コード例 #1
    def initialize_actions(self, action):
        Creates action objects and initializes their state
        self.actions = {1: self.mime_go,
                        2: self.crane_go}
        if action==1:
            print "    Action chosen: Mime\n"
            self.mime = Mime()
            self.action = 'mime_go'
            self.mime_count = 0
            self.action_chosen = True

            # Screen images

        elif action == 2:
            print "    Action chosen: Crane\n"
            self.crane = Crane()
            self.crane_count = 0
            self.action_chosen = True

            # Screen images
コード例 #2
class Baxter_Controller:
    Baxter Controller

    This class functions as the macro controller of Baxter's actions during 
    Natural Interaction with people. A primer user is chosen, the user chooses
    an action by gesturing, and can command Baxter to switch to a different
    application at any time. While not completing any action or tracking 
    people, Baxter performs an idle function.

    In conjunction to running the Baxter Controller, the NU SkeletonTracker
    and the Trajectory Controller must also be running. To do so:

        Different terminal:
        roslaunch skeletontracker_nu nu_skeletontracker.launch

        Another different terminal:
        rosrun baxter_interface trajectory_controller.py

        Should be handled in launch file, no?

    def __init__(self):
        Enables robot, initializes booleans, subscribes to skeletons
        # print "Getting robot state..."
        self.rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable() #RS is a wrapper for the robot state
        # print "Enabling robot... "

        self.left_arm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('left')
        self.right_arm = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('right')
        self.mime_l_angles = {'left_s0': 0.35, 'left_s1': 0.00, 'left_e0': 0.00, 'left_e1': 0.00, 'left_w0': 0.00, 'left_w1': 0.00, 'left_w2': 0.00}
        self.mime_r_angles = {'right_s0': -0.25, 'right_s1': 0.00, 'right_e0': 0.00, 'right_e1': 0.00, 'right_w0': 0.00, 'right_w1': 0.00, 'right_w2': 0.00}
        self.crane_l_angles = {'left_s0': 0.35, 'left_s1': 0.00, 'left_e0': 0.00, 'left_e1': 1.57, 'left_w0': 0.00, 'left_w1': 0.00, 'left_w2': 0.00}
        self.crane_r_angles = {'right_s0': -0.25, 'right_s1': 0.00, 'right_e0': 0.00, 'right_e1': 0.00, 'right_w0': 0.00, 'right_w1': 0.00, 'right_w2': 0.00}

        # Booleans used throughout controller
        self.userid_almost_chosen = False
        self.userid_chosen = False
        self.user_positioned = False
        self.action_chosen = False
        self.action_id = 0
        self.display_top = True
        self.display_mime_prep = True
        self.display_crane_prep = True
        self.display_mime = True
        self.display_crane = True

        #Pull the required filename from the parameter server
            img_files_filename = rospy.get_param('img_files_filename')
        except KeyError:
            sys.exit("img_files_filename not set in ROS parameter server")

        # Set up our ImageSwitcher object to do our first set of images
        # Note for the top mode there is only one image (for now) so we
        # don't need to set a period other than 0 which is a one-shot

        self.img_switch = imgswitch.ImageSwitcher(img_files_filename, mode='top',

        # skeletonCallback called whenever skeleton received
        rospy.Subscriber("skeletons", Skeletons, self.skeletonCallback)
        # instantiate a skeleton filter
        self.skel_filt = sf.SkeletonFilter(sf.joints)
        self.first_filt_flag = True

    def choose_user(self, skeletons):
        Selects primary user to avoid ambiguity
        for skeleton in skeletons:
            lh = skeleton.left_hand.transform.translation.y
            rh = skeleton.right_hand.transform.translation.y
            h = skeleton.head.transform.translation.y
            if h - lh > 0.11 or h - rh > 0.11: # What units are these? 
                self.userid_almost_chosen = True
                self.main_userid = skeleton.userid
                print "\n\nMain user chosen.\nUser %s, please proceed.\n" % str(self.main_userid)
                self.user_starting_position = skeleton.torso.transform.translation
                if h - lh > 0.11:
                    self.userid_chosen = True
                    return 'left'
                elif h - rh > 0.11:
                    self.img_switch.change_mode('mime_prep', 3)
                    #Let's try and speed this stuff up
                    self.userid_chosen = True
                    return 'right'

    def position_user(self, skeleton, choice):
        lh_y = skeleton.left_hand.transform.translation.y
        lh_x = skeleton.left_hand.transform.translation.x
        rh_y = skeleton.right_hand.transform.translation.y
        rh_x = skeleton.right_hand.transform.translation.y
        tor_y = skeleton.torso.transform.translation.y
        tor_x = skeleton.torso.transform.translation.x
        if choice == 'left':
            dy = math.fabs(tor_y - lh_y)
            dx = math.fabs(lh_x - tor_x)
            #These tolerances have been causing problems
            if dy < 0.08 and dx > 0.4:
                rospy.sleep(0.5) # try a 1/2 second delay
                return True
        elif (choice == 'right'):
            dy = math.fabs(tor_y - lh_y) + math.fabs(tor_y - rh_y)
            dx = math.fabs(lh_x - tor_x) + math.fabs(rh_x - tor_x)
            if dy < 0.20 and dx > 0.8:
                rospy.sleep(0.5) # try 1/2 second delay
                return True
        return False

    def choose_action(self, skeleton, choice):
        Determines which action for Baxter to perform based on gestures
        # Action not chosen yet
        if self.action_id == 0:
            # MIME
            if choice == 'right':
                self.action_id = 1
                action = 'Mime'
            elif choice == 'left':
                self.action_id = 2
                action = 'Crane'
            # ACTION CHOSEN
            print "Action chosen: %s\nProceed?\n" % action

    def initialize_actions(self, action):
        Creates action objects and initializes their state
        self.actions = {1: self.mime_go,
                        2: self.crane_go}
        if action==1:
            print "    Action chosen: Mime\n"
            self.mime = Mime()
            self.action = 'mime_go'
            self.mime_count = 0
            self.action_chosen = True

            # Screen images

        elif action == 2:
            print "    Action chosen: Crane\n"
            self.crane = Crane()
            self.crane_count = 0
            self.action_chosen = True

            # Screen images

    def reset_booleans(self):
        Resets booleans when user is done with action
        print "\n**Booleans reset**\n"

        #Why do we disable, reset, and enable when resetting user stuff?

        self.userid_almost_chosen = False
        self.userid_chosen = False
        self.user_positioned = False
        self.action_chosen = False
        self.action_id = 0
        self.display_top = True
        self.display_mime_prep = True
        self.display_crane_prep = True
        self.display_mime = True
        self.display_crane = True
        # Screen images

    #                        ACTIONS:                         #

    def mime_go(self, skeleton):
        Progresses mime when skeletons are passed into controller
        # For passing certain percentage of skeletons to mime
        # Skeleton values
        l_sh = skeleton.left_shoulder.transform.translation
        l_el = skeleton.left_elbow.transform.translation
        l_ha = skeleton.left_hand.transform.translation
        r_sh = skeleton.right_shoulder.transform.translation
        r_el = skeleton.right_elbow.transform.translation
        r_ha = skeleton.right_hand.transform.translation

        if self.mime_count % DOWN_SAMPLE == 0:
            self.mime.move(l_sh, l_el, l_ha, r_sh, r_el, r_ha)

    def crane_go(self, skeleton):
        Progresses crane when skeletons are passed into controller
        # For passing certain percentage of skeletons to crane
        # Skeleton values
        l_sh = skeleton.left_shoulder.transform.translation
        l_el = skeleton.left_elbow.transform.translation
        l_ha = skeleton.left_hand.transform.translation
        r_sh = skeleton.right_shoulder.transform.translation
        r_el = skeleton.right_elbow.transform.translation
        r_ha = skeleton.right_hand.transform.translation

        if self.crane_count % DOWN_SAMPLE == 0:
            self.crane.move(l_sh, l_el, l_ha, r_sh, r_el, r_ha)

    def skeletonCallback(self, data):
        Runs every time a skeleton is received from the tracker
        This seems to do everything
        This function is somewhat confusing, I'll go through later and document it better
        # Chooses correct user
        if self.userid_chosen == True:
            found = False
            for skeleton in data.skeletons:
                if skeleton.userid == self.main_userid:
                    skel_raw = skeleton
                    if self.first_filt_flag:
                        skel = skel_raw
                        self.first_filt_flag = False
                        skel = self.skel_filt.filter_skeletons(skel_raw)
                    found = True

        # Chooses and sticks to one main user throughout
        if self.userid_chosen == False:
            self.choice = self.choose_user(data.skeletons)
            self.first_filt_flag = True

        elif self.user_positioned == False and found:
            p1_x = self.user_starting_position.x
            p1_z = self.user_starting_position.z
            p2_x = skel.torso.transform.translation.x
            p2_z = skel.torso.transform.translation.z

            y_LH = skel.left_hand.transform.translation.y
            y_RH = skel.right_hand.transform.translation.y
            y_torso = skel.torso.transform.translation.y
            left_ratio = (y_LH - y_torso) / y_torso
            right_ratio = (y_RH - y_torso) / y_torso

            dx = p2_x - p1_x
            dz = p2_z - p1_z
            if not (math.fabs(dx) > 0.10 and math.fabs(dz) > 0.10 and left_ratio > 0.5 and right_ratio > 0.5):
                self.user_positioned = self.position_user(skel, self.choice)
            else: self.reset_booleans()
        # Chooses action to complete
        elif self.action_chosen == False and found:
            self.choose_action(skel, self.choice)

        # If user doesn't leave, completes action
        elif found:
            p1_x = self.user_starting_position.x
            p1_z = self.user_starting_position.z
            p2_x = skel.torso.transform.translation.x
            p2_z = skel.torso.transform.translation.z

            y_LH = skel.left_hand.transform.translation.y
            y_RH = skel.right_hand.transform.translation.y
            y_torso = skel.torso.transform.translation.y
            left_ratio = (y_LH - y_torso) / y_torso
            right_ratio = (y_RH - y_torso) / y_torso

            dx = p2_x - p1_x
            dz = p2_z - p1_z
            if not (math.fabs(dx) > 0.10 and math.fabs(dz) > 0.10 and left_ratio > 0.5 and right_ratio > 0.5):
            else: self.reset_booleans()

        elif not found:           