コード例 #1

#Advance artifact detection
from mne.preprocessing import create_eog_epochs, create_ecg_epochs

eog_average = create_eog_epochs(raw, reject=dict(mag=5e-12, grad=4000e-13),

eog_epochs = create_eog_epochs(raw, reject=reject)  # get single EOG trials
eog_inds, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(eog_epochs)  # find via correlation

ica.plot_scores(scores, exclude=eog_inds)  # look at r scores of components
# we can see that only one component is highly correlated and that this
# component got detected by our correlation analysis (red).

ica.plot_sources(eog_average, exclude=eog_inds)  # look at source time course
