コード例 #1
# before running, type:
#    cd /cygdrive/r/working/bin/
#    source bash_profile
# then, type:
#    cd /cygdrive/r/working/education/
#    grad

# this script will use this flag to call itself for the second version
v_2 = False
    v_2 = True if sys.argv[1] == "2" else False
    if not v_2:
        if sys.argv[1] != "1":
            err("argument must be 1 or 2")

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print "Important: delete the *.p files before running, if you change the cohort file!!!"
    err("usage:\n\tgrad [version 1 or 2: start with 1] [cohort file.csv]\nhuman should enter 1 for first parameter."

if not os.path.exists("dd") or not os.path.isdir("dd"):
    # find, extract and clean data dictionary files

# data dictionary file for registry:
dd_reg = "dd/2018-09-27_data_dictionary_consolidation-file-january-1-1986-onwards.xlsx_registry.C.csv2"
コード例 #2
# stack raster files
import os
import sys
from misc import args, sep, exists, pd, run, err

if len(args) < 4:
    err("python3 raster_stack.py [input raster 1] [input raster 2] .." +
        " [input raster n] [output raster name]")

rasters = args[1:-1]  # raster files to cat together
outf = args[-1]  # output filename
ofhn = args[-1][:-4] + '.hdr'  # output header file name
cmd = ['cat'] + rasters + ['>', outf]  # cat command
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if not exists(outf):
    a = os.system(cmd)

for r in rasters:
    print(" ", r)

cmd = [
    'python3',  # envi_header_cat.py is almost like a reverse-polish notation. Have to put the "first thing" on the back..
    pd + 'envi_header_cat.py',
    rasters[1][:-4] + '.hdr',
    rasters[0][:-4] + '.hdr',
]  # 'raster.hdr']
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
コード例 #3
'''demo method to map an effective fire boundary'''
POINT_THRES = 50  # don't get hulls for shapes with less than 50 points
import os
import sys
from misc import err, run, pd, sep, exists, args

cd = pd + '..' + sep + 'cpp' + sep

if len(args) < 2:
    err('sentinel2_trace_active.py [input file, binary mask envi type 4] [optional arg: class index]'

class_select = None
if len(args) > 2:
    class_select = int(args[2])

fn = args[1]
if not exists(fn):
    err('please check input file')

for i in [150]:  # [10, 20, 60]: # 90
    if not exists(fn + '_flood4.bin'):
        run('ulimit -s 1000000')
        run(cd + 'flood.exe ' + fn)
    if not exists(fn + '_flood4.bin_link.bin'):
        run(cd + 'class_link.exe ' + fn + '_flood4.bin  ' + str(i))  # 40')
    if not exists(fn + '_flood4.bin_link.bin_recode.bin'):
        run(cd + 'class_recode.exe ' + fn + '_flood4.bin_link.bin 1')
    if not exists(fn + '_flood4.bin_link.bin_recode.bin_wheel.bin'):
        run(cd + 'class_wheel.exe ' + fn + '_flood4.bin_link.bin_recode.bin')
コード例 #4
band-subselection by matching on a string (such as by date)
from misc import args, sep, exists, pd, run, hdr_fn, band_names, err, read_hdr

if len(args) < 3:
    err('raster_band_select.py [input binary file] ' +
        '[string to match band names e.g. 20210721 for jul 21 2021')

fn, s = args[1], args[2]
cd = pd + '..' + sep + 'cpp' + sep

hfn = hdr_fn(fn)
samples, lines, bands = read_hdr(hfn)
nrow, ncol = lines, samples

bi = []
bn = band_names(hfn)
for i in range(len(bn)):
    if len(bn[i].split(s)) > 1:
        print('  ', str(i + 1), '  ', bn[i])

if not exists(fn + '_001.hdr'):
    run(cd + 'unstack.exe ' + fn)

for i in bi:
    f = fn + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(3) + '.bin'
fni = [fn + '_' + str(i + 1).zfill(3) + '.bin' for i in bi]
bands = str(len(bi))  # number of bands to write
コード例 #5
    err('python3 alphashape.py ' +
        '# please check ../cpp/binary_hull.cpp for parameters')
ci, x = 0, None
for line in fileinput.input():
    if ci == 0:
        X = copy.deepcopy(line)
    ci += 1

X_bak = copy.deepcopy(X)
X = X.strip().split()
N = int(X[1])
X = X[2:]

if len(X) != 2 * N:
    err("bad data count")
X = [float(x) for x in X]

ci, points = 0, []
for i in range(N):
    #points.append((X[ci + 1], -X[ci]))
    points.append((X[ci], X[ci + 1]))
    ci += 2

points = np.array(points)

print("optimizing alpha..")
alpha = 1. / 50.  # 0.95 * alphashape.optimizealpha(points) # optimal alpha
patch_alpha = .2
print("finding alpha shape..")
alpha_shape = alphashape.alphashape(points, alpha)
コード例 #6
ファイル: csv_slice.py プロジェクト: bcgov/diputils
count = {}
for row in reader:
    N = len(row)
    if N not in count:
        count[N] = 0
    count[N] += 1

hdr = lines[0]
lines = lines[1:]

to_slice = args[2:]
if len(to_slice) == 1:
    to_slice = to_slice[0].strip('"').strip().split(',')
    to_slice = [x.strip() for x in to_slice]

for field in to_slice:
    if field not in hdr:
        err("field not found in header: " + field)

slice_i = [hdr.index(field) for field in to_slice]

f = wopen(args[1] + "_slice.csv")
f.write((','.join([hdr[i] for i in slice_i])).encode())
for i in range(len(lines)):
    f.write(('\n' + (','.join([lines[i][j] for j in slice_i]))).encode())
コード例 #7
...spectra with the same label are given the same color and same key in legend'''
import os
import sys
import csv
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from misc import read_csv
from misc import markers
from misc import colors
from misc import exist
from misc import err
args = sys.argv

if len(args) < 3:
    err('python3 csv_raster_class_stats.py [csv file] [label of col to aggregate over]'
'''read the csv and locate the spectra'''
fields, data = read_csv(args[1])
nf = len(fields)  # number of fields
f_i = {fields[i]: i for i in range(nf)}

if len(args) < 3:  # call the program on all fields!
    for f in fields:
        if (f[-2:] != 'nm') and \
                (f not in ['ObjectID', 'GlobalID', 'x', 'y',
                           'ctr_lat', 'ctr_lon', 'image']):
            cmd = 'python3 ' + __file__ + ' ' + args[1] + ' ' + f
            a = os.system(cmd)
コード例 #8
'''horizontally concatenate two csv files'''
import os
import sys
from misc import read_csv
from misc import exist
from misc import err
args = sys.argv

if len(args) < 3:
    err('python3 csv_hcat.py [csv file 1] [csv file 2]')
'''read the csv and locate the spectra'''
lines1 = [x.strip() for x in open(args[1]).read().strip().split('\n')]
lines2 = [x.strip() for x in open(args[2]).read().strip().split('\n')]
if len(lines1) != len(lines2):
    print(len(lines1), len(lines2))
    err('different number of lines per input file')

ofn = args[1] + '_hcat.csv'
lines = [lines1[i] + ',' + lines2[i] for i in range(len(lines1))]
print('+w', ofn)
open(ofn, 'wb').write(('\n'.join(lines)).encode())
コード例 #9
'''determine pixel location (lat lon) for point within a raster.
Uses map info from the raster, but not the raster data itself'''
import os
import sys
import utm
import json
import struct
import pyproj
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import gdal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from misc import args, err, run
if len(args) < 4:
    err("python3 raster pixel location [input image name] [row] [col].. " +
        "..plus additional [row] [col] pairs as needed")
# open image and get geotransform
img = args[1]
if not img: err('pls check input file')
src = gdal.Open(img)
GT = src.GetGeoTransform()
n_coords = int((len(args) - 2) / 2)  # number of coordinate pairs provided
from pyproj import Proj
d = os.popen('gdalsrsinfo -o proj4 ' + img).read().strip()
# myProj = Proj(os.popen('gdalsrsinfo -o proj4 ' + img).read().strip())

w = d.split()
w = [x.strip('+').split('=') for x in w]
srs_info = {x[0]: x[1] if len(x) > 1 else '' for x in w}
コード例 #10
'''20211128 averaging over a window, where the windowed data are from:
import os
import sys
import csv
from misc import read_csv
from misc import exist
from misc import err
args = sys.argv

in_f = args[1]
if not exist(in_f):
    err('could not find input file: ' + in_f)

'''read the csv and locate the spectra'''
fields, data = read_csv(in_f)
fields = [x.strip().replace(',', '_') for x in fields]  # forbid comma in header
nf = len(fields)  # number of fields
f_i = {fields[i]:i for i in range(nf)}

'''insist on fields xoff and yoff'''
if (not 'xoff' in fields) or (not 'yoff' in fields):
    err("missing req'd fields: xoff, yoff")

spec_fi, nonspec_fi = [], []  # list col-idx for all spectral data columns
for i in range(nf):
    if fields[i][-2:] == 'nm':
        spec_fi += [i]
    else:  # list non-spec fields except: offset-index coding analysis-window pos'n
        if fields[i] not in ['xoff', 'yoff', 'row', 'lin']:
            nonspec_fi += [i]
コード例 #11
from misc import err
from misc import parfor
from misc import read_csv
from misc import exist
from misc import hdr_fn
from misc import read_binary
from misc import write_hdr
from misc import write_binary
args = sys.argv
from multiprocessing import Lock
lock = Lock()
n_processed = 0

if len(args) < 5:
    err('python3 csv_spectra_distance_simple.py [csv spectra file (one spectrum)] ' +
        ' [field to select from] [field value to select]' +     
        ' [raster file]')

csv_fn, dfn = args[1], args[4]
select_field = args[2]
select_value = args[3]

'''read the csv and locate the spectra'''
fields, csv_data = read_csv(csv_fn)
nf = len(fields)  # number of fields
f_i = {fields[i]:i for i in range(nf)}

spec_fi = []
for i in range(nf):
    if fields[i][-2:] == 'nm':
        spec_fi += [i]
コード例 #12
import os
import sys
from misc import pd
from misc import err
from misc import run
from misc import args
from misc import hdr_fn
from misc import read_hdr

if len(args) < 2:
    err('python3 raster_video.py [input ENVI format file]')

samples, lines, bands = [int(x) for x in read_hdr(hdr_fn(args[1]))]

if bands % 12 != 0:
    err('expected bands to be multiple of 12')

frames, bi = int(bands / 12), [4, 3, 2]
for i in range(frames):
    cmd = ' '.join([pd + 'raster_plot.py', args[1]] + [str(j)
                                                       for j in bi] + ['1'])
    bi = [j + 12 for j in bi]
コード例 #13
from misc import load_fields, assert_exists, err, run

if not os.path.exists("dd") or not os.path.isdir("dd"):
    # find, extract and clean data dictionary files

# data dictionary file
dd_reg = "dd/2019-01-09_data_dictionary_consolidation-file-january-1-1986-onwards.xlsx_registry.C.csv2"
dd_schlstud, dd_studcrd = "dd/2019-01-24_data_dictionary_education.xlsx_schlstud.csv2", "dd/2019-01-24_data_dictionary_education.xlsx_studcrd.csv2"
for f in [dd_reg, dd_schlstud, dd_studcrd]:

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print "Important: delete the *.p files before running, if you change the cohort file!!!"
    err("Usage: grad_gr8_cohort [cohort_file.csv] [number of years=6?]")

cohort_file = sys.argv[1] #'youth_cohort.csv' # delete *.p files and other intermediary files if cohort changes
number_of_years = None
    number_of_years = int(sys.argv[2])
    err("failed to parse second parameter, year interval e.g. 4, 6, or 8")

schlstud_file = 'idomed1991-2017.ft_schlstud.A.dat_dd_sliceapply.csv'
studcrd_file = 'idomed1991-2017.ft_studcrd.A.dat_dd_sliceapply.csv'
registry_file = 'registry1991-2016_dd_sliceapply.csv_cat.csv'
files = [cohort_file, schlstud_file, studcrd_file, registry_file]

# prepare school student file, if not yet
if not os.path.exists(schlstud_file):