def __init__(self,id=None,namespace=None,method=None,type=None,source=None,ordinal_position=None, start_datetime=None,complete_datetime=None,lastupdate_datetime=None,analysts=None,summary=None,comments=None,tools=None, dynamic_analysis_metadata=None,report=None,analysis_environment=None): super(MaecAnalysis,self).__init__(id=id,method=method,type=type) set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) if id is None: if namespace is not None: set_id_namespace(namespace) self.id_ = create_id(prefix='analysis') self.ordinal_position=ordinal_position self.start_datetime=start_datetime self.complete_datetime =complete_datetime self.lastupdate_datetime =lastupdate_datetime self.source=source if analysts is not None: self.analysts = Personnel() for contr in analysts(): if isinstance(contr,Contributor): self.analysts.append(contr) self.summary =summary if comments is not None: self.comments = CommentList() for comment in comments: self.comments.append(comment) if tools is not None: for tool in tools: if isinstance(tool,ToolInformation): self.add_tool(tool) if dynamic_analysis_metadata is not None and isinstance(dynamic_analysis_metadata,DynamicAnalysisMetadata): self.dynamic_analysis_metadata =dynamic_analysis_metadata =report if isinstance(analysis_environment,AnalysisEnvironment): self.analysis_environment=analysis_environment
def __init__(self,id=None,namespace=None,malware_instance_object_attributes=None,relationships=None,minor_variants=None,labels=None,findings_bundles=None, development_environment=None,configuration_details=None,compatible_platform=None,analyses=None): super(MaecMalwareSubject, self).__init__(id=id,malware_instance_object_attributes=malware_instance_object_attributes) if id is None and namespace is not None: set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) set_id_namespace(namespace) self.id_ = create_id(prefix="malware_subject") self.relationships =MalwareSubjectRelationshipList() if relationships is not None: for relationship in relationships: if isinstance(relationship,MalwareSubjectRelationship): self.relationships.append(relationship) self.minor_variants = MinorVariants() if minor_variants is not None: for minor_variant in minor_variants: self.minor_variants.append(minor_variant) self.label=[] if labels is not None: for label in labels: self.label.append(VocabString(label)) self.findings_bundles = FindingsBundleList() if findings_bundles is not None and isinstance(findings_bundles,FindingsBundleList): self.findings_bundles = findings_bundles self.development_environment = development_environment self.configuration_details =configuration_details self.compatible_platform =compatible_platform self.analyses = analyses
def main(args): if len(args) < 4: sys.exit("Invalid parameters") baseURL = args[1] if not baseURL: baseURL = '' orgname = args[2] orgname = re.sub('[\W]+', '', orgname.replace(" ", "_")) NS_DICT[baseURL] = orgname try: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseURL, orgname)) except TypeError: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseURL, orgname, "MISP")) stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = "Export from {} MISP".format(args[2]) stix_header.package_intents = "Threat Report" stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_package.version = "1.1.1" stix_package.timestamp = if args[3] == 'json': stix_string = stix_package.to_json()[:-1] stix_string += ', "related_packages": [' else: stix_string = stix_package.to_xml(auto_namespace=False, ns_dict=NS_DICT, schemaloc_dict=SCHEMALOC_DICT) stix_string = stix_string.decode().replace("</stix:STIX_Package>\n", "") print(stix_string)
def main(): mydata = loaddata() ''' Your Namespace ''' # NAMESPACE = {sanitizer(mydata["NSXURL"]) : (mydata["NS"])} # set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) NAMESPACE = Namespace(sanitizer(mydata['NSXURL']), sanitizer(mydata['NS'])) set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) # new ids will be prefixed by "myNS" wrapper = STIXPackage() info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=sanitizer(mydata["Identity"])) marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = sanitizer(mydata["TLP_COLOR"]) marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') MyTITLE = sanitizer(mydata["Title"]) SHORT = timestamp DESCRIPTION = sanitizer(mydata["Description"]) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader(information_source=info_src, title=MyTITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, short_description=SHORT) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling indiDom = Indicator() indiDom.title = MyTITLE indiDom.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") for key in mydata["IOC"].keys(): myip = Address(address_value=sanitizer(key), category=Address.CAT_IPV4) myip.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(myip) #if mydata[key].size: for idx, mydata["IOC"][key] in enumerate(mydata["IOC"][key]): ioc = File() ioc.add_hash(sanitizer(mydata["IOC"][key])) myip.add_related(ioc, "Downloaded") indiDom.add_observable(obsu) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDom) print(wrapper.to_xml())
def __init__(self): # namespace dictionary self.ns_dict = { SNSConfig.get_stix_ns_url(): SNSConfig.get_stix_ns_name(), } ns_ctim_sns = Namespace(SNSConfig.get_stix_ns_url(), SNSConfig.get_stix_ns_name(), schema_location=None) # id generator idgen.set_id_namespace(ns_ctim_sns) self.generator = idgen._get_generator()
def __init__(self,id =None,namespace=None,defined_subject=None,schema_version="4.1",content_type=None,timestamp=None,malware_instance_object=None): if namespace is not None: set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) set_id_namespace(namespace) super(MaecBundle,self).__init__(id =id,defined_subject=defined_subject,schema_version=schema_version,content_type=content_type,malware_instance_object=malware_instance_object) self.timestamp = timestamp self.collections = Collections() self.collections.action_collections = ActionCollectionList() self.collections.behavior_collections = BehaviorCollectionList() self.collections.object_collections = ObjectCollectionList() self.collections.candidate_indicator_collections = CandidateIndicatorCollectionList()
def __init__( self, identity_name=DEFAULT_IDENTITY_NAME, ns_url=DEFAULT_NS_URL, ns_name=DEFAULT_NS_NAME, ): self.identity_name = identity_name = [] ns_ctim_sns = Namespace(ns_url, ns_name, schema_location=None) idgen.set_id_namespace(ns_ctim_sns) self.generator = idgen._get_generator()
def _get_stix_package(ioc_xml): if ioc_xml is not None and len(ioc_xml) > 0: ns = namespaces.Namespace("", "openioc", "") idgen.set_id_namespace(ns) stix_obj = to_stix(BytesIO(ioc_xml)) stix_package = STIXPackage_v1.from_xml(etree.fromstring(stix_obj.to_xml())) return stix_package else: raise RuntimeError('request body is empty.')
def __init__(self,id=None,timestamp=None,schema_version="2.1",malware_subjects=None,grouping_relationships=None,namespace=None): if namespace is not None: set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) set_id_namespace(namespace) super(MaecPackage,self).__init__(id=id,schema_version=schema_version,timestamp=timestamp) if malware_subjects is not None: for malware_subject in malware_subjects: if isinstance(malware_subject,MaecMalwareSubject): self.add_malware_subject(malware_subject=malware_subject) if grouping_relationships is not None: for grouping_relationship in grouping_relationships: if isinstance(grouping_relationship,GroupingRelationship): self.add_grouping_relationship(grouping_relationship=grouping_relationship)
def main(): # Parse command line arguments argparser = get_arg_parser() args = argparser.parse_args() # initialize logging init_logging(args.verbose) # Set the namespace to be used in the STIX Package ns = namespaces.Namespace("", "openioc", "") idgen.set_id_namespace(ns) # Create Observables from binding object stix_package = translate.to_stix(args.infile) # Write the STIXPackage to a output file write_package(stix_package, outfn=args.outfile)
def __init__(self, id=None, idref=None, namespace=None,type=None,observation_method=None,frequency=None,event=None,description=None): super(CyboxEvent,self).__init__() set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) if id is None and idref is None: if namespace is not None: set_id_namespace(namespace) self.id_ = create_id(prefix='event') self.actions = Actions() self.type_= type self.observation_method = observation_method self.idref =idref self.frequency = frequency self.event =[] if isinstance(event,CyboxEvent): self.event.append(event) self.description =description self._namespace =namespace
def __init__(self, config, dom): self.protocol_to_port_mapping = dict( modbus=502, snmp=161, http=80, s7comm=102, ) port_path_list = map(lambda x: '//conpot_template/protocols/'+x+'/@port', self.protocol_to_port_mapping.keys()) for port_path in port_path_list: try: protocol_port = ast.literal_eval(dom.xpath(port_path)[0]) protocol_name = port_path.rsplit("/", 2)[1] self.protocol_to_port_mapping[protocol_name] = protocol_port except IndexError: continue conpot_namespace = Namespace(CONPOT_NAMESPACE_URL, CONPOT_NAMESPACE, '') idgen.set_id_namespace(conpot_namespace)
def main(args): if len(sys.argv) < 4: sys.exit("Invalid parameters") baseURL = sys.argv[1] orgname = sys.argv[2] namespace = [baseURL, orgname.replace(" ", "_")] namespace[1] = re.sub('[\W]+', '', namespace[1]) NS_DICT[namespace[0]] = namespace[1] try: stix.utils.idgen.set_id_namespace({baseURL: orgname}) except ValueError: # Some weird stix error that sometimes occurs if the stars # align and Mixbox is being mean to us # Glory to STIX, peace and good xmlns be upon it try: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseURL, orgname)) except TypeError: # Ok this only occurs if the script is being run under py3 # and if we're running a REALLY weird version of stix # May as well catch it idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseURL, orgname, "MISP")) stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = "Export from {} MISP".format(orgname) stix_header.package_intents = "Threat Report" stix_package.stix_header = stix_header if sys.argv[3] == 'json': stix_string = stix_package.to_json()[:-1] stix_string += ', "related_packages": [' else: stix_string = stix_package.to_xml(auto_namespace=False, ns_dict=NS_DICT, schemaloc_dict=SCHEMALOC_DICT) stix_string = stix_string.replace("</stix:STIX_Package>\n", "") print(stix_string)
def ioc2stix(): try: data_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../data')) in_xml = read2str(data_dir + '/stuxnet.ioc.xml') # Set the namespace to be used in the STIX Package ns = namespaces.Namespace("", "openioc", "") idgen.set_id_namespace(ns) stix_package = to_stix(BytesIO(in_xml)) # print stix_package.to_xml() out_fname = './stuxnet.xml' write2file(out_fname, stix_package.to_xml()) except: print traceback.format_exc().decode('utf-8')
def main(args): if len(sys.argv) < 4: sys.exit("Invalid parameters") namespace = [sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2].replace(" ", "_")] namespace[1] = re.sub('[\W]+', '', namespace[1]) NS_DICT[namespace[0]] = namespace[1] idgen.set_id_namespace({namespace[0]: namespace[1]}) stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = "Export from " + sys.argv[2] + " MISP" stix_header.package_intents = "Threat Report" stix_package.stix_header = stix_header if sys.argv[3] == 'json': stix_string = stix_package.to_json()[:-1] stix_string += ', "related_packages": [' else: stix_string = stix_package.to_xml(auto_namespace=False, ns_dict=NS_DICT, schemaloc_dict=SCHEMALOC_DICT) stix_string = stix_string.replace("</stix:STIX_Package>\n", "") print(stix_string)
def main(args): pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 3: namespace[0] = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 4: namespace[1] = sys.argv[4].replace(" ", "_") namespace[1] = re.sub('[\W]+', '', namespace[1]) try: idgen.set_id_namespace({namespace[0]: namespace[1]}) except ValueError: try: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(namespace[0], namespace[1])) except TypeError: idgen.set_id_namespace( Namespace(namespace[0], namespace[1], "MISP")) event = loadEvent(args, pathname) if 'response' in event: event = event['response'][0]['Event'] else: event = event['Event'] # print(event['Galaxy']) # sys.exit(0) SDOs = [] object_refs = [] external_refs = [] identity = setIdentity(event) SDOs.append(identity) attributes = readAttributes(event, identity, object_refs, external_refs) report = eventReport(event, identity, object_refs, external_refs) SDOs.append(report) for attribute in attributes: SDOs.append(attribute) stix_package = generateEventPackage(event, SDOs) saveFile(args, pathname, stix_package)
def __init__(self, id=None, idref=None, namespace=None,name=None,action_status=None,context=None,description=None,discovery_method=None,frequency=None,action_aliases=None, action_arguments=None,ordinal_position=None,timestamp=None,type=None,associated_objects=None,relationships=None ): super(CyboxAction, self).__init__() set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) if id is None and idref is None: if namespace is not None: set_id_namespace(namespace) self.id_ = create_id(prefix='action') self.action_arguments = action_arguments self.action_aliases = action_aliases self.discovery_method = discovery_method = name self.action_status = action_status self.associated_objects = associated_objects self.type_ = type self.timestamp = timestamp self.relationships =relationships self.ordinal_position = ordinal_position self.frequency= frequency self.description = description self.context = context
def main(args): pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 3: namespace[0] = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 4: namespace[1] = sys.argv[4].replace(" ", "_") namespace[1] = re.sub('[\W]+', '', namespace[1]) try: idgen.set_id_namespace({namespace[0]: namespace[1]}) except ValueError: try: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(namespace[0], namespace[1])) except TypeError: idgen.set_id_namespace( Namespace(namespace[0], namespace[1], "MISP")) event = loadEvent(args, pathname) stix_package = generateEventPackage(event) saveFile(args, pathname, stix_package) print(json.dumps({'success': 1, 'message': ''}))
def setUp(self): ioc_ns = Namespace("", "mandiant-openioc", '') idgen.set_id_namespace(ioc_ns)
def main(): ###################################################################### # MODIFICARE LE VARIABILI SEGUENTI # Il title e' ID univoco della minaccia (es. Cobalt / Danabot / APT28) MyTITLE = "GandCrab" # La description strutturiamola come segue # <IOC PRODUCER> - <Descrizione della minaccia/campagna> - <URL (if any)> DESCRIPTION = "CERT-PA - Nuova campagna di Cyber-Estorsione basata su ransomware GandCrab -" # La sorgente che ha generato l'IoC con riferimento a Cyber Saiyan Community IDENTITY = "CERT-PA via Cyber Saiyan Community" # ###################################################################### # Build STIX file info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=IDENTITY) NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "CYBERSAIYAN") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SHORT = timestamp wrapper = STIXPackage() marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader(information_source=info_src, title=MyTITLE.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace'), description=DESCRIPTION.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace'), short_description=SHORT.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace')) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling # HASH indicators indicatorHASH = Indicator() indicatorHASH.title = MyTITLE + " - HASH" indicatorHASH.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") # DOMAIN indicators indiDOMAIN = Indicator() indiDOMAIN.title = MyTITLE + " - DOMAIN" indiDOMAIN.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") # URL indicators indiURL = Indicator() indiURL.title = MyTITLE + " - URL" indiURL.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") # IP indicators indiIP = Indicator() indiIP.title = MyTITLE + " - IP" indiIP.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") # EMAIL indicators indiEMAIL = Indicator() indiEMAIL.title = MyTITLE + " - EMAIL" indiEMAIL.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail") # Read IoC file file_ioc = "CS-ioc.txt" ioc = loaddata(file_ioc) print "Reading IoC file..." for idx, ioc in enumerate(ioc): notfound = 1 # sha256 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: filei = File() filei.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsi = Observable(filei) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsi) print "SHA256: " + ioc notfound = 0 #md5 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{32}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: filej = File() filej.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsj = Observable(filej) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsj) print "MD5: " + ioc notfound = 0 #sha1 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{40}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: filek = File() filek.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsk = Observable(filek) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsk) print "SHA1: " + ioc notfound = 0 #domains if validators.domain(ioc) and notfound: url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_DOMAIN url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiDOMAIN.add_observable(obsu) print "DOMAIN: " + ioc notfound = 0 #url if validators.url(ioc) and notfound: url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiURL.add_observable(obsu) print "URL: " + ioc notfound = 0 #ip if validators.ipv4(ioc) and notfound: ip = Address() ip.address_value = ioc obsu = Observable(ip) indiIP.add_observable(obsu) print "IP: " + ioc notfound = 0 # add all indicators to STIX wrapper.add_indicator(indicatorHASH) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDOMAIN) wrapper.add_indicator(indiURL) wrapper.add_indicator(indiIP) wrapper.add_indicator(indiEMAIL) # print STIX file to stdout print "Writing STIX package: package.stix" f = open ("package.stix", "w") f.write (wrapper.to_xml()) f.close () print
def setUp(self): ioc_ns = Namespace("", "mandiant-openioc", "") idgen.set_id_namespace(ioc_ns)
def set_default_namespace(prefix, ns_uri, schemaLocation=None): """Method to override the mixbox and slider 'example' namespace.""" new_namespace = namespaces.Namespace(ns_uri, prefix, schemaLocation) idgen.set_id_namespace(new_namespace)
def tearDown(self): idgen.set_id_namespace(idgen.EXAMPLE_NAMESPACE)
def __init__(self,item=None,id=None,idref=None,description=None,namespace=None): set_id_method(IDGenerator.METHOD_UUID) if namespace is not None: set_id_namespace(namespace) super(CyboxObservable,self).__init__(item=item,id_=id,idref=idref,title=None, description=description)
def main(): ###################################################################### # MODIFICARE LE VARIABILI SEGUENTI MyTITLE = "APT28 / Fancy Bear" DESCRIPTION = "Emanuele De Lucia - APT28 / Fancy Bear still targeting military institutions -" sha256 = [] md5 = [ '43D7FFD611932CF51D7150B176ECFC29', '549726B8BFB1919A343AC764D48FDC81' ] sha1 = [] domains = [''] urls = [ '', '' ] ips = [''] emails = [] ###################################################################### # Costruzione STIX file NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "CYBERSAIYAN") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SHORT = timestamp wrapper = STIXPackage() info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name="CyberSaiyan Community") marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader(information_source=info_src, title=MyTITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, short_description=SHORT) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling # HASH indicators indicatorHASH = Indicator() indicatorHASH.title = MyTITLE + " - HASH" indicatorHASH.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") for idx, sha256 in enumerate(sha256): filei = File() filei.add_hash(Hash(sha256)) obsi = Observable(filei) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsi) for idx, md5 in enumerate(md5): filej = File() filej.add_hash(Hash(md5)) obsj = Observable(filej) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsj) for idx, sha1 in enumerate(sha1): filek = File() filek.add_hash(Hash(sha1)) obsk = Observable(filek) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsk) # DOMAIN indicators indiDOMAIN = Indicator() indiDOMAIN.title = MyTITLE + " - DOMAIN" indiDOMAIN.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") for idu, domains in enumerate(domains): url = URI() url.value = domains url.type_ = URI.TYPE_DOMAIN url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiDOMAIN.add_observable(obsu) # URL indicators indiURL = Indicator() indiURL.title = MyTITLE + " - URL" indiURL.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") for idu, urls in enumerate(urls): url = URI() url.value = urls url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiURL.add_observable(obsu) # IP indicators indiIP = Indicator() indiIP.title = MyTITLE + " - IP" indiIP.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") for idu, ips in enumerate(ips): ip = Address() ip.address_value = ips obsu = Observable(ip) indiIP.add_observable(obsu) # EMAIL indicators indiEMAIL = Indicator() indiEMAIL.title = MyTITLE + " - EMAIL" indiEMAIL.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail") for idu, emails in enumerate(emails): email = EmailAddress() email.address_value = emails obsu = Observable(email) indiEMAIL.add_observable(obsu) # add all indicators wrapper.add_indicator(indicatorHASH) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDOMAIN) wrapper.add_indicator(indiURL) wrapper.add_indicator(indiIP) wrapper.add_indicator(indiEMAIL) print(wrapper.to_xml())
def main(): ###################################################################### # MODIFICARE LE VARIABILI SEGUENTI # Il title e' ID univoco della minaccia (es. Cobalt / Danabot / APT28) MyTITLE = "Gootkit" # La description strutturiamola come segue # <IOC PRODUCER> - <Descrizione della minaccia/campagna> - <URL (if any)> DESCRIPTION = "D3Lab - Malspam Gootkit con dropper da 450+ MB -" # La sorgente che ha generato l'IoC con riferimento a Cyber Saiyan Community IDENTITY = "D3Lab via Cyber Saiyan Community" # ###################################################################### # read IoC files file_sha256 = "CS-sha256.txt" sha256 = loaddata(file_sha256) file_md5 = "CS-md5.txt" md5 = loaddata(file_md5) file_sha1 = "CS-sha1.txt" sha1 = loaddata(file_sha1) file_domains = "CS-domain.txt" domains = loaddata(file_domains) file_urls = "CS-url.txt" urls = loaddata(file_urls) file_ips = "CS-ipv4.txt" ips = loaddata(file_ips) file_emails = "CS-email.txt" emails = loaddata(file_emails) # Build STIX file info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=IDENTITY) NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "CYBERSAIYAN") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') SHORT = timestamp wrapper = STIXPackage() marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader( information_source=info_src, title=MyTITLE.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace'), description=DESCRIPTION.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace'), short_description=SHORT.encode(encoding='UTF-8', errors='replace')) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling # HASH indicators indicatorHASH = Indicator() indicatorHASH.title = MyTITLE + " - HASH" indicatorHASH.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") print "Reading IoC sha256 file..." p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$", re.IGNORECASE) for idx, sha256 in enumerate(sha256): m = p.match(sha256) if m: filei = File() filei.add_hash(Hash(sha256)) obsi = Observable(filei) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsi) else: print " Malformed sha256: " + sha256 print print "Reading IoC md5 file..." p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{32}$", re.IGNORECASE) for idx, md5 in enumerate(md5): m = p.match(md5) if m: filej = File() filej.add_hash(Hash(md5)) obsj = Observable(filej) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsj) else: print " Malformed md5: " + md5 print print "Reading IoC sha1 file..." p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{40}$", re.IGNORECASE) for idx, sha1 in enumerate(sha1): m = p.match(sha1) if m: filek = File() filek.add_hash(Hash(sha1)) obsk = Observable(filek) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsk) else: print " Malformed sha1: " + sha1 print # DOMAIN indicators indiDOMAIN = Indicator() indiDOMAIN.title = MyTITLE + " - DOMAIN" indiDOMAIN.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") print "Reading IoC domains file..." for idu, domains in enumerate(domains): if validators.domain(domains): url = URI() url.value = domains url.type_ = URI.TYPE_DOMAIN url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiDOMAIN.add_observable(obsu) else: print " Malformed domain: " + domains print # URL indicators indiURL = Indicator() indiURL.title = MyTITLE + " - URL" indiURL.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") print "Reading IoC url file..." for idu, urls in enumerate(urls): if validators.url(urls): url = URI() url.value = urls url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiURL.add_observable(obsu) else: print " Malformed url: " + urls print # IP indicators indiIP = Indicator() indiIP.title = MyTITLE + " - IP" indiIP.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") print "Reading IoC IP file..." for idu, ips in enumerate(ips): if validators.ipv4(ips): ip = Address() ip.address_value = ips obsu = Observable(ip) indiIP.add_observable(obsu) else: print " Malformed IP: " + ips print # EMAIL indicators indiEMAIL = Indicator() indiEMAIL.title = MyTITLE + " - EMAIL" indiEMAIL.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail") print "Reading IoC email file..." for idu, emails in enumerate(emails): if email = EmailAddress() email.address_value = emails obsu = Observable(email) indiEMAIL.add_observable(obsu) else: print " Malformed email: " + emails print # add all indicators wrapper.add_indicator(indicatorHASH) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDOMAIN) wrapper.add_indicator(indiURL) wrapper.add_indicator(indiIP) wrapper.add_indicator(indiEMAIL) # print STIX file to stdout print "Writing STIX package: package.stix" f = open("package.stix", "w") f.write(wrapper.to_xml()) f.close() print
def stix_framing(*args): import datetime, re from stix.core import STIXPackage, STIXHeader from cybox.utils import Namespace # As python3 is forced anyway, mixbox is used and we don't need to try to import idgen from stix.utils from mixbox import idgen from stix import __version__ as STIXVER NS_DICT = { "": 'cyboxCommon', "": 'cybox', "": 'cyboxVocabs', "": 'AccountObj', "": 'ASObj', "": 'AddressObj', "": 'PortObj', "": 'DomainNameObj', "": 'EmailMessageObj', "": 'FileObj', "": 'HTTPSessionObj', "": 'HostnameObj', "": 'MutexObj', "": 'PipeObj', "": 'URIObj', "": 'WinRegistryKeyObj', '': 'WinServiceObj', "": 'NetworkConnectionObj', "": 'NetworkSocketObj', "": 'SocketAddressObj', "": 'SystemObj', "": 'ProcessObj', "": 'X509CertificateObj', "": 'WhoisObj', "": 'WinExecutableFileObj', "": 'marking', "": 'tlpMarking', "": 'et', "": 'incident', "": 'indicator', "": 'ttp', "": 'ta', "": 'stixCommon', "": 'stixVocabs', "": 'ciqIdentity', "": 'snortTM', "": 'stix', "": 'xsi', "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3": 'xal', "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3": 'xnl', "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xpil:3": 'xpil', } SCHEMALOC_DICT = { '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3': '', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xnl:3': '', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xpil:3': '', } baseurl, orgname, return_type = args if not baseurl: baseurl = '' real_orgname = args[1] orgname = re.sub('[\W]+', '', orgname.replace(" ", "_")) NS_DICT[baseurl] = orgname try: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseurl, orgname)) except TypeError: idgen.set_id_namespace(Namespace(baseurl, orgname, "MISP")) stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.title = "Export from {} MISP".format(real_orgname) stix_header.package_intents = "Threat Report" stix_package.stix_header = stix_header stix_package.version = "1.1.1" stix_package.timestamp = return stix_json_framing( stix_package) if return_type == 'json' else stix_xml_framing( stix_package, NS_DICT, SCHEMALOC_DICT)
from stix.exploit_target import Vulnerability from cybox.objects.mutex_object import Mutex from cybox.common import Hash from stix.indicator import Indicator, CompositeIndicatorExpression from stix.common import InformationSource, Identity from cybox.common import Time from lxml import etree as et from stix.common.vocabs import PackageIntent from stix.core import STIXPackage from mixbox.idgen import set_id_namespace from mixbox.namespaces import Namespace from IPy import * PULSE_SERVER_BASE = "" STIXNAMESPACE = Namespace("", "alienvault-otx") set_id_namespace(STIXNAMESPACE) class StixExport: def __init__(self, pulse): self.stix_package = STIXPackage() self.stix_header = STIXHeader() self.pulse = pulse self.hash_translation = { "FileHash-MD5": Hash.TYPE_MD5, "FileHash-SHA1": Hash.TYPE_SHA1, "FileHash-SHA256": Hash.TYPE_SHA256 } self.address_translation = { "IPv4": Address.CAT_IPV4, "IPv6": Address.CAT_IPV6
def init_id_namespace(): # setup namespace... short_namespace = "openioc" namespace = Namespace("", short_namespace, "") set_id_namespace(namespace)
def main(argv): ###################################################################### # Se non impostati da command line vengono utilizzati i seguenti valori per TITLE, DESCRIPTION, IDENTITY # Il title e' ID univoco della minaccia (es. Cobalt / Danabot / APT28) TITLE = raw_input("Insert Title Ioc:") # La description strutturiamola come segue # <IOC PRODUCER> - <Descrizione della minaccia/campagna> - <URL (if any)> DESCRIPTION = raw_input("Insert Decription:") # La sorgente che ha generato l'IoC con riferimento a Cyber Saiyan Community IDENTITY = raw_input("Insert User Identity:") # File degli IoC IOCFILE = raw_input("Add IoC Source File:") # Prefisso STIX output files STIX 1.2 e STIX 2 OUTFILEPREFIX = "package" # Short Description - UNUSED #SHORT = "Emotet" ###################################################################### VERBOSE = 0 # UTF8 encode TITLE = TITLE.encode('utf8') DESCRIPTION = DESCRIPTION.encode('utf8') IDENTITY = IDENTITY.encode('utf8') print "\nStix File generation in progress...." #print (TITLE) #"TITLE: " + TITLE #print (DESCRIPTION) #"DESCRIPTION: " + DESCRIPTION #print (IDENTITY) #"IDENTITY: " + IDENTITY #print (IOCFILE) #"IOC FILE: " + IOCFILE #print "---------------------" ######################## # Commond data timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ######################## # Build STIX 1.2 file info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=IDENTITY) NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "CYBERSAIYAN") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) wrapper = STIXPackage() marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "WHITE" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) # HASH indicators indicatorHASH = Indicator() indicatorHASH.title = TITLE + " - HASH" indicatorHASH.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") # DOMAIN indicators indiDOMAIN = Indicator() indiDOMAIN.title = TITLE + " - DOMAIN" indiDOMAIN.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") # URL indicators indiURL = Indicator() indiURL.title = TITLE + " - URL" indiURL.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") # IP indicators indiIP = Indicator() indiIP.title = TITLE + " - IP" indiIP.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") # EMAIL indicators indiEMAIL = Indicator() indiEMAIL.title = TITLE + " - EMAIL" indiEMAIL.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail") ######################## # Build STIX 2 file pattern_sha256 = [] pattern_md5 = [] pattern_sha1 = [] pattern_domain = [] pattern_url = [] pattern_ip = [] pattern_email = [] # Marking marking_def_white = stix2.MarkingDefinition(definition_type="tlp", definition={"tlp": "WHITE"}) # campagna # [TODO] aggiungere tutti i campi dello STIX 1.2 (es. IDENTITY) campaign_MAIN = stix2.Campaign(created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, name=TITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, first_seen=timestamp, objective="TBD") ######################## # Read IoC file ioc = loaddata(IOCFILE) if (VERBOSE): print "Reading IoC file " + IOCFILE + "..." for idx, ioc in enumerate(ioc): notfound = 1 # sha256 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{64}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: # STIX 1.2 filei = File() filei.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsi = Observable(filei) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsi) if (VERBOSE): print "SHA256: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_sha256.append("[file:hashes.'SHA-256' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #md5 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{32}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: # STIX 1.2 filej = File() filej.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsj = Observable(filej) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsj) if (VERBOSE): print "MD5: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_md5.append("[file:hashes.'MD5' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #sha1 p = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{40}$", re.IGNORECASE) m = p.match(ioc) if m and notfound: # STIX 1.2 filek = File() filek.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsk = Observable(filek) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsk) if (VERBOSE): print "SHA1: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_sha1.append("[file:hashes.'SHA1' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #domains if validators.domain(ioc) and notfound: # STIX 1.2 url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_DOMAIN url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiDOMAIN.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print "DOMAIN: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_domain.append("[domain-name:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #url if validators.url(ioc) and notfound: # STIX 1.2 url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiURL.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print "URL: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_url.append("[url:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #ip if validators.ipv4(ioc) and notfound: # STIX 1.2 ip = Address() ip.address_value = ioc obsu = Observable(ip) indiIP.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print "IP: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_ip.append("[ipv4-addr:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") #email if and notfound: # STIX 1.2 email = EmailAddress() email.address_value = ioc obsu = Observable(email) indiEMAIL.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print "Email: " + ioc notfound = 0 # STIX 2 pattern_email.append("[email-message:from_ref.value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") ######################## # add all indicators to STIX 1.2 wrapper.add_indicator(indicatorHASH) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDOMAIN) wrapper.add_indicator(indiURL) wrapper.add_indicator(indiIP) wrapper.add_indicator(indiEMAIL) ######################## # prepare for STIX 2 bundle_objects = [campaign_MAIN, marking_def_white] if len(pattern_sha256) != 0: stix2_sha256 = "".join(pattern_sha256) stix2_sha256 = stix2_sha256[:-4] indicator_SHA256 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - SHA256", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_sha256, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_SHA256 = stix2.Relationship( indicator_SHA256, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_SHA256) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_SHA256) if len(pattern_md5) != 0: stix2_md5 = "".join(pattern_md5) stix2_md5 = stix2_md5[:-4] indicator_MD5 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - MD5", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_md5, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_MD5 = stix2.Relationship( indicator_MD5, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_MD5) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_MD5) if len(pattern_sha1) != 0: stix2_sha1 = "".join(pattern_sha1) stix2_sha1 = stix2_sha1[:-4] indicator_SHA1 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - SHA1", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_sha1, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_SHA1 = stix2.Relationship( indicator_SHA1, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_SHA1) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_SHA1) if len(pattern_domain) != 0: stix2_domain = "".join(pattern_domain) stix2_domain = stix2_domain[:-4] indicator_DOMAINS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - DOMAINS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_domain, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_DOMAINS = stix2.Relationship( indicator_DOMAINS, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_DOMAINS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_DOMAINS) if len(pattern_url) != 0: stix2_url = "".join(pattern_url) stix2_url = stix2_url[:-4] indicator_URLS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - URL", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_url, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_URLS = stix2.Relationship( indicator_URLS, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_URLS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_URLS) if len(pattern_ip) != 0: stix2_ip = "".join(pattern_ip) stix2_ip = stix2_ip[:-4] indicator_IPS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - IPS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_ip, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_IPS = stix2.Relationship( indicator_IPS, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_IPS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_IPS) if len(pattern_email) != 0: stix2_email = "".join(pattern_email) stix2_email = stix2_email[:-4] indicator_EMAILS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - EMAILS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_email, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white]) relationship_indicator_EMAILS = stix2.Relationship( indicator_EMAILS, 'indicates', campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_EMAILS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_EMAILS) # creo il bunble STIX 2 bundle = stix2.Bundle(objects=bundle_objects) ######################## # save to STIX 1.2 file print print "Writing STIX 1.2 package: " + OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix" f = open(OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix", "w") f.write(wrapper.to_xml()) f.close() ######################## # save to STIX 2 file print "Writing STIX 2 package: " + OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix2" g = open(OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix2", "w") sys.stdout = g print bundle
def parse(self, argument_log): """ Parses Suricata IDS log lines into STIX/CybOX format. :param argument_log: The log line to try and identify :return: STIX Incident """ argument_log = " ".join(argument_log.split(" ")[5:]) parsed_suricata_log = {} for regex in self._regex: try: parsed_suricata_log[regex] = re.match(self._regex[regex], argument_log).group(1) except: print "Failed to parse %s" % (regex) return False #TODO: Time Zones parsed_suricata_log["unix_timestamp"] = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(parsed_suricata_log["time"], "%m/%d/%Y-%H:%M:%S").timetuple()) # Find IP's of interest if IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["source_ip"]).is_private() == False or IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["destination_ip"]).is_private() == False: # NameSpace set_id_namespace(Namespace(self._config["NAMESPACE"]["url"], self._config["NAMESPACE"]["name"])) stix_package = STIXPackage() # If the source is public if not IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["source_ip"]).is_private() and IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["destination_ip"]).is_private(): incident = Incident(title="[IDS Alert] "+parsed_suricata_log["text"]+" From "+ parsed_suricata_log["source_ip"]) addr = Address(address_value=parsed_suricata_log["source_ip"], category=Address.CAT_IPV4) elif IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["source_ip"]).is_private() and not IPAddress(parsed_suricata_log["destination_ip"]).is_private(): incident = Incident(title="[IDS Alert] "+parsed_suricata_log["text"]+" To "+ parsed_suricata_log["destination_ip"]) addr = Address(address_value=parsed_suricata_log["destination_ip"], category=Address.CAT_IPV4) else: #public to public - i can't tell who the bad guy is return False observable = Observable(item=addr, title="[IP Associated To IDS Alert] "+parsed_suricata_log["text"], description="""This ip address was seen to be involved in triggering the IDS alert %s if seen from multiple sources, this is a good indicator of a potential threat actor or compromised host""" % (parsed_suricata_log["text"])) stix_package.add_observable(observable) incident.time = Time() incident.time.first_malicious_action = parsed_suricata_log["time"] related_observable = RelatedObservable(Observable(idref=observable.id_)) incident.related_observables.append(related_observable) stix_package.add_incident(incident) return stix_package.to_xml()
def main(argv): ###################################################################### # Se non impostati da command line vengono utilizzati i seguenti valori per TITLE, DESCRIPTION, IDENTITY # Il title e' ID univoco della minaccia (es. Cobalt / Danabot / APT28) TITLE = "Test" # La description strutturiamola come segue # <IOC PRODUCER> - <Descrizione della minaccia/campagna> - <URL (if any)> DESCRIPTION = "Cyber Saiyan - Test -" # La sorgente che ha generato l'IoC con riferimento a Cyber Saiyan Community IDENTITY = "Cyber Saiyan Community" # File degli IoC IOCFILE = "CS-ioc.txt" # Prefisso STIX output files STIX 1.2 e STIX 2 OUTFILEPREFIX = "package" # Short Description - UNUSED SHORT = "unused" ###################################################################### VERBOSE = 0 # Parse ARGV[] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "ht:d:i:f:o:v") except getopt.GetoptError: print( " [-t TITLE] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-i IDENTITY] [-f IOC_FILE] [-o STIX_FILES_PREFIX]") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-h": print( " [-t TITLE] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-i IDENTITY] [-f IOC_FILE] [-o STIX_FILES_PREFIX]") sys.exit() elif opt == "-t": TITLE = arg elif opt == "-d": DESCRIPTION = arg elif opt == "-i": IDENTITY = arg elif opt == "-f": IOCFILE = arg elif opt == "-o": OUTFILEPREFIX = arg elif opt == "-v": VERBOSE = 1 print("---------------------") print("TITLE: " + TITLE) print("DESCRIPTION: " + DESCRIPTION) print("IDENTITY: " + IDENTITY) print("IOC FILE: " + IOCFILE) print("---------------------") ######################## # Commond data timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ######################## # Build STIX 1.2 file info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=IDENTITY) NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "CYBERSAIYAN") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) wrapper = STIXPackage() marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = "white" marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader(information_source=info_src, title=TITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, short_description=SHORT) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling # HASH indicators indicatorHASH = Indicator() indicatorHASH.title = TITLE + " - HASH" indicatorHASH.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") # DOMAIN indicators indiDOMAIN = Indicator() indiDOMAIN.title = TITLE + " - DOMAIN" indiDOMAIN.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") # URL indicators indiURL = Indicator() indiURL.title = TITLE + " - URL" indiURL.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") # IP indicators indiIP = Indicator() indiIP.title = TITLE + " - IP" indiIP.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") # EMAIL indicators indiEMAIL = Indicator() indiEMAIL.title = TITLE + " - EMAIL" indiEMAIL.add_indicator_type("Malicious E-mail") ######################## # Build STIX 2 file pattern_sha256 = [] pattern_md5 = [] pattern_sha1 = [] pattern_domain = [] pattern_url = [] pattern_ip = [] pattern_email = [] # Marking marking_def_white = stix2.TLP_WHITE # campagna # [TODO] aggiungere tutti i campi dello STIX 1.2 (es. IDENTITY) campaign_MAIN = stix2.Campaign( created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, name=TITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, first_seen=timestamp, objective="TBD" ) ######################## # Read IoC file loaddata(IOCFILE) if (VERBOSE): print("Reading IoC file " + IOCFILE + "...") ioccount = 0 # sha256 for ioc in listSHA256: # STIX 1.2 filei = File() filei.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsi = Observable(filei) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsi) if (VERBOSE): print("SHA256: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_sha256.append("[file:hashes.'SHA-256' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # md5 for ioc in listMD5: # STIX 1.2 filej = File() filej.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsj = Observable(filej) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsj) if (VERBOSE): print("MD5: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_md5.append("[file:hashes.'MD5' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # sha1 for ioc in listSHA1: # STIX 1.2 filek = File() filek.add_hash(Hash(ioc)) obsk = Observable(filek) indicatorHASH.add_observable(obsk) if (VERBOSE): print("SHA1: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_sha1.append("[file:hashes.'SHA1' = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # domains for ioc in listDOMAIN: # STIX 1.2 url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_DOMAIN url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiDOMAIN.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print("DOMAIN: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_domain.append("[domain-name:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # url for ioc in listURL: # STIX 1.2 url = URI() url.value = ioc url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" obsu = Observable(url) indiURL.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print("URL: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_url.append("[url:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # ip for ioc in listIP: # STIX 1.2 ip = Address() ip.address_value = ioc obsu = Observable(ip) indiIP.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print("IP: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_ip.append("[ipv4-addr:value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # email for ioc in listEMAIL: # STIX 1.2 email = EmailAddress() email.address_value = ioc obsu = Observable(email) indiEMAIL.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print("Email: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 pattern_email.append("[email-message:from_ref.value = '" + ioc + "'] OR ") # subject for ioc in listSUBJECT: # STIX 1.2 emailsubject = EmailMessage() emailsubject.subject = ioc obsu = Observable(emailsubject) indiEMAIL.add_observable(obsu) if (VERBOSE): print("Subject: " + ioc) ioccount += 1 # STIX 2 ( # Replace all quotes in a subject string with escaped quotes pattern_email.append("[email-message:subject = '" + ioc.replace("'", "\\'") + "'] OR ") ######################## # add all indicators to STIX 1.2 wrapper.add_indicator(indicatorHASH) wrapper.add_indicator(indiDOMAIN) wrapper.add_indicator(indiURL) wrapper.add_indicator(indiIP) wrapper.add_indicator(indiEMAIL) ######################## # prepare for STIX 2 bundle_objects = [campaign_MAIN, marking_def_white] if len(pattern_sha256) != 0: stix2_sha256 = "".join(pattern_sha256) stix2_sha256 = stix2_sha256[:-4] indicator_SHA256 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - SHA256", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_sha256, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_SHA256 = stix2.Relationship(indicator_SHA256, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_SHA256) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_SHA256) if len(pattern_md5) != 0: stix2_md5 = "".join(pattern_md5) stix2_md5 = stix2_md5[:-4] indicator_MD5 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - MD5", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_md5, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_MD5 = stix2.Relationship(indicator_MD5, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_MD5) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_MD5) if len(pattern_sha1) != 0: stix2_sha1 = "".join(pattern_sha1) stix2_sha1 = stix2_sha1[:-4] indicator_SHA1 = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - SHA1", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_sha1, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_SHA1 = stix2.Relationship(indicator_SHA1, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_SHA1) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_SHA1) if len(pattern_domain) != 0: stix2_domain = "".join(pattern_domain) stix2_domain = stix2_domain[:-4] indicator_DOMAINS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - DOMAINS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_domain, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_DOMAINS = stix2.Relationship(indicator_DOMAINS, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_DOMAINS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_DOMAINS) if len(pattern_url) != 0: stix2_url = "".join(pattern_url) stix2_url = stix2_url[:-4] indicator_URLS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - URL", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_url, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_URLS = stix2.Relationship(indicator_URLS, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_URLS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_URLS) if len(pattern_ip) != 0: stix2_ip = "".join(pattern_ip) stix2_ip = stix2_ip[:-4] indicator_IPS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - IPS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_ip, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_IPS = stix2.Relationship(indicator_IPS, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_IPS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_IPS) if len(pattern_email) != 0: stix2_email = "".join(pattern_email) stix2_email = stix2_email[:-4] indicator_EMAILS = stix2.Indicator( name=TITLE + " - EMAILS", created=timestamp, modified=timestamp, description=DESCRIPTION, labels=["malicious-activity"], pattern=stix2_email, object_marking_refs=[marking_def_white] ) relationship_indicator_EMAILS = stix2.Relationship(indicator_EMAILS, "indicates", campaign_MAIN) bundle_objects.append(indicator_EMAILS) bundle_objects.append(relationship_indicator_EMAILS) # creo il bunble STIX 2 bundlestix2 = stix2.Bundle(objects=bundle_objects) if (ioccount > 0): ######################## # save to STIX 1.2 file print("Writing STIX 1.2 package: " + OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix") f = open(OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix", "wb") f.write(wrapper.to_xml()) f.close() ######################## # save to STIX 2 file print("Writing STIX 2 package: " + OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix2") g = open(OUTFILEPREFIX + ".stix2", "w") g.write(str(bundlestix2)) g.close() else: print("No IoC found")
'title': stixTitle, 'desc': stixDescription, 'hash': file_hashes, 'fname': filenames, 'ips': ip_addresses, 'urls': urls, 'subject': email_subjects, 'senders': email_sender, 'domains': domain } # disable warning 'The use of this field has been deprecated' - STIXHeader() warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "bimb") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) def main(iocs=iocs): stix_header = STIXHeader(title=iocs['title'], description=iocs['desc'], package_intents=["Indicators - Watchlist"]) stix_package = STIXPackage(stix_header=stix_header) # add indicator - file hash if iocs.get('hash'): indicator_file_hash = Indicator(title="Malicious File") indicator_file_hash.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") for file_hash in iocs['hash']:
def home(request): """ Name: home Desc: Main GUI view """ # Forms:Job,target and relay creation create_job_form = CreateJob(request=request, prefix="create_job") create_target_form = CreateTarget(request=request, prefix="create_target") create_relay_form = CreateRelay(request=request, prefix="create_relay") if request.method == "POST": # Remove a relay if "delete_relay_id" in request.POST: try: Relay.objects.get(pk=request.POST["delete_relay_id"]).delete() except ObjectDoesNotExist, e: pass # Create new relay if "create_relay-name" in request.POST: # Actuator creation create_relay_form = CreateRelay(request.POST, request=request, prefix="create_relay") if create_relay_form.is_valid(): host = # TODO - Call a sync here # Job Creations if "create_job-raw_message" in request.POST: new_job = Job(capability=Capability.objects.get( pk=request.POST["create_job-capability"]), target=Target.objects.get( pk=request.POST["create_job-target"]), raw_message="Pending", status=JobStatus.objects.get(status="Pending"), created_by=request.user) # Now we have a pk - update the id command = json.loads(request.POST["create_job-raw_message"]) command["modifiers"]["command-ref"] ="Job Created\n%s" % json.dumps(command)) new_job.raw_message = json.dumps(command, sort_keys=True, indent=4).replace( "\t", u'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0') # Target Creations namespace_url = getattr(settings, "NAMESPACE_URL", None) namespace_id = getattr(settings, "NAMESPACE_ID", None) set_id_namespace(Namespace(namespace_url, namespace_id)) if "create_target-cybox_type" in request.POST: cybox_type = CybOXType.objects.get( pk=request.POST["create_target-cybox_type"]) if cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:NetworkConnectionObjectType": obs = NetworkConnection() # Source sock = SocketAddress() sock.ip_address = request.POST["create_target-source_address"] sock.ip_address.category = "ipv4-addr" sock.ip_address.condition = "Equals" sport = Port() sport.port_value = int( request.POST["create_target-source_port"]) sock.port = sport obs.source_socket_address = sock # Dest sock = SocketAddress() sock.ip_address = request.POST[ "create_target-destination_address"] sock.ip_address.category = "ipv4-addr" sock.ip_address.condition = "Equals" dport = Port() dport.port_value = int( request.POST["create_target-destination_port"]) sock.port = dport obs.destination_socket_address = sock name = "Network Connection %s:%s -> %s:%s (%s)" % ( request.POST["create_target-source_address"], request.POST["create_target-source_port"], request.POST["create_target-destination_address"], request.POST["create_target-destination_port"], request.POST["create_target-protocol"]) raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json() elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:AddressObjectType": name = "Address %s " % (request.POST["create_target-address"]) raw_message = Observable(item=Address( address_value=request.POST["create_target-address"], category=Address.CAT_IPV4), title=name).to_json() elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:URIObjectType": name = "URI %s " % (request.POST["create_target-uri"]) obs = URI() obs.value = request.POST["create_target-uri"] obs.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL obs.condition = "Equals" raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json() elif cybox_type.identifier == "cybox:EmailMessageObjectType": name = "Email %s " % ( request.POST["create_target-email_subject"]) obs = EmailMessage() obs.raw_body = request.POST["create_target-email_message"] obs.header = EmailHeader() obs.header.subject = request.POST[ "create_target-email_subject"] obs.header.subject.condition = "StartsWith" = request.POST["create_target-email_to"] obs.header.from_ = request.POST["create_target-email_from"] raw_message = Observable(item=obs, title=name).to_json() else: # Should never reach here raw_message = {} name = "Undefined Object" create_target_form = CreateTarget(request.POST, request=request, prefix="create_target") if create_target_form.is_valid(): target = = name target.raw_message = raw_message
def setUp(self): ioc_ns = Namespace( "", "stix-openioc", '') idgen.set_id_namespace(ioc_ns)
def main(): mydata = loaddata() # NAMESPACE = {sanitizer(mydata["NSXURL"]) : sanitizer(mydata["NS"])} # set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) NAMESPACE = Namespace(sanitizer(mydata['NSXURL']), sanitizer(mydata['NS'])) set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) # new ids will be prefixed by "myNS" wrapper = STIXPackage() info_src = InformationSource() info_src.identity = Identity(name=sanitizer(mydata["Identity"])) marking_specification = MarkingSpecification() marking_specification.controlled_structure = "//node() | //@*" tlp = TLPMarkingStructure() tlp.color = sanitizer(mydata["TLP_COLOR"]) marking_specification.marking_structures.append(tlp) handling = Marking() handling.add_marking(marking_specification) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') MyTITLE = sanitizer(mydata["filename"]) + ": " + sanitizer( mydata["hashes"]["md5"]) ShortDescription = timestamp DESCRIPTION = "STIX Report for: " + sanitizer( mydata["filename"]) + " - " + sanitizer(mydata["hashes"]["md5"]) wrapper.stix_header = STIXHeader(information_source=info_src, title=MyTITLE, description=DESCRIPTION, short_description=ShortDescription) wrapper.stix_header.handling = handling fileobj = File() fileobj.file_name = sanitizer(mydata["filename"]) fileobj.file_format = sanitizer(mydata["file_type"]) fileobj.size_in_bytes = sanitizer(mydata["file_size"]) fileobj.add_hash(Hash(sanitizer(mydata["hashes"]["md5"]))) fileobj.add_hash(Hash(sanitizer(mydata["hashes"]["sha1"]))) fileobj.add_hash(Hash(sanitizer(mydata["hashes"]["sha256"]))) observable = Observable(fileobj) if "URL_file_hosting" in mydata: for idx, mydata["URL_file_hosting"] in enumerate( mydata["URL_file_hosting"]): url = URI() url.value = sanitizer(mydata["URL_file_hosting"]) url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.condition = "Equals" fileobj.add_related(url, "Downloaded_From") indicator = Indicator() indicator.title = MyTITLE indicator.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist") indicator.add_observable(observable) wrapper.add_indicator(indicator) print(wrapper.to_xml())
def setUp(self): # Reset the generator's count before each test idgen.set_id_method(idgen.IDGenerator.METHOD_INT) gen = idgen._get_generator() gen.next_int = 1 idgen.set_id_namespace(TEST_NS)
def main(): # define constants TI_REQUEST_URL = "" # iDefense API Key # To avoid hard-coding creds, I'm using environment variables if os.environ.get('IDEF_TOKEN') is None: print( "error: please store your iDefense IntelGraph API key in the IDEF_TOKEN environment" ) sys.exit(1) API_KEY = os.environ.get('IDEF_TOKEN') API_SECRET = '' # TODO: use command-line parameter timestr = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) LAST_IMPORT = timestr.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + ".000Z" HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "auth-token": API_KEY, "X-Api-Key-Proof": API_SECRET } print(HEADERS) page = 1 more_data = True count = 0 # Set namespace NAMESPACE = Namespace("", "idefense") set_id_namespace(NAMESPACE) # Create STIX Package stix_package = STIXPackage() stix_header = STIXHeader() stix_header.description = "iDefense Threat Indicators Feed" stix_package.stix_header = stix_header ttps = {} malware = {} try: while more_data: request_payload = { "start_date": LAST_IMPORT, "page_size": 200, "page": page } r =, headers=HEADERS, data=json.dumps(request_payload)) print(r) response = [] if r.status_code == try: # Read in response as json response = r.json() except (ValueError, KeyError): print("Response couldn't be decoded :(") more_data = False continue more_data = response.get('more', 'False') print("Page %d ==> %s (%s)" % (page, response['more'], response['total_size'])) page += 1 # Iterate the response for indicatorD in response['results']: count += 1 # Indicator value such as the value of the IP/Domain/URL indicator = indicatorD.get('key') print(indicator, indicatorD.get('type')) if indicatorD.get('last_seen_as') is None: last_seen_as = 'UNKNOWN' else: last_seen_as = ''.join(indicatorD.get('last_seen_as')) # Identify TTP if last_seen_as not in ttps: ttps[last_seen_as] = TTP(title=last_seen_as) stix_package.add_ttp(ttps[last_seen_as]) # Identify malware source if 'files' in indicatorD: for hashD in indicatorD['files']: md5 = hashD.get('key') # Malware Family classification of the hash if available if hashD.get('malware_family') is None: malware_family = "Unknown" else: malware_family = ''.join( hashD.get('malware_family')) if md5 not in malware: malware[md5] = add_malware( md5, malware_family, hashD.get('uuid')) if indicatorD.get('type') == "url": # Create indicator indicator = Indicator( id_="indicator-{0}".format(indicatorD.get('uuid')), title=''.join(indicatorD.get('malware_family')), timestamp=indicatorD.get('last_seen')) indicator.add_indicator_type("URL Watchlist") # Populate URL url = URI() url.value = indicatorD.get('key') url.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL url.value.condition = "Equals" indicator.add_observable(url) elif indicatorD.get('type') == "domain": # Populate domain name indicator = Indicator( id_="indicator-{0}".format(indicatorD.get('uuid')), title=''.join(indicatorD.get('malware_family')), timestamp=indicatorD.get('last_seen')) indicator.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist") domain = DomainName() domain.value = indicatorD.get('key') domain.value.condition = "Equals" indicator.add_observable(domain) elif indicatorD.get('type') == "ip": # Create indicator indicator = Indicator( id_="indicator-{0}".format(indicatorD.get('uuid')), title=indicatorD.get('malware_family'), timestamp=indicatorD.get('last_seen')) indicator.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist") # Populate IP address addr = Address(address_value=indicatorD.get('key'), category=Address.CAT_IPV4) addr.condition = "Equals" indicator.add_observable(addr) # Link TTP indicator.add_indicated_ttp( TTP(idref=ttps[last_seen_as].id_)) # Indicate confidence score indicator.confidence = Confidence( value=VocabString(indicatorD.get('confidence'))) # Add related indicator to malware indicator.add_related_indicator(malware[md5]) # Add to package stix_package.add_indicator(indicator) else: print("API request couldn't be fulfilled due status code: %d" % r.status_code) more_data = False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print("Check your network connection\n %s" % str(e)) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: print("Bad HTTP response\n %s" % str(e)) except Exception as e: print("Uncaught exception\n %s" % str(e)) # Output to XML with open('stix-1.2.1.xml', 'wb') as f: f.write(stix_package.to_xml())
def setUp(self): ioc_ns = Namespace("", "stix-openioc", '') idgen.set_id_namespace(ioc_ns)