コード例 #1
def test(N, D):
    box = dl.box_generator(N, D)
    dag = box[0]
    ext = box[1]
    tr_dag = tr.trans_red(dag)
    good_dag = tr_dag
    lp = dl.lpd(tr_dag, ext[1], ext[0])
    path = lp[1]
    tr_dag = good_dag
    dim = mps.mpsd(tr_dag, path)
    mm_dim = mmd.MM_dimension(dag)
    print dim
    print mm_dim
    return [dim[0], mm_dim]
コード例 #2
ファイル: lightcone_test.py プロジェクト: xuzhikethinker/PRG
def interval_test(DAG,start,end):
    lp = dl.lpd(DAG,start,end)
    length = lp[2]
    print 'The longest path between %s and %s is %d edges long' %(start,end,length)
    interval = lc.interval(DAG,start,end)
    N = interval.number_of_nodes()
    E = interval.number_of_edges()
    print 'The interval contains %d nodes and %d edges' %(N,E)
    c = clus.clustering(interval)
    print 'For the interval, c+ is %f, c0 is %f, c- is %f' %(c[0],c[1],c[2])
    #MMd = MM.MM_dimension(interval)
    MPSD = mp.mpsd(interval,lp[1])
    #print 'The MM dimension of the interval is %f and the MPSD is %f' %(MMd,MPSD)
    print 'The MPSD is %f' %MPSD[0]
コード例 #3
def ms_dim_with_removal(number_of_trials, number_of_probabilities_considered, N, D, filename):

    arguments: number_of_trials for each probability, output data is averaged over this.
    number_of_probabilities_considered = integer: number of data points
    N = integer: number of nodes in network
    D = integer: dimension of network
    filename = string: output file path e.g. './testing.txt'

    start_time = time.time() #start clock
    myfile = open(filename, 'w')

    p_step = 1.0/number_of_probabilities_considered #define size of step in probability (prob = prob that edge is removed given it's causally allowed)
    myfile.write(str(D)+"D box w/ random removal prob p, and longest path l. Number trials averaged over=" + str(number_of_trials) + " N="+ str(N) + '\n')
    myfile.write('p' + '\t' + 'ms dimension (p)' +'\t' + 'std error' +  '\n')  #send column headings to output file
    #initialize lists for each output variable
    p_list_for_ms = []
    ms_average_list = []
    ms_std_error_list = []
    p_range = np.arange(0.0,1.0+p_step,p_step)   

    for p in p_range: #Loop over x, where x=10^p, so we get more points around prob's closer to 1 and can see phase transition-y behavior more clearly.
        #initialize lists for each quantity for which we require an individual value to be stored after every trial (e.g. for calculations stats)
        ms_list = []
        ms_diff_sq_list = []
        ms_failed_trials = 0
        ms_sum = ms_average = 0.0

        for _ in range(int(number_of_trials)): 
            model = models.box_model(D, N,1-p)  #create model with prob of no edge given edge is causally allowed = p
            DAG_with_removal =  model[0]    #networkx DAG object from above model
            tr_DAG_with_removal = tr.trans_red(DAG_with_removal)    #transitively reduce DAG - doesn't effect lp or MM dimension, DOES MIDPOINT SCALING
            extremes = model[1] #returns list of extremes from model

            if nx.has_path(DAG_with_removal, extremes[1], extremes[0]):  
                longest_path_between_extremes = dl.lpd(tr_DAG_with_removal, extremes[1],extremes[0]) #calculate longest path between extremes
                longest_path = longest_path_between_extremes[1]
                length_of_longest_path = longest_path_between_extremes[2]   #save length of longest path between extremes
                length_of_longest_path=0   #if no path between extremes, longest path = 0 is physical.

            if length_of_longest_path > 2:
                ms_dimension = ms.mpsd(DAG_with_removal, longest_path)[0]  #need to trans red DAG first as otherwise lp method does not return the correct longest path. James said he'd sorted this?
                ms_dimension = 0
                ms_failed_trials += 1

        if len(ms_list)<number_of_trials:
        ms_sum = sum(ms_list)
        if (number_of_trials - ms_failed_trials - 1)>0:
            ms_average = ms_sum/float(number_of_trials-ms_failed_trials)
        else: ms_average=None
        ms_diff_sq_sum = 0.0
        if (number_of_trials - ms_failed_trials - 1)>0:
            for i in range(number_of_trials - ms_failed_trials):
                ms_diff_sq_list.append((ms_list[i] - ms_average)**2)
                ms_diff_sq_sum += ms_diff_sq_list[i]
            ms_std_dev = math.sqrt(ms_diff_sq_sum/float(number_of_trials - ms_failed_trials -1))
            ms_std_error = ms_std_dev/math.sqrt(float(number_of_trials - ms_failed_trials))
            ms_std_error = 0

        myfile.write(str(p)+ '\t' + str(ms_average) + '\t' + str(ms_std_error) + '\n')
        clean = clean_for_plotting(ms_average_list,p_list_for_ms, ms_std_error_list)
        ms_average_list = clean[0]
        p_list_for_ms = clean[1]
        ms_std_error_list = clean[2]
        print "finished ", p , "probability"
    elapsed = (time.time() - start_time)   #calculate time for method completion
    print "finished. Time elapsed = " , elapsed

    return [p_list_for_ms, ms_average_list, ms_std_error_list]