コード例 #1
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def arrayinpolygon(a, polygon, x=None, y=None):
    Set array element value as 1 if inside a polygon or set value as -1.
    :param a: (*array_like*) The array.
    :param polygon: (*PolygonShape*) The polygon.
    :param x: (*float*) X coordinate of the point. Default is ``None``, for DimArray
    :param y: (*float*) Y coordinate of the point. Default is ``None``, for DimArray
    :returns: (*array_like*) Result array.
    if isinstance(a, DimArray):
        if x is None or y is None:
            x = self.dimvalue(1)
            y = self.dimvalue(0)
    if not x is None and not y is None:
        if isinstance(polygon, tuple):
            x_p = polygon[0]
            y_p = polygon[1]
            if isinstance(x_p, NDArray):
                x_p = x_p.aslist()
            if isinstance(y_p, NDArray):
                y_p = y_p.aslist()
            return NDArray(GeometryUtil.inPolygon(a.asarray(), x.aslist(), y.aslist(), x_p, y_p))
            if isinstance(polygon, MILayer):
                polygon = polygon.layer
            return NDArray(GeometryUtil.inPolygon(a.asarray(), x.aslist(), y.aslist(), polygon))
        return None
コード例 #2
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def project(x, y, fromproj=KnownCoordinateSystems.geographic.world.WGS1984, toproj=KnownCoordinateSystems.geographic.world.WGS1984):
    Project geographic coordinates from one projection to another.
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate values for projection.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate values for projection.
    :param fromproj: (*ProjectionInfo*) From projection. Default is longlat projection.
    :param toproj: (*ProjectionInfo*) To projection. Default is longlat projection.
    :returns: (*array_like*, *array_like*) Projected geographic coordinates.
    if isinstance(fromproj, str):
        fromproj = ProjectionInfo.factory(fromproj)
    if isinstance(toproj, str):
        toproj = ProjectionInfo.factory(toproj)
    if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
        x = np.array(x)
    if isinstance(y, (tuple, list)):
        y = np.array(y)
    if isinstance(x, NDArray):
        outxy = Reproject.reproject(x.asarray(), y.asarray(), fromproj, toproj)
        return NDArray(outxy[0]), NDArray(outxy[1])
        inpt = PointD(x, y)
        outpt = Reproject.reprojectPoint(inpt, fromproj, toproj)
        return outpt.X, outpt.Y
コード例 #3
def inpolygon(x, y, polygon):
    Check if x/y points are inside a polygon or not.
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate of the points.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate of the points.
    :param polygon: (*PolygonShape list*) The polygon list.
    :returns: (*boolean array*) Inside or not.
    if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        return GeoComputation.pointInPolygon(polygon, x, y)
    if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
        x = np.array(x)
    if isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
        y = np.array(y)
    if isinstance(polygon, tuple):
        x_p = polygon[0]
        y_p = polygon[1]
        if isinstance(x_p, (list, tuple)):
            x_p = np.array(x_p)
        if isinstance(y_p, (list, tuple)):
            y_p = np.array(y_p)
        return NDArray(GeometryUtil.inPolygon(x._array, y._array, x_p._array, y_p._array))
        if isinstance(polygon, MILayer):
            polygon = polygon.shapes()
        elif isinstance(polygon, PolygonShape):
            polygon = [polygon]
        return NDArray(GeometryUtil.inPolygon(x._array, y._array, polygon))
コード例 #4
ファイル: kinematics.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def divergence(u, v, x=None, y=None):
    Calculates the horizontal divergence using finite differencing. The data should be lon/lat projection.

    :param u: (*array*) U component array.
    :param v: (*array*) V component array.
    :param x: (*array*) X coordinate.
    :param y: (*array*) Y coordinate.

    :returns: Array of the horizontal divergence.
    ny = u.shape[-2]
    nx = u.shape[-1]
    if x is None:
        if isinstance(u, DimArray):
            x = u.dimvalue(-1)
            x = np.arange(nx)
    elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
        x = np.array(x)

    if y is None:
        if isinstance(v, DimArray):
            y = u.dimvalue(-2)
            y = np.arange(ny)
    elif isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
        y = np.array(y)

    r = MeteoMath.divergence(u.asarray(), v.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray())
    if isinstance(u, DimArray):
        return DimArray(NDArray(r), u.dims, u.fill_value, u.proj)
        return NDArray(r)
コード例 #5
ファイル: kinematics.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def cdiff(a, dimidx):
    Performs a centered difference operation on a array in a specific direction

    :param a: (*array*) The input array.
    :param dimidx: (*int*) Demension index of the specific direction.

    :returns: Result array.
    r = MeteoMath.cdiff(a.asarray(), dimidx)
    if isinstance(a, DimArray):
        return DimArray(NDArray(r), a.dims, a.fill_value, a.proj)
        return NDArray(r)
コード例 #6
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def rmaskin(data, x, y, mask):
    Maskin data by polygons - the elements inside polygons will be removed
    :param data: (*array_like*) Array data for maskin.
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
    :param mask: (*list*) Polygon list as mask borders.
    :returns: (*list*) Masked data, x and y array list.
    if not isinstance(mask, (list, ArrayList)):
        mask = [mask]
    r = GeometryUtil.maskin_Remove(data._array, x._array, y._array, mask)
    return NDArray(r[0]), NDArray(r[1]), NDArray(r[2])  
コード例 #7
ファイル: kinematics.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def vorticity(u, v, x=None, y=None):
    Calculates the vertical component of the curl (ie, vorticity). The data should be lon/lat projection.

    :param u: (*array*) U component array (2D).
    :param v: (*array*) V component array (2D).
    :param x: (*array*) X coordinate array (1D).
    :param y: (*array*) Y coordinate array (1D).

    :returns: Array of the vertical component of the curl.
    ny = u.shape[-2]
    nx = u.shape[-1]
    if x is None:
        if isinstance(u, DimArray):
            x = u.dimvalue(-1)
            x = np.arange(nx)
    elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
        x = np.array(x)

    if y is None:
        if isinstance(v, DimArray):
            y = u.dimvalue(-2)
            y = np.arange(ny)
    elif isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
        y = np.array(y)

    r = MeteoMath.vorticity(u.asarray(), v.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray())
    return DimArray(NDArray(r), u.dims, u.fill_value, u.proj)
コード例 #8
def qair2rh(qair, temp, press=1013.25):
    Specific humidity to relative humidity
    qair: DimArray or NDArray or number 
        Specific humidity - dimensionless (e.g. kg/kg) ratio of water mass / total air mass
    temp: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Temperature - degree c
    press: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Pressure - hPa (mb)
    return: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Relative humidity - %
    if isinstance(press, NDArray) or isinstance(press, DimArray):
        p = press.asarray()
        p = press
    if isinstance(qair, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.qair2rh(qair.asarray(), temp.asarray(), p))
        if isinstance(qair, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, qair.dims, qair.fill_value, qair.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.qair2rh(qair, temp, press)
コード例 #9
ファイル: kinematics.py プロジェクト: mostamndi/MeteoInfo
def vorticity(u, v, x=None, y=None):
    Calculates the vertical component of the curl (ie, vorticity). The data should be lon/lat projection.

    :param u: (*array*) U component array (2D).
    :param v: (*array*) V component array (2D).
    :param x: (*array*) X coordinate array (1D).
    :param y: (*array*) Y coordinate array (1D).

    :returns: Array of the vertical component of the curl.
    if x is None or y is None:
        if isinstance(u, DimArray) and isinstance(v, DimArray):
            x = u.dimvalue(1)
            y = u.dimvalue(0)

            raise ValueError("Need x, y coordinates")

    if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
        x = np.array(x)
    if isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
        y = np.array(y)

    r = MeteoMath.hcurl(u.asarray(), v.asarray(), x.asarray(), y.asarray())
    return DimArray(NDArray(r), u.dims, u.fill_value, u.proj)
コード例 #10
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def reproject(a, x=None, y=None, fromproj=None, xp=None, yp=None, toproj=None, method='bilinear'):
    Project array
    :param a: (*array_like*) Input array.
    :param x: (*array_like*) Input x coordinates.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Input y coordinates.
    :param fromproj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Input projection.
    :param xp: (*array_like*) Projected x coordinates.
    :param yp: (*array_like*) Projected y coordinates.
    :param toproj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Output projection.
    :param method: Interpolation method: ``bilinear`` or ``neareast`` .
    :returns: (*NDArray*) Projected array
    if x is None or y is None:
        if isinstance(a, DimArray):
            y = a.dimvalue(a.ndim - 2)
            x = a.dimvalue(a.ndim - 1)
            raise ValueError('Input x/y coordinates are None')

    if fromproj is None:
        if isinstance(a, DimArray):
            fromproj = a.proj
            fromproj = KnownCoordinateSystems.geographic.world.WGS1984
    if toproj is None:
        toproj = KnownCoordinateSystems.geographic.world.WGS1984

    if method == 'bilinear':
        method = ResampleMethods.Bilinear
        method = ResampleMethods.NearestNeighbor

    if xp is None or yp is None:
        pr = Reproject.reproject(a.asarray(), x.aslist(), y.aslist(), fromproj, toproj, method)
        return NDArray(pr[0]), NDArray(pr[1]), NDArray(pr[2])

    if isinstance(xp, (list, tuple)):
        xp = NDArray(xp)
    if isinstance(yp, (list, tuple)):
        yp = NDArray(yp)
    xp, yp = ArrayUtil.meshgrid(xp.asarray(), yp.asarray())
    r = Reproject.reproject(a.asarray(), x.aslist(), y.aslist(), xp, yp, fromproj, toproj, method)
    return NDArray(r)    
コード例 #11
def maximum_filter(a, size):
    Calculate a multi-dimensional maximum filter.

    :param a: (*array*) Input array
    :param size: (*int*) Window size
    :return: Filtered array. Has the same shape as input array.
    r = ImageUtil.maximumFilter(a._array, size)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #12
def count(a, size):
    Count none-zero points with window size
    :param a: (*array_like*) 2-D array.
    :param size: (*int*) Window size.
    :returns: (*array_like*) Count result.
    r = ImageUtil.count(a.asarray(), size)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #13
def uv2ds(u, v):
    Calculate wind direction and wind speed from U/V.
    :param u: (*array_like*) U component of wind field.
    :param v: (*array_like*) V component of wind field.
    :returns: Wind direction and wind speed.
    if isinstance(u, NDArray):
        r = MeteoMath.uv2ds(u.asarray(), v.asarray())
        d = NDArray(r[0])
        s = NDArray(r[1])
        if isinstance(u, DimArray) and isinstance(v, DimArray):
            d = DimArray(d, u.dims, u.fill_value, u.proj)
            s = DimArray(s, u.dims, u.fill_value, u.proj)
        return d, s
        r = MeteoMath.uv2ds(u, v)
        return r[0], r[1]
コード例 #14
def ds2uv(d, s):
    Calculate U/V from wind direction and wind speed.
    :param d: (*array_like*) Wind direction.
    :param s: (*array_like*) Wind speed.
    :returns: Wind U/V.
    if isinstance(d, NDArray):
        r = MeteoMath.ds2uv(d.asarray(), s.asarray())
        u = NDArray(r[0])
        v = NDArray(r[1])
        if isinstance(d, DimArray) and isinstance(s, DimArray):
            u = DimArray(u, d.dims, d.fill_value, d.proj)
            v = DimArray(v, d.dims, d.fill_value, d.proj)
        return u, v
        r = MeteoMath.ds2uv(d, s)
        return r[0], r[1]
コード例 #15
def gaussian_filter(a, sigma, size=3):
    Calculate a multi-dimensional gaussian filter.

    :param a: (*array*) Input array
    :param sigma: (*float*) Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel.
    :param size: (*int*) Window size
    :return: Filtered array. Has the same shape as input array.
    r = ImageUtil.gaussianFilter(a._array, size, sigma)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #16
ファイル: ncutil.py プロジェクト: yulongwudi/MeteoInfo
def convert_array(a):
    Convert netcdf Array to NDArray or conversely.
    :param a: (*netcdf Array or NDArray*) Input array.
    :returns: (*NDArray or netcdf Array) Output array.
    if isinstance(a, Array):
        return NDArray(NCUtil.convertArray(a))
        return NCUtil.convertArray(a._array)
コード例 #17
def mean(a, size, positive=True):
    Calculate mean value with window size
    :param a: (*array_like*) 2-D array.
    :param size: (*int*) Window size.
    :param positive: (*boolean*) Only calculate the positive value or not.
    :returns: (*array_like*) Mean result.
    r = ImageUtil.mean(a.asarray(), size, positive)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #18
def imread(fname):
    Read RGB(A) data array from image file.
    :param fname: (*String*) Image file name.
    :returns: (*array*) RGB(A) data array.
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError(fname)
    r = ImageUtil.imageRead(fname)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #19
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def geotiffread(filename):
    Return data array from a GeoTiff data file.
    :param filename: (*string*) The GeoTiff file name.
    :returns: (*NDArray*) Readed data array.
    geotiff = GeoTiff(filename)
    r = geotiff.readArray()
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #20
def __getreturn(src, dst):
    if isinstance(src, Graphic):
        return src
    elif isinstance(src, MILayer):
        return src
    elif isinstance(src, NDArray):
        r = ImageUtil.imageRead(dst)
        return NDArray(r)
        return dst
コード例 #21
ファイル: migeo.py プロジェクト: feiman/MeteoInfo
def maskout(data, mask, x=None, y=None):
    Maskout data by polygons - NaN values of elements outside polygons.
    :param data: (*array_like*) Array data for maskout.
    :param mask: (*list*) Polygon list as maskout borders.    
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.

    :returns: (*array_like*) Maskouted data array.
    if mask is None:
        return data        
    elif isinstance(mask, (NDArray, DimArray)):
        r = ArrayMath.maskout(data.asarray(), mask.asarray())
        if isinstance(data, DimArray):
            return DimArray(r, data.dims, data.fill_value, data.proj)
            return NDArray(r)
    if x is None or y is None:
        if isinstance(data, DimArray):
            x = data.dimvalue(data.ndim - 1)
            y = data.dimvalue(data.ndim - 2)
            return None

    if not isinstance(mask, (list, ArrayList)):
        mask = [mask]
    if data.ndim == 2 and x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1:
        x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    r = GeometryUtil.maskout(data._array, x._array, y._array, mask)
    if isinstance(data, DimArray):
        return DimArray(r, data.dims, data.fill_value, data.proj)
        return NDArray(r)
コード例 #22
def gifread(gif, frame=0):
    Read RGB(A) data array from a gif image file or a gif decoder object.
    :param gif: (*string or GifDecoder*) Gif image file or gif decoder object.
    :param frame: (*int*) Image frame index.
    :returns: (*array*) RGB(A) data array.
    if isinstance(gif, basestring):
        gif = gifopen(gif)
    im = gif.getFrame(frame)
    r = ImageUtil.imageRead(im)
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #23
def p2h(press):
    Pressure to height
    :param press: (*float*) Pressure - hPa.
    :returns: (*float*) Height - meter.
    if isinstance(press, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.press2Height(press.asarray()))
        if isinstance(press, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, press.dims, press.fill_value, press.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.press2Height(press)
コード例 #24
def h2p(height):
    Height to pressure
    :param height: (*float*) Height - meter.
    :returns: (*float*) Pressure - hPa.
    if isinstance(height, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.height2Press(height.asarray()))
        if isinstance(height, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, height.dims, height.fill_value, height.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.height2Press(height)
コード例 #25
def binread(fn, dim, datatype=None, skip=0, byteorder='little_endian'):
    Read data array from a binary file.
    :param fn: (*string*) The binary file name for data reading. 
    :param dim: (*list*) Dimensions.
    :param datatype: (*string*) Data type string [byte | short | int | float | double].
    :param skip: (*int*) Skip bytes number.
    :param byteorder: (*string*) Byte order. ``little_endian`` or ``big_endian``.
    :returns: (*NDArray*) Data array
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        raise IOError('No such file: ' + fn)
    r = ArrayUtil.readBinFile(fn, dim, datatype, skip, byteorder);
    return NDArray(r)
コード例 #26
def categorical(obs, fcst, min=None, max=None, values=None):
    Categoraical calculation
    :param obs: (*array_like*) Observation data.
    :param fcst: (*array_like*) Forecast data.
    :param min: (*Number*) Minimum value of data range.
    :param max: (*Number*) Maximum value of data range.
    :param values: (*list*) Values of data range - not using min/max.
    :returns: (*array_like*) Categoraical result data.
    if values is None:
        drange = DataRange(min, max)
        drange = DataRange(values)
    return NDArray(VerifyStat.categorical(obs.asarray(), fcst.asarray(), drange))
コード例 #27
def tc2tf(tc):
    Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature
    tc: DimArray or NDArray or number 
        Celsius temperature - degree c    
    return: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Fahrenheit temperature - degree f
    if isinstance(tc, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.tc2tf(tc.asarray()))
        if isinstance(tc, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, tc.dims, tc.fill_value, tc.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.tc2tf(tc)
コード例 #28
def tf2tc(tf):
    Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature
    tf: DimArray or NDArray or number 
        Fahrenheit temperature - degree f   
    return: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Celsius temperature - degree c
    if isinstance(tf, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.tf2tc(tf.asarray()))
        if isinstance(tf, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, tf.dims, tf.fill_value, tf.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.tf2tc(tf)
コード例 #29
def rh2dewpoint(rh, temp):
    Calculate dewpoint from relative humidity and temperature
    rh: DimArray or NDArray or number 
        Relative humidity - %
    temp: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Temperature - degree c
    return: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Relative humidity - %
    if isinstance(rh, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.rh2dewpoint(rh.asarray(), temp.asarray()))
        if isinstance(rh, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, rh.dims, rh.fill_value, rh.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.rh2dewpoint(rh, temp)
コード例 #30
def dewpoint2rh(dewpoint, temp):
    Dew point to relative humidity
    dewpoint: DimArray or NDArray or number 
        Dew point - degree c
    temp: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Temperature - degree c
    return: DimArray or NDArray or number
        Relative humidity - %
    if isinstance(dewpoint, NDArray):
        r = NDArray(MeteoMath.dewpoint2rh(dewpoint.asarray(), temp.asarray()))
        if isinstance(dewpoint, DimArray):
            r = DimArray(r, dewpoint.dims, dewpoint.fill_value, dewpoint.proj)
        return r
        return MeteoMath.dewpoint2rh(temp, dewpoint)