コード例 #1
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
def contract_from_right(R, A, W, B):
    r"""Tensor contraction from the right hand side.::

        -i- +    -i- A -j- +
            |        |s    |
        -a- R' = -a- W -b- R
            |        |t    |
        -k- +    -k- B -l- +

    R : (b, j, l) ndarray
    A : (s, i, j) ndarray
    W : (a, b, s, t) ndarray
    B : (t, k, l) ndarray

    R' : {(a, i, k) ndarray, (i, k) ndarray}
        L'[a, i, k] if ``W`` is not ``None``, otherwise L'[i, k].
    if W is not None:
        temp = np.einsum('sij,bjl->sbil', A, R)
        temp = np.einsum('sbil,abst->tail', temp, W)
        temp = np.einsum('tail,tkl->aik', temp, B)
        temp = np.einsum('sij,jl->sil', A, R)
        temp = np.einsum('sil,skl->ik', temp, B)
    return temp
コード例 #2
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
def contract_from_left(L, A, W, B):
    r"""Tensor contraction from the left hand side.::

        + -j-     + -i- A -j-
        |         |     |s
        L'-b-  =  L -a- W -b-
        |         |     |t
        + -l-     + -k- B -l-

    L : (a, i, k) ndarray
    A : (s, i, j) ndarray
    W : {(a, b, s, t) ndarray, None}
    B : (t, k, l) ndarray

    L' : {(b, j, l) ndarray, (j, l) ndarray}
        L'[b, j, l] if ``W`` is not ``None``, otherwise L'[j, l].
    if W is not None:
        temp = np.einsum('sij,aik->sajk', A, L)
        temp = np.einsum('sajk,abst->tbjk', temp, W)
        temp = np.einsum('tbjk,tkl->bjl', temp, B)
        temp = np.einsum('sij,ik->sjk', A, L)
        temp = np.einsum('sjk,skl->jl', temp, B)
    return temp
コード例 #3
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
def coarse_grain_mpo(W, X):
    """Coarse-graining of two site MPO into one site.::

            |su         |s    |u
        -a- R -c- = -a- W -b- X -c-
            |tv         |t    |v

    W : (a, b, s, t) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.
    X : (b, c, u, v) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.

    R : (a, c, su, tv) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.

    R = np.einsum("abst,bcuv->acsutv", W, X)
    sh = [
        W.shape[0],  # a
        X.shape[1],  # c
        W.shape[2] * X.shape[2],  # su
        W.shape[3] * X.shape[3]
    ]  # tv
    return np.reshape(R, sh)
コード例 #4
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
    def _move_right(mat, mat_next, _trunc):
        shape = np.shape(mat)
        # SVD on mat[si, j]
        mat = np.reshape(mat, (shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2]))
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=0)

        # truncated to compress.
        U, S, V, compress_error = compress_svd(U, S, V, _trunc)
        mat = np.reshape(U, (shape[0], shape[1], -1))  # U[si, m]
        SV = np.matmul(np.diag(S), V)
        mat_next = np.einsum('mj,tjk->tmk', SV, mat_next)

        return mat, mat_next
コード例 #5
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
    def _move_left(mat, mat_prev, _trunc):
        shape = np.shape(mat)
        mat = np.reshape(
            np.transpose(mat, (1, 0, 2)),  # mat[i, s, j]
            (shape[1], shape[0] * shape[2]))  # SVD on mat[i, sj]
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=0)

        # truncated to compress.
        U, S, V, compress_error = compress_svd(U, S, V, _trunc)
        mat = np.reshape(V, (-1, shape[0], shape[2]))  # V[m, sj]
        mat = np.transpose(mat, (1, 0, 2))  # mat[s, m, j]
        US = np.matmul(U, np.diag(S))
        mat_prev = np.einsum('rhi,im->rhm', mat_prev, US)

        return mat, mat_prev
コード例 #6
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
def coarse_grain_mps(A, B):
    """Coarse-graining of two-site MPS into one site.::

            |st         |s    |t
        -i- C -k- = -i- A -j- B -k-

    A : (s, i, j) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.
    B : (t, j, k) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.

    C : (st, i, k) ndarray
        A MPS matrix.
    shape_C = [A.shape[0] * B.shape[0], A.shape[1], B.shape[2]]
    C = np.einsum("sij,tjk->stik", A, B)
    return np.reshape(C, shape_C)
コード例 #7
ファイル: dmrg.py プロジェクト: vINyLogY/minimisTN
 def _matvec(self, A):
     temp = np.einsum('aij,sik->ajsk', self.L, np.reshape(A, self.io_shape))
     temp = np.einsum('ajsk,abst->bjtk', temp, self.W)
     temp = np.einsum('bjtk,bkl->tjl', temp, self.R)
     return np.reshape(temp, self.size)