def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self._Timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._watchTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.connect(self._Timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.timer) self.connect(self._watchTimer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.pushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.startStop) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.testPortPushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.testPort) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.showFieldsPushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.showFields) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.buttonBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.saveConfiguration) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.buttonBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.loadConfiguration) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.changePresetsComboBoxEnabled) self.setWindowTitle(__project__ + " ver. " + __version__ ) self.ui.AboutVersionLabel.setText("ver. " + __version__) self.labels = [self.ui.label, self.ui.label_2, self.ui.label_3, self.ui.label_4, self.ui.label_5, self.ui.label_6, self.ui.label_7, self.ui.label_8] # fieldlabels self.fieldsWidgets = [] self.blackout = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self._Timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self._watchTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.connect(self._Timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.timer) self.connect(self._watchTimer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.pushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.startStop) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.testPortPushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.testPort) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.showFieldsPushButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.showFields) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.buttonBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.saveConfiguration) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.buttonBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.loadConfiguration) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.changePresetsComboBoxEnabled) self.setWindowTitle(__project__ + " ver. " + __version__ ) self.ui.AboutVersionLabel.setText("ver. " + __version__) self.labels = [self.ui.label, self.ui.label_2, self.ui.label_3, self.ui.label_4, self.ui.label_5, self.ui.label_6, self.ui.label_7, self.ui.label_8] # fieldlabels self.fieldsWidgets = [] self.blackout = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] def startStop(self): """ start/stop Timer and change text on Button """ global ser if not self._Timer.isActive(): # if timer doesn't work self.loadConfiguration() self.ui.pushButton.setText("Stop!") self.ui.tab_2.setEnabled(0) # no messing with settings during work! try: if ser.isOpen(): # close and open port - hardware likes it ser.close() except: pass self._Timer.start(config.getint('Timer', 'interval')) else: self._Timer.stop() self.ui.pushButton.setText("Start!") self.ui.tab_2.setEnabled(1) self.sendColors(self.blackout) try: ser.close() except: pass def getColor(self, px, py, w, h ): """ Grab specific field and resize it to receive average color of field @return a color value """ self.originalPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.grabWindow(QtGui.QApplication.desktop().winId(), px, py, w, h) self.destPixmap = self.originalPixmap.scaled(1, 1, QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.destImage = self.destPixmap.toImage() value = self.destImage.pixel(0,0) return value def timer(self): """ getColor for every field and display it on appropriate label """ colors = [] for field, x, y, w, h in [(1, fieldsconfig.getint('1', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('1', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('1', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('1', 'h')), (2, fieldsconfig.getint('2', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('2', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('2', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('2', 'h')), (3, fieldsconfig.getint('3', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('3', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('3', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('3', 'h')), (4, fieldsconfig.getint('4', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('4', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('4', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('4', 'h')), (5, fieldsconfig.getint('5', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('5', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('5', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('5', 'h')), (6, fieldsconfig.getint('6', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('6', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('6', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('6', 'h')), (7, fieldsconfig.getint('7', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('7', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('7', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('7', 'h')), (8, fieldsconfig.getint('8', 'x'), fieldsconfig.getint('8', 'y'), fieldsconfig.getint('8', 'w'), fieldsconfig.getint('8', 'h'))]: color = self.getColor(x, y, w, h) colors.append(color) self.updateLabel(field, x, y, w, h, color) self.sendColors(colors) def addSum(self, value): global sum sum += value ##??? if sum > 255: sum -=256 def sendColors(self, colors): kod = chr(128) #kod inicjujacy poczatek standardowej paczki + konfig global sum sum = 0 self.addSum(128) #suma kontrolna tj. suma wszystkich wartosci, skrocona do 7 bitow (bajt podzielony przez dwa) for color in colors: red = float(QtGui.qRed(color))/255 green = float(QtGui.qGreen(color))/255 blue = float(QtGui.qBlue(color))/255 verbose("k: %d" % (colors.index(color)+1), 3) verbose("\trgb: %f, %f, %f" % (red, green, blue), 3) red = int(red*red*100) green = int(green*green*100) blue = int(blue*blue*100) verbose("\t\trgb: %f, %f, %f" % (red, green, blue), 3) kod += chr(red) kod += chr(green) kod += chr(blue) self.addSum(red) self.addSum(green) self.addSum(blue) kod += chr(sum/2) try: ser.write(kod) except: verbose("--\nCannot send to device. Check your configuration!",1) time.sleep(0.009) # hack needed by hardware def watch(self): """ Get remote code and perform an action """ try: ser.flushInput() x=ord(temp) command = "echo \'%d - not bind\'" % x ##XXX debug if x == 14: command='smplayer -send-action pause'#works as pause/play if x == 59: command='smplayer -send-action pause'#works as pause/play if x == 10: command='smplayer -send-action stop' if x == 0: command='smplayer -send-action play' if x == 16: command='smplayer -send-action increase_volume' if x == 17: command='smplayer -send-action decrease_volume' if x == 13: command='smplayer -send-action mute' #mute/unmute if x == 5: command='smplayer -send-action dec_sub_scale' #decrease subtitles if x == 8: command='smplayer -send-action inc_sub_scale' #increase subtitles if x == 7: command='smplayer -send-action rewind1' #small jump if x == 9: command='smplayer -send-action forward1' if x == 4: command='smplayer -send-action rewind2' #medium jump if x == 6: command='smplayer -send-action forward2' if x == 1: command='smplayer -send-action rewind3'#large jump if x == 3: command='smplayer -send-action forward3' verbose("%s:\t%s" % (x, command), 2) os.system(command) except: verbose("no remote command", 2) def getLabel (self, field): """ @return label corresponding to field """ return self.labels[field-1] def updateLabel (self, field, x, y, w, h, color = 0): # default color is black """ set label text and color """ label = self.getLabel(field) label.setText(`x` + ", " + `y` + ", " + `w` + ", " + `h`) palette = QtGui.QPalette(label.palette()) palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Window, QtGui.QColor(color)) label.setPalette(palette) def showFields(self): """ draw fields """ if self.ui.showFieldsPushButton.isChecked(): if (config.get("Fields", "autoarrange") == "on" and self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox.checkState() != 2) or (config.get("Fields", "autoarrange") == "off" and self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox.checkState() != 0) or (config.getint("Fields", "size") != self.ui.AutoarrangeHorizontalSlider.value()): ###XXX ugly hack SAVE ="Save") CANCEL ="Cancel") message = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) message.setText('Save changes before?')) message.setWindowTitle('Mirlight') message.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question) message.addButton(SAVE, QtGui.QMessageBox.AcceptRole) message.addButton(CANCEL, QtGui.QMessageBox.RejectRole) message.exec_() response = message.clickedButton().text() if response == SAVE: self.saveConfiguration() else: self.loadConfiguration() self.fieldsWidgets = [] ## clear to avoid multiple instances self.widget1 = FieldDialog(1) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget1) self.widget2 = FieldDialog(2) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget2) self.widget3 = FieldDialog(3) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget3) self.widget4 = FieldDialog(4) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget4) self.widget5 = FieldDialog(5) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget5) self.widget6 = FieldDialog(6) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget6) self.widget7 = FieldDialog(7) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget7) self.widget8 = FieldDialog(8) self.fieldsWidgets.append(self.widget8) for widget in self.fieldsWidgets: self.ui.showFieldsPushButton.setText("Hide fields")) self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox.setEnabled(0) self.ui.AutoarrangeHorizontalSlider.setEnabled(0) self.ui.buttonBox.setEnabled(0) self.ui.PresetsComboBox.setEnabled(0) elif config.get("Fields", "autoarrange") == "off" and self.checkFieldsAreChanged(): SAVE ="Save") CANCEL ="Cancel") presets = "" for infile in glob.glob("presets/*.mrl"): presets += infile[8:-4] + ", " ms1 ="Existed names:") ms2 ="Enter a new name (or an old one to overwrite):") (presetName, state) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, "Mirlight", "%s %s\n%s" % (ms1, presets, ms2), QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, self.ui.PresetsComboBox.currentText()) if state == True and len(presetName) > 0: self.saveFields(presetName) verbose("--\nSaved as: %s.mrl" % presetName,1) else: verbose("--\nPreset not saved",1) self.closeFields() else: self.closeFields() def closeFields(self): """ hide fields preview """ for widget in self.fieldsWidgets: widget.close() self.changePresetsComboBoxEnabled() #to apply an appropriate label on fieldsPushButton self.ui.AutoArrangeCheckBox.setEnabled(1) self.ui.buttonBox.setEnabled(1) def checkFieldsAreChanged(self): """ check if even one field has changed position or size @return True or False """ for field, widget in zip([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], self.fieldsWidgets): x, y, w, h = widget.getGeometry() if int(fieldsconfig.get(`field`, "x")) == x and \ int(fieldsconfig.get(`field`, "y")) == y and \ int(fieldsconfig.get(`field`, "w")) == w and \ int(fieldsconfig.get(`field`, "h")) == h: pass else: return True verbose("--\nThere is no change in fields",1) return False