def main(): mujoco = e.Mujoco(model="humanoidstandup", ) compiler = e.Compiler( angle="degree", inertiafromgeom="true", ) default = e.Default() option = e.Option( integrator="RK4", iterations="50", solver="PGS", timestep="0.003", ) size = e.Size( nkey="5", nuser_geom="1", ) visual = e.Visual() asset = e.Asset() worldbody = e.Worldbody() tendon = e.Tendon() actuator = e.Actuator() mujoco.add_children([ compiler, default, option, size, visual, asset, worldbody, tendon, actuator, ]) joint = e.Joint( armature="1", damping="1", limited="true", ) geom = e.Geom( conaffinity="1", condim="1", contype="1", margin="0.001", material="geom", rgba="0.8 0.6 .4 1", ) motor = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-.4 .4", ) default.add_children([ joint, geom, motor, ]) map = e.Map( fogend="5", fogstart="3", ) visual.add_children([ map, ]) texture = e.Texture( builtin="gradient", height="100", rgb1=".4 .5 .6", rgb2="0 0 0", type="skybox", width="100", ) texgeom = e.Texture( builtin="flat", height="1278", mark="cross", markrgb="1 1 1", name="texgeom", random="0.01", rgb1="0.8 0.6 0.4", rgb2="0.8 0.6 0.4", type="cube", width="127", ) texplane = e.Texture( builtin="checker", height="100", name="texplane", rgb1="0 0 0", rgb2="0.8 0.8 0.8", type="2d", width="100", ) MatPlane = e.Material( name="MatPlane", reflectance="0.5", shininess="1", specular="1", texrepeat="60 60", texture="texplane", ) geom_1 = e.Material( name="geom", texture="texgeom", texuniform="true", ) asset.add_children([ texture, texgeom, texplane, MatPlane, geom_1, ]) light = e.Light( cutoff="100", diffuse="1 1 1", dir="-0 0 -1.3", directional="true", exponent="1", pos="0 0 1.3", specular=".1 .1 .1", ) floor = e.Geom( condim="3", friction="1 .1 .1", material="MatPlane", name="floor", pos="0 0 0", rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1", size="20 20 0.125", type="plane", ) torso = e.Body( name="torso", pos="0 0 .105", ) worldbody.add_children([ light, floor, torso, ]) left_hipknee = e.Fixed(name="left_hipknee", ) right_hipknee = e.Fixed(name="right_hipknee", ) tendon.add_children([ left_hipknee, right_hipknee, ]) abdomen_y = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="abdomen_y", name="abdomen_y", ) abdomen_z = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="abdomen_z", name="abdomen_z", ) abdomen_x = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="abdomen_x", name="abdomen_x", ) right_hip_x = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="right_hip_x", name="right_hip_x", ) right_hip_z = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="right_hip_z", name="right_hip_z", ) right_hip_y = e.Motor( gear="300", joint="right_hip_y", name="right_hip_y", ) right_knee = e.Motor( gear="200", joint="right_knee", name="right_knee", ) left_hip_x = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="left_hip_x", name="left_hip_x", ) left_hip_z = e.Motor( gear="100", joint="left_hip_z", name="left_hip_z", ) left_hip_y = e.Motor( gear="300", joint="left_hip_y", name="left_hip_y", ) left_knee = e.Motor( gear="200", joint="left_knee", name="left_knee", ) right_shoulder1 = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="right_shoulder1", name="right_shoulder1", ) right_shoulder2 = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="right_shoulder2", name="right_shoulder2", ) right_elbow = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="right_elbow", name="right_elbow", ) left_shoulder1 = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="left_shoulder1", name="left_shoulder1", ) left_shoulder2 = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="left_shoulder2", name="left_shoulder2", ) left_elbow = e.Motor( gear="25", joint="left_elbow", name="left_elbow", ) actuator.add_children([ abdomen_y, abdomen_z, abdomen_x, right_hip_x, right_hip_z, right_hip_y, right_knee, left_hip_x, left_hip_z, left_hip_y, left_knee, right_shoulder1, right_shoulder2, right_elbow, left_shoulder1, left_shoulder2, left_elbow, ]) track = e.Camera( name="track", mode="trackcom", pos="0 -3 .5", xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1", ) root = e.Joint( armature="0", damping="0", limited="false", name="root", pos="0 0 0", stiffness="0", type="free", ) torso1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 -.07 0 0 .07 0", name="torso1", size="0.07", type="capsule", ) head = e.Geom( name="head", pos="-.15 0 0", size=".09", type="sphere", user="******", ) uwaist = e.Geom( fromto=".11 -.06 0 .11 .06 0", name="uwaist", size="0.06", type="capsule", ) lwaist = e.Body( name="lwaist", pos=".21 0 0", quat="1.000 0 -0.002 0", ) right_upper_arm = e.Body( name="right_upper_arm", pos="0 -0.17 0.06", ) left_upper_arm = e.Body( name="left_upper_arm", pos="0 0.17 0.06", ) torso.add_children([ track, root, torso1, head, uwaist, lwaist, right_upper_arm, left_upper_arm, ]) joint_1 = e.Joint( coef="-1", joint="left_hip_y", ) joint_2 = e.Joint( coef="1", joint="left_knee", ) left_hipknee.add_children([ joint_1, joint_2, ]) joint_3 = e.Joint( coef="-1", joint="right_hip_y", ) joint_4 = e.Joint( coef="1", joint="right_knee", ) right_hipknee.add_children([ joint_3, joint_4, ]) lwaist_1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 -.06 0 0 .06 0", name="lwaist", size="0.06", type="capsule", ) abdomen_z_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.02", axis="0 0 1", damping="5", name="abdomen_z", pos="0 0 0.065", range="-45 45", stiffness="20", type="hinge", ) abdomen_y_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.02", axis="0 1 0", damping="5", name="abdomen_y", pos="0 0 0.065", range="-75 30", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) pelvis = e.Body( name="pelvis", pos="0.165 0 0", quat="1.000 0 -0.002 0", ) lwaist.add_children([ lwaist_1, abdomen_z_1, abdomen_y_1, pelvis, ]) right_shoulder1_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0068", axis="2 1 1", name="right_shoulder1", pos="0 0 0", range="-85 60", stiffness="1", type="hinge", ) right_shoulder2_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0051", axis="0 -1 1", name="right_shoulder2", pos="0 0 0", range="-85 60", stiffness="1", type="hinge", ) right_uarm1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 .16 -.16 -.16", name="right_uarm1", size="0.04 0.16", type="capsule", ) right_lower_arm = e.Body( name="right_lower_arm", pos=".18 -.18 -.18", ) right_upper_arm.add_children([ right_shoulder1_1, right_shoulder2_1, right_uarm1, right_lower_arm, ]) left_shoulder1_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0068", axis="2 -1 1", name="left_shoulder1", pos="0 0 0", range="-60 85", stiffness="1", type="hinge", ) left_shoulder2_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0051", axis="0 1 1", name="left_shoulder2", pos="0 0 0", range="-60 85", stiffness="1", type="hinge", ) left_uarm1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 .16 .16 -.16", name="left_uarm1", size="0.04 0.16", type="capsule", ) left_lower_arm = e.Body( name="left_lower_arm", pos=".18 .18 -.18", ) left_upper_arm.add_children([ left_shoulder1_1, left_shoulder2_1, left_uarm1, left_lower_arm, ]) abdomen_x_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.02", axis="1 0 0", damping="5", name="abdomen_x", pos="0 0 0.1", range="-35 35", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) butt = e.Geom( fromto="-.02 -.07 0 -.02 .07 0", name="butt", size="0.09", type="capsule", ) right_thigh = e.Body( name="right_thigh", pos="0 -0.1 0", ) left_thigh = e.Body( name="left_thigh", pos="0 0.1 0", ) pelvis.add_children([ abdomen_x_1, butt, right_thigh, left_thigh, ]) right_elbow_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0028", axis="0 -1 1", name="right_elbow", pos="0 0 0", range="-90 50", stiffness="0", type="hinge", ) right_larm = e.Geom( fromto="0.01 0.01 0.01 .17 .17 .17", name="right_larm", size="0.031", type="capsule", ) right_hand = e.Geom( name="right_hand", pos=".18 .18 .18", size="0.04", type="sphere", ) camera = e.Camera(pos="0 0 0", ) right_lower_arm.add_children([ right_elbow_1, right_larm, right_hand, camera, ]) left_elbow_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0028", axis="0 -1 -1", name="left_elbow", pos="0 0 0", range="-90 50", stiffness="0", type="hinge", ) left_larm = e.Geom( fromto="0.01 -0.01 0.01 .17 -.17 .17", name="left_larm", size="0.031", type="capsule", ) left_hand = e.Geom( name="left_hand", pos=".18 -.18 .18", size="0.04", type="sphere", ) left_lower_arm.add_children([ left_elbow_1, left_larm, left_hand, ]) right_hip_x_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.01", axis="1 0 0", damping="5", name="right_hip_x", pos="0 0 0", range="-25 5", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) right_hip_z_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.01", axis="0 0 1", damping="5", name="right_hip_z", pos="0 0 0", range="-60 35", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) right_hip_y_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0080", axis="0 1 0", damping="5", name="right_hip_y", pos="0 0 0", range="-110 20", stiffness="20", type="hinge", ) right_thigh1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 0.34 0.01 0", name="right_thigh1", size="0.06", type="capsule", ) right_shin = e.Body( name="right_shin", pos="0.403 0.01 0", ) right_thigh.add_children([ right_hip_x_1, right_hip_z_1, right_hip_y_1, right_thigh1, right_shin, ]) left_hip_x_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.01", axis="-1 0 0", damping="5", name="left_hip_x", pos="0 0 0", range="-25 5", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) left_hip_z_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.01", axis="0 0 -1", damping="5", name="left_hip_z", pos="0 0 0", range="-60 35", stiffness="10", type="hinge", ) left_hip_y_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.01", axis="0 1 0", damping="5", name="left_hip_y", pos="0 0 0", range="-120 20", stiffness="20", type="hinge", ) left_thigh1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 0.34 -0.01 0", name="left_thigh1", size="0.06", type="capsule", ) left_shin = e.Body( name="left_shin", pos="0.403 -0.01 0", ) left_thigh.add_children([ left_hip_x_1, left_hip_z_1, left_hip_y_1, left_thigh1, left_shin, ]) right_knee_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0060", axis="0 -1 0", name="right_knee", pos="0 0 .02", range="-160 -2", type="hinge", ) right_shin1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 0.3 0 0", name="right_shin1", size="0.049", type="capsule", ) right_foot = e.Body( name="right_foot", pos="0.35 0 -.10", ) right_shin.add_children([ right_knee_1, right_shin1, right_foot, ]) left_knee_1 = e.Joint( armature="0.0060", axis="0 -1 0", name="left_knee", pos="0 0 .02", range="-160 -2", stiffness="1", type="hinge", ) left_shin1 = e.Geom( fromto="0 0 0 0.3 0 0", name="left_shin1", size="0.049", type="capsule", ) left_foot = e.Body( name="left_foot", pos="0.35 0 -.1", ) left_shin.add_children([ left_knee_1, left_shin1, left_foot, ]) right_foot_1 = e.Geom( name="right_foot", pos="0 0 0.1", size="0.075", type="sphere", user="******", ) right_foot.add_children([ right_foot_1, ]) left_foot_1 = e.Geom( name="left_foot", type="sphere", size="0.075", pos="0 0 0.1", user="******", ) left_foot.add_children([ left_foot_1, ]) model_xml = mujoco.xml() # Output with open('humanoidstandup_gen.xml', 'w') as fh: fh.write(model_xml)
def main(dataset_file): #Path maker handle_folder = os.path.join(args.input_dirname.format(knob_type), dataset_file) stl_path = os.path.join('door/{}knobs'.format(knob_type), dataset_file) with open(os.path.join(handle_folder, 'info.json'), 'r') as f: params_dict = json.load(f) #geom parts number door_parts_n = 1 frame_parts_n = 6 wall_parts_n = 3 knob_parts_n = params_dict['model_count'] if args.robot_type == "gripper": robot_type = "blue_gripper" elif args.robot_type == "hook": robot_type = "blue_hook" elif args.robot_type == "floatinggripper": robot_type = "blue_floatinggripper" elif args.robot_type == "floatinghook": robot_type = "blue_floatinghook" elif args.robot_type == "mobilegripper": robot_type = "blue_mobile_gripper" elif args.robot_type == "mobilehook": robot_type = "blue_mobile_hook" elif args.robot_type == "baxter-leftarm": robot_type = "baxter_leftarm" elif args.robot_type == "baxter-rightarm": robot_type = "baxter_rightarm" elif args.robot_type == "baxter-botharm": robot_type = "baxter_botharm" else: raise Exception("robot type not recognized") ###################### Randomize Parameters ###################### # Lighting property light_n=randrange(2,6) light_property_list = [] for i in range(light_n): light_property = dict( light_diffuse=[randrange(9,11)/10, randrange(9,11)/10, randrange(9,11)/10], light_pos=[randrange(0,500)/100.0, randrange(-500,500)/100.0, randrange(300,700)/100.0], light_dir=[randrange(-50,50)/100.0, randrange(-50,50)/100.0, randrange(-50,-25)/100.0] ) light_property_list.append(light_property) # Camera property camera1_pos = [0.99, -0.5, 1.0] #1m x 1m camera1_ori = [0.0, 1.57, 1.57] camera2_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 1.99] #1m x 1m camera2_ori = [0, 0, 0] camera_fieldview = 60 camera_randomization = False if camera_randomization: for i in range(len(camera1_pos)): camera1_pos[i] += randrange(-15,15)/1000 camera2_pos[i] += randrange(-15,15)/1000 for i in range(len(camera1_ori)): camera1_ori[i] += randrange(-17,17)/1000 camera2_ori[i] += randrange(-17,17)/1000 camera_fieldview_noise = [randrange(-100,100)/100, randrange(-100,100)/100] camera_poses = [camera1_pos, camera2_pos] camera_ories = [camera1_ori, camera2_ori] camera_fieldview_noise = [0, 0] #Material list material_name_list = ['Paint','Wood','Carpet','Metal'] paint_shininess = randrange(1,50)/100.0 paint_specular = randrange(1,50)/100.0 wood_shininess = randrange(1,20)/100.0 wood_specular = randrange(1,20)/100.0 carpet_shininess = randrange(1,5)/100.0 carpet_specular = randrange(1,5)/100.0 metal_shininess = randrange(80,100)/100.0 metal_specular = randrange(80,100)/100.0 #Floor color floor_rgb1 = [randrange(0,50)/100.0, randrange(0,50)/100.0, randrange(0,50)/100.0] floor_rgb2 = [randrange(0,50)/100.0, randrange(0,50)/100.0, randrange(0,50)/100.0] # Wall property wall_rgba = [randrange(1,85)/100.0, randrange(1,85)/100.0, randrange(1,85)/100.0, 1.0] wall_location = [0.0, randrange(-100,100)/1000.0, 0.0] wall_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,3)] # Frame property frame_rgba = [randrange(70,85)/100.0, randrange(70,85)/100.0, randrange(70,85)/100.0, 1.0] frame_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,3)] # Door Frame Joint Property door_frame_damper = randrange(10, 20)/10.0 door_frame_spring = randrange(10, 20)/100.0 door_frame_frictionloss = randrange(0,1) # Door hinge direction if args.righthinge_ratio > randrange(0,100)/100.0: hinge_loc = "righthinge" else: hinge_loc = "lefthinge" # Swtich Camera1 position depending on the hinge location if hinge_loc == "lefthinge": camera_poses[0] = [0.99, 0.5, 1.0] #1m x 1m # Opening direction if args.pulldoor_ratio > randrange(0,100)/100.0: opendir = "pull" else: opendir = "push" # Door property door_height = randrange(2000, 2500)/1000.0 door_width = randrange(750, 1200)/1000.0 door_thickness = randrange(20, 30)/1000.0 knob_height = randrange(900, 1100)/1000.0 # legal height of the door knob is 864mm to 1219mm knob_horizontal_location_ratio = randrange(10,20)/100.0 #height-ratio and from-side-ratio of knob door_mass = door_height*door_width*door_thickness*randrange(200,300) # Density of MDF is in range of 500-1000kg/m^3 door_rgba = [randrange(1,100)/100.0, randrange(1,100)/100.0, randrange(1,100)/100.0, 1.0] door_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,3)] # Knob Door Joint Property knob_door_damper = randrange(10, 20)/100.0 knob_door_spring = randrange(10, 15)/100.0 knob_door_frictionloss = randrange(0, 1) knob_rot_range = randrange(75, 80)*3.14/180 # Knob property if hinge_loc == "righthinge": doorknob_pos = [0,0,0] knob_euler = [-1.57,1.57,0] elif hinge_loc == "lefthinge": doorknob_pos = [0, (0.5-knob_horizontal_location_ratio)*door_width*2, 0] knob_euler = [1.57,1.57,0] else: raise Exception("door direction undefinded") knob_mass = randrange(1,2) knob_rgba = [randrange(1,100)/100.0, randrange(1,100)/100.0, randrange(1,100)/100.0, 1.0] knob_surface_friction = [randrange(50,100)/100.0, randrange(1,5)/1000.0, randrange(1,5)/1000.0] doorknob_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,3)] high_variance = False if high_variance: door_frame_damper = randrange(20, 60)/100.0 door_frame_spring = randrange(20, 60)/100.0 door_mass = door_height*door_width*door_thickness*randrange(200,600) # (700,850) Density of MDF knob_surface_friction = [randrange(0,100)/100.0, randrange(1,10)/1000.0, randrange(1,10)/1000.0] knob_color_overfit = False if knob_color_overfit: material_name_list = ['Paint','Wood','Carpet','Metal'] wall_rgba = [randrange(90,95)/100.0, randrange(90,95)/100.0, randrange(90,95)/100.0, 1.0] wall_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,2)] frame_rgba = [randrange(90,100)/100.0, randrange(80,100)/100.0, randrange(80,100)/100.0, 1.0] frame_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,2)] door_rgba = [randrange(90,95)/100.0, randrange(90,95)/100.0, randrange(90,95)/100.0, 1.0] door_material = material_name_list[randrange(0,2)] knob_color = randrange(0,100) if knob_color < 34: # Brass knob_rgba = [randrange(71,72)/100.0, randrange(66,67)/100.0, randrange(25,26)/100.0, 1.0] elif 34 <= knob_color < 67: # Silver knob_rgba = [randrange(95,100)/100.0, randrange(95,100)/100.0, randrange(95,100)/100.0, 1.0] else: # Black knob_rgba = [randrange(1,10)/100.0, randrange(1,10)/100.0, randrange(1,10)/100.0, 1.0] doorknob_material = material_name_list[3] light_n=randrange(6,8) light_property_list = [] for i in range(light_n): light_property = dict( light_diffuse=[randrange(9,11)/10, randrange(9,11)/10, randrange(9,11)/10], light_pos=[randrange(0,500)/100.0, randrange(-500,500)/100.0, randrange(300,700)/100.0], light_dir=[randrange(-50,50)/100.0, randrange(-50,50)/100.0, randrange(-100,-80)/100.0] ) light_property_list.append(light_property) # Robot property robot_damping = randrange(9, 11)/100 # robot_damping = randrange(5, 10)/10 ###################### Constant Parameters ###################### # gravity if args.robot_type.find("floating")>-1 or args.robot_type.find("baxter")>-1: gravity_vector = [0,0,0] else: gravity_vector = [0,0,-9.81] # Stationaly Camera camera_n = 2 # World Wall Joint Property wall_world_armature = 0.0001 wall_world_damper = 100000000 wall_world_spring = 1000 wall_world_frictionloss = 0 wall_world_joint_pos = [0,0,0] # wall Frame Joint Property frame_wall_armature = 0.0001 frame_wall_damper = 100000000 frame_wall_spring = 1000 frame_wall_frictionloss = 0 frame_wall_joint_pos = [0,0,0] # Door stopper property doorstopper_size = [door_thickness, 0.10, 0.025] if opendir == "push": if hinge_loc == "righthinge": doorstopper_pos = [door_thickness*2.3, -door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio+0.15, door_height-knob_height-0.05] else: doorstopper_pos = [door_thickness*2.3, door_width-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio-0.15, door_height-knob_height-0.05] else: if hinge_loc == "righthinge": doorstopper_pos = [0-door_thickness*1.8, -door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio+0.15, door_height-knob_height-0.05] else: doorstopper_pos = [0-door_thickness*1.8, door_width-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio-0.15, door_height-knob_height-0.05] # Door Frame Joint Property door_frame_armature = 0.0001 door_frame_limited = True if hinge_loc == "lefthinge": if opendir == "push": door_frame_range = [-0.00, 1.57] else: door_frame_range = [-1.57, 0.00] else: if opendir == "push": door_frame_range = [-1.57, 0.00] else: door_frame_range = [-0.00, 1.57] if hinge_loc == "righthinge": door_frame_joint_pos = [0,door_width-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio,0] else: door_frame_joint_pos = [0,-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio,0] # Door property door_diaginertia = [door_mass/12.0*(door_height**2+door_width**2), door_mass/12.0*(door_height**2+door_thickness**2), door_mass/12.0*(door_width**2+door_thickness**2)] door_euler = [0,0,0] door_pos = [door_thickness*1.1,0,0] # Frame property frame_width = 100/1000.0 overlap_door_frame = 10/1000.0 frame_world_pos = [0, -(0.5-knob_horizontal_location_ratio)*door_width, knob_height] frame_euler = [0,0,0] frame_mass = 500 frame_diaginertia = [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001] # Knob Door Joint Property knob_door_joint_pos = [0,0,0] knob_door_armature = 0.0001 knob_door_limited = True knob_door_range = [-knob_rot_range, knob_rot_range] latch_thickness = 0.015 latch_height = 0.05 latch_width = door_width * knob_horizontal_location_ratio + frame_width/3.0 latch_gap = latch_thickness*1.3 # Knob property if knob_type == "pull": knob_pos = [door_thickness/2-0.006,0,0] # knob_pos = [door_thickness/2,0,0] else: knob_pos = [door_thickness/2,0,0] knob_diaginertia = [knob_mass/12.0*(latch_height**2+latch_width**2), knob_mass/12.0*(latch_height**2+latch_thickness**2), knob_mass/12.0*(latch_width**2+latch_thickness**2)] # Frame position frame_pos_list = [ [0, -door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio-frame_width/2.0-overlap_door_frame, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0-knob_height], [0, door_width-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio+frame_width/2.0+overlap_door_frame, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0-knob_height], [0, door_width/2-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio, door_height-knob_height+frame_width/2], [-(door_thickness+latch_gap), -door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio-frame_width/2.0-overlap_door_frame, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0-knob_height], [-(door_thickness+latch_gap), door_width-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio+frame_width/2.0+overlap_door_frame, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0-knob_height], [-(door_thickness+latch_gap), door_width/2-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio, door_height-knob_height+frame_width/2]] frame_size_list = [ [door_thickness/2.0, frame_width/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [door_thickness/2.0, frame_width/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [door_thickness/2.0, door_width/2.0+frame_width, frame_width/2.0], [door_thickness/2.0, frame_width/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [door_thickness/2.0, frame_width/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [door_thickness/2.0, door_width/2.0+frame_width, frame_width/2.0]] # Wall property sidewall_len = 2000/1000.0 topwall_width = 1000/1000.0 wall_thickness = 300/1000.0 wall_euler = [0,0,0] wall_mass = 100 wall_diaginertia = [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001] wall_pos_list = [ [0, -door_width/2.0-frame_width-sidewall_len/2.0+0.03, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [0, door_width/2.0+frame_width+sidewall_len/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [0, 0, door_height+frame_width+topwall_width/2.0] ] wall_size_list = [ [wall_thickness/2.0, sidewall_len/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [wall_thickness/2.0, sidewall_len/2.0, (door_height+frame_width)/2.0], [wall_thickness/2.0, door_width/2.0+frame_width+sidewall_len, topwall_width/2.0] ] ###################### XML Generator ###################### # Level 1 mujoco = e.Mujoco(model="door_knob") ######################### # Level 2 compiler = e.Compiler(angle="radian") include = e.Include(file="../../robot/{}.xml".format(robot_type)) option = e.Option(gravity=gravity_vector, timestep=0.001) visual = e.Visual() asset = e.Asset() contact = e.Contact() default = e.Default() worldbody = e.Worldbody() mujoco.add_children([ compiler, include, option, visual, asset, contact, default, worldbody ]) ###################### # Level 3 # Visual visual_list = [] v_map = e.visual.Map( fogstart=3, fogend=5, force=0.1, znear=0.01, zfar=10 ) v_quality = v.Quality( shadowsize=2048 ) v_global = v.Global( offwidth=256, offheight=256 ) visual_list.append(v_map) visual_list.append(v_quality) visual_list.append(v_global) visual.add_children(visual_list) # Asset if knob_type == "lever": knob_scale = [0.0015, 0.0015, 0.0015] else: knob_scale = [0.001, 0.001, 0.001] mesh_knob = [] fname = '../../{0}/body_{1}.stl' name = 'door_knob_{}' for i in range(1,knob_parts_n+1): mesh_knob.append(e.Mesh( file=fname.format(stl_path,i), name=name.format(i), scale=knob_scale)) texture_list = [] texture_name_list = ['wall_geom','frame_geom','door_geom','knob_geom'] texture_type_list = ['2d', '2d','2d','2d'] for i in range(len(texture_name_list)): texture_list.append(e.Texture( builtin="flat", name=texture_name_list[i], height=32, width=32, type=texture_type_list[i] )) #Sky color texture_list.append(e.Texture( type="skybox", builtin="gradient", width=128, height=128, rgb1=[.4,.6,.8], rgb2=[0,0,0] )) #Floor color texture_list.append(e.Texture( name='texplane', type='2d', builtin='gradient', rgb1=floor_rgb1, rgb2=floor_rgb2, width=512, height=512 )) material_list = [] material_shininess_list = [paint_shininess, wood_shininess, carpet_shininess, metal_shininess] material_specular_list = [paint_specular, wood_specular, carpet_specular, metal_specular] for i in range(len(material_name_list)): material_list.append(e.Material( name=material_name_list[i], texture=texture_name_list[i], shininess=material_shininess_list[i], specular=material_specular_list[i] )) material_list.append(e.Material( name="Floor", texture="texplane" )) asset_list = mesh_knob asset_list.extend(texture_list) asset_list.extend(material_list) asset.add_children(asset_list) #Contact doorstopper_contact = e.Pair( geom1="doorstopper", geom2="door0", # solref="0.01 1" ) latch_contacts = [] for i in range(4): latch_contacts.append(e.Pair( geom1="knob_latch", geom2="door_frame_{}".format(i), solref="0.01 1" )) contact_list = [] # contact_list = [doorstopper_contact] if knob_type != "pull": contact_list.extend(latch_contacts) contact.add_children(contact_list) joint_default = e.Joint( armature=1, damping=1, limited="true") wall_default = e.Default(class_='wall') wall_geom = e.Geom(type='mesh', rgba=wall_rgba) wall_default.add_child(wall_geom) frame_default = e.Default(class_='frame') frame_geom = e.Geom(type='mesh', rgba=frame_rgba) frame_default.add_child(frame_geom) door_default = e.Default(class_='door') door_geom = e.Geom(type='mesh', rgba=door_rgba) door_default.add_child(door_geom) knob_default = e.Default(class_='door_knob') knob_geom = e.Geom(condim=4, type="mesh", rgba=knob_rgba) knob_default.add_child(knob_geom) robot_default = e.Default(class_='robot') robot_joint = e.Joint(damping=robot_damping) robot_default.add_children([robot_joint]) default.add_children([joint_default, wall_default, frame_default, door_default, knob_default, robot_default]) # Worldbody light_condition_list = [] for i in range(light_n): light_condition_list.append(e.Light( directional = True, diffuse=light_property_list[i]['light_diffuse'], pos=light_property_list[i]['light_pos'], dir=light_property_list[i]['light_dir'])) floor_geom = e.Geom( name='floor', material="Floor", pos=[0,0,-0.05], size=[15.0,15.0,0.05], type='plane') #Camera camera_list = [] camera_names = ["camera1", "camera2"] for i in range(camera_n): camera_list.append(e.Camera( name=camera_names[i], mode="fixed", fovy=camera_fieldview + camera_fieldview_noise[i], pos=camera_poses[i], euler=camera_ories[i])) ####### All body obj ####### body0 = e.Body( name='wall_link', pos=wall_location, childclass='wall') body1 = e.Body( name='frame_link', pos=frame_world_pos, childclass='frame') body2 = e.Body( name='door_link', pos=door_pos, childclass='door') body3 = e.Body( name='knob_link'.format(knob_type), pos=doorknob_pos, childclass='door_knob') body4 = e.Body( name='{}knob_link'.format(knob_type), pos=knob_pos, childclass='door_knob') worldbody.add_children(light_condition_list) worldbody.add_child(floor_geom) worldbody.add_children(camera_list) worldbody.add_children([body0]) # ######## Level0 body (origin) ######## body0_inertial = e.Inertial( pos=[0,0,0], mass=wall_mass, diaginertia=wall_diaginertia) body0_geoms = [] name = 'wall_{}' for i in range(wall_parts_n): body0_geoms.append(e.Geom( name=name.format(i), material=wall_material, pos=wall_pos_list[i], size=wall_size_list[i], type='box', euler=frame_euler)) body0_children_list = [body0_inertial] body0_children_list.extend(body0_geoms) body0.add_children(body0_children_list) body0.add_children([body1]) ######## Level1 body (Frame) ######## body1_inertial = e.Inertial( pos=[0,0,0], mass=frame_mass, diaginertia=frame_diaginertia ) body1_geoms = [] # # door stopper to define the pull/push opening direction # body1_geoms.append(e.Geom( # name='doorstopper', # material='Metal', # pos=doorstopper_pos, # size=doorstopper_size, # type='box', # euler=frame_euler)) # Actual frame name = 'door_frame_{}' for i in range(frame_parts_n): body1_geoms.append(e.Geom( name=name.format(i), material=frame_material, pos=frame_pos_list[i], size=frame_size_list[i], type='box', euler=frame_euler)) body1_children_list = [body1_inertial] body1_children_list.extend(body1_geoms) body1.add_children(body1_children_list) body1.add_children([body2]) ######## Level2 body (Door) ######## body2_joints = e.Joint( name='hinge0', type='hinge', axis=[0, 0, 1], armature=door_frame_armature, stiffness=door_frame_spring, damping=door_frame_damper, frictionloss=door_frame_frictionloss, limited=door_frame_limited, range=door_frame_range, pos=door_frame_joint_pos ) body2_inertial = e.Inertial( pos=[0, door_width/2.0-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio, door_height/2.0-knob_height], mass=door_mass, diaginertia=door_diaginertia ) body2_geoms = [ e.Geom( name='door0', material=door_material, pos=[0, door_width/2.0-door_width*knob_horizontal_location_ratio, door_height/2.0-knob_height], size=[door_thickness/2.0, door_width/2.0, door_height/2.0*0.99], type="box", euler=door_euler )] body2_children_list = [body2_joints] body2_children_list.extend(body2_geoms) body2_children_list.extend([body2_inertial]) body2.add_children(body2_children_list) body2.add_children([body3]) ######## Level3 body (Knob Wrapper) ######## body3_joints = [] axes = [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] ranges = [[-0.2, 0.3], [-0.5,0.5]] for i in range(2): body3_joints.append( e.Joint( name='target{}'.format(i), type='slide', axis=axes[i], armature=0, stiffness=0, damping=30000, frictionloss=0, limited="true", range=ranges[i])) if knob_type != "pull": body3_joints.append(e.Joint( name='hinge1', type='hinge', axis=[1, 0, 0], armature=knob_door_armature, stiffness=knob_door_spring, damping=knob_door_damper, frictionloss=knob_door_frictionloss, limited=knob_door_limited, range=knob_door_range, pos=knob_door_joint_pos)) body3_inertial = e.Inertial( pos=[0, 0, 0], mass=1, diaginertia=[0.001,0.001,0.001]) body3.add_child(body3_inertial) body3.add_children(body3_joints) body3.add_children([body4]) ######## Level4 body (Knob Link) ######## body4_geoms = [] name = 'door_knob_{}' mesh = 'door_knob_{}' knobparts_start_idx = 1 for i in range(knobparts_start_idx ,knob_parts_n+1): body4_geoms.append(e.Geom( name=name.format(i), material=doorknob_material, mesh=mesh.format(i), euler=knob_euler, friction=knob_surface_friction)) if knob_type != "pull": body4_geoms.append( e.Geom( name='knob_latch', material=material_name_list[randrange(0,3)], pos=[-(latch_gap/2.0+door_thickness*2.1), 0, 0], size=[latch_thickness/2.0, latch_width, latch_height], type="box", euler=[0,0,0])) body4_inertial = e.Inertial( pos=[-(latch_gap/2.0+door_thickness*2.1), 0, 0], mass=knob_mass, diaginertia=knob_diaginertia) body4_children_list = body4_geoms if knob_type != "pull": body4_children_list.extend([body4_inertial]) body4.add_children(body4_children_list) ######## Write file to Output folder ######## model_xml = mujoco.xml() name = '{0}_{1}_{2}.xml' output_path = os.path.join(args.output_dirname, '{0}_{1}{2}'.format(knob_type, robot_type, args.output_name_extention)) try: os.makedirs(output_path) except OSError: pass output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, name.format(dataset_file, knob_type, robot_type)) if knob_type== "lever" and knob_parts_n < 4: # print("parts are too less!!", dataset_file) pass else: with open(output_filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(model_xml)
def main(): mujoco = e.Mujoco(model="hopper", ) compiler = e.Compiler( angle="degree", coordinate="global", inertiafromgeom="true", ) default = e.Default() option = e.Option( integrator="RK4", timestep="0.002", ) visual = e.Visual() worldbody = e.Worldbody() actuator = e.Actuator() asset = e.Asset() mujoco.add_children([ compiler, default, option, visual, worldbody, actuator, asset, ]) joint = e.Joint( armature="1", damping="1", limited="true", ) geom = e.Geom( conaffinity="1", condim="1", contype="1", margin="0.001", material="geom", rgba="0.8 0.6 .4 1", solimp=".8 .8 .01", solref=".02 1", ) motor = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-.4 .4", ) default.add_children([ joint, geom, motor, ]) map = e.Map(znear="0.02", ) visual.add_children([ map, ]) light = e.Light( cutoff="100", diffuse="1 1 1", dir="-0 0 -1.3", directional="true", exponent="1", pos="0 0 1.3", specular=".1 .1 .1", ) floor = e.Geom( conaffinity="1", condim="3", name="floor", pos="0 0 0", rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1", size="20 20 .125", type="plane", material="MatPlane", ) torso = e.Body( name="torso", pos="0 0 1.25", ) worldbody.add_children([ light, floor, torso, ]) motor_1 = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0", gear="200.0", joint="thigh_joint", ) motor_2 = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0", gear="200.0", joint="leg_joint", ) motor_3 = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-1.0 1.0", gear="200.0", joint="foot_joint", ) actuator.add_children([ motor_1, motor_2, motor_3, ]) texture = e.Texture( type="skybox", builtin="gradient", rgb1=".4 .5 .6", rgb2="0 0 0", width="100", height="100", ) texgeom = e.Texture( builtin="flat", height="1278", mark="cross", markrgb="1 1 1", name="texgeom", random="0.01", rgb1="0.8 0.6 0.4", rgb2="0.8 0.6 0.4", type="cube", width="127", ) texplane = e.Texture( builtin="checker", height="100", name="texplane", rgb1="0 0 0", rgb2="0.8 0.8 0.8", type="2d", width="100", ) MatPlane = e.Material( name="MatPlane", reflectance="0.5", shininess="1", specular="1", texrepeat="60 60", texture="texplane", ) geom_1 = e.Material( name="geom", texture="texgeom", texuniform="true", ) asset.add_children([ texture, texgeom, texplane, MatPlane, geom_1, ]) track = e.Camera( name="track", mode="trackcom", pos="0 -3 1", xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1", ) rootx = e.Joint( armature="0", axis="1 0 0", damping="0", limited="false", name="rootx", pos="0 0 0", stiffness="0", type="slide", ) rootz = e.Joint( armature="0", axis="0 0 1", damping="0", limited="false", name="rootz", pos="0 0 0", ref="1.25", stiffness="0", type="slide", ) rooty = e.Joint( armature="0", axis="0 1 0", damping="0", limited="false", name="rooty", pos="0 0 1.25", stiffness="0", type="hinge", ) torso_geom = e.Geom( friction="0.9", fromto="0 0 1.45 0 0 1.05", name="torso_geom", size="0.05", type="capsule", ) thigh = e.Body( name="thigh", pos="0 0 1.05", ) torso.add_children([ track, rootx, rootz, rooty, torso_geom, thigh, ]) thigh_joint = e.Joint( axis="0 -1 0", name="thigh_joint", pos="0 0 1.05", range="-150 0", type="hinge", ) thigh_geom = e.Geom( friction="0.9", fromto="0 0 1.05 0 0 0.6", name="thigh_geom", size="0.05", type="capsule", ) leg = e.Body( name="leg", pos="0 0 0.35", ) thigh.add_children([ thigh_joint, thigh_geom, leg, ]) leg_joint = e.Joint( axis="0 -1 0", name="leg_joint", pos="0 0 0.6", range="-150 0", type="hinge", ) leg_geom = e.Geom( friction="0.9", fromto="0 0 0.6 0 0 0.1", name="leg_geom", size="0.04", type="capsule", ) foot = e.Body( name="foot", pos="0.13/2 0 0.1", ) leg.add_children([ leg_joint, leg_geom, foot, ]) foot_joint = e.Joint( axis="0 -1 0", name="foot_joint", pos="0 0 0.1", range="-45 45", type="hinge", ) foot_geom = e.Geom( friction="2.0", fromto="-0.13 0 0.1 0.26 0 0.1", name="foot_geom", size="0.06", type="capsule", ) foot.add_children([ foot_joint, foot_geom, ]) model_xml = mujoco.xml() # Output with open('hopper_gen.xml', 'w') as fh: fh.write(model_xml)
def main(): mujoco = e.Mujoco(model="arm", ) compiler = e.Compiler( angle="degree", coordinate="local", inertiafromgeom="true", ) default = e.Default() option = e.Option( integrator="RK4", timestep="0.002", ) visual = e.Visual() worldbody = e.Worldbody() tendon = e.Tendon() sensor = e.Sensor() actuator = e.Actuator() asset = e.Asset() mujoco.add_children([ compiler, default, option, visual, worldbody, tendon, sensor, actuator, asset, ]) # Standard assets utils.populated_ma_asset(asset) # Standard floor and lighting utils.populate_ma_worldbody(worldbody) geom = e.Geom( conaffinity="1", condim="1", contype="1", margin="0.001", material="geom", rgba="0.8 0.6 .4 1", solimp=".8 .8 .01", solref=".02 1", ) motor = e.Motor( ctrllimited="true", ctrlrange="-.4 .4", ) default.add_children([ geom, motor, ]) map = e.visual.Map(znear="0.02", ) visual.add_children([ map, ]) # light = e.Light( # cutoff="100", # diffuse="1 1 1", # dir="-0 0 -1.3", # directional="true", # exponent="1", # pos="0 0 1.3", # specular=".1 .1 .1", # ) # floor = e.Geom( # conaffinity="1", # condim="3", # material="MatPlane", # name="floor", # pos="0 0 0", # rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1", # size="20 20 .125", # type="plane", # ) block_body = e.Body( name="block_body", pos="0.0 0.0 3.0", ) worldbody.add_children([ # light, # floor, block_body, ]) string = e.Spatial( name="string", width="0.02", rgba=".95 .3 .3 1", limited="false", range="0.5 2", stiffness="3700.0", damping="100.0", ) tendon.add_children([ string, ]) ball_sensor = e.sensor.Force( name="ball_sensor", site="ball_site", ) sensor.add_children([ ball_sensor, ]) string_actuator = e.General( name="string_actuator", tendon="string", ctrllimited="true", gainprm="2000", ctrlrange="-2 0", ) actuator.add_children([ string_actuator, ]) # texture = e.Texture( # builtin="gradient", # height="100", # rgb1=".4 .5 .6", # rgb2="0 0 0", # type="skybox", # width="100", # ) # texgeom = e.Texture( # builtin="flat", # height="1278", # mark="cross", # markrgb="1 1 1", # name="texgeom", # random="0.01", # rgb1="0.8 0.6 0.4", # rgb2="0.8 0.6 0.4", # type="cube", # width="127", # ) # texplane = e.Texture( # builtin="checker", # height="100", # name="texplane", # rgb1="0 0 0", # rgb2="0.8 0.8 0.8", # type="2d", # width="100", # ) # MatPlane = e.Material( # name="MatPlane", # reflectance="0.5", # shininess="1", # specular="1", # texrepeat="60 60", # texture="texplane", # ) # geom_1 = e.Material( # name="geom", # texture="texgeom", # texuniform="true", # ) # asset.add_children([ # texture, # texgeom, # texplane, # MatPlane, # geom_1, # ]) block_geom = e.Geom( name="block_geom", size="0.2 0.2 0.2", type="box", ) box_site = e.Site( name="box_site", pos="0.0 0.0 -0.2", size="0.05", ) ball = e.Body( name="ball", pos="0.0 0.0 -1.0", ) block_body.add_children([ block_geom, box_site, ball, ]) site = e.spatial.Site(site="box_site", ) site_1 = e.spatial.Site(site="ball_site", ) string.add_children([ site, site_1, ]) ball_joint = e.Joint( name="ball_joint", pos="0.0 0.0 -0.2", type="ball", damping="2.0", ) joint = e.Joint( type="slide", axis="0 0 1", damping="2.0", ) joint_1 = e.Joint( type="slide", axis="0 1 0", damping="2.0", ) joint_2 = e.Joint( type="slide", axis="1 0 0", damping="2.0", ) geom_2 = e.Geom( pos="0.0 0.0 0.0", size="0.2", type="sphere", ) ball_site = e.Site( name="ball_site", pos="0.0 0.0 0.2", size="0.05", ) ball.add_children([ ball_joint, joint, joint_1, joint_2, geom_2, ball_site, ]) model_xml = mujoco.xml() # Output out_path = os.path.join("..", "muscledagents", "envs", "mujoco", "assets", "ballonstring.xml") with open(out_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(model_xml)
def main(): ######################### # Level 1 mujoco = e.Mujoco(model="tendon") ######################### # Level 2 compiler = e.Compiler(coordinate="global", ) default = e.Default() visual = e.Visual() worldbody = e.Worldbody() tendon = e.Tendon() mujoco.add_children([compiler, default, visual, worldbody, tendon]) ###################### # Level 3 # Default d_geom = e.Geom(rgba=[0.9, 0.7, 0.1, 1], size=0.01) d_site = e.Site(type="sphere", rgba=[0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], size=0.005) d_joint = e.Joint(type="hinge", axis=[0, 1, 0], limited=True, range=[0, 60], solimplimit=[0.95, 0.95, 0.1]) default.add_children([d_geom, d_site, d_joint]) # Visual headlight = e.visual.Headlight(diffuse=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7]) visual.add_child(headlight) # Worldbody b1 = e.Body() s2 = e.Site(name="s2", pos=[-0.03, 0, 0.32]) b2 = e.Body() worldbody.add_children([b1, s2, b2]) # Tendon spatial_tendon = e.Spatial(width=0.002, rgba=[.95, .3, .3, 1], limited=True, range=[0, 0.33]) tendon.add_child(spatial_tendon) ###################### # Level 4 # b1 b1_geom = e.Geom(type="cylinder", fromto=[-0.03, 0, 0.2, -0.03, 0, 0.15], size=0.03, rgba=[.2, .2, .5, 1], density=5000) b1_joint = e.Joint( type="slide", pos=[-0.03, 0, 0.2], axis=[0, 0, 1], limited=False, ) s1 = e.Site(name="s1", pos=[-0.03, 0, 0.2]) b1.add_children([b1_geom, b1_joint, s1]) # b2 b2_geom_1 = e.Geom(type="capsule", fromto=[0, 0, 0.3, 0.1, 0, 0.3]) g1 = e.Geom(name="g1", type="cylinder", fromto=[0.0, 0.015, 0.3, 0.0, -0.015, 0.3], size=0.02, rgba=[.3, .9, .3, .4]) b2_joint = e.Joint(pos=[0, 0, 0.3]) s3 = e.Site(name="s3", pos=[0.02, 0, 0.32], size=None) b3 = e.Body() b2.add_children([b2_geom_1, g1, b2_joint, s3, b3]) # spatial_tendon ss1 = e.spatial.Site(site="s1") ss2 = e.spatial.Site(site="s2") sg1 = e.spatial.Geom(geom="g1") ss3 = e.spatial.Site(site="s3") sp1 = e.spatial.Pulley(divisor=2) sg2 = e.spatial.Geom(geom="g2", sidesite="side2") ss4 = e.spatial.Site(site="s4") sp2 = e.spatial.Pulley(divisor=2) ss5 = e.spatial.Site(site="s5") sg3 = e.spatial.Geom(geom="g3", sidesite="side3") ss6 = e.spatial.Site(site="s6") spatial_tendon.add_children( [ss1, ss2, sg1, ss3, sp1, ss3, sg2, ss4, sp2, ss3, sg2, ss5, sg3, ss6]) ###################### # Level 5 # b3 b3_geom_1 = e.Geom(type="capsule", fromto=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0.3]) g2 = e.Geom(name="g2", type="cylinder", fromto=[0.1, 0.015, 0.3, 0.1, -0.015, 0.3], size=0.02, rgba=[.3, .9, .3, .4]) b3_joint = e.Joint(pos=[0.1, 0, 0.3]) s4 = e.Site(name="s4", pos=[0.13, 0, 0.31], size=None) s5 = e.Site(name="s5", pos=[0.15, 0, 0.32]) side2 = e.Site(name="side2", pos=[0.1, 0, 0.33]) b4 = e.Body() b3.add_children([b3_geom_1, g2, b3_joint, s4, s5, side2, b4]) ###################### # Level 6 # b4 b4_geom_1 = e.Geom(type="capsule", fromto=[0.2, 0, 0.3, 0.27, 0, 0.3]) g3 = e.Geom(name="g3", type="cylinder", fromto=[0.2, 0.015, 0.3, 0.2, -0.015, 0.3], size=0.02, rgba=[.3, .9, .3, .4]) b4_joint = e.Joint(pos=[0.2, 0, 0.3]) s6 = e.Site(name="s6", pos=[0.23, 0, 0.31]) side3 = e.Site(name="side3", pos=[0.2, 0, 0.33]) b4.add_children([b4_geom_1, g3, b4_joint, s6, side3]) model_xml = mujoco.xml() # Output with open('tendon-gen.xml', 'w') as fh: fh.write(model_xml)