コード例 #1
    def to_pose(self, pose):
        ''' Takes a Pose or PoseStamped '''
        if isinstance(pose, PoseStamped):
            pose = pose.pose

        position, orientation = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(pose)
        return PoseEditor2(self.nav, [position, orientation])
コード例 #2
    def is_feasible(self, x, u):
        Given a state x and effort u, returns a bool
        that is only True if that (x, u) is feasible.

        # If there's no ogrid yet or it's a blind move, anywhere is valid
        if self.ogrid is None or self.blind:
            return True

        # Body to world
        c, s = np.cos(x[2]), np.sin(x[2])
        R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])

        # Vehicle points in world frame
        points = x[:2] + R.dot(params.vps).T

        # Check for collision
        cpm = 1 / self.ogrid.info.resolution
        origin = pose_to_numpy(self.ogrid.info.origin)[0][:2]
        indicies = (cpm * (points - origin)).astype(np.int64)

            data = np.array(self.ogrid.data).reshape(self.ogrid.info.width,
            grid_values = data[indicies[:, 1], indicies[:, 0]]
        except IndexError:
            return False

        # Greater than threshold is a hit
        return np.all(grid_values < 90)
コード例 #3
    def is_feasible(self, x, u):
        Given a state x and effort u, returns a bool
        that is only True if that (x, u) is feasible.

        # If there's no ogrid yet or it's a blind move, anywhere is valid
        if self.ogrid is None or self.blind:
            return True

        # Body to world
        c, s = np.cos(x[2]), np.sin(x[2])
        R = np.array([[c, -s],
                      [s, c]])

        # Vehicle points in world frame
        points = x[:2] + R.dot(params.vps).T

        # Check for collision
        cpm = 1 / self.ogrid.info.resolution
        origin = pose_to_numpy(self.ogrid.info.origin)[0][:2]
        indicies = (cpm * (points - origin)).astype(np.int64)

            data = np.array(self.ogrid.data).reshape(self.ogrid.info.width, self.ogrid.info.height)
            grid_values = data[indicies[:, 1], indicies[:, 0]]
        except IndexError:
            return False

        # Greater than threshold is a hit
        return np.all(grid_values < 90)
コード例 #4
ファイル: pose_editor.py プロジェクト: jnez71/Navigator
    def to_pose(self, pose):
        ''' Takes a Pose or PoseStamped '''
        if isinstance(pose, PoseStamped):
            pose = pose.pose

        position, orientation = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(pose)
        return PoseEditor2(self.nav, [position, orientation])
コード例 #5
    def state_cb(self, msg):
        if rospy.Time.now() - self.last_state_sub_time < self.state_sub_max_prd:
        self.last_state_sub_time = rospy.Time.now()

        if self.target in msg.name:
            target_index = msg.name.index(self.target)

            twist = msg.twist[target_index]
            enu_pose = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose[target_index])

            self.last_ecef = self.enu_to_ecef(enu_pose[0])
            self.last_enu = enu_pose

            self.last_odom = Odometry(

            self.last_absodom = Odometry(
                    pose=mil_tools.numpy_quat_pair_to_pose(self.last_ecef, self.last_enu[1])
コード例 #6
def make_ogrid_transform(ogrid):
    Returns a matrix that transforms a point in ENU to this ogrid.
    Invert the result to get ogrid -> ENU.
    resolution = ogrid.info.resolution
    origin = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(ogrid.info.origin)[0]

    # Transforms points from ENU to ogrid frame coordinates
    t = np.array([[1 / resolution, 0, -origin[0] / resolution],
                  [0, 1 / resolution, -origin[1] / resolution], [0, 0, 1]])
    return t
コード例 #7
ファイル: ogrid_arbiter.py プロジェクト: jnez71/Navigator
def make_ogrid_transform(ogrid):
    Returns a matrix that transforms a point in ENU to this ogrid.
    Invert the result to get ogrid -> ENU.
    resolution = ogrid.info.resolution
    origin = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(ogrid.info.origin)[0]

    # Transforms points from ENU to ogrid frame coordinates
    t = np.array([[1 / resolution, 0, -origin[0] / resolution],
                  [0, 1 / resolution, -origin[1] / resolution],
                  [0, 0, 1]])
    return t
コード例 #8
    def run(self, args):

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.image_debug_pub = self.nh.advertise('/dock_mask_debug', Image)
        args = str.split(args, ' ')
        self.color = args[0]
        self.shape = args[1]

        print("entered docking task", self.color, self.shape)

        yield self.set_vrx_classifier_enabled(SetBoolRequest(data=False))
        info = yield self.front_left_camera_info_sub.get_next_message()

        pcodar_cluster_tol = DoubleParameter()
        pcodar_cluster_tol.name = 'cluster_tolerance_m'
        pcodar_cluster_tol.value = 10
        yield self.pcodar_set_params(doubles = [pcodar_cluster_tol])

        #find dock approach it
        pos = yield self.find_dock()

        print("going towards dock")
        yield self.move.look_at(pos).set_position(pos).backward(20).go()

        #Decrease cluster tolerance as we approach dock since lidar points are more dense
        #This helps scenario where stc buoy is really close to dock
        pcodar_cluster_tol = DoubleParameter()
        pcodar_cluster_tol.name = 'cluster_tolerance_m'
        pcodar_cluster_tol.value = 4
        yield self.pcodar_set_params(doubles = [pcodar_cluster_tol])

        # get a vector to the longer side of the dock
        dock, pos = yield self.get_sorted_objects(name='dock', n=1)
        dock = dock[0]
        position, quat = pose_to_numpy(dock.pose)
        rotation = quaternion_matrix(quat)
        bbox = rosmsg_to_numpy(dock.scale)
        bbox[2] = 0
        max_dim = np.argmax(bbox[:2])
        bbox[max_dim] = 0
        bbox_enu = np.dot(rotation[:3,:3],bbox)
        #this black magic uses the property that a rotation matrix is just a 
        #rotated cartesian frame and only gets the vector that points towards
        #the longest side since the vector pointing that way will be at the 
        #same index as the scale for the smaller side. This is genius!
        # - Andrew Knee

        #move to first attempt
        print("moving in front of dock")
        goal_pos = None
        curr_pose = yield self.tx_pose
        side_a_bool = False
        side_b_bool = False
        side_a = bbox_enu+position
        side_b = -bbox_enu+position

        #determine which long side is closer to us, go to the closer one
        #(assume VRX peeps are nice and will always have the open side of the dock closer)
        if np.linalg.norm(side_a - curr_pose[0]) < np.linalg.norm(side_b - curr_pose[0]):
            goal_pos = side_a
            side_a_bool = True
            goal_pos = side_b
            side_b_bool = True

        yield self.move.set_position(goal_pos).look_at(position).go()

        #at this moment, we are directly facing the middle of a long side of the dock
        #check if the dock is the correct side.
        yield self.nh.sleep(1)
        pixel_diff = yield self.dock_checks()

        #if we are on the wrong side, try going to other side of dock
        if pixel_diff is None:
            yield self.move.backward(7).go(blind=True, move_type="skid")
            if side_a_bool:
                print("switching to side_b")
                goal_pos = side_b
                side_a_bool = False
                side_b_bool = True
            if side_b_bool:
                print("switching to side_a")
                goal_pos = side_a
                side_b_bool = False
                side_a_bool = True

            yield self.move.set_position(goal_pos).look_at(position).go()
            yield self.nh.sleep(1)
            pixel_diff = yield self.dock_checks()
            if pixel_diff is None:
                print("Could not find any viable options for docking")

        #do we see any symbols?
        target_symbol = self.color + "_" + self.shape
        symbol_position = yield self.get_symbol_position(target_symbol)

        #define how far left and right we want to do
        rot = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        side_vect = 0.80 * bbox_enu
        if side_a_bool:
            print("creating side a left and right position")
            self.left_position = np.dot(rot, -side_vect) + side_a
            self.right_position = np.dot(rot, side_vect) + side_a
            self.dock_point_left = np.dot(rot, -side_vect) + position
            self.dock_point_right = np.dot(rot, side_vect) + position
            print("creating side b left and right position")
            self.left_position = np.dot(rot, side_vect) + side_b
            self.right_position = np.dot(rot, -side_vect) + side_b
            self.dock_point_left = np.dot(rot, side_vect) + position
            self.dock_point_right = np.dot(rot, -side_vect) + position

        #if there are symbols, do docking procedure by going to corresponding symbol
        print("The correct docking location is ", symbol_position)

        #position boat in front of correct symbol
        if symbol_position == "left":
            yield self.move.set_position(self.left_position).look_at(self.dock_point_left).go(blind=True, move_type="skid")
            position = self.dock_point_left
        elif symbol_position == "right":
            yield self.move.set_position(self.right_position).look_at(self.dock_point_right).go(blind=True, move_type="skid")
            position = self.dock_point_right

        #enter dock
        yield self.nh.sleep(1)
        if symbol_position == "foggy":
            print("It seems to be a little foggy")
            yield self.dock_fire_undock(foggy=True)
            yield self.dock_fire_undock(foggy=False)

コード例 #9
ファイル: dock.py プロジェクト: kledom/mil
    def run(self, args):
        self.debug_points_pub = self.nh.advertise('/dock_pannel_points',
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.image_debug_pub = self.nh.advertise('/dock_mask_debug', Image)
        args = str.split(args, ' ')
        self.color = args[0]
        self.shape = args[1]

        yield self.set_vrx_classifier_enabled(SetBoolRequest(data=False))
        info = yield self.front_left_camera_info_sub.get_next_message()

        pcodar_cluster_tol = DoubleParameter()
        pcodar_cluster_tol.name = 'cluster_tolerance_m'
        pcodar_cluster_tol.value = 20

        yield self.pcodar_set_params(doubles=[pcodar_cluster_tol])

        pose = yield self.find_dock()
        yield self.move.look_at(pose).set_position(pose).backward(20).go()
        # get updated points now that we a closer
        dock, pose = yield self.get_sorted_objects(name='dock', n=1)
        dock = dock[0]
        position, quat = pose_to_numpy(dock.pose)
        rotation = quaternion_matrix(quat)
        bbox = rosmsg_to_numpy(dock.scale)
        bbox[2] = 0
        min_dim = np.argmin(bbox[:2])
        bbox[min_dim] = 0
        bbox_enu = np.dot(rotation[:3, :3], bbox)
        yield self.move.set_position(
            (bbox_enu + position)).look_at(position).go()
        curr_color, masked_image = yield self.get_color()
        if curr_color != self.color:
            # Dock at the other side of the dock, no further perception
            yield self.move.backward(5).go()
            yield self.move.set_position(
                (-bbox_enu + position)).look_at(position).go()
            yield self.dock()
            if self.get_shape(masked_image) == self.shape:
                print 'shapes match'
                yield self.dock()
                # go to other one
                yield self.move.backward(5).go()
                yield self.move.set_position(
                    (-bbox_enu + position)).look_at(position).go()
                curr_color, _ = yield self.get_color()

                task_info = yield self.task_info_sub.get_next_message()
                if curr_color != self.color and task_info.remaining_time.secs >= 60:
                    # if we got the right color on the other side and the wrong color on this side,
                    # go dock in the other side
                    yield self.move.backward(5).go()
                    yield self.move.set_position(
                        (bbox_enu + position)).look_at(position).go()
                    yield self.dock()
                    # this side is the right color
                    # Dock at the other side of the dock, no further perception
                    yield self.dock()
        yield self.send_feedback('Done!')
コード例 #10
ファイル: ogrid_arbiter.py プロジェクト: jnez71/Navigator
 def set_odom(msg):
     return setattr(self, 'odom', mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose.pose))
コード例 #11
 def odometrySubscriber(self, msg):
     pose = msg.pose.pose
     self.pos, self.ori = pose_to_numpy(pose)
     self.odomSet = True
コード例 #12
 def set_odom(msg):
     return setattr(self, 'odom',
コード例 #13
 def set_odom(self, msg):
     self.odom = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose.pose)
コード例 #14
ファイル: circle_sim.py プロジェクト: ironmig/Navigator
 def set_odom(self, msg):
     self.odom = mil_tools.pose_to_numpy(msg.pose.pose)