def translate_tree(self, t: Tree) -> Tree: # print(t) if == "mll": return Tree(, self.transform(t.children)) if == "pyt": m = apply(t, lambda x: x, clean_tok) m.children = m.children + [Token("WS", "\n")] return m if == "model": return self.translate_model(t) if == "comp": return Tree(, escape(t.children)) if == "comment": return None if == "parmac": # cprint("entro in parmac","yellow") self.insert_parmac(t) if == "summa": # cprint("entro in parmac","yellow") from mll.simple_model import SimpleModel from mll.dispatcher import Dispatcher rest = Dispatcher(self).translate_e( Tree("e", [ Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[2]).value), Tree("e", [Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[0]).value)]) ])) print(rest) m = apply([ Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[0]).value), Token("EQ", "=") ] + rest.children, lambda x: x, self.substitute_model) print(m) m = m + [Token("WS", "\n\n")] return m # if == "macro_mod": # create_macro_mod(self,t) # # if == "macro_exp": # create_macro_exp(self,t) # # if == "macro_pip": # create_macro_pip(self,t) if == "macro": create_macro_pip(self, t)
def traduce_forks(self, t: Tree): # non esistono i modelli che sono funzioni quindi non si mette mai la riga sotto, salverò in un altro luogo # self.mll.models[clean_tok(t.children[0]).value] = t # esempio # cprint("ATTENTION FORK","red") self.mll.function_trees[clean_tok(t.children[0]).value] = t t.children[2:] = escape(t.children[2:]) t.children[2:] = self.mll.put_macros(t.children[2:]) t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x:x, clean_tok ) # print("FORKED tree after putmacros:",t) # t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.solve_parmac) # t = apply(t, lambda x: x, clean_tok) apply(t, lambda x: x, self.mll.select_imported_libraries) t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.substitute_model) # t = apply(t, lambda x: x, self.mll.solve_parmac) branches = t.children[2:] branches = list(group(branches, "PI")) a = [] for branch in branches: a = a + self.traduce_branch(branch) branches = a b = self.mll.current_bindings[len(self.mll.current_bindings)-1] # resetto tutto quando faccio il return self.mll.current_bindings = [] self.mll.current_branch = 0 return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "def "), Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[0]).value), Token("ID", "(x)"), Token("COLON", ":") ] + self.mll.add_tab_top_level(filter(lambda x: x is not None, branches)) + [ Token("ID", "return "), Token("ID", b), Token("WS", "\n\n") ] )
def put_macros(self, t): # print(t) if isinstance(t, Token): ######################################################### # caso parmac ######################################################### if clean_tok(t).value in self.parmacs.keys(): # print("---before",clean_tok(t).value,"; after",self.parmacs[clean_tok(t).value]) return self.parmacs[clean_tok(t).value] ######################################################### # caso macro ######################################################### if clean_tok(t).value in self.macros.keys(): # print("---before", clean_tok(t).value, "; after", self.macros[clean_tok(t).value]) m = escape(self.macros[clean_tok(t).value]) return self.put_macros(m) ######################################################### # caso pmacro ######################################################### if clean_tok(t).value[:3] in self.macros.keys(): m = self.macros[clean_tok(t).value[:3]] m = copy.deepcopy(m) m = escape(m) export: str = clean_tok(t).value[3:] # se quindi c'è solo la grandezza del filtro if len(export) == 2: m.children[0].children[1:1] = [ Tree("e", [Token("ID", export)]) ] return self.put_macros(m) # print("---last return", clean_tok(t).value) return clean_tok(t) if isinstance(t, Tree): return Tree(, self.put_macros(t.children)) if isinstance(t, list): t = escape(t) return [self.put_macros(x) for x in t] raise Exception("caso inaspettato", t, type(t))
def insert_parmac(self, t: Tree): id = t.children[0].value a = t.children[2:] a = flatten(group(a, "OR")) # print(a) for i in a: self.parmacs[clean_tok(i).value] = Tree("comp", [ Token("ID", id), Token("EQ", "="), Token("ID", "'" + i.value + "'") ])
def traduce_simple_model(self, t: Tree): print("confirm simple") t.children[2:] = self.mll.put_macros(t.children[2:]) t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, clean_tok) t.children[2:] = Dispatcher(self.mll, "simple").transform(t.children[2:]) print(t.children[2:]) apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.select_imported_libraries) # g = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.contained_in_imported_libraries) # print("names that can be imported", g) # l = add_params(t.children[2:], g, self.mll) # print("modified list", l) #print(locals()) if not self.mll.isInner: t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, contained_in_imported_libraries_mod, self.mll) print("mods to initial vector: " + str(t.children[2:])) self.mll.models[clean_tok(t.children[0]).value] = t t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.substitute_model) self.mll.ordered_models.append(clean_tok(t.children[0]).value) return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "models"), Token("LSP", "["), Token("SQ", "'"), clean_tok(t.children[0]), Token("SQ", "'"), Token("LSP", "]"), Token("EQ", "=") ] + t.children[2:] + [Token("WS", "\n\n")])
def traduce_sequential(self, t: Tree): t.children[2:] = self.mll.put_macros(t.children[2:]) apply(t, lambda x: x, self.mll.select_imported_libraries) t.children[2:] = apply(t.children[2:], lambda x: x, self.mll.substitute_model) self.mll.models[clean_tok(t.children[0]).value] = t self.mll.select_imported_libraries(Token("ID", "Sequential")) self.mll.ordered_models.append(clean_tok(t.children[0]).value) branches = map( Dispatcher(self.mll, "sequential").transform, t.children[2:]) # print(branches) # print(descend_left(Tree("e",branches))) # print(self.mll.env.keys()) # print("Conv2D" in self.mll.env.keys()) # cprint("ATTENTION SEQ", "red") #va in self loop, fixare if self.mll.isInner == False: #se il tipo può essere direttamente inferito: a = 1 try: # se il modello è complesso allora darà errore che non esiste perchè non è ancora stato elaborato a = MLL( "model:" + clean_tok(descend_left(branches[0])).value.replace( "models['", "").replace("']", "") + "\n\n", self.mll.env).inner().execute().last_model() except: # a = MLL("model:"+clean_tok(descend_left(branches[0])).value.replace("models['","").replace("']","")+"\n\n", MLL()).inner().execute().last_model() # print(descend_left(t.children[2])) b = self.mll.function_trees[clean_tok( descend_left(t.children[2])).value.replace( "models['", "").replace("']", "")].children[2:][0] b = b.children[0] # print(b) a = MLL( "model:" + clean_tok(b).value.replace( "models['", "").replace("']", "") + "\n\n", self.mll.env).inner().execute().last_model() # print(a) if ("classifier" in str(a) or "regressor" in str(a)) and "sklearn" in str(a): # è un modello di stacking pass return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "models"), Token("LSP", "["), Token("SQ", "'"), clean_tok(t.children[0]), Token("SQ", "'"), Token("LSP", "]"), Token("EQ", "="), Token("ID", "StackingClassifier"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", "classifiers"), Token("EQ", "="), Token("LSP", "["), Token("LSP", "[") ] + branches + [Token("RSP", "]"), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\n")]) if "classifier" not in str(a).lower() and "regressor" not in str( a).lower() and "sklearn" in str(a).lower(): # è un modello di pipeline self.mll.select_imported_libraries(Token("ID", "Pipeline")) return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "models"), Token("LSP", "["), Token("SQ", "'"), clean_tok(t.children[0]), Token("SQ", "'"), Token("LSP", "]"), Token("EQ", "="), Token("ID", "Pipeline"), Token("LP", "("), Token("LSP", "[") ] # devo trasformare da [a,b,c] -> [("a",a),("b",b),("c",c)] + branches + [Token("RSP", "]"), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\n")]) # in alternativa è un modello sequenziale return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "models"), Token("LSP", "["), Token("SQ", "'"), clean_tok(t.children[0]), Token("SQ", "'"), Token("LSP", "]"), Token("EQ", "="), Token("ID", "Sequential"), Token("LP", "("), Token("LSP", "[") ] + branches + [Token("RSP", "]"), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\n")])
def traduce_layers(self, t: Tree, opt=""): # (layer + ( layer + layer )) if isinstance(t,list): t=t[0] # cprint("before", "blue") # print(t.children) # print(list_types_list(t.children)) # print(len(t.children)) ##################################################################### # e + e ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [1], ["PLUS"]) and len(t.children) == 3: if opt == "first": # print("fsx:", t.children[0]) # print("fdx:", t.children[2]) return Tree(, [Tree(t.children[0].data, [self.traduce_layers(t.children[0], "first")]), Tree(t.children[2].data, [self.traduce_layers(t.children[2])])]) else: # print("sx:", t.children[0]) # print("dx:", t.children[2]) return Tree(, [Tree(t.children[0].data, [self.traduce_layers(t.children[0])]), Tree(t.children[2].data, [self.traduce_layers(t.children[2])])]) ##################################################################### # ( [e]+ ) ##################################################################### # e ::= LP e RP if match(t.children, [0, len(t.children) - 1], ["LP", "RP"]): return Tree(, [Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), Token("LP", "(")] + [Dispatcher(self.mll,"forked").transform(t.children[1])] +[Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t")]) ##################################################################### # ID -> ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0,1], ["ID","AR"]) and len(t.children) == 2: # preparati per dare 2 bindings # print("sono della ID AR len2") self.mll.current_branch -=1 self.mll.current_bindings = self.mll.current_bindings[:len(self.mll.current_bindings)-1] self.mll.current_binding_name = t.children[0] return None ##################################################################### # ID -> ID ID ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0,1,2,3], ["ID","AR","ID","ID"]) and len(t.children) == 4: # concatena 2 concatenazioni che sono state bindate # print("sono della ID AR ID ID len4") return Tree(, [ Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "("), Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("LSP", "["), Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[2]).value), Token("CO", ","), Token("ID", clean_tok(t.children[3]).value), Token("RSP", "]"), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t") ]) ##################################################################### # e, e, e ##################################################################### t.children[1:] = map(Dispatcher(self.mll,"forked").transform, t.children[1:], "CO", ",") ##################################################################### # ID e+ w/o "+" and "->" ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0], ["ID"]) and len(t.children) > 1 and not match(t.children, [], ["PLUS"]) and not match(t.children, [], ["AR"]): if clean_tok(t.children[0]).value == "assign": return Tree(, [Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "(")] + t.children[1:] + [ Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t")]) if opt == "first": return Tree(, [Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "(")] + t.children[1:] + [ Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", "x"), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t")]) else: return Tree(, [ Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "(")] + t.children[1:] + [ Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t") ]) ############################################################################### # ID and no binding for forks and name is operations and not alias ############################################################################### if match(t.children, [0], ["ID"]) and len(t.children) == 1 and self.mll.current_binding_name is not None and clean_tok(t.children[0]).value not in self.mll.models: a = str(self.mll.current_bindings[:len(self.mll.current_bindings) - 1]).replace("'", "").replace("x,", "") # è sempre x il branch corente perchè vogliamo che il branch bindato sia stealth self.mll.current_bindings = ["x"] return Tree(, [ Token("ID", clean_tok(self.mll.current_binding_name)), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "("), Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", a), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t") ]) ##################################################################### # ID and binding for forks exists and name is alias ##################################################################### # print(match(t.children, [0], ["ID"])) # print(len(t.children) == 1) # print(self.mll.current_binding_name is not None) # print(clean_tok(t.children[0]).value in self.mll.models if isinstance(t.children[0],Token) else "Tree") if match(t.children, [0], ["ID"]) and len(t.children) == 1 and self.mll.current_binding_name is not None and clean_tok(t.children[0]).value.replace("models['","").replace("']","") in self.mll.models.keys(): # a = str(self.mll.current_bindings[:len(self.mll.current_bindings) - 1]).replace("'", "").replace("x,", "") # è sempre x il branch corente perchè vogliamo che il branch bindato sia stealth return Tree(, [ Token("ID", clean_tok(alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1])), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0] ]) # print("entro nel secondo lock", t.children) # print(match(t.children, [0], ["ID"])) # print(len(t.children) == 1) # print(self.mll.current_binding_name is None) # print(clean_tok(t.children[0]).value in self.mll.models if isinstance(t.children[0], Token) else "Tree") ##################################################################### # ID and binding for forks non-exists and name is alias ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0], ["ID"]) and len(t.children) == 1 and self.mll.current_binding_name is None and clean_tok(t.children[0]).value.replace("models['","").replace("']","") in self.mll.models.keys(): # a = str(self.mll.current_bindings[:len(self.mll.current_bindings) - 1]).replace("'", "").replace("x,", "") # è sempre x il branch corente perchè vogliamo che il branch bindato sia stealth return Tree(, [ Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("WS", "\n\t") ]) ##################################################################### # ID and no binding name for forks ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0], ["ID"]) and len(t.children) == 1 and self.mll.current_binding_name is None: a = str(self.mll.current_bindings[:len(self.mll.current_bindings) - 1]).replace("'", "").replace("x,", "") self.mll.current_bindings = ["x"] return Tree(, [ Token("ID", "x"), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[0], Token("LP", "("), Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", a), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t") ]) ##################################################################### # AT e become a=f()(a) ##################################################################### if match(t.children, [0], ["AT"]): return Tree(, [Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("EQ", "="), t.children[1], Token("LP", "("), Token("RP", ")"), Token("LP", "("), Token("ID", alphabet[self.mll.current_branch - 1]), Token("RP", ")"), Token("WS", "\n\t")]) # cprint("after", "red") # print(t.children) # print(len(t.children)) # print(list_types_list(t.children)) # print("-------------------------------------") return Tree(, [self.traduce_layers(t.children, opt)])
def contained_in_imported_libraries(self, t: Token) -> bool: s = clean_tok(t).value if s in self.available_libraries.keys(): return True return False
def select_imported_libraries(self, t: Token) -> None: s = clean_tok(t).value if s in self.available_libraries.keys(): if self.available_libraries[s] not in self.used_libraries: self.used_libraries.append(self.available_libraries[s])
def substitute_model(self, t: Token): if clean_tok(t).value in self.models.keys(): return Token("ID", "models['" + clean_tok(t).value + "']") else: return t
def solve_parmac(self, t): if clean_tok(t).value in self.parmacs.keys(): return self.parmacs[clean_tok(t).value] else: return t
def solve_macro(self, t): return self.macros[clean_tok(t).value]