def azure_post_create_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key): from import ssh_command, connect_provider, enable_monitoring from import notify_user, notify_admin user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=120, max_retries=5) try: #login with user, password. Deploy the public key, enable sudo access for #username, disable password authentication and reload ssh. #After this is done, call post_deploy_steps if deploy script or monitoring #is provided ssh=paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) ssh.exec_command('mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/' % public_key) chan = ssh.invoke_shell() chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command('sudo su -c \'echo "%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers\' ' % username) chan.send('%s\n' % password) chan = ssh.invoke_shell() chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command('sudo su -c \'echo "%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/waagent\' ' % username) chan.send('%s\n' % password) cmd = 'sudo su -c \'sed -i "s|[#]*PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/init.d/ssh reload; service ssh reload\' ' ssh.exec_command(cmd) ssh.close() if command or monitoring: post_deploy_steps.delay(email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id) except Exception as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=10) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def hpcloud_post_create_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params=''): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) else: try: available_networks = conn.ex_list_networks() external_networks = [net for net in available_networks if net.router_external] if external_networks: ext_net_id = external_networks[0].id else: ext_net_id = "" ports = conn.ex_list_ports() port = [port for port in ports if port.get("device_id", "") ==][0] ip = conn.ex_create_floating_ip(ext_net_id, port['id']) post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def rackspace_first_gen_post_create_steps( self, email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, password, public_key, username='******', script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params='', cronjob={} ): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.clouds[cloud_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) try: # login with user, password and deploy the ssh public key. # Disable password authentication and reload ssh. # After this is done, call post_deploy_steps # if deploy script or monitoring # is provided ssh=paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password, timeout=None, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) ssh.exec_command('mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/' % public_key) cmd = 'sudo su -c \'sed -i "s|[#]*PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/init.d/ssh reload; service ssh reload\' ' ssh.exec_command(cmd) ssh.close() post_deploy_steps.delay( email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, cronjob=cronjob ) except Exception as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=10, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def rackspace_first_gen_post_create_steps( self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, password, public_key, username='******', script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params='' ): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) try: # login with user, password and deploy the ssh public key. Disable password authentication and reload ssh. # After this is done, call post_deploy_steps if deploy script or monitoring # is provided ssh=paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password, timeout=None, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) ssh.exec_command('mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/' % public_key) cmd = 'sudo su -c \'sed -i "s|[#]*PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/init.d/ssh reload; service ssh reload\' ' ssh.exec_command(cmd) ssh.close() post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except Exception as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=10, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def run_deploy_script(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22): from import ssh_command, connect_provider from import notify_user, notify_admin user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=60, max_retries=5) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure(user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) execution_time = time() - start_time shell.disconnect() msg = """ Command: %s Return value: %s Duration: %s seconds Output: %s""" % (command, retval, execution_time, output) if retval: notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s (%s)" % (,, msg) amqp_log("Deployment script failed for user %s machine %s (%s): %s" % (user,,, msg)) else: notify_user(user, "Deployment script succeeded for machine %s (%s)" % (,, msg) amqp_log("Deployment script succeeded for user %s machine %s (%s): %s" % (user,,, msg)) except ServiceUnavailableError as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=5) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): return amqp_log("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries: %s" % (, backend_id, email, repr(exc))) notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s after 5 retries" % notify_admin("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries" % (, backend_id, email), repr(exc))
def post_deploy_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22): from import ssh_command, connect_provider, enable_monitoring from import notify_user, notify_admin if multi_user: from mist.core.methods import enable_monitoring else: from import enable_monitoring user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=120, max_retries=5) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) # connect with ssh even if no command, to create association # to be able to enable monitoring key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure( user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port ) if command: start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) execution_time = time() - start_time output = output.decode('utf-8','ignore') msg = ("Command: %s\n" "Return value: %s\n" "Duration: %d seconds\n" "Output:%s\n") % (command, retval, execution_time, output) msg = msg.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') msg_title = "Deployment script %s for machine %s (%s)" % ( 'failed' if retval else 'succeeded',, ) notify_user(user, msg_title, msg) shell.disconnect() if monitoring: try: enable_monitoring(user, backend_id,,, dns_name=node.extra.get('dns_name',''), public_ips=ips, no_ssh=False, dry=False, ) except Exception as e: print repr(e) notify_user(user, "Enable monitoring failed for machine %s (%s)" % (,, repr(e)) notify_admin('Enable monitoring on creation failed for user %s machine %s: %r' % (email,, e)) except (ServiceUnavailableError, SSHException) as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=5) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise amqp_log("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries: %s" % (, backend_id, email, repr(exc))) notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s after 5 retries" % notify_admin("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries" % (, backend_id, email), repr(exc))
def post_deploy_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params=''): from import connect_provider, probe_ssh_only from import notify_user, notify_admin from import create_dns_a_record if multi_user: from mist.core.methods import enable_monitoring from mist.core.tasks import run_script from mist.core.helpers import log_event else: from import enable_monitoring log_event = lambda *args, **kwargs: None job_id = job_id or uuid.uuid4().hex user = user_from_email(email) tmp_log = lambda msg, *args: log.error('Post deploy: %s' % msg, *args) tmp_log('Entering post deploy steps for %s %s %s',, backend_id, machine_id) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname node = None try: conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() # TODO: use cache for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break tmp_log('run list_machines') except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=10, max_retries=10) if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: tmp_log('ip not found, retrying') raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=60, max_retries=20) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) # connect with ssh even if no command, to create association # to be able to enable monitoring tmp_log('attempting to connect to shell') key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure( user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port ) tmp_log('connected to shell') result = probe_ssh_only(user, backend_id, machine_id, host=None, key_id=key_id, ssh_user=ssh_user, shell=shell) log_dict = { 'email': email, 'event_type': 'job', 'backend_id': backend_id, 'machine_id': machine_id, 'job_id': job_id, 'host': host, 'key_id': key_id, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } log_event(action='probe', result=result, **log_dict) backend = user.backends[backend_id] msg = "Backend:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (backend.title, backend_id) msg += "Machine:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (, if hostname: try: record = create_dns_a_record(user, hostname, host) hostname = '.'.join((, log_event(action='create_dns_a_record', hostname=hostname, **log_dict) except Exception as exc: log_event(action='create_dns_a_record', error=str(exc), **log_dict) error = False if script_id and multi_user: tmp_log('will run script_id %s', script_id) ret =, script_id, backend_id, machine_id, params=script_params, host=host, job_id=job_id ) error = ret['error'] tmp_log('executed script_id %s', script_id) elif command: tmp_log('will run command %s', command) log_event(action='deployment_script_started', command=command, **log_dict) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) tmp_log('executed command %s', command) execution_time = time() - start_time output = output.decode('utf-8','ignore') title = "Deployment script %s" % ('failed' if retval else 'succeeded') error = retval > 0 notify_user(user, title, backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id,, command=command, output=output, duration=execution_time, retval=retval, error=retval > 0) log_event(action='deployment_script_finished', error=retval > 0, return_value=retval, command=command, stdout=output, **log_dict) shell.disconnect() if monitoring: try: enable_monitoring(user, backend_id,,, dns_name=node.extra.get('dns_name',''), public_ips=ips, no_ssh=False, dry=False, job_id=job_id, plugins=plugins, deploy_async=False, ) except Exception as e: print repr(e) error = True notify_user(user, "Enable monitoring failed for machine %s" % machine_id, repr(e)) notify_admin('Enable monitoring on creation failed for user %s machine %s: %r' % (email, machine_id, e)) log_event(action='enable_monitoring_failed', error=repr(e), **log_dict) if post_script_id and multi_user: tmp_log('will run post_script_id %s', post_script_id) ret =, post_script_id, backend_id, machine_id, params=post_script_params, host=host, job_id=job_id, action_prefix='post_', ) error = ret['error'] tmp_log('executed post_script_id %s', script_id) log_event(action='post_deploy_finished', error=error, **log_dict) except (ServiceUnavailableError, SSHException) as exc: tmp_log(repr(exc)) raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: tmp_log(repr(exc)) if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s" % machine_id) notify_admin("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s" % (machine_id, backend_id, email), repr(exc)) log_event( email=email, event_type='job', action='post_deploy_finished', backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id, enable_monitoring=bool(monitoring), command=command, error="Couldn't connect to run post deploy steps.", job_id=job_id )
def azure_post_create_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params=''): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) try: # login with user, password. Deploy the public key, enable sudo access for # username, disable password authentication and reload ssh. # After this is done, call post_deploy_steps if deploy script or monitoring # is provided ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password, timeout=None, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) ssh.exec_command('mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/' % public_key) chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command('sudo su -c \'echo "%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers\' ' % username) chan.send('%s\n' % password) check_sudo_command = 'sudo su -c \'whoami\'' chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command(check_sudo_command) output = chan.recv(1024) if not output.startswith('root'): raise cmd = 'sudo su -c \'sed -i "s|[#]*PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/init.d/ssh reload; service ssh reload\' ' ssh.exec_command(cmd) ssh.close() post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except Exception as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=10, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def openstack_post_create_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params='', networks=[]): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) else: try: created_floating_ips = [] for network in networks['public']: created_floating_ips += [floating_ip for floating_ip in network['floating_ips']] # From the already created floating ips try to find one that is not associated to a node unassociated_floating_ip = None for ip in created_floating_ips: if not ip['node_id']: unassociated_floating_ip = ip break # Find the ports which are associated to the machine (e.g. the ports of the private ips) # and use one to associate a floating ip ports = conn.ex_list_ports() machine_port_id = None for port in ports: if port.get('device_id') == machine_port_id = port.get('id') break if unassociated_floating_ip:"Associating floating ip with machine: %s" % ip = conn.ex_associate_floating_ip_to_node(unassociated_floating_ip['id'], machine_port_id) else: # Find the external network"Create and associating floating ip with machine: %s" % ext_net_id = networks['public'][0]['id'] ip = conn.ex_create_floating_ip(ext_net_id, machine_port_id) post_deploy_steps.delay( email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def post_deploy_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22): from import ssh_command, connect_provider, enable_monitoring from import notify_user, notify_admin if multi_user: from mist.core.methods import enable_monitoring from mist.core.helpers import log_event else: from import enable_monitoring log_event = lambda *args, **kwargs: None user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=120, max_retries=5) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) # connect with ssh even if no command, to create association # to be able to enable monitoring key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure(user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port) backend = user.backends[backend_id] msg = "Backend:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (backend.title, backend_id) msg += "Machine:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (, if command: log_dict = { 'email': email, 'event_type': 'job', 'backend_id': backend_id, 'machine_id': machine_id, 'job_id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'command': command, 'host': host, 'key_id': key_id, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } log_event(action='deployment_script_started', **log_dict) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) execution_time = time() - start_time output = output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') title = "Deployment script %s" % ('failed' if retval else 'succeeded') notify_user(user, title, backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id,, command=command, output=output, duration=execution_time, retval=retval, error=retval > 0) log_event(action='deployment_script_finished', error=retval > 0, return_value=retval, stdout=output, **log_dict) shell.disconnect() if monitoring: try: enable_monitoring( user, backend_id,,, dns_name=node.extra.get('dns_name', ''), public_ips=ips, no_ssh=False, dry=False, ) except Exception as e: print repr(e) notify_user( user, "Enable monitoring failed for machine %s (%s)" % (,, repr(e)) notify_admin( 'Enable monitoring on creation failed for user %s machine %s: %r' % (email,, e)) except (ServiceUnavailableError, SSHException) as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=5) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise notify_user( user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s after 5 retries" % notify_admin( "Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries" % (, backend_id, email), repr(exc)) log_event( email=email, event_type='job', action='deployment_script_failed', backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id, enable_monitoring=bool(monitoring), command=command, error="Couldn't connect to run post deploy steps (5 attempts).", )
def azure_post_create_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key): from import ssh_command, connect_provider, enable_monitoring from import notify_user, notify_admin user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) try: # login with user, password. Deploy the public key, enable sudo access for # username, disable password authentication and reload ssh. # After this is done, call post_deploy_steps if deploy script or monitoring # is provided ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password, timeout=None, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) ssh.exec_command( 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/' % public_key) chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command( 'sudo su -c \'echo "%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers\' ' % username) chan.send('%s\n' % password) check_sudo_command = 'sudo su -c \'whoami\'' chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.exec_command(check_sudo_command) output = chan.recv(1024) if not output.startswith('root'): raise cmd = 'sudo su -c \'sed -i "s|[#]*PasswordAuthentication yes|PasswordAuthentication no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /etc/init.d/ssh reload; service ssh reload\' ' ssh.exec_command(cmd) ssh.close() if command or monitoring: post_deploy_steps.delay(email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id) except Exception as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=10, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def run_deploy_script(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22): from import ssh_command, connect_provider from import notify_user, notify_admin user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=60, max_retries=5) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure(user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) execution_time = time() - start_time shell.disconnect() msg = """ Command: %s Return value: %s Duration: %s seconds Output: %s""" % (command, retval, execution_time, output) if retval: notify_user( user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s (%s)" % (,, msg) amqp_log( "Deployment script failed for user %s machine %s (%s): %s" % (user,,, msg)) else: notify_user( user, "Deployment script succeeded for machine %s (%s)" % (,, msg) amqp_log( "Deployment script succeeded for user %s machine %s (%s): %s" % (user,,, msg)) except ServiceUnavailableError as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=5) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): return amqp_log( "Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries: %s" % (, backend_id, email, repr(exc))) notify_user( user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s after 5 retries" % notify_admin( "Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries" % (, backend_id, email), repr(exc))
def openstack_post_create_steps(self, email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params='', networks=[]): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: conn = connect_provider(user.clouds[cloud_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] post_deploy_steps.delay( email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) else: try: created_floating_ips = [] for network in networks['public']: created_floating_ips += [ floating_ip for floating_ip in network['floating_ips'] ] # From the already created floating ips try to find one that is not associated to a node unassociated_floating_ip = None for ip in created_floating_ips: if not ip['node_id']: unassociated_floating_ip = ip break # Find the ports which are associated to the machine (e.g. the ports of the private ips) # and use one to associate a floating ip ports = conn.ex_list_ports() machine_port_id = None for port in ports: if port.get('device_id') == machine_port_id = port.get('id') break if unassociated_floating_ip:"Associating floating ip with machine: %s" % ip = conn.ex_associate_floating_ip_to_node( unassociated_floating_ip['id'], machine_port_id) else: # Find the external network "Create and associating floating ip with machine: %s" % ext_net_id = networks['public'][0]['id'] ip = conn.ex_create_floating_ip(ext_net_id, machine_port_id) post_deploy_steps.delay( email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def hpcloud_post_create_steps(self, email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, username, password, public_key, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params=''): from import connect_provider user = user_from_email(email) try: conn = connect_provider(user.clouds[cloud_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and node.state == 0 and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] post_deploy_steps.delay( email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) else: try: available_networks = conn.ex_list_networks() external_networks = [ net for net in available_networks if net.router_external ] if external_networks: ext_net_id = external_networks[0].id else: ext_net_id = "" ports = conn.ex_list_ports() port = [ port for port in ports if port.get("device_id", "") == ][0] ip = conn.ex_create_floating_ip(ext_net_id, port['id']) post_deploy_steps.delay( email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id, script_id=script_id, script_params=script_params, job_id=job_id, hostname=hostname, plugins=plugins, post_script_id=post_script_id, post_script_params=post_script_params, ) except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), max_retries=20) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise
def post_deploy_steps(self, email, cloud_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22, script_id='', script_params='', job_id=None, hostname='', plugins=None, post_script_id='', post_script_params=''): from import connect_provider, probe_ssh_only from import notify_user, notify_admin from import create_dns_a_record if multi_user: from mist.core.methods import enable_monitoring from mist.core.tasks import run_script from mist.core.helpers import log_event else: from import enable_monitoring log_event = lambda *args, **kwargs: None job_id = job_id or uuid.uuid4().hex user = user_from_email(email) tmp_log = lambda msg, *args: log.error('Post deploy: %s' % msg, *args) tmp_log('Entering post deploy steps for %s %s %s',, cloud_id, machine_id) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname node = None try: conn = connect_provider(user.clouds[cloud_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() # TODO: use cache for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break tmp_log('run list_machines') except: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=10, max_retries=10) if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: tmp_log('ip not found, retrying') raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=60, max_retries=20) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) # connect with ssh even if no command, to create association # to be able to enable monitoring tmp_log('attempting to connect to shell') key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure(user, cloud_id,, key_id, username, password, port) tmp_log('connected to shell') result = probe_ssh_only(user, cloud_id, machine_id, host=None, key_id=key_id, ssh_user=ssh_user, shell=shell) log_dict = { 'email': email, 'event_type': 'job', 'cloud_id': cloud_id, 'machine_id': machine_id, 'job_id': job_id, 'host': host, 'key_id': key_id, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } log_event(action='probe', result=result, **log_dict) cloud = user.clouds[cloud_id] msg = "Cloud:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (cloud.title, cloud_id) msg += "Machine:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (, if hostname: try: record = create_dns_a_record(user, hostname, host) hostname = '.'.join((, log_event(action='create_dns_a_record', hostname=hostname, **log_dict) except Exception as exc: log_event(action='create_dns_a_record', error=str(exc), **log_dict) error = False if script_id and multi_user: tmp_log('will run script_id %s', script_id) ret =, script_id, cloud_id, machine_id, params=script_params, host=host, job_id=job_id) error = ret['error'] tmp_log('executed script_id %s', script_id) elif command: tmp_log('will run command %s', command) log_event(action='deployment_script_started', command=command, **log_dict) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) tmp_log('executed command %s', command) execution_time = time() - start_time output = output.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') title = "Deployment script %s" % ('failed' if retval else 'succeeded') error = retval > 0 notify_user(user, title, cloud_id=cloud_id, machine_id=machine_id,, command=command, output=output, duration=execution_time, retval=retval, error=retval > 0) log_event(action='deployment_script_finished', error=retval > 0, return_value=retval, command=command, stdout=output, **log_dict) shell.disconnect() if monitoring: try: enable_monitoring( user, cloud_id,,, dns_name=node.extra.get('dns_name', ''), public_ips=ips, no_ssh=False, dry=False, job_id=job_id, plugins=plugins, deploy_async=False, ) except Exception as e: print repr(e) error = True notify_user( user, "Enable monitoring failed for machine %s" % machine_id, repr(e)) notify_admin( 'Enable monitoring on creation failed for user %s machine %s: %r' % (email, machine_id, e)) log_event(action='enable_monitoring_failed', error=repr(e), **log_dict) if post_script_id and multi_user: tmp_log('will run post_script_id %s', post_script_id) ret =, post_script_id, cloud_id, machine_id, params=post_script_params, host=host, job_id=job_id, action_prefix='post_', ) error = ret['error'] tmp_log('executed post_script_id %s', script_id) log_event(action='post_deploy_finished', error=error, **log_dict) except (ServiceUnavailableError, SSHException) as exc: tmp_log(repr(exc)) raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=15) except Exception as exc: tmp_log(repr(exc)) if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s" % machine_id) notify_admin( "Deployment script failed for machine %s in cloud %s by user %s" % (machine_id, cloud_id, email), repr(exc)) log_event(email=email, event_type='job', action='post_deploy_finished', cloud_id=cloud_id, machine_id=machine_id, enable_monitoring=bool(monitoring), command=command, error="Couldn't connect to run post deploy steps.", job_id=job_id)
def post_deploy_steps(self, email, backend_id, machine_id, monitoring, command, key_id=None, username=None, password=None, port=22): from import ssh_command, connect_provider, enable_monitoring from import notify_user, notify_admin if multi_user: from mist.core.methods import enable_monitoring from mist.core.helpers import log_event else: from import enable_monitoring log_event = lambda *args, **kwargs: None user = user_from_email(email) try: # find the node we're looking for and get its hostname conn = connect_provider(user.backends[backend_id]) nodes = conn.list_nodes() node = None for n in nodes: if == machine_id: node = n break if node and len(node.public_ips): # filter out IPv6 addresses ips = filter(lambda ip: ':' not in ip, node.public_ips) host = ips[0] else: raise self.retry(exc=Exception(), countdown=120, max_retries=5) try: from import Shell shell = Shell(host) # connect with ssh even if no command, to create association # to be able to enable monitoring key_id, ssh_user = shell.autoconfigure( user, backend_id,, key_id, username, password, port ) backend = user.backends[backend_id] msg = "Backend:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (backend.title, backend_id) msg += "Machine:\n Name: %s\n Id: %s\n" % (, if command: log_dict = { 'email': email, 'event_type': 'job', 'backend_id': backend_id, 'machine_id': machine_id, 'job_id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'command': command, 'host': host, 'key_id': key_id, 'ssh_user': ssh_user, } log_event(action='deployment_script_started', **log_dict) start_time = time() retval, output = shell.command(command) execution_time = time() - start_time output = output.decode('utf-8','ignore') title = "Deployment script %s" % ('failed' if retval else 'succeeded') notify_user(user, title, backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id,, command=command, output=output, duration=execution_time, retval=retval, error=retval > 0) log_event(action='deployment_script_finished', error=retval > 0, return_value=retval, stdout=output, **log_dict) shell.disconnect() if monitoring: try: enable_monitoring(user, backend_id,,, dns_name=node.extra.get('dns_name',''), public_ips=ips, no_ssh=False, dry=False, ) except Exception as e: print repr(e) notify_user(user, "Enable monitoring failed for machine %s (%s)" % (,, repr(e)) notify_admin('Enable monitoring on creation failed for user %s machine %s: %r' % (email,, e)) except (ServiceUnavailableError, SSHException) as exc: raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=60, max_retries=5) except Exception as exc: if str(exc).startswith('Retry'): raise notify_user(user, "Deployment script failed for machine %s after 5 retries" % notify_admin("Deployment script failed for machine %s in backend %s by user %s after 5 retries" % (, backend_id, email), repr(exc)) log_event( email=email, event_type='job', action='deployment_script_failed', backend_id=backend_id, machine_id=machine_id, enable_monitoring=bool(monitoring), command=command, error="Couldn't connect to run post deploy steps (5 attempts).", )