コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self.xml = os.path.join(path, os.pardir, os.pardir,
                                "utils", "test_data", "mxnet_synthetic_gru_bidirectional_FP16_1_v6.xml")
        self.xml_negative = os.path.join(path, os.pardir, os.pardir,
                                         "utils", "test_data",
        self.bin = os.path.splitext(self.xml)[0] + '.bin'
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.xml), 'XML file not found: {}'.format(self.xml))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.bin), 'BIN file not found: {}'.format(self.bin))

        self.IR = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))
        self.IR_ref = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))
        self.IR_negative = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml_negative), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))
コード例 #2
    def test_load_bin_hashes(self):
        path_for_file = self.IR.generate_bin_hashes_file()
        IR = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(path_for_file))
        is_ok = True
        # Check for constant nodes
        const_nodes = IR.graph.get_op_nodes(type='Const')
        for node in const_nodes:
            if not node.has_valid('hashes'):
                log.error('Constant node {} do not include hashes'.format(node.name))
                is_ok = False

        # Check for TensorIterator Body
        ti_nodes = IR.graph.get_op_nodes(type='TensorIterator')
        for ti in ti_nodes:
            if not ti.has_valid('body'):
                log.error("TensorIterator doesn't have body attribute for node: {}".format(ti.name))
                const_ti_nodes = ti.body.graph.get_op_nodes(type='Const')
                for node in const_ti_nodes:
                    if not node.has_valid('hashes'):
                        log.error('Constant node {} do not include hashes'.format(node.name))
                        is_ok = False

        self.assertTrue(is_ok, 'Test for function load_bin_hashes failed')
コード例 #3
 def test_is_float(self, test_data, result):
     test_data = test_data
         IREngine._IREngine__isfloat(test_data), result,
         "Function __isfloat is not working with value: {}".format(
         'Test for function __is_float passed with value: {}, expected result: {}'
         .format(test_data, result))
コード例 #4
def check_graph(tmp_path,
    Checking that two graphs are equal by comparing topologies and
    all weights if check_weights is specified as True.
    model_name = '_'.join([model_name, model_framework])
    ir_name_xml = model_name + '.xml'
    path_to_ir_xml = tmp_path.joinpath(ir_name_xml)
    save_graph(graph, tmp_path.as_posix(), model_name)

    path_to_ref_ir_xml = REFERENCE_MODELS_PATH.joinpath(ir_name_xml)

    if check_weights:
        ir_name_bin = model_name + '.bin'
        path_to_ir_bin = tmp_path.joinpath(ir_name_bin).as_posix()
        path_to_ref_ir_bin = REFERENCE_MODELS_PATH.joinpath(
        path_to_ir_bin = None
        path_to_ref_ir_bin = None

    if not path_to_ref_ir_xml.exists():
        if check_weights:
            shutil.copyfile(path_to_ir_bin, path_to_ref_ir_bin)

    ref_graph = IREngine(path_to_ref_ir_xml.as_posix(), path_to_ref_ir_bin)
    test_graph = IREngine(path_to_ir_xml.as_posix(), path_to_ir_bin)

    result, stderr = ref_graph.compare(test_graph)
    if stderr:
    assert result
コード例 #5
def restore_graph_from_ir(path_to_xml: str, path_to_bin: str = None) -> (Graph, dict):
    Function to make valid graph and metadata for MO back stage from IR.
    :param path_to_xml:
    :param path_to_bin:
    :return: (restored graph, meta data)
    ir = IREngine(path_to_xml, path_to_bin)
    assert ir.graph.graph.get('ir_version') >= 10, 'IR version {} is not supported, ' \
        'please generate actual IR for your model and use it.'.format(ir.graph.graph.get('ir_version'))

    path = get_mo_root_dir()

    # Create a new copy of graph with correct attributes (shape & type infer, backend attrs etc.)
    new_graph = copy_graph_with_ops(ir.graph)

    return new_graph, copy(ir.meta_data)
コード例 #6
ファイル: layer_test_class.py プロジェクト: SDxKeeper/dldt
    def _test(self, framework_model, ref_net, ie_device, precision, ir_version, temp_dir, infer_timeout=60,
              enabled_transforms='', disabled_transforms='', **kwargs):
        :param enabled_transforms/disabled_transforms: string with idxs of transforms that should be enabled/disabled.
                                                       Example: "transform_1,transform_2"
        model_path = self.produce_model_path(framework_model=framework_model, save_path=temp_dir)

        # TODO Pass environment variables via subprocess environment
        os.environ['MO_ENABLED_TRANSFORMS'] = enabled_transforms
        os.environ['MO_DISABLED_TRANSFORMS'] = disabled_transforms

        mo_params = {self.input_model_key: model_path,
                     "output_dir": temp_dir,
                     "data_type": precision, "model_name": 'model'

        if 'input_shapes' in kwargs and len(kwargs['input_shapes']):
            input_shapes_str = []
            for ishape in kwargs['input_shapes']:
                input_shapes_str.append('[' + ','.join([str(i) for i in ishape]) + ']')

        if 'input_names' in kwargs and len(kwargs['input_names']):

        exit_code, stderr = generate_ir(**mo_params)

        del os.environ['MO_ENABLED_TRANSFORMS']
        del os.environ['MO_DISABLED_TRANSFORMS']
        assert not exit_code, ("IR generation failed with {} exit code: {}".format(exit_code, stderr))

        path_to_xml = Path(temp_dir, 'model.xml')
        path_to_bin = Path(temp_dir, 'model.bin')

        ir = IREngine(path_to_xml, path_to_bin, precision=precision)
        if ref_net is not None:
            (flag, resp) = ir.compare(ref_net)
            assert flag, '\n'.join(resp)

        # Prepare feed dict
        if 'kwargs_to_prepare_input' in kwargs and kwargs['kwargs_to_prepare_input']:
            inputs_dict = self._prepare_input(ir.get_inputs(), kwargs['kwargs_to_prepare_input'])
            inputs_dict = self._prepare_input(ir.get_inputs())

        # IE infer:
        ie_engine = IEInfer(model=path_to_xml,
        infer_res = ie_engine.infer(input_data=inputs_dict, infer_timeout=infer_timeout)

        if hasattr(self, 'skip_framework') and self.skip_framework:
            warnings.warn('Framework is skipped')

        # Framework infer:
        fw_res = self.get_framework_results(inputs_dict=inputs_dict, model_path=model_path)

        if len(fw_res) == len(infer_res) == 1:
            # match output layers directly
            mapping_dict = {next(iter(fw_res)): next(iter(infer_res))}
            # Load mapping file
            mapping_dict = mapping_parser(path_to_xml.with_suffix('.mapping'))

        if 'custom_eps' in kwargs and kwargs['custom_eps'] is not None:
            custom_eps = kwargs['custom_eps']
            custom_eps = 1e-4

        # Compare Ie results with Framework results
        fw_eps = custom_eps if precision == 'FP32' else 5e-2
        assert self.compare_ie_results_with_framework(infer_res=infer_res, framework_res=fw_res,
                                                      mapping_dict=mapping_dict, framework_eps=fw_eps), \
            "Comparing with Framework failed: ie_res={}; framework_res={}.".format(infer_res, fw_res)
コード例 #7
 def test_normalize_attr(self, test_data, reference):
     result_dict = IREngine._IREngine__normalize_attrs(attrs=test_data)
     self.assertTrue(reference == result_dict, 'Test on function normalize_attr failed')
     log.info('Test for function normalize_attr passed')
コード例 #8
 def test_find_input(self):
     # Create references for this test:
     ref_nodes = [Node(self.IR.graph, '0')]
     # Check function:
     a = IREngine._IREngine__find_input(self.IR.graph)
     self.assertTrue(a == ref_nodes, 'Error')
コード例 #9
class TestFunction(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self.xml = os.path.join(path, os.pardir, os.pardir,
                                "utils", "test_data", "mxnet_synthetic_gru_bidirectional_FP16_1_v6.xml")
        self.xml_negative = os.path.join(path, os.pardir, os.pardir,
                                         "utils", "test_data",
        self.bin = os.path.splitext(self.xml)[0] + '.bin'
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.xml), 'XML file not found: {}'.format(self.xml))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.bin), 'BIN file not found: {}'.format(self.bin))

        self.IR = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))
        self.IR_ref = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))
        self.IR_negative = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml_negative), path_to_bin=str(self.bin))

    @generate(*[(4.4, True), ('aaaa', False)])
    def test_is_float(self, test_data, result):
        test_data = test_data
        self.assertEqual(IREngine._IREngine__isfloat(test_data), result,
                         "Function __isfloat is not working with value: {}".format(test_data))
        log.info('Test for function __is_float passed with value: {}, expected result: {}'.format(test_data, result))

    # TODO add comparison not for type IREngine
    def test_compare(self):
        flag, msg = self.IR.compare(self.IR_ref)
        self.assertTrue(flag, 'Comparing false, test compare function failed')
        log.info('Test for function compare passed')

    def test_comare_negative(self):
        # Reference data for test:
        reference_msg = 'Current node "2" with type Const and reference node "2" with type Input have different attr "type" : Const and Input'
        # Check function:
        flag, msg = self.IR.compare(self.IR_negative)
        self.assertFalse(flag, 'Comparing flag failed, test compare function failed')
        self.assertEqual('\n'.join(msg), reference_msg, 'Comparing message failed, test compare negative failed')

        log.info('Test for function compare passed')

    def test_find_input(self):
        # Create references for this test:
        ref_nodes = [Node(self.IR.graph, '0')]
        # Check function:
        a = IREngine._IREngine__find_input(self.IR.graph)
        self.assertTrue(a == ref_nodes, 'Error')

    def test_get_inputs(self):
        # Reference data for test:
        ref_input_dict = {'data': [1, 10, 16]}
        # Check function:
        inputs_dict = self.IR.get_inputs()
        # is_equal = compare_dictionaries(ref_input_dict, inputs_dict)
        self.assertTrue(ref_input_dict == inputs_dict, 'Test on function get_inputs failed')
        log.info('Test for function get_inputs passed')

    def test_eq_function(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.IR == self.IR_ref, 'Comparing false, test eq function failed')
        log.info('Test for function eq passed')

    def test_generate_bin_hashes_file(self, numpy_savez):
        # Generate bin_hashes file in default directory
        log.info('Test for function generate_bin_hashes_file with default folder passed')

    def test_generate_bin_hashes_file_custom_directory(self, numpy_savez):
        # Generate bin_hashes file in custom directory
        directory_for_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0], "utils", "test_data",
        log.info('Test for function generate_bin_hashes_file with custom folder passed')

    @generate(*[({'order': '1,0,2'}, {'order': [1, 0, 2]}),
                ({'order': '1'}, {'order': 1})])
    def test_normalize_attr(self, test_data, reference):
        result_dict = IREngine._IREngine__normalize_attrs(attrs=test_data)
        self.assertTrue(reference == result_dict, 'Test on function normalize_attr failed')
        log.info('Test for function normalize_attr passed')

    def test_load_bin_hashes(self):
        path_for_file = self.IR.generate_bin_hashes_file()
        IR = IREngine(path_to_xml=str(self.xml), path_to_bin=str(path_for_file))
        is_ok = True
        # Check for constant nodes
        const_nodes = IR.graph.get_op_nodes(type='Const')
        for node in const_nodes:
            if not node.has_valid('hashes'):
                log.error('Constant node {} do not include hashes'.format(node.name))
                is_ok = False

        # Check for TensorIterator Body
        ti_nodes = IR.graph.get_op_nodes(type='TensorIterator')
        for ti in ti_nodes:
            if not ti.has_valid('body'):
                log.error("TensorIterator doesn't have body attribute for node: {}".format(ti.name))
                const_ti_nodes = ti.body.graph.get_op_nodes(type='Const')
                for node in const_ti_nodes:
                    if not node.has_valid('hashes'):
                        log.error('Constant node {} do not include hashes'.format(node.name))
                        is_ok = False

        self.assertTrue(is_ok, 'Test for function load_bin_hashes failed')

        ("0", True),
        ("1", True),
        ("-1", True),
        ("-", False),
        ("+1", True),
        ("+", False),
        ("1.0", False),
        ("-1.0", False),
        ("1.5", False),
        ("+1.5", False),
        ("abracadabra", False),
    def test_isint(self, value, result):
        self.assertEqual(IREngine._IREngine__isint(value), result)
コード例 #10
 def test_isint(self, value, result):
     self.assertEqual(IREngine._IREngine__isint(value), result)