def fit(X: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, sp_num: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int, n_latent: int, log_folder: str, use_berman_turner: bool = True, X_thin: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, n_thin_inducing: Optional[int] = None, learning_rate: float = 0.01, steps: int = 100000, batch_size: int = 50000, save_opt_state: bool = False, save_every: Optional[int] = 1000, fix_thin_inducing: bool = False, cov_alpha: Optional[float] = None, thin_alpha: Optional[float] = 1., fix_zero_w_prior_mean: bool = True, separate_w_prior_vars: bool = True): n_cov = X.shape[1] n_data = X.shape[0] n_out = len(np.unique(sp_num)) Z = find_starting_z(X[(z == 0) & (sp_num == np.unique(sp_num)[0])], n_inducing) if X_thin is not None: # Make sure we were given how many thinning inducing to use assert n_thin_inducing is not None Z_thin = find_starting_z( X_thin[(z == 0) & (sp_num == np.unique(sp_num)[0])], n_thin_inducing) else: Z_thin = None log_cov_alpha = np.log(cov_alpha) if cov_alpha is not None else tf.cast( tf.constant(np.log(np.sqrt(2. / n_latent))), tf.float32) log_thin_alpha = np.log(thin_alpha) start_theta = initialise_theta(Z, n_latent, n_cov, n_out, Z_thin=Z_thin, log_cov_alpha=log_cov_alpha, log_thin_alpha=log_thin_alpha, separate_w_prior_vars=separate_w_prior_vars) if fix_thin_inducing: # Remove them from the theta dict of parameters to optimise start_theta = {x: y for x, y in start_theta.items() if x != 'thin_Zs'} if fix_zero_w_prior_mean: # Remove them from the theta dict of parameters to optimise start_theta = { x: y for x, y in start_theta.items() if x != 'w_prior_mean' } flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**start_theta) log_folder = os.path.join( log_folder, create_path_with_variables(lr=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, steps=steps)) os.makedirs(log_folder, exist_ok=True) opt_step_fun = partial(adam_step, step_size_fun=lambda t: learning_rate) opt_state = initialise_state(flat_theta.shape[0]) flat_theta = flat_theta.numpy() to_optimise = partial(objective_and_grad, n_data=n_data, n_latent=n_latent, summary=summary, use_berman_turner=use_berman_turner, log_cov_alpha=log_cov_alpha) if fix_thin_inducing: to_optimise = partial(to_optimise, thin_Zs=tf.constant( np.expand_dims(Z_thin.astype(np.float32), axis=0))) n_w_means = n_out if separate_w_prior_vars else 1 if fix_zero_w_prior_mean: to_optimise = partial(to_optimise, w_prior_mean=tf.zeros((n_w_means, n_latent))) full_data = {'X': X, 'sp_num': sp_num, 'z': z, 'weights': weights} log_file = os.path.join(log_folder, 'losses.txt') if X_thin is not None: full_data['X_thin'] = X_thin else: to_optimise = partial(to_optimise, X_thin=None) loss_log_file = open(log_file, 'w') additional_vars = {} if fix_thin_inducing: # Store thin Zs for callback to save additional_vars['thin_Zs'] = np.expand_dims(Z_thin, axis=0) if fix_zero_w_prior_mean: additional_vars['w_prior_mean'] = np.zeros((n_w_means, n_latent)) additional_vars['log_cov_alpha'] = log_cov_alpha additional_vars['log_thin_alpha'] = log_thin_alpha def opt_callback(step: int, loss: float, theta: np.ndarray, grad: np.ndarray, opt_state: Any): # Save theta and the gradients save_theta_and_grad_callback(step, loss, theta, grad, opt_state, log_folder, summary, save_every, additional_vars=additional_vars) # Log the loss loss_log_callback(step, loss, theta, grad, opt_state, loss_log_file) flat_theta, loss_log, _ = optimise_minibatching(full_data, to_optimise, opt_step_fun, opt_state, flat_theta, batch_size, steps, X.shape[0], callback=opt_callback) # Cast to float32 flat_theta = flat_theta.astype(np.float32) final_theta = reconstruct_np(flat_theta, summary) if fix_thin_inducing: final_theta['thin_Zs'] = np.expand_dims(Z_thin, axis=0) if fix_zero_w_prior_mean: final_theta['w_prior_mean'] = np.zeros((1, n_latent)) final_theta['log_cov_alpha'] = log_cov_alpha final_theta['log_thin_alpha'] = log_thin_alpha return final_theta
def fit( X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int = 100, n_latent: int = 10, kernel: str = "matern_3/2", # Gamma priors (note tfp uses "concentration rate" parameterisation): kernel_lengthscale_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3, 1 / 3), bias_variance_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3 / 2, 3 / 2), w_variance_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3 / 2, 3 / 2), # Normal priors w_mean_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 1), bias_mean_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 1), random_seed: int = 2, test_run: bool = False, total_kernel_variance=6.0, verbose=False, ) -> MOGPResult: np.random.seed(random_seed) # Note that input _must_ be scaled. Some way to enforce that? kernel_fun = kern_lookup[kernel] n_cov = X.shape[1] n_out = y.shape[1] # Set initial values start_lengthscales = np.random.uniform(2.0, 4.0, size=(n_latent, n_cov)).astype( np.float32 ) Z = find_starting_z(X, n_inducing) Z = np.tile(Z, (n_latent, 1, 1)) Z = Z.astype(np.float32) start_kernel_funs = get_kernel_funs( kernel_fun, tf.constant(start_lengthscales), total_variance=tf.constant(total_kernel_variance), ) init_Ls = np.stack( [ get_initial_values_from_kernel(tf.constant(cur_z), cur_kernel_fun) for cur_z, cur_kernel_fun in zip(Z, start_kernel_funs) ] ) init_ms = np.zeros((n_latent, n_inducing)) w_prior_var_init = np.ones((n_latent, 1)) * 1.0 w_prior_mean_init = np.zeros((n_latent, 1)) start_intercept_means = np.zeros(n_out) start_intercept_var = np.ones(n_out) intercept_prior_var_init = np.array(0.4) init_theta = { "L_elts": init_Ls, "mu": init_ms, "w_prior_var": w_prior_var_init, "w_prior_mean": w_prior_mean_init, "intercept_means": start_intercept_means, "intercept_vars": start_intercept_var, "intercept_prior_var": intercept_prior_var_init, "intercept_prior_mean": np.array(0.0), "w_means": np.random.randn(n_latent, n_out) * 0.01, "w_vars": np.ones((n_latent, n_out)), "lscales": np.sqrt(start_lengthscales), "Z": Z, } # Make same type init_theta = {x: tf.constant(y.astype(np.float32)) for x, y in init_theta.items()} flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**init_theta) X = tf.constant(X.astype(np.float32)) y = tf.constant(y.astype(np.float32)) lscale_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*kernel_lengthscale_prior) bias_var_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*bias_variance_prior) w_var_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*w_variance_prior) w_m_prior = tfp.distributions.Normal(*w_mean_prior) bias_m_prior = tfp.distributions.Normal(*bias_mean_prior) # TODO: Think about priors for W? def to_minimize_with_grad(x): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: x_tf = tf.constant(x) x_tf = tf.cast(x_tf, tf.float32) theta = reconstruct_tf(x_tf, summary) # Square the important parameters (lscales, w_prior_var, intercept_vars, intercept_prior_var, w_vars) = ( theta["lscales"] ** 2, theta["w_prior_var"] ** 2, theta["intercept_vars"] ** 2, theta["intercept_prior_var"] ** 2, theta["w_vars"] ** 2, ) if verbose: print(lscales) print(intercept_prior_var) print(w_prior_var) print(theta["w_prior_mean"]) print(theta["intercept_prior_mean"]) Ls = create_ls(theta["L_elts"], n_inducing, n_latent) kern_funs = get_kernel_funs( kernel_fun, lscales, total_variance=tf.constant(total_kernel_variance, dtype=tf.float32), ) kl = compute_kl_term( theta["mu"], Ls, kern_funs, theta["Z"], theta["w_means"], w_vars, theta["w_prior_mean"], w_prior_var, theta["intercept_means"], intercept_vars, theta["intercept_prior_mean"], intercept_prior_var, ) lik = compute_likelihood_term( X, y, theta["Z"], theta["mu"], Ls, kern_funs, theta["w_means"], w_vars, theta["intercept_means"], intercept_vars, ) objective = -(lik - kl) objective = objective - ( tf.reduce_sum(lscale_prior.log_prob(lscales)) + bias_var_prior.log_prob(intercept_prior_var) + tf.reduce_sum(w_var_prior.log_prob(w_prior_var)) + bias_m_prior.log_prob(theta["intercept_prior_mean"]) + tf.reduce_sum(w_m_prior.log_prob(theta["w_prior_mean"])) ) grad = tape.gradient(objective, x_tf) if verbose: print(objective, np.linalg.norm(grad.numpy())) return (objective.numpy().astype(np.float64), grad.numpy().astype(np.float64)) if test_run: additional_args = {"tol": 1} else: additional_args = {} result = minimize( to_minimize_with_grad, flat_theta, jac=True, method="L-BFGS-B", **additional_args ) final_theta = reconstruct_tf(result.x, summary) final_theta = {x: tf.cast(y, tf.float32) for x, y in final_theta.items()} # Build the results fit_result = MOGPResult( L_elts=final_theta["L_elts"], mu=final_theta["mu"], kernel=kernel, lengthscales=final_theta["lscales"] ** 2, intercept_means=final_theta["intercept_means"], intercept_vars=final_theta["intercept_vars"] ** 2, w_means=final_theta["w_means"], w_vars=final_theta["w_vars"] ** 2, Z=final_theta["Z"], w_prior_means=final_theta["w_prior_mean"], w_prior_vars=final_theta["w_prior_var"] ** 2, intercept_prior_mean=final_theta["intercept_prior_mean"], intercept_prior_var=final_theta["intercept_prior_var"] ** 2, total_kernel_variance=tf.constant(total_kernel_variance, tf.float32), ) return fit_result
def fit(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int = 100, n_latent: int = 10, kernel: str = 'matern_3/2', random_seed: int = 2): # TODO: This is copied from the mogp_classifier. # Maybe instead make it a function of some sort? np.random.seed(random_seed) # Note that input _must_ be scaled. Some way to enforce that? kernel_fun = kern_lookup[kernel] n_cov = X.shape[1] n_out = y.shape[1] # Set initial values start_lengthscales = np.random.uniform(2., 4., size=(n_latent, n_cov)) Z = find_starting_z(X, n_inducing) Z = np.tile(Z, (n_latent, 1, 1)) start_kernel_funs = get_kernel_funs(kernel_fun, np.sqrt(start_lengthscales)) init_Ls = np.stack([ get_initial_values_from_kernel(cur_z, cur_kernel_fun) for cur_z, cur_kernel_fun in zip(Z, start_kernel_funs) ]) init_ms = np.zeros((n_latent, n_inducing)) start_prior_cov = np.eye(n_latent) start_prior_mean = np.zeros(n_latent) start_prior_cov_elts = corr_mogp.get_initial_w_elements( start_prior_mean, start_prior_cov, n_out) start_w_cov_elts = rep_vector(start_prior_cov_elts, n_out) init_w_means = np.random.randn(n_out, n_latent) start_theta = { 'mu': init_ms, 'L_elts': init_Ls, 'w_means': init_w_means, 'w_cov_elts': start_w_cov_elts, 'lengthscales': start_lengthscales, 'w_prior_cov_elts': start_prior_cov_elts, 'w_prior_mean': start_prior_mean, 'Z': Z } flat_start_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**start_theta) X_tf = tf.constant(X.astype(np.float32)) y_tf = tf.constant(y.astype(np.float32)) def extract_cov_matrices(theta): w_covs = create_pos_def_mat_from_elts_batch(theta['w_cov_elts'], n_latent, n_out, jitter=JITTER) Ls = mogp.create_ls(theta['L_elts'], n_inducing, n_latent) w_prior_cov = create_pos_def_mat_from_elts(theta['w_prior_cov_elts'], n_latent, jitter=JITTER) return w_covs, Ls, w_prior_cov def calculate_objective(theta): w_covs, Ls, w_prior_cov = extract_cov_matrices(theta) print(np.round(covar_to_corr(w_prior_cov.numpy()), 2)) print(np.round(theta['lengthscales'].numpy()**2, 2)) kernel_funs = get_kernel_funs(kernel_fun, theta['lengthscales']**2) cur_objective = corr_mogp.compute_default_objective( X_tf, y_tf, theta['Z'], theta['mu'], Ls, theta['w_means'], w_covs, kernel_funs, bernoulli_probit_lik, theta['w_prior_mean'], w_prior_cov) # Add prior lscale_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(3, 1 / 3).log_prob( theta['lengthscales']**2) return cur_objective + tf.reduce_sum(lscale_prior) def to_minimize(flat_theta): flat_theta = tf.constant(flat_theta) flat_theta = tf.cast(flat_theta, tf.float32) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: theta = reconstruct_tf(flat_theta, summary) objective = -calculate_objective(theta) grad = tape.gradient(objective, flat_theta) print(objective, np.linalg.norm(grad.numpy())) return (objective.numpy().astype(np.float64), grad.numpy().astype(np.float64)) result = minimize(to_minimize, flat_start_theta, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B') final_theta = reconstruct_tf(result.x.astype(np.float32), summary) w_covs, Ls, w_prior_cov = extract_cov_matrices(final_theta) return CorrelatedMOGPResult( Ls=Ls, mu=final_theta['mu'].numpy(), kernel=kernel, lengthscales=final_theta['lengthscales'].numpy()**2, w_means=final_theta['w_means'].numpy(), w_cov=w_covs.numpy(), Z=final_theta['Z'].numpy(), w_prior_means=final_theta['w_prior_mean'].numpy(), w_prior_cov=w_prior_cov.numpy())
return lik - total_kl # Get the MOGP init values: ms, lscales, alphas, kerns, w_means, w_vars, init_ls = get_mogp_initial_values( n_cov, n_latent, n_inducing) # Get the latent init values site_means, site_l_elts, b_mat = get_latent_initial_values(n_latent_site) start_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**{ 'env_ms': ms, 'env_l_elts': tf.stack(init_ls), 'lscales': lscales, 'w_means': w_means, 'w_vars': w_vars, 'site_means': site_means, 'site_l_elts': site_l_elts, 'b_mat': b_mat }) def to_minimize(x): theta = reconstruct_tf(x, summary) # TODO: Check initial values are still consistent here kerns = [partial(matern_kernel_32, alpha=alpha, lengthscales=lscale, jitter=JITTER) for alpha, lscale in zip(alphas, theta['lscales']**2)]
def fit( X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int = 100, kernel: str = "matern_3/2", # Gamma priors (note tfp uses "concentration rate" parameterisation): kernel_variance_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3 / 2, 3 / 2), kernel_lengthscale_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3, 1 / 3), bias_variance_prior: Tuple[float, float] = (3 / 2, 3 / 2), random_seed: int = 2, verbose: bool = False, ) -> SOGPResult: np.random.seed(random_seed) assert kernel in [ "matern_3/2", "matern_1/2", "rbf", ], "Only these three kernels are currently supported!" # Note that input _must_ be scaled. Some way to enforce that? kernel_fun = kern_lookup[kernel] n_cov = X.shape[1] # Set initial values start_alpha = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float32) start_lengthscales = np.random.uniform(2.0, 4.0, size=n_cov).astype(np.float32) start_bias_sd = np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float32) Z = find_starting_z(X, n_inducing).astype(np.float32) start_kernel_fun = get_kernel_fun(kernel_fun, start_alpha, start_lengthscales, start_bias_sd) init_L = get_initial_values_from_kernel(Z, start_kernel_fun) init_mu = np.zeros(n_inducing, dtype=np.float32) init_theta = { "L_elts": init_L, "mu": init_mu, "alpha": start_alpha, "lscales": np.sqrt(start_lengthscales), "Z": Z, "bias_sd": start_bias_sd, } flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**init_theta) X = tf.constant(X.astype(np.float32)) y = tf.constant(y.astype(np.float32)) lscale_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*kernel_lengthscale_prior) kernel_var_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*kernel_variance_prior) bias_var_prior = tfp.distributions.Gamma(*bias_variance_prior) def to_minimize_with_grad(x): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: x_tf = tf.constant(x) x_tf = tf.cast(x_tf, tf.float32) theta = reconstruct_tf(x_tf, summary) alpha, lscales, bias_sd = ( theta["alpha"]**2, theta["lscales"]**2, theta["bias_sd"]**2, ) L_cov = lo_tri_from_elements(theta["L_elts"], n_inducing) kern_fun = get_kernel_fun(kernel_fun, alpha, lscales, bias_sd) objective = -compute_objective(X, y, theta["mu"], L_cov, theta["Z"], bernoulli_probit_lik, kern_fun) objective = objective - (tf.reduce_sum( lscale_prior.log_prob(lscales)) + kernel_var_prior.log_prob( alpha**2) + bias_var_prior.log_prob(bias_sd**2)) grad = tape.gradient(objective, x_tf) if verbose: print(objective, np.linalg.norm(grad.numpy())) return (objective.numpy().astype(np.float64), grad.numpy().astype(np.float64)) result = minimize(to_minimize_with_grad, flat_theta, jac=True, method="L-BFGS-B") final_theta = reconstruct_tf(result.x, summary) final_theta = { x: y.numpy().astype(np.float32) for x, y in final_theta.items() } # Build the results fit_result = SOGPResult( L_elts=final_theta["L_elts"], mu=final_theta["mu"], kernel=kernel, lengthscales=final_theta["lscales"]**2, alpha=final_theta["alpha"]**2, bias_sd=final_theta["bias_sd"]**2, Z=final_theta["Z"], ) return fit_result
elts_prior_return = init_elts.copy() mean_surface_skills_serve = tf.zeros((n_players, n_surfaces)) mean_surface_skills_return = tf.zeros((n_players, n_surfaces)) init_theta = { 'elts_serve': elts_serve, 'elts_return': elts_return, 'elts_prior_serve': elts_prior_serve, 'elts_prior_return': elts_prior_return, 'mean_surface_skills_serve': mean_surface_skills_serve, 'mean_surface_skills_return': mean_surface_skills_return, 'intercept': tf.constant(0.5) } flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**init_theta) def to_optimise(flat_theta): flat_theta = tf.cast(tf.constant(flat_theta), tf.float32) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: theta = reconstruct_tf(flat_theta, summary) obj = -compute_objective(n=n, p=p, n_surfaces=n_surfaces, server_ids=server_ids, returner_ids=returner_ids, surf_ids=surf_ids,
def fit_minibatching( X: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int, thinning_indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.array([]), fit_inducing_using_presences_only: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, log_theta_dir: Optional[str] = None, use_berman_turner: bool = False, batch_size: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 0.01, n_steps: int = 1000, sqrt_decay_learning_rate: bool = True, ): global STEP STEP = 0 makedirs(log_theta_dir, exist_ok=True) n_cov = X.shape[1] if fit_inducing_using_presences_only: X_to_cluster = X[z > 0, :] else: X_to_cluster = X init_Z = find_starting_z(X_to_cluster, n_inducing).astype(np.float32) start_theta, init_kernel_spec = initialise_theta(n_cov, thinning_indices, init_Z) flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**start_theta) data_dict = {"X": X, "z": z, "weights": weights} data_dict = {x: y.astype(np.float32) for x, y in data_dict.items()} if sqrt_decay_learning_rate: # Decay with sqrt of time step_size_fun = lambda t: learning_rate * (1 / np.sqrt(t)) # NOQA else: # Constant learning rate step_size_fun = lambda t: learning_rate # NOQA opt_fun = partial( to_optimise, use_berman_turner=use_berman_turner, summary=summary, init_kernel_spec=init_kernel_spec, log_theta_dir=log_theta_dir, verbose=verbose, likelihood_scale_factor=X.shape[0] / batch_size, ) adam_state = initialise_state(flat_theta.shape[0]) adam_fun = partial(adam_step, step_size_fun=step_size_fun) result, loss_log = optimise_minibatching( data_dict, opt_fun, adam_fun, flat_theta, batch_size, n_steps, X.shape[0], join(log_theta_dir, "loss.txt"), False, adam_state, ) final_flat_theta = result.numpy().astype(np.float32) final_theta = reconstruct_tf(final_flat_theta, summary) _, final_spec = update_specs(final_theta, init_kernel_spec) return final_spec
def fit( X: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, n_inducing: int, thinning_indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.array([]), fit_inducing_using_presences_only: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, log_theta_dir: Optional[str] = None, use_berman_turner: bool = True, test_run: bool = False, ): global STEP STEP = 0 n_cov = X.shape[1] if fit_inducing_using_presences_only: X_to_cluster = X[z > 0, :] else: X_to_cluster = X init_Z = find_starting_z(X_to_cluster, n_inducing).astype(np.float32) start_theta, init_kernel_spec = initialise_theta(n_cov, thinning_indices, init_Z) # Prepare the tensors X = tf.cast(tf.constant(X), tf.float32) z = tf.cast(tf.constant(z), tf.float32) weights = tf.cast(tf.constant(weights), tf.float32) flat_theta, summary = flatten_and_summarise_tf(**start_theta) opt_fun = partial( to_optimise, X=X, z=z, weights=weights, use_berman_turner=use_berman_turner, summary=summary, init_kernel_spec=init_kernel_spec, log_theta_dir=log_theta_dir, verbose=verbose, likelihood_scale_factor=1.0, ) if test_run: result = minimize( opt_fun, flat_theta.numpy().astype(np.float64), method="L-BFGS-B", jac=True, tol=1, ) else: result = minimize(opt_fun, flat_theta.numpy().astype(np.float64), method="L-BFGS-B", jac=True) final_flat_theta = result.x.astype(np.float32) final_theta = reconstruct_tf(final_flat_theta, summary) _, final_spec = update_specs(final_theta, init_kernel_spec) return final_spec