コード例 #1
    async def create(self, name, doc_fields=None):
        Create an experiment document.

            name (str): Name of the experiment.
            doc_fields: Other fields of the experiment document.
                The following fields will be set by default if absent:
                *  start_time: set to ``datetime.utcnow()``.
                *  heartbeat: set to `start_time`.
                *  status: set to "RUNNING".

            ObjectId: The ID of the inserted document.
        doc_fields = validate_experiment_doc(
            pop_experiment_id(dict(doc_fields or ())))
        doc_fields['name'] = name
        if 'start_time' not in doc_fields:
            doc_fields['start_time'] = datetime.utcnow()
        if 'heartbeat' not in doc_fields:
            doc_fields['heartbeat'] = doc_fields['start_time']
        if 'status' not in doc_fields:
            doc_fields['status'] = 'RUNNING'
        await self.ensure_indexes()
        return (await self.collection.insert_one(doc_fields)).inserted_id
コード例 #2
    async def set_heartbeat(self, id, doc_fields=None):
        Set the heartbeat time of an experiment.

            id (str or ObjectId): ID of the experiment.
            doc_fields: Other fields to be updated, optional.

            KeyError: If the experiment with `id` does not exist.
        doc_fields = validate_experiment_doc(
            pop_experiment_id(dict(doc_fields or ())))
        doc_fields['heartbeat'] = datetime.utcnow()
        await self.ensure_indexes()
        return await self._update(id, doc_fields)
コード例 #3
    async def update(self, id, doc_fields):
        Update an experiment document in ``[coll_name].runs``.

            id (str or ObjectId): ID of the experiment.
            doc_fields: Fields of the experiment document to be updated.

            KeyError: If the experiment with `id` does not exist.
        id = validate_experiment_id(id)
        doc_fields = validate_experiment_doc(
            pop_experiment_id(dict(doc_fields or ())))
        await self.ensure_indexes()
        if doc_fields:
            return await self._update(id, doc_fields)
コード例 #4
    async def set_finished(self, id, status, doc_fields=None):
        Set the status of an experiment to "COMPLETED" or "FAILED".

        The "stop_time" and the "heartbeat" will be set to current time.

            id (str or ObjectId): ID of the experiment.
            status ({"COMPLETED", "FAILED"}): The final experiment status.
            doc_fields: Other fields to be updated, optional.

            KeyError: If the experiment with `id` does not exist.
        if status not in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'):
            raise ValueError('Invalid `status`: {!r}'.format(status))
        doc_fields = validate_experiment_doc(
            pop_experiment_id(dict(doc_fields or ())))
        doc_fields['stop_time'] = doc_fields['heartbeat'] = datetime.utcnow()
        doc_fields['status'] = status
        await self.ensure_indexes()
        return await self._update(id, doc_fields)
コード例 #5
    async def iter_docs(self, filter=None, skip=None, limit=None,
                        sort_by=None, include_deleted=False):
        Iterate through experiment documents.

            filter: The filter for querying experiment documents.
                If `None`, all experiments will be queried.
            skip: Number of documents to skip at front.
            limit: Limiting the returned document by this number.
            sort_by: The sort ordering.  If not specified, will sort
                by the DESCENDING order of "heartbeat".
            include_deleted (bool): Whether or not to include deleted
                documents? (default :obj:`False`)

            The matched documents, in DESCENDING order of "heartbeat".
        # assemble the query
        filter_ = to_database_experiment_doc(
            validate_experiment_doc(dict(filter or ())))
        if not include_deleted:
            filter_['deleted'] = {'$ne': True}
        if sort_by is None:
            sort_by = [('heartbeat', pymongo.DESCENDING)]

        # open the cursor and fetch documents
        cursor = self.collection.find(
        if skip:
            cursor = cursor.skip(skip)
        if limit:
            cursor = cursor.limit(limit)
        async for doc in cursor:
            yield from_database_experiment_doc(doc)