コード例 #1
ファイル: test_proj.py プロジェクト: Vincent-wq/mne-python
def test_proj_raw_duration(duration, sfreq):
    """Test equivalence of `duration` options."""
    n_ch, n_dim = 30, 3
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    signals = rng.randn(n_dim, 10000)
    mixing = rng.randn(n_ch, n_dim) + [0, 1, 2]
    data = np.dot(mixing, signals)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(n_ch, sfreq, 'eeg'))
    n_eff = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * duration))
    # crop to an even "duration" number of epochs
    stop = ((len(raw.times) // n_eff) * n_eff - 1) / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw.crop(0, stop)
    proj_def = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_dur = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=duration, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_none = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_eeg=n_dim)
    assert len(proj_dur) == len(proj_none) == len(proj_def) == n_dim
    # proj_def is not in here because it does not necessarily evenly divide
    # the signal length:
    for pu, pn in zip(proj_dur, proj_none):
        assert_allclose(pu['data']['data'], pn['data']['data'])
    # but we can test it here since it should still be a small subspace angle:
    for proj in (proj_dur, proj_none, proj_def):
        computed = np.concatenate([p['data']['data'] for p in proj], 0)
        angle = np.rad2deg(linalg.subspace_angles(computed.T, mixing)[0])
        assert angle < 1e-5
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_proj.py プロジェクト: Eric89GXL/mne-python
def test_proj_raw_duration(duration, sfreq):
    """Test equivalence of `duration` options."""
    n_ch, n_dim = 30, 3
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    signals = rng.randn(n_dim, 10000)
    mixing = rng.randn(n_ch, n_dim) + [0, 1, 2]
    data = np.dot(mixing, signals)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(n_ch, sfreq, 'eeg'))
    n_eff = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * duration))
    # crop to an even "duration" number of epochs
    stop = ((len(raw.times) // n_eff) * n_eff - 1) / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw.crop(0, stop)
    proj_def = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_dur = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=duration, n_eeg=n_dim)
    proj_none = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_eeg=n_dim)
    assert len(proj_dur) == len(proj_none) == len(proj_def) == n_dim
    # proj_def is not in here because it does not necessarily evenly divide
    # the signal length:
    for pu, pn in zip(proj_dur, proj_none):
        assert_allclose(pu['data']['data'], pn['data']['data'])
    # but we can test it here since it should still be a small subspace angle:
    for proj in (proj_dur, proj_none, proj_def):
        computed = np.concatenate([p['data']['data'] for p in proj], 0)
        angle = np.rad2deg(linalg.subspace_angles(computed.T, mixing)[0])
        assert angle < 1e-5
コード例 #3
def test_set_eeg_reference():
    """Test rereference eeg data."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True)
    raw.info['projs'] = []

    # Test setting an average reference projection
    assert (not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(raw.info['projs']))
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, projection=True)
    assert (_has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs']))
    assert (not reref.info['projs'][0]['active'])
    assert (ref_data is None)
    eeg_chans = [raw.ch_names[ch]
                 for ch in pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)]
    _test_reference(raw, reref, ref_data,
                    [ch for ch in eeg_chans if ch not in raw.info['bads']])

    # Test setting an average reference when one was already present
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='untouched'):
        reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, copy=False, projection=True)
    assert ref_data is None

    # Test setting an average reference on non-preloaded data
    raw_nopreload = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=False)
    raw_nopreload.info['projs'] = []
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw_nopreload, projection=True)
    assert (_has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs']))
    assert (not reref.info['projs'][0]['active'])

    # Rereference raw data by creating a copy of original data
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'], copy=True)
    assert (reref.info['custom_ref_applied'])
    _test_reference(raw, reref, ref_data, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'])

    # Test that data is modified in place when copy=False
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'],
    assert (raw is reref)

    # Test moving from custom to average reference
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'])
    reref, _ = set_eeg_reference(reref, projection=True)
    assert (_has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs']))
    assert_equal(reref.info['custom_ref_applied'], False)

    # When creating an average reference fails, make sure the
    # custom_ref_applied flag remains untouched.
    reref = raw.copy()
    reref.info['custom_ref_applied'] = True
    reref.pick_types(eeg=False)  # Cause making average ref fail
    pytest.raises(ValueError, set_eeg_reference, reref, projection=True)
    assert (reref.info['custom_ref_applied'])

    # Test moving from average to custom reference
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw, projection=True)
    reref, _ = set_eeg_reference(reref, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'])
    assert not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs'])
    assert len(reref.info['projs']) == 0
    assert_equal(reref.info['custom_ref_applied'], True)

    # Test that disabling the reference does not change the data
    assert _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(raw.info['projs'])
    reref, _ = set_eeg_reference(raw, [])
    assert_array_equal(raw._data, reref._data)
    assert not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs'])

    # make sure ref_channels=[] removes average reference projectors
    assert _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(raw.info['projs'])
    reref, _ = set_eeg_reference(raw, [])
    assert (not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(reref.info['projs']))

    # Test that average reference gives identical results when calculated
    # via SSP projection (projection=True) or directly (projection=False)
    raw.info['projs'] = []
    reref_1, _ = set_eeg_reference(raw.copy(), projection=True)
    reref_2, _ = set_eeg_reference(raw.copy(), projection=False)
    assert_allclose(reref_1._data, reref_2._data, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-15)

    # Test average reference without projection
    reref, ref_data = set_eeg_reference(raw.copy(), ref_channels="average",
    _test_reference(raw, reref, ref_data, eeg_chans)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='supported for ref_channels="averag'):
        set_eeg_reference(raw, [], True, True)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='supported for ref_channels="averag'):
        set_eeg_reference(raw, ['EEG 001'], True, True)

    # gh-6454
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    data = rng.randn(2, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, create_info(2, 1000., 'ecog'))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='No EEG channels found to apply'):