コード例 #1
    def test_frac_diff_ffd(self):
        Assert that for any positive real number d,
        1. Length of the output is the same as the length of the input
        2. First element is NaN
        data_series = self.data['close'].to_frame()

        for diff_amt in np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1):
            fd_series = fracdiff.frac_diff_ffd(data_series, diff_amt=diff_amt)
            self.assertTrue(fd_series.shape[0] == len(data_series))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(fd_series['close'][0], np.float64) and math.isnan(fd_series['close'][0]))
コード例 #2
def plot_min_ffd2(series):
    Advances in Financial Machine Learning, Chapter 5, section 5.6, page 85.


    * https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Advances+in+Financial+Machine+Learning-p-9781119482086

    This function plots the graph to find the minimum D value that passes the ADF test.

    It allows to determine d - the amount of memory that needs to be removed to achieve
    stationarity. This function covers the case of 0 < d << 1, when the original series is
    "mildly non-stationary."

    The right y-axis on the plot is the ADF statistic computed on the input series downsampled
    to a daily frequency.

    The x-axis displays the d value used to generate the series on which the ADF statistic is computed.

    The left y-axis plots the correlation between the original series (d=0) and the differentiated
    series at various d values.

    Examples on how to interpret the results of this function are available in the corresponding part
    in the book Advances in Financial Machine Learning.

    :param series: (pd.DataFrame) Dataframe that contains a 'close' column with prices to use.
    :return: (plt.AxesSubplot) A plot that can be displayed or used to obtain resulting data.

    results = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['adfStat', 'pVal', 'lags', 'nObs', '95% conf', 'corr'])

    # Iterate through d values with 0.1 step
    for d_value in np.linspace(0, 1, 11):
        # close_prices = np.log(series[['close']]).resample('1D').last()  # Downcast to daily obs
        close_prices = np.log(series[['close']])
        print2(" ")

        # Applying fractional differentiation
        differenced_series = frac_diff_ffd(close_prices,

        # Correlation between the original and the differentiated series
        corr = np.corrcoef(close_prices.loc[differenced_series.index, 'close'],
                           differenced_series['close'])[0, 1]
        # Applying ADF
        differenced_series = adfuller(differenced_series['close'],

        # Results to dataframe
        results.loc[d_value] = list(differenced_series[:4]) + [
        ] + [corr]  # With critical value

    # Plotting
    plot = results[['adfStat', 'corr']].plot(secondary_y='adfStat',
                                             figsize=(10, 8))
    plt.axhline(results['95% conf'].mean(),

    return plot