コード例 #1
	def play_game(self):
		self.squares = {}
		for x in range(self.cols):
			for y in range(self.rows):
				color = zero_sq

		self.s = getattr(self.module,self.strategy_name.split('.')[1])()
		self.m = minemap.MineMap(self.mines,self.rows,self.cols)


		numCleared = self.m.cleared
		numTotal = self.cols*self.rows - self.mines

		print 'Playing on',self.rows,'by',self.cols,'board -'
		if self.m.won():
			print "  Game was won:",'uncovered',numCleared,'of',numTotal,'tiles'
			print "  Game was lost:",'uncovered',numCleared,'of',numTotal,'tiles'
コード例 #2
def main(args):
    m = None
    strategy_name = "cspstrategy.CSPStrategy"
    game_name = 'intermediate'
    mines = 40
    rows = 16
    cols = 16
    hinted = False
    realrules = True
    tries = 1
    sets = 1
    module = __import__(strategy_name.split('.')[0])

    cont = False
    for i in range(len(args)):
        if cont:
            cont = False
        if args[i] == '-H':
            hinted = True
        elif args[i] == '-R':
            realrules = True
        elif args[i] == '-i':
            game_name = 'intermediate'
            mines = 40
            rows = 16
            cols = 16
        elif args[i] == '-e':
            game_name = 'expert'
            mines = 99
            rows = 16
            cols = 30
        elif args[i] == '-b':
            game_name = 'beginner'
            mines = 10
            rows = 8
            cols = 8
        elif args[i] == '-r':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                rows = int(args[i + 1])
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-c':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                cols = int(args[i + 1])
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-m':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                mines = int(args[i + 1])
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-s':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                strategy_name = args[i + 1]
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-n':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                tries = int(args[i + 1])
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-S':
            if i + 1 >= len(args):
                raise Exception("Wrong input")
                sets = int(args[i + 1])
                cont = True
        elif args[i] == '-v':
            module.VERBOSE = True
        elif args[i] == '-noreal':
            realrules = False
            raise Exception("Wrong input")

    if rows < 1 or cols < 1 or mines < 1 or mines >= rows * cols:
        raise Exception("Wrong input")

    sumN = 0.0
    sumsqr = 0.0
    numCleared = 0.0
    numTotal = 0.0
    game_count = 0
    for seti in range(1, sets + 1):

        wins = 0
        for n in range(1, tries + 1):
            s = getattr(module, strategy_name.split('.')[1])()
            m = minemap.MineMap(mines, rows, cols, realrules)

            if not hinted:
                hint = m.hint()
                s.play2(m, hint[0], hint[1])

            game_count += 1

            if m.won():
                wins += 1
            numCleared += m.cleared
            numTotal += cols * rows - mines

        sumN += wins
        sumsqr += wins**2

    print str(rows), "by", str(cols), "board with", str(mines), "mines"
    print "In %s sets of %s tries (%s) games total:" % (sets, tries,
                                                        sets * tries)
    mean = sumN / sets
    print " Mean wins: %s/%s (%s%%)" % (int(mean), tries, 100.0 * mean / tries)
    print " Mean %% of board cleared: %s/%s (%s%%)" % (
        int(numCleared), int(numTotal), 100 * numCleared / numTotal)
コード例 #3
    def play2(self, m, hint_column, hint_row, not_first):
        self.map = m

        # initialize SolutionSet statics
        solutionset.largest_neqns = 0
        solutionset.largest_nvars = 0
        solutionset.largest_nsols = 0

        # initialize board
        cspboard = csp.CSPBoard()

        if VERBOSE:
            print("================ NEW GAME ================")

        # use hint
        if cspboard.board[hint_column][hint_row].probe(
                self.map) == minemap.BOOM and m.realrules:
            map2 = minemap.MineMap(m.mines, m.rows, m.cols, m.realrules, True)
            self.play2(map2, hint_column, hint_row)
            m.cleared = map2.cleared
            m.victory = map2.victory

        # initialize constraints
        for x in range(self.map.cols):
            for y in range(self.map.rows):

        # main loop
        while not self.map.done():
            # Simplify constraints by combining with each other and
            # marking or probing _obvious_ mines and cleared areas.
            if self.map.done():

            # At this point the constraints are as simple as possible and
            # the choice of next move is _not_ obvious.  All solutions to
            # the CSP must be found to determine if there are any _safe_
            # moves.
            # Seperate the constraints into coupled subsets, each represented
            # by a SolutionSet object.
            subsets = self.seperateConstraints()
            nsubsets = len(subsets)

            if nsubsets <= 0:
                # This happens when all remaining (unknown) clear positions
                # are seperated (by mines) from the known clear positions.
                if VERBOSE:
                    print("No problems to solve!")
                solving_msg = False
                if VERBOSE:
                    # determine number of variables in largest subproblem
                    nvars = subsets[0].getVariableCount()
                    ncnts = subsets[0].getConstraintCount()
                    for i in range(1, nsubsets):
                        if (subsets[i].getVariableCount() -
                            ) > nvars - ncnts:
                            nvars = subsets[i].getVariableCount()
                            ncnts = subsets[i].getConstraintCount()

                    if nvars - ncnts >= SOLVE_THRESHOLD:
                        solving_msg = True
                        if nsubsets == 1:
                            print("Solving " + str(ncnts) + " constraint " +
                                  str(nvars) + " variable system...")
                            print("Solving " + str(nsubsets) +
                                  " systems (largest is " + str(ncnts) +
                                  " constraints " + str(nvars) +
                                  " variables)...")

                # Solve each of the sub-problems by enumerating all solutions
                # to the constraint satisfaction problem.
                for subset in subsets:
                if solving_msg:
                    print(" done.")

            # Account for all remaining mines.  It may be found that some
            # sub-problems have solutions that require too many or too few
            # mines.  In these cases, some solutions will be deleted from
            # the SolutionSet.
            # The number of mines expected to be found in the unknown
            # positions is also calculated.
            remaining = self.map.mines_minus_marks()
            far = cspboard.nonConstrainedCount()
            far_max = remaining
            far_expected = float(remaining)
            for i in range(nsubsets):
                nmin = 0
                nmax = far
                for j in range(nsubsets):
                    if i != j:
                        nmin += subsets[j].getMin()
                        nmax += subsets[j].getMax()
                subsets[i].reduceMinMax(remaining - nmax, remaining - nmin)
                far_expected -= subsets[i].expectedMines()
                far_max -= subsets[i].getMin()

            # Using far_expected here seems to work better, but sometimes
            # yields negative probabilities.  far_max doesn't have this
            # problem, but doesn't work as well.
            far_prob = far_expected / float(far) if far > 0 else 1
            if far_prob < 0.01: far_prob = float(0.01)

            # Do any craps shoots.  Even if we survive these, we are no
            # better off.
            crapshoot = False
            for i in reversed(range(nsubsets)):
                c = subsets[i].doCrapsShoot(self.map)
                if c != None:
                    # throw away subset so we don't do anything with it
                    # again until the constraints are next simplified
                    nsubsets -= 1
                    crapshoot = True
                elif self.map.done():

            if self.map.done():
            if nsubsets <= 0 and crapshoot:

            # Mark for-sure mines.
            for i in range(nsubsets):

            # If no mines are left in the unknown positions, probe them all.
            # This is very good for us and we go back to simplification
            # immediately afterwards.
            if far_max <= 0 and far > 0:
                positions = cspboard.enumerateUnknown()
                for position in positions:

            # Determine best position to make a probe (a guess).
            best_subset = -1
            best_prob = far_prob
            surething = False
            for i in range(nsubsets):
                prob = subsets[i].findBestProbe()
                if prob <= 0:
                    surething = True
                elif prob <= best_prob:
                    best_prob = prob
                    best_subset = i
            if surething:

            # If best guess is a constrained position, probe it.
            if best_subset >= 0:
                if VERBOSE:
                    print("GUESS: " + str(int((1 - best_prob) * 100)) +
                          "% educated ...")
                c = subsets[best_subset].doBestProbe(self.map)
                if c != None:
                    if VERBOSE: print(" good.")
                elif VERBOSE: print(" FAILED")

            # Otherwise, we probe one of the unknown positions.
                # first check the corners
                positions = cspboard.enumerateCorners()
                category = "corner"
                if positions == None:
                    # next check for edges
                    positions = cspboard.enumerateEdges()
                    category = "edge"
                if positions == None:
                    # next check for a boundary position
                    positions = cspboard.enumerateMaxBoundary()
                    category = "boundary"
                if positions == None:
                    # finally, if all else fails, probe some random position
                    positions = cspboard.enumerateUnknown()
                    category = "far"
                if positions == None:
                    print("WHAT!  No boundary or unknown?")

                if VERBOSE:
                    print("GUESS: " + str(int((1 - best_prob) * 100)) + "% " +
                          category + " ...")
                i = self.map.pick(len(positions))
                s = positions[i].probe(self.map)
                if s >= 0:
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print(" ok.")
                elif VERBOSE:
                    print(" FAILED!")

        # miscellaneous stats
        if VERBOSE and solutionset.largest_nvars > 0:
            print("Largest System Solved:  " + solutionset.largest_neqns +
                  " equations  " + solutionset.largest_nvars + " variables  " +
                  solutionset.largest_nsols + " solutions")
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: zzkzzk1996/CS520
import sweeper
import minemap
import numpy as np
import time

# map_generator = utils.MineMap()
# board = map_generator.board
# mines = map_generator.get_mines()
# print(board)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    avg, avg_improve, time_con, time_con_improve = 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(100):
        map_generator = minemap.MineMap(x=16, y=16, p=38)
        board = map_generator.board
        mine = map_generator.mine_number
        sweep = sweeper.Sweeper(board, map_generator.mine_number)
        start = time.time()
        while sweep.flip():
            while sweep.sweep_mine(): continue
        end = time.time()
        time_con += end - start
        t = sweep.temp / mine
        avg += t

        sweep_improve = sweeper.Sweeper(board, map_generator.mine_number)
        start_improve = time.time()
        while sweep_improve.flip_by_possibility():
            while sweep_improve.sweep_mine(): continue
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: zzkzzk1996/CS520
    #     time_con_improve += end_improve - start_improve
    #     t_improve = sweep_improve.temp / mine
    #     avg_improve += t_improve
    #     # sweeper.draw_board()
    #     # map_generator = minemap.MineMap()
    #     # map_generator.drawboard(board)
    #     # print(sweeper.sweeper_map)
    #     # print(board)
    #     print("Progress:{}%".format(((i + 1) * 100 / 100)), flush=True)
    # avg /= 100
    # avg_improve /= 100
    # print(str(avg) + " -> " + str(time_con))
    # print(str(avg_improve) + " -> " + str(time_con_improve))
    avg, avg_improve, time_con, time_con_improve = 0, 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(100):
        map_generator = minemap.MineMap(x=16, y=16, p=38)
        board = map_generator.board
        mine = map_generator.mine_number
        sweep = sweeper.Sweeper(board, map_generator.mine_number)
        start = time.time()
        while sweep.flip():
            while sweep.sweep_mine():
        end = time.time()
        time_con += end - start
        t = sweep.temp / mine
        avg += t

    map_generator = minemap.MineMap(x=25, y=25)
    board = map_generator.board