コード例 #1
    def test_retrieve(self):
        table_a = self.data.partition_a.table()

        start = self.data.timestamp_1
        end = self.data.timestamp_1
        entity = self.data.entities[1]
        entities = [entity.id]

        column_names = [

        create_column = partial(Column, table_a)

        columns = map(create_column, column_names)

        with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor:
            r = retrieve(cursor, [table_a], columns, entities, start, end)

        eq_(len(r), 1)

        first_result = head(r)

        entity_id, timestamp, c1, c2, c3, c4 = first_result

        eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
        eq_(c4, 18)
コード例 #2
def store(cursor, table, source):
    columns = map(Column, head(source))

    insert = partial(Insert(table, columns).execute, cursor)

    for row in tail(source):
コード例 #3
    def test_retrieve_ordered_by_time(self):
        table_a = self.data.partition_a.table()

        with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor:
            eq_(row_count(cursor, table_a), 3)

        table_names = [table_a.name]
        start = self.data.timestamp_1
        end = self.data.timestamp_1
        entity = self.data.entities[1]
        entities = [entity.id]

        columns = [
            Column(table_a, "CellID"),
            Column(table_a, "CCR"),
            Column(table_a, "CCRatts"),
            Column(table_a, "Drops")]

        r = retrieve_orderedby_time(self.conn, SCHEMA, table_names, columns,
                entities, start, end)

        eq_(len(r), 1)

        first_result = head(r)

        entity_id, timestamp, c1, c2, c3, c4 = first_result

        eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
        eq_(c4, 18)
コード例 #4
    def test_retrieve_from_v4_trendstore(self):
        table_names = [self.data.partition_a.table().name]
        start = self.data.timestamp_1
        end = self.data.timestamp_1
        entity = self.data.entities[1]
        entities = [entity.id]

        column_names = [

        create_column = partial(Column, self.data.partition_a.table())

        columns = map(create_column, column_names)

        r = retrieve(self.conn, SCHEMA, table_names, columns, entities, start, end)

        eq_(len(r), 1)

        first_result = head(r)

        entity_id, timestamp, c1, c2, c3, c4 = first_result

        eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
        eq_(c4, 18)
コード例 #5
def get_column_srid(cursor, table_name, column_name):
    query = (
        "SELECT srid "
        "FROM geometry_columns "
        "WHERE f_geometry_column = %s "
        "AND f_table_name = %s "
        "AND f_table_schema = %s")

    args = column_name, table_name, "gis"

    cursor.execute(query, args)

    return head(cursor.fetchone())
コード例 #6
    def create(self, cursor):
        """Create, initialize and return the attributestore."""
        query = (
            "INSERT INTO attribute_directory.attributestore"
            "(datasource_id, entitytype_id) "
            "VALUES (%s, %s) "
            "RETURNING id")
        args = self.datasource.id, self.entitytype.id
        cursor.execute(query, args)
        self.id = head(cursor.fetchone())

        for attribute in self.attributes:

        return self.init(cursor)
コード例 #7
def render_source(source):
    Renders a data 'source' in the form of a table-like object:

        ('column_1', 'column_2', 'column_3', ...),
        (1, 2, 3,...),
        (4, 5, 6,...),
    column_names = head(source)
    column_align = ">" * len(column_names)
    column_sizes = ["max"] * len(column_names)
    rows = tail(source)

    return render_table(column_names, column_align, column_sizes, rows)
コード例 #8
    def test_retrieve_multi_table_time(self):
        tables = [self.data.partition_d_1.table(), self.data.partition_d_2.table()]
        start = self.data.timestamp_1 - timedelta(seconds=60)
        end = self.data.timestamp_2
        entity = self.data.entities[1]
        entities = [entity.id]

        column_names = [

        columns = map(Column, column_names)

        with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor:
            r = retrieve(cursor, tables, columns, entities, start, end)

        eq_(len(r), 2)

        first_result = head(r)

        entity_id, timestamp, c1 = first_result

        eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
        eq_(c1, 110)
コード例 #9
def test_retrieve_from_v4_trendstore(conn):
    plugin = get_plugin("trend")
    data = TestData()

    plugin_obj = plugin(conn, api_version=3)

    with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:

    start = data.timestamp_1
    end = data.timestamp_1
    entity = data.entities[1]
    entities = [entity.id]

    column_names = [

    datasources = [data.datasource_a]
    entitytype = data.entitytype
    granularity = 900

    r = plugin_obj.retrieve(datasources, granularity, entitytype,
            column_names, entities, start, end)

    eq_(len(r), 1)

    first_result = head(r)

    entity_id, timestamp, c1, c2, c3, c4 = first_result

    eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
    eq_(c4, 18)
コード例 #10
    def test_retrieve_multi_table_time(self):
        table_d_1 = self.data.partition_d_1.table()
        table_d_2 = self.data.partition_d_2.table()
        table_names = [table_d_1.name, table_d_2.name]
        start = self.data.timestamp_1 - timedelta(seconds=60)
        end = self.data.timestamp_2
        entity = self.data.entities[1]
        entities = [entity.id]

        column_names = [

        columns = map(Column, column_names)

        r = retrieve(self.conn, SCHEMA, table_names, columns, entities, start, end)

        eq_(len(r), 2)

        first_result = head(r)

        entity_id, timestamp, c1 = first_result

        eq_(entity_id, entity.id)
        eq_(c1, 110)
コード例 #11
def fetch_scalar(cursor):
    """Return the one scalar result from `cursor`."""
    return head(cursor.fetchone())
コード例 #12
def get_scalar(cursor):
    return head(cursor.fetchone())