コード例 #1
def area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum):
    Normalize a spectrum using areas as suggested in Reuter et al. (2006)

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum of a given shape defined by _points_ and _faces_

    new_spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum normalized by area
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import area_of_faces

    area = area_of_faces(points, faces)
    total_area = sum(area)

    new_spectrum = [x/total_area for x in spectrum]

    return new_spectrum
コード例 #2
def area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum):
    Normalize a spectrum using areas as suggested in Reuter et al. (2006)

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum of a given shape defined by _points_ and _faces_

    new_spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum normalized by area
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import area_of_faces

    area = area_of_faces(points, faces)
    total_area = sum(area)

    new_spectrum = [x / total_area for x in spectrum]

    return new_spectrum
コード例 #3
ファイル: laplace_beltrami.py プロジェクト: liob/mindboggle
def area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum):
    Normalize a spectrum using areas as suggested in Reuter et al. (2006)

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum of a given shape defined by _points_ and _faces_

    new_spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum normalized by area

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import area_normalize
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import fem_laplacian
    >>> # Define a cube:
    >>> points = [[0,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [1,0,0],
    ...           [0,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,0,1]]
    >>> faces = [[0,1,2], [2,3,0], [4,5,6], [6,7,4], [0,4,7], [7,3,0],
    ...          [0,4,5], [5,1,0], [1,5,6], [6,2,1], [3,7,6], [6,2,3]]
    >>> spectrum = fem_laplacian(points, faces, spectrum_size=3,
    ...                          normalization=None)
    >>> print(np.array_str(np.array(spectrum[1::]),
    ...       precision=5, suppress_small=True))
    [ 4.58359  4.8    ]
    >>> new_spectrum = area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum)
    >>> print(np.array_str(np.array(new_spectrum[1::]),
    ...       precision=5, suppress_small=True))
    [ 27.50155  28.8    ]

    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import area_of_faces

    area = area_of_faces(points, faces)
    total_area = sum(area)

    new_spectrum = [x*total_area for x in spectrum]

    return new_spectrum
コード例 #4
def area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum):
    Normalize a spectrum using areas as suggested in Reuter et al. (2006)

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum of a given shape defined by _points_ and _faces_

    new_spectrum : list of floats
        LB spectrum normalized by area

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import area_normalize
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import fem_laplacian
    >>> # Define a cube:
    >>> points = [[0,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [1,0,0],
    ...           [0,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,0,1]]
    >>> faces = [[0,1,2], [2,3,0], [4,5,6], [6,7,4], [0,4,7], [7,3,0],
    ...          [0,4,5], [5,1,0], [1,5,6], [6,2,1], [3,7,6], [6,2,3]]
    >>> spectrum = fem_laplacian(points, faces, spectrum_size=3,
    ...                          normalization=None)
    >>> print(np.array_str(np.array(spectrum[1::]),
    ...       precision=5, suppress_small=True))
    [ 4.58359  4.8    ]
    >>> new_spectrum = area_normalize(points, faces, spectrum)
    >>> print(np.array_str(np.array(new_spectrum[1::]),
    ...       precision=5, suppress_small=True))
    [ 27.50155  28.8    ]

    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import area_of_faces

    area = area_of_faces(points, faces)
    total_area = sum(area)

    new_spectrum = [x * total_area for x in spectrum]

    return new_spectrum