コード例 #1
ファイル: test_dbtools.py プロジェクト: jessingrass/mittn
    def test_number_of_new_false_positives(self):
        # Add a couple of false positives to database as new issues,
        # and check that the they're counted properly
        issue = {'scenario_id': '1',
                 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                 'test_runner_host': 'localhost',
                 'url': 'url',
                 'severity': 'severity',
                 'issuetype': 'issuetype',
                 'issuename': 'issuename',
                 'issuedetail': 'issuedetail',
                 'confidence': 'confidence',
                 'host': 'host',
                 'port': 'port',
                 'protocol': 'protocol',
                 'messages': 'messagejson'}

        # Add one, expect count to be 1
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)
                         1, "After adding one, expect one finding in database")

        # Add a second one, expect count to be 2
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)
                         2, "After adding two, expect two findings in db")
コード例 #2
    def test_number_of_new_false_positives(self):
        # Add a couple of false positives to database as new issues,
        # and check that the they're counted properly
        issue = {
            'scenario_id': '1',
            'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'test_runner_host': 'localhost',
            'url': 'url',
            'severity': 'severity',
            'issuetype': 'issuetype',
            'issuename': 'issuename',
            'issuedetail': 'issuedetail',
            'confidence': 'confidence',
            'host': 'host',
            'port': 'port',
            'protocol': 'protocol',
            'messages': 'messagejson'

        # Add one, expect count to be 1
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.number_of_new_in_database(self.context), 1,
                         "After adding one, expect one finding in database")

        # Add a second one, expect count to be 2
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.number_of_new_in_database(self.context), 2,
                         "After adding two, expect two findings in db")
コード例 #3
    def test_add_false_positive(self):
        # Add a false positive to database and check that all fields
        # get populated and can be compared back originals
        issue = {
            'scenario_id': '1',
            'url': 'testurl',
            'severity': 'testseverity',
            'issuetype': 'testissuetype',
            'issuename': 'testissuename',
            'issuedetail': 'testissuedetail',
            'confidence': 'testconfidence',
            'host': 'testhost',
            'port': 'testport',
            'protocol': 'testprotocol',
            'messages': '{foo=bar}'

        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Connect directly to the database and check the data is there
        db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.context.dburl)
        dbconn = db_engine.connect()
        db_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
        headlessscanner_issues = Table(
            Column('new_issue', types.Boolean),
            Column('issue_no', types.Integer, primary_key=True,
                   nullable=False),  # Implicit autoincrement
            Column('timestamp', types.DateTime(timezone=True)),
            Column('test_runner_host', types.Text),
            Column('scenario_id', types.Text),
            Column('url', types.Text),
            Column('severity', types.Text),
            Column('issuetype', types.Text),
            Column('issuename', types.Text),
            Column('issuedetail', types.Text),
            Column('confidence', types.Text),
            Column('host', types.Text),
            Column('port', types.Text),
            Column('protocol', types.Text),
            Column('messages', types.LargeBinary))
        db_select = sqlalchemy.sql.select([headlessscanner_issues])
        db_result = dbconn.execute(db_select)
        result = db_result.fetchone()
        for key, value in issue.iteritems():
            if key == 'messages':
                self.assertEqual(result[key], json.dumps(value))
                self.assertEqual(result[key], value,
                                 '%s not found in database after add' % key)
                         'Test runner host name not correct in database')
        self.assertLessEqual(result['timestamp'], datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                             'Timestamp not correctly stored in database')
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_dbtools.py プロジェクト: F-Secure/mittn
    def test_add_false_positive(self):
        # Add a false positive to database and check that all fields
        # get populated and can be compared back originals
        issue = {'scenario_id': '1',
                 'url': 'testurl',
                 'severity': 'testseverity',
                 'issuetype': 'testissuetype',
                 'issuename': 'testissuename',
                 'issuedetail': 'testissuedetail',
                 'confidence': 'testconfidence',
                 'host': 'testhost',
                 'port': 'testport',
                 'protocol': 'testprotocol',
                 'messages': '{foo=bar}'}

        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Connect directly to the database and check the data is there
        db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.context.dburl)
        dbconn = db_engine.connect()
        db_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
        headlessscanner_issues = Table(
            Column('new_issue', types.Boolean),
            Column('issue_no', types.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),  # Implicit autoincrement
            Column('timestamp', types.DateTime(timezone=True)),
            Column('test_runner_host', types.Text),
            Column('scenario_id', types.Text),
            Column('url', types.Text),
            Column('severity', types.Text),
            Column('issuetype', types.Text),
            Column('issuename', types.Text),
            Column('issuedetail', types.Text),
            Column('confidence', types.Text),
            Column('host', types.Text),
            Column('port', types.Text),
            Column('protocol', types.Text),
            Column('messages', types.LargeBinary)
        db_select = sqlalchemy.sql.select([headlessscanner_issues])
        db_result = dbconn.execute(db_select)
        result = db_result.fetchone()
        for key, value in issue.iteritems():
            if key == 'messages':
                self.assertEqual(result[key], json.dumps(value))
                self.assertEqual(result[key], value,
                                 '%s not found in database after add' % key)
        self.assertEqual(result['test_runner_host'], socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()),
                         'Test runner host name not correct in database')
        self.assertLessEqual(result['timestamp'], datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                             'Timestamp not correctly stored in database')
コード例 #5
ファイル: steps.py プロジェクト: jessingrass/mittn
def step_impl(context):
    """Check whether the findings reported by Burp have already been found earlier"""
    scanissues = context.results

    # Go through each issue, and add issues that aren't in the database
    # into the database. If we've found new issues, assert False.

    new_items = 0
    for issue in scanissues:
        issue['scenario_id'] = context.scenario_id
        if scandb.known_false_positive(context, issue) is False:
            new_items += 1
            scandb.add_false_positive(context, issue)

    unprocessed_items = scandb.number_of_new_in_database(context)

    if unprocessed_items > 0:
        assert False, "Unprocessed findings in database. %s new issue(s), total %s issue(s)." % (new_items, unprocessed_items)
    assert True
コード例 #6
ファイル: steps.py プロジェクト: nagyistge/mittn
def step_impl(context):
    """Check whether the findings reported by Burp have already been found earlier"""
    scanissues = context.results

    # Go through each issue, and add issues that aren't in the database
    # into the database. If we've found new issues, assert False.

    new_items = 0
    for issue in scanissues:
        issue['scenario_id'] = context.scenario_id
        if scandb.known_false_positive(context, issue) is False:
            new_items += 1
            scandb.add_false_positive(context, issue)

    unprocessed_items = scandb.number_of_new_in_database(context)

    if unprocessed_items > 0:
        assert False, "Unprocessed findings in database. %s new issue(s), total %s issue(s)." % (
            new_items, unprocessed_items)
    assert True
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_dbtools.py プロジェクト: jessingrass/mittn
    def test_false_positive_detection(self):
        # Test whether false positives in database are identified properly
        issue = {'scenario_id': '1',
                 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                 'test_runner_host': 'localhost',
                 'url': 'url',
                 'severity': 'severity',
                 'issuetype': 'issuetype',
                 'issuename': 'issuename',
                 'issuedetail': 'issuedetail',
                 'confidence': 'confidence',
                 'host': 'host',
                 'port': 'port',
                 'protocol': 'protocol',
                 'messages': 'messagejson'}

        # First add one false positive and try checking against it
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

                         True, "Duplicate false positive not detected")

        # Change one of the differentiating fields, and test, and
        # add the tested one to the database.
        issue['scenario_id'] = '2'  # Non-duplicate
                         False, "Not a duplicate: scenario_id different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Repeat for all the differentiating fields
        issue['url'] = 'another url'
                         False, "Not a duplicate: url different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        issue['issuetype'] = 'foo'
                         False, "Not a duplicate: issuetype different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Finally, test the last one again twice, now it ought to be
        # reported back as a duplicate
                         True, "A duplicate case not detected")
コード例 #8
    def test_false_positive_detection(self):
        # Test whether false positives in database are identified properly
        issue = {
            'scenario_id': '1',
            'timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'test_runner_host': 'localhost',
            'url': 'url',
            'severity': 'severity',
            'issuetype': 'issuetype',
            'issuename': 'issuename',
            'issuedetail': 'issuedetail',
            'confidence': 'confidence',
            'host': 'host',
            'port': 'port',
            'protocol': 'protocol',
            'messages': 'messagejson'

        # First add one false positive and try checking against it
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        self.assertEqual(dbtools.known_false_positive(self.context, issue),
                         True, "Duplicate false positive not detected")

        # Change one of the differentiating fields, and test, and
        # add the tested one to the database.
        issue['scenario_id'] = '2'  # Non-duplicate
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.known_false_positive(self.context, issue),
                         False, "Not a duplicate: scenario_id different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Repeat for all the differentiating fields
        issue['url'] = 'another url'
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.known_false_positive(self.context, issue),
                         False, "Not a duplicate: url different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        issue['issuetype'] = 'foo'
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.known_false_positive(self.context, issue),
                         False, "Not a duplicate: issuetype different")
        dbtools.add_false_positive(self.context, issue)

        # Finally, test the last one again twice, now it ought to be
        # reported back as a duplicate
        self.assertEqual(dbtools.known_false_positive(self.context, issue),
                         True, "A duplicate case not detected")