コード例 #1
def test_from_str_int():
    pairs = [('0', 0), ('1', 1), ('2', 2), ('-1', -1), ('-2', -2)]

    for int_str, int_exp in pairs:
        int_act = _misc.from_str(int_str)
        a_str = 'Expected ' + str(int_exp) + ' and got ' + str(int_act)
        assert int_exp == int_act, a_str
コード例 #2
def test_from_str_float():
    pairs = [('1.234', 1.234), ('0.214', 0.214), ('-0.4', -0.4),
             ('1.2e5', 1.2e5)]

    for flt_str, flt_exp in pairs:
        flt_act = _misc.from_str(flt_str)
        a_str = 'Expected ' + str(flt_exp) + ' and got ' + str(flt_act)
        assert flt_exp == flt_act, a_str
コード例 #3
def test_from_str_list():
    pairs = [('[0]', [0]), ('[1, 0, a]', [1, 0, 'a']),
             ('-2.3, true', [-2.3, True])]

    for list_str, list_exp in pairs:
        list_act = _misc.from_str(list_str)
        assert len(list_exp) == len(list_act)
        for act_val, exp_val in zip(list_act, list_exp):
            assert act_val == exp_val
コード例 #4
def test_from_str_bool():
    pairs = [('True', True), ('False', False), ('true', True),
             ('false', False)]

    for bool_str, bool_exp in pairs:
        bool_act = _misc.from_str(bool_str)
        a_str = 'Expected ' + str(bool_exp) + ' and got ' + str(bool_act)
        a_str += ' for string ' + repr(bool_str)
        assert bool_exp == bool_act, a_str
コード例 #5
def test_from_str_list_of_lists():
    lol_str = '[[1, 0, 0, True, False], [2, 4, a, -2.3]]'
    lol_exp = [[1, 0, 0, True, False], [2, 4, 'a', -2.3]]

    lol_act = _misc.from_str(lol_str)

    assert len(lol_exp) == len(lol_act)
    for list_exp, list_act in zip(lol_exp, lol_act):
        assert len(list_exp) == len(list_act)
        for val_exp, val_act in zip(list_exp, list_act):
            assert val_exp == val_act
コード例 #6
ファイル: seed.py プロジェクト: kip-hart/MicroStructPy
    def from_str(cls, seed_str):
        """Create seed from a string.

        This method creates a seed particle from a string representation.
        This is used when reading in seeds from a file.

            seed_str (str): String representation of the seed.

            Seed: An instance of a Seed derived class.

        # Convert to dictionary
        str_dict = {}
        for line in seed_str.strip().split('\n'):
                k_str, v_str = line.split(':')
            except ValueError:
                k = k_str.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')
                v = _misc.from_str(v_str)
                str_dict[k] = v

        # Extract seed type, phase, and breakdown
        seed_type = str_dict['geometry']
        del str_dict['geometry']

        if 'phase' in str_dict:
            phase = str_dict['phase']
            del str_dict['phase']
            phase = 0

        if 'breakdown' in str_dict:
            breakdown = str_dict['breakdown']
            if not isinstance(breakdown[0], tuple):
                breakdown = (breakdown, )
            del str_dict['breakdown']
            breakdown = None

        if 'position' in str_dict:
            position = str_dict['position']
            del str_dict['position']
            position = None

        return cls.factory(seed_type, phase, breakdown, position, **str_dict)
コード例 #7
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: geofiber/MicroStructPy
def _dist_convert(dist_dict):
    """Convert distribution dictionary to distribution"""

    dist_type = dist_dict['dist_type'].strip().lower()
    params = {k: _misc.from_str(v) for k, v in dist_dict.items()}
    del params['dist_type']

    if dist_type == 'cdf':
        cdf_filename = params['filename']
        with open(cdf_filename, 'r') as file:
            cdf = [[float(s) for s in line.split(',')] for line in file]

        bin_bnds = [x for x, _ in cdf]
        bin_cnts = [cdf[i + 1][1] - cdf[i][1] for i in range(len(cdf) - 1)]
        return scipy.stats.rv_histogram(tuple([bin_cnts, bin_bnds]))

    elif dist_type == 'histogram':
        hist_filename = params['filename']
        with open(hist_filename, 'r') as file:
            hist = [[float(s) for s in line.split(',')] for line in file]
        return scipy.stats.rv_histogram(tuple(hist))

        return scipy.stats.__dict__[dist_type](**params)
コード例 #8
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: geofiber/MicroStructPy
def dict_convert(dictionary, filepath='.'):
    """Convert dictionary from xmltodict_

    The xmltodict_ ``parse`` method creates dictionaries with values that
    are all strings, rather than strings, floats, ints, etc.
    This function recursively searches the dictionary for string values and
    attempts to convert the dictionary values.

    If a dictionary contains the key ``dist_type``, it is assumed that
    the corresponding name is a :mod:`scipy.stats` statistical distribution
    and the remaining keys are inputs for that distribution,
    with two exceptions.
    First, if the value of ``dist_type`` is ``cdf``, then the remaining key
    should be ``filename`` and its value should be the path to a CSV file,
    where each row contains the (x, CDF) points along the CDF curve.
    Second, if the value of ``dist_type`` is ``histogram``, then the remaining
    key should also be ``filename`` and its value should be the path to a CSV
    For the histogram, the first row of this CDF should be the *n* bin heights
    and the second row should be the *n+1* bin locations.

    Additionally, if a key in the dictionary contains ``filename`` or
    ``directory`` and the value associated with that key is a relative path,
    then the filepath is converted from a relative to an absolute path using
    the ``filepath`` input as the reference point.
    This behavior can be switched off by setting ``filepath=False``.

        dictionary (list, dict, or collections.OrderedDict): Dictionary or
            dictionaries to be converted.
        filepath (str): *(optional)* Reference path to resolve relative paths.

        list or collections.OrderedDict: A copy of the input where the string
        values have been converted. If only one dict is passed into the
        function, then an instance of :class:`collections.OrderedDict` is

    .. _xmltodict: https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict

    # Convert lists
    if isinstance(dictionary, list):
        return [dict_convert(d) for d in dictionary]

    # Convert strings
    if isinstance(dictionary, str):
        return _misc.from_str(dictionary)

    # Convert Nones
    if dictionary is None:
        return {}

    # Convert filepaths
    for key in dictionary:
        val = dictionary[key]
        if any([s in key.lower() for s in ('filename', 'directory')]):
            val = os.path.expanduser(val)
            if not os.path.isabs(val) and filepath:
                new_val = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(filepath, val))
                new_val = val
            dictionary[key] = new_val

    # Convert SciPy.stats distributions
    if 'dist_type' in dictionary:
        return _dist_convert(dictionary)

    # Convert Dictionaries
    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
    for key in dictionary:
        val = dictionary[key]
        new_val = dict_convert(val, filepath)
        new_dict[key] = new_val
    return new_dict
コード例 #9
ファイル: trimesh.py プロジェクト: zx2012flying/MicroStructPy
    def from_file(cls, filename):
        """Read TriMesh from file.

        This function reads in a triangular mesh from a file and creates an
        instance from that file. Currently the only supported file type
        is the output from :meth:`.write` with the ``format='str'`` option.

            filename (str): Name of file to read from.

            TriMesh: An instance of the class.

        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            stage = 0
            pts = []
            elems = []
            elem_atts = []
            facets = []
            facet_atts = []

            n_eas = 0
            n_facets = 0
            n_fas = 0
            for line in file.readlines():
                if 'Mesh Points'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_pts = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'points'
                elif 'Mesh Elements'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_elems = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'elements'
                elif 'Element Attributes'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_eas = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'element attributes'
                elif 'Facets'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_facets = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'facets'
                elif 'Facet Attributes'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_fas = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'facet attributes'
                    if stage == 'points':
                        pts.append([float(x) for x in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'elements':
                        elems.append([int(kp) for kp in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'element attributes':
                    elif stage == 'facets':
                        facets.append([int(kp) for kp in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'facet attributes':

        # check the inputs
        assert len(pts) == n_pts
        assert len(elems) == n_elems
        assert len(elem_atts) == n_eas
        assert len(facets) == n_facets
        assert len(facet_atts) == n_fas

        return cls(pts, elems, elem_atts, facets, facet_atts)
コード例 #10
    def from_file(cls, filename):
        """Read PolyMesh from file.

        This function reads in a polygon mesh from a file and creates an
        instance from that file. Currently the only supported file type
        is the output from :meth:`.write` with the ``format='txt'`` option.

            filename (str): Name of file to read from.

            PolyMesh: The instance of the class written to the file.

        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            stage = 0
            pts = []
            facets = []
            f_neighbors = []
            regions = []
            seed_numbers = []
            phase_numbers = []
            volumes = []
            for line in file.readlines():
                if 'Mesh Points'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_pts = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'points'
                elif 'Mesh Facets'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_fts = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'facets'
                elif 'Facet Neighbors'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_nns = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'facet neighbors'
                elif 'Mesh Regions'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_rns = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'regions'
                elif 'Seed Numbers'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_sns = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'seed numbers'
                elif 'Phase Numbers'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_pns = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'phase numbers'
                elif 'Volumes'.lower() in line.lower():
                    n_vols = int(line.split(':')[1])
                    stage = 'volumes'
                    if stage == 'points':
                        pts.append([float(x) for x in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'facets':
                        facets.append([int(kp) for kp in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'facet neighbors':
                        f_neighbors.append([int(n) for n in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'regions':
                        regions.append([int(f) for f in line.split(',')])
                    elif stage == 'seed numbers':
                    elif stage == 'phase numbers':
                    elif stage == 'volumes':

        # check the inputs
        assert len(pts) == n_pts
        assert len(facets) == n_fts
        assert len(regions) == n_rns
        assert len(seed_numbers) == n_sns
        assert len(phase_numbers) == n_pns
        assert len(volumes) == n_vols

        if len(f_neighbors) == 0:
            f_neighbors = None
            assert len(f_neighbors) == n_nns

        return cls(pts,