コード例 #1
ファイル: MarkdownFileForMkDocs.py プロジェクト: EKGF/ekglib
    def append_end(self, data):
        """Write at the last position of a Markdown file.

        :param str data: is a string containing all the data that is written in the markdown file."""
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(self.file_name, 'a',
                                   encoding='utf-8') as self.file:
コード例 #2
ファイル: MarkdownFileForMkDocs.py プロジェクト: EKGF/ekglib
    def rewrite_all_file(self, data):
        """Rewrite all the data of a Markdown file by ``data``.

        :param str data: is a string containing all the data that is written in the markdown file."""
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(self.file_name, 'w',
                                   encoding='utf-8') as self.file:
コード例 #3
ファイル: MarkdownFileForMkDocs.py プロジェクト: EKGF/ekglib
 def __init__(self, name=''):
     """Creates a markdown file, if name is not empty.
     :param str name: file name"""
     if name:
         self.file_name = name if name.endswith('.md') else name + '.md'
         self.file = mkdocs_gen_files.open(self.file_name,
コード例 #4
def write_file(abs_id, filename):
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, 'w') as f:
        # Write the entry of a top-level alias (e.g. `AED`) on the same page as the aliased item.
        for root_typ in root.types:
            if root_typ.kind == "alias":
                if root_typ.aliased == abs_id:
                    f.write(f'::: {root_typ.abs_id}\n\n')

        f.write(f'::: {abs_id}\n\n')
コード例 #5
ファイル: MarkdownFileForMkDocs.py プロジェクト: EKGF/ekglib
    def append_after_second_line(self, data):
        """Write after the file's first line.

        :param str data: is a string containing all the data that is written in the markdown file."""
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(self.file_name, 'r+',
                                   encoding='utf-8') as self.file:
            file_data = self.file.read()  # Save all the file's content
            self.file.seek(0, 0)  # Place file pointer at the beginning
            first_line = self.file.readline()  # Read the first line
            second_line = self.file.readline()  # Read the second line
                len(first_line + second_line),
                0)  # Place file pointer at the end of the first line
            self.file.write(data)  # Write data
            self.file.write('\n' + file_data[len(first_line + second_line):])
コード例 #6
ファイル: MarkdownFileForMkDocs.py プロジェクト: EKGF/ekglib
    def read_file(file_name):
        """Read a Markdown file using a file name. It is not necessary to add *.md extension.

        :param file_name: Markdown file's name.
        :type file_name: str
        :return: return all file's data.
        :rtype: str"""

        if file_name.find('.md') == -1:
            file_name += '.md'

        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            file_data = file.read()

        return file_data
コード例 #7
def main():
    Create MarkDown files in a virtual file system that is consumed by mkdocs
    when building the website.

    This function is invoked automatically by mkdocs during the build process.
    for entry in website.generator.database.cv:
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(
            os.path.join("cv", "entries", f"{entry.identifier}.md"), "w"
        ) as markdown:
コード例 #8
# Generates virtual doc files for the mkdocs site.
# You can also run this script directly to actually write out those files, as a preview.

import collections
import mkdocs_gen_files

root = mkdocs_gen_files.config['plugins']['mkdocstrings'].get_handler(

for typ in root.walk_types():
    filename = 'api_reference/' + '/'.join(
        typ.abs_id.split('::')) + '/index.md'

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(f'# ::: {typ.abs_id}\n\n')

    if typ.locations:
        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(filename, typ.locations[0].url)
コード例 #9
import mkdocs_gen_files
import os
import glob

# iterate over pages and append glossary
for file in glob.glob("/docs/docs/**/*.md", recursive=True):
    if file.endswith('.md'):
        text = open(file).read()
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(file.replace('/docs/docs/', ''), "w") as f:
            print(text + '\n--8<-- "./glossary.md"', file=f)
コード例 #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

from pathlib import Path

import mkdocs_gen_files

CODE_ROOT = "snoop"

with mkdocs_gen_files.open("module-index.md", 'w') as index:
    print("# Module index\n", file=index)

    for path in Path(CODE_ROOT).glob("**/*.py"):
        doc_path = Path("reference", path.relative_to(".")).with_suffix(".md")

        ident = ".".join(path.relative_to(".").with_suffix("").parts)

        # skip database migraitons
        if ident.startswith('snoop.data.migrations.'):

        # write file
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(doc_path, "w") as f:
            print("::: " + ident, file=f)

        # write entry in module index file
        print(f"- [`{ident}`][{ident}]", file=index)

        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(doc_path, Path('..', path))
コード例 #11
from pathlib import Path
from os import sep as SLASH
import mkdocs_gen_files

src_root = Path("python_tooling_enterpy_2021")
api_doc_tree = []
for path in src_root.glob("**/*.py"):
    doc_path = Path("api_doc", path.relative_to(src_root)).with_suffix(".md")

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(doc_path, "w") as f:
        print("[TOC]", file=f)
        ident = ".".join(path.with_suffix("").parts)
        print("::: " + ident, file=f)

with mkdocs_gen_files.open("api_doc.md", "w") as f:
    # assumes files in api_doc_tree to be ordered by directory
    already_used = []
    for doc_path in api_doc_tree:
        markdown_file = Path(doc_path).with_suffix('.md')
        levels = str(markdown_file).count(SLASH)
        if levels <= 0 and src_root not in already_used:
            print(f"{src_root}\n\n", file=f)
        elif levels >= 1:
            file_path = str(markdown_file).split(SLASH)
            directory_path = file_path[:-1]
            module_name = file_path[levels - 1:levels][0]
            if directory_path not in already_used:
                print(f"{'    ' * (levels - 1)}- {module_name}", file=f)
コード例 #12
import mkdocs_gen_files
import os

# Move README to index unless there's already an index.md
if (os.path.exists("/docs/docs/index.md") != True):
    readme = open("/docs/README.md").read()
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open("index.md", "w") as f:
        print(readme, file=f)

# Move CONTRIBUTING to developing
if (os.path.exists("/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md")):
    readme = open("/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md").read()
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open("contributing.md", "w") as f:
        print(readme, file=f)

# Move Library Docs
rootdir = "/docs/libraries"
for library in os.listdir(rootdir):
    file = os.path.join(rootdir, library, "README.md")
    if (os.path.exists(file)):
        readme = open(file).read()
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(f"libraries/{library}.md", "w") as f:
            print(readme, file=f)
コード例 #13
# Generate virtual doc files for the mkdocs site.
# You can also run this script directly to actually write out those files, as a preview.

import mkdocs_gen_files

# Get the documentation root object
root = mkdocs_gen_files.config["plugins"]["mkdocstrings"].get_handler("crystal").collector.root

# For each type (e.g. "Foo::Bar")
for typ in root.walk_types():
    # Use the file name "Foo/Bar/index.md"
    filename = "/".join(typ.abs_id.split("::") + ["index.md"])
    # Make a file with the content "# ::: Foo::Bar\n"
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, "w") as f:
        print(f"# ::: {typ.abs_id}", file=f)

    # Link to the type itself when clicking the "edit" button on the page.
    if typ.locations:
        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(filename, typ.locations[0].url)
コード例 #14
#!/usr/bin/env python

from pathlib import Path

import mkdocs_gen_files

for path in Path("src", "mkdocstrings").glob("**/*.py"):
    doc_path = Path("reference",
                    path.relative_to("src", "mkdocstrings")).with_suffix(".md")

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(doc_path, "w") as f:
        ident = ".".join(path.relative_to("src").with_suffix("").parts)
        print("::: " + ident, file=f)

    mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(doc_path, Path("..", path))
コード例 #15
ファイル: gen_pages.py プロジェクト: oprypin/install-crystal
import mkdocs_gen_files

with mkdocs_gen_files.open("assets/style.css", "a") as f:
        + ",\n".join(
            f".configurator > input:nth-of-type({i}):checked ~ div:not(.c{i}), "
            f".configurator > input:nth-of-type({i}):not(:checked) ~ div.c{i}"
            for i in range(1, 10)
        + " {\n    display: none;\n}\n"
コード例 #16
# Generate virtual doc files for the mkdocs site.
# You can also run this script directly to actually write out those files, as a preview.

import mkdocs_gen_files

# Get the documentation root object
root = mkdocs_gen_files.config['plugins']['mkdocstrings'].get_handler(

# Start a navigation file (to be filled as we go along)
nav = mkdocs_gen_files.open('SUMMARY.md', 'a')

# For each type (e.g. "Foo::Bar")
for typ in root.walk_types():
    # Use the file name "Foo/Bar.md"
    filename = '/'.join(typ.abs_id.split('::')) + '.md'
    # Make a file with the content "# ::: Foo::Bar\n"
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, 'w') as f:
        print(f'# ::: {typ.abs_id}', file=f)

    # Link to the type itself when clicking the "edit" button on the page
    if typ.locations:
        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(filename, typ.locations[0].url)

    # Append to the nav: "    * [Bar](Foo/Bar.md)"
    indent = '    ' * typ.abs_id.count('::')
    print(indent + f'* [{typ.name}]({filename})', file=nav)
コード例 #17
 def open(self, mode: str):
     if self.mkdocs:
         return mkdocs_gen_files.open(self.path, mode, encoding='UTF-8')
         return open(self.path, mode, encoding='UTF-8')
コード例 #18
ファイル: gen_pages.py プロジェクト: oprypin/mkdocs-gen-files
import mkdocs_gen_files

for total in range(19, 100, 20):
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(f"sample/{total}-bottles.md", "w") as f:
        for i in reversed(range(1, total + 1)):
            print(f"{i} bottles of beer on the wall, {i} bottles of beer  ", file=f)
            print(f"Take one down and pass it around, **{i-1}** bottles of beer on the wall\n", file=f)
コード例 #19
# Generates virtual doc files for the mkdocs site.
# You can also run this script directly to actually write out those files, as a preview.

import mkdocs_gen_files

root = mkdocs_gen_files.config['plugins']['mkdocstrings'].get_handler(

for typ in root.lookup("ActionController").walk_types():
    # ActionController::Router::RouteHandler -> Router/RouteHandler/index.md
    filename = '/'.join(typ.abs_id.split('::')[1:] + ['index.md'])

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(f'# ::: {typ.abs_id}\n\n')

    if typ.locations:
        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(filename, typ.locations[0].url)

for typ in root.types:
    # Write the entry of a top-level alias (e.g. `AED`) to its appropriate section.
    if typ.kind == "alias":
        # ActionController::AC -> ActionController/aliases.md
        filename = '/'.join([typ.aliased.split('::')[0], 'aliases.md'])

        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, 'a') as f:
            f.write(f'::: {typ.abs_id}\n\n')

# Write the top level `ActionController` module to its appropriate section.
# ActionController -> Config/environment.md
with mkdocs_gen_files.open('Config/environment.md', 'w') as f:
    f.write(f'# ::: ActionController\n\n')
コード例 #20
    indirect_dependencies -= direct_dependencies

    return {
        "project_name": project_name,
        "direct_dependencies": sorted(direct_dependencies),
        "indirect_dependencies": sorted(indirect_dependencies),
        "more_credits": "http://pawamoy.github.io/credits/",

def get_credits():
    """Return credits as Markdown.

        The credits page Markdown.
    jinja_env = SandboxedEnvironment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
    commit = "398879aba2a365049870709116a689618afeb5b7"
    template_url = f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pawamoy/jinja-templates/{commit}/credits.md"
    template_data = get_credits_data()
    template_text = urllib.request.urlopen(template_url).read().decode(
        "utf8")  # noqa: S310
    return jinja_env.from_string(template_text).render(**template_data)

with mkdocs_gen_files.open("credits.md", "w") as fd:
mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path("credits.md", "gen_credits.py")
コード例 #21
ファイル: gen_doc_files.py プロジェクト: RespiteSage/crsfml
import os
import textwrap
import mkdocs_gen_files

root = mkdocs_gen_files.config["plugins"]["mkdocstrings"].get_handler(

nav = mkdocs_gen_files.open(f"api/index.md", "w")

for module in ["System", "Window", "Graphics", "Audio", "Network", ""]:
    if module:
        print(f"* [{module} module]({module.lower()}.md)", file=nav)

        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(f"api/{module.lower()}.md", "w") as f:
                # ::: SF
                        - '/{module.lower()}/'

    for typ in root.lookup("SF").walk_types():
        [cur_module] = {
            os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(loc.filename, "src"))
            for loc in typ.locations
        if module.lower() == cur_module:
            name = typ.name
            full_name = typ.abs_id
            path = full_name.replace("::", "/")
コード例 #22
ファイル: gen_ref_pages.py プロジェクト: Garvys/rustfst
for path in sorted(path_rustfst_module.rglob("*.py")):  #

    module_path = path.relative_to(path_rustfst_python).with_suffix("")  #

    doc_path = path.relative_to(path_rustfst_python).with_suffix(".md")  #

    full_doc_path = path_reference / doc_path  #

    parts = list(module_path.parts)

    if parts[-1] == "__init__":  #
        parts = parts[:-1]
        doc_path = doc_path.with_name("index.md")
        full_doc_path = full_doc_path.with_name("index.md")

    elif parts[-1] == "__main__":

    nav[parts] = doc_path.as_posix()

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(full_doc_path, "w") as fd:  #

        identifier = ".".join(parts)  #

        print("::: " + identifier, file=fd)  #

    mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(full_doc_path, path)

with mkdocs_gen_files.open(path_reference / "SUMMARY.md", "w") as nav_file:  #
コード例 #23
"""Generate the code reference pages and navigation."""

from pathlib import Path

import mkdocs_gen_files

nav = mkdocs_gen_files.Nav()

for path in sorted(Path("src").glob("**/*.py")):
    module_path = path.relative_to("src").with_suffix("")
    doc_path = path.relative_to("src", "aria2p").with_suffix(".md")
    full_doc_path = Path("reference", doc_path)

    parts = list(module_path.parts)
    parts[-1] = f"{parts[-1]}.py"
    nav[parts] = doc_path

    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(full_doc_path, "w") as fd:
        ident = ".".join(module_path.parts)
        print("::: " + ident, file=fd)

    mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(full_doc_path, path)

# add pages manually:
# nav["package", "module"] = "path/to/file.md"

with mkdocs_gen_files.open("reference/SUMMARY.md", "w") as nav_file:
コード例 #24
for module_type in kiara.module_mgmt.find_modules_for_package(
    BASE_PACKAGE, include_pipelines=False

    if module_type == "pipeline":

    modules_page_content = modules_page_content + f"## ``{module_type}``\n\n"
    modules_page_content = (
        + "```\n{{ get_module_info('"
        + module_type
        + "') }}\n```\n\n"

with mkdocs_gen_files.open(modules_file_path, "w") as f:

pipelines_file_path = os.path.join("pipelines_list.md")
pipelines_page_content = """# Available pipeline module types

This page contains a list of all available *Kiara* pipeline module types, and their details.

!!! note
The formatting here will be improved later on, for now this should be enough to get the important details of each module type.


for module_type in kiara.module_mgmt.find_modules_for_package(
    BASE_PACKAGE, include_core_modules=False
コード例 #25
def get_parts(typ):
    parts = typ.abs_id.split("::")
    assert parts[0] == "SunVox", parts
    return parts[1:]

nav = mkdocs_gen_files.Nav()

nav_items = {}

for typ in [libsunvox] + list(libsunvox.walk_types()):
    parts = typ.abs_id.split("::")
    if parts[-1] == 'Attrs':
        # Append to a pre-existing parent file
        filename = '/'.join(parts[:-1]) + '.md'
        with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, "a") as f:
            print(f"## ::: {typ.abs_id}\n\n", file=f)

    filename = '/'.join(parts) + '.md'
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(filename, "w") as f:
        print(f"# ::: {typ.abs_id}\n\n", file=f)
    if typ.locations:
        mkdocs_gen_files.set_edit_path(filename, typ.locations[0].url)

    if len(parts) > 1:
        typ2 = libsunvox.lookup(parts[1])
        while (sup := typ2.superclass) and sup.abs_id.startswith("SunVox"):
            parts = sup.abs_id.split("::") + parts[1:]
            typ2 = sup.lookup()
コード例 #26
import os.path
import mkdocs_gen_files
from echemdb.data import make_cvs_dataframe, collect_datapackages
from echemdb.make_pages import create_element_pages, create_element_surface_pages, create_systems_pages, render

data = make_cvs_dataframe(collect_datapackages())


for elementname in list(set(data['electrode material'].values)):

for echemdb_id in list(set(data['echemdb-id'].values)):
    with mkdocs_gen_files.open(
            os.path.join("cv", "echemdb_pages", f"{echemdb_id}.md"),
            'w') as out:
        out.write(render("echemdb_id.md", echemdb_id=echemdb_id, cvs=data))

for tupled in data.groupby(by=['electrode material', 'surface']).groups:
    create_element_surface_pages(tupled[0], tupled[1])