def run_udf( udf_creation_stmt: str, udf_execution_query: str, ): if udf_creation_stmt: MonetDB().execute(udf_creation_stmt) MonetDB().execute(udf_execution_query)
def create_remote_table(table_info: TableInfo, monetdb_socket_address: str): columns_schema = convert_schema_to_sql_query_format(table_info.schema) MonetDB().execute(f""" CREATE REMOTE TABLE {} ( {columns_schema}) ON 'mapi:monetdb://{monetdb_socket_address}/{node_config.monetdb.database}' WITH USER 'monetdb' PASSWORD 'monetdb' """)
def _drop_udfs_by_context_id(context_id: str): """ Drops all functions of specific context_id from the DB. Parameters ---------- context_id : str The id of the experiment """ function_names = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT name FROM functions WHERE name LIKE '%{context_id.lower()}%' AND system = false """) for name in function_names: MonetDB().execute(f"DROP FUNCTION {name[0]}")
def get_table_schema(table_name: str) -> TableSchema: """ Retrieves a schema for a specific table name from the monetdb. Parameters ---------- table_name : str The name of the table Returns ------ TableSchema A schema which is TableSchema object. """ schema = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT, columns.type FROM columns RIGHT JOIN tables ON = columns.table_id WHERE = '{table_name}' AND tables.system=false """) if not schema: raise TablesNotFound([table_name]) return TableSchema([ ColumnInfo(name, _convert_monet2mip_column_type(table_type)) for name, table_type in schema ])
def get_non_existing_tables(table_names: List[str]) -> List[str]: names_clause = str(table_names)[1:-1] existing_tables = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall( f"SELECT name FROM tables WHERE name IN ({names_clause})" ) existing_table_names = [table[0] for table in existing_tables] return [name for name in table_names if name not in existing_table_names]
def insert_data_to_table(table_name: str, table_values: List[List[Union[str, int, float]]]): row_length = len(table_values[0]) if all(len(row) != row_length for row in table_values): raise Exception("Row counts does not match") params_format = ", ".join(("%s", ) * row_length) sql_clause = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)" % (table_name, params_format) MonetDB().execute(query=sql_clause, parameters=table_values, many=True)
def validate_tables_can_be_merged(tables_names: List[str]): table_names = ",".join(f"'{table}'" for table in tables_names) distinct_table_types = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT DISTINCT(type) FROM tables WHERE system = false AND name in ({table_names})""") if len(distinct_table_types) != 1: raise IncompatibleTableTypes(distinct_table_types)
def _drop_table_by_type_and_context_id(table_type: str, context_id: str): """ Drops all tables of specific type with name that contain a specific context_id from the DB. Parameters ---------- table_type : str The type of the table context_id : str The id of the experiment """ table_names_and_types = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT name, type FROM tables WHERE name LIKE '%{context_id.lower()}%' AND tables.type = {str(_convert_mip2monet_table_type(table_type))} AND system = false """) for name, table_type in table_names_and_types: if table_type == _convert_mip2monet_table_type("view"): MonetDB().execute(f"DROP VIEW {name}") else: MonetDB().execute(f"DROP TABLE {name}")
def create_view( view_name: str, table_name: str, columns: List[str], filters: dict, ): filter_clause = "" if filters: filter_clause = f"WHERE {build_filter_clause(filters)}" columns_clause = ", ".join(columns) MonetDB().execute(f""" CREATE VIEW {view_name} AS SELECT {columns_clause} FROM {table_name} {filter_clause} """)
def create_view(view_name: str, table_name: str, columns: List[str], datasets: List[str] = None): # TODO: Add filters argument # TODO: With filters dataset_clause will be deleted because it will be a part of the filters dataset_clause = "" if datasets is not None: dataset_names = ",".join(f"'{dataset}'" for dataset in datasets) dataset_clause = f"WHERE dataset IN ({dataset_names})" columns_clause = ", ".join(columns) MonetDB().execute(f""" CREATE VIEW {view_name} AS SELECT {columns_clause} FROM {table_name} {dataset_clause}""")
def add_to_merge_table(merge_table_name: str, table_names: List[str]): non_existing_tables = get_non_existing_tables(table_names) table_infos = [TableInfo(name, get_table_schema(name)) for name in table_names] try: for name in table_names: MonetDB().execute( f"ALTER TABLE {merge_table_name} ADD TABLE {name.lower()}" ) except pymonetdb.exceptions.OperationalError as exc: if str(exc).startswith("3F000"): raise IncompatibleSchemasMergeException(table_infos) elif str(exc).startswith("42S02"): raise TablesNotFound(non_existing_tables) else: raise exc
def get_table_names(table_type: str, context_id: str) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves a list of table names, which contain the context_id from the monetdb. Parameters ---------- table_type : str The type of the table context_id : str The id of the experiment Returns ------ List[str] A list of table names. """ table_names = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT name FROM tables WHERE type = {str(_convert_mip2monet_table_type(table_type))} AND name LIKE '%{context_id.lower()}%' AND system = false""") return [table[0] for table in table_names]
def get_table_data( table_name: str) -> List[List[Union[str, int, float, bool]]]: """ Retrieves the data of a table with specific name from the monetdb. Parameters ---------- table_name : str The name of the table Returns ------ List[List[Union[str, int, float, bool]] The data of the table. """ data = MonetDB().execute_and_fetchall(f""" SELECT {table_name}.* FROM {table_name} INNER JOIN tables ON = '{table_name}' WHERE tables.system=false """) return data
def create_merge_table(table_info: TableInfo): columns_schema = convert_schema_to_sql_query_format(table_info.schema) MonetDB().execute( f"CREATE MERGE TABLE {} ( {columns_schema} )")