コード例 #1
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Test basic magnetic dipole forward calculation."""
    trans = Transform('mri', 'head')
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_meg_coils(info['chs'], 'normal', trans)
    # magnetic dipole at device origin
    r0 = np.array([0., 13., -6.])
    for ch, coil in zip(info['chs'], coils):
        rr = (ch['loc'][:3] + r0) / 2.
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8. if ch['ch_name'][-1] == '1' else 16.  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
コード例 #2
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Test basic magnetic dipole forward calculation."""
    trans = Transform('mri', 'head')
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_meg_coils(info['chs'], 'normal', trans)
    # magnetic dipole at device origin
    r0 = np.array([0., 13., -6.])
    for ch, coil in zip(info['chs'], coils):
        rr = (ch['loc'][:3] + r0) / 2.
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8. if ch['ch_name'][-1] == '1' else 16.  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
コード例 #3
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Test basic magnetic dipole forward calculation
    trans = Transform("mri", "head", np.eye(4))
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_meg_coils(info["chs"], "normal", trans)
    # magnetic dipole at device origin
    r0 = np.array([0.0, 13.0, -6.0])
    for ch, coil in zip(info["chs"], coils):
        rr = (ch["loc"][:3] + r0) / 2.0
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8.0 if ch["ch_name"][-1] == "1" else 16.0  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
コード例 #4
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Basic test for magnetic dipole forward calculation
    trans = {'to': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD, 'from': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI,
             'trans': np.eye(4)}
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_coils(info['chs'], FIFF.FWD_COIL_ACCURACY_NORMAL, trans)
    # magnetic dipole at device origin
    r0 = np.array([0., 13., -6.])
    for ch, coil in zip(info['chs'], coils):
        rr = (ch['coil_trans'][:3, 3] + r0) / 2.
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8. if ch['ch_name'][-1] == '1' else 16.  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_make_forward.py プロジェクト: rajul/mne-python
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Test basic magnetic dipole forward calculation
    trans = {'to': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD, 'from': FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI,
             'trans': np.eye(4)}
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_coils(info['chs'], FIFF.FWD_COIL_ACCURACY_NORMAL, trans)
    # magnetic dipole at device origin
    r0 = np.array([0., 13., -6.])
    for ch, coil in zip(info['chs'], coils):
        rr = (ch['coil_trans'][:3, 3] + r0) / 2.
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8. if ch['ch_name'][-1] == '1' else 16.  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
コード例 #6
def test_magnetic_dipole():
    """Test basic magnetic dipole forward calculation."""
    info = read_info(fname_raw)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    info = pick_info(info, picks[:12])
    coils = _create_meg_coils(info['chs'], 'normal', None)
    # magnetic dipole far (meters!) from device origin
    r0 = np.array([0., 13., -6.])
    for ch, coil in zip(info['chs'], coils):
        rr = (ch['loc'][:3] + r0) / 2.  # get halfway closer
        far_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        near_fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(rr[np.newaxis, :], [coil])
        ratio = 8. if ch['ch_name'][-1] == '1' else 16.  # grad vs mag
        assert_allclose(np.median(near_fwd / far_fwd), ratio, atol=1e-1)
    # degenerate case
    r0 = coils[0]['rmag'][[0]]
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Coil too close'):
        _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0, coils[:1])
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Coil too close'):
        fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0, coils[:1], too_close='warning')
    assert not np.isfinite(fwd).any()
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        fwd = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(r0, coils[:1], too_close='info')
    assert not np.isfinite(fwd).any()
コード例 #7
ファイル: _simulate.py プロジェクト: staulu/mnefun
def _make_forward_solutions(info, mri, src, bem, bem_eog, dev_head_ts, mindist,
                            chpi_rrs, eog_rrs, ecg_rrs, n_jobs):
    """Calculate a forward solution for a subject

    info : instance of mne.io.meas_info.Info | str
        If str, then it should be a filename to a Raw, Epochs, or Evoked
        file with measurement information. If dict, should be an info
        dict (such as one from Raw, Epochs, or Evoked).
    mri : dict | str
        Either a transformation filename (usually made using mne_analyze)
        or an info dict (usually opened using read_trans()).
        If string, an ending of `.fif` or `.fif.gz` will be assumed to
        be in FIF format, any other ending will be assumed to be a text
        file with a 4x4 transformation matrix (like the `--trans` MNE-C
    src : str | instance of SourceSpaces
        If string, should be a source space filename. Can also be an
        instance of loaded or generated SourceSpaces.
    bem : str
        Filename of the BEM (e.g., "sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif") to
    bem_eog : dict
        Spherical BEM to use for EOG (and ECG) simulation.
    dev_head_ts : list
        List of device<->head transforms.
    mindist : float
        Minimum distance of sources from inner skull surface (in mm).
    chpi_rrs : ndarray
        CHPI dipoles to simulate (magnetic dipoles).
    eog_rrs : ndarray
        EOG dipoles to simulate.
    ecg_rrs : ndarray
        ECG dipoles to simulate.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to run in parallel.

    fwd : generator
        A generator for each forward solution in dev_head_ts.

    Some of the forward solution calculation options from the C code
    (e.g., `--grad`, `--fixed`) are not implemented here. For those,
    consider using the C command line tools or the Python wrapper
    mri_head_t, mri = _get_mri_head_t(mri)
    assert mri_head_t['from'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI

    if not isinstance(src, string_types):
        if not isinstance(src, SourceSpaces):
            raise TypeError('src must be a string or SourceSpaces')
        if not op.isfile(src):
            raise IOError('Source space file "%s" not found' % src)
    if isinstance(bem, dict):
        bem_extra = 'dict'
        bem_extra = bem
        if not op.isfile(bem):
            raise IOError('BEM file "%s" not found' % bem)
    if not isinstance(info, (dict, string_types)):
        raise TypeError('info should be a dict or string')
    if isinstance(info, string_types):
        info = read_info(info, verbose=False)

    # set default forward solution coordinate frame to HEAD
    # this could, in principle, be an option
    coord_frame = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD

    # Report the setup
    logger.info('Setting up forward solutions')

    # Read the source locations
    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        src = read_source_spaces(src, verbose=False)
        # let's make a copy in case we modify something
        src = src.copy()
    nsource = sum(s['nuse'] for s in src)
    if nsource == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('No sources are active in these source spaces. '
                           '"do_all" option should be used.')
    logger.info('Read %d source spaces a total of %d active source locations'
                % (len(src), nsource))

    # make a new dict with the relevant information
    mri_id = dict(machid=np.zeros(2, np.int32), version=0, secs=0, usecs=0)
    info = dict(nchan=info['nchan'], chs=info['chs'], comps=info['comps'],
                mri_file='', mri_id=mri_id, meas_file='',
                meas_id=None, working_dir=os.getcwd(),
                command_line='', bads=info['bads'])

    # Only get the EEG channels here b/c we can do MEG later
    _, _, eegels, _, eegnames, _ = \
        _prep_channels(info, False, True, True, verbose=False)

    # Transform the source spaces into the appropriate coordinates
    # (will either be HEAD or MRI)
    for s in src:
        transform_surface_to(s, coord_frame, mri_head_t)

    # Prepare the BEM model
    bem = _setup_bem(bem, bem_extra, len(eegnames), mri_head_t, verbose=False)

    # Circumvent numerical problems by excluding points too close to the skull
    if not bem['is_sphere']:
        inner_skull = _bem_find_surface(bem, 'inner_skull')
        _filter_source_spaces(inner_skull, mindist, mri_head_t, src, n_jobs,

    # Time to do the heavy lifting: EEG first, then MEG
    rr = np.concatenate([s['rr'][s['vertno']] for s in src])
    eegfwd = _compute_forwards(rr, bem, [eegels], [None],
                               [None], ['eeg'], n_jobs, verbose=False)[0]
    eegfwd = _to_forward_dict(eegfwd, None, eegnames, coord_frame,
    eegeog = _compute_forwards(eog_rrs, bem_eog, [eegels], [None],
                               [None], ['eeg'], n_jobs, verbose=False)[0]
    eegeog = _to_forward_dict(eegeog, None, eegnames, coord_frame,

    for ti, dev_head_t in enumerate(dev_head_ts):
        # could be *slightly* more efficient not to do this N times,
        # but the cost here is tiny compared to actual fwd calculation
        logger.info('Computing gain matrix for transform #%s/%s'
                    % (ti + 1, len(dev_head_ts)))
        info = deepcopy(info)
        info['dev_head_t'] = dev_head_t
        megcoils, compcoils, _, megnames, _, meg_info = \
            _prep_channels(info, True, False, False, verbose=False)

        # make sure our sensors are all outside our BEM
        coil_rr = [coil['r0'] for coil in megcoils]
        if not bem['is_sphere']:
            idx = np.where(np.array([s['id'] for s in bem['surfs']]) ==
            assert len(idx) == 1
            bem_surf = transform_surface_to(bem['surfs'][idx[0]], coord_frame,
            outside = _points_outside_surface(coil_rr, bem_surf, n_jobs,
            rad = bem['layers'][-1]['rad']
            outside = np.sqrt(np.sum((coil_rr - bem['r0']) ** 2)) >= rad
        if not np.all(outside):
            raise RuntimeError('MEG sensors collided with inner skull '
                               'surface for transform %s' % ti)

        # compute forward
        megfwd = _compute_forwards(rr, bem, [megcoils], [compcoils],
                                   [meg_info], ['meg'], n_jobs,
        megfwd = _to_forward_dict(megfwd, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd = _merge_meg_eeg_fwds(megfwd, eegfwd, verbose=False)

        # pick out final dict info
        nsource = fwd['sol']['data'].shape[1] // 3
        source_nn = np.tile(np.eye(3), (nsource, 1))
        fwd.update(dict(nchan=fwd['sol']['data'].shape[0], nsource=nsource,
                        info=info, src=src, source_nn=source_nn,
                        source_rr=rr, surf_ori=False, mri_head_t=mri_head_t))
        fwd['info']['mri_head_t'] = mri_head_t
        fwd['info']['dev_head_t'] = dev_head_t

        megeog = _compute_forwards(eog_rrs, bem_eog, [megcoils], [compcoils],
                                   [meg_info], ['meg'], n_jobs,
        megeog = _to_forward_dict(megeog, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd_eog = _merge_meg_eeg_fwds(megeog, eegeog, verbose=False)
        megecg = _compute_forwards(ecg_rrs, bem_eog, [megcoils], [compcoils],
                                   [meg_info], ['meg'], n_jobs,
        fwd_ecg = _to_forward_dict(megecg, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd_chpi = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(chpi_rrs, megcoils).T
        yield fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi
コード例 #8
ファイル: _simulate.py プロジェクト: staulu/mnefun
def _make_forward_solutions(info, mri, src, bem, bem_eog, dev_head_ts, mindist,
                            chpi_rrs, eog_rrs, ecg_rrs, n_jobs):
    """Calculate a forward solution for a subject

    info : instance of mne.io.meas_info.Info | str
        If str, then it should be a filename to a Raw, Epochs, or Evoked
        file with measurement information. If dict, should be an info
        dict (such as one from Raw, Epochs, or Evoked).
    mri : dict | str
        Either a transformation filename (usually made using mne_analyze)
        or an info dict (usually opened using read_trans()).
        If string, an ending of `.fif` or `.fif.gz` will be assumed to
        be in FIF format, any other ending will be assumed to be a text
        file with a 4x4 transformation matrix (like the `--trans` MNE-C
    src : str | instance of SourceSpaces
        If string, should be a source space filename. Can also be an
        instance of loaded or generated SourceSpaces.
    bem : str
        Filename of the BEM (e.g., "sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif") to
    bem_eog : dict
        Spherical BEM to use for EOG (and ECG) simulation.
    dev_head_ts : list
        List of device<->head transforms.
    mindist : float
        Minimum distance of sources from inner skull surface (in mm).
    chpi_rrs : ndarray
        CHPI dipoles to simulate (magnetic dipoles).
    eog_rrs : ndarray
        EOG dipoles to simulate.
    ecg_rrs : ndarray
        ECG dipoles to simulate.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to run in parallel.

    fwd : generator
        A generator for each forward solution in dev_head_ts.

    Some of the forward solution calculation options from the C code
    (e.g., `--grad`, `--fixed`) are not implemented here. For those,
    consider using the C command line tools or the Python wrapper
    mri_head_t, mri = _get_mri_head_t(mri)
    assert mri_head_t['from'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI

    if not isinstance(src, string_types):
        if not isinstance(src, SourceSpaces):
            raise TypeError('src must be a string or SourceSpaces')
        if not op.isfile(src):
            raise IOError('Source space file "%s" not found' % src)
    if isinstance(bem, dict):
        bem_extra = 'dict'
        bem_extra = bem
        if not op.isfile(bem):
            raise IOError('BEM file "%s" not found' % bem)
    if not isinstance(info, (dict, string_types)):
        raise TypeError('info should be a dict or string')
    if isinstance(info, string_types):
        info = read_info(info, verbose=False)

    # set default forward solution coordinate frame to HEAD
    # this could, in principle, be an option
    coord_frame = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD

    # Report the setup
    logger.info('Setting up forward solutions')

    # Read the source locations
    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        src = read_source_spaces(src, verbose=False)
        # let's make a copy in case we modify something
        src = src.copy()
    nsource = sum(s['nuse'] for s in src)
    if nsource == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('No sources are active in these source spaces. '
                           '"do_all" option should be used.')
    logger.info('Read %d source spaces a total of %d active source locations' %
                (len(src), nsource))

    # make a new dict with the relevant information
    mri_id = dict(machid=np.zeros(2, np.int32), version=0, secs=0, usecs=0)
    info = dict(nchan=info['nchan'],

    # Only get the EEG channels here b/c we can do MEG later
    _, _, eegels, _, eegnames, _ = \
        _prep_channels(info, False, True, True, verbose=False)

    # Transform the source spaces into the appropriate coordinates
    # (will either be HEAD or MRI)
    for s in src:
        transform_surface_to(s, coord_frame, mri_head_t)

    # Prepare the BEM model
    bem = _setup_bem(bem, bem_extra, len(eegnames), mri_head_t, verbose=False)

    # Circumvent numerical problems by excluding points too close to the skull
    if not bem['is_sphere']:
        inner_skull = _bem_find_surface(bem, 'inner_skull')

    # Time to do the heavy lifting: EEG first, then MEG
    rr = np.concatenate([s['rr'][s['vertno']] for s in src])
    eegfwd = _compute_forwards(rr,
                               bem, [eegels], [None], [None], ['eeg'],
    eegfwd = _to_forward_dict(eegfwd, None, eegnames, coord_frame,
    eegeog = _compute_forwards(eog_rrs,
                               bem_eog, [eegels], [None], [None], ['eeg'],
    eegeog = _to_forward_dict(eegeog, None, eegnames, coord_frame,

    for ti, dev_head_t in enumerate(dev_head_ts):
        # could be *slightly* more efficient not to do this N times,
        # but the cost here is tiny compared to actual fwd calculation
        logger.info('Computing gain matrix for transform #%s/%s' %
                    (ti + 1, len(dev_head_ts)))
        info = deepcopy(info)
        info['dev_head_t'] = dev_head_t
        megcoils, compcoils, _, megnames, _, meg_info = \
            _prep_channels(info, True, False, False, verbose=False)

        # make sure our sensors are all outside our BEM
        coil_rr = [coil['r0'] for coil in megcoils]
        if not bem['is_sphere']:
            idx = np.where(
                np.array([s['id'] for s in bem['surfs']]) ==
            assert len(idx) == 1
            bem_surf = transform_surface_to(bem['surfs'][idx[0]], coord_frame,
            outside = _points_outside_surface(coil_rr,
            rad = bem['layers'][-1]['rad']
            outside = np.sqrt(np.sum((coil_rr - bem['r0'])**2)) >= rad
        if not np.all(outside):
            raise RuntimeError('MEG sensors collided with inner skull '
                               'surface for transform %s' % ti)

        # compute forward
        megfwd = _compute_forwards(rr,
                                   bem, [megcoils], [compcoils], [meg_info],
        megfwd = _to_forward_dict(megfwd, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd = _merge_meg_eeg_fwds(megfwd, eegfwd, verbose=False)

        # pick out final dict info
        nsource = fwd['sol']['data'].shape[1] // 3
        source_nn = np.tile(np.eye(3), (nsource, 1))
        fwd['info']['mri_head_t'] = mri_head_t
        fwd['info']['dev_head_t'] = dev_head_t

        megeog = _compute_forwards(eog_rrs,
                                   bem_eog, [megcoils], [compcoils],
                                   [meg_info], ['meg'],
        megeog = _to_forward_dict(megeog, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd_eog = _merge_meg_eeg_fwds(megeog, eegeog, verbose=False)
        megecg = _compute_forwards(ecg_rrs,
                                   bem_eog, [megcoils], [compcoils],
                                   [meg_info], ['meg'],
        fwd_ecg = _to_forward_dict(megecg, None, megnames, coord_frame,
        fwd_chpi = _magnetic_dipole_field_vec(chpi_rrs, megcoils).T
        yield fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi