コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: t0mac0/libmysqlpp
def __certainlyNotEmpty(value):
    """Returns True if the given expression can be determined to be non-empty.
       Returns False if it is either empty or we don't know for sure.
       Input is non-empty, with surrounding whitespace already stripped."""

    if value[0] != '$': # the simple case
        return True

    class __Helper: pass
    helper = __Helper()
    helper.ok = False

    def varCb(helper, expr, use_options, target, add_dict):
        if not helper.ok: # don't waste time otherwise
            if expr in mk.options:
                if mk.options[expr].isNeverEmpty():
                    helper.ok = True
            # FIXME: it would be nice to be able to do this for condvars too,
            #        but they default to empty value if the set of its
            #        conditions is not exhaustive and so checking all items
            #        of its 'values' members is not enough, we'd have to verify
        return ''

    def textCb(helper, txt):
        if len(txt) > 0:
            helper.ok = True
        return ''

    mk.__doEvalExpr(value, varCb, textCb,
                    helper, # extra argument passed to callbacks
                    1,    # use_options
                    None, # target
                    None) # add_dict
    return helper.ok
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: t0mac0/libmysqlpp
def substitute2(str, callback, desc=None, cond=None, hints='', caller=None):
    """Same as substitute, but the callbacks takes two arguments (text and
       condition object) instead of one."""

    if caller == None:
        caller = 'substitute2'

    if desc == None:
        global substVarNameCounter
        desc = '%i' % substVarNameCounter
        substVarNameCounter += 1
    def callbackVar(cnd, expr, use_options, target, add_dict):
        if expr in mk.cond_vars:
            cond = mk.cond_vars[expr]
            var = mk.CondVar(makeUniqueCondVarName('%s_%s' % (cond.name, desc)))
            mk.addCondVar(var, hints)
            for v in cond.values:
                cond2 = mk.mergeConditions(cnd, v.cond)
                if '$' in v.value:
                            substitute2(v.value, callback, desc, cond2, hints))
                    if len(v.value) == 0 or v.value.isspace():
                        var.add(v.cond, v.value)
                        var.add(v.cond, callback(cond2, v.value))
            return '$(%s)' % var.name

        if expr in mk.options and mk.options[expr].values != None:
            opt = mk.options[expr]
            var = mk.CondVar(makeUniqueCondVarName('%s_%s' % (opt.name, desc)))
            mk.addCondVar(var, hints)
            for v in opt.values:
                cond = mk.makeCondition("%s=='%s'" % (opt.name, v))
                cond2 = mk.mergeConditions(cnd, cond)
                if '$' in v:
                    var.add(cond, substitute2(v, callback, desc, cond2, hints))
                    if len(v) == 0 or v.isspace(): var.add(cond, v)
                    else: var.add(cond, callback(cond2, v))
            return '$(%s)' % var.name

        if expr in __substituteCallbacks:
            for func in __substituteCallbacks[expr]:
                rval = func(expr, callback, caller)
                if rval != None:
                    return rval
        raise errors.Error("'%s' can't be used in this context, "%expr +
                 "not a conditional variable or option with listed values")

    def callbackTxt(cond, expr):
        if len(expr) == 0 or expr.isspace(): return expr
        return callback(cond, expr)
    return mk.__doEvalExpr(str, callbackVar, callbackTxt,
                           cond, # moreArgs
                           1,    # use_options
                           None, # target
                           None) # add_dict
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: t0mac0/libmysqlpp
def getPossibleValues(expr):
    """Attempts to get all possible values of 'str' expansion.

       For now, this function assumes that variable parts (condvars references)
       are separated from other parts with whitespace.

       Returns generator for list of values as split on whitespace.
    # FIXME: see docstring

    def callbackVar(nothing, expr, use_options, target, add_dict):
        ret = []
        if expr in mk.cond_vars:
            cond = mk.cond_vars[expr]
            for v in cond.values:
                if '$' in v.value:
                    ret += getPossibleValues(v.value)
            return ' '.join(ret)

        if expr in mk.options and mk.options[expr].values != None:
            opt = mk.options[expr]
            for v in opt.values:
                if '$' in v.value:
                    ret += getPossibleValues(v)
            return ' '.join(ret)

        # don't know what else to try, return as-is
        return expr

    def callbackTxt(nothing, expr):
        return expr

    return mk.__doEvalExpr(expr, callbackVar, callbackTxt,
                           None, 1, None, None).split()