コード例 #1
ファイル: mirrorcheck.py プロジェクト: yetilinux/yetiweb
def check_mirror_url(mirror_url):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=utc_now())
        start = time.time()
        result = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10)
        data = result.read()
        end = time.time()
        # lastsync should be an epoch value created by us
        parsed_time = None
            parsed_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(data))
            parsed_time = parsed_time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        except ValueError:
            # it is bad news to try logging the lastsync value;
            # sometimes we get a crazy-encoded web page.

        log.last_sync = parsed_time
        # if we couldn't parse a time, this is a failure
        if parsed_time is None:
            log.error = "Could not parse time from lastsync"
            log.is_success = False
        log.duration = end - start
        logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        if e.code == 404:
            # we have a duration, just not a success
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
コード例 #2
def check_rsync_url(mirror_url, timeout):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=now())

    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    lastsync_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'lastsync')
    rsync_cmd = ["rsync", "--quiet", "--contimeout=%d" % timeout,
            "--timeout=%d" % timeout, url, lastsync_path]
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            proc = subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd, stdout=devnull,
            start = time.time()
            _, errdata = proc.communicate()
            end = time.time()
        log.duration = end - start
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            logger.debug("error: %s, %s", url, errdata)
            log.is_success = False
            log.error = errdata.strip()
            # look at rsync error code- if we had a command error or timed out,
            # don't record a duration as it is misleading
            if proc.returncode in (1, 30, 35):
                log.duration = None
            logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
            with open(lastsync_path, 'r') as lastsync:
                parse_lastsync(log, lastsync.read())
        if os.path.exists(lastsync_path):

    return log
コード例 #3
def check_mirror_url(mirror_url, location, timeout):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=now(), location=location)
    headers = {'User-Agent': 'archweb/1.0'}
    req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
    start = time.time()
        result = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout)
        data = result.read()
        end = time.time()
        parse_lastsync(log, data)
        log.duration = end - start
        logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        if e.code == 404:
            # we have a duration, just not a success
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = e.reason
        if isinstance(e.reason, types.StringTypes) and \
                re.search(r'550.*No such file', e.reason):
            # similar to 404 case above, still record duration
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout):
            log.error = "Connection timed out."
        elif isinstance(e.reason, socket.error):
            log.error = e.reason.args[-1]
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except HTTPException:
        # e.g., BadStatusLine
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = "Exception in processing HTTP request."
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except ssl.CertificateError as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except socket.timeout:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = "Connection timed out."
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except socket.error as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)

    return log
コード例 #4
ファイル: mirrorcheck.py プロジェクト: archlinux/archweb
def check_mirror_url(mirror_url, location, timeout):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=now(), location=location)
    headers = {'User-Agent': 'archweb/1.0'}
    req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
    start = time.time()
        result = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout)
        data = result.read()
        end = time.time()
        parse_lastsync(log, data)
        log.duration = end - start
        logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
    except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
        if e.code == 404:
            # we have a duration, just not a success
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except urllib.error.URLError as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = e.reason
        if isinstance(e.reason, str) and \
                re.search(r'550.*No such file', e.reason):
            # similar to 404 case above, still record duration
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout):
            log.error = "Connection timed out."
        elif isinstance(e.reason, socket.error):
            log.error = e.reason.args[-1]
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except HTTPException:
        # e.g., BadStatusLine
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = "Exception in processing HTTP request."
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except ssl.CertificateError as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except socket.timeout:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = "Connection timed out."
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)
    except socket.error as e:
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s", url, log.error)

    return log
コード例 #5
def check_rsync_url(mirror_url, location, timeout):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=now(), location=location)

    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    ipopt = ''
    if location:
        if location.family == socket.AF_INET6:
            ipopt = '--ipv6'
        elif location.family == socket.AF_INET:
            ipopt = '--ipv4'
    lastsync_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'lastsync')
    rsync_cmd = [
        "rsync", "--quiet",
        "--contimeout=%d" % timeout,
        "--timeout=%d" % timeout
    if ipopt:
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("rsync cmd: %s", ' '.join(rsync_cmd))
            start = time.time()
            proc = subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd,
            _, errdata = proc.communicate()
            end = time.time()
        log.duration = end - start
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            logger.debug("error: %s, %s", url, errdata)
            log.is_success = False
            log.error = errdata.strip()
            # look at rsync error code- if we had a command error or timed out,
            # don't record a duration as it is misleading
            if proc.returncode in (1, 30, 35):
                log.duration = None
            logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
            if os.path.exists(lastsync_path):
                with open(lastsync_path, 'r') as lastsync:
                    parse_lastsync(log, lastsync.read())
                parse_lastsync(log, None)
        if os.path.exists(lastsync_path):

    return log
コード例 #6
ファイル: mirrorcheck.py プロジェクト: pyropeter/archweb
def check_mirror_url(mirror_url):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s" % url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=datetime.utcnow())
        start = time.time()
        result = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10)
        data = result.read()
        end = time.time()
        # lastsync should be an epoch value, but some mirrors
        # are creating their own in RFC-3339 format:
        #     '2010-09-02 11:05:06+02:00'
        parsed_time = None
            parsed_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(data))
        except ValueError:
            # it is bad news to try logging the lastsync value;
            # sometimes we get a crazy-encoded web page.
            logger.info("attempting to parse generated lastsync file"
                    " from mirror %s" % url)
            parsed_time = parse_rfc3339_datetime(data)

        log.last_sync = parsed_time
        # if we couldn't parse a time, this is a failure
        if parsed_time == None:
            log.error = "Could not parse time from lastsync"
            log.is_success = False
        log.duration = end - start
        logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f" % (url, log.duration))
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        if e.code == 404:
            # we have a duration, just not a success
            end = time.time()
            log.duration = end - start
        log.is_success = False
        log.error = str(e)
        logger.debug("failed: %s, %s" % (url, log.error))
コード例 #7
ファイル: mirrorcheck.py プロジェクト: archlinux/archweb
def check_rsync_url(mirror_url, location, timeout):
    url = mirror_url.url + 'lastsync'
    logger.info("checking URL %s", url)
    log = MirrorLog(url=mirror_url, check_time=now(), location=location)

    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    ipopt = ''
    if location:
        if location.family == socket.AF_INET6:
            ipopt = '--ipv6'
        elif location.family == socket.AF_INET:
            ipopt = '--ipv4'
    lastsync_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'lastsync')
    rsync_cmd = ["rsync", "--quiet", "--contimeout=%d" % timeout,
            "--timeout=%d" % timeout]
    if ipopt:
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("rsync cmd: %s", ' '.join(rsync_cmd))
            start = time.time()
            proc = subprocess.Popen(rsync_cmd, stdout=devnull,
            _, errdata = proc.communicate()
            end = time.time()
        log.duration = end - start
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            logger.debug("error: %s, %s", url, errdata)
            log.is_success = False
            log.error = errdata.strip().decode('utf-8')
            # look at rsync error code- if we had a command error or timed out,
            # don't record a duration as it is misleading
            if proc.returncode in (1, 30, 35):
                log.duration = None
            logger.debug("success: %s, %.2f", url, log.duration)
            if os.path.exists(lastsync_path):
                with open(lastsync_path, 'r') as lastsync:
                    parse_lastsync(log, lastsync.read())
                parse_lastsync(log, None)
        if os.path.exists(lastsync_path):

    return log