コード例 #1
def mul24_perm(v, pi):
    perm = m24num_to_perm(pi)
    w = np.zeros(24, dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(24):
        w[perm[i]] = v[i]
    for i in range(24):
        v[i] = w[i]
コード例 #2
def map_cocode(c, pi):
    """Map cocode element with permutation pi

    'c' is a cocode element in 'cocode' representation.
    'pi' is the number of a permutation in the Mathieu group
    Mat24. The function returns the image of 'c' under the 
    permutation 'pi' in 'cocode' representation.
    perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(pi)
    return mat24.op_cocode_perm(c, perm)
コード例 #3
def test_mat24lex(ntests=5000, verbose=0):
    lindex = []
    ldata = []
    for i, n in enumerate(mat24lex_testcases(ntests)):
        # Do  additional checks for the first few samples
        test_ref = i < 100
        # Compute permutation p with number n using the cython wrapper
        # mat24.m24num_to_perm() for function mat24_m24num_to_perm()
        p = mat24.m24num_to_perm(n)
        # For the first few random test data do:
        if test_ref:
            # Check result p against two slow reference implementations
            p_py_ref = py_mat24_int_to_perm(n)
            assert p == p_py_ref, (n, p, p_py_ref)
            p_ref = mat24_int_to_perm(n)
            assert p == p_ref, (n, p, p_ref)
        if verbose:
            print(i, n, p[:10])
        # Append pair (n i) to the list 'lindex' and put ldata[i] = p
        lindex.append((n, i))
        ### p[2] = randint(0,23) # This would destroy the order
        # Compute number n1 of permutation p using the cython wrapper
        # mat24.perm_to_m24num() for function mat24_perm_to_m24num()
        n1 = mat24.perm_to_m24num(p)
        # Then n == n1 must hold
        assert n1 == n, (hex(n), hex(n1), p)
        # For the first few random test data do:
        if test_ref:
            # Check result n1 against a slow reference implementation
            n1_ref = mat24_perm_to_int(p)
            assert n1_ref == n, (hex(n), hex(n1_ref), p)

    # Sort the index list 'lindex' by permutation numbers.
    # Let n0 be the first permutation number in 'lindex' and
    # let p0 be the corresponding permutation.
    n0, index0 = lindex[0]
    p0 = ldata[index0]
    # For all subsequent permutation numbers n1 in the list 'lindex'
    # let p1 be the corresponding permutation.
    for n1, index1 in lindex[1:]:
        p1 = ldata[index1]
        if n1 > n0:
            # Check that permutation p1 is greater the the previous
            # permutation p0 (assuming that n1 is greater than the
            # previous number n0).
            assert p1 > p0
        elif n1 == n0:
            # Birthday paradoxon: n1 == n0 may (and will) happen
            assert p1 == p0
            raise ValueError("Something is going wrong here")
        # Update 'previous' number n0 and permutation p0
        n0, p0 = n1, p1
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, tag, cocode, perm=0):
     self.tag = tag
     if isinstance(cocode, Integral):
         self.cocode = cocode & 0xfff
         if perm:
             if isinstance(perm, Integral):
                 self.m24num = perm
                 self.m24num = mat24.perm_to_m24num(perm)
             self.perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(self.m24num)
             self.rep = mat24.perm_to_autpl(cocode, self.perm)
             self.m24num = 0
             self.perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(0)
             self.rep = mat24.cocode_to_autpl(cocode)
         self.rep = cocode
         self.perm = mat24.autpl_to_perm(self.rep)
         self.cocode = mat24.autpl_to_cocode(self.rep)
         self.m24num = mat24.perm_to_m24num(self.perm)
コード例 #5
def map_octad(oct, delta, pi):
    """Map octad through a Parker loop automorphsim to octad.

    Here 'oct' is an octad given in ocatad representation,
    interpreted as a (positive) element of the Parker loop.
    The pair (delta, pi), with delte a cocode element and pi
    the number of a permutation in Mat24, is an automorphism
    of the Parker loop. 

    The function returns a pair (sign, img_octad) representing
    an element of the Parker loop with a given sign. img_octad 
    is the number of the correspondig octad in octad 

    The return value is the image of the octad under the
    Parker loop automorphism (delta, pi).
    gcode = mat24.octad_to_gcode(oct)
    perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(pi)
    m = mat24.perm_to_autpl(delta, perm)
    image = mat24.op_ploop_autpl(gcode, m)
    image_oct = mat24.gcode_to_octad(image)
    sign = (image >> 12) & 1
    return sign, image_oct
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_heptad.py プロジェクト: Martin-Seysen/mmgroup
def rand_perm():
    """Return random permutation in ``Mat24`` as a list"""
    num = random.randint(0, mat24.MAT24_ORDER - 1)
    return mat24.m24num_to_perm(num)
コード例 #7
ファイル: autpl.py プロジェクト: Martin-Seysen/mmgroup
 def _compute_from_numbers(self):
     self._perm = mat24.m24num_to_perm(self._perm_num)
     self.rep = mat24.perm_to_autpl(self._cocode, self._perm)