def merge(gather_dir=os.getcwd(), combine_type='run', base_name='', out_dir='', **params): """ Merges the epoched*.pkl objects in gather_dir Arguments: gather_dir: path to folder containing epoched files combine_type: 'run' to combine averages of each run 'trial' to combine every trial Outputs: merged.pkl, merged.mat containing the merged Epoched object A plot is also generated """ files = [ f for f in os.listdir(gather_dir) if ('mat' or 'pkl' in f) and 'epoched' in f ] merged = None for f in files: run = read_epoch(os.path.join(gather_dir, f)) if merged is None: merged = Epoched(run.n_categs, run.n_samples, 0) merged.names = run.names merged.num_trials = [0 for i in range(len(run.num_trials))] merged.num_rejected = [0 for i in range(len(run.num_rejected))] if combine_type == 'run': with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") avg = np.nanmean(run.matrix, axis=2, keepdims=True) merged.matrix = np.concatenate((merged.matrix, avg), axis=2) elif combine_type == 'trial': merged.matrix = np.concatenate((merged.matrix, run.matrix), axis=2) if len(run.num_trials) == len(merged.num_trials): merged.num_trials = [ x + y for x, y in zip(run.num_trials, merged.num_trials) ] if len(run.num_rejected) == len(merged.num_rejected): merged.num_rejected = [ x + y for x, y in zip(run.num_rejected, merged.num_rejected) ] spio.savemat( make_path('merged', '.mat', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), {'merged': merged}) save_pkl(make_path('merged', '.pkl', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), merged) plot_conds(merged, out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name, **params)
def train(map_name, num_timesteps, batch_steps, seed, network, ar, lr, lrschedule, screen_size, minimap_size, step_mul, num_cpu, optimizer, ent_coef, vl_coef, max_grad_norm): maps.get(map_name) # Assert the map exists. log_path = './experiments/%s/' % (time.strftime("%m%d_%H%M_") + map_name) make_path(log_path) make_path("%sreplay" % log_path) def make_env(rank): def _thunk(): agent_interface = features.parse_agent_interface_format( feature_screen=64, feature_minimap=64) env = sc2_env.SC2Env( map_name=map_name, step_mul=step_mul, agent_interface_format=agent_interface, # screen_size_px=(screen_size, screen_size), # minimap_size_px=(minimap_size, minimap_size), visualize=False) return env return _thunk set_global_seeds(seed) log_file = open("%sconfig.log" % log_path, "a+") log_file.write("Map Name: %s\n" % map_name) log_file.write("Optimizer: %s\n" % optimizer) log_file.write("Network: %s\n" % network) log_file.write("Learning Rate: %f\n" % lr) log_file.write("Entropy Coefficient: %f\n" % ent_coef) log_file.write("Value Function Coefficient: %f\n" % vl_coef) log_file.write("Maximum Gradient Norm: %f\n" % max_grad_norm) log_file.write("Screen Size: %d\n" % screen_size) log_file.write("Minimap Size: %d\n" % minimap_size) log_file.write("Batch Steps: %d\n" % batch_steps) log_file.close() learn(network, log_path, make_env, total_timesteps=num_timesteps, nsteps=batch_steps, ent_coef=ent_coef, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, optimizer=optimizer, vl_coef=vl_coef, ar=ar, lr=lr, num_cpu=num_cpu)
def plot_line(pupil_data, time_list, time_with_ecog, start_index, channel_name, merged, out_dir, base_name, pupil_data_smooth_matrix): for count, i in enumerate(conds_to_plot): to_plot = pupil_data_smooth_matrix[count] fig1, ax1 = plots.subplots() ax1.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') x = time_list y = to_plot[0:len(time_list)] ax1.plot(x, y, color = plot_colors_line[count], lw = 0.8, ls=line_style) ax1.plot(np.nan, color=plot_colors_line[count+3], lw=0.8, ls= '-') ax1.set_ylabel('Baseline Corrected Pupil Diameter') ax1.set_xlim([0,0.8]) a = time_with_ecog[0, start_index:] b = time_with_ecog[count+1, start_index:] ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(a, b, color = plot_colors_line[count+3], lw= 0.8, ls='-') ax2.set_ylabel('HFB Power') plots.title('Subject ' + str(subject) + ', Channel ' + str(channel_name) + ', Condition '+ str(merged.names[i]), fontsize = 10) ax1.legend(labels = ['Pupil', 'ECoG'], loc='upper right', fontsize=7) plots.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) plots.savefig(make_path('pupil_ecog_correlation_'+str(merged.names[i])+str(subject), '.png', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=str(channel_name)),dpi=600,bbox_inches='tight') if all_channels: if show: else: plots.close() return fig1
def plot_scatter(pupil_data, desired_indecies, ecog_matrix, merged, channel_name, out_dir, base_name, pupil_data_smooth_matrix): labels = [] n = len(ecog_matrix[1, :]) fig, ax = plots.subplots() for count, i in enumerate(conds_to_plot): #use this if you want to plot not-smoothed data #x = pupil_data[count, 0:len(desired_indecies)] to_plot = pupil_data_smooth_matrix[count] x = to_plot[0:len(desired_indecies)] y = ecog_matrix[count + 1, :] slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, y) r_value = np.round(r_value, 3) p_value = np.round(p_value, 4) ax.plot(x, y, marker='o', color=plot_colors_scatter[count], linestyle='None', label=merged.names[i], ms=1) labels = np.append(labels, merged.names[i] + ', r-value = ' + str(r_value)) #+', p-value= ' + str(p_value)) ax.legend(labels=labels, loc='upper left', fontsize=7) for count, i in enumerate(conds_to_plot): #x = pupil_data[count, 0:len(desired_indecies)] to_plot = pupil_data_smooth_matrix[count] x = to_plot[0:len(desired_indecies)] y = ecog_matrix[count + 1, :] slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, y) ax.plot(x, intercept + slope * x, 'r', color=plot_colors_scatter[count], lw=-0.8) ax.annotate('n= ' + str(n), xy=(1, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') ax.set_xlabel('Baseline Corrected Pupil Diameter (mm)') ax.set_ylabel('HFB Power') plots.title('Pupil/ECoG Correlation: ' + 'Subject ' + str(subject) + ', Channel ' + str(channel_name), fontsize=12) plots.savefig(make_path('pupil_ecog_correlation_scatter', '.png', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=str(channel_name)), dpi=600) plots.close() return fig
def save_params(params): with open(make_path('parameters', '.py', **params), 'w') as f: f.write('params = {}\n') for k, v in params.items(): if type(v) == str: f.write("params['" + str(k) + "']" + " = " + "'" + str(v) + "'" + '\n') else: f.write("params['" + str(k) + "']" + " = " + str(v) + '\n')
def qualitycheck(raw, out_dir='', base_name='', **params): ''' Does a quality check of the raw data. Using paramters in **params. ''' print('\nChecking the quality...\n') plot_raw(raw, out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name) check_outliers(raw, out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name, **params) calculate_stats(raw, out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name) raw.to_csv(make_path('outliers_removed', '.csv', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), index=False)
def plot_raw(raw, name='raw_plot', title='Raw Data Plot', out_dir='', base_name='', **params): ''' Creates a scatter plot from the raw data and saves it to a file. Takes in the dataframe and requires params['out_dir'], and params['base_name'] ''' s = [4 for _ in range(len(raw))] # ax = raw.plot(x='Time', y='Pupil', title=title) ax = raw.plot(x='Time', y='Pupil', kind='scatter', title=title, s=s) ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Pupil Diameter (mm)") plt.savefig(make_path(name, '.png', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name, **params)) plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close()
def calculate_stats(raw, fname='descriptive_stats', plot=True, out_dir='', base_name='', **params): ''' Calculates descriptive statistics on the raw data. Save the results into a file called descriptive_stats. Another plot with these stats is saved in a file called raw_plot_with_stats_outliers_removed. ''' stats = raw.Pupil.describe() if plot: ax = raw.plot(x='Time', y='Pupil', title='Raw Data (Outliers Removed)') plt.axhline(stats['mean'], color='r', label='mean') plt.axhline(stats['25%'], color='g', label='25%') plt.axhline(stats['50%'], color='g', label='median') plt.axhline(stats['75%'], color='g', label='75%') ax.set(xlabel="Time (ms)", ylabel="Pupil Diameter (mm)") plt.legend() plt.savefig(make_path('raw_plot_with_stats_outliers_removed', '.png', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name)) plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close() stats.to_csv( make_path(fname, '.csv', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name))
def check_outliers(raw, impossible_upper=5, impossible_lower=1.5, out_dir='', base_name='', **params): ''' Counts and removes outliers in the raw data. Saves a report of the number of unusable samples based on the largest and smallest values specified in params['impossible_upper'] and params['impossible_lower']. ''' nsamples = len(raw) raw.loc[(raw.Pupil < impossible_lower) | ( raw.Pupil > impossible_upper), 'Pupil'] = np.nan count = raw.Pupil.count() string = '{} out of {} samples were within acceptable range({} - {})\nPercentage of usable data: {}%'.format( count, nsamples, impossible_lower, impossible_upper, count / nsamples * 100) print(string) with open(make_path('outlier_report', '.txt', base_name=base_name, out_dir=out_dir, **params), 'w') as f: f.write(string)
def plot_conds(epoched, conds_to_plot='all', plot_colors=def_cols, plot_style=def_style, plot_error=True, sample_rate=250, back_time=60, plot_title='Pupil Diameter', plot_fname='pupil_diameter_plot', out_dir='', base_name='', y_label='', plot_nums=True, **params): ''' Averages across trials in each condition and saves a plot Arguments: epoched: An Epoched object, like the one one outputed by epoch() conds_to_plot: A list of indices of conditions to plot or 'all' To plot all conditions plot_colors: list of colors in hex format. E.g. '#00FF00' plot_style: list of style specs like ['-', ':'] plot_error: True or False sample_rate: Sample rate of the eye tracker (hz) back_time: Time to plot before event (ms) plot_title: Title of the plot plot_fname: File name of the saved image out_dir: Outputs will be saved to this directory base_name: string is appended to output files ''' print('\nPlotting...\n') # Calulates the mean and errors (ignoring nans), supress warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") errors = stat.sem(epoched.matrix, axis=2, ddof=1, nan_policy='omit') flattened = np.nanmean(epoched.matrix, axis=2) if conds_to_plot == 'all': conds_to_plot = [i for i in range(epoched.n_categs)] assert len(plot_colors) >= len( conds_to_plot), 'Require more colors than plotted conditions' assert len(plot_style) > len( conds_to_plot), 'Require more styles than plotted conditions' x = [ 1000 * i / sample_rate - back_time for i in range(epoched.total_samples) ] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(8, 5) # i is the index of the condition, count is the order of plotting for count, i in enumerate(conds_to_plot): y = flattened[i, :] ax.plot(x, y, label=epoched.names[i], color=plot_colors[count], ls=plot_style[count]) # Plot error bars if plot_error: err = errors[i, :] ax.fill_between(x, y - err, y + err, alpha=0.25, color=plot_colors[count]) num_plotted = [ x - y for x, y in zip(epoched.num_trials, epoched.num_rejected) ] if plot_nums: plot_title += '\n # trials plotted: ' + str(num_plotted) # Formatting... ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel(y_label) plt.axvline(x=0, lw=0.5, color='0') plt.xlim((x[0], x[-1])) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.9, box.height]) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.04), frameon=False) plt.title(plot_title) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.savefig(make_path(plot_fname, '.png', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600)
def epoch(pupil_data, events_path, sample_rate=250, epoch_time=200, back_time=60, out_dir='', base_name='', baseline_type='no', **params): ''' Epochs the pupil_data according to behavioural events specified by the events file in events_path. Arguments: pupil_data: A pupil_data object like the one loaded by read_pupil events_path <str>: A path to the events file (see tutorial) sample_rate <int>: The sample rate of your pupil recording epoch_time <int>: Time in ms to epoch back_time <int>: Time before the event to plot Returns: epoched <Epoched>: an Epoched object defined above ''' print('\nEpoching...\n') # Find all the events pupil_events = pupil_data[pupil_data['Content'] != '-'] num_events = len(pupil_events) print('There are {} events in the pupil data, does ' 'this look correct? If not, the first two events ' 'of pupil may not have been recorded...'.format(num_events)) # Reads behavioral events # TODO: from python categories = read_events(events_path, pupil_events.Time.iat[0]) samples_per_epoch = get_nsamples(sample_rate, epoch_time, back_time) # Initialize output variables epoched = Epoched(len(categories), samples_per_epoch, num_events) # Extra: Report median miss time. # Get the baseline dictionary mapping from time to baseline values. bl_events = None if type(baseline_type) == tuple: bl_events = get_baseline_events(pupil_events, categories[baseline_type[1]]) for c, category in enumerate(categories): epoched.names.append( # +1 to exclude the content sample, which is out of sync. onsets = list( map(lambda x: get_nearest_ind(pupil_events, x) + 1, category.start)) rejected_inds = [] rejected = 0 for t, onset in enumerate(onsets): # Note the -1 to avoid the content sample pre = pupil_data.Pupil.iloc[onset - samples_per_epoch[0] - 1:onset - 1].values post = pupil_data.Pupil.iloc[onset:onset + samples_per_epoch[1]].values baseline = get_baseline(pupil_data, onset, baseline_type, sample_rate, bl_events) trial = np.concatenate((pre, post)) - baseline if np.isnan(np.sum(trial)): # Checks if there is a nan rejected_inds.append(t) rejected += 1 elif len(trial) == sum(samples_per_epoch): epoched.matrix[c, :, t - rejected] = trial epoched.num_trials.append(len(onsets)) epoched.num_rejected.append(rejected) epoched.rejected[] = rejected_inds # Save .mat and .pkl of epoched data spio.savemat( make_path('epoched', '.mat', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), {'epoched': epoched}) save_pkl( make_path('epoched', '.pkl', out_dir=out_dir, base_name=base_name), epoched) return epoched