDRESS, web3: Web3 = None, channel_manager_proxy: ChannelContractProxy = None, token_proxy: ContractProxy = None, contract_metadata: dict = CONTRACT_METADATA) -> None: assert privkey or key_path assert not privkey or isinstance(privkey, str) # Plain copy initializations. self.privkey = privkey self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_address self.web3 = web3 self.channel_manager_proxy = channel_manager_proxy self.token_proxy = token_proxy # Load private key from file if none is specified on command line. if not privkey: self.privkey = get_private_key(key_path, key_password_path) assert self.privkey is not None self.account = privkey_to_addr(self.privkey) self.channels = [] # type: List[Channel] # Create web3 context if none is provided, either by using the proxies' context or creating # a new one. if not web3: if channel_manager_proxy: self.web3 = channel_manager_proxy.web3 self.channel_manager_address = channel_manager_proxy.address elif token_proxy: self.web3 = token_proxy.web3 else: self.web3 = Web3(RPCProvider()) # Create missing contract proxies. if not channel_manager_proxy: channel_manager_abi = contract_metadata[CHANNEL_MANAGER_ABI_NAME][ 'abi'] self.channel_manager_proxy = ChannelContractProxy( self.web3, self.privkey, channel_manager_address, channel_manager_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT) token_address = if not token_proxy: token_abi = contract_metadata[TOKEN_ABI_NAME]['abi'] self.token_proxy = ContractProxy(self.web3, self.privkey, token_address, token_abi, GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT) else: assert is_same_address(self.token_proxy.address, token_address) assert self.web3 assert self.channel_manager_proxy assert self.token_proxy assert self.channel_manager_proxy.web3 == self.web3 == self.token_proxy.web3 self.sync_channels()