コード例 #1
    def publish_tf(self, *args):
        ''' Publishes a tf transform from base_link to pinger frame
        The orientation of the pinger frame is arbitrary

        Note there should be a more efficient way of getting this transform
        into the tf tree, and ideally it would be a child of /map, not
        /base_link. However, this works so it's ok for now
        sub_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(
        if not hasattr(self, 'pinger_pose'):
            self.pinger_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(

        sub_T, sub_R = sub_pose
        pinger_T, pinger_R = self.pinger_pose

        sub_R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(sub_R)[:3, :3]
        pinger_R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(pinger_R)[:3, :3]
        sub_pinger_T = np.linalg.inv(sub_R).dot(pinger_T - sub_T)
        sub_pinger_R = pinger_R

        sub_pinger_pose = msg_helpers.numpy_pair_to_pose(sub_pinger_T, sub_pinger_R)
        self.tf.transform.translation = sub_pinger_pose.position
        self.tf.transform.rotation = sub_pinger_pose.orientation
        self.tf.header = Header(seq=self.seq, stamp=rospy.Time.now(), frame_id='base_link')
        self.seq = self.seq + 1
コード例 #2
    def request_data(self, srv):
        Calculate timestamps based on the subs position and the pinger location then use the sonar driver's
            EchoLocator to estimate the position.

        sub_state = self.get_model(model_name='sub8')
        pinger_state = self.get_model(model_name='pinger')

        # Convert full state to poses
        sub_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(sub_state.pose)
        hydro_board_pose = sub_pose[0] + self.hydrophone_board_tf
        pinger_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(pinger_state.pose)[0]

        print sub_pose[1]
        # Calculate distances to each hydrophone from the pinger (need to be accounting for sub rotation).
        hydro_poses = hydro_board_pose + np.array(
                self.hydro_loc['hydro0']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro0']['y'],
                 self.hydro_loc['hydro1']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro1']['y'],
                 self.hydro_loc['hydro2']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro2']['y'],
                 self.hydro_loc['hydro3']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro3']['y'],
        print hydro_poses
        distances = np.linalg.norm(pinger_pose - hydro_poses, axis=1)
        timestamps = np.round(distances / self.wave_propagation_speed,
        print timestamps - timestamps[0]

        # Don't forget estimated location is in map frame, transform to sub frame.
        est_location = self.echo_locator.getPulseLocation(timestamps -
        est_location_np = rotate_vect_by_quat(
            np.array([est_location.x, est_location.y, est_location.z, 0]) -
            np.hstack((sub_pose[0], 0)), sub_pose[1])
        est_location.x = est_location_np[0]
        est_location.y = est_location_np[1]
        est_location.z = est_location_np[2]

        return est_location
コード例 #3
ファイル: actuator_sim.py プロジェクト: kingkevlar/SubjuGator
    def launch_torpedo(self, srv):
        Find position of sub and launch the torpedo from there.

            - Test to make sure it always fires from the right spot in the right direction.
                (It seems to but I haven't tested from all rotations.)
        sub_state = self.get_model(model_name='sub8')
        sub_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(sub_state.pose)

        # Translate torpedo init velocity so that it first out of the front of the sub.
        muzzle_vel = np.array([10, 0, 0])
        v = geometry_helpers.rotate_vect_by_quat(np.append(muzzle_vel, 0),

        launch_twist = Twist()
        launch_twist.linear.x = v[0]
        launch_twist.linear.y = v[1]
        launch_twist.linear.z = v[2]

        # This is offset so it fires approx at the torpedo launcher location.
        launch_pos = geometry_helpers.rotate_vect_by_quat(
            np.array([.4, -.15, -.3, 0]), sub_pose[1])

        model_state = ModelState()
        model_state.model_name = 'torpedo'
        model_state.pose = msg_helpers.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(
            sub_pose[0] + launch_pos, sub_pose[1])
        model_state.twist = launch_twist
        self.launched = True

        return True
コード例 #4
    def return_pose(self, srv):
        Returns the next pose to go to in order to try and find the marker.
        Only searches in a circle around our current location (could be extended to searching farther if we need to).
        This will skip points that have already been searched.
        if srv.reset_search:
            self.current_search = 0
            self.poly_generator = self.polygon_generator()
            return [0, False, srv.intial_position]

        # We search at 1.5 * r so that there is some overlay in the search feilds.
        np_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(srv.intial_position)
        rot_mat = make_2D_rotation(
        coor = np.append(np.dot(rot_mat, next(self.poly_generator)) * srv.search_radius * 1.75, 0) \
            + np_pose[0]

        # if self.current_search > self.max_searches:
        #     rospy.logwarn("Searched {} times. Marker not found.".format(self.max_searches))
        #     return [0, False, srv.intial_position]

        self.current_search += 1
        rospy.loginfo("Search number: {}".format(self.current_search))
        # Should be variable based on height maybe?
        pose = msg_helpers.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(coor, np.array([0, 0, 0,
        return [self.check_searched(coor[:2], srv.search_radius), True, pose]
コード例 #5
ファイル: actuator_sim.py プロジェクト: uf-mil/SubjuGator
    def launch_torpedo(self, srv):
        Find position of sub and launch the torpedo from there.

            - Test to make sure it always fires from the right spot in the right direction.
                (It seems to but I haven't tested from all rotations.)
        rospy.loginfo('Launching torpedo')
        sub_state = self.get_model(model_name='sub8')
        sub_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(sub_state.pose)

        # Translate torpedo init velocity so that it first out of the front of the sub.
        muzzle_vel = np.array([10, 0, 0])
        v = geometry_helpers.rotate_vect_by_quat(np.append(muzzle_vel, 0), sub_pose[1])

        launch_twist = Twist()
        launch_twist.linear.x = v[0]
        launch_twist.linear.y = v[1]
        launch_twist.linear.z = v[2]

        # This is offset so it fires approx at the torpedo launcher location.
        launch_pos = geometry_helpers.rotate_vect_by_quat(np.array([.4, -.15, -.3, 0]), sub_pose[1])

        model_state = ModelState()
        model_state.model_name = 'torpedo'
        model_state.pose = msg_helpers.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(sub_pose[0] + launch_pos, sub_pose[1])
        model_state.twist = launch_twist
        self.launched = True

        return True
コード例 #6
ファイル: marker_occ_grid.py プロジェクト: DSsoto/Sub8
    def return_pose(self, srv):
        Returns the next pose to go to in order to try and find the marker.
        Only searches in a circle around our current location (could be extended to searching farther if we need to).
        This will skip points that have already been searched.
        if srv.reset_search:
            self.current_search = 0
            self.poly_generator = self.polygon_generator()
            return [0, False, srv.intial_position]

        # We search at 1.5 * r so that there is some overlay in the search feilds.
        np_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(srv.intial_position)
        rot_mat = make_2D_rotation(tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(np_pose[1])[2])
        coor = np.append(np.dot(rot_mat, next(self.poly_generator)) * srv.search_radius * 1.75, 0) \
            + np_pose[0]

        # if self.current_search > self.max_searches:
        #     rospy.logwarn("Searched {} times. Marker not found.".format(self.max_searches))
        #     return [0, False, srv.intial_position]

        self.current_search += 1
        rospy.loginfo("Search number: {}".format(self.current_search))
        # Should be variable based on height maybe?
        pose = msg_helpers.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(coor, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
        return [self.check_searched(coor[:2], srv.search_radius), True, pose]
コード例 #7
ファイル: pinger_sim.py プロジェクト: DSsoto/Sub8
    def request_data(self, srv):
        Calculate timestamps based on the subs position and the pinger location then use the sonar driver's
            EchoLocator to estimate the position.

        sub_state = self.get_model(model_name='sub8')
        pinger_state = self.get_model(model_name='pinger')

        # Convert full state to poses
        sub_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(sub_state.pose)
        hydro_board_pose = sub_pose[0] + self.hydrophone_board_tf
        pinger_pose = msg_helpers.pose_to_numpy(pinger_state.pose)[0]

        print sub_pose[1]
        # Calculate distances to each hydrophone from the pinger (need to be accounting for sub rotation).
        hydro_poses = hydro_board_pose + np.array(
            [[self.hydro_loc['hydro0']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro0']['y'], self.hydro_loc['hydro0']['z']],
             [self.hydro_loc['hydro1']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro1']['y'], self.hydro_loc['hydro1']['z']],
             [self.hydro_loc['hydro2']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro2']['y'], self.hydro_loc['hydro2']['z']],
             [self.hydro_loc['hydro3']['x'], self.hydro_loc['hydro3']['y'], self.hydro_loc['hydro3']['z']]])
        print hydro_poses
        distances = np.linalg.norm(pinger_pose - hydro_poses, axis=1)
        timestamps = np.round(distances / self.wave_propagation_speed, decimals=self.precision)
        print timestamps - timestamps[0]

        # Don't forget estimated location is in map frame, transform to sub frame.
        est_location = self.echo_locator.getPulseLocation(timestamps - timestamps[0])
        est_location_np = rotate_vect_by_quat(np.array([est_location.x,
                                              est_location.y, est_location.z, 0]) - np.hstack((sub_pose[0], 0)),
        est_location.x = est_location_np[0]
        est_location.y = est_location_np[1]
        est_location.z = est_location_np[2]

        return est_location