コード例 #1
def task (args):
    """Run as a command-line task.

   args: list of strings; command-line arguments, not including the
         program name (no traditional argv[0]).
returns: None

Will call mirtask.util.die on some errors.
    util.checkusage (__doc__, ['dummy'] + args)

    ks = keys.KeySpec ()
    ks.keyword ('out', 'f', ' ')
    ks.keyword ('naver', 'i', -1)
    ks.keyword ('slop', 'd', DEFAULT_SLOP)
    ks.uvdat (UVDAT_OPTIONS + 'dslr')
    opts = ks.process (args)

    if opts.out == ' ':
        util.wrongusage (__doc__, 'must specify an output filename (out=...)')

    out = VisData (opts.out)

    if opts.naver == -1:
        util.wrongusage (__doc__,
                         'must specify the number of channels to average (naver=...)')

        channelAverage (out, opts.naver, opts.slop, banner=DEFAULT_BANNER, args=args)
    except (InputStructureError, ValueError), e:
        util.die (str (e))
コード例 #2
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_checkabs (args):
    import omega as om

    if len (args) != 1:
        util.die ('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    nc.load (args[0])

    saps = nc.saps
    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    vals = nc.bpdata[:,1]
    uncerts = nc.bpdata[:,2]**-0.5
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:,3] * nc.svals
    muncerts = nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:,3]

    pg = om.quickPager ([])

    for idx in xrange (len (saps)):
        w = np.where ((sqbps[:,0] == idx) | (sqbps[:,1] == idx))

        p = om.quickXYErr (vals[w], modelvals[w], muncerts[w],
                           util.fmtAP (saps[idx]), lines=False)
        p.setLabels ('Measured variance (Jy²)', 'Modeled variance (Jy²)')
        pg.send (p)

    pg.done ()
    return 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_checkabs(args):
    import omega as om

    if len(args) != 1:
        util.die('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal()

    saps = nc.saps
    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    vals = nc.bpdata[:, 1]
    uncerts = nc.bpdata[:, 2]**-0.5
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:, 3] * nc.svals
    muncerts = nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:, 3]

    pg = om.quickPager([])

    for idx in xrange(len(saps)):
        w = np.where((sqbps[:, 0] == idx) | (sqbps[:, 1] == idx))

        p = om.quickXYErr(vals[w],
        p.setLabels('Measured variance (Jy²)', 'Modeled variance (Jy²)')

    return 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_sefds(args):
    if len(args) != 1:
        util.die('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal()
    return 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
    def compute (self, toread, **uvdatoptions):
        for vis in toread:
            if not os.path.exists (vis.path ('gains')):
                util.die ('input "%s" has no gain calibration tables', vis)

        self._compute_getraras (toread, uvdatoptions)
        self._compute_getbpvs (toread, uvdatoptions)
        self._compute_solve ()
コード例 #6
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_sefds (args):
    if len (args) != 1:
        util.die ('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    nc.load (args[0])
    nc.printsefdinfo ()
    return 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
    def compute(self, toread, **uvdatoptions):
        for vis in toread:
            if not os.path.exists(vis.path('gains')):
                util.die('input "%s" has no gain calibration tables', vis)

        self._compute_getraras(toread, uvdatoptions)
        self._compute_getbpvs(toread, uvdatoptions)
コード例 #8
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
    def _compute_getraras(self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        seenaps = set()
        rarawork = {}

        previnp = None
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead(toread,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            if previnp is None or inp is not previnp:
                instr = inp.getScalarItem('arfinstr', 'UNDEF')
                if instr != 'UNDEF':
                    if self.instr is None:
                        self.instr = instr
                    elif instr != self.instr:
                            'input instrument changed from "%s" to '
                            '"%s" in "%s"', self.instr, instr, inp.path())
                previnp = inp

            # the 'a' uvdat options limits us to autocorrelations,
            # but includes 1X-1Y-type autocorrelations
            bp = util.mir2bp(inp, preamble)
            if not util.bpIsInten(bp):
            ap = bp[0]
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where(flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            data = data[w]
            rara = np.sqrt((data.real**2).mean())

            ag = rarawork.get(ap)
            if ag is None:
                ag = rarawork[ap] = ArrayGrower(3)

            # We record w.size as a weight for the RARA measurement,
            # but it's essentially noise-free.
            ag.add(t, rara, w.size)

        self.saps = sorted(seenaps)
        raras = self.raras = {}
        apidxs = dict((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate(self.saps))

        for ap in rarawork.keys():
            raradata = rarawork[ap].finish().T
            apidx = apidxs[ap]
            sidx = np.argsort(raradata[0])
            raras[apidx] = raradata[:, sidx]
コード例 #9
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_export(args):
    if len(args) < 1:
        util.die('usage: <dat1> [... datn]')

    nc = NoiseCal()
    for path in args:
        nc.load(path, partial=True)
    return 0
コード例 #10
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_export (args):
    if len (args) < 1:
        util.die ('usage: <dat1> [... datn]')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    for path in args:
        nc.load (path, partial=True)
        nc.export (sys.stdout)
    return 0
コード例 #11
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
    def _compute_getraras (self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        seenaps = set ()
        rarawork = {}

        previnp = None
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, 'a3', False,
                                  nopass=True, nocal=True, nopol=True,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            if previnp is None or inp is not previnp:
                instr = inp.getScalarItem ('arfinstr', 'UNDEF')
                if instr != 'UNDEF':
                    if self.instr is None:
                        self.instr = instr
                    elif instr != self.instr:
                        util.die ('input instrument changed from "%s" to '
                                  '"%s" in "%s"', self.instr, instr,
                                  inp.path ())
                previnp = inp

            # the 'a' uvdat options limits us to autocorrelations,
            # but includes 1X-1Y-type autocorrelations
            bp = util.mir2bp (inp, preamble)
            if not util.bpIsInten (bp):
            ap = bp[0]
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where (flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            data = data[w]
            rara = np.sqrt ((data.real**2).mean ())

            seenaps.add (ap)
            ag = rarawork.get (ap)
            if ag is None:
                ag = rarawork[ap] = ArrayGrower (3)

            # We record w.size as a weight for the RARA measurement,
            # but it's essentially noise-free.
            ag.add (t, rara, w.size)

        self.saps = sorted (seenaps)
        raras = self.raras = {}
        apidxs = dict ((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate (self.saps))

        for ap in rarawork.keys ():
            raradata = rarawork[ap].finish ().T
            apidx = apidxs[ap]
            sidx = np.argsort (raradata[0])
            raras[apidx] = raradata[:,sidx]
コード例 #12
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_checkcal (args):
    import omega as om, scipy.stats as SS
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split ('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value
            toread.append (VisData (arg))

    if len (toread) < 1:
        util.die ('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options]')

    samples = VectorGrower ()
    gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, 'x3', False, **uvdatoptions)

    for inp, pream, data, flags in gen:
        w = np.where (flags)[0]
        if w.size == 0:

        data = data[w]
        var = 0.5 * (data.real.var (ddof=1) + data.imag.var (ddof=1))
        uvar = np.sqrt (1. / (w.size - 1)) * var # uncert in variance msmt
        thy = inp.getVariance ()
        samples.add ((var - thy) / uvar)

    samples = samples.finish ()
    n = samples.size
    m = samples.mean ()
    s = samples.std ()
    med = np.median (samples)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median (np.abs (samples - med)) # see comment below

    print '                  Number of samples:', n
    print 'Mean normalized error (should be 0):', m
    print '                             Median:', med
    print ' Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                              SMADM:', smadm
    print 'Probability that samples are normal:', SS.normaltest (samples)[1]

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist (samples, keyText='Samples', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace (-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt (2 * np.pi) * np.exp (-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY (x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound (False, False)
    p.show ()
    return 0
コード例 #13
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_checkcal(args):
    import omega as om, scipy.stats as SS
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value

    if len(toread) < 1:
        util.die('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options]')

    samples = VectorGrower()
    gen = uvdat.setupAndRead(toread, 'x3', False, **uvdatoptions)

    for inp, pream, data, flags in gen:
        w = np.where(flags)[0]
        if w.size == 0:

        data = data[w]
        var = 0.5 * (data.real.var(ddof=1) + data.imag.var(ddof=1))
        uvar = np.sqrt(1. / (w.size - 1)) * var  # uncert in variance msmt
        thy = inp.getVariance()
        samples.add((var - thy) / uvar)

    samples = samples.finish()
    n = samples.size
    m = samples.mean()
    s = samples.std()
    med = np.median(samples)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(samples - med))  # see comment below

    print '                  Number of samples:', n
    print 'Mean normalized error (should be 0):', m
    print '                             Median:', med
    print ' Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                              SMADM:', smadm
    print 'Probability that samples are normal:', SS.normaltest(samples)[1]

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist(samples, keyText='Samples', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY(x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound(False, False)
    return 0
コード例 #14
def task(args=None):
    banner = util.printBannerGit('pwflux', 'calculate flux from UV data',

    ks = keys.KeySpec()
    ks.keyword('interval', 'd', 1)
    ks.mkeyword('offset', 'd', 2)
    ks.keyword('textapp', 'f', ' ')
    ks.uvdat('dsl3w', True)
    opts = ks.process(args)

    interval = opts.interval / (24. * 60.)

    if interval <= 0:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: averaging interval must be positive, not', opts.interval
        return 1

    if len(opts.offset) == 0:
        offset = np.zeros(2)
    elif len(opts.offset) == 2:
        offset = np.asarray(opts.offset) / 206265.
        print >> sys.stderr, (
            'Error: zero or two values must be specified for source offset;'
            ' got'), opts.offset
        return 1

    if opts.plot:
            import omega
        except ImportError:
            util.die('cannot import Python module "omega" for plotting')

    f = Fluxer(interval, offset)
    onflush = flushPrint

    if opts.textapp != ' ':
        appobj = TabularAppender(file(opts.textapp, 'a'), onflush)
        onflush = appobj.onFlush

    if opts.plot:
        plotacc = PlotAccumulator(onflush)
        onflush = plotacc.onFlush


    if opts.plot:

    return 0
コード例 #15
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_checkap(args):
    import omega as om

    if len(args) != 2:
        util.die('usage: <datfile> <antpol>')

    nc = NoiseCal()

    ap = util.parseAP(args[1])
    apidx = nc.saps.index(ap)
    if apidx < 0:
        util.die('no antpol %s in data file!', util.fmtAP(ap))

    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    vals = nc.bpdata[:, 1]
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:, 3] * nc.svals
    resids = vals - modelvals

    runcerts = np.sqrt(1. / nc.bpdata[:, 2] +
                       (nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:, 3])**2)
    resids /= runcerts

    w = np.where((sqbps[:, 0] == apidx) | (sqbps[:, 1] == apidx))
    resids = resids[w]

    n = resids.size
    mn = resids.mean()
    s = resids.std()
    md = np.median(resids)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(resids - md))  # see comment below

    print '       Number of samples:', n
    print '      Norm. mean residal:', mn
    print '                  Median:', md
    print 'Norm. residual std. dev.:', s
    print '                   SMADM:', smadm

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist(resids,
                     keyText='%s Residuals' % util.fmtAP(ap),
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY(x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound(False, False)

    return 0
コード例 #16
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_checkap (args):
    import omega as om

    if len (args) != 2:
        util.die ('usage: <datfile> <antpol>')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    nc.load (args[0])

    ap = util.parseAP (args[1])
    apidx = nc.saps.index (ap)
    if apidx < 0:
        util.die ('no antpol %s in data file!', util.fmtAP (ap))

    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    vals = nc.bpdata[:,1]
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:,3] * nc.svals
    resids = vals - modelvals

    runcerts = np.sqrt (1./nc.bpdata[:,2] + (nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:,3])**2)
    resids /= runcerts

    w = np.where ((sqbps[:,0] == apidx) | (sqbps[:,1] == apidx))
    resids = resids[w]

    n = resids.size
    mn = resids.mean ()
    s = resids.std ()
    md = np.median (resids)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median (np.abs (resids - md)) # see comment below

    print '       Number of samples:', n
    print '      Norm. mean residal:', mn
    print '                  Median:', md
    print 'Norm. residual std. dev.:', s
    print '                   SMADM:', smadm

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist (resids, keyText='%s Residuals' % util.fmtAP (ap),
                      bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace (-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt (2 * np.pi) * np.exp (-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY (x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound (False, False)
    p.show ()

    return 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: pwflux.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def task (args=None):
    banner = util.printBannerGit ('pwflux', 'calculate flux from UV data', IDENT)

    ks = keys.KeySpec ()
    ks.keyword ('interval', 'd', 1)
    ks.mkeyword ('offset', 'd', 2)
    ks.keyword ('textapp', 'f', ' ')
    ks.option ('plot')
    ks.uvdat ('dsl3w', True)
    opts = ks.process (args)

    interval = opts.interval / (24. * 60.)

    if interval <= 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: averaging interval must be positive, not', opts.interval
        return 1

    if len (opts.offset) == 0:
        offset = np.zeros (2)
    elif len (opts.offset) == 2:
        offset = np.asarray (opts.offset) / 206265.
        print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: zero or two values must be specified for source offset;'
                             ' got'), opts.offset
        return 1

    if opts.plot:
            import omega
        except ImportError:
            util.die ('cannot import Python module "omega" for plotting')

    f = Fluxer (interval, offset)
    onflush = flushPrint

    if opts.textapp != ' ':
        appobj = TabularAppender (file (opts.textapp, 'a'), onflush)
        onflush = appobj.onFlush

    if opts.plot:
        plotacc = PlotAccumulator (onflush)
        onflush = plotacc.onFlush

    f.onFlush (onflush)
    f.process ()

    if opts.plot:
        plotacc.plot ().show ()

    return 0
コード例 #18
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_compute(args):
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value

    if len(toread) < 2:
        util.die('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options] <output name>')

    outpath = toread[-1]
    toread = [VisData(x) for x in toread[:-1]]

        tmp = open(outpath, 'w')
    except Exception, e:
        util.die('cannot open output path "%s" for writing: %s', outpath, e)
コード例 #19
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_compute (args):
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split ('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value
            toread.append (arg)

    if len (toread) < 2:
        util.die ('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options] <output name>')

    outpath = toread[-1]
    toread = [VisData (x) for x in toread[:-1]]

        tmp = open (outpath, 'w')
        tmp.close ()
    except Exception, e:
        util.die ('cannot open output path "%s" for writing: %s',
                  outpath, e)
コード例 #20
ファイル: gptext.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def task(args):
    from miriad import CalData
    from mirtask import cliutil, keys

    banner = util.printBannerGit('gptext', 'convert gains to and from text',

    ks = keys.KeySpec()
    ks.keyword('vis', 'f', ' ')
    ks.keyword('out', 'f', ' ')
    ks.keymatch('mode', 1, ['totext', 'applyvis', 'createvis'])
    opts = ks.process(args)

    if opts.out == ' ':
        util.die('must specify an output filename (out=...)')

    if opts.vis == ' ':
        util.die('must specify an input filename (vis=...)')

    mode = opts.mode[0]
    gi = GainsInfo()

    if mode == 'totext':

        if opts.out == '-':
            gi.toText(open(opts.out, 'w'))
    elif mode == 'applyvis':
        h = CalData(opts.out).open('rw')
        h.logInvocation('PYTHON gptext', args)
    elif mode == 'createvis':
        h = CalData(opts.out).open('c')
        h.logInvocation('PYTHON gptext', args)
        util.die('unrecognized mode "%s"', mode)
コード例 #21
ファイル: gptext.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def task (args):
    from miriad import CalData
    from mirtask import cliutil, keys

    banner = util.printBannerGit ('gptext', 'convert gains to and from text',

    ks = keys.KeySpec ()
    ks.keyword ('vis', 'f', ' ')
    ks.keyword ('out', 'f', ' ')
    ks.keymatch ('mode', 1, ['totext', 'applyvis', 'createvis'])
    opts = ks.process (args)

    if opts.out == ' ':
        util.die ('must specify an output filename (out=...)')

    if opts.vis == ' ':
        util.die ('must specify an input filename (vis=...)')

    mode = opts.mode[0]
    gi = GainsInfo ()

    if mode == 'totext':
        gi.fromDataset (CalData (opts.vis).open ('rw'))

        if opts.out == '-':
            gi.toText (sys.stdout)
            gi.toText (open (opts.out, 'w'))
    elif mode == 'applyvis':
        gi.fromText (open (opts.vis))
        h = CalData (opts.out).open ('rw')
        gi.toDataset (h)
        h.openHistory ()
        h.writeHistory (banner)
        h.logInvocation ('PYTHON gptext', args)
        h.closeHistory ()
        h.close ()
    elif mode == 'createvis':
        gi.fromText (open (opts.vis))
        h = CalData (opts.out).open ('c')
        gi.toDataset (h)
        h.openHistory ()
        h.writeHistory (banner)
        h.logInvocation ('PYTHON gptext', args)
        h.closeHistory ()
        h.close ()
        util.die ('unrecognized mode "%s"', mode)
コード例 #22
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def tui_checkfit(args):
    import omega as om

    if len(args) != 1:
        util.die('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal()

    vals = nc.bpdata[:, 1]
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:, 3] * nc.svals
    resids = vals - modelvals
    runcerts = np.sqrt(1. / nc.bpdata[:, 2] +
                       (nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:, 3])**2)
    normresids = resids / runcerts

    n = normresids.size
    mn = normresids.mean()
    s = normresids.std()
    md = np.median(normresids)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(normresids - md))  # see comment below

    print '                 Number of samples:', n
    print '           Normalized mean residal:', mn
    print '                            Median:', md
    print 'Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                             SMADM:', smadm

    # Check for problematic antpols and basepols

    saps = nc.saps
    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    nap = len(saps)
    dumbnbp = nap**2
    apcounts = np.zeros(nap, dtype=np.int)
    apsumsqresids = np.zeros(nap)
    bpcounts = np.zeros(dumbnbp, dtype=np.int)
    bpsumsqresids = np.zeros(dumbnbp)

    for i in xrange(n):
        idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]

        apcounts[idx1] += 1
        apsumsqresids[idx1] += normresids[i]**2
        apcounts[idx2] += 1
        apsumsqresids[idx2] += normresids[i]**2

        bpidx = idx1 * nap + idx2
        bpcounts[bpidx] += 1
        bpsumsqresids[bpidx] += normresids[i]**2

    aprmsresids = np.sqrt(apsumsqresids / apcounts)
    sapresids = np.argsort(aprmsresids)

    print 'Extreme residual RMS by antpol:'
    for i in xrange(5):
        idx = sapresids[i]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtAP(saps[idx]), aprmsresids[idx])
    print '       ....'
    for i in xrange(5):
        idx = sapresids[i - 5]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtAP(saps[idx]), aprmsresids[idx])

    wbpgood = np.where(bpcounts)[0]
    wbpbad = np.where(bpcounts == 0)[0]
    bpcounts[wbpbad] = 1
    bprmsresids = bpsumsqresids / bpcounts
    sbpresids = np.argsort(bprmsresids[wbpgood])

    print 'Extreme residual RMS by basepol:'
    for i in xrange(3):
        idx = wbpgood[sbpresids[i]]
        ap2 = saps[idx % nap]
        ap1 = saps[idx // nap]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtBP((ap1, ap2)), bprmsresids[idx])
    print '       ....'
    for i in xrange(7):
        idx = wbpgood[sbpresids[i - 7]]
        ap2 = saps[idx % nap]
        ap1 = saps[idx // nap]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtBP((ap1, ap2)), bprmsresids[idx])

    # Plot the distribution of residuals

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist(normresids, keyText='Residuals', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY(x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound(False, False)

    return 0
コード例 #23
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
    def _compute_solve(self):
        nap = len(self.saps)
        sqbps = self.sqbps
        bpdata = self.bpdata
        nsamp = bpdata.shape[0]

        # Get approximate solution by using a linear least squares
        # solver on the log of our equation.

        coeffs = np.zeros((nap, nsamp))
        values = np.empty(nsamp)
        invsigmas = np.empty(nsamp)

        for i in xrange(nsamp):
            idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
            var, wtvar, crara = bpdata[i, 1:4]

            coeffs[idx1, i] = coeffs[idx2, i] = 1
            values[i] = np.log(var / crara)
            # Here we ignore the noise in crara.
            invsigmas[i] = crara * np.sqrt(wtvar)

        soln = util.linLeastSquares(coeffs, values)

        # Now refine and get uncertainties with a nonlinear solver.

        soln = np.exp(soln)
        values = np.exp(values)
        modelvals = np.empty(nsamp)

        def nonlin(params):
            for i in xrange(nsamp):
                idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
                modelvals[i] = params[idx1] * params[idx2]
            return (values - modelvals) * invsigmas

        from scipy.optimize import leastsq
        soln, cov, misc, mesg, flag = leastsq(nonlin, soln, full_output=True)
        if flag < 1 or flag > 4 or cov is None:
            if cov is None:
                expln = 'encountered singular matrix'
                expln = 'return flag was %d' % flag

            if 'CALNOISE_DEBUG' in os.environ:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'Nonlinear fit failed! Saving anyway!'
                print >> sys.stderr, 'expln:', expln
                print >> sys.stderr, 'mesg:', mesg
                cov = None
                util.die('nonlinear fit failed: %s; mesg: %s', expln, mesg)

        rchisq = (((values - modelvals) * invsigmas)**2).sum() / (nsamp - nap)
        print 'reduced chi squared: %.3f for %d DOF' % (rchisq, nsamp - nap)

        if cov is None:
            cov = suncerts = np.empty(0)
            cov *= rchisq  # copying scipy.optimize.curve_fit
            suncerts = np.empty(nsamp)

            for i in xrange(nsamp):
                idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
                suncerts[i] = np.sqrt((soln[idx1]**2 * cov[idx2, idx2] +
                                       soln[idx2]**2 * cov[idx1, idx1]))

        self.solution = soln
        self.covar = cov
        self.svals = modelvals
        self.suncerts = suncerts
コード例 #24
ファイル: dualscal.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
def dualSelfCal (vis, out, usemself=False, ttol=DEFAULT_TTOL, outexists=False,
                 serial=False, select='', postinterval=None,
                 banner='PYTHON dualSelfCal', **kwargs):
    vis = ensureiterable (vis)

    if len (vis) == 0:
        util.die ('must specify at least one visibility file')

    for ivis in vis:
        if not ivis.exists:
            util.die ('visibility input file %s does not exist', ivis)

    if usemself:
        task = TaskMSelfCal ()
        task = TaskSelfCal ()
        if 'verbose' in kwargs and kwargs['verbose']:
            util.die ('option "verbose" only supported by mselfcal')

    if ttol <= 0:
        util.die ('parameter "ttol" must be positive')

    if out is None:
        if len (vis) != 1:
            util.die ('must specify "out" if more than '
                      'one visibility input specified')
        dest = vis[0].open ('rw')
        if outexists:
            dest = out.open ('rw')
            dest = out.open ('c')
        src1 = vis[0].open ('rw')
        src1.copyItem (dest, 'history')
        src1.close ()

    if len (select) == 0:
        selformat = 'pol(%s)'
        selformat = select + ',pol(%s)'

    task.vis = vis
    task.set (**kwargs)

    # Go

    worksets = []
    procs = []

    for pol in 'xx', 'yy':
        workset = vis[0].makeVariant ('sc' + pol, CalData)
        workset.delete ()
        worksets.append (workset)
        task.select = selformat % pol
        task.out = workset

        if serial:
            task.run ()
            procs.append (task.launch ())

    for proc in procs:
        proc.checkwait ()

    src1 = worksets[0].open ('rw')
    src2 = worksets[1].open ('rw')
    merge (str (worksets[0]), src1, str (worksets[1]), src2, dest, banner, ttol)

    for workset in worksets:
        workset.delete ()

    if postinterval is not None:
        dest.setScalarItem ('interval', np.float32, postinterval / (60. * 24))
コード例 #25
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: catherinezucker/pwpy
        util.die('usage: <dat1> [... datn]')

    nc = NoiseCal()
    for path in args:
        nc.load(path, partial=True)
    return 0

def tui_sefds(args):
    if len(args) != 1:
        util.die('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal()
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
            'add a subcommand: one of "checkabs checkap checkcal checkfit '
            'compute export sefds"')

    subcommand = sys.argv[1]
    if 'tui_' + subcommand not in globals():
        util.die('unknown subcommand "%s"', subcommand)

    sys.exit(globals()['tui_' + subcommand](sys.argv[2:]))
コード例 #26
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
    if len (args) < 1:
        util.die ('usage: <dat1> [... datn]')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    for path in args:
        nc.load (path, partial=True)
        nc.export (sys.stdout)
    return 0

def tui_sefds (args):
    if len (args) != 1:
        util.die ('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    nc.load (args[0])
    nc.printsefdinfo ()
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len (sys.argv) == 1:
        util.die ('add a subcommand: one of "checkabs checkap checkcal checkfit '
                  'compute export sefds"')

    subcommand = sys.argv[1]
    if 'tui_' + subcommand not in globals ():
        util.die ('unknown subcommand "%s"', subcommand)

    sys.exit (globals ()['tui_' + subcommand] (sys.argv[2:]))
コード例 #27
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
def tui_checkfit (args):
    import omega as om

    if len (args) != 1:
        util.die ('usage: <datfile>')

    nc = NoiseCal ()
    nc.load (args[0])

    vals = nc.bpdata[:,1]
    modelvals = nc.bpdata[:,3] * nc.svals
    resids = vals - modelvals
    runcerts = np.sqrt (1./nc.bpdata[:,2] + (nc.suncerts * nc.bpdata[:,3])**2)
    normresids = resids / runcerts

    n = normresids.size
    mn = normresids.mean ()
    s = normresids.std ()
    md = np.median (normresids)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median (np.abs (normresids - md)) # see comment below

    print '                 Number of samples:', n
    print '           Normalized mean residal:', mn
    print '                            Median:', md
    print 'Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                             SMADM:', smadm

    # Check for problematic antpols and basepols

    saps = nc.saps
    sqbps = nc.sqbps
    nap = len (saps)
    dumbnbp = nap**2
    apcounts = np.zeros (nap, dtype=np.int)
    apsumsqresids = np.zeros (nap)
    bpcounts = np.zeros (dumbnbp, dtype=np.int)
    bpsumsqresids = np.zeros (dumbnbp)

    for i in xrange (n):
        idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]

        apcounts[idx1] += 1
        apsumsqresids[idx1] += normresids[i]**2
        apcounts[idx2] += 1
        apsumsqresids[idx2] += normresids[i]**2

        bpidx = idx1 * nap + idx2
        bpcounts[bpidx] += 1
        bpsumsqresids[bpidx] += normresids[i]**2

    aprmsresids = np.sqrt (apsumsqresids / apcounts)
    sapresids = np.argsort (aprmsresids)

    print 'Extreme residual RMS by antpol:'
    for i in xrange (5):
        idx = sapresids[i]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtAP (saps[idx]), aprmsresids[idx])
    print '       ....'
    for i in xrange (5):
        idx = sapresids[i - 5]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtAP (saps[idx]), aprmsresids[idx])

    wbpgood = np.where (bpcounts)[0]
    wbpbad = np.where (bpcounts == 0)[0]
    bpcounts[wbpbad] = 1
    bprmsresids = bpsumsqresids / bpcounts
    sbpresids = np.argsort (bprmsresids[wbpgood])

    print 'Extreme residual RMS by basepol:'
    for i in xrange (3):
        idx = wbpgood[sbpresids[i]]
        ap2 = saps[idx % nap]
        ap1 = saps[idx // nap]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtBP ((ap1, ap2)), bprmsresids[idx])
    print '       ....'
    for i in xrange (7):
        idx = wbpgood[sbpresids[i - 7]]
        ap2 = saps[idx % nap]
        ap1 = saps[idx // nap]
        print ' %10s %8.2f' % (util.fmtBP ((ap1, ap2)), bprmsresids[idx])

    # Plot the distribution of residuals

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist (normresids, keyText='Residuals', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace (-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt (2 * np.pi) * np.exp (-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY (x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound (False, False)
    p.show ()

    return 0
コード例 #28
ファイル: calnoise.py プロジェクト: aimran/pwpy
    def _compute_solve (self):
        nap = len (self.saps)
        sqbps = self.sqbps
        bpdata = self.bpdata
        nsamp = bpdata.shape[0]

        # Get approximate solution by using a linear least squares
        # solver on the log of our equation.

        coeffs = np.zeros ((nap, nsamp))
        values = np.empty (nsamp)
        invsigmas = np.empty (nsamp)

        for i in xrange (nsamp):
            idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
            var, wtvar, crara = bpdata[i,1:4]

            coeffs[idx1,i] = coeffs[idx2,i] = 1
            values[i] = np.log (var / crara)
            # Here we ignore the noise in crara.
            invsigmas[i] = crara * np.sqrt (wtvar)

        soln = util.linLeastSquares (coeffs, values)

        # Now refine and get uncertainties with a nonlinear solver.

        soln = np.exp (soln)
        values = np.exp (values)
        modelvals = np.empty (nsamp)

        def nonlin (params):
            for i in xrange (nsamp):
                idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
                modelvals[i] = params[idx1] * params[idx2]
            return (values - modelvals) * invsigmas

        from scipy.optimize import leastsq
        soln, cov, misc, mesg, flag = leastsq (nonlin, soln, full_output=True)
        if flag < 1 or flag > 4 or cov is None:
            if cov is None:
                expln = 'encountered singular matrix'
                expln = 'return flag was %d' % flag

            if 'CALNOISE_DEBUG' in os.environ:
                print >>sys.stderr, 'Nonlinear fit failed! Saving anyway!'
                print >>sys.stderr, 'expln:', expln
                print >>sys.stderr, 'mesg:', mesg
                cov = None
                util.die ('nonlinear fit failed: %s; mesg: %s', expln, mesg)

        rchisq = (((values - modelvals) * invsigmas)**2).sum () / (nsamp - nap)
        print 'reduced chi squared: %.3f for %d DOF' % (rchisq, nsamp - nap)

        if cov is None:
            cov = suncerts = np.empty (0)
            cov *= rchisq # copying scipy.optimize.curve_fit
            suncerts = np.empty (nsamp)

            for i in xrange (nsamp):
                idx1, idx2 = sqbps[i]
                suncerts[i] = np.sqrt ((soln[idx1]**2 * cov[idx2,idx2] +
                                        soln[idx2]**2 * cov[idx1,idx1]))

        self.solution = soln
        self.covar = cov
        self.svals = modelvals
        self.suncerts = suncerts