コード例 #1
def train_made_cond(n_hiddens, act_fun, mode):

    assert is_data_loaded(), 'Dataset hasn\'t been loaded'
    model = mades.ConditionalGaussianMade(data.n_labels,
    train_cond(model, a_made)
    save_model(model, 'made_cond', mode, n_hiddens, act_fun, None, False)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, act_fun, n_mades, batch_norm=True, output_order='sequential', mode='sequential', input=None, output=None, rng=np.random):
        :param n_inputs: number of (conditional) inputs
        :param n_outputs: number of outputs
        :param n_hiddens: list with number of hidden units for each hidden layer
        :param act_fun: name of activation function
        :param n_mades: number of mades in the flow
        :param batch_norm: whether to use batch normalization between mades in the flow
        :param output_order: order of outputs of last made
        :param mode: strategy for assigning degrees to hidden nodes: can be 'random' or 'sequential'
        :param input: theano variable to serve as input; if None, a new variable is created
        :param output: theano variable to serve as output; if None, a new variable is created

        # save input arguments
        self.n_inputs = n_inputs
        self.n_outputs = n_outputs
        self.n_hiddens = n_hiddens
        self.act_fun = act_fun
        self.n_mades = n_mades
        self.batch_norm = batch_norm
        self.mode = mode

        self.input = tt.matrix('x', dtype=dtype) if input is None else input
        self.y = tt.matrix('y', dtype=dtype) if output is None else output
        self.parms = []

        self.mades = []
        self.bns = []
        self.u = self.y
        self.logdet_dudy = 0.0

        for i in xrange(n_mades):

            # create a new made
            made = mades.ConditionalGaussianMade(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, act_fun, output_order, mode, self.input, self.u, rng)
            self.parms += made.parms
            output_order = output_order if output_order == 'random' else made.output_order[::-1]

            # inverse autoregressive transform
            self.u = made.u
            self.logdet_dudy += 0.5 * tt.sum(made.logp, axis=1)

            # batch normalization
            if batch_norm:
                bn = layers.BatchNorm(self.u, n_outputs)
                self.u = bn.y
                self.parms += bn.parms
                self.logdet_dudy += tt.sum(bn.log_gamma) - 0.5 * tt.sum(tt.log(bn.v))

        self.output_order = self.mades[0].output_order

        # log likelihoods
        self.L = -0.5 * n_inputs * np.log(2 * np.pi) - 0.5 * tt.sum(self.u ** 2, axis=1) + self.logdet_dudy
        self.L.name = 'L'

        # train objective
        self.trn_loss = -tt.mean(self.L)
        self.trn_loss.name = 'trn_loss'

        # theano evaluation functions, will be compiled when first needed
        self.eval_lprob_f = None
        self.eval_grad_f = None
        self.eval_score_f = None
        self.eval_us_f = None