def compute_and_save_spectral_connectivity(data,con_method,sfreq,fmin,fmax,index = 0,mode = 'multitaper',export_to_matlab = False): import sys,os from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity import numpy as np from import savemat print data.shape if len(data.shape) < 3: if con_method in ['coh','cohy','imcoh']: data = data.reshape(1,data.shape[0],data.shape[1]) elif con_method in ['pli','plv','ppc' ,'pli','pli2_unbiased' ,'wpli' ,'wpli2_debiased']: print "warning, only work with epoched time series" sys.exit() if mode == 'multitaper': con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data, method=con_method, sfreq=sfreq, fmin= fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, tmin=None, mode = 'multitaper', mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) con_matrix = np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0]) elif mode == 'cwt_morlet': frequencies = np.arange(fmin, fmax, 1) n_cycles = frequencies / 7. con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data, method=con_method, sfreq=sfreq, faverage=True, tmin=None, mode='cwt_morlet', cwt_frequencies= frequencies, cwt_n_cycles= n_cycles, n_jobs=1) con_matrix = np.mean(np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0,:]),axis = 2) else: print "Error, mode = %s not implemented"%(mode) return [] print con_matrix.shape print np.min(con_matrix),np.max(con_matrix) conmat_file = os.path.abspath("conmat_" + str(index) + "_" + con_method + ".npy"),con_matrix) if export_to_matlab == True: conmat_matfile = os.path.abspath("conmat_" + str(index) + "_" + con_method + ".mat") savemat(conmat_matfile,{"conmat":con_matrix + np.transpose(con_matrix)}) return conmat_file
def fc_mnespectral(data, sfreq, freq_bands, metrics=None, verbose=None): """ data is freq bands is a dict of (lower,upper) freq tuples """ if metrics is None: metrics = [ 'coh', 'cohy', 'imcoh', 'plv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'pli2_unbiased', 'wpli', 'wpli2_debiased' ] scs = {} for freq_band, (lfreq, hfreq) in freq_bands.items(): res = spectral_connectivity(data, method=metrics, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=lfreq, fmax=hfreq, faverage=True, n_jobs=1, verbose=verbose) con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = res scs[freq_band] = con return scs
def transform(self, X): if self.sfreq is None: self.sfreq =['sfreq'] n_epochs, n_channels = X.shape[0], X.shape[1] epc = np.empty(shape=(n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels)) for i in range(n_epochs): c = spectral_connectivity(X[i,:,:].reshape(1, n_channels, -1), method=self.method, sfreq=self.sfreq, faverage=True, fmin=self.fmin, fmax=self.fmax, mt_bandwidth=self.mt_bandwidth, mt_adaptive=self.mt_adaptive, mt_low_bias=self.mt_low_bias, cwt_freqs=self.cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=self.cwt_n_cycles, block_size=self.block_size, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose) # pour la coherence, la diagonale est nulle. Ajouter l'identite ? # c = np.squeeze(c[0]).T + np.squeeze(c[0]) # c = np.power(np.squeeze(c[0]).T + np.squeeze(c[0]) + np.eye(n_channels), 2) c = np.linalg.matrix_power(np.squeeze(c[0]).T + np.squeeze(c[0]) + np.eye(n_channels), 2) if not isPD2(c): c = nearestPD(c) epc[i,:,:] = c return epc
def calc_electrodes_coh(subject, conditions, mat_fname, t_max, from_t_ind, to_t_ind, sfreq=1000, fmin=55, fmax=110, bw=15, dt=0.1, window_len=0.1, n_jobs=6): from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity import time input_file = op.join(SUBJECTS_DIR, subject, 'electrodes', mat_fname) d = sio.loadmat(input_file) output_file = op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'electrodes_coh.npy') windows = np.linspace(0, t_max - dt, t_max / dt) for cond, data in enumerate([d[cond] for cond in conditions]): if cond == 0: coh_mat = np.zeros((data.shape[1], data.shape[1], len(windows), 2)) # coh_mat = np.load(output_file) # continue ds_data = downsample_data(data) ds_data = ds_data[:, :, from_t_ind:to_t_ind] now = time.time() for win, tmin in enumerate(windows): print('cond {}, tmin {}'.format(cond, tmin)) utils.time_to_go(now, win + 1, len(windows)) con_cnd, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( ds_data, method='coh', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, mt_bandwidth=bw, mt_low_bias=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmin + window_len) con_cnd = np.mean(con_cnd, axis=2) coh_mat[:, :, win, cond] = con_cnd # plt.matshow(con_cnd) #[:-4], coh_mat) return coh_mat
def calc_coh(subject, conditions, task, meg_electordes_names, meg_electrodes_data, tmin=0, tmax=2.5, sfreq=1000, fmin=55, fmax=110, bw=15, n_jobs=6): input_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, subject, task, 'electrodes_data_trials.mat') output_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, subject, task, 'electrodes_coh.npy') d = sio.loadmat(input_file) # Remove and sort the electrodes according to the meg_electordes_names electrodes = get_electrodes_names(subject, task) electrodes_to_remove = set(electrodes) - set(meg_electordes_names) indices_to_remove = [electrodes.index(e) for e in electrodes_to_remove] electrodes = scipy.delete(electrodes, indices_to_remove).tolist() electrodes_indices = np.array([electrodes.index(e) for e in meg_electordes_names]) electrodes = np.array(electrodes)[electrodes_indices].tolist() assert(np.all(electrodes==meg_electordes_names)) for cond, data in enumerate([d[conditions[0]], d[conditions[1]]]): data = scipy.delete(data, indices_to_remove, 1) data = data[:, electrodes_indices, :] data = downsample_data(data) data = data[:, :, :meg_electrodes_data.shape[2]] if cond == 0: coh_mat = np.zeros((data.shape[1], data.shape[1], 2)) con_cnd, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method='coh', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, mt_bandwidth=bw, mt_low_bias=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) con_cnd = np.mean(con_cnd, axis=2) coh_mat[:, :, cond] = con_cnd[:-4], coh_mat) return con_cnd
def h(raw_EEG_data, method,fmin,fmax): sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency window = 30*sfreq epoch_size = 1000 last_samp = int(raw_EEG_data.last_samp - window/3) t_events = np.arange(window, min(50000+window, last_samp), epoch_size) events = np.zeros((len(t_events), 3), events[:, 0] = t_events events[:, 2] = 1 # ID of the event event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 epochs = mne.Epochs(raw_EEG_data, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=False, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) tmin = 0.0 # exclude the baseline period con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity( epochs, method=method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, tmin=tmin, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) ch_names = epochs.ch_names con = con[0:14] matrix = [] for lista in con: sublista = [] for elem in lista[0:14]: sublista.append(elem[0]) matrix.append(sublista) return np.array(matrix)
def envelope_coherence(se_data, seed_l, seed_r, fmin, fmax): ''' se_data == used adaptive linear spatial filtering (beamforming) to estimate the spectral amplitude and phase of neuronal signals at the source level Example: seed_l = Index of Left somatosensory cortex source estimate data seed_r = Index of Right somatosensory cortex source estimate data ''' se_data =[[seed_l,seed_r]].copy() # logarithm of the squared amplitude envelopes (power envelopes) data_squared = np.abs(se_data) * np.abs(se_data) data_mag = np.log(data_squared) log_range = np.arange(-1.5,1.1,0.1) covar_freqs = [math.pow(10,val) for val in log_range] ''' We chose a spectral bandwidth of (σf = f * 3.15) and spaced the center frequencies log- arithmically according to the exponentiation of the base 10 with exponents ranging from −1.5 in steps of 0.1 We derived spectral estimates in successive half-overlapping temporal windows that cov- ered ±3 σ t . From these complex numbers, we derived the coherency between power envelopes and took the real part of coherency as the frequency-specific measure of correlation ''' covar_freq_list = [] sfreq = 1000 for freq in covar_freqs: sigma = 3.15 * freq wvlt = morlet(sfreq, [freq], sigma=sigma, n_cycles=7) spectral_estimate = cwt(data_mag, wvlt) spectral_estimate = spectral_estimate[:,0,:] spectral_estimate_squared = np.abs(spectral_estimate) * np.abs(spectral_estimate) power_envelope = np.log(spectral_estimate_squared) power_envelope = power_envelope[np.newaxis,:,:] coherency, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity( power_envelope, fmin=freq, fmax=freq+0.5, method='cohy',faverage=True, sfreq=sfreq, n_jobs=4) coherence_corr = np.real(coherency) coherence_corr = coherence_corr[1,:,:][0] covar_freq_list.append(coherence_corr) coherence_correlation = np.vstack(covar_freq_list) ''' coherence_correlation.shape = (26,21) 26 is the co-variation frequency (x-axis) [0.032 - 10] log_range = np.arange(-1.5,1.1,0.1) covar_freqs = [math.pow(10,val) for val in log_range] 21 is the carrier freqeuncy (y-axis) [4 - 128] log_range = np.arange(2,7.25,0.25) carrier_freqs = [math.pow(2,val) for val in log_range] ''' return coherence_correlation
def multiple_windowed_spectral_proc(ts_file,sfreq,freq_band,con_method): import numpy as np import os from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity all_data = np.load(ts_file) print all_data.shape #print sfreq print freq_band if len(all_data.shape) != 4: print "Warning, all_data should have 4 dimensions: nb_trials * nb_wondows * nb_nodes * nb_timepoints" return [] all_con_matrices = [] for i in range(all_data.shape[0]): trial_con_matrices = [] for j in range(all_data.shape[1]): cur_data = all_data[i,j,:,:] print cur_data.shape data = cur_data.reshape(1,cur_data.shape[0],cur_data.shape[1]) con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data, method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin= freq_band[0], fmax=freq_band[1], faverage=True, tmin=None, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) print con_matrix.shape con_matrix = np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0]) print con_matrix.shape print np.min(con_matrix),np.max(con_matrix) trial_con_matrices.append(con_matrix) all_con_matrices.append(trial_con_matrices) np_all_con_matrices = np.array(all_con_matrices) print np_all_con_matrices.shape conmat_file = os.path.abspath("multiple_windowed_conmat_"+ con_method + ".npy"),np_all_con_matrices) return conmat_file
def calc_wpli_over_time(epochs): cwt_freqs = np.arange(8, 30, 1) cwt_cycles = cwt_freqs / 4. epochs.crop(-0.7, 0.7) con, freqs, times, _, _ = spectral_connectivity(epochs, method='wpli2_debiased', mode='cwt_morlet',['sfreq'], cwt_frequencies=cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_cycles, n_jobs=n_jobs) np.savez(op.join(study_path, 'results', 'wpli', '{}_{}_wpli' .format(['subject_info'],['cond'])), con=con, times=epochs.times, freqs=cwt_freqs, nave=len(epochs),,['ch_names'])
def calc_wpli_over_epochs(epochs): fmin = (1, 4, 8, 13, 30) fmax = (4, 7, 12, 30, 40) epochs.crop(-0.7, 0.7) con, freqs, times, _, _ = spectral_connectivity(epochs, method='wpli_debiased', mode='multitaper', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=False) np.savez(op.join(study_path, 'results', 'wpli', '{}_{}_dwpli_epochs' .format(['subject_info'],['cond'])), con=con, times=epochs.times, freqs=(fmin, fmax), nave=len(epochs),,['ch_names'])
def calc_meg_electrodes_coh(subject, tmin=0, tmax=2.5, sfreq=1000, fmin=55, fmax=110, bw=15, n_jobs=6): input_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, mri_subject, task, 'meg_electrodes_ts.npy') output_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, mri_subject, task, 'meg_electrodes_ts_coh.npy') data = np.load(input_file) for cond in range(data.shape[3]): data_cond = data[:, :, :, cond] if cond == 0: coh_mat = np.zeros((data_cond.shape[1], data_cond.shape[1], 2)) con_cnd, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( data_cond, method='coh', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, mt_bandwidth=bw, mt_low_bias=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) con_cnd = np.mean(con_cnd, axis=2) coh_mat[:, :, cond] = con_cnd[:-4], coh_mat) return con_cnd
def multiple_spectral_proc(ts_file,sfreq,freq_band,con_method): import numpy as np import os from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity all_data = np.load(ts_file) print all_data.shape #print sfreq print freq_band if len(all_data.shape) != 3: print "Warning, all_data should have several samples" return [] conmat_files = [] for i in range(all_data.shape[0]): cur_data = all_data[i,:,:] data = cur_data.reshape(1,cur_data.shape[0],cur_data.shape[1]) print data.shape con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data, method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin= freq_band[0], fmax=freq_band[1], faverage=True, tmin=None, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) con_matrix = np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0]) print con_matrix.shape print np.min(con_matrix),np.max(con_matrix) conmat_file = os.path.abspath("conmat_"+ con_method + "_" + str(i) + ".npy"),con_matrix) conmat_files.append(conmat_file) return conmat_files
def compute_channel_connectivity(epochs: Epochs, spectrum_mode: str, method: str, n_jobs: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute channel level connectivity matrix from Epochs instance. Returns the computed connectivity matrix (n_freqs, n_signals, n_signals). Args: str spectrum_mode: Valid estimation mode 'fourier' or 'multitaper' Epochs epochs: Epochs extracted from a Raw instance str method: connectivity estimation method int n_jobs: number of epochs to process in parallel :return: np.ndarray con: The computed connectivity matrix with a shape of (n_freqs, n_signals, n_signals). See Also -------- For frequency-decomposition and frequency bin reference: """ # spacing between frequency bins spacing =['sfreq'] / epochs.get_data().shape[-1] frequencies = frequency_bands[spectrum_mode].values() low_cutoff = tuple(band[0] for band in frequencies) high_cutoff = tuple(band[1] - spacing for band in frequencies) con, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity(data=epochs, method=method,['sfreq'], mode=spectrum_mode, fmin=low_cutoff, fmax=high_cutoff, faverage=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=True) # from shape of (n_signals, n_signals, n_freqs) to # (n_freqs, n_signals, n_signals) con = np.transpose(con, (2, 0, 1)) con = abs(con) return con
def calc_meg_electrodes_coh_windows(subject, tmin=0, tmax=2.5, sfreq=1000, freqs = ((8, 12), (12, 25), (25,55), (55,110)), bw=15, dt=0.1, window_len=0.2, n_jobs=6): input_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, mri_subject, task, 'meg_electrodes_ts.npy') output_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, mri_subject, task, 'meg_electrodes_ts_coh_windows_{}.npy'.format(window_len)) data = np.load(input_file) windows = np.linspace(tmin, tmax - dt, tmax / dt) for cond in range(data.shape[3]): data_cond = data[:, :, :, cond] if cond == 0: coh_mat = np.zeros((data_cond.shape[1], data_cond.shape[1], len(windows), len(freqs), 2)) for freq_ind, (fmin, fmax) in enumerate(freqs): for win, tmin in enumerate(windows): con_cnd, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( data[:, :, :, cond], method='coh', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, mt_bandwidth=bw, mt_low_bias=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmin + window_len) con_cnd = np.mean(con_cnd, axis=2) coh_mat[:, :, win, freq_ind, cond] = con_cnd[:-4], coh_mat) return con_cnd
def calc_electrodes_coh_windows(subject, input_fname, conditions, bipolar, meg_electordes_names, meg_electrodes_data, tmin=0, tmax=2.5, sfreq=1000, freqs=((8, 12), (12, 25), (25,55), (55,110)), bw=15, dt=0.1, window_len=0.2, n_jobs=6): output_file = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, subject, task, 'electrodes_coh_{}windows_{}.npy'.format('bipolar_' if bipolar else '', window_len)) if input_fname[-3:] == 'mat': d = sio.loadmat(matlab_input_file) conds_data = [d[conditions[0]], d[conditions[1]]] electrodes = get_electrodes_names(subject, task) elif input_fname[-3:] == 'npz': d = np.load(input_fname) conds_data = d['data'] conditions = d['conditions'] electrodes = d['names'].tolist() pass indices_to_remove, electrodes_indices = electrodes_tp_remove(electrodes, meg_electordes_names) windows = np.linspace(tmin, tmax - dt, tmax / dt) for cond, data in enumerate(conds_data): data = scipy.delete(data, indices_to_remove, 1) data = data[:, electrodes_indices, :] data = downsample_data(data) data = data[:, :, :meg_electrodes_data.shape[2]] if cond == 0: coh_mat = np.zeros((data.shape[1], data.shape[1], len(windows), len(freqs), 2)) # coh_mat = np.load(output_file) # continue now = time.time() for freq_ind, (fmin, fmax) in enumerate(freqs): for win, tmin in enumerate(windows): try: print('cond {}, tmin {}'.format(cond, tmin)) utils.time_to_go(now, win + 1, len(windows)) con_cnd, _, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method='coh', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, mt_bandwidth=bw, mt_low_bias=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmin + window_len) con_cnd = np.mean(con_cnd, axis=2) coh_mat[:, :, win, freq_ind, cond] = con_cnd except: print('Error with freq {} and win {}'.format(freq_ind, win))[:-4], coh_mat)
def word_connectivity(wordEpochs,indices,step=2): wordconnectivity = numpy.empty((int(wordEpochs.shape[0]/step),wordEpochs.shape[1],wordEpochs.shape[1],len(cwt_frequencies),epochLength*samplingRate)) # this array is wordEpochs x chans x chans x freqs x timeSamples print 'wordconnectivity',wordconnectivity.shape total = wordEpochs.shape[0]-wordEpochs.shape[0]%step for i in range(0,total/step): word = wordEpochs[step*i:step*(i+1)] if i == 0: print 'word',word.shape if step == 1: word = word.reshape((1,word.shape[0],word.shape[1])) if i == 0: if step == 1: print 'reshaped word',word.shape print 'cwt_frequencies',cwt_frequencies.shape print 'cwt_n_cycles',cwt_n_cycles.shape if i % 200 == 0: print 'Epoch %d/%d (%d)' % (i,total/step,total) wordconnectivity[i], freqs, times, _, _ = spectral_connectivity(word, indices=indices, method='coh', mode='cwt_morlet', sfreq=samplingRate, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, n_jobs=NJOBS, verbose='WARNING') return(wordconnectivity)
# Now we are ready to compute the connectivity in the alpha band. Notice # from the status messages, how mne-python: 1) reads an epoch from the raw # file, 2) applies SSP and baseline correction, 3) computes the inverse to # obtain a source estimate, 4) averages the source estimate to obtain a # time series for each label, 5) includes the label time series in the # connectivity computation, and then moves to the next epoch. This # behaviour is because we are using generators and allows us to # compute connectivity in computationally efficient manner where the amount # of memory (RAM) needed is independent from the number of epochs. fmin = 8. fmax = 13. sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(label_ts, method='wpli2_debiased', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, mt_adaptive=True, n_jobs=2) # con is a 3D array, get the connectivity for the first (and only) freq. band con = con[:, :, 0] # Now, we visualize the connectivity using a circular graph layout # First, we reorder the labels based on their location in the left hemi label_names = [ for label in labels] lh_labels = [name for name in label_names if name.endswith('lh')] # Get the y-location of the label label_ypos = list() for name in lh_labels:
# Use 'MEG 2343' as seed seed_ch = 'MEG 2343' picks_ch_names = [raw.ch_names[i] for i in picks] # Create seed-target indices for connectivity computation seed = picks_ch_names.index(seed_ch) targets = np.arange(len(picks)) indices = seed_target_indices(seed, targets) # Define wavelet frequencies and number of cycles cwt_freqs = np.arange(7, 30, 2) cwt_n_cycles = cwt_freqs / 7. # Run the connectivity analysis using 2 parallel jobs sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency con, freqs, times, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( epochs, indices=indices, method='wpli2_debiased', mode='cwt_morlet', sfreq=sfreq, cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, n_jobs=1) # Mark the seed channel with a value of 1.0, so we can see it in the plot con[np.where(indices[1] == seed)] = 1.0 # Show topography of connectivity from seed title = 'WPLI2 - Visual - Seed %s' % seed_ch layout = mne.find_layout(, 'meg') # use full layout tfr = AverageTFR(, con, times, freqs, len(epochs)) tfr.plot_topo(fig_facecolor='w', font_color='k', border='k')
def test_spectral_connectivity(): """Test frequency-domain connectivity methods""" # Use a case known to have no spurious correlations (it would bad if # nosetests could randomly fail): np.random.seed(0) sfreq = 50. n_signals = 3 n_epochs = 10 n_times = 500 tmin = 0. tmax = (n_times - 1) / sfreq data = np.random.randn(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) times_data = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, n_times) # simulate connectivity from 5Hz..15Hz fstart, fend = 5.0, 15.0 for i in range(n_epochs): data[i, 1, :] = band_pass_filter(data[i, 0, :], sfreq, fstart, fend) # add some noise, so the spectrum is not exactly zero data[i, 1, :] += 1e-2 * np.random.randn(n_times) # First we test some invalid parameters: assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, method='notamethod') assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, mode='notamode') # test invalid fmin fmax settings assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=10 + 0.5 * (sfreq / float(n_times))) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=5) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(0, 11), fmax=(5, 10)) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(11,), fmax=(12, 15)) methods = ['coh', 'imcoh', 'cohy', 'plv', 'ppc', 'pli', 'pli2_unbiased', 'wpli', 'wpli2_debiased', 'coh'] modes = ['multitaper', 'fourier', 'cwt_morlet'] # define some frequencies for cwt cwt_frequencies = np.arange(3, 24.5, 1) for mode in modes: for method in methods: if method == 'coh' and mode == 'multitaper': # only check adaptive estimation for coh to reduce test time check_adaptive = [False, True] else: check_adaptive = [False] if method == 'coh' and mode == 'cwt_morlet': # so we also test using an array for num cycles cwt_n_cycles = 7. * np.ones(len(cwt_frequencies)) else: cwt_n_cycles = 7. for adaptive in check_adaptive: if adaptive: mt_bandwidth = 1. else: mt_bandwidth = None con, freqs, times, n, _ = spectral_connectivity(data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=None, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles) assert_true(n == n_epochs) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times) if mode == 'multitaper': upper_t = 0.95 lower_t = 0.5 else: # other estimates have higher variance upper_t = 0.8 lower_t = 0.75 # test the simulated signal if method == 'coh': idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + 1, fend - 1)) # we see something for zero-lag assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[0]:idx[1]] > upper_t)) if mode != 'cwt_morlet': idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - 1, fend + 1)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, :idx[0]] < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[1]:] < lower_t)) elif method == 'cohy': idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + 1, fend - 1)) # imaginary coh will be zero assert_true(np.all(np.imag(con[1, 0, idx[0]:idx[1]]) < lower_t)) # we see something for zero-lag assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, idx[0]:idx[1]]) > upper_t)) idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - 1, fend + 1)) if mode != 'cwt_morlet': assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, :idx[0]]) < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, idx[1]:]) < lower_t)) elif method == 'imcoh': idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + 1, fend - 1)) # imaginary coh will be zero assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[0]:idx[1]] < lower_t)) idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - 1, fend + 1)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, :idx[0]] < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[1]:] < lower_t)) # compute same connections using indices and 2 jobs, # also add a second method indices = tril_indices(n_signals, -1) test_methods = (method, _CohEst) combo = True if method == 'coh' else False stc_data = _stc_gen(data, sfreq, tmin) con2, freqs2, times2, n2, _ = spectral_connectivity(stc_data, method=test_methods, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, n_jobs=2) assert_true(isinstance(con2, list)) assert_true(len(con2) == 2) if method == 'coh': assert_array_almost_equal(con2[0], con2[1]) con2 = con2[0] # only keep the first method # we get the same result for the probed connections assert_array_almost_equal(freqs, freqs2) assert_array_almost_equal(con[indices], con2) assert_true(n == n2) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times2) # compute same connections for two bands, fskip=1, and f. avg. fmin = (5., 15.) fmax = (15., 30.) con3, freqs3, times3, n3, _ = spectral_connectivity(data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, fskip=1, faverage=True, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles) assert_true(isinstance(freqs3, list)) assert_true(len(freqs3) == len(fmin)) for i in range(len(freqs3)): assert_true(np.all((freqs3[i] >= fmin[i]) & (freqs3[i] <= fmax[i]))) # average con2 "manually" and we get the same result for i in range(len(freqs3)): freq_idx = np.searchsorted(freqs2, freqs3[i]) con2_avg = np.mean(con2[:, freq_idx], axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(con2_avg, con3[:, i])
pick_ori="normal", return_generator=True) # Now we are ready to compute the coherence in the alpha and beta band. # fmin and fmax specify the lower and upper freq. for each band, resp. fmin = (8., 13.) fmax = (13., 30.) sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency # Now we compute connectivity. To speed things up, we use 2 parallel jobs # and use mode='fourier', which uses a FFT with a Hanning window # to compute the spectra (instead of multitaper estimation, which has a # lower variance but is slower). By using faverage=True, we directly # average the coherence in the alpha and beta band, i.e., we will only # get 2 frequency bins coh, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(stcs, method='coh', mode='fourier', indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, n_jobs=2) print 'Frequencies in Hz over which coherence was averaged for alpha: ' print freqs[0] print 'Frequencies in Hz over which coherence was averaged for beta: ' print freqs[1] # Generate a SourceEstimate with the coherence. This is simple since we # used a single seed. For more than one seeds we would have to split coh. # Note: We use a hack to save the frequency axis as time tmin = np.mean(freqs[0]) tstep = np.mean(freqs[1]) - tmin coh_stc = mne.SourceEstimate(coh, vertices=stc.vertno, tmin=1e-3 * tmin, tstep=1e-3 * tstep, subject='sample')
# Pick MEG gradiometers picks = mne.pick_types(, meg='grad', eeg=False, stim=False, eog=True, exclude='bads') # Create epochs for the visual condition event_id, tmin, tmax = 3, -0.2, 0.5 epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6)) # Compute connectivity for band containing the evoked response. # We exclude the baseline period fmin, fmax = 3., 9. sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency tmin = 0.0 # exclude the baseline period con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(epochs, method='pli', mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, tmin=tmin, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=2) # the epochs contain an EOG channel, which we remove now ch_names = epochs.ch_names idx = [ch_names.index(name) for name in ch_names if name.startswith('MEG')] con = con[idx][:, idx] # con is a 3D array where the last dimension is size one since we averaged # over frequencies in a single band. Here we make it 2D con = con[:, :, 0] # Now, visualize the connectivity in 3D try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab except:
def snr_epochs(epochs, n_perm=10, fmin=1, fmax=300, tmin=None, tmax=None, kind='coh', normalize_coherence=False): ''' Computes the coherence between the mean of subsets of epochs. This can be used to assess signal stability in response to a stimulus (repeated or otherwise). Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of Epochs The data on which to calculate coherence. Coherence will be calculated between the mean of random splits of trials n_perm : int The number of permuatations to run fmin : float The minimum coherence frequency fmax : float The maximum coherence frequency tmin : float Start time for coherence estimation tmax : float Stop time for coherence estimation kind : 'coh' | 'corr' Specifies the similarity statistic. If corr, calculate correlation between the mean of subsets of epochs. If coh, then calculate the coherence. normalize_coherence : bool If True, subtract the grand mean coherence across permutations and channels from the output matrix. This is a way to "baseline" your coherence values to show deviations from the global means Outputs ------- permutations : np.array, shape (n_perms, n_signals, n_freqs) A collection of coherence values for each permutation. coh_freqs : np.array, shape (n_freqs,) The frequency values in the coherence analysis ''' sfreq =['sfreq'] epochs = epochs.crop(tmin, tmax, copy=True) nep, n_chan, ntime = epochs._data.shape # Run permutations permutations = [] for iperm in tqdm(xrange(n_perm)): # Split our epochs into two random groups, take mean of each t1, t2 = np.split(np.random.permutation(np.arange(nep)), [nep/2.]) mn1, mn2 = [epochs[this_ixs]._data.mean(0) for this_ixs in [t1, t2]] # Now compute similarity between the two this_similarity = [] for ch, this_mean1, this_mean2 in zip(epochs.ch_names, mn1, mn2): this_means = np.vstack([this_mean1, this_mean2]) if kind == 'coh': # import ecogtools as et; et.embed() this_means = this_means[np.newaxis, :, :] ixs = ([0], [1]) sim, coh_freqs, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( this_means, sfreq=sfreq, method='coh', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, indices=ixs, verbose=0) sim = sim.squeeze() elif kind == 'corr': sim, _ = pearsonr(*this_means) else: raise ValueError('Unknown similarity type: {0}'.format(kind)) this_similarity.append(sim) permutations.append(this_similarity) permutations = np.array(permutations) if normalize_coherence is True: # Normalize coherence values to their grand average permutations -= permutations.mean((0, 1)) if kind == 'coh': return permutations, coh_freqs elif kind == 'corr': return permutations
def epochs_snr(epochs, n_perm=10, fmin=0, fmax=300, tmin=None, tmax=None, kind='coh', normalize_coherence=True): ''' Computes the coherence between the mean of subsets of trails. This can be used to assess signal stability in response to a stimulus (repeated or otherwise). Parameters ---------- epochs : instance of Epochs The data on which to calculate coherence. Coherence will be calculated between the mean of random splits of trials n_perm : int The number of permuatations to run fmin : float The minimum coherence frequency fmax : float The maximum coherence frequency tmin : float Start time for coherence estimation tmax : float Stop time for coherence estimation kind : 'coh' | 'corr' Whether to use coherence or correlation as the similarity statistic normalize_coherence : bool If True, subtract the grand mean coherence across permutations and channels from the output matrix. This is a way to "baseline" your coherence values to show deviations from the global means Outputs ------- permutations : np.array, shape (n_perms, n_signals, n_freqs) A collection of coherence values for each permutation. coh_freqs : np.array, shape (n_freqs,) The frequency values in the coherence analysis ''' sfreq =['sfreq'] nep, n_chan, ntime = epochs._data.shape permutations = [] for iperm in tqdm(xrange(n_perm)): # Split our epochs into two random groups, take mean of each t1, t2 = np.split(np.random.permutation(np.arange(nep)), [nep/2.]) mn1, mn2 = [epochs[this_ixs]._data.mean(0) for this_ixs in [t1, t2]] # Now compute coherence between the two this_similarity = [] for ch, this_mean1, this_mean2 in zip(epochs.ch_names, mn1, mn2): this_means = np.vstack([this_mean1, this_mean2]) if kind == 'coh': sim, coh_freqs, _, _, _ = spectral_connectivity( this_means[None, :, :], sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, mt_adaptive=True, verbose=0) sim = sim[1, 0, :].squeeze() elif kind == 'corr': sim, _ = sp.stats.pearsonr(vals1, vals2) this_similarity.append(sim) permutations.append(this_similarity) permutations = np.array(permutations) if normalize_coherence is True: # Normalize coherence values be their grand average permutations -= permutations.mean((0, 1)) if kind == 'coh': return permutations, coh_freqs elif kind == 'corr': return permutations
def test_spectral_connectivity(): """Test frequency-domain connectivity methods""" # Use a case known to have no spurious correlations (it would bad if # nosetests could randomly fail): np.random.seed(0) sfreq = 50.0 n_signals = 3 n_epochs = 8 n_times = 256 tmin = 0.0 tmax = (n_times - 1) / sfreq data = np.random.randn(n_epochs, n_signals, n_times) times_data = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, n_times) # simulate connectivity from 5Hz..15Hz fstart, fend = 5.0, 15.0 for i in range(n_epochs): data[i, 1, :] = band_pass_filter(data[i, 0, :], sfreq, fstart, fend, **filt_kwargs) # add some noise, so the spectrum is not exactly zero data[i, 1, :] += 1e-2 * np.random.randn(n_times) # First we test some invalid parameters: assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, method="notamethod") assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, mode="notamode") # test invalid fmin fmax settings assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=10 + 0.5 * (sfreq / float(n_times))) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=5) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(0, 11), fmax=(5, 10)) assert_raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(11,), fmax=(12, 15)) methods = ["coh", "cohy", "imcoh", ["plv", "ppc", "pli", "pli2_unbiased", "wpli", "wpli2_debiased", "coh"]] modes = ["multitaper", "fourier", "cwt_morlet"] # define some frequencies for cwt cwt_frequencies = np.arange(3, 24.5, 1) for mode in modes: for method in methods: if method == "coh" and mode == "multitaper": # only check adaptive estimation for coh to reduce test time check_adaptive = [False, True] else: check_adaptive = [False] if method == "coh" and mode == "cwt_morlet": # so we also test using an array for num cycles cwt_n_cycles = 7.0 * np.ones(len(cwt_frequencies)) else: cwt_n_cycles = 7.0 for adaptive in check_adaptive: if adaptive: mt_bandwidth = 1.0 else: mt_bandwidth = None con, freqs, times, n, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=None, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, ) assert_true(n == n_epochs) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times) if mode == "multitaper": upper_t = 0.95 lower_t = 0.5 elif mode == "fourier": # other estimates have higher variance upper_t = 0.8 lower_t = 0.75 else: # cwt_morlet upper_t = 0.64 lower_t = 0.63 # test the simulated signal if method == "coh": idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + trans_bandwidth, fend - trans_bandwidth)) # we see something for zero-lag assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[0] : idx[1]] > upper_t), con[1, 0, idx[0] : idx[1]].min()) if mode != "cwt_morlet": idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - trans_bandwidth * 2, fend + trans_bandwidth * 2)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, : idx[0]] < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[1] :] < lower_t), con[1, 0, idx[1:]].max()) elif method == "cohy": idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + 1, fend - 1)) # imaginary coh will be zero check = np.imag(con[1, 0, idx[0] : idx[1]]) assert_true(np.all(check < lower_t), check.max()) # we see something for zero-lag assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, idx[0] : idx[1]]) > upper_t)) idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - trans_bandwidth * 2, fend + trans_bandwidth * 2)) if mode != "cwt_morlet": assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, : idx[0]]) < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, idx[1] :]) < lower_t)) elif method == "imcoh": idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart + 1, fend - 1)) # imaginary coh will be zero assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[0] : idx[1]] < lower_t)) idx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - 1, fend + 1)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, : idx[0]] < lower_t)) assert_true(np.all(con[1, 0, idx[1] :] < lower_t), con[1, 0, idx[1] :].max()) # compute same connections using indices and 2 jobs indices = np.tril_indices(n_signals, -1) if not isinstance(method, list): test_methods = (method, _CohEst) else: test_methods = method stc_data = _stc_gen(data, sfreq, tmin) con2, freqs2, times2, n2, _ = spectral_connectivity( stc_data, method=test_methods, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, n_jobs=2, ) assert_true(isinstance(con2, list)) assert_true(len(con2) == len(test_methods)) if method == "coh": assert_array_almost_equal(con2[0], con2[1]) if not isinstance(method, list): con2 = con2[0] # only keep the first method # we get the same result for the probed connections assert_array_almost_equal(freqs, freqs2) assert_array_almost_equal(con[indices], con2) assert_true(n == n2) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times2) else: # we get the same result for the probed connections assert_true(len(con) == len(con2)) for c, c2 in zip(con, con2): assert_array_almost_equal(freqs, freqs2) assert_array_almost_equal(c[indices], c2) assert_true(n == n2) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times2) # compute same connections for two bands, fskip=1, and f. avg. fmin = (5.0, 15.0) fmax = (15.0, 30.0) con3, freqs3, times3, n3, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, fskip=1, faverage=True, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, ) assert_true(isinstance(freqs3, list)) assert_true(len(freqs3) == len(fmin)) for i in range(len(freqs3)): assert_true(np.all((freqs3[i] >= fmin[i]) & (freqs3[i] <= fmax[i]))) # average con2 "manually" and we get the same result if not isinstance(method, list): for i in range(len(freqs3)): freq_idx = np.searchsorted(freqs2, freqs3[i]) con2_avg = np.mean(con2[:, freq_idx], axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(con2_avg, con3[:, i]) else: for j in range(len(con2)): for i in range(len(freqs3)): freq_idx = np.searchsorted(freqs2, freqs3[i]) con2_avg = np.mean(con2[j][:, freq_idx], axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(con2_avg, con3[j][:, i])
def test_spectral_connectivity(method, mode): """Test frequency-domain connectivity methods.""" # Use a case known to have no spurious correlations (it would bad if # tests could randomly fail): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) trans_bandwidth = 2. sfreq = 50. n_signals = 3 n_epochs = 8 n_times = 256 tmin = 0. tmax = (n_times - 1) / sfreq data = rng.randn(n_signals, n_epochs * n_times) times_data = np.linspace(tmin, tmax, n_times) # simulate connectivity from 5Hz..15Hz fstart, fend = 5.0, 15.0 data[1, :] = filter_data(data[0, :], sfreq, fstart, fend, filter_length='auto', fir_design='firwin2', l_trans_bandwidth=trans_bandwidth, h_trans_bandwidth=trans_bandwidth) # add some noise, so the spectrum is not exactly zero data[1, :] += 1e-2 * rng.randn(n_times * n_epochs) data = data.reshape(n_signals, n_epochs, n_times) data = np.transpose(data, [1, 0, 2]) # First we test some invalid parameters: pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, method='notamethod') pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, mode='notamode') # test invalid fmin fmax settings pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=10 + 0.5 * (sfreq / float(n_times))) pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=10, fmax=5) pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(0, 11), fmax=(5, 10)) pytest.raises(ValueError, spectral_connectivity, data, fmin=(11,), fmax=(12, 15)) # define some frequencies for cwt cwt_freqs = np.arange(3, 24.5, 1) if method == 'coh' and mode == 'multitaper': # only check adaptive estimation for coh to reduce test time check_adaptive = [False, True] else: check_adaptive = [False] if method == 'coh' and mode == 'cwt_morlet': # so we also test using an array for num cycles cwt_n_cycles = 7. * np.ones(len(cwt_freqs)) else: cwt_n_cycles = 7. for adaptive in check_adaptive: if adaptive: mt_bandwidth = 1. else: mt_bandwidth = None con, freqs, times, n, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=None, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles) assert (n == n_epochs) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times) if mode == 'multitaper': upper_t = 0.95 lower_t = 0.5 else: # mode == 'fourier' or mode == 'cwt_morlet' # other estimates have higher variance upper_t = 0.8 lower_t = 0.75 # test the simulated signal gidx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart, fend)) bidx = np.searchsorted(freqs, (fstart - trans_bandwidth * 2, fend + trans_bandwidth * 2)) if method == 'coh': assert np.all(con[1, 0, gidx[0]:gidx[1]] > upper_t), \ con[1, 0, gidx[0]:gidx[1]].min() # we see something for zero-lag assert (np.all(con[1, 0, :bidx[0]] < lower_t)) assert np.all(con[1, 0, bidx[1]:] < lower_t), \ con[1, 0, bidx[1:]].max() elif method == 'cohy': # imaginary coh will be zero check = np.imag(con[1, 0, gidx[0]:gidx[1]]) assert np.all(check < lower_t), check.max() # we see something for zero-lag assert np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, gidx[0]:gidx[1]]) > upper_t) assert np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, :bidx[0]]) < lower_t) assert np.all(np.abs(con[1, 0, bidx[1]:]) < lower_t) elif method == 'imcoh': # imaginary coh will be zero assert np.all(con[1, 0, gidx[0]:gidx[1]] < lower_t) assert np.all(con[1, 0, :bidx[0]] < lower_t) assert np.all(con[1, 0, bidx[1]:] < lower_t), \ con[1, 0, bidx[1]:].max() # compute a subset of connections using indices and 2 jobs indices = (np.array([2, 1]), np.array([0, 0])) if not isinstance(method, list): test_methods = (method, _CohEst) else: test_methods = method stc_data = _stc_gen(data, sfreq, tmin) con2, freqs2, times2, n2, _ = spectral_connectivity( stc_data, method=test_methods, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles, n_jobs=2) assert isinstance(con2, list) assert len(con2) == len(test_methods) if method == 'coh': assert_array_almost_equal(con2[0], con2[1]) if not isinstance(method, list): con2 = con2[0] # only keep the first method # we get the same result for the probed connections assert_array_almost_equal(freqs, freqs2) assert_array_almost_equal(con[indices], con2) assert (n == n2) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times2) else: # we get the same result for the probed connections assert (len(con) == len(con2)) for c, c2 in zip(con, con2): assert_array_almost_equal(freqs, freqs2) assert_array_almost_equal(c[indices], c2) assert (n == n2) assert_array_almost_equal(times_data, times2) # compute same connections for two bands, fskip=1, and f. avg. fmin = (5., 15.) fmax = (15., 30.) con3, freqs3, times3, n3, _ = spectral_connectivity( data, method=method, mode=mode, indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, fskip=1, faverage=True, mt_adaptive=adaptive, mt_low_bias=True, mt_bandwidth=mt_bandwidth, cwt_freqs=cwt_freqs, cwt_n_cycles=cwt_n_cycles) assert (isinstance(freqs3, list)) assert (len(freqs3) == len(fmin)) for i in range(len(freqs3)): assert np.all((freqs3[i] >= fmin[i]) & (freqs3[i] <= fmax[i])) # average con2 "manually" and we get the same result if not isinstance(method, list): for i in range(len(freqs3)): freq_idx = np.searchsorted(freqs2, freqs3[i]) con2_avg = np.mean(con2[:, freq_idx], axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(con2_avg, con3[:, i]) else: for j in range(len(con2)): for i in range(len(freqs3)): freq_idx = np.searchsorted(freqs2, freqs3[i]) con2_avg = np.mean(con2[j][:, freq_idx], axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(con2_avg, con3[j][:, i]) # test _get_n_epochs full_list = list(range(10)) out_lens = np.array([len(x) for x in _get_n_epochs(full_list, 4)]) assert ((out_lens == np.array([4, 4, 2])).all()) out_lens = np.array([len(x) for x in _get_n_epochs(full_list, 11)]) assert (len(out_lens) > 0) assert (out_lens[0] == 10)
permutations_results = np.empty(number_of_permutations) fmin, fmax = 7, 12 tmin, tmax = 0, 1 con_method = "plv" diff_permuatation = np.empty([6, 6, number_of_permutations]) # diff con_ctl, freqs_ctl, times_ctl, n_epochs_ctl, n_tapers_ctl =\ spectral_connectivity( ts_ctl_left, method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=250, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1, verbose=None) con_ent, freqs_ent, times_ent, n_epochs_ent, n_tapers_ent =\ spectral_connectivity( ts_ent_left, method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=250, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
def test_spectral_connectivity(main_path = "/mnt/Data/Projet-Karim", con_method = 'coh', freq_bands = [[15.,40.]], freq_band_names = ['beta']): import os from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity from import RawFIF subj_path = os.path.join(main_path ,'balai') print subj_path fif_files = [f for f in os.listdir(subj_path) if f.endswith("fif")] print fif_files for fif_f in fif_files: basename = os.path.splitext(fif_f)[0] raw = RawFIF(os.path.join(subj_path,fif_f),preload = True) print raw print len(raw.ch_names) sfreq =['sfreq'] select_sensors, = np.where(np.array([ch_name[0] == 'M' for ch_name in raw.ch_names],dtype = 'bool') == True) ### save electrode locations sens_loc = [['chs'][i]['loc'][:3] for i in select_sensors] sens_loc = np.array(sens_loc) loc_filename = os.path.join(subj_path,basename +"_correct_channel_coords.txt") np.savetxt(loc_filename,sens_loc , fmt = '%s') print sens_loc ### save electrode names sens_names = np.array([raw.ch_names[pos] for pos in select_sensors],dtype = "str") names_filename = os.path.join(subj_path,basename +"_correct_channel_names.txt") np.savetxt(names_filename,sens_names , fmt = '%s') #start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 100]) data,times = raw[select_sensors,:] print np.max(data,axis = 0) for i,freq_band in enumerate(freq_band_names): con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data.reshape(1,data.shape[0],data.shape[1]), method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin= freq_bands[i][0], fmax=freq_bands[i][1], faverage=True, tmin=None, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) #print con con_matrix = np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0]) print con_matrix.shape print np.min(con_matrix),np.max(con_matrix) #0/0 #print data_filtered.shape #print data-data #print np.max(data-data_filtered,axis = 0) #0/0 np_filename = os.path.join(subj_path,basename+ "_" + con_method +"_" + freq_band +".npy"),con_matrix)
# Compute inverse solution and for each epoch. By using "return_generator=True" # stcs will be a generator object instead of a list. This allows us so to # compute the coherence without having to keep all source estimates in memory. snr = 1.0 # use lower SNR for single epochs lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2 stcs = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs, inverse_operator, lambda2, method, pick_ori="normal", return_generator=True) # Now we are ready to compute the coherence in the gamma band. # fmin and fmax specify the lower and upper freq. for each band, resp. sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency cwt_frequencies = np.array([40]) coh, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(stcs, method='plv', mode='cwt_morlet', indices=indices, sfreq=sfreq, cwt_frequencies=cwt_frequencies, cwt_n_cycles=7, faverage=True, n_jobs=2) #tmin = np.mean(freqs[0]) #tstep = np.mean(freqs[1]) - tmin coh_new=coh.squeeze() coh_stc = mne.SourceEstimate(coh_new, vertices=stc.vertno, tmin=tmin,#tmin=1e-3 * tmin, tstep=1e-3*1, subject=subject) #tstep=1e-3 * tstep, subject=subject)'/ROI_'+subject+'_' +trigger, ftype='stc') # Now we can visualize the coherence using the plot method #brain = coh_stc.plot(subject, 'inflated', 'lh', fmin=0.25, fmid=0.4, # fmax=0.65, time_label='Coherence %0.1f ms', time_viewer=True, # subjects_dir=subjects_dir) #brain.show_view('lateral')
def epoched_multiple_spectral_proc(ts_file,sfreq,freq_band_name,freq_band,con_method,epoch_window_length): import numpy as np import os from mne.connectivity import spectral_connectivity all_data = np.load(ts_file) print all_data.shape #print sfreq print freq_band print freq_band_name if len(all_data.shape) != 3: print "Warning, all_data should have several samples" return [] conmat_files = [] for i in range(all_data.shape[0]): cur_data = all_data[i,:,:] print cur_data.shape if epoch_window_length == None : data = cur_data.reshape(1,cur_data.shape[0],cur_data.shape[1]) else: nb_splits = cur_data.shape[1] // (epoch_window_length * sfreq) print "epoching data with {}s by window, resulting in {} epochs".format(epoch_window_length,nb_splits) list_epoched_data = np.array_split(cur_data,nb_splits,axis = 1) print len(list_epoched_data) data = np.array(list_epoched_data) print data.shape con_matrix, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(data, method=con_method, mode='multitaper', sfreq=sfreq, fmin= freq_band[0], fmax=freq_band[1], faverage=True, tmin=None, mt_adaptive=False, n_jobs=1) print con_matrix.shape con_matrix = np.array(con_matrix[:,:,0]) print con_matrix.shape print np.min(con_matrix),np.max(con_matrix) conmat_file = os.path.abspath("conmat_"+ con_method + "_" + str(i) + ".npy"),con_matrix) conmat_files.append(conmat_file) return conmat_files
##################################################3333 # Now we are ready to compute the connectivity in the alpha band. Notice # from the status messages, how mne-python: 1) reads an epoch from the raw # file, 2) applies SSP and baseline correction, 3) computes the inverse to # obtain a source estimate, 4) averages the source estimate to obtain a # time series for each label, 5) includes the label time series in the # connectivity computation, and then moves to the next epoch. This # behaviour is because we are using generators and allows us to # compute connectivity in computationally efficient manner where the amount # of memory (RAM) needed is independent from the number of epochs. # #fmin = 4. # #fmax = 8. sfreq =['sfreq'] # the sampling frequency con_methods = ['plv', 'pli'] con, freqs, times, n_epochs, n_tapers = spectral_connectivity(label_ts, method=con_methods, mode='fourier', sfreq=sfreq, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, faverage=True) print con # con is a 3D array, get the connectivity for the first (and only) freq. band for each method con_res = dict() for method, c in zip(con_methods, con): con_res[method] = c[:, :, 0] print con_res ####Save ConnectivityMatrix as text file for fuirther averaging #np.savetxt(coh_fname, con_res['coh'], delimiter = ',') np.savetxt(plv_fname, con_res['plv'], delimiter = ',') np.savetxt(pli_fname, con_res['pli'], delimiter = ',') ################################################################################################## ###################### OR ####################### #######Read from text - coherence matrix file and plot the connectivity circle. :)