def test_einsum_float32(self): np_ein = lambda *x, equation=None: numpy.einsum(equation, *x) x = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.1], [-0.5, -0.1]], dtype=numpy.float32) self.common_testn( (x, x), np_ein, nxnpy.einsum, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, numpy.float32), ('ab,bc->ac', )), equation='ab,bc->ac') self.common_testn( (x, x, x), np_ein, nxnpy.einsum, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, numpy.float32, numpy.float32), ('ab,bc,cd->acd', )), equation='ab,bc,cd->acd') self.common_test1( x, np_ein, nxnpy.einsum, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), ('ii', )), equation='ii') self.common_test1( x, np_ein, nxnpy.einsum, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), ('ij->ji', )), equation='ij->ji')
def test_signature_optional2(self): # sig, args, kwargs, version f32 = numpy.float32 sigs = [ # 2: optional (NDArrayType(("all", "all", "all"), n_optional=2), ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], {}, FctVersion((f32, f32, f32), None)), (NDArrayType(("all", "all", "all"), n_optional=2), ['X', 'Y'], {}, FctVersion((f32, f32), None)), (NDArrayType(("all", "all", "all"), n_optional=2), ['X'], {}, FctVersion((f32, ), None)), ] expected = [ ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('Y', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), " "('Z', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", 2), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('Y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", 1), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", 0), ] self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(sigs)) for i, (sigt, expe) in enumerate(zip(sigs, expected)): # pylint: disable=W0612 sig, args, kwargs, version = sigt inputs, kwargs, outputs, optional, n_vars = sig.get_inputs_outputs( args, kwargs, version) self.assertIsInstance(kwargs, (OrderedDict, dict)) si, so, opt = expe self.assertEqual(optional, opt) self.assertEqual(si, str(inputs)) self.assertEqual(so, str(outputs)) self.assertEqual(n_vars, 0)
def test_version(self): version = FctVersion(None, None) r = repr(version) self.assertEqual(r, "FctVersion(None, None)") self.assertEqual(version.args, None) self.assertEqual(version.kwargs, None) self.assertEqual(len(version), 0) self.assertEqual(version.as_tuple(), tuple()) self.assertEqual(version.as_string(), '_')
def test_version_dictionary(self): def fct(): pass keys = [ FctVersion(None, None), FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), ('constant', )), FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), (fct, )) ] dc = {} for k in keys: dc[k] = None self.assertEqual(len(dc), len(keys))
def test_version_exc(self): self.assertRaise( lambda: FctVersion([], None)._check_(), # pylint: disable=W0212 TypeError) self.assertRaise( lambda: FctVersion(None, [])._check_(), # pylint: disable=W0212 TypeError) version = FctVersion(None, None) def do(v): v.args = [] self.assertRaise(lambda: do(version), AttributeError)
def test_version_string(self): version = FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), ('constant', )) self.assertEqual(version.as_string(), 'float32___constant') version = FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), None) self.assertEqual(version.as_string(), 'float32__') version = FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), None) self.assertEqual(repr(version), "FctVersion((numpy.float32,), None)")
def test_expand_dims_float32(self): x = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.1], [-0.5, -0.1]], dtype=numpy.float32) self.common_test1(x, numpy.expand_dims, nxnpy.expand_dims, FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), (0, )), axis=0)
def common_test_clas(self, x, model_class, nxfct, key, dtype_out=None, ort=True, **kwargs): X, y = make_classification(100, n_informative=2, n_features=2, n_redundant=0) if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key, ) model = model_class().fit(X, y) key = FctVersion(key, (model, )) expected = model.predict(x), model.predict_proba(x) got = nxfct(x, model=model) self.assertIn(key, nxfct.signed_compiled) got = nxfct[key](x) compiled = nxfct[key].compiled self.assertEqualArray(expected[0], got[0]) self.assertEqualArray(expected[1], got[1]) if ort: onx = compiled.onnx_ rt2 = OnnxInference(onx, runtime="onnxruntime1") inputs = rt2.input_names outputs = rt2.output_names data = {inputs[0]: x} got2 = self.assertEqualArray(expected[0], got2[outputs[0]], decimal=6) self.assertEqualArray(expected[1], got2[outputs[1]], decimal=6)
def test_signature_optional3_kwargs_more(self): # sig, args, kwargs, version f32 = numpy.float32 i64 = numpy.int64 sigs = [ (NDArrayType(("T:all", numpy.int64, 'T'), n_optional=1), ['X', 'I', 'Y'], { 'mode': 'constant' }, FctVersion((f32, i64), ('constant', ))), ] expected = [ ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('I', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", 0), ] self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(sigs)) for i, (sigt, expe) in enumerate(zip(sigs, expected)): # pylint: disable=W0612 sig, args, kwargs, version = sigt inputs, kwargs, outputs, optional, n_vars = sig.get_inputs_outputs( args, kwargs, version) self.assertIsInstance(kwargs, (OrderedDict, dict)) si, so, opt = expe self.assertEqual(optional, opt) self.assertEqual(si, str(inputs)) self.assertEqual(so, str(outputs)) self.assertEqual(n_vars, 0)
def test_pad_float32(self): def custom_pad(x, pads, constant_value=None, mode='constant'): return onnx_pad(x, pads, constant_value=constant_value, mode=mode) kwargs = [{ 'mode': 'constant' }, { 'mode': 'edge' }, { 'mode': 'reflect' }, {}] for kw in kwargs: with self.subTest(kw=kw): x = numpy.array([[1.0, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.7]], dtype=numpy.float32) pads = numpy.array([0, 2, 0, 0], dtype=numpy.int64) value = numpy.array([1.77], dtype=numpy.float32) self.common_testn( (x, pads, value), custom_pad, nxnpy.pad, FctVersion((numpy.float32, numpy.int64, numpy.float32), (kw.get('mode', 'constant'), )), **kw, ort=kw.get('mode', 'constant') != 'reflect')
def common_test1(self, x, npfct, nxfct, key, dtype_out=None, ort=True, **kwargs): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key, ) if not isinstance(key, FctVersion): key = FctVersion(key, None) expected = npfct(x, **kwargs) got = nxfct(x, **kwargs) self.assertIn(key, nxfct.signed_compiled) got = nxfct[key](x) compiled = nxfct[key].compiled self.assertEqualArray(expected, got) if dtype_out is not None: self.assertEqual(got.dtype, dtype_out) if ort: onx = compiled.onnx_ rt2 = OnnxInference(onx, runtime="onnxruntime1") inputs = rt2.input_names outputs = rt2.output_names data = {inputs[0]: x} got2 =[outputs[0]] self.assertEqualArray(expected, got2, decimal=6)
def test_amin_float32(self): kwargs = [{'axis': 0}, {}, {'axis': 1}] for kw in kwargs: with self.subTest(kw=kw): x = numpy.array([[-6.1, 5], [-3.5, 7.8]], dtype=numpy.float32) sig = FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), (kw.get('axis', None), 0)) self.common_test1(x, numpy.amin, nxnpy.amin, sig, **kw)
def test_signature(self): # sig, args, kwargs, version f32 = numpy.float32 i64 = numpy.int64 bbb = numpy.bool_ sigs = [ # 0 (NDArraySameTypeSameShape("all"), ['X'], {}, FctVersion((f32, ), None)), (NDArraySameTypeSameShape("floats"), ['X'], {}, FctVersion((f32, ), None)), (NDArrayType("all_int"), ['X'], {}, FctVersion((i64, ), None)), (NDArrayType(("bool", "T:all"), dtypes_out=('T', )), ['X', 'C'], {}, FctVersion((bbb, f32), None)), (NDArrayType( ("all", "ints")), ['X', 'I'], {}, FctVersion((f32, i64), None)), (NDArrayType("T:all", "T"), ['X'], {}, FctVersion((f32, ), None)), (NDArrayTypeSameShape("all_bool"), ['B'], {}, FctVersion((bbb, ), None)), (NDArrayType(("T:all", "ints"), ("T", (numpy.int64, ))), ['X', 'I'], {}, FctVersion((f32, i64), None)), ] expected = [ ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', BooleanTensorType(shape=[])), ('C', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('I', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('B', BooleanTensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', BooleanTensorType(shape=[]))]"), ("[('X', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('I', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]", "[('y', FloatTensorType(shape=[])), ('z', Int64TensorType(shape=[]))]" ), ] self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(sigs)) for i, (sigt, expe) in enumerate(zip(sigs, expected)): # pylint: disable=W0612 sig, args, kwargs, version = sigt inputs, kwargs, outputs, optional, n_vars = sig.get_inputs_outputs( args, kwargs, version) self.assertEqual(optional, 0) self.assertIsInstance(kwargs, (OrderedDict, dict)) si, so = expe self.assertEqual(si, str(inputs)) self.assertEqual(so, str(outputs)) self.assertEqual(n_vars, False)
def test_concat_float32(self): npc = lambda *x, axis=None: numpy.vstack(x) x = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.1], [-0.5, -0.1]], dtype=numpy.float32) self.common_testn( (x, x), npc, nxnpy.concat, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, numpy.float32), (0, )), axis=0)
def test_arange_float32(self): kwargs = [{}, {'step': 1}, {'step': 3}] for kw in kwargs: with self.subTest(kw=kw): begin = numpy.array([5], dtype=numpy.int64) stop = numpy.array([20], dtype=numpy.int64) sig = FctVersion((numpy.int64, numpy.int64), (kw.get('step', 1), )) self.common_testn((begin, stop), numpy.arange, nxnpy.arange, sig, **kw)
def test_transpose_float32(self): np_tr = lambda x, perm=None: numpy.transpose(x, perm) x = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.1], [-0.5, -0.1], [1, 1]], dtype=numpy.float32) self.common_test1( x, np_tr, nxnpy.transpose, # pylint: disable=E1101 FctVersion((numpy.float32, ), ((1, 0), )), perm=(1, 0))
def test_signature_optional_errors_runtime(self): # sig, args, kwargs, version f32 = numpy.float32 i64 = numpy.int64 sigs = [ (NDArrayType(("T:all", numpy.int64, 'T'), n_optional=1), ['X', 'I', 'R', 'T'], { 'mode': 'constant' }, FctVersion((f32, i64), ('constant', ))), (NDArrayType(("T:all", numpy.int64), 'T', n_optional=1), ['X', 'I', 'Y'], {}, FctVersion((f32, i64, f32), None)), (NDArrayType(("T:all", numpy.int64), 'T', n_optional=1), ['X', 'I', 'Y'], {}, FctVersion((f32, i64, f32, f32), None)), ] for i, sigt in enumerate(sigs): # pylint: disable=W0612 sig, args, kwargs, version = sigt self.assertRaise( lambda: sig.get_inputs_outputs( # pylint: disable=W0640 args, kwargs, version), # pylint: disable=W0640 RuntimeError)
def common_testn(self, xs, npfct, nxfct, key, ort=True, **kwargs): if not isinstance(key, FctVersion): key = FctVersion(key, None) if isinstance(xs, numpy.ndarray): xts = [xs] else: xts = xs expected = npfct(*xts, **kwargs) got = nxfct(*xts, **kwargs) self.assertIn(key, nxfct.signed_compiled) got = nxfct[key](*xts) compiled = nxfct[key].compiled self.assertEqualArray(expected, got) if ort: onx = compiled.onnx_ rt2 = OnnxInference(onx, runtime="onnxruntime1") inputs = rt2.input_names outputs = rt2.output_names data = {n: x for n, x in zip(inputs, xts)} got2 =[outputs[0]] self.assertEqualArray(expected, got2, decimal=6)
def test_compress_float32(self): x = numpy.array([[-6.1, 5, 6], [-3.5, 7.8, 5]], dtype=numpy.float32) cond = numpy.array([False, True]) exp = numpy.compress(cond, x, axis=0) got = nxnpy.compress(cond, x, axis=0) self.assertEqualArray(got, exp) cond = numpy.array([False, True, False]) exp = numpy.compress(cond, x, axis=1) got = nxnpy.compress(cond, x, axis=1) self.assertEqualArray(got, exp) axes = [0, 1, None] for a in axes: with self.subTest(axis=a): x = numpy.array([[-6.1, 5], [-3.5, 7.8]], dtype=numpy.float32) cond = numpy.array([False, True]) self.common_testn((cond, x), numpy.compress, nxnpy.compress, FctVersion((numpy_bool, numpy.float32), (a, )), axis=a)