def _install_es(self, gigabytes): volumes = self.instance.markup.drives if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch"): with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run("mkdir -p temp") if not File(LOCAL_JRE).exists: Log.error("Expecting {{file}} on manager to spread to ES instances", file=LOCAL_JRE) with cd("/home/ec2-user/temp"): run('rm -f '+JRE) put("resources/"+JRE, JRE) sudo("rpm -i "+JRE) sudo("alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000") run("export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default") with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run('wget') run('tar zxfv elasticsearch-1.7.1.tar.gz') sudo('mkdir /usr/local/elasticsearch') sudo('cp -R elasticsearch-1.7.1/* /usr/local/elasticsearch/') with cd('/usr/local/elasticsearch/'): # BE SURE TO MATCH THE PLUGLIN WITH ES VERSION # sudo('bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.7.1') #REMOVE THESE FILES, WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITH THE CORRECT VERSIONS AT THE END sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/") self.conn = self.instance.connection # MOUNT AND FORMAT THE EBS VOLUMES (list with `lsblk`) for i, k in enumerate(volumes): if not fabric_files.exists(k.path): with fabric_settings(warn_only=True): sudo('sudo umount '+k.device) sudo('yes | sudo mkfs -t ext4 '+k.device) sudo('mkdir '+k.path) sudo('sudo mount '+k.device+' '+k.path) #ADD TO /etc/fstab SO AROUND AFTER REBOOT sudo("sed -i '$ a\\"+k.device+" "+k.path+" ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2' /etc/fstab") # TEST IT IS WORKING sudo('mount -a') # INCREASE THE FILE HANDLE LIMITS with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").delete() get("/etc/sysctl.conf", "./results/temp/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) lines = File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").read() if lines.find("fs.file-max = 100000") == -1: lines += "\nfs.file-max = 100000" lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0", "") File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").write(lines) put("./results/temp/sysctl.conf", "/etc/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) sudo("sysctl -p") # INCREASE FILE HANDLE PERMISSIONS sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root soft nofile 50000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft nofile 50000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") # EFFECTIVE LOGIN TO LOAD CHANGES TO FILE HANDLES # sudo("sudo -i -u ec2-user") if not fabric_files.exists("/data1/logs"): sudo('mkdir /data1/logs') sudo('mkdir /data1/heapdump') #INCREASE NUMBER OF FILE HANDLES # sudo("sysctl -w fs.file-max=64000") # COPY CONFIG FILE TO ES DIR if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): yml = File("./examples/config/es_config.yml").read().replace("\r", "") yml = expand_template(yml, { "id": Random.hex(length=8), "data_paths": ",".join("/data"+unicode(i+1) for i, _ in enumerate(volumes)) }) File("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml").write(yml) put("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml', use_sudo=True) # FOR SOME REASON THE export COMMAND DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK # THIS SCRIPT SETS THE ES_MIN_MEM/ES_MAX_MEM EXPLICITLY if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/"): sh = File("./examples/config/").read().replace("\r", "") sh = expand_template(sh, {"memory": unicode(int(gigabytes/2))}) File("./results/temp/").write(sh) with cd("/home/ec2-user"): put("./results/temp/", './temp/', use_sudo=True) sudo("cp -f ./temp/ /usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/")
def _install_es(self, gigabytes, es_version="6.2.3"): volumes = self.instance.markup.drives if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run("mkdir -p temp") if not File(LOCAL_JRE).exists: Log.error("Expecting {{file}} on manager to spread to ES instances", file=LOCAL_JRE) response = run("java -version", warn_only=True) if "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment" not in response: with cd("/home/ec2-user/temp"): run('rm -f '+JRE) put(LOCAL_JRE, JRE) sudo("rpm -i "+JRE) sudo("alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000") run("export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default") with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run('wget'+es_version+'.tar.gz') run('tar zxfv elasticsearch-'+es_version+'.tar.gz') sudo("rm -fr /usr/local/elasticsearch", warn_only=True) sudo('mkdir /usr/local/elasticsearch') sudo('cp -R elasticsearch-'+es_version+'/* /usr/local/elasticsearch/') with cd('/usr/local/elasticsearch/'): # BE SURE TO MATCH THE PLUGLIN WITH ES VERSION # sudo('sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b discovery-ec2') # REMOVE THESE FILES, WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITH THE CORRECT VERSIONS AT THE END sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/") self.conn = self.instance.connection # MOUNT AND FORMAT THE VOLUMES (list with `lsblk`) for i, k in enumerate(volumes): if not fabric_files.exists(k.path): with fabric_settings(warn_only=True): sudo('sudo umount '+k.device) sudo('yes | sudo mkfs -t ext4 '+k.device) # ES AND JOURNALLING DO NOT MIX sudo('tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback '+k.device) sudo('tune2fs -O ^has_journal '+k.device) sudo('mkdir '+k.path) sudo('sudo mount '+k.device+' '+k.path) sudo('chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user '+k.path) # ADD TO /etc/fstab SO AROUND AFTER REBOOT sudo("sed -i '$ a\\"+k.device+" "+k.path+" ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2' /etc/fstab") # TEST IT IS WORKING sudo('mount -a') # INCREASE THE FILE HANDLE LIMITS with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").delete() get("/etc/sysctl.conf", "./results/temp/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) lines = File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").read() if lines.find("fs.file-max = 100000") == -1: lines += "\nfs.file-max = 100000" lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0", "") File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").write(lines) put("./results/temp/sysctl.conf", "/etc/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) sudo("sudo sed -i '$ a\\vm.max_map_count = 262144' /etc/sysctl.conf") sudo("sysctl -p") # INCREASE FILE HANDLE PERMISSIONS sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root soft nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root soft memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root hard memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") if not fabric_files.exists("/data1/logs"): run('mkdir /data1/logs') run('mkdir /data1/heapdump') # COPY CONFIG FILES TO ES DIR if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): put("./examples/config/", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/', use_sudo=True) jvm = File("./examples/config/es6_jvm.options").read().replace('\r', '') jvm = expand_template(jvm, {"memory": int(gigabytes/2)}) File("./results/temp/jvm.options").write(jvm) put("./results/temp/jvm.options", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options', use_sudo=True) yml = File("./examples/config/es6_config.yml").read().replace("\r", "") yml = expand_template(yml, { "id": self.instance.ip_address, "data_paths": ",".join("/data" + text_type(i + 1) for i, _ in enumerate(volumes)) }) File("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml").write(yml) put("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml', use_sudo=True) sudo("chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /usr/local/elasticsearch")
def _install_es(self, gigabytes): volumes = self.instance.markup.drives if not fabric_files.exists("/usr/local/elasticsearch"): with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run("mkdir -p temp") if not File(LOCAL_JRE).exists: Log.error( "Expecting {{file}} on manager to spread to ES instances", file=LOCAL_JRE) with cd("/home/ec2-user/temp"): run('rm -f ' + JRE) put("resources/" + JRE, JRE) sudo("rpm -i " + JRE) sudo( "alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000" ) run("export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default") with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run('wget' ) run('tar zxfv elasticsearch-1.7.1.tar.gz') sudo('mkdir /usr/local/elasticsearch') sudo('cp -R elasticsearch-1.7.1/* /usr/local/elasticsearch/') with cd('/usr/local/elasticsearch/'): # BE SURE TO MATCH THE PLUGLIN WITH ES VERSION # sudo( 'bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.7.1' ) #REMOVE THESE FILES, WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITH THE CORRECT VERSIONS AT THE END sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/") self.conn = self.instance.connection # MOUNT AND FORMAT THE EBS VOLUMES (list with `lsblk`) for i, k in enumerate(volumes): if not fabric_files.exists(k.path): with fabric_settings(warn_only=True): sudo('sudo umount ' + k.device) sudo('yes | sudo mkfs -t ext4 ' + k.device) sudo('mkdir ' + k.path) sudo('sudo mount ' + k.device + ' ' + k.path) #ADD TO /etc/fstab SO AROUND AFTER REBOOT sudo("sed -i '$ a\\" + k.device + " " + k.path + " ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2' /etc/fstab") # TEST IT IS WORKING sudo('mount -a') # INCREASE THE FILE HANDLE LIMITS with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").delete() get("/etc/sysctl.conf", "./results/temp/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) lines = File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").read() if lines.find("fs.file-max = 100000") == -1: lines += "\nfs.file-max = 100000" lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0", "") File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").write(lines) put("./results/temp/sysctl.conf", "/etc/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) sudo("sysctl -p") # INCREASE FILE HANDLE PERMISSIONS sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root soft nofile 50000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft nofile 50000' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) # EFFECTIVE LOGIN TO LOAD CHANGES TO FILE HANDLES # sudo("sudo -i -u ec2-user") if not fabric_files.exists("/data1/logs"): sudo('mkdir /data1/logs') sudo('mkdir /data1/heapdump') #INCREASE NUMBER OF FILE HANDLES # sudo("sysctl -w fs.file-max=64000") # COPY CONFIG FILE TO ES DIR if not fabric_files.exists( "/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): yml = File("./examples/config/es_config.yml").read().replace( "\r", "") yml = expand_template( yml, { "id": Random.hex(length=8), "data_paths": ",".join("/data" + unicode(i + 1) for i, _ in enumerate(volumes)) }) File("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml").write(yml) put("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml', use_sudo=True) # FOR SOME REASON THE export COMMAND DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK # THIS SCRIPT SETS THE ES_MIN_MEM/ES_MAX_MEM EXPLICITLY if not fabric_files.exists( "/usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/"): sh = File("./examples/config/").read().replace("\r", "") sh = expand_template(sh, {"memory": unicode(int(gigabytes / 2))}) File("./results/temp/").write(sh) with cd("/home/ec2-user"): put("./results/temp/", './temp/', use_sudo=True) sudo( "cp -f ./temp/ /usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/" )
def _install_es(self, gigabytes, es_version="6.2.3"): volumes = self.instance.markup.drives if not fabric_files.exists( "/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run("mkdir -p temp") if not File(LOCAL_JRE).exists: Log.error( "Expecting {{file}} on manager to spread to ES instances", file=LOCAL_JRE) response = run("java -version", warn_only=True) if "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment" not in response: with cd("/home/ec2-user/temp"): run('rm -f ' + JRE) put(LOCAL_JRE, JRE) sudo("rpm -i " + JRE) sudo( "alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000" ) run("export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default") with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): run('wget' + es_version + '.tar.gz') run('tar zxfv elasticsearch-' + es_version + '.tar.gz') sudo("rm -fr /usr/local/elasticsearch", warn_only=True) sudo('mkdir /usr/local/elasticsearch') sudo('cp -R elasticsearch-' + es_version + '/* /usr/local/elasticsearch/') with cd('/usr/local/elasticsearch/'): # BE SURE TO MATCH THE PLUGLIN WITH ES VERSION # sudo('sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b discovery-ec2') # REMOVE THESE FILES, WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITH THE CORRECT VERSIONS AT THE END sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options") sudo("rm -f /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/") self.conn = self.instance.connection # MOUNT AND FORMAT THE VOLUMES (list with `lsblk`) for i, k in enumerate(volumes): if not fabric_files.exists(k.path): with fabric_settings(warn_only=True): sudo('sudo umount ' + k.device) sudo('yes | sudo mkfs -t ext4 ' + k.device) # ES AND JOURNALLING DO NOT MIX sudo('tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback ' + k.device) sudo('tune2fs -O ^has_journal ' + k.device) sudo('mkdir ' + k.path) sudo('sudo mount ' + k.device + ' ' + k.path) sudo('chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user ' + k.path) # ADD TO /etc/fstab SO AROUND AFTER REBOOT sudo("sed -i '$ a\\" + k.device + " " + k.path + " ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2' /etc/fstab") # TEST IT IS WORKING sudo('mount -a') # INCREASE THE FILE HANDLE LIMITS with cd("/home/ec2-user/"): File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").delete() get("/etc/sysctl.conf", "./results/temp/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) lines = File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").read() if lines.find("fs.file-max = 100000") == -1: lines += "\nfs.file-max = 100000" lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0", "") lines = lines.replace("net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0", "") File("./results/temp/sysctl.conf").write(lines) put("./results/temp/sysctl.conf", "/etc/sysctl.conf", use_sudo=True) sudo("sudo sed -i '$ a\\vm.max_map_count = 262144' /etc/sysctl.conf") sudo("sysctl -p") # INCREASE FILE HANDLE PERMISSIONS sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root soft nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo("sed -i '$ a\\root hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf") sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\root soft memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\root hard memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard nofile 100000' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user soft memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) sudo( "sed -i '$ a\\ec2-user hard memlock unlimited' /etc/security/limits.conf" ) if not fabric_files.exists("/data1/logs"): run('mkdir /data1/logs') run('mkdir /data1/heapdump') # COPY CONFIG FILES TO ES DIR if not fabric_files.exists( "/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml"): put("./examples/config/", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/', use_sudo=True) jvm = File("./examples/config/es6_jvm.options").read().replace( '\r', '') jvm = expand_template(jvm, {"memory": int(gigabytes / 2)}) File("./results/temp/jvm.options").write(jvm) put("./results/temp/jvm.options", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options', use_sudo=True) yml = File("./examples/config/es6_config.yml").read().replace( "\r", "") yml = expand_template( yml, { "id": self.instance.ip_address, "data_paths": ",".join("/data" + text_type(i + 1) for i, _ in enumerate(volumes)) }) File("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml").write(yml) put("./results/temp/elasticsearch.yml", '/usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml', use_sudo=True) sudo("chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /usr/local/elasticsearch")