コード例 #1
def test_uniform_init(ctx_factory, dim, nspecies):
    """Test the uniform flow initializer.

    Simple test to check that uniform initializer
    creates the expected solution field.
    cl_ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
    actx = PyOpenCLArrayContext(queue)
    nel_1d = 4

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=[(0.0, ), (-5.0, )],
                                      b=[(10.0, ), (5.0, )],
                                      nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

    order = 3
    logger.info(f"Number of elements: {mesh.nelements}")

    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())

    velocity = np.ones(shape=(dim, ))
    from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform
    mass_fracs = np.array([float(ispec + 1) for ispec in range(nspecies)])

    initializer = Uniform(dim=dim, mass_fracs=mass_fracs, velocity=velocity)
    cv = initializer(nodes)

    def inf_norm(data):
        if len(data) > 0:
            return discr.norm(data, np.inf)
            return 0.0

    p = 0.4 * (cv.energy - 0.5 * np.dot(cv.momentum, cv.momentum) / cv.mass)
    exp_p = 1.0
    perrmax = inf_norm(p - exp_p)

    exp_mass = 1.0
    merrmax = inf_norm(cv.mass - exp_mass)

    exp_energy = 2.5 + .5 * dim
    eerrmax = inf_norm(cv.energy - exp_energy)

    exp_species_mass = exp_mass * mass_fracs
    mferrmax = inf_norm(cv.species_mass - exp_species_mass)

    assert perrmax < 1e-15
    assert merrmax < 1e-15
    assert eerrmax < 1e-15
    assert mferrmax < 1e-15
コード例 #2
def _get_pulse():
    from mirgecom.eos import IdealSingleGas
    from mirgecom.gas_model import GasModel
    gas_model = GasModel(eos=IdealSingleGas())

    from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform, AcousticPulse
    uniform_init = Uniform(dim=2)
    pulse_init = AcousticPulse(dim=2, center=np.zeros(2), amplitude=1.0, width=.1)

    def init(nodes):
        return pulse_init(x_vec=nodes, cv=uniform_init(nodes), eos=gas_model.eos)

    from meshmode.mesh import BTAG_ALL
    from mirgecom.boundary import AdiabaticSlipBoundary
    boundaries = {
        BTAG_ALL: AdiabaticSlipBoundary()

    return gas_model, init, boundaries, 3e-12
コード例 #3
def test_uniform(ctx_factory, dim):
    Simple test to check that Uniform initializer
    creates the expected solution field.
    cl_ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
    actx = PyOpenCLArrayContext(queue)

    nel_1d = 2

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, ) * dim,
                                      b=(0.5, ) * dim,
                                      nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

    order = 1
    print(f"Number of elements: {mesh.nelements}")

    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())
    print(f"DIM = {dim}, {len(nodes)}")

    from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform
    initr = Uniform(dim=dim)
    initsoln = initr(time=0.0, x_vec=nodes)
    tol = 1e-15

    def inf_norm(x):
        return actx.to_numpy(discr.norm(x, np.inf))

    assert inf_norm(initsoln.mass - 1.0) < tol
    assert inf_norm(initsoln.energy - 2.5) < tol

    print(f"Uniform Soln:{initsoln}")
    eos = IdealSingleGas()
    p = eos.pressure(initsoln)

    assert inf_norm(p - 1.0) < tol
コード例 #4
def main(ctx_factory=cl.create_some_context,
         restart_step=None, use_profiling=False, use_logmgr=False):
    """Drive the Y0 example."""

    from mpi4py import MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = 0
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nparts = comm.Get_size()

    """logging and profiling"""
    logmgr = initialize_logmgr(use_logmgr, filename="y0euler.sqlite",
        mode="wo", mpi_comm=comm)

    cl_ctx = ctx_factory()
    if use_profiling:
        queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx,
        actx = PyOpenCLProfilingArrayContext(queue,
        queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
        actx = PyOpenCLArrayContext(queue,

    #nviz = 500
    #nrestart = 500
    nviz = 100
    nrestart = 100
    #current_dt = 2.5e-8 # stable with euler
    current_dt = 4e-7 # stable with lrsrk144
    t_final = 5.e-1

    dim = 3
    order = 1
    exittol = .09
    #t_final = 0.001
    current_cfl = 1.0
    vel_init = np.zeros(shape=(dim,))
    vel_inflow = np.zeros(shape=(dim,))
    vel_outflow = np.zeros(shape=(dim,))
    orig = np.zeros(shape=(dim,))
    orig[0] = 0.83
    orig[2] = 0.001
    #vel[0] = 340.0
    #vel_inflow[0] = 100.0  # m/s
    current_t = 0
    casename = "y0euler"
    constant_cfl = False
    nstatus = 10000000000
    rank = 0
    checkpoint_t = current_t
    current_step = 0

    # working gas: CO2 #
    #   gamma = 1.289
    #   MW=44.009  g/mol
    #   cp = 37.135 J/mol-K,
    #   rho= 1.977 kg/m^3 @298K
    gamma_CO2 = 1.289
    R_CO2 = 8314.59/44.009

    # background
    #   100 Pa
    #   298 K
    #   rho = 1.77619667e-3 kg/m^3
    #   velocity = 0,0,0
    # nozzle inflow #
    # stagnation tempertuare 298 K
    # stagnation pressure 1.5e Pa
    # isentropic expansion based on the area ratios between the inlet (r=13e-3m) and the throat (r=6.3e-3)
    #  MJA, this is calculated offline, add some code to do it for us
    #   Mach number=0.139145
    #   pressure=148142
    #   temperature=297.169
    #   density=2.63872
    #   gamma=1.289

    # calculate the inlet Mach number from the area ratio
    nozzleInletRadius = 13.e-3
    nozzleThroatRadius = 6.3e-3
    nozzleInletArea = math.pi*nozzleInletRadius*nozzleInletRadius
    nozzleThroatArea = math.pi*nozzleThroatRadius*nozzleThroatRadius
    inletAreaRatio = nozzleInletArea/nozzleThroatArea

    def getMachFromAreaRatio(area_ratio, gamma, mach_guess=0.01):
        while nextError > error:
            R = ((2/(g+1)+((g-1)/(g+1)*M0*M0))**(((g+1)/(2*g-2))))/M0-area_ratio
            dRdM = (2*((2/(g+1)+((g-1)/(g+1)*M0*M0))**(((g+1)/(2*g-2))))/
                   ((2/(g+1)+((g-1)/(g+1)*M0*M0))**(((g+1)/(2*g-2))))* M0**(-2))

        return M1

    def getIsentropicPressure(mach, P0, gamma):
        return pressure

    def getIsentropicTemperature(mach, T0, gamma):
      return temperature

    inlet_mach = getMachFromAreaRatio(area_ratio = inletAreaRatio, gamma=gamma_CO2, mach_guess = 0.01);
    # ramp the stagnation pressure
    start_ramp_pres = 1000
    ramp_interval = 5.e-3
    t_ramp_start = 1e-5
    pres_inflow = getIsentropicPressure(mach=inlet_mach, P0=start_ramp_pres, gamma=gamma_CO2)
    temp_inflow = getIsentropicTemperature(mach=inlet_mach, T0=298, gamma=gamma_CO2)
    rho_inflow = pres_inflow/temp_inflow/R_CO2

    print(f'inlet Mach number {inlet_mach}')
    print(f'inlet temperature {temp_inflow}')
    print(f'inlet pressure {pres_inflow}')

    end_ramp_pres = 150000
    pres_inflow_final = getIsentropicPressure(mach=inlet_mach, P0=end_ramp_pres, gamma=gamma_CO2)

    print(f'final inlet pressure {pres_inflow_final}')

    #mach_inflow=infloM = 0.139145
    vel_inflow[0] = inlet_mach*math.sqrt(gamma_CO2*pres_inflow/rho_inflow)

    # starting pressure for the inflow ramp

    #timestepper = rk4_step
    #timestepper = lsrk54_step
    timestepper = lsrk144_step
    #timestepper = euler_step
    eos = IdealSingleGas(gamma=gamma_CO2, gas_const=R_CO2)
    bulk_init = Discontinuity(dim=dim, x0=-.30,sigma=0.005,
    #bulk_init = Discontinuity(dim=dim, x0=-.31,sigma=0.04,
                              rhol=rho_inflow, rhor=rho_bkrnd,
                              pl=pres_inflow, pr=pres_bkrnd,
                              ul=vel_inflow, ur=vel_outflow)
    #inflow_init = Lump(dim=dim, rho0=rho_inflow, p0=pres_inflow,
                       #center=orig, velocity=vel_inflow, rhoamp=0.0)
    #outflow_init = Lump(dim=dim, rho0=rho_bkrnd, p0=pres_bkrnd,
                       #center=orig, velocity=vel_outflow, rhoamp=0.0)

    # pressure ramp function
    def inflow_ramp_pressure(t, startP=start_ramp_pres, finalP=end_ramp_pres, 
                             ramp_interval=ramp_interval, t_ramp_start=t_ramp_start):
      if t > t_ramp_start:
          rampPressure = min(finalP, startP+(t-t_ramp_start)/ramp_interval*(finalP-startP))
          rampPressure = startP
      return rampPressure

    class IsentropicInflow:

        def __init__(self, *, dim=1, direc=0, T0=298, P0=1e5, mach= 0.01, p_fun = None):

            self._P0 = P0
            self._T0 = T0
            self._dim = dim
            self._direc = direc
            self._mach = mach
            if p_fun is not None:
              self._p_fun = p_fun
        def __call__(self, x_vec, *, t=0, eos):
            if self._p_fun is not None:
                P0 = self._p_fun(t)
                P0 = self._P0
            T0 = self._T0

            gamma = eos.gamma()
            gas_const = eos.gas_const()
            pressure = getIsentropicPressure(mach=self._mach, P0=P0, gamma=gamma)
            temperature = getIsentropicTemperature(mach=self._mach, T0=T0, gamma=gamma)
            rho = pressure/temperature/gas_const

            #print(f'ramp Mach number {self._mach}')
            #print(f'ramp stagnation pressure {P0}')
            #print(f'ramp stagnation temperature {T0}')
            #print(f'ramp pressure {pressure}')
            #print(f'ramp temperature {temperature}')

            velocity = np.zeros(shape=(self._dim,)) 
            velocity[self._direc] = self._mach*math.sqrt(gamma*pressure/rho)
            mass = 0.0*x_vec[0] + rho
            mom = velocity*mass
            energy = (pressure/(gamma - 1.0)) + np.dot(mom, mom)/(2.0*mass)
            from mirgecom.euler import join_conserved
            return join_conserved(dim=self._dim, mass=mass, momentum=mom, energy=energy)

    inflow_init = IsentropicInflow(dim=dim, T0=298, P0=start_ramp_pres, 
                                   mach = inlet_mach , p_fun=inflow_ramp_pressure)
    outflow_init = Uniform(dim=dim, rho=rho_bkrnd, p=pres_bkrnd,

    inflow = PrescribedBoundary(inflow_init)
    outflow = PrescribedBoundary(outflow_init)
    wall = AdiabaticSlipBoundary()
    dummy = DummyBoundary()

    alpha_sc = 0.5
    # s0 is ~p^-4 
    #s0_sc = -11.0
    s0_sc = -5.0
    # kappa is empirical ...
    kappa_sc = 0.5
    print(f"Shock capturing parameters: alpha {alpha_sc}, s0 {s0_sc}, kappa {kappa_sc}")

    # timestep estimate
    #wave_speed = max(mach2*c_bkrnd,c_shkd+velocity2[0])
    #char_len = 0.001
    #perimeter = 2*char_len+math.sqrt(2*char_len*char_len)
    #h = 2*area/perimeter

    #dt_est = 1/(wave_speed*order*order/h)
    #print(f"Time step estimate {dt_est}\n")
    #dt_est_visc = 1/(wave_speed*order*order/h+alpha_sc*order*order*order*order/h/h)
    #print(f"Viscous timestep estimate {dt_est_visc}\n")

    from grudge import sym
    boundaries = {sym.DTAG_BOUNDARY("Inflow"): inflow,
                  sym.DTAG_BOUNDARY("Outflow"): outflow,
                  sym.DTAG_BOUNDARY("Wall"): wall}

    if restart_step is None:
        local_mesh, global_nelements = create_parallel_grid(comm, get_pseudo_y0_mesh)
        local_nelements = local_mesh.nelements

    else:  # Restart
        with open(snapshot_pattern.format(step=restart_step, rank=rank), "rb") as f:
            restart_data = pickle.load(f)

        local_mesh = restart_data["local_mesh"]
        local_nelements = local_mesh.nelements
        global_nelements = restart_data["global_nelements"]

        assert comm.Get_size() == restart_data["num_parts"]

    if rank == 0:
        logging.info("Making discretization")
    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(
        actx, local_mesh, order=order, mpi_communicator=comm
    nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())

    if restart_step is None:
        if rank == 0:
            logging.info("Initializing soln.")
        # for Discontinuity initial conditions
        current_state = bulk_init(0, nodes, eos=eos)
        # for uniform background initial condition
        #current_state = bulk_init(nodes, eos=eos)
        current_t = restart_data["t"]
        current_step = restart_step

        current_state = unflatten(
            actx, discr.discr_from_dd("vol"),
            obj_array_vectorize(actx.from_numpy, restart_data["state"]))

    vis_timer = None

    if logmgr:
        logmgr_add_device_name(logmgr, queue)
        logmgr_add_many_discretization_quantities(logmgr, discr, dim,
            extract_vars_for_logging, units_for_logging)

        logmgr.add_watches(["step.max", "t_sim.max", "t_step.max", "t_log.max",
                            "min_pressure", "max_pressure",
                            "min_temperature", "max_temperature"])

        except KeyError:

        if use_profiling:

        vis_timer = IntervalTimer("t_vis", "Time spent visualizing")

    visualizer = make_visualizer(discr, discr.order + 3
                                 if discr.dim == 2 else discr.order)
    #    initname = initializer.__class__.__name__
    initname = "pseudoY0"
    eosname = eos.__class__.__name__
    init_message = make_init_message(dim=dim, order=order,
                                     dt=current_dt, t_final=t_final,
                                     nstatus=nstatus, nviz=nviz,
                                     eosname=eosname, casename=casename)
    if rank == 0:

    get_timestep = partial(inviscid_sim_timestep, discr=discr, t=current_t,
                           dt=current_dt, cfl=current_cfl, eos=eos,
                           t_final=t_final, constant_cfl=constant_cfl)

    def my_rhs(t, state):
        #return inviscid_operator(discr, eos=eos, boundaries=boundaries, q=state, t=t)
        return ( inviscid_operator(discr, q=state, t=t,boundaries=boundaries, eos=eos)
               + artificial_viscosity(discr,t=t, r=state, eos=eos, boundaries=boundaries,
               alpha=alpha_sc, s0=s0_sc, kappa=kappa_sc))

    def my_checkpoint(step, t, dt, state):

        write_restart = (check_step(step, nrestart)
                         if step != restart_step else False)
        if write_restart is True:
            with open(snapshot_pattern.format(step=step, rank=rank), "wb") as f:
                    "local_mesh": local_mesh,
                    "state": obj_array_vectorize(actx.to_numpy, flatten(state)),
                    "t": t,
                    "step": step,
                    "global_nelements": global_nelements,
                    "num_parts": nparts,
                    }, f)

        return sim_checkpoint(discr=discr, visualizer=visualizer, eos=eos,
                              q=state, vizname=casename,
                              step=step, t=t, dt=dt, nstatus=nstatus,
                              nviz=nviz, exittol=exittol,
                              constant_cfl=constant_cfl, comm=comm, vis_timer=vis_timer,

    if rank == 0:

    (current_step, current_t, current_state) = \
        advance_state(rhs=my_rhs, timestepper=timestepper,
                      get_timestep=get_timestep, state=current_state,
                      t_final=t_final, t=current_t, istep=current_step,

    if rank == 0:
        logger.info("Checkpointing final state ...")

    my_checkpoint(current_step, t=current_t,
                  dt=(current_t - checkpoint_t),

    if current_t - t_final < 0:
        raise ValueError("Simulation exited abnormally")

    if logmgr:
    elif use_profiling:
コード例 #5
def test_slipwall_flux(actx_factory, dim, order):
    """Check for zero boundary flux.

    Check for vanishing flux across the slipwall.
    actx = actx_factory()

    wall = AdiabaticSlipBoundary()
    eos = IdealSingleGas()

    from pytools.convergence import EOCRecorder
    eoc = EOCRecorder()

    for nel_1d in [4, 8, 12]:
        from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

        mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(-0.5, ) * dim,
                                          b=(0.5, ) * dim,
                                          nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

        discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
        nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())
        nhat = thaw(actx, discr.normal(BTAG_ALL))
        h = 1.0 / nel_1d

        from functools import partial
        bnd_norm = partial(discr.norm, p=np.inf, dd=BTAG_ALL)

        logger.info(f"Number of {dim}d elems: {mesh.nelements}")
        # for velocities in each direction
        err_max = 0.0
        for vdir in range(dim):
            vel = np.zeros(shape=(dim, ))

            # for velocity directions +1, and -1
            for parity in [1.0, -1.0]:
                vel[vdir] = parity
                from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform
                initializer = Uniform(dim=dim, velocity=vel)
                uniform_state = initializer(nodes)
                bnd_pair = wall.boundary_pair(discr,

                # Check the total velocity component normal
                # to each surface.  It should be zero.  The
                # numerical fluxes cannot be zero.
                avg_state = 0.5 * (bnd_pair.int + bnd_pair.ext)
                err_max = max(err_max,
                              bnd_norm(np.dot(avg_state.momentum, nhat)))

                from mirgecom.euler import _facial_flux
                bnd_flux = _facial_flux(discr,
                err_max = max(err_max, bnd_norm(bnd_flux.mass),

        eoc.add_data_point(h, err_max)

    message = (f"EOC:\n{eoc}")
    assert (eoc.order_estimate() >= order - 0.5 or eoc.max_error() < 1e-12)
コード例 #6
def test_filter_function(actx_factory, dim, order, do_viz=False):
    Test the stand-alone procedural interface to spectral filtering.

    Tests that filtered fields have expected attenuated higher modes.
    actx = actx_factory()

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    filter_order = 1
    nel_1d = 1
    eta = .5  # filter half the modes
    # Alpha value suggested by:
    # JSH/TW Nodal DG Methods, Seciton 5.3
    # DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72067-8
    alpha = -1.0 * np.log(np.finfo(float).eps)

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(a=(0.0, ) * dim,
                                      b=(1.0, ) * dim,
                                      nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d, ) * dim)

    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = thaw(actx, discr.nodes())

    # number of modes see e.g.:
    # JSH/TW Nodal DG Methods, Section 10.1
    # DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72067-8
    nummodes = int(1)
    for _ in range(dim):
        nummodes *= int(order + dim + 1)
    nummodes /= math.factorial(int(dim))
    cutoff = int(eta * order)

    from mirgecom.filter import exponential_mode_response_function as xmrfunc
    frfunc = partial(xmrfunc, alpha=alpha, filter_order=filter_order)

    # First test a uniform field, which should pass through
    # the filter unharmed.
    from mirgecom.initializers import Uniform
    initr = Uniform(dim=dim)
    uniform_soln = initr(t=0, x_vec=nodes).join()

    from mirgecom.filter import filter_modally
    filtered_soln = filter_modally(discr, "vol", cutoff, frfunc, uniform_soln)
    soln_resid = uniform_soln - filtered_soln
    max_errors = [discr.norm(v, np.inf) for v in soln_resid]

    tol = 1e-14

    logger.info(f"Max Errors (uniform field) = {max_errors}")
    assert (np.max(max_errors) < tol)

    # construct polynomial field:
    # a0 + a1*x + a2*x*x + ....
    def polyfn(coeff):  # , x_vec):
        # r = actx.np.sqrt(np.dot(nodes, nodes))
        r = nodes[0]
        result = 0
        for n, a in enumerate(coeff):
            result += a * r**n
        return make_obj_array([result])

    # Any order {cutoff} and below fields should be unharmed
    tol = 1e-14
    field_order = int(cutoff)
    coeff = [1.0 / (i + 1) for i in range(field_order + 1)]
    field = polyfn(coeff=coeff)
    filtered_field = filter_modally(discr, "vol", cutoff, frfunc, field)
    soln_resid = field - filtered_field
    max_errors = [discr.norm(v, np.inf) for v in soln_resid]
    logger.info(f"Field = {field}")
    logger.info(f"Filtered = {filtered_field}")
    logger.info(f"Max Errors (poly) = {max_errors}")
    assert (np.max(max_errors) < tol)

    # Any order > cutoff fields should have higher modes attenuated
    threshold = 1e-3
    tol = 1e-1
    if do_viz is True:
        from grudge.shortcuts import make_visualizer
        vis = make_visualizer(discr, discr.order)

    from grudge.dof_desc import DD_VOLUME_MODAL, DD_VOLUME

    modal_map = discr.connection_from_dds(DD_VOLUME, DD_VOLUME_MODAL)

    for field_order in range(cutoff + 1, cutoff + 4):
        coeff = [1.0 / (i + 1) for i in range(field_order + 1)]
        field = polyfn(coeff=coeff)
        filtered_field = filter_modally(discr, "vol", cutoff, frfunc, field)

        unfiltered_spectrum = modal_map(field)
        filtered_spectrum = modal_map(filtered_field)
        if do_viz is True:
            spectrum_resid = unfiltered_spectrum - filtered_spectrum
            io_fields = [("unfiltered", field), ("filtered", filtered_field),
                         ("unfiltered_spectrum", unfiltered_spectrum),
                         ("filtered_spectrum", filtered_spectrum),
                         ("residual", spectrum_resid)]
            vis.write_vtk_file(f"filter_test_{field_order}.vtu", io_fields)
        field_resid = unfiltered_spectrum - filtered_spectrum
        max_errors = [discr.norm(v, np.inf) for v in field_resid]
        # fields should be different, but not too different
        assert (tol > np.max(max_errors) > threshold)